So I don't have a "top ten" per se. I came here to post my top two actually. There are a few honourable mentions, but I'll start with the two that are by far my favourite two. All ENF stories:Executionus wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 1:41 am So a conversation elsewhere inspired me to make a thread for people to rank what they believe to be the top ten ENP stories of all time, or at least their own personal top ten. I'm quite curious as to what everyone thinks on this.
1. The Unravelling - By Emily
Believe me when I tell you that this story is mind bogglingly amazing! Seriously, literally everything about it is astonishing, and there's not one single weak chapter. The main enf girl is lovable and reading her misadventures unfold is incredible! It also happens to be the hottest thing I've ever read, and the way it's written is basically perfect. Very submissive, very embarresed protagonist. Bullying, but it doesn't go overboard. Reluctant lesbianism. Orgasm denial/edging.
This story is flawless, and I HIGHLY recommend that you read it! It's my all time favourite! It also gets updated on a regular basis.
2. The Housekeeper - By Lady Lucia
This story is also outstanding! This was my favourite until i read The Unravelling, but it's certainly a very close second. It's protagonist is also a lovable, submissive girl who'sin a really bad situation. This one is MEAN, but I mean that in the best way possible. Lots of bullying and the antagonist really does not go easy on our protagonist at all. Quite a bit of "wetting herself" moments, submission and nudity.
Also very highly recommended.
The honourable mentions are:
• The Blinds - By Enf_Kink
• Lia's New Reality - By Perseus
• The Last Straw - By neverdoubted
• Extreme Therapy/More Therapy - By edithdick
(More Therapy, aka book 2 is significantly better than book 1 imo)
Maid for a Night - By jastes22