penile development

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penile development

Post by dogearedboy »

As in my sph story of life with hubby,who has a small penis....I would add,that as with any muscle,it can be developed...Not in my experience with length, and i say that,after trying for a long time with a dr joel penis pump,and various pills and creams,making no difference at all,to poor hubby,who bless him,was as frustrated,as i was...

But confiding in a friend who is a practice nurse,she told me of a method to increase the size of the corona.....Its quite simple and believe me it works,it does take patience though...In Kevins case over two years,of every night following her instruction.......Get the thickest elastic band you can lay your hands on....tie it in a knot...get him hard,and force it over the head of the penis...The blood is trapped,and the corona is enlarged....keep him hard,with your hand,while your reading a book or watching tv.......After about an hour,take the band off...Do this every night,and within a month you will see a difference....The corona will be visibly larger...So much so that although his little penis,which is so small that it dosent hang but sticks straight out from his groin,has a head that wouldnt disgrace a 7 incher.... The ridge on ihe corona is about an eighth of an inch thick,enough to bring me to orgasm....
yours Carol.
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Re: penile development

Post by CinnabarSunset »

Huh! I'd kind of assumed that virtually all (non-surgical) penis enlargement tricks were bunk. The more you know.

Makes me wonder how your friend even knew about this trick, since I don't expect all that many men are specifically looking to thicken their coronas.
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