Em-bare-ass-ing the babysitter. by Boy in Panties

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Em-bare-ass-ing the babysitter. by Boy in Panties

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Boy in Panties wrote: Em-bare-ass-ing the babysitter. by Boy in Panties

Em-bare-ass-ing the babysitter.

I remember when I was about 13 and was asked to watch my neighbors kids for the day while they was out. I wasn't exactly a baby sitter but was asked to keep an eye on them as the 12 year old daughter and the 10 year old boy could be a real handful and I was considered sensible and grown up for my age. I was supposed to go tell my mum if anything went wrong, so effectively a snitch that got $10 for my trouble.

I was sat out in their back garden with the boy playing football with his friend and the sister laid out on the grass reading a tween magazine getting some sun. She was in her a very short pure white sun dress and looked very pretty. She was only about a year younger than me but fairly tall compared to me being fairly short. I was playing Pokemon on my game boy sat on the decking. I remember looking up to quickly check everything was OK, the boys were playing football OK, and when I looked over Carol was still reading her magazine, however in her current position relative to me I could see straight up her dress allowing me a great view of her panties.

They were fairly big and were red with black poke-dots. I know they were quite childish and by no means sexy but at 13 this sent my heart racing, she carried on laying like that without realizing that with her knees raised and her legs slightly a part that she was giving me a great show. I should have been discreet and kept sneaking a peek but instead with my hormones raging I stared. Robby her brother must of at some point come over to get a drink and saw me starting, following my eye line he quickly realized I was perving on his sisters panties. "Pervert!" he shouted laughing. Carol quickly looked around and then noticed her dress had ridden up.

"Ye was perving on your panties" Laughed Robby pointing at me. Blood drained from my face as fear over took my, the shame of being caught was nearly as intense as the embarrassment Carol felt. She jumped up pulling her dress down and ran into the house. I felt terrible the last thing I had wanted was to upset her. I ran in after her but she had locked herself in the bathroom. I didn't know what to do but soon my attention was driven to the two boys near my age shouted my name from outside. Robert was on the other side of his chain link fence outside his garden. "get back in here now!" I shouted fearing him running off and me getting in even more big trouble. "Come over here then" he shouted back laughing.

I ran over and to my surprise was pushed up against it by his friend. Robert used my confusion to pull my arms through the fence. He had some of his Dad's Cable ties tied together and quickly fastened my arms tightly to the fence. I was stuck and would need to be cut out now as cable ties only closed one way. "Let me go!" I shouted "You'll be in big trouble!" Robby jumped back over the fence into his garden to admire his handy work "Nah, You'll be in big trouble for looking at my sisters knickers pervert" he laughed. I quickly shut up thinking of a way out the situation.

I struggled for a while but found myself totally stuck and vulnerable, I couldn't see what was going on behind me. I debated shouting for help but didn't want to get in trouble with what might happen if they told my mum I had been perving on Carol. After hanging around for a while I heard a feminine laugh and knew they had gone and gotten Carol. "So, you like looking at my sisters Knickers?" Laughed Robby flicking me on the back of the head causing me to crt out in pain. "No, I wasn't" I tried to lie but it was no good the other youths weren't having none of it. "Well I think it's only fair that we let her see your knickers" Bobby laughed pulling out the waste band of my jogging bottoms.

"Hay stop! Let me go!" I begged starting to panic. "Ooo nice panties" he laughed seeing my white briefs that could almost be panties. "Come Have a Look Carol!" he laughed! "Noo don't let her see!" I shouted really panicking now. I was already embarrassed as hell but now a pretty girl was looking down the back of my shorts at my embarrassingly kiddy undies. "aww how cute!" she laughed "I have a pair like them" she taunted me carrying on the joke that I was in girls underwear. "Don't let her look!" I cried out trying to thrash about but to no success. "Please let me go! You know they are boy's underwearll!" I shouted. Robby laughed even more at my distress. "Oh she can look all she wants, how long were you looking perv?" I didn't respond and to my horror Robby pulled my shorts all the way down to my ankles.

I quickly crossed my legs trying to stop him from removing them completely. It was Terrible hanging there with my undies on show, I knew Carol was getting a great look at my undies clad bottom. One of the other boys pulled my Tshirt up exposing my bare back and hooked it over my head. Now all my undies were on show. "let me take them all the way off or i'll also pull down your panties!" laughed Robby as he continued to fight with my shorts around my ankles. Carol was seriously laughing at the idea and suddenly my embarrassment seemed small compared to what could easily happen to me.

Reluctantly I allowed the young boy to fully remove my shorts, he even took my shoes and socks off too leaving me in just my undies from the waist down. "Please let me go!" I wanted to cry but didn't dare in front of the girl as this would have been a whole knew level of shame. "ooolala nice panties" Taunted Carol making me want to curl up and die. I couldn't believe what was happening, it would have been bad enough in a pair of dark boxers but my white underpants made it terrible. The boys then went to work on my Tshirt pulling it over my head fully so it was bunched up around my arms on the fence.

Now I was next to naked with just a small pair of undies protecting me. Being in just my undies in front of a pretty girl coupled with my earlier upskirt looking sent my hormones raging and soon I was sporting a tent in the front of my Undies that luckily no one had noticed. I tried to push up against the fence as much as I could and prayed they would let me go before it's discovery.

And then the spanking started, Robby started things off with a ping pong paddle, it hurt like and soon the other two had joined in, Robby's friend was using the other ping pong paddle and Carol was using a wooden spoon. They all had a good laugh as the swattered my bottom and legs causing me to 'dance' from the blows. I was crying now "No more please" I cried. "awww poor baby, how about I just use my hand" asked Carol sweetly by my ear. her proximity to my body and her breath on my naked neck sent shivers down my spine. "OK! yes please!" I begged not wanting to full pain to start again.

"On the bare bottom tho!" she giggled as I shook in shame. "No way, Pleaes no!" I cried. "Come on, I'll just pull them down a bit at the back, or would you rather the boys start again?" I was silent for a moment before forcing myself to whimper "Ok" the feel of her hand on my bare legs was intense and as she slowly pulled the fabric down reveling my bottom I had quickly devolved another unwanted boner. This time she spanked me with her hand but it wasn't too hard although it still stung from my very red bottom. I couldn't believe she was looking at my bare bottom and touching me. tears still ran down my face but now they where tears of shame. She purposefully kept her hand on a second with each whack getting a feel of my warm naked flesh, I was obviously the first naked boy she had ever seen and was curious as I would have been would the situation been reversed.

suddenly I was terrified of another possibility, I was getting very exited and soon might have a sticky accident. The boys where having a great laugh at my shame but quickly got bored now it was just Carol spanking me and it not being as hard as when they used the paddles. "Lets nuddy him, Sis" laughed Robby. Nuddy in our town meant totally stripping someone naked, it hadn't been done to anyone since we where like 6. The thought of it happening to me now was terrible but I couldn't stop it. Carol spanked me one last time her hand stopping on my left check as she turned to look at Robby. She obviously wanted this but didnt want to be the one to ask. She gave my bottom a playful squeeze before letting go. She grabbed my undies. "Nooo please don't" I cried and my hormones raged at how excitingly terrible this was. She tried to pull them down from the back but the waistband of my undies caught on my boner. "There not coming down" she complained. "Oh my god turn him around!" laughed Robby suddenly realizing the reason. "Nooo pleaes!!!" I cried. I wanted to threaten them but knew what would happen as everyone would find out about this! The boys grabbed me and turned me around until I was facing them.

My little undies did little to hide my tent. I was almost totally exposed and now I could see them I could see Carol starting straight at my barely hidden boner. "He's gotten a stiffy!" she laughed in delight. I wanted to die right then and the lads were laughing their heads off. Bobby stepped up to me with a massive grin on his face. Suddenly my mind went back to every time i had pantsed him or embarrassed him growing up. "Please no!" I begged as he grabbed my undies. "noodie him Bro, take his panties off" laughed Carol egging him on. Instead of lifting the waistband of my undies over my erection he simply pulled them down until it sprung out which made Carol gasp in shock and enjoyment. My undies quickly joined the rest of my clothes on the floor and suddenly I was butt naked with a boner at the mercy of two boys and a girl just younger than me. All this excitement and now being stood butt naked had left me near bursting. "eeew what's that white stuff?" Carol laughed pointing at my boner tip. "Oh my god it's pre-cum it means he's nearly gona cum!" laughed the other boy. "Oh my god really!" squeaked Carol "Ye if he gets any more exited he's going to!" laughed Bobby stepping back. I didn't even have the will to beg again I knew they weren't going to let me go.

The shame was intense but it was also the most sexually charged moment of my young life, i couldn't believe what was happening. The boys whispered about something and went running off inside. I was terrified of what they were going to do, but even worse was being left with Carol who was staring at my nudity drinking in the sight of my hard penis and exposed balls. "So if you get too exited your going to cum?" she asked. Shamed I nodded making her giggle. "even without touching it?" I looked up to see her staring at my grinning. "yes..." I said reluctantly totally red faced and humiliated by the situation and her probing questions. She laughed but for a moment looked deep in thought. Her cheeks turned scarlet and she bit her lip. Her hand went to the hem of her skirt and instantly I knew what she was going to do, the uncontrollable excitement burst inside of me and then she lifted her skirt showing me her knickers again. "noo.." i cried but then was lost in the moment and moaned as I squirted my shameful liquid all over the floor. She wasn't laughing but instead stood staring wide eyed as I shamed myself in the worst possible way in front of her. The boys quickly returned and realized what had happened. Carol left out the part of flashing me but told the boys in detail of me getting too exited. I wanted to die of shame then as the excitement wore off and my dick grew small and everything seemed that much worse and yet I was still stuck hanging there. They let me get re-dressed shortly afterwards and promised not to tell anyone on three conditions. 1- I made sure to baby sit them again. 2- I would give them my earned money each time and 3 - from now on when I looked after them I was their slave and had to do what ever they said. Lets just say their new rule involved me actually wearing panties. but thats a story for another time...
Amy wrote: Brilliant by Amy

Love your story! Would love to read more from you what ever your name is.
Janie wrote: Oh, I just remembered by Janie

I need someone to babysit me too, this weekend. Your just what I was looking for....... lol!!!!

Cute story!

luv, Janie
Jeepman89 wrote: More more more!!!! by Jeepman89

Let's hear more stories please! That was awesome.
James wrote: God, yes. More. by James

That was so ...ing HOT... I'd love to see it end with them raping him.
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Re: Em-bare-ass-ing the babysitter. by Boy in Panties

Post by Datom »

That was EXCELLENT! I felt humiliated right along with him!
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Re: Em-bare-ass-ing the babysitter. by Boy in Panties

Post by SDS »

Thanks, glad you liked it... was from many many years ago :D
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