The Track Bet (Part 5 posted 7/4) (Complete)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The Track Bet (Part 5 posted 7/4) (Complete)

Post by jastes22 »

The Track Bet - Denise loses a race and has to pay the price.
  • Part 1: The Bet - Denise is challenged to a race with high stakes: Loser runs naked around the track for 4 laps.
  • Part 2: The First Lap - For her first lap, Denise has to invite the swim team to participate in her humiliation.
  • Part 4: Exposure - Denise's attempt to save herself from more embarrassment backfires.
  • Part 5: The Ask - Denise's final lap of embarrassment revolves around pleasing her crush.

“You’re never gonna catch me, Denise!” Taylor shouted, laughing. She ran incredibly fast down the stretch of rubber track that wrapped around the football field.

“Oh, yeah?” I grunted and kicked into high gear. My legs flew underneath me. I was closing the distance! I stretched my arm, planning on tagging Taylor and running the other way.

I grabbed her shoulder and skidded on my feet to turn. However, the sudden change in momentum threw me off-balance, and I took Taylor with me. We both fell on the floor. Taylor, not expecting the sudden lurch, flew on top of me, nearly face-first into my breasts.

I pushed her off of me. We looked at each other for a moment, and then just burst out laughing. We just laughed and laughed on the ground until our stomachs hurt.

“Alright, girls,” the track coach said. “Time to go. The soccer team needs the field for their own practice. Good work, everyone. I’ll see you all on Wednesday.”

I sighed. I was a popular girl, being on the track team, but all my best friends were on the team, and it was always sad leaving them for a couple of days at a time since I didn’t see them much in school.

“Hey, Dee!” Taylor whispered to me. “Some of us are going to stick around to watch the boys practice. Want to join?”

I grinned, following her to the stands.

“You ready for the track meet in two weeks?” Taylor asked as we started to walk.

“Girl, I was born ready!” I said.

“You’re not nervous? If we win, we’re in the state championship.”

“No, I’m not nervous. I caught your sorry butt today, didn’t I? If anyone should be nervous it should be you! You so slow my grandma could outrun you.”

Taylor’s mouth hung open in mock offense. “You did not just say that.”

I folded my arms. “Yeah, I did, girl. Whatcha gonna do about it?”

“I want to make a bet,” she said.

“Name it.”

“We race each other around the track. 2 laps. Winner gets to strip the loser naked, and then she has to run around 4 times naked.”

Wow. That was quite the bet. She and I both knew that I was the faster runner, but she did better in long distances, so maybe she was banking on that.

“As fun as it would be to watch your sorry butt run around the track naked, I don’t know if it’s a good idea...”

“What, you scared you’re gonna lose?”

I narrowed my eyes. She and I both knew how incredibly competitive I was. “No, I’m not scared. I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Someone could see us, and we’re on school property. We could get kicked off the team.”

“Oh, come on. It’s late. There’s nobody here.”

Some of the other girls overheard us talking about the bet and were joining in.

“You can take her, Dee!”

“It’ll be fun!”

I sighed. I was the team captain, and it would be kind of fun. I thought it would boost motivation for the upcoming race. Besides, I wouldn’t lose. Then, I could either force Taylor to eat her words or extend forgiveness. Nothing would happen. No one would get naked, no one got in trouble, but morale would go up.

“Alright, fine. You're on.”

The girls cheered as they escorted the two of us to the front of the track.


We both shot off from our starting position. I got a good lead, and by the time I finished my first lap, I was a good quarter-lap ahead of Taylor. I was so going to win!

And then my leg started to cramp. Crap! I had ran too fast too much. Coach had warned us about this, but in the adrenaline of the bet, I hadn’t been thinking.

I was fine, though. I was running slower, but I just had to complete the second lap before Taylor caught up with me.

But it was going to be tight. I glanced behind me. Taylor was gaining on me, and at a much faster pace than I was comfortable with.

Come on, Denise, I told myself. You can do this!

I rounded the final corner onto the last stretch. The other girls in the team were all shouting, going crazy with how close the race was. I turned my head to see where Taylor was.

Holy crap! She was right behind me! Suddenly, my right leg hit the rubber at an awkward angle, and I stumbled to the ground. I heard the girls cheer as Taylor finished the race.

Freaking crap.

I stood up and walked to the finish line where Taylor waited for me with a huge grin on her face. “Alright, Dee. Time to get naked!”

I blushed. Crap. I had really thought I wouldn’t be in this situation. “Oh, come on. 4 laps is like 10 minutes completely naked. You’re not really going to make me do that, are you? I thought you were joking.”

“Look who’s not so cocky now, girls!” Taylor said. “I was being completely serious. But...tell you what. I’ll only take off one piece of clothing each lap if I get to decide something you have to do before or after that lap.”

“Umm...okay,” I said. It was better than nothing.

“Alright,” Taylor said. “4 laps. That’s your shirt, shorts, bra, and undies.”

“What about my shoes?”

“Oh, you’ll keep those on.”

I blushed. There was something about wearing shoes completely naked that made me feel even more naked. With your head on top and your shoes on the bottom, it naturally draws people’s eyes to the center where all the private bits were. I did it once when I had the whole house to myself, but I couldn’t do it for more than an hour before chickening out.

"Hmm...what should we have you do first?”

Got any ideas for what Taylor makes Denise do for her laps? Because I don’t! Ha! And you thought you were just here to read. Let me know!
Last edited by jastes22 on Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:12 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by superevil7 »

I thought of a couple of ideas Denise could do. I mean, the obvious one is have her play with herself, but I would save that til the end if you're going to do it. When she's down to just her undies, Taylor could make her go and get a boy's phone number. Or if you want Taylor to be more wicked, she could make Denise invite a boy or two back to watch the remainder of her laps.

I know it says during the lap, but it might make the story flow a bit better if it's one lap, and then one forfeit she needs to pay to Taylor. Then repeat.

Oh, also. Love the look of a girl wearing just tennis shoes, and nothing else. Can't wait to read more!
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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by chwipiwr »

I really didn't think you *could* go without mentioning anything about tickling BP!
TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 3:35 pm I wholeheartedly agree with everything superevil7 suggested.

Yes, I like the idea of the forfeits being between the laps. Absolutely, she has to go invite a couple of guys to watch. She brings them over and then she has to lose her shirt or bra or whatever is next. Touching herself at the end is always a favorite. And topless jumping jacks never disappoint.

Maybe make her admit who her crush is and then invite him over to watch. Once she is naked, make her get on her knees and confess her feelings for him. (Too mean?)

At some point, she needs to go through the "windmill." Maybe after she loses her shorts. Everyone else stands in a line with their legs spread wide and she has to crawl on the floor through everyone's legs as they spank her. There could be boys there for that too, either just watching or participating in the windmill.

(See what a good job I'm doing by not mentioning anything about tickling???)
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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by PhilMarlowe »

I have always liked the idea of losers having to lose their pubic hair.

In front of an audience is even better.

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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by WingDing »

It's worth remembering that these are supposed to be friends and team mates, they don't want lingering grudges after this.
Perhaps have Denise lose her shorts, then have to go to the nearby convenience store to buy Gatorade or some such for the team. Having to rely on her shirt being almost long enough. Then lose her shirt and be tasked with taking all the team gear to the locker room and returning. Of course by now they've wasted so much time the soccer team is out to witness her next two runs. Topless might be time for some calisthenics or jumping jacks, and maybe a finale of having to walk a short distance on her hands while the soccer team sees everything.

Just some ideas. Looking forward to it.
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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by clockspinning »

How about this??? She leaves her clothes on the ground, nobody actually touches them, and within full view of her, gusts of wind blow some/all of them into a mud puddle or something rendering them unwearable. The other girls ran back to the locker room before she started getting dressed rendering them unable to render aid, and unaware of her plight.
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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by GeekGuy »

cool story I like the reader participation idea (I might try that sometime). great ideas people.

Wingding I like the "have to go to the nearby convenience store to buy Gatorade or some such for the team" I think that be a fun task when she's down to bra and panties.

i think it be fun if someone else Taylor or someone Taylor chooses gets to undress Denise. which would amp up superevil and BP's suggestions.
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Re: The Track Bet *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by RollTiideRoll2 »

Throwing out an idea of making her be a lesson to others on the team. Strut her sound in bra and panties or less to let the other teammates know who put her in her place. Maybe even give the younger teammates a chance to write things in her, humiliate her in whichever ways they see fit (give wedgies, make her take pictures with the boys team, put ice down bra to “cool her off”).
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The Track Bet: Part 2 - The First Lap

Post by jastes22 »

The Track Bet - Denise loses a race and has to pay the price.
  • Part 1: The Bet - Denise is challenged to a race with high stakes: Loser runs naked around the track for 4 laps.
  • Part 2: The First Lap - For her first lap, Denise has to invite the swim team to participate in her humiliation.
  • Part 4: Exposure - Denise's attempt to save herself from more embarrassment backfires.
  • Part 5: The Ask - Denise's final lap of embarrassment revolves around pleasing her crush.

Taylor looked at me, reveling in watching me squirm while she considered my first lap punishment.

Taylor giggled, clapping her hands. “I know! The boys’ swim team is at the pool right now for practice, right?”

I felt my heart drop. “Wait...”

“Yep! It’s settled. You’re going to invite the swim team to your little run here, and then you’re going to take off your shirt.”

“Taylor...” My ability to form words was quickly diminishing.

“Oh, come on!” Taylor said. “Don’t worry, I’ll come with you. I’m nice like that.” She grabbed me firmly by the arms and started marching me to the main building.

We stepped through the main doors, and I felt the beating in my chest intensify. “Taylor, you’re taking this too far, don’t you think? Why are—”

“Hush, Dee. I watch you when you come out of the shower after practice. You’re practically begging someone to rip off your towel so you can show off that bod of yours.” Her eyes ran up and down my body. “Trust me. I’m doing you a favor.”

A warmth in my crotch emerged, just a small inkling, but enough for me to notice. She was right, and I couldn’t deny it. I liked showing off—maybe that’s why I agreed to the dare. It hadn’t seemed so dangerous just in front of the girls, but to have boys watching?

“And who’s that one boy that you like on the team? The captain? Josh?” Taylor asked. “I can’t think of a better way to introduce you to him.”

“That’s not—”

“Denise, honestly, shut it. You’re making it worse for yourself. You lost the bet, and this is on you. I’m just giving you what you deserve.”

It was at that moment that I knew I wasn’t walking away from the school without losing everything.

We reached the door that led to the indoor pool. I could hear the echo of voices inside. Taylor opened the door, but I stood at the threshold, frozen. Taylor gave me a slight push, and I stumbled across.

The smell of water, sweat, and chlorine filled my nose. A few boys stood on the edge of the pool, watching their teammates do laps.

“Wait here,” Taylor said. She stepped over to Josh and started talking to him. I averted my eyes, wishing I could just disappear. I felt my face blush.

“Alright, wrap it up!” Josh shouted. “We got an announcement!”

Boys peeled out of the pool, dripping wet and breathing hard. Most were shirtless. Taylor pulled me next to her and Josh, and they all gathered around us. Even though I was still fully clothed, I felt completely naked and exposed as they all looked at me.

“Go on, Dee. Tell them what’s going on.”

“I...I lost a bet. I’m going to run four laps, and each lap I lose a piece of clothing. And...I want you to watch.”

Silence. I didn’t dare say anything for fear of breaking down, the boys didn’t say anything as their minds tried to comprehend what I just said, and Taylor was perfectly willing to let me stand there in quiet agony.

“Well,” Taylor said with absolute glee in her voice, “for anyone who would like to join us, please follow me and my friend here out to the track.” I turned to go, hoping to not let on how terrified I was.
Tayor grabbed my arm. "Wait. Let the boys have a chance to change. I want to make sure everyone can join us."
After a few minutes of standing there, Taylor grabbed my arm again and started to lead me out towards the track.

I didn’t dare look behind me to see who was following, but it sounded like the entire team. When we stepped outside, it surprised me how bright it was outside. It didn’t seem so bad coming in, but now that what was going to happen was actually happening, I couldn’t help but think about how exposed I felt.

The boys took their spots in bleachers, laughing, as I took my spot at the starting line.

“Whenever you’re ready, Denise,” Taylor said.

I grabbed the side of my shirt and pulled it over myself. My skin was still slick from sweat and my shirt stuck for a moment before finally peeling off. I was confident in my body, but my breasts always felt a little too disproportionally big for my skinny physique. Even though a lot of girls practiced shirtless with a sports bra, I never could because of how big my tits felt. My sports bra covered most of it, but I still felt like they were spilling out. I could still the top of my cleavage.

Some of the boys whistled and jeered, and I felt myself blush.

“Take everything off!” Someone yelled. The others cheered.

“Not yet, boys,” Taylor said. “All in good time.” She turned to me. “Go on, Dee.”

I stood there, frozen, shirtless, unable to move.

Taylor gave me a nice slap on the butt and I yipped like a frightened pup, shooting off down the track. With my shirt gone, I was aware of every inch of my exposed skin from my stomach, my neck, and even my bare legs underneath my shorts.

As I crossed the finish line, I could only imagine what kind of things Taylor had planned for me.

*I will continue to take suggestions and ideas of what you would like Denise to go through for her next few laps.*
Last edited by jastes22 on Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:08 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: The Track Bet (Part 2 posted 6/25) *Looking for Reader Suggestions*

Post by RollTiideRoll2 »

That was a nice addition! I’m very excited to see what the next lap will consist of for embarrassment! Maybe Taylor could get extra cocky and throw something on the line also?
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