Stripped to the Core New 10/22 Reedit 4B

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Chapter 4A: Exposed Math Equation

Post by Danielle »

As I stepped into the classroom, a palpable shift enveloped the atmosphere. The once-bustling room, alive with the low hum of chatter and the rustle of papers, abruptly succumbed to a profound silence. It was as if time had paused, and the air grew heavy with an eerie tension that made the cold air from the vents feel even more biting against my skin. I stood frozen at the doorway, uncertainty wrapping around me like a shroud, and my heart raced, thundering against my ribcage—a relentless reminder of my vulnerability in this moment.

Mr. Smothers, my Algebra II teacher, noticed my arrival and immediately took control of the room. His deep, commanding voice broke through the silence like a trumpet call. "Class," he announced, rising from behind his desk, "it seems we have something... unusual to address today. As all of you can see, Emma has become a living art canvas for our Graphic Art Living Project.” His words sliced through the tension, spotlighting my insecurities and flaws, and illuminating every fear I had ever harbored. With a sweeping motion of his hand, he beckoned me to the front of the class. "Come up here, please."

Each step I took felt like an eternity, the stares of my classmates piercing me, holding me captive as I made my way toward the front. The heat of embarrassment surged in my cheeks, and I could almost hear my heartbeat, a frantic drum echoing in my ears. The words and drawings scrawled across my body from earlier in the day felt like a mockery, an open display of my shame, an exhibit for all to scrutinize. Whispers floated through the room like dark clouds, the low murmurs barely audible yet painfully clear, as students exchanged glances, dissecting the phrases etched on my arms, legs, and chest. Some stared wide-eyed, filled with confusion or curiosity—or worse, amusement.

"As you can see," Mr. Smothers continued, addressing the class, "laid out on Emma’s body are words written by her peers. Now, the more interesting question—are any of these writings from people in this classroom?"

The air thickened with tension, wrapping around me like a vice as I stood there, feeling utterly exposed—not just in the physical sense but emotionally bare. My palms grew clammy, and my throat tightened at the realization that someone in this very room was responsible for at least a few of those words. My heart raced, urging me to curl inward, to shield my body from their prying eyes, but I forced myself to stand tall.

Then, the voice I had dreaded the most sliced through the silence. "I did," Madison declared, her hand shooting up confidently from the middle of the room. My heart sank as she rose, a sly smile curling on her lips, resembling a cat playing with its caught prey. "I wrote 'brave' on her."

A fog of confusion and disbelief rolled over me, reminding me of the mind-numbing moment when Vice Principal Ms. Blunderbuss had made me endure this humiliation while several students scrawled on my body. The memory sent a jolt of shame through me, the ink burning beneath the weight of their scrutiny. Mr. Smothers nodded, his gaze shifting between Madison and me, the weight of his attention unbearable. "Very well, Ms. Foster. Could you come up and point out where you wrote it on Emma?"

Madison sauntered forward with a confidence that made my skin crawl, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction as if relishing the power of the moment. My skin prickled in apprehension as she approached, her hand brushing dangerously close to my inner thigh—the very spot where she had inscribed her words in large, looping letters earlier that day.

"Right here," she said, tracing the letters with her fingertip, an intimate gesture that felt like an invasion. "I thought it was fitting." Humiliation flooded through me as her hand lingered, a stark reminder of how exposed I truly was, like a specimen displayed under a microscope for everyone to examine. The class fell into a hushed silence, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. My cheeks burned as Madison’s touch lingered, each passing second stretching into a torturous eternity. All I wanted was to disappear, to vanish into thin air and escape this waking nightmare.

"And why did you choose the word 'brave'?" Mr. Smothers asked, his tone calm yet firm as if expecting a thoughtful answer. He paused, then interrupted her before she could respond. “Ms. Foster, looking at the location you chose to write on her body is very intimate.”

Madison hesitated, her confidence faltering as she glanced around the room, but that insidious smile remained on her face. "I think it was more for her than for me," she replied, her voice dripping with insincerity. "Because look at her—she’s standing here in front of everyone, completely exposed. That takes guts, right? I mean, it's brave."

A murmur rippled through the class, a mix of intrigue and judgment. My throat tightened as I struggled to hold my composure, fighting against the tears threatening to spill over. Madison’s words felt like a taunt, a thinly veiled insult wrapped in the guise of a compliment. The eyes of my classmates crawled over me, dissecting every inch of the ink-stained canvas my body had become.

"Brave, indeed," Mr. Smothers said, his tone betraying his disapproval of Madison’s explanation. He sighed and then turned back to her. “I want you to remain before the class.” Then he looked at me, gesturing toward the seats. "Take your seat now."

Relief washed over me as I scurried back to my desk, my heart still pounding like a war drum, a cacophony of emotions crashing over me. The whispers followed me like shadows, and the occasional glances thrown my way felt like daggers, each one a reminder of my vulnerability. My gaze returned to Madison, who stood there, her smug expression a constant reminder that this humiliation was far from over.

“Madison,” Mr. Smothers addressed her again, “please tell the class your reasoning behind choosing that location on her body to write that. Now, before you proceed, I want you to feel what Emma is going through by removing your clothing as you speak your reasoning, long enough to remove your last garment.”

Stunned silence filled the room as we all watched her begin to undress, piece by piece, her bravado slipping away with every discarded article of clothing. Mr. Smothers gathered her clothing and held up a collection of markers, addressing the class while managing the chaos. He looked at me, gesturing for me to come forward again.

"Emma, please come up," he said, the weight of his words sending a chill through me. My heart sank anew, dread coiling in my stomach as I knew what was coming next. I could feel Madison’s gaze boring into me, predatory and hungry for the next opportunity to humiliate me. Each step forward felt heavy, laden with the expectations of my peers.

As I took the marker, I could feel my hands trembling. “Now, Emma, I want you to write math equations on Ms. Foster's skin,” Mr. Smothers instructed, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. The room felt suffocating, Madison’s eyes boring into me, filled with a cocktail of triumph and disdain that made my skin crawl.

I felt her shiver beneath my touch as I wrote the math problems on her skin, my heart racing with each stroke of the marker against her lower thigh—an intimate spot that echoed the humiliation I had felt just moments before. Anxiety crashed over me like a wave as I knelt, fully aware of how exposed I was in front of the class. The sensations overwhelmed me—the coldness of the marker against her warm skin, the weight of the moment pressing down on my shoulders. I concentrated on the numbers, willing myself to block out the whispers that echoed around me. The feeling of the marker gliding against her skin sent a shiver down my spine, but I forced myself to focus on the equations, pushing through the discomfort I saw reflected in her eyes, feeling a small flicker of pride that I wasn’t the only one on display.

Once I returned to my seat, another student, Elijah, took the opportunity to solve the problem I had started, and I felt a slight sense of relief wash over me. However, as the period drew to a close, Mr. Smothers called my name again. "Come up and solve this problem on Ms. Foster's chest," he said. I was taken aback by how much of her body was covered in equations and words meant to guide the solution. The panic on her face was evident, her embarrassment palpable.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of emotions, I welcomed the opportunity. This was my chance to shift my focus to something tangible—numbers and equations, elements of logic and order that felt like a haven compared to the chaos that had enveloped my morning. I approached Madison, my own body still exposed for all to see, but my mind shifted to the algebraic expression awaiting me in the space below her breasts.

As I worked through the problem on her skin, solving it step by step, the classroom fell silent, if only for a moment. For the second time that day, I felt a flicker of control as I leaned over her, ensuring my legs were spread wide as I bent to write, exposing myself to the scrutiny of the class. Numbers were predictable; they didn’t judge or whisper behind my back. They didn’t care about the words written on my skin or the shyness that had gripped me before today. When I finally finished, Mr. Smothers nodded in approval. "Good work," he said, his words a brief balm to my frayed nerves. "Take your seat."

Relief surged through me as I returned to my desk, the weight of the moment finally beginning to lift, but it was mixed with an unsettling cocktail of triumph and defeat. Yes, I had taken control of my body in a way that felt empowering, but it was a small victory amid a sea of humiliation. I clung to that small win as the period ticked down, counting down the minutes until the bell rang and I could escape this environment.

But just as the bell’s shrill chime echoed through the classroom, signaling the end of class, I glanced over at Madison, who remained standing there, surveying her classmates as they filed out of the room. I lingered, still uncertain if she would slip her clothes back on her body or if she would choose to embrace her newfound vulnerability.

Gone was the look of malice and smug confidence that had characterized her earlier demeanor; instead, her expression was more subdued, almost humble. Mr. Smothers caught my eye, gesturing for me to come closer to his desk while leaving Madison to stand there, visibly shaken. As he lifted the clothes off his desk, I could see the horror wash over Madison’s face at the sight of her garments.

“Could you please take this to the nurse's office so it can be placed in the lost-and-found bin?” Mr. Smothers asked, his voice calm yet firm.

The request hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. I swallowed hard as I gathered my things, feeling the weight of Madison’s clothes pressed against my chest. The chatter around me resumed, a blend of laughter and indifference, but my heart pounded in my ears, drowning out their noise. The fear lingered like a specter, an unwelcome shadow that followed me as I exited the classroom, the hallway stretching ahead like an abyss.

As I walked toward the nurse's office, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was still under scrutiny, the words written on my skin a constant reminder of my exposure. The echoes of laughter and whispered judgments trailed behind me, each step feeling heavier than the last.

Once I entered the nurse's office, I was greeted by the familiar scent of antiseptic and the quiet hum of fluorescent lights. The nurse looked up from her desk, a warm smile breaking across her face. “Hello, Emma! What do you have there?” she asked, eyeing the bundle in my arms.

“Mr. Smothers asked me to bring these to the lost-and-found,” I replied, trying to sound casual, even though my heart felt like it was lodged in my throat.

“Okay, dear. Just place them on the counter,” she said, motioning toward a small shelf lined with abandoned jackets and lunchboxes. I obeyed, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety as I turned to leave.

I hurried down the hall toward my Biology class, desperate to lose myself in the rhythm of lectures and labs, to find a distraction from the turmoil that had consumed my day. But as I entered the classroom, the familiar smell of disinfectant and the murmur of students filled the air, yet I felt anything but comforted.
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Re: Chapter 4A: Exposed Math Equation

Post by computerphoto »

Danielle wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:34 pm
"As you can see," Mr. Smothers continued, addressing the class, "laid out on Emma’s body are words written by her peers. Now, the more interesting question—are any of these writings from people in this classroom?"

The air thickened with tension, wrapping around me like a vice as I stood there, feeling utterly exposed—not just in the physical sense but emotionally bare. My palms grew clammy, and my throat tightened at the realization that someone in this very room was responsible for at least a few of those words. My heart raced, urging me to curl inward, to shield my body from their prying eyes, but I forced myself to stand tall.

Then, the voice I had dreaded the most sliced through the silence. "I did," Madison declared, her hand shooting up confidently from the middle of the room. My heart sank as she rose, a sly smile curling on her lips, resembling a cat playing with its caught prey. "I wrote 'brave' on her."

A fog of confusion and disbelief rolled over me, reminding me of the mind-numbing moment when Vice Principal Ms. Blunderbuss had made me endure this humiliation while several students scrawled on my body. The memory sent a jolt of shame through me, the ink burning beneath the weight of their scrutiny. Mr. Smothers nodded, his gaze shifting between Madison and me, the weight of his attention unbearable. "Very well, Ms. Foster. Could you come up and point out where you wrote it on Emma?"

Madison sauntered forward with a confidence that made my skin crawl, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction as if relishing the power of the moment. My skin prickled in apprehension as she approached, her hand brushing dangerously close to my inner thigh—the very spot where she had inscribed her words in large, looping letters earlier that day.

"Right here," she said, tracing the letters with her fingertip, an intimate gesture that felt like an invasion. "I thought it was fitting." Humiliation flooded through me as her hand lingered, a stark reminder of how exposed I truly was, like a specimen displayed under a microscope for everyone to examine. The class fell into a hushed silence, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. My cheeks burned as Madison’s touch lingered, each passing second stretching into a torturous eternity. All I wanted was to disappear, to vanish into thin air and escape this waking nightmare.

"And why did you choose the word 'brave'?" Mr. Smothers asked, his tone calm yet firm as if expecting a thoughtful answer. He paused, then interrupted her before she could respond. “Ms. Foster, looking at the location you chose to write on her body is very intimate.”

Madison hesitated, her confidence faltering as she glanced around the room, but that insidious smile remained on her face. "I think it was more for her than for me," she replied, her voice dripping with insincerity. "Because look at her—she’s standing here in front of everyone, completely exposed. That takes guts, right? I mean, it's brave."


"Brave, indeed," Mr. Smothers said, his tone betraying his disapproval of Madison’s explanation. He sighed and then turned back to her. “I want you to remain before the class.” Then he looked at me, gesturing toward the seats. "Take your seat now."


“Madison,” Mr. Smothers addressed her again, “please tell the class your reasoning behind choosing that location on her body to write that. Now, before you proceed, I want you to feel what Emma is going through by removing your clothing as you speak your reasoning, long enough to remove your last garment.”

Stunned silence filled the room as we all watched her begin to undress, piece by piece, her bravado slipping away with every discarded article of clothing. Mr. Smothers gathered her clothing and held up a collection of markers, addressing the class while managing the chaos. He looked at me, gesturing for me to come forward again.

"Emma, please come up," he said, the weight of his words sending a chill through me. My heart sank anew, dread coiling in my stomach as I knew what was coming next. I could feel Madison’s gaze boring into me, predatory and hungry for the next opportunity to humiliate me. Each step forward felt heavy, laden with the expectations of my peers.

As I took the marker, I could feel my hands trembling. “Now, Emma, I want you to write math equations on Ms. Foster's skin,” Mr. Smothers instructed, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. The room felt suffocating, Madison’s eyes boring into me, filled with a cocktail of triumph and disdain that made my skin crawl.

I felt her shiver beneath my touch as I wrote the math problems on her skin, my heart racing with each stroke of the marker against her lower thigh—an intimate spot that echoed the humiliation I had felt just moments before. Anxiety crashed over me like a wave as I knelt, fully aware of how exposed I was in front of the class. The sensations overwhelmed me—the coldness of the marker against her warm skin, the weight of the moment pressing down on my shoulders. I concentrated on the numbers, willing myself to block out the whispers that echoed around me. The feeling of the marker gliding against her skin sent a shiver down my spine, but I forced myself to focus on the equations, pushing through the discomfort I saw reflected in her eyes, feeling a small flicker of pride that I wasn’t the only one on display.

Once I returned to my seat, another student, Elijah, took the opportunity to solve the problem I had started, and I felt a slight sense of relief wash over me. However, as the period drew to a close, Mr. Smothers called my name again. "Come up and solve this problem on Ms. Foster's chest," he said. I was taken aback by how much of her body was covered in equations and words meant to guide the solution. The panic on her face was evident, her embarrassment palpable.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of emotions, I welcomed the opportunity. This was my chance to shift my focus to something tangible—numbers and equations, elements of logic and order that felt like a haven compared to the chaos that had enveloped my morning. I approached Madison, my own body still exposed for all to see, but my mind shifted to the algebraic expression awaiting me in the space below her breasts.

As I worked through the problem on her skin, solving it step by step, the classroom fell silent, if only for a moment. For the second time that day, I felt a flicker of control as I leaned over her, ensuring my legs were spread wide as I bent to write, exposing myself to the scrutiny of the class. Numbers were predictable; they didn’t judge or whisper behind my back. They didn’t care about the words written on my skin or the shyness that had gripped me before today. When I finally finished, Mr. Smothers nodded in approval. "Good work," he said, his words a brief balm to my frayed nerves. "Take your seat."


But just as the bell’s shrill chime echoed through the classroom, signaling the end of class, I glanced over at Madison, who remained standing there, surveying her classmates as they filed out of the room. I lingered, still uncertain if she would slip her clothes back on her body or if she would choose to embrace her newfound vulnerability.

Gone was the look of malice and smug confidence that had characterized her earlier demeanor; instead, her expression was more subdued, almost humble. Mr. Smothers caught my eye, gesturing for me to come closer to his desk while leaving Madison to stand there, visibly shaken. As he lifted the clothes off his desk, I could see the horror wash over Madison’s face at the sight of her garments.

“Could you please take this to the nurse's office so it can be placed in the lost-and-found bin?” Mr. Smothers asked, his voice calm yet firm.

As I walked toward the nurse's office, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was still under scrutiny, the words written on my skin a constant reminder of my exposure. The echoes of laughter and whispered judgments trailed behind me, each step feeling heavier than the last.

Once I entered the nurse's office, I was greeted by the familiar scent of antiseptic and the quiet hum of fluorescent lights. The nurse looked up from her desk, a warm smile breaking across her face. “Hello, Emma! What do you have there?” she asked, eyeing the bundle in my arms.

“Mr. Smothers asked me to bring these to the lost-and-found,” I replied, trying to sound casual, even though my heart felt like it was lodged in my throat.

“Okay, dear. Just place them on the counter,” she said, motioning toward a small shelf lined with abandoned jackets and lunchboxes. I obeyed, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety as I turned to leave.

I hurried down the hall toward my Biology class, desperate to lose myself in the rhythm of lectures and labs, to find a distraction from the turmoil that had consumed my day. But as I entered the classroom, the familiar smell of disinfectant and the murmur of students filled the air, yet I felt anything but comforted.

WOW, I did not expect that a teacher would do it to another student, just having her undress there in front of the class and then having the class write on her. Then the teacher gave all her clothes to the lost and found. I wonder what the nurse thought when Emma was sent there with a pile of clothes, including underwear and shoes, to put in lost and found.

Also, another WOW: Madison now has to spend the rest of the day naked and go home naked, too, or go to the nurse's office to get her clothes out of lost and found.
Last edited by computerphoto on Tue Oct 22, 2024 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Weight of Words

Post by computerphoto »

Danielle wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 5:04 am
I didn’t know how long I’d been standing there, but the junction had emptied, leaving only me and Mrs. Blunderbuss. She walked over, her heels clicking on the tiled floor, each step a sharp reminder of my exposed state.

"Emma," she said, her voice cool and detached, "you did well today."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to tear the words off my skin, to scrape away the hateful phrases, and to reclaim what was left of myself. But all I could do was stand there, frozen under the weight of everything they’d written. I could still feel the markers pressing against my flesh, the stares lingering, the laughter echoing in my mind.

I finally found my voice, though it was hoarse and weak. “Why?”

Mrs. Blunderbuss raised an eyebrow as if she didn’t understand the question.

“Why me?” I croaked, my throat tight with unshed tears. “Why did Ms. Amberley and the school, choose me for this?”

She tilted her head, her expression thoughtful. “Because you represent something everyone can relate to. You’re not just you, Emma—you’re all of us. Our fears, our insecurities, our flaws. You’re an important part of this lesson.”

Her words landed like blows, each one chipping away at what little of myself was left. I didn’t want to be a lesson. I didn’t want to be a mirror for their pain.

I wanted to be me again.


I entered the ladies' room and stood before the mirror, dreading what I might see. The sterile, cold tiles beneath my feet were a stark contrast to the heat coursing through my body, my mind still reeling from everything that had just happened. As I looked into the glass, the girl staring back at me was almost unrecognizable. My skin was a chaotic patchwork of bright colors, each word scrawled like twisted graffiti.

I tried to focus, to pull myself together, but the image felt surreal—like I was floating outside my body, unable to process what had been done to me. My eyes scanned the words—“Brave,” “Free,” “Strong,” “Hope,” “Beautiful,” “Unique,” alongside “Dumb,” “Fat,” “Loser,” “Weirdo,” “Unlovable,” “Disgusting,” “Failure,” “Worthless,” “Empty,” “Betrayed,” and “Unwanted.” They were all meant to be encouraging and cruel at the same time, weighing on me like chains, binding me to this nightmare. Each marker stroke felt like it had burrowed beneath my skin, branding me with other people’s perceptions of who I was supposed to be.

Then I noticed it. Lower. My breath caught in my throat. “Unique”—written in purple ink, dangerously close to my pubic hair. My stomach lurched, the air thickened, and my heart pounded in my chest. The word hovered over a part of me that felt intensely personal, violated. How had I not noticed? Someone had gotten that close, seen that part of me, and still dared to leave their mark.

As I scanned my body, I found more words written on my skin—“Loved” and “Special” on my breasts, and my right breast read “Valuable”—but I was shocked to see how empty they looked as if they were saved for someone or something yet to come. I felt a pang of loss at the realization that my body had been marked with these affirmations while being stripped of the essence that they represented.

I could also see “Dumb” and “Fat” etched across my thighs, “Loser” scrawled on my left butt cheek, and “Weirdo” on the right. Each word was a brutal reminder of the judgment I had faced, an unrelenting echo of the cruel whispers that had haunted me for far too long. “Disgusting” ran across my stomach, while “Failure” trailed down my side. “Empty” lay cruelly on my chest, and “Betrayed” was scribed along my ribs. The names they had called me were now carved into my flesh, a grotesque reminder of how I had been reduced to someone else's idea of me.

I wanted to scream, to scrub the words away, to erase the traces of this violation from my body. But I was frozen, staring at the mirror, my face pale and hollow. The room felt suffocating, the walls pressing in as the full weight of what had happened crashed over me. How had I allowed this to happen? Why hadn’t I stopped it?

“Unique.” The word twisted in my mind, like a cruel joke. This wasn’t something to be admired. It was a violation. Stripped bare, I didn’t feel unique—I felt used, exposed, humiliated.

My fingers hovered over the word, trembling, but I couldn’t bring myself to touch it. My skin burned beneath the ink, a reminder that I wasn’t in control anymore. My body wasn’t mine—it belonged to them now, to the project, to the school. I wanted to claw at it, to scrub it off until my skin was raw, but I knew it wouldn’t help. The ink might be temporary, but the damage was deeper.

I took a shaky breath, fighting back the tears threatening to spill. My reflection blurred as my vision clouded with unshed tears, and I blinked them away furiously. I couldn’t break down here. Not yet. I wouldn’t let them see me fall apart. But I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold it together.

As I looked up in the mirror, I suddenly caught sight of a reflection behind me—Ms. Amberley, my art teacher. She stepped inside the restroom, her presence filling the small space like a storm. I turned around slowly, my heart racing as she took a step closer, her gaze sweeping over the words scrawled across my skin.

Without hesitation, she reached out, her fingers closing around my trembling hands. I hesitated but eventually, reluctantly, grasped hers, feeling the warmth of her touch in stark contrast to the icy dread settling in my stomach.

“Emma,” she said softly, her voice calm, almost soothing. “Explain your feelings to me in great depth. Tell me about the rawness you’re experiencing from the comments written by others on your skin.”

Her words hung in the air, heavy with an almost clinical detachment. She wanted me to explain. To talk about it? My thoughts spun, emotions clashing violently inside me, but I couldn’t find the words. How could I possibly explain the violation I felt? The deep humiliation of having my body reduced to a canvas for others to project their thoughts onto?

Before I could respond, Ms. Amberley’s smile widened slightly, and she added, “You do know, don’t you? You’re not naked anymore. Clothes—” she paused, her tone shifting, becoming more deliberate, “—are not yours to wear or own. This is yours to embrace. This new form of expression. These words—they define you now.”

Her words felt like they were pressing down on me, suffocating me. Not naked? Embrace this? My mind rebelled against the idea. How could she possibly expect me to embrace this humiliation, this exposure? But her grip on my hands tightened, and I could feel her pulling me deeper into her twisted logic. The words on my skin weren’t just ink to her—they were a new kind of identity, something she believed I should accept, even celebrate.

I looked away, my hands trembling in hers, the tears I had been fighting so hard to hold back now dangerously close to the surface. How could she possibly understand the agony of standing there, marked by others’ words, stripped of any agency over my own body? And yet, the way she spoke—it was as if she truly believed this was some kind of revelation, something I needed to embrace to become… what? More enlightened? More free?

“I… I don’t feel free,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “I feel… trapped.”

Ms. Amberley tilted her head slightly as if considering my words, her smile never faltering. “You’re only trapped by your resistance, Emma. The rawness you feel—that’s the beginning of understanding. The sooner you let go, the sooner you’ll see the beauty in this.”

Her words were like poison, seeping into the cracks of my already fragile state. I wanted to pull away, to run, but the weight of everything was pressing down on me too heavily. How was I supposed to embrace this when every fiber of my being screamed that it was wrong?

Ms. Amberley’s grip on my hands didn’t falter. Her smile was unwavering as if my turmoil was some kind of educational experience for both of us. I could feel my pulse racing in my throat, a combination of anger, disbelief, and confusion. I wanted to shout, to tell her how wrong this was, but my voice remained caught in my chest.

“You say you feel trapped,” she continued, her voice soft but firm. “But that’s because you’re still clinging to old ideas, old definitions of what it means to be you. The rawness, the discomfort, it’s all part of shedding those old layers. Don’t you see? The words on your skin—they’re not just what others think. They’re reflections of how they see you, of how you can see yourself in new ways.”

I shook my head, my voice shaking. “But these words… they’re not mine. I didn’t choose them.”

She squeezed my hands gently as if comforting me. “That’s the beauty of it, Emma. Sometimes, we need others to show us parts of ourselves we can’t see on our own. This project is about transformation, about vulnerability. You’re not just an individual anymore. You’re a canvas for others to express what they see in you—and through that, you can discover things about yourself you’ve never realized.”

I felt sick. The idea that I was supposed to be grateful for this intrusion, that I was expected to learn from this violation, twisted my stomach into knots. I looked down at our intertwined hands, struggling to breathe through the wave of panic rising inside me.

“I didn’t want this,” I muttered, the words spilling out before I could stop them. “I didn’t want to be… reduced to this.”

Ms. Amberley sighed, her tone still infuriatingly calm. “You’re mistaken if you think you can walk away from this unchanged, Emma. This isn’t just about you anymore. You’ve become part of something larger. Whether you like it or not.”

I felt a flicker of anger igniting within. I wasn’t a victim in this scenario; I was a participant—albeit unwilling. But I could choose how I responded.

Taking a deep breath, I looked back at the mirror, staring into my own eyes with newfound determination. “Maybe I can’t change what’s been done,” I said quietly, my voice steadying. “But I can refuse to let it define me. I will take back my narrative.”

Ms. Amberley crossed her arms, watching me intently. “You can try, but the words will always be there. You need to learn how to coexist with them.”

“Maybe,” I shot back, “but I’ll make sure they don’t control me. I’ll carve out my own identity, even amidst this chaos.”

A moment of silence stretched between us, filled with tension. I could feel Ms. Amberley studying me, perhaps searching for a crack in my resolve, but I stood firm. This was my body, and I was determined to take back the power I had relinquished, even if it took every ounce of strength I had.

Finally, she stepped back, her expression inscrutable. “I see you’re not ready to embrace this yet. But remember, Emma, the choice is always yours. You can either fight against it or find a way to thrive within it.”

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my reflection. I watched as her figure disappeared from view, and for the first time in what felt like hours, I felt a flicker of hope. I was still here. I still had my voice.

"" Before I could respond, Ms. Amberley’s smile widened slightly, and she added, “You do know, don’t you? You’re not naked anymore. Clothes—” she paused, her tone shifting, becoming more deliberate, “—are not yours to wear or own. This is yours to embrace. This new form of expression. These words—they define you now.”""

it sounds like this is her life not just for the rest of the school year, maybe the rest of her time in high school. It sounds like it\s going to be her way of life for a long time to come, and I guess she will end forgetting what her old life is like at some point and what its like to wear clothes all the time at some point.

I also love that when she asked why me, why you doing this to me, they say “Because you represent something everyone can relate to. You’re not just you, Emma—you’re all of us. Our fears, our insecurities, our flaws. You’re an important part of this lesson.” basically saying this is bigger then you and you just the canvas for everyone and not Emma anymore and get used to it.
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Re: Stripped to the Core New 10/20

Post by darklord66 »

I loved first Emma is now a living art campus for all her classmates and probably the whole community and her whole body is now public, nothing is private anymore, and everyone will know every inch of Emma for a long time since she is also it sounds like been signed up for being a permanude aka permanently naked not just this school year, maybe for rest of her high school years, since it got side by her teacher "" Ms. Amberley’s smile widened slightly, and she added, “You do know, don’t you? You’re not naked anymore. Clothes—” she paused, her tone shifting, becoming more deliberate, “—are not yours to wear or own. This is yours to embrace. This new form of expression. These words—they define you now.”""

So yes, it sounds like she won't be able to wear clothes again for a long time, and I guess that is the goal: to get her to adopt this lifestyle, forget what it's like to wear clothes and be the person she was before all this started.

I also love the other part where the teacher stirps her fellow student Madison in front of the class and then ask the whole class to write math on her body, then at the end he ask Emma can you take Madison's clothes down to the lost and found bin, I would love to know what was going on in Madison's head when that was said and see if she goes the whole day naked, and has to go home naked, or has to go to the nurses office to ask for her clothes back from the lost and found bin. I also would love to know what the nurse thought when Emma brought in a whole outfit of clothes her teacher asked her to drop off to the lost and found bin.

This is a great story and can't wait to see what happens next.
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Re: Stripped to the Core New 10/20

Post by darklord66 »

I also agree with 2 other commenters, that Emma should be shaved bare both on her head and also her pussy too, she should have nothing to hide, and also shaving her head gives more canvas for everyone to write on her, she should not be allowed to have any hair since it helps hide her and blocks her body from being a public canvas.

Oh btw I forgot to mention in my last longer comment, so when her father stripped her and he was cutting off the last clothes she owned from her body, and then her father tossed the cut-up clothes in the trash can, so did her mom also toss her socks and shoes in the trash can too, or did she take them so she could just donate them.
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Post by Danielle »

Reedit Chapter 4B
Last edited by Danielle on Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stripped to the Core New 10/22

Post by Somebody »

Glad to see our suggestions used, but the AI program you're using really has kind of lost the plot, which happens to me when I try to use them too, especially around shaving. they don't seem to understand that you don't "shave someone's hair (on their head)" or feel the sting of metal. Razors do not buzz, and you can't shave off eyelashes.
That plus it came out of nowhere with the teacher not telling anyone to do it, nor connecting it to the biology class (all he mentioned was art), and it keeps adding random characters.
I think this is a lot better than your earlier stories, which lacked any kind of conflict and just described someone getting naked and immediately learning to enjoy it, so keep it up. I couldn't even tell at the start. But always treat the AI like the tool it is, and dress up the results using your own writing skills afterward.
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Re: Stripped to the Core New 10/22

Post by computerphoto »

Somebody wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 7:33 pm Glad to see our suggestions used, but the AI program you're using really has kind of lost the plot, which happens to me when I try to use them too, especially around shaving. they don't seem to understand that you don't "shave someone's hair (on their head)" or feel the sting of metal. Razors do not buzz, and you can't shave off eyelashes.
That plus it came out of nowhere with the teacher not telling anyone to do it, nor connecting it to the biology class (all he mentioned was art), and it keeps adding random characters.
I think this is a lot better than your earlier stories, which lacked any kind of conflict and just described someone getting naked and immediately learning to enjoy it, so keep it up. I couldn't even tell at the start. But always treat the AI like the tool it is, and dress up the results using your own writing skills afterward.
yeah Emma would of needed to close her eyes and someone would have had to use scissors to cut off her eyelashes, but it was also strange at the end how Emma basically asked for this and more to be done to her, it was like 180 degrees.
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Re: Stripped to the Core New 10/22

Post by computerphoto »

Yeah I also agree it was a little not the same where the teacher did nothing, and let the students have their way with Emma, then then it was also strange how she did a 180 in how she said no to clothes, and that she wanted this to continue to be done to her and that she asked more to be done to her too.
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Re: Stripped to the Core New 10/22

Post by Danielle »

computerphoto wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 9:46 pm Yeah I also agree it was a little not the same where the teacher did nothing, and let the students have their way with Emma, then then it was also strange how she did a 180 in how she said no to clothes, and that she wanted this to continue to be done to her and that she asked more to be done to her too.
Thanks for the input. Make some corrections to Chapter 4B and postpone the part after leaving the classroom to the next chapter to deliver the message I was aiming for with Zoey's character.
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