The Prefect

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Prefect

Post by Stacygs »

Love it so far, I want more plz.
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Re: The Prefect

Post by Hooked6 »

Interesting start. I do hope you will continue. Your posts are always well-written and I look forward to seeing what you can do with this story. I did have to laugh, however, when Elsie insisted on being called "Ms. Elsie." I thought that somewhat precocious for a 16-year-old. I would have thought than an English girl of her age would have insisted on the more vernacular, "Miss Elsie." I guess that "Ms" just fit with her snobby, posh attitude that you were trying to convey, but it seems to me such a snobby, arrogant, posh girl wouldn't have caved in to these girls so easily over something as silly as a backpack. Still . . . great story so far.

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Re: The Prefect

Post by Hooked6 »

I disagree.

I like a story that develops with varying paces taking the time to grow a character rather than rush to a climax like some men make love. :lol: This chapter did just that and gave the readers a chance to imagine the characters interacting. It was nice and increased the tension of the scene setting the stage for what happens next. I can't wait to see what the girls have in mind for Elsie at 4 o'clock! Nice work!

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Re: The Prefect

Post by jimmythehand »

I'm really enjoying this. Too many ENF stories rush to the ending without building up the scenario, so you end up with a Nude Female but the Embarrassed part of the ENF is never as good as it could be. Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy a good short story or even just a little paragraph detailing an embarrassing experience, but to maximise ENF potential this is how it should be done.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: The Prefect

Post by unfair »

I think the pacing is good, not like the parts are too long. A lot of the thrill is in the victim falling under someone's control, you can only get the "they get naked" payoff once.

So yeh, am enjoying. I wouldn't alter your plan on the impatient guest's account.
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Re: The Prefect

Post by cober »

Seriously can this board disable the ability to comment unless the person registered always guests I would even consider disabling ability to read stories unless person registered. Or make a forum purely for guest accounts to publish all stories they write!

Pretty sure be a hive of activity
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Re: The Prefect

Post by Mandraek »

cober wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:40 am Seriously can this board disable the ability to comment unless the person registered always guests I would even consider disabling ability to read stories unless person registered. Or make a forum purely for guest accounts to publish all stories they write!

Pretty sure be a hive of activity
I'll give a plus one to this idea.

Sorry to Lady Lucia for this to happen in your thread. Keep up the good work despite the neckbeards.
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Re: The Prefect

Post by Girlspns »

I just deleted all the troll's posts and made the forum registered only, sorry for the inconvenience everyone, but you'll have to register to post now, you can see the announcement in the relevant forum.
*Lady Lucia*
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The Prefect, Part Five

Post by *Lady Lucia* »

The nerve.

The nerve of ALL of these girls. Kaitlyn, for being so disrespectful. The two brunettes, Annie and Caroline, for watching and giggling and not saying anything in her defense. If Elise weren’t so committed to getting her things back, she would have chewed these girls out the moment she arrived. But Kaitlyn had framed it in such a way that it seemed like she had no choice but to play along.

“Annie?” Kaitlyn turned to the girls on the bed. “Do you want to go first?”

“Sure!” The short brunette girl beamed. Annie hopped up from the bed and waltzed over to the door. There was a spare academy uniform hanging on the back, and Annie was quick to take it and join Kaitlyn and Elise in the middle of the room. “Here you go, Elise!” Annie smiled at the reluctant prefect. Not as devious or arrogant as the expression Kaitlyn wore. The short girl just looked amused at all of this, and certainly didn’t mind calling Elise by name.

“I…” Elise took the outfit from the shorter girl’s hands. She didn’t know how to react, but Annie was holding it out expectantly, so it only made sense to take it from the girl. “What is this?” She didn’t know what else to say.

“It’s your first task, Elise.” Kaitlyn said. “This is one of Annie’s uniforms. Your current get-up is a little…stuck up? Prudish? Boring? What do you think, Caroline?”

“Hmm…” The other brunette sat up on the bed, looking Elise over. She was certainly the more quiet of the three, but Kaitlyn made a point to include her. “Stuck up.” Caroline decided. “She’s a prefect.”

“Exactly, Caroline.” The red haired leader smiled at her friend. “Elise is stuck up.”

“I am NOT stuck up!” Elise exclaimed. She crossed her arms, only just now realizing that she was letting these girls talk about her as if she wasn’t even there.

“Then prove it.” Kaitlyn said. Elise had unknowingly taken the bait. “Your first task is to change into Annie’s uniform. If you’re not a stuck up little prefect, it should be easy.”

Elise glanced down at the outfit in her hands, then glanced towards the short brunette still standing near her. “But…” She started to protest. Annie was at least three or four inches shorter than her. Her outfit would be tight and awkward and uncomfortable on Elise.

“But what, Elise?” Kaitlyn asked. She mirrored Elise, crossing her own arms. “It should be an easy task for a girl who claims she’s not stuck up. Tell you what. We’ll even let you choose where you want to change. In here, or in the bathroom?”

Another difficult decision. Changing in Kaitlyn’s room meant stripping in front of these three girls. The bathroom was safe to change in, but a more public ordeal. She would have to walk past the girls in the common room twice, and pray they didn’t notice the awkwardness of her new outfit on the way back.

“I’m not stuck up…” Elise muttered. As if those words would change the preconceived notion these girls had. She went with her gut, answering Kaitlyn, “I’ll change in the bathroom.”

It was the better choice. No way would she strip off her current outfit in front of the three girls that were already having fun at her expense. Maybe the girls outside wouldn’t notice. Better yet, maybe the common room would be empty. Wishful thinking, considering classes were over for the day.

“Then hop to it, Elise.” Kaitlyn dismissively waved her off, “There’s only so much time until dinner, unless you’d rather continue this tonight?”

“Okay, okay! I’m going!” Elise groaned. She was already turning to leave before Kaitlyn spoke, but the patronizing words made her even more frustrated with this whole situation.

She was so close. So close to the door, but then she heard Kaitlyn’s familiar voice behind her. “Say it properly?”


“I’m going to change, Miss Kaitlyn.”

And Elise rushed out the door. She didn’t want to argue or fight back against the rude girl. She just wanted to get these stupid tasks over with and get her things back. The flustered prefect stormed past the small group of girls in the common room, change of clothes in hand, paying no mind to their quizzical looks. All of them would know she was a prefect from one school activity or another, but she couldn’t worry about that familiarity right now. She was on a mission.

Each common room had a bathroom that connected to an adjoining hallway. Elise was quick to ‘escape’ the previous room, taking a minute to look around. No one at the sinks. All the stalls free. Thank goodness. Before her luck ran out, Elise slid into one of the stalls, not wanting one of the girls from the common room coming in to ask her anything.

Less than two hours until dinner.

After checking the time, Elise slid the phone into her dark gray blazer’s pocket, then shed the outer layer. Grateful for the hook on the back of the door, she carefully hung the blazer up, then got to work. The stall was a bit cramped for her taste, considering she could normally change in the comfort of her own room, or at least in the spaciousness of a locker room. But what choice did she have?

The blonde prefect started with the most difficult part. She pulled off the dark red checkered skirt and balanced herself as she slipped the fabric past her black flats. Careful not to let any part of the clothing touch the bathroom floor. Then she replaced it with Annie’s skirt, going through the same thorough process on the way back up. As expected, it was VERY short on her. Even without a mirror to reference, Elise could see how much of her thighs would be showing if it were spring time. She was beyond grateful that Edgewood allowed girls to wear leggings in the winter to go with their uniform.

Everything else was easier. She rested the skirt over the stall door and made short work of stripping off her white top and replacing it with the short brunette’s identical one. But it was only identical in color. Elise’s height made the shirt almost impossible to tuck in, and the sleeves didn’t even make it close to her wrists. Not to mention that Elise’s 34Bs made the already tight shirt a little tighter. Annie had to be a 30, or 32 at best. The top button was uncomfortably snug, so Elise chose to keep it undone. She used the tie to cover up the casual nature of the top bottom as best she could, then donned the dark gray blazer once more.

Finished with her task, Elise made quick work of hanging her skirt and top on the now empty hanger. She left the stall and paused at the mirror, wanting to know just how bad the smaller clothes looked on her.

‘Not awful,’ she thought to herself. The girls in the common room might not even notice. The tights, blazer, and tie all did a perfect job of covering up the skin that would have been far more obvious otherwise. But that was the only silver lining to go with how tight and uncomfortable the small clothes felt. The blonde prefect fidgeted with the outfit for a few seconds, adjusting what she could, then gave herself one last check in the mirror. Heading back towards the common room, she couldn’t help but think about a mildly concerning fact as she looked herself over in the mirror: This was only the first task.
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Re: The Prefect

Post by Mandraek »

Great Job!

Look forward to the rest!
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