Going Back to School

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Going Back to School

Post by Datom »

Going Back to School

This year I was really dreading going back to school. Oh, sure, I was always disappointed when summer was over and my free time was gone. But that was always balanced by being glad to see some of my friends again, and, I guess, the routine of school life.

But this time it was different.

See, there’s this girl in my class, named Elizabeth Wells. She was nice, I guess, but she kind of gave me the creeps sometimes. She’d smile at me during class, and, yeah, I’d smile back, but I always wondered what she was smiling about. And one time, I’d loaned her a pencil during class, and when she returned it there was a note with it, saying “Thank you for loaning me the pencil, Kevin,” with a bunch of hearts on it.

Now, normally, I wouldn’t have worried too much about this. I mean, in sixth grade sometimes girls start noticing boys. But, as school was starting this year, I couldn’t forget an incident that had happened before, about week ago.

I’d been at the city pool, with a bunch of my friends, and had to go home for lunch. As I was taking a short cut home through some woods, I got stopped by two older girls. They must have been in about eighth grade or so—they were bigger than me. One of them held me while the other one pulled down my swim trunks and took a picture of me completely naked. She said she was sending the picture of me to her cousin at my school, who turned out to be—you guessed it—Elizabeth Wells. She said Elizabeth was going to share the picture of me, private parts and all, with all the girls in my class. (See "Coming Home from the Pool" at https://www.girlspns.com/viewtopic.php?t=4087)

So, I was pretty apprehensive about going back to school and running into all the girls in my class, who would undoubtedly have seen my nude picture, and would start making embarrassing comments to me.

Now, as I walked up the sidewalk to the school building, I saw the other kids hanging around in groups waiting for the first bell to ring. Standing in front of the door were a couple girls from my class—Elise Burkhoff, Jamie Smit, and Lani Wilson—chattering away. Probably talking about me and that nude photo, I thought.

Lani looked up at me, then Elise. Here it comes! I thought.

I was unprepared for their reaction---nothing!

Lani just kind of smiled and said “Hi, Kevin.” Elise waved a little wave. Then they turned back to their conversation.

I walked past where Becki Carson and Lindsay Bennet were looking at a picture. Probably the picture. They looked up at me as I passed, then looked down at the picture. I heard Becki say “And here’s us in front of the waterfall. Isn’t that great?” Lindsay looked a little bored.

Geez! I thought. Maybe Elizabeth didn’t share that picture with everyone after all! Maybe—I hope—she didn’t share it with anyone. Whew!

I went through the whole day like that. I kept expecting one of the girls to giggle, or make some degrading remark about my private parts. But they didn’t. As the day progressed, I started forgetting about the whole thing. Maybe this was going to be a regular day after all.

As the last bell rang, we all exited the school, heading out the door. That’s when Elizabeth Wells stopped me.

“Hey, Kevin! Wait up!”

I stopped. Suddenly I realized that I was about to hear what happened to the infamous photo of me.

“Kevin,” she started, “I really do like you, a lot. I wanted to tell you that, all last year.”

I waited.

“You know that I have that, uh, picture. The one my cousin Linda sent me.”

I nodded. “I thought it would be all over school by now.”

Elizabeth hesitated. “I told Linda that I’d share it with all my friends. But I didn’t want to.” She paused, then went on. “I just couldn’t do that to you.”

I didn’t know what to say.

“Kevin,” she put her hand on my arm, and started stroking it. “I really do want to get to know you better. Like I said, I always liked you.”

“Uh, sure,” I stammered. “I, ah, like you too, Elizabeth.” I didn’t know what to say. Elizabeth was kind of pretty, in a seventh-grade sort of way. And she could be fun to talk to. If I wanted a girlfriend, I could do worse. And she and I had never been, like, enemies or anything. And now I at least knew what that business of the hearts on that note was all about last year.

“You do?” She looked pleased. “Oh, Kevin, I was hoping that!” She stood up on tiptoe and gave me a little peck on the cheek. I shivered. But it wasn’t a bad shiver.

“You deleted that picture, right?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah, that,” she looked a little startled by the change of topic. “Not yet. You see, I don’t know how to delete pictures from my phone.”

“I can show you,” I offered. “Give me your phone.”

“I don’t have it with me. Mom won’t let me take it to school.” She paused. “Can you come over to my house tomorrow after school and show me how to do it?”

“Sure, I guess so,” I said. I didn’t really mind spending a little time with Elizabeth. And to tell the truth, I did kind of like that little peck on the cheek, and the feel of her hand on my arm. Maybe there’d be more of that, I thought. And above all, I had to make sure she got rid of that picture.

“Okay.” She smiled. “If you’ll walk me home tomorrow, you can visit me, and maybe show me how to delete that stuff.” Her hand slid down my arm and gave my hand a little squeeze, then let go “Bye-bye, Kevin,” she said over her shoulder, as she walked off.
. . . . . . . .

So the next day, after school, I met up with Elizabeth again. Today she was wearing a pink top and a purple skirt, that went about halfway down to her knees. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She greeted me outside the school building with a cheerful smile, and took my hand.

As she and I walked down the sidewalk away from school, a couple guys from my class looked at me kind of funny. “Hi, Kevin!” they greeted me, with a little smirk. I just said “hi” back. I could tell they were looking at me holding hands with a girl, and probably snickering to themselves about it. Well, too bad! I thought. So, I have a girlfriend, so what? And Elizabeth is kind of pretty.

Elizabeth and I walked the four blocks to her house, and up the driveway. She took me through the garage and into the kitchen. She unslung her backpack and hung it on a hook by the door, and invited me to remove mine.

“I’m gonna make us some iced tea, Kevin,” she said. She gestured to a door at the other end of the kitchen. “If you want you can just go through the door and down the stairs into the rec room. I’ll be down in a minute.”

“I can help you with the iced tea,” I offered.

“No thanks, I can get it.” She indicated the door again. “Just go ahead down and wait for me.”

I opened the door and proceeded down the steps. There was another door at the bottom, which was open. Through the door I could see a basement rec room, with paneling and carpet, and a couch with two end tables and a couple plush chairs and a TV set. In the middle of the room was a pole, the black metal support-pole like you see in a lot of basements.

As I went through the door I suddenly felt two hands grasp my arms.

“Well, hi there, Little Boy!”

It was Linda! Elizabeth’s cousin!

Linda’s friend Carrie got in front of me. She grasped both my arms, and held them up. “Quick!” she directed Linda. “Get his shirt off!”

“Hey! Cut it out!” I yelped.

I struggled, but they were bigger than me. I could feel Linda’s hands sliding up my sides, pushing up my shirt. It went up over my head and all the way up my arms. Carrie pulled my arms back down, and the shirt came off.

“Let’s get him tied up!”

Linda and Carrie maneuvered me up by the pole. I struggled, but they were both bigger and stronger than me. They backed me up to the pole, then Linda pulled my arms around the back of the pole. I felt something like a strap going around my wrists, binding then behind the pole.

“Let me go!” I shouted. “Elizabeth is gonna be mad at you!”

They looked at each other and giggled. Then Linda reached down and unbuttoned my pants and pulled down the zipper. She knelt down and pulled my pants down to the floor. Carrie grabbed my legs and held them up while Linda removed my shoes and socks, then pulled my pants off my feet. Then I felt another strap going around my ankles, binding my legs to the pole. Now I was tied securely to the pole in just my underpants.

The two girls stood up and admired their handiwork.

“Well, doesn’t he look adorable!” Carrie crooned.

“Just like he did out in the woods,” Elizabeth agreed. She reached out and tickled my bellybutton.

“Cut it out!” I yelped. “Let me go!”

“Uh-ho! He’s going to make noise,” Linda shook her head.

“We, we know what to do about little boys who make too much noise,” Carrie chuckled. Out of her pocket she pulled a piece of cloth. Linda reached out and touched my nipple, then pinched it between her thumb and forefinger.

“Ouch!” I started to cry. But before I could finish, Carrie had stuck the cloth inside my open mouth. Linda picked up a piece of tape and taped my mouth shut.

I started tasting a foul taste in my mouth.

“What is that?” Linda asked.

Carrie chuckled. “Those are my panties from yesterday. I pulled them out of my hamper.” They both laughed.

At that moment, Elizabeth came down the stairs, carrying two glasses of iced tea. She looked at her two cousins, then looked at me tied up in just my underpants.

“We got him!” Linda crowed. “We have him all tied up, just for you!”

Elizabeth put down the iced-tea glasses, then came over to me. She smiled.

“Well, look at you, Kevin! All tied up in my basement, with nothing on but those skimpy little underpants!” She put her hand on my bare chest. “Don’t you look cute!”

As she stroked my chest, her finger touched my nipple. Her fingertips were cold from carrying the iced-tea glasses, and as they touched me, my nipple began to harden. She started drawing little circles around my nipple.

“Now I can look at you all I want, and touch you and feel you,” she said, her hand sliding down over my bare belly. Then her fingers reached down and touched the front of my underpants. “Oh, my!” she exclaimed softly. “It feels like you’re enjoying this!”

As she moved her finger, I could feel it stroking my penis through the fabric. I could also feel that I was getting bigger and harder down there. She tickled my penis with her finger, and giggled. “This is fun!”

Linda and Carrie watched as Elizabeth played with my penis. “How’d we do?” Linda asked.

“Perfect!” Linda said. “Thanks to you, I have him right where I want him!” Her finger touched the skin on my belly and probed into the top of the elastic of my underpants. “I’m just going to take a little peek at it,” she giggled.

Her finger pulled out the elastic, exposing my penis to her gaze. “Oooh! It’s so cute!” she exclaimed. Her fingers reached inside my underpants and began fingering my penis. “It’s just like it was in the picture,” she said, as her fingertips grazed up and down the underside of my penis. I was mortified, but at the same time I was tingling.

Suddenly Elizabeth slipped her hand out of my underpants. The elastic fell back into place with a snap. She stood up in front of me and looked into my face, smirking.

As her fingertip began drawing circles around my nipple again, she said, “Hey, Kevin, now I’ve got you where I want you. It’s time to make you get to work for me.”

Get to work for her?” What does she have in mind? I wondered.

“Well, we gotta be going,” Linda said. She and Carrie turned and headed to the stairway. “Have fun with your boy-toy.” They walked up the steps, leaving me alone with Elizabeth.

“I bet you’re wondering what I’m going to do with you,” Elizabeth said, drawing her finger across my chest, playing with my nipples. “Well, here’s what’s about to happen.”

She picked up a sheet of paper and held it up front of me.

I was horrified as I read:
Come and see

see it--50 cents
touch it & hold it--1 dollar
take a picture of it--3 dollars

4309 Crest wood St
4:00 to 5:30


“I’ve been passing these out to the girls in class,” she told me. ”I’ll be getting some business here in just a few minutes.”

I struggled to free my hands, but couldn’t. “Let me go!” I cried. But it came out “Lmmmmph Mphh Gmphhhhhhh”

Elizabeth looked at her watch. “Hey, it’s 3:55 now!” she observed. "I have to go upstairs and see who came to see you.” She patted my bare chest with her hand. “Don’t go away, now, Kevin!” She laughed as she turned and went up the steps.
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by Jeepman89 »

A very interesting story indeed, Datom. Can't wait for the next part.
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by tim409 »

Hopefully every girl in school will come to see him. For $5.00 they should be able to massage his penis and for $10.00 maybe they could squeeze his nuts and for $25.00 they could kick his balls. (2 times for $35.00) but would young girls have that kind of money?
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by Lola »

So good! You always come up with original plots. I love that the boys always end up tied!
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by notme222 »

Faked me out in the beginning. This is getting really interesting!
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by NudeBaG »

This is great
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by Datom »

I had to stand there for about five minutes. Strapped up to the support post in Elizabeth’s basement rec room, with nothing on but my underpants, soon to have my private parts put on display to any girl in my class who had the price of admission.

Presently, I heard voices from the stairway. It was Elizabeth and some other girl.

“You’re my first customer.”

“You really have him down here?”

“Sure! See?” And Elizabeth arrived at the bottom of the steps and came into the room, with Lindsay Bennet, from my class.

Lindsay came over to me and stood in front of me, looking up and down my bare body. “Oooh!” she purred. She put her hand on my waist, and slid it slowly up my side. “He’s nice!”

Elizabeth chuckled. “I knew you’d like him.”

Lindsay’s hand slid up my neck to my face and stroked my cheek. “He’s so CUTE!” Her hand slid back down my neck and onto my chest. “And he has such a nice BODY!” Elizabeth looked on as Lindsay petted my chest and my belly. “It’s so SLIM! Like a dancer’s body!”

Lindsay knelt down in front of me and looked at my underpants. “My GOODNESS!” He’s getting so nice and BIG down here!” I realized that I was in fact getting hard. Lindsay touched the bulge of my underpants and wiggled her finger. “Cuchi-cuchi-coo!” she giggled.

“Would you like to see it?”

“Can I?”

“Sure! You paid a dollar. And since you’re my first customer,” Elizabeth announced, “you get to pull down his underpants!”

Lindsay lost no time. Her hands darted to the sides of my waist. She slipped her fingers inside the elastic of my briefs and pulled them down. As my private parts came into view, she giggled. “Oooh! Look-ee!” she chirped. “Look at this adorable PENIS!”

“Dmmmph!” I cried through my gag.

Lindsay picked up the tip of my penis with her left thumb and forefinger, and held it up.
She licked her right forefinger, then ran her moist fingertip up and down the underside of my rapidly stiffening penis.

“I like how you can see all these little veins bulging out on the sides,” she observed. Her moist fingertip slipped down and gently rubbed the underside of my testicles. “And I like these little balls,” she giggled. “They’re so nice and bumpy.” I could feel Lindsay’s fingertip gently stroking the bottom of my testicles.

Her finger ran back up the underside of my penis, all the way to the tip. Her fingertip traced the edge of the tip, then slid up and touched the urethra. “I like this little hole at the end,” she tittered.

Then suddenly Lindsay let go of my penis and stood up. She turned to Elizabeth. “Hey, that was FUN!” she announced.

“Glad you liked it,” Elizabeth nodded, smiling.

As Lindsay was turning to go back up the steps, another voice spoke from the bottom of the stars. “Is it my turn yet?”

“Sure, Gabbi. Come on in.”

In came little Gabbi Pekoski. Gabbi was actually not in my class. She was in fifth grade, so she was two years younger than me. She went over to Elizabeth and paid her fifty cents. “I just want to see it,” Gabbi announced.

She came over in front of me and knelt down, so her face was directly in front of my penis. I felt really funny, exhibiting myself to a ten-year-old girl.

“Have you ever seen one before?” Elizabeth asked.

“No, just pictures,” Gabbi confessed. “This is the first one I’ve seen in real life.” She moved her eyes around, taking in all the details of my sex organs, as I stood there squirming. “It’s littler than I thought.”

She was right. My erection had kind of faded in the last couple minutes. I felt embarrassed.

“I would tickle it,” Gabbi said, “but I only have fifty cents, so I can’t touch it.”

She leaned forward and blew a stream of air on my penis. The feel of that air stimulated me. “I think it’s getting bigger,” Gabbi observed. She puffed again.

Elizabeth stepped forward and took the tip of my penis in her fingers, and held it up. Now Gabbi blew several puffs on the bottom of my penis. The effect was stimulating.

“See?” Elizabeth said. “Now you get to see it nice and big.”

“Oooh!” Gabbi purred. “I like it!”

She stood up and turned to Elizabeth. “Thank you, Elizabeth. You were nice to show me this. For only fifty cents.”

Elizabeth’s next customer walked in as Gabbi was getting ready to go. It was Lani Wilson, from my class.

“Oooh, Kevin!” she exclaimed, when she saw me. “Look at YOU! You’re all NAKED!”

She came right over to me and started rubbing my back with her hand. “I ALWAYS wanted to see you NAKED!” she babbled, as her hand slid down my back. “I’d sit in CLASS and LOOK at you and FANTASIZE about you being NAKED! This is so EXCITING!” Her hand slipped down the small of my back and landed on my buttock. She squeezed it and giggled. “You have such a CUTE little TUSH!" She giggled and squeezed me again.

“Nice little ass, isn’t it?” Elizabeth observed.

Lani came around and knelt in front of me. “I just LOVE your BODY, Kevin!” Her hand petted my bare belly, and her fingertip slid over my belly button. She wiggled her finger and giggled. “Such a CUTE little belly button!”

Her hand slipped down to my genitals. “And LOOK at THIS!” she chortled. “Such a NICE little PENIS! I’m gonna HOLD it in my HAND.”

I felt my body tingle as I felt Lani’s fingers wrap around my penis. As Elizabeth watched, Lani started kneading my penis between her fingertips, first gently, then more vigorously. Once again, I felt myself getting bigger and harder.

“OOOOH!” Lani exclaimed. It’s getting nice and BIG!”

My crotch was starting to ache from getting so stiff. My penis was sticking straight out on its own now.

Suddenly Lani stopped. She pulled her cellphone out of her hip pocket and held it up. I heard a short “beep” and I knew she’d photographed my penis. She stepped back and held up her phone and took another picture of my face and my front, all the way down to my crotch. She giggled.

“Uh, Lani,” Elizabeth said, “that’ll be three dollars for the pictures.”

Lani reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple of dollar bills. “I already gave you a buck to touch him,” she noted. “So this makes three.”

“Okay,” Elizabeth nodded. "You’re paid up.”

This went on for another hour. One girl after another came in and looked over my naked body. Some of them played with my private parts, others just looked. A few of them took pictures, always making sure to get both my crotch and my face in the picture. Most of the girls were from my class, but there were a couple from the fifth and sixth grades.

After five o’clock, business slowed down. By five fifteen, Elizabeth was about to shut down shop.

Then a trio of voices could be heard from the stairway.

“I guess he’s down here.”

“I wonder where we pay?”

“Good. I wanna see him.”

Three girls entered the room. They were taller than me, and looked to be about two years older. They looked me over, sniffed, then approached Elizabeth.

“We wanna see him,” one of them said.

“Actually, said another, “two of us wanna touch him, and the other one is gonna take a picture.”

“That would be five dollars total,” Elizabeth calculated.

One of the girls handed Elizabeth a five-dollar bill. Then they turned to me.

"Okay, Little Boy,” the tallest one said, “We’re gonna RUB your little BAZOOKA until we get it real BIG. Then we’re gonna make you SQUIRT for us.”

I squirmed. “Dmmmmph!” They all laughed.

One of the girls knelt down in front of me. The other two grabbed my arms and held me so I couldn’t wiggle. One of them touched my breast with her finger and started tracing a little circle around my nipple. It tingled.

The girl who was kneeling held my penis in her hand, then started massaging it between her thumb and her forefinger. I could feel myself getting bigger rapidly. Between the nipple-stimulation and the penis stroking, I was starting to gasp from all the action.

“Come on, Little Boy,” the kneeling girl said. “Come on! I wanna see a NICE BIG SQUIRT!” She squeezed my penis a little extra hard as she said this.

Meanwhile, the third girl had stepped back, and had pulled her cellphone out of her pocket. She was focusing it on my face, on my open mouth, then panning down to my crotch. The intermittent “beep” told me that she was actually making a video of me being stimulated.

“Come on, Little Boy,” the kneeling girl coaxed. “I want EVERY LAST DROP!”

Suddenly she squeezed hard. I couldn’t hold it anymore. The sperm went shooting out of my penis like water out of a fire-hose. It landed on the floor about five feet in front of me.


“NICE SQUIRT, Little Boy!”

I looked over at Elizabeth. She was watching the whole scene, laughing.

“Oh, Kevin!” she laughed. “You should have seen the look on your face while they were doing that to you!” She pointed at me. “You looked totally stupefied!” She looked at the girl with the cellphone. “I want you to send me that video!”


The first girl was now standing back up, grinning. “That was FUN!” She chuckled.

”I can’t wait to see that video!”

“Hey, Jaz,” the first one said, “I don’t think we’d have gotten him pumped up so fast if it weren’t for the tittie-tickle. That was good!”

“Glad to help!”

They kept talking as they walked up the steps.

Elizabeth glanced at her watch, then looked at me. “Five thirty, Kevin,” she observed. "Time to let you go.”

. . . . . .

The next day I approached school, not quite knowing what to expect. I knew now that I'd been checked out, and even photographed. I told myself, I've worried about this before, and nlothing has happened. In fact, I'd almost convinced myself that it would just turn out to be a normal day.

Now, as I walked up the sidewalk to the school building, I saw the other kids hanging around in groups waiting for the first bell to ring. Standing in front of the door were a couple girls from my class—Elise Burkhoff, Jamie Smit, and Lani Wilson—chattering away, as usual.

Lani looked at me, then grinned. Elise was trying to suppress a laugh--her shoulders were shaking.

"Hi, Kevin!" Jamie yelled out. They all burst out laughing.

I walked past where Becki Carson and Lindsay Bennet were looking at a picture. One of the pictures from yesterday. Lindsay looked up at me, then Becki. Their faces broke into grins.

"Hi, Kevin!" Becki drawled. We like your PENIS!"

"We think it's CUTE!" Lindsay added. "I liked touching it yesteday!" She and Becki burst out in gales of laughter.

Oh, shoot, I thought to myself--It's going to be a bad day today!

. . . . .

Follw-up: Of course after a few days of my having to listen to all sorts of mortifying humiliation, it all started to die down. Other topics of conversation started taking over with the kids at school. And even while it had been going on, no one ever mentioned that last video--the one where I was made to ejaculate for those bigger girls.

In fact, it was a full month before the subject came back up. Elizabeth mentioned it to me.

"Lani is giving a Halloween party," she told me. "And I want to take you as my guest."

"Aw, I really don't want to," I moaned.

Elizabeth started stroking my arm. "you knw, Kevin, the girls here haven't seen that last video yet--the one where those big girls made you squirt for them." She paused. "I don't want to have to show that one around school," she said meaningfully.

So I had to go with Elizabeth to the Halloween party. But that's going to be a forthcoming story.
Last edited by Datom on Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by tim409 »

So how many girls got to see Kevin naked and how many touched him? Did anyone keep count? Of course many more saw his photos.

I love it that so many girls, many of them young got to see Kevin NAKED but Kevin will never get to see them undressed, Pure CFNM.

Let me guess, he will be going to the Halloween party dressed as Adam but with NO fig leave, he will be naked at the day he was born and there will be a lot of dressed girls who will be dressed as strong women to accent that he is a naked male and THEY are in control.

Looking forward to reading about it.
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by Jeepman89 »

Amazing chapter, Datom. Can't wait for the Halloween party.
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Re: Going Back to School

Post by Datom »

tim409 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:22 pm

Let me guess, he will be going to the Halloween party dressed as Adam but with NO fig leave, he will be naked at the day he was born and there will be a lot of dressed girls who will be dressed as strong women to accent that he is a naked male and THEY are in control.
Not quite, tim 409, but you got the general idea. :D
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