Highschool Humiliation

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Highschool Humiliation

Post by Deviant_9 »

Long time reader, but first time posting. Haven’t really done much writing before so any feedback welcome. All characters are 18+. This will likely be a multipart story and will be updated as I have time to write.

Part 1

It all started with Mary.
The second semester of year 11 had just started at Clearview Highschool, and the rumors had already started flying about the schools newest student. Mary had instantly peaked everyone’s attention. She was tall, slim but well toned, and her jet black flowing hair contrasted her deep green eyes beautifully. For all accounts, she was absolutely gorgeous. The first day with Mary had ended with everyone thinking she was just quiet and unfamiliar with her new environment. It wasn’t that she kept her head down, in fact quite the opposite, wherever she went her posture and presence commanded attention, but whenever another student talked to her they were met with silence and an intense bored stare. By the end of the first week, it had become clear that Mary just wasn’t interested in people. Which was why it took me completely by surprise when Friday afternoon while I was eating my lunch, Mary approached and politely asked if the seat beside me was taken.
I was certainly not the most popular girl at school, but I got on well with everyone. In a school of only about 400 people, everyone sort of knew everyone in their year. When I’d met most of these people 6 years ago I was a dorky, socially anxious 12 year old who thought everyone was so much cooler than me. That had made it a little hard for me to make many close friends over the years. But I wasn’t isolated or anything, I was still invited to parties, I still liked chatting with people in the hallways, and I didn’t really have any enemies. I just kind of floated through, never really getting too close. That all changed with Mary.
It was a little awkward at the beginning, we sat in silence while we ate and I tried to think of something to say. But I shouldn’t have worried, from the moment she opened her mouth to talk, the conversations flowed. We immediately hit it off and soon became almost inseparable. To this day I still don’t know why she chose me, but I guess it didn’t really matter. Within a couple of weeks we practically lived at each others houses, hanging out most days after school, and the more I learned about her the more awestruck I became. I learned very quickly that her father was rich. Their house was practically a mansion, complete with live in maid, giant pool, more rooms than I could count, and 2 burly security guards. Her father was not at all what I expected though. Mary had told me he worked in IT, but she failed to mention he was a massive dork in the best ways possible. I was made to feel completely at home whenever I was there, and I was treated just like family. For a while everything was perfect. And then along came Veronica.

Veronica was without doubt the most popular girl at school. She was beautiful, athletic, and let off an aura of superiority. She ran the school with a flirtatious smile and an iron fist. And she was pissed that Mary had ignored her. Months had gone by and all of her attempts to recruit Mary into her ranks had been either ignored, or outright refused. So she had changed tactics. Now Veronica was determined to ruin Mary and make her life hell. But it was proving exceedingly difficult, no matter what she did Mary seemed as unfazed as ever. She’d started rumors, then moved on to making thinly veiled threats against her, and when none of that worked she had her lackeys actually start getting physical with her. One of them ended up with a broken nose and the rest refused to mess with her anymore. That was when Veronica decided to take more drastic action, and concocted the most extreme plan she had ever envisioned to ruin Mary and place her firmly at the bottom of her schools popularity hierarchy. There was just one problem. Mary was clever and almost impossible to corner. So Veronica had to make a slight adjustment to her perfect plan.

It was Friday afternoon, and the lunch bell had just rung. I’d opened my locker to find a small hand written note slipped inside. Meet me in the gym -M was all that was written on it. Strange of her to change from our normal meeting place, and even stranger that she had left a note rather than text. Oh well I thought to myself, her phone must be dead or something. So I made my way to the gym eager to meet with my friend. The gym was just a big old building sitting right at the edge of the school, to call it a ‘gym’ may be a bit of an exaggeration. It was really just a massive open plan building that housed 2 basketball courts, a storage area for all the sports equipment, and a small stage off to one side. Mainly the school just used it as a makeshift auditorium for presentations and assemblies, and for PE classes when the weather outside was unfavorable. I entered the building and looked around hoping to see Mary waiting for me, but was disappointed to find that I was the first to arrive. What I did notice though was a wooden table, about the size of a large office desk, had been placed directly in the centre of the gym. I was making my way over to the table to sit down when the sharp squeal of a squeaky hinged door echoed through the gym. I turned back to the front entrance ready to greet Mary, but there was no body there. Instead the noise had come from the storage room to my right, and my attention was now drawn to the 3 people who emerged from within. Leading the pack was Veronica, as tall, thin, and beautiful as ever. And following quickly behind her, just like always, was her 2 lackeys Abby and Jessica. Abby was Veronica’s number 2, a cute red haired girl whose face looked innocent enough until you noticed the shark-like eyes and deceptively muscled physic on her small frame. And Jessica, who was almost like a pale copy of Veronica, slightly shorter, slightly less pretty, and with a whole lot less confidence than her leader. The 3 walked a straight line right in my direction, and all I could do was nervously smile and offer a weak greeting. These were the queen bees of the school, I had never been alone in their presence before, and a small voice in the back of my mind was telling me I didn’t want to be alone in their presence right now either. “Hello Sophie” Veronica’s calm smooth voice carried easily across the gym.
I didn’t really know what to say, none of these 3 girls had ever spoken a word to me before. What was happening? Before I could get a coherent thought together to respond, the 3 girls had closed the gap between us and we’re now standing directly in front of me. Standing this close to these girls was somewhat akin to being in the presence of royalty, and yet the small voice in the back of my head was screaming something intelligible. “What brings little old you to a place like this?” Veronica’s silky voice asked.
“I’m just here to meet a friend for lunch” I replied somewhat sheepishly.
“A friend? Oh! You don’t mean Mary do you? Strange, I thought I saw her sitting alone in the courtyard not 5 minutes ago? I sure hope you didn’t get stood up.” Abby’s stare never wavered as she spoke, her eyes seemly staring into me, and her smile showing entirely too many teeth.
“Such a pity, I guess we’ll just have to keep you company instead.” Jessica’s smile, while not as threatening as Abby’s, was certainly the tipping point for me. The small voice in my head was starting to make some sense.
It wasn’t until this exact moment that I realized the 3 girls stood between me and the door, and all that lay behind me was the wooden table and the locker rooms at the far side of the gym. Warning bells were ringing, and while I couldn’t yet figure out why, I was very interested in leaving this place. “You know Soph, me and the girls were actually just talking about you. You see we have somewhat of a proposition that we wanted to run by you.” Something about Veronica’s sickly sweet tone was sending a shiver up my spine. “It’s about your friend Mary actually. You see she has been quite rude and disrespectful to me and my friends since she got here, ignoring our attempts at friendship, thinking that she’s better than us, and all around just having a really shitty attitude. So we all came up with a bit of a plan to help show her the error of her ways. To show her, and the rest of the school, what it means to stand against us. Do you understand what I mean Soph?”
I needed to get out of here, now. This was really not sounding good, and I absolutely had to warn my friend that these girls were coming for her. “I’m sure Mary never meant any disrespect. In fact, I’ll go find her right now and tell her that she owes you all an apology.” I went to step around the girls towards the door, but they moved to stop me and now I was blocked in on 3 sides as they surrounded me.
“It’s far too late for that now Soph. That’s why we’re here now. So here’s the deal. Mary is going to pay one way or another, and you’re going to help us. You see that table over there? Our plan is to lure Mary here, surround her, just like we’ve done you, and then strip her and tie her butt naked to that table. We’ll see how interested everyone is in her once they’ve seen all that she has to offer, and it’ll show everyone what happens when you disrespect us. That’s why you’re here Sophie, we need you to lure her here so she doesn’t suspect a thing.”
As she spoke my heart was beating out of my chest. I couldn’t let such an awful thing happen to Mary, and I most certainly could never be involved in causing it! “No!” Was all I could manage to say as my mind reeled.
“‘No’?” Abby mocked.
“Such a pity, we were really hoping you’d do this one little thing for us Soph.” Jessica didn’t sound all to upset with my refusal.
“That’s ok Soph, there’s always time to change your mind. I guess we’ll just have to try plan B though.” The lead girl spoke calmly, but the moment her sentence finished, the 3 pounced as one.
Before I knew what was happening the 3 girls had grabbed my arms and legs and begun dragging me towards the table. I panicked, thrashing trying to break free, but it was no use. They put me on the floor facedown right next to the table, Veronica moving to hold my arms and keep weight on my back, Abby doing the same to my legs effectively pinning me with just the 2 of them. Jessica quickly detached herself and ran back towards the storage room.
“This can all stop whenever you want it to Soph, you know what you have to do.” Veronica was practically whispering in my ear as I struggled.
“No way, I would never ever do that to Mary! No matter what!”
“Suit yourself, but you may just change your mind soon enough.” Her words dripped with a strange combination of malice and anticipation. I knew I was in big trouble. How had things gone so terrible wrong for me so fast? And how could I possibly get out of this? I knew in my heart that the easiest way out would be to do as they asked and betray my friend. That thought sat in my mind as Jessica returned carrying a backpack, and strangely what appeared to be a narrow full length mirror. It was now or never, I had to break free, with one final shove I jerked as hard as I could and managed to break my hands free of Veronica’s grip. But there was nowhere to go. Her weight still pinned me to the floor, and Abby still had my legs under complete control. It was useless. Veronica, now aided by Jessica once again grabbed my arms.
“Nice try sweetheart, but there’s only one way you’re getting out of this. It’s either you, or her. The choice is yours.”
I was beaten and I knew it, but there was no way I could give Mary over to these monsters! Could I? Without warning I was yanked to my feet, Abby had somehow taken over holding my arms and with her iron grip I knew there was no escape. The other 2 girls stood directly in front of me, smiles of sick anticipation spread on there faces as they dug threw the backpack. Finally, Veronica pulled out what appeared to be a large pair of fabric shears.
“Time to see what you’ve been hiding all these years Soph. Remember, this can all end whenever you want it to. Just say the words.” Without waiting for an answer, Veronica stepped forward and slid the shears up my shirt, and within moments it fell from my body. Wasting no time at all my pants followed, and suddenly I was standing in the gym, wearing only my matching purple bra and panties.
“Damn girl, looking good!” Veronica’s words, though they sounded like a compliment, were dripping with condescension and mockery. “You could be way more popular if you just showed a little more skin!” She said with a wink.
I’d never been particularly shy about my body, plenty of the other girls had seen me in my underwear getting changed in the locker room. I was quite proud of how I looked. I’d always eaten well, and enjoyed lots of sports and exercise, so my body was quite well toned. My arms and legs showed a little defined muscle, my stomach was flat, and my boobs and butt were firm and perky. All in all, I took care of myself. But this was different, now I was the centre of attention. With silent efficiency, as though rehearsed, I was dragged over to the table by Abby and Veronica while Jessica hoisted the mirror face up on to the centre of the table. I barely had time to wonder what the mirror was for before the girls awkwardly dragged me up on to the table as well. Once again I was pinned face down, my breath fogging the mirror beneath me. It took all three girls to hold me as I struggled to break free, until Abby finally lost her patience and climbed on to the table with me to lay her full weight on my back. It was a surreal experience, wearing nothing but my underwear and having a cute girl straddling my back and pinning my hands down. Definitely not something I’d ever fantasied about, but I couldn’t deny the confusing thrill that shot through my body as I lay there completely restrained and at the mercy of these bullies. My emotions were going haywire, fear, embarrassment, even a little bit of anger, and to my shame and confusion I realised there was just a hint of excitement mixed in with it all. I was still processing this revelation when Veronica reached into her bag and pulled out what appeared to be a set of metal brackets and a power drill. My mind raced with possibilities, but I didn’t need to wait to find out what they were for. With practiced precision, one of the cuff like brackets was placed over my held wrist while Veronica used the drill to drive 2 long screws straight into the table underneath. Once the cuff was secure the girls let go of my arm, but no matter how hard I struggled against the restraint it wouldn’t budge. My heart sank as the reality of what was happening sunk in. There was no escaping now. I may have had a chance of breaking free when it was just the girls holding me, but I was certainly not able to overpower metal and wood. They quickly repeated the process with my right arm, screwing it in on the other side of the mirror, all the while I struggled knowing it was futile. Once both wrists were firmly attached, Abby climbed off my back and returned to standing with the others. My legs and body were still free, but with my arms locked in as they were there wasn’t much I could do anyway. The girls looked at me in what could only be described as sadistic glee, before returning to there work. They knew I was beaten, they knew no matter what happened now, I was unable to escape. They added another bracket on each arm, this time just under the elbow, effectively locking my forearms down to the table but still allowing movement of my upper arms. Then they moved behind me and began working on my legs.
“Hey Soph, be a dear and shuffle your knees up would you? I want you on hands and knees and showing off that cute butt of yours.” Veronica was just toying with me now.
I refused to move, refused to help these bitches humiliate me further, instead I threw my leg out aiming to kick the girls, but they easily moved out of the way.
“Now now Soph, there’s no need to get violent. Just remember, this is the easy way. I’m asking nicely for you to help this all go smoothly. But just remember this, we’re going to get our way, it just depends how much you want to suffer along the way.” To drive home her point Veronica nodded to Abby who without hesitation grabbed the waistband of my panties and pulled up and forward as hard as she could. My pelvis was lifted from the table and my whole body pulled forward as the fabric sunk deep between my legs bringing tears to my eyes. Abby held me like that as I begged her to let go, all the while the other two girls positioned my legs with no resistance from me whatsoever. In seconds my knees were firmly attached like my arms straddling the mirror, and the pain receded as Abby released my panties. As my mind was once again able to focus, the horror set in of the position I was in. I was on all fours with my elbows and knees spread wide beneath me and butt propped up on full display, the full length mirror running lengthways along my body serving to show just how exposed I was. My hanging tits and panty clad pussy could easily be seen from all sides, especially with the help of the mirror. A shiver ran through my body as I realised even still covered by my underwear the view was downright pornographic. My heart was beating out of my chest, the horror and panic somehow mixing with excitement and shame as my predicament rattled around inside my head. I was now completely at these girls mercy, trapped, exposed, and completely humiliated.
Last edited by Deviant_9 on Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by mikewozere »

Hot story. How long before some boys get to see her I wonder 😋
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by rkjc23 »

Hope we get an update
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by Enf_Kink »

Love it. Keep it up
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by Redd »

This is the kind of story that we used to get a ton of on the old board, so glad to see a new one on here. Please continue it!
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by Divhim »

I haven't really read a story fully on this board for sometime but you were able to take me back in time and really set up and scratch that itch again. I am so excited to see what you can craft
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by fasdf2003 »

What stories on the old board are like this. I love when girls strip girls
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by mikewozere »

fasdf2003 wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:14 am What stories on the old board are like this. I love when girls strip girls
Have you read my ongoing story
viewtopic.php?t=4504&sid=7526f7733336fb ... 1566f527fa ?
That's girls stripping girls
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by Redd »

fasdf2003 wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:14 am What stories on the old board are like this. I love when girls strip girls
Bare in the Bleachers: viewtopic.php?t=1470
After School Brawl by Nikolai: viewtopic.php?t=3
First Week by VanessaEvans: viewtopic.php?t=1300

They all have themes of girl bullies stripping girls in school.
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Re: Highschool Humiliation

Post by Deviant_9 »

Part 2

“You know Soph, I’m actually quite impressed. You’ve shown a lot of loyalty to Mary. That’s really refreshing. Take Abbey and Jessica here, they’ll lie, cheat, and steal for me. Jessica would give me the clothes off her back, and Abby would probably kill if I asked nicely. But I doubt either girl would stay as loyal as you have facing what you’re about to face. I’ve got a lot of respect for you right now, in fact I’d almost be tempted to ask you to join our group! Of course, once we’re done with you I don’t think you’ll ever get much respect from anyone else ever again. So maybe I’ll just leave it at this. Mary is lucky to have a friend like you, but look where being Mary’s friend has gotten you.” Veronica was just monologuing now. She’d won, the fight was over, and she was enjoying her victory.
But as she spoke, my heart sank further and further. The worst was still to come, and there was nothing I could do about it. And Mary. I knew Veronica’s plan was to turn me against her, but it wasn’t until right this second I realised how truly effective her plan was. Either I would turn on Mary, help humiliate her, and it would be her only friends fault, or I would be humiliated trying to protect her, and it would be Mary’s fault. Either way Veronica’s plan was to drive a wedge between us, and I was disappointed to find that it was actually starting to work a little bit. I knew it was too late to save myself now. I’d committed to this, and I was going to protect my friend. But deep down I couldn’t help but think this never would’ve happened to me if Mary had chosen to sit with some other poor girl that day at lunch. I pushed these thoughts down even deeper, and focused once again on what was happening around me. Veronica had started slowly circling the table while she talked, her eyes never leaving me, as if she were soaking up every detail and committing my humiliation to memory. Jessica and Abby were standing to the side patiently awaiting their leaders next move. But while Jessica looked on with nervous excitement, Abby stared directly into my eyes, her viscous smile growing even wider and more menacing as our eyes met.
“You know Soph, I never would’ve picked you to have such a bombshell body, good for you.” Veronica had moved closer to the table and softly stroked my back.
The simple touch of Veronica’s fingers on my skin sent a tingling sensation through my entire body, and I realized my anger at Mary wasn’t the only feeling I needed to push deep down. Somehow for some reason, I could feel heat rushing through my body and my heart rate speed up as a shiver of arousal passed through me. My first thought was confusion, how could a scenario like this be exciting? My second thought which immediately overruled the first was that it didn’t matter right now, I could ponder the intricacies of my sexual proclivities when I wasnt bolted to a table in a school gym in my underwear. The main thing I needed to focus on was not showing these girls that a small secret part of me might actually be enjoying this, and give them more ammo to throw at my humiliating ordeal. But that was proving extremely hard to do as Veronica’s hands continued their slow exploration, traveling further down my back, her fingertips turning into a full hand as she passed over my panty clad ass. She continued down my leg, her fingers tickling my inner thigh, never changing speed, never lingering. Finally the gentle touch disappeared, and I was once again left to fight my own body for control, there was no way I was going to show what I was feeling right now. But I was jarred out of my thoughts of control when out of nowhere Veronica reached out and grabbed a handful of my left boob. Gone was the gentleness, now she groped and squeezed as though playing with a stress ball.
“Wow, what are these a DD? We really hit the jackpot here girls, this is going to be quite a show. Quick question Soph, has anyone seen these beauties before?” Veronica’s question took me a little by surprise, and I contemplated not answering, but the underwear still wedged between my legs made me think better.
“No, not since I was a kid.” I uttered through clenched teeth.
“Well they truly are wonderful, I’m a little envious myself actually. Perfect and firm, I bet you look great in a bikini.” All the while Veronica continued squeezing. “I bet you have really cute nipples too, what do you think Abby?”
“I think you’re right Veronica! But you know, there really is only one way to be sure right?”
“You know Abby, you read my mind!”
My heart skipped, I barely had time to process my imminent exposure before Veronica appeared in front of me and roughly grabbed my bra by the underwire. She paused just long enough to look me in the eyes, the briefest hint of a smirk crossing her face. And then she pulled. There was resistance, my bra was still clipped at the back so she had to pull quite hard. But Veronica was instantly rewarded by my pleading look as the bra slipped up my chest, my tits springing free, and my rock hard nipples pointing to the table beneath me.
“I knew they would be cute! See Abby, didn’t I tell you they would be cute! That was a great idea, now we know for sure. Hey Soph, you know your nipples are as hard as diamonds right now? Are you cold?” Veronica’s smirk had grown into a playful sadistic smile as she reached forward and gave my lift nipple a hard flick, causing me to gasp and my body to shudder involuntarily.
Veronica noticed my shudder with glee, and took that as an invitation to flick my right nipple too, trying to elicit the same reaction. I was ready for it this time and focused hard on not showing even the slightest acknowledgment of the flick. Veronica’s smile disappeared and became the sneer of a child that didn’t get the present they wanted from Santa. She flicked again, this time harder, and I had to fight hard to not show a reaction. Now her sneer turned steely and she reached forward with both hands and twisted both my nipples in unison. This definitely got a reaction. My head spun in some combination of pain and pleasure, my back arched and I heard a sound escape my lips somewhere between a shriek and a moan. Finally satisfied with my response, Veronica released my nipples, and that trademark sadistic smile returned to her face.
“My my Soph, was that a moan I heard? Maybe you’re not just cold after all?”
“It certainly sounded like she was enjoying herself!” Jessica finally finding her voice, wanting to be included in the torture once again.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think she likes having her nipples twisted.” Abby added.
There was a brief pause as Veronica once again met my eyes, silently letting me know that she was willing to go as far as she needed to in order to get the reactions she wanted from me.
“Hand me those shears again Jessica, poor Sophie doesn’t look at all comfortable with her bra pulled up like that.”
Soon my shredded bra was added to the pile with the rest of my clothes, and I was laying on display in only my panties. The three girls stood around me, Veronica remained in front of me, Abby had moved to my left, and Jessica to my right.
“What do you think girls? Her skin looks so soft! You should have a feel for yourselves.” Veronica gestured to my body, encouraging her lackeys to play with me with as she had done earlier.
Without hesitation Abby attacked my already sensitive nipples once again, and Jessica took a much slower much less direct route, running her hand down my back and exploring as Veronica had done. All while Veronica stood staring at my face, waiting for my reactions. I really tried to keep my face neutral, but very quickly my feelings of shame and humiliation began mixing with the fast growing arousal that was building inside me. This shouldn’t have been turning me on, this was utterly humiliating, these girls were torturing me, their twisted minds hell bent on degrading me for their own amusement. But still my head swam as hands caressed me, my body and mind fighting for control, the soft stroking of Jessica’s hands contrasting with Abby’s assault on my tits. I was so lost in the feelings that were overtaking me that it wasn’t until I heard Veronica’s voice behind me that I realised she’d moved.
“Oh my God girls, you’re not going to believe this!”
Without warning, I felt a poke directly on my barely covered pussy, I would’ve jumped about a foot high if I hadn’t been strapped down. It was unmistakeable, through that single poke I could feel my own wetness. I looked into the mirror and followed my own body down, starting at my face, down past my exposed hanging tits, past my flat stomach, past my final remaining vestige of cover, and looked between my own spread legs to see Veronica’s look of fake shock as she prodded the obvious dark patch on my panties once again. I couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through my body at the touch, and Veronica’s face morphed into an expression of pure glee.
“Holy shit, Sophie is soaking wet!”
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