Willy's Upcumming Performance
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Willy's Upcumming Performance
(This is a collaborative story with DCTreshPender)
"William! William! Wake up William!" I heard as my mother began to shake me in an effort to get me to wake up. My eyes shot open trying to see what the whole commotion was all about, I quickly mumbled,
"...What?" As I turned, wondering what on earth was going on.
"William! We really need to get going, get in the shower and get ready! Remember, we need to pick and get you sized up for your costume!"
Crap yeah! In the upcoming two weeks I was meant to be in the school play. Up on stage in Roman attire. A toga of sorts. The school directed us to a special costume shop that had virtually anything and everything we could need for this play.
"Me and your sister will be downstairs waiting for you to get ready so we can go!"
I forgot that Cassie was tagging along, she started to act like a right pain recently so I hoped that that wasn't something I had to handle later on.
When mother left I quickly made my way to the shower, did my routine and was out. I'd have liked to have spent a bit of time dealing with a certain morning situation but I just didn't have the time. I didn't need someone barging in and asking me to hurry up and witness a different type of performance.
We made our way to the costume store when I had a very unfortunate realization. In my hastiness, I had forgotten the one thing I definitely should not have, my boxers. Yep, I was currently comando underneath my shorts, I just had to hope that there were changing rooms there.
When we got into the store it was instantly clear just how many options there were going to be, it didn't seem to be that big a store, but there were tons to select from. Me and Cassie started to look around as Mom spoke to the 30 or so year old woman manning the desk.
While looking at what options there were, Cassie decided it would be extremely funny to pick up a princess tutu and put it a foot away from my waist as if to suggest it would be a perfect fit for the play. She even gave them to me to hold while she went to grab her phone for a picture to where I instantly put them back on the rack she had found them on to her clear disappointment.
I stuck out my tongue and told her,
“Just because I am to be a ‘fairy’ doesn't mean I am playing a girl!”
She smiled even more stating,
“Oh my apologies O Fairy Godfather, how ever could I have forgotten you were clearly a boy! Perhaps we should get you one in blue?”
To this I slightly flipped her off and sadly was caught by mom who looked at me with squinted eyes and muttered,
“William, behave!”
From behind her the woman manning the till came, holding a bag of what could be described as a couple try on options for the given role I had. She smiled at me and with outstretched arms gave me the see through plastic bag with a bundle of costumes inside and stated.
“There you go young man…Now if you'd like to follow me to the changing rooms I will aid you in trying things on. “
Trying things on? But he had no underwear? Crap, of all days! Perhaps he could talk himself out of it? Perhaps he can talk himself into trying things on by himself. He doesn't want some random woman to see his junk, no way!
The changing rooms were standard looking. A mirror inside to see yourself and a blind of some sort, to keep eyes from peering inside.
“I can do this myself, I don't think I need any help!” I exclaimed in a false sense of confidence as I tried making my way inside.
That was when the woman's hand latched onto my arm and raised her voice in a soothing manner.
“Sir, we were sent costume requirements by your school and I carefully hand picked some of our best costumes for you to try on and for you and your family to decide on the best one. You will only be keeping one of them and because of that I don't want you to pick one you don't know how to put on correctly or at worst damage one of the costumes!”
“William, stop being difficult and just let the woman go with you! What's the issue?!” Mother shouted.
“Yeah Willy, just stop being difficult!” Cassie parroted.
I tried to formulate a reason why I couldn't, why this was going to be embarrassing. I couldn't tell them and in defeat I headed in with the woman in tow, at least she closed the curtain behind us.
The woman wasted no time in getting out the first costume and it was moving way too fast for me! I didn't know how to react or what to say. All I knew is I couldn't strip in front of her.
“Can I try the stuff with my shorts on?” I asked softly.
She looked at me like I was an idiot,
“What of course not, I even need to measure you for a snug fit, those shorts are way too baggy anyways. Now get them off please so we can start!”
I had to come clean, I had to tell her I didn't have any underwear on. That I couldn't go strip my shorts off. I hoped she would understand my plea.
“Oh…. I see… hmmm… No bother, no bother at all. Costumes in such a manner are actually better off and better fitting when the person wearing them has nothing else on underneath, everything will fit smug I assure you!”
With nothing at it, and no where to really hide in the cramped dressing room, I pulled my shorts down slowly. Revealing my bare pubis and slowly but slowly the root of my cock and balls. I took a big breath and quickly rolled them down and stepped out of them. The woman didn't even take her eyes off me and stared probably in confusion about the lack of pubes, but oh well. I quickly try to pry the costume out of her hands but that didn't work as she quickly got on her hands and knees and asked me to raise my foot so she could get the blue tights on. I was covering my crotch but she gave me the matching frilly shirt. I had no choice but to remove my hands, once again exposing myself, and put the shirt on. Even though I couldn't see her eyes on me, I could feel them and it didn't help that she had to add in.
“You are very endowed for a boy your age, but you look way younger there than I would have expected, do you shave? Judging from that red face, I assume you do!” she smirked as I blushed hard. I just wanted this day to end.
After I was snuggly in costume the woman got out her tape and did various measurements if my waist and such. Even tugging at the outfit. I even saw her measure my crotch, I wanted to say something about that but all she said was.
“Hmmm. 4.5 inches… Wow, that might be an issue!” So I guess she was acting somewhat in my best interest?
I wanted to view the mirror before stepping out, to see what condition I am in but I wasn't able to as the woman dragged me out back into the view of my mother and Cassie. I saw their eyes roam over my body which sent a quick shiver up and down my spine. I could even see Cassie stifling a laugh.
“What what do you ladies think? He's a handsome boy, right?” she smiled while giving my shoulder a pat.
“Ok, how about a twirl?”
So I did just that, I gave a spin, a slow spin. I even caught my front in the mirror provided and looked in shock. The tights were indeed tight. I could see my junk, the outline of my dick, my foreskin and both of my balls were in clear view. My mother and sister both saw that. I turned around wide eyed as my sister could no longer contain herself.
Mother didn't appreciate Cassie laughing at me but let it slide as she turned to the woman and said.
“That shirt is fine, but the tights look a bit… Constricting… Do you have any other types of bottoms for him?”
I looked down once again and looked in horror as I saw my dick starting to expand. I needed to run back in,so I did, brushing the woman's hand off of my arm and went into hiding before anyone noticed my predicament down below.
Lukcily the woman just took it as a sign that I agreed and laughed and followed me in stating,
“Oh of course, we will be back in a minute!”
Back inside the changing rooms I had a big developing dilema. What to do, I was getting more erect by the second and the woman was now fetching a different type of bottoms for me to wear. I couldnt let her see me in such a state, so I mentioned that I would take these bottoms and that would be that.
“What do you mean? Sir, even your mother agreed with you, I thought you ran into here looking to change into something else, why the full 180?”
I didn't know what to say as she started to roll down the tights. I was frozen. Trying to cover as she removed my hands. I couldn't fight it. I couldn't until…
She, with a lot of resistance finally got the tights down below my semi erection which jumped up slamming the woman in the chin, her lips and her nose before hovering horrizontal, pressing itselt against her nose.
She seemed shocked, I seemed shocked. Time seemed to pause for a full minute before she ignored it and went back down to rolling them off my feet. I was now bare again down there. And rapidly growing. By the time she had gotten out my other bottoms it was standing up, rigid and the head popped out of my foreskin on its own. It looked downright angry, veiny and seemed to bob with the beat of my heart. I was trembling as the woman's eyes looked into my own and a smile appeared along her face.
Before she put the bottoms on she once again pulled out her measuring tape, she brought it up to my cock and measured the length. I let her, what else was I supposed to do? 7.2 inches she read aloud. I wanted to curl up into a ball and run disappear, but that wasn't to happen. She raised my feet and slide up what I assumed were shorts at first. My boner once again nudged her in her face.
When the ‘shorts’ got rolled up, I realised just how bad it was. They weren't shorts. It was a similar kilt to the one that sister held up earlier. I thought it was a tutu but it wasn't. It was clearly more ‘masculine’ but none of that mattered as my skyward erection push it away and was completely visible. If I were soft it wouldn't have been bad, but completely commando and fully erected meant I had no chance.
“Please don't make me go out there like this!” I quietly begged the woman.
She seemed to be in thought, thinking how to proceed. That was when mother came outside asking what was taking so long.
I shook my head at the woman, eyes wide, as if begging her not to say but she couldn't delay it long.
“Oh just a problem!” She returned.
“Problem, so I need to come in there? Is everything ok?”
It was clear she didn't know what to say. If I had a problem, it was clear mother would need to know.
“Your son is… errr…your son is suffering a… Er… You son is suffering an erection, and it's very visible!”
My mother sounded dumbfounded, she didn't know what to say,
“Come out here now William!”
“Mom you are going to make him come outside, didn't you just hear what the woman said?!” Cassie giggled.
I tried to refute but mom just retorted by saying.
“Come out now William or I will make you come out myself!”
I lost the battle and awkwardly stepped out, sealing my fate. My mother and my sisters eyes shot wide open as they looked me up and down. No laughter, no noise, just shock. Cassie had to end up breaking the ice though, because of course she would.
“HAHA, MY BROTHER HAS A MASSIVE COCK!!” This earned her a slight whack from my mother to the back of her head.
I was bombarded with questions, how on earth I was here butt naked and such how I was displaying myself in such a manner infront of random people.
At least the woman stood up for me and told mom that it was actually better to wear the costumes while being bare underneath.
“We will take them all. Every costume you have in that bag we will take it all to excuse for my sons public display.”
I tried to say it wasn't my fault, even my erection had died down at this point.
Safe to say that my drive home was the most silent one I had ever experienced in my life.
"William! William! Wake up William!" I heard as my mother began to shake me in an effort to get me to wake up. My eyes shot open trying to see what the whole commotion was all about, I quickly mumbled,
"...What?" As I turned, wondering what on earth was going on.
"William! We really need to get going, get in the shower and get ready! Remember, we need to pick and get you sized up for your costume!"
Crap yeah! In the upcoming two weeks I was meant to be in the school play. Up on stage in Roman attire. A toga of sorts. The school directed us to a special costume shop that had virtually anything and everything we could need for this play.
"Me and your sister will be downstairs waiting for you to get ready so we can go!"
I forgot that Cassie was tagging along, she started to act like a right pain recently so I hoped that that wasn't something I had to handle later on.
When mother left I quickly made my way to the shower, did my routine and was out. I'd have liked to have spent a bit of time dealing with a certain morning situation but I just didn't have the time. I didn't need someone barging in and asking me to hurry up and witness a different type of performance.
We made our way to the costume store when I had a very unfortunate realization. In my hastiness, I had forgotten the one thing I definitely should not have, my boxers. Yep, I was currently comando underneath my shorts, I just had to hope that there were changing rooms there.
When we got into the store it was instantly clear just how many options there were going to be, it didn't seem to be that big a store, but there were tons to select from. Me and Cassie started to look around as Mom spoke to the 30 or so year old woman manning the desk.
While looking at what options there were, Cassie decided it would be extremely funny to pick up a princess tutu and put it a foot away from my waist as if to suggest it would be a perfect fit for the play. She even gave them to me to hold while she went to grab her phone for a picture to where I instantly put them back on the rack she had found them on to her clear disappointment.
I stuck out my tongue and told her,
“Just because I am to be a ‘fairy’ doesn't mean I am playing a girl!”
She smiled even more stating,
“Oh my apologies O Fairy Godfather, how ever could I have forgotten you were clearly a boy! Perhaps we should get you one in blue?”
To this I slightly flipped her off and sadly was caught by mom who looked at me with squinted eyes and muttered,
“William, behave!”
From behind her the woman manning the till came, holding a bag of what could be described as a couple try on options for the given role I had. She smiled at me and with outstretched arms gave me the see through plastic bag with a bundle of costumes inside and stated.
“There you go young man…Now if you'd like to follow me to the changing rooms I will aid you in trying things on. “
Trying things on? But he had no underwear? Crap, of all days! Perhaps he could talk himself out of it? Perhaps he can talk himself into trying things on by himself. He doesn't want some random woman to see his junk, no way!
The changing rooms were standard looking. A mirror inside to see yourself and a blind of some sort, to keep eyes from peering inside.
“I can do this myself, I don't think I need any help!” I exclaimed in a false sense of confidence as I tried making my way inside.
That was when the woman's hand latched onto my arm and raised her voice in a soothing manner.
“Sir, we were sent costume requirements by your school and I carefully hand picked some of our best costumes for you to try on and for you and your family to decide on the best one. You will only be keeping one of them and because of that I don't want you to pick one you don't know how to put on correctly or at worst damage one of the costumes!”
“William, stop being difficult and just let the woman go with you! What's the issue?!” Mother shouted.
“Yeah Willy, just stop being difficult!” Cassie parroted.
I tried to formulate a reason why I couldn't, why this was going to be embarrassing. I couldn't tell them and in defeat I headed in with the woman in tow, at least she closed the curtain behind us.
The woman wasted no time in getting out the first costume and it was moving way too fast for me! I didn't know how to react or what to say. All I knew is I couldn't strip in front of her.
“Can I try the stuff with my shorts on?” I asked softly.
She looked at me like I was an idiot,
“What of course not, I even need to measure you for a snug fit, those shorts are way too baggy anyways. Now get them off please so we can start!”
I had to come clean, I had to tell her I didn't have any underwear on. That I couldn't go strip my shorts off. I hoped she would understand my plea.
“Oh…. I see… hmmm… No bother, no bother at all. Costumes in such a manner are actually better off and better fitting when the person wearing them has nothing else on underneath, everything will fit smug I assure you!”
With nothing at it, and no where to really hide in the cramped dressing room, I pulled my shorts down slowly. Revealing my bare pubis and slowly but slowly the root of my cock and balls. I took a big breath and quickly rolled them down and stepped out of them. The woman didn't even take her eyes off me and stared probably in confusion about the lack of pubes, but oh well. I quickly try to pry the costume out of her hands but that didn't work as she quickly got on her hands and knees and asked me to raise my foot so she could get the blue tights on. I was covering my crotch but she gave me the matching frilly shirt. I had no choice but to remove my hands, once again exposing myself, and put the shirt on. Even though I couldn't see her eyes on me, I could feel them and it didn't help that she had to add in.
“You are very endowed for a boy your age, but you look way younger there than I would have expected, do you shave? Judging from that red face, I assume you do!” she smirked as I blushed hard. I just wanted this day to end.
After I was snuggly in costume the woman got out her tape and did various measurements if my waist and such. Even tugging at the outfit. I even saw her measure my crotch, I wanted to say something about that but all she said was.
“Hmmm. 4.5 inches… Wow, that might be an issue!” So I guess she was acting somewhat in my best interest?
I wanted to view the mirror before stepping out, to see what condition I am in but I wasn't able to as the woman dragged me out back into the view of my mother and Cassie. I saw their eyes roam over my body which sent a quick shiver up and down my spine. I could even see Cassie stifling a laugh.
“What what do you ladies think? He's a handsome boy, right?” she smiled while giving my shoulder a pat.
“Ok, how about a twirl?”
So I did just that, I gave a spin, a slow spin. I even caught my front in the mirror provided and looked in shock. The tights were indeed tight. I could see my junk, the outline of my dick, my foreskin and both of my balls were in clear view. My mother and sister both saw that. I turned around wide eyed as my sister could no longer contain herself.
Mother didn't appreciate Cassie laughing at me but let it slide as she turned to the woman and said.
“That shirt is fine, but the tights look a bit… Constricting… Do you have any other types of bottoms for him?”
I looked down once again and looked in horror as I saw my dick starting to expand. I needed to run back in,so I did, brushing the woman's hand off of my arm and went into hiding before anyone noticed my predicament down below.
Lukcily the woman just took it as a sign that I agreed and laughed and followed me in stating,
“Oh of course, we will be back in a minute!”
Back inside the changing rooms I had a big developing dilema. What to do, I was getting more erect by the second and the woman was now fetching a different type of bottoms for me to wear. I couldnt let her see me in such a state, so I mentioned that I would take these bottoms and that would be that.
“What do you mean? Sir, even your mother agreed with you, I thought you ran into here looking to change into something else, why the full 180?”
I didn't know what to say as she started to roll down the tights. I was frozen. Trying to cover as she removed my hands. I couldn't fight it. I couldn't until…
She, with a lot of resistance finally got the tights down below my semi erection which jumped up slamming the woman in the chin, her lips and her nose before hovering horrizontal, pressing itselt against her nose.
She seemed shocked, I seemed shocked. Time seemed to pause for a full minute before she ignored it and went back down to rolling them off my feet. I was now bare again down there. And rapidly growing. By the time she had gotten out my other bottoms it was standing up, rigid and the head popped out of my foreskin on its own. It looked downright angry, veiny and seemed to bob with the beat of my heart. I was trembling as the woman's eyes looked into my own and a smile appeared along her face.
Before she put the bottoms on she once again pulled out her measuring tape, she brought it up to my cock and measured the length. I let her, what else was I supposed to do? 7.2 inches she read aloud. I wanted to curl up into a ball and run disappear, but that wasn't to happen. She raised my feet and slide up what I assumed were shorts at first. My boner once again nudged her in her face.
When the ‘shorts’ got rolled up, I realised just how bad it was. They weren't shorts. It was a similar kilt to the one that sister held up earlier. I thought it was a tutu but it wasn't. It was clearly more ‘masculine’ but none of that mattered as my skyward erection push it away and was completely visible. If I were soft it wouldn't have been bad, but completely commando and fully erected meant I had no chance.
“Please don't make me go out there like this!” I quietly begged the woman.
She seemed to be in thought, thinking how to proceed. That was when mother came outside asking what was taking so long.
I shook my head at the woman, eyes wide, as if begging her not to say but she couldn't delay it long.
“Oh just a problem!” She returned.
“Problem, so I need to come in there? Is everything ok?”
It was clear she didn't know what to say. If I had a problem, it was clear mother would need to know.
“Your son is… errr…your son is suffering a… Er… You son is suffering an erection, and it's very visible!”
My mother sounded dumbfounded, she didn't know what to say,
“Come out here now William!”
“Mom you are going to make him come outside, didn't you just hear what the woman said?!” Cassie giggled.
I tried to refute but mom just retorted by saying.
“Come out now William or I will make you come out myself!”
I lost the battle and awkwardly stepped out, sealing my fate. My mother and my sisters eyes shot wide open as they looked me up and down. No laughter, no noise, just shock. Cassie had to end up breaking the ice though, because of course she would.
“HAHA, MY BROTHER HAS A MASSIVE COCK!!” This earned her a slight whack from my mother to the back of her head.
I was bombarded with questions, how on earth I was here butt naked and such how I was displaying myself in such a manner infront of random people.
At least the woman stood up for me and told mom that it was actually better to wear the costumes while being bare underneath.
“We will take them all. Every costume you have in that bag we will take it all to excuse for my sons public display.”
I tried to say it wasn't my fault, even my erection had died down at this point.
Safe to say that my drive home was the most silent one I had ever experienced in my life.
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
Ah sibling rivalry and a clueless parent, good combo. More to follow?
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
My collab partner will so the following chapter and it will alternate between us. Story is planned so I hope everyone will enjoy it (:.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
What a nice surprise to see a new story from you, Marble. An awesome start to this tale and I look forward to see what happens next.
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
If his performance gets big reviews, Willy might end up in a new prequel of Willy WONKA and the Chocolate Factory: Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Aphrodisiac, a story where a high school freshman gets all the girls high and naughty on Valentines Day.
Very good start to this story.
Chocolate Aphrodisiac, a story where a high school freshman gets all the girls high and naughty on Valentines Day.
Very good start to this story.
- Trundle
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
Fantastic to see a new story by Themarble, I'm a big fan. Really interesting idea for a collab.
Great start to the story, all the elements are there for something amazing. Annoying sister who seems to enjoy teasing the boy, Mom who doesn't seem to mind her son getting embarrassed and in fact orders him to embarrass himself like making him come out the changing room with the erection. Plus we have a big finale to look forward to with the play.
Can't wait for more.
Great start to the story, all the elements are there for something amazing. Annoying sister who seems to enjoy teasing the boy, Mom who doesn't seem to mind her son getting embarrassed and in fact orders him to embarrass himself like making him come out the changing room with the erection. Plus we have a big finale to look forward to with the play.
Can't wait for more.
- DCTreshPender
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
Part 2 
When we got home, I locked myself into my room for the rest of the day. The wall to my sister’s room was thin and I could hear her talking to her friends… about me.
My sister knew some of the hottest girls at school. And I was lying in bed, listening to her describe my body in excruciating detail.
‘It looked angry…’
‘It was as big as my arm…’
‘I couldn’t stop laughing…’
‘… and then the cashier looked me in the eyes. I was expecting the same admonishing look that I got from my mom, but she was smiling. It was like she was celebrating with me; I will never let him live this down!’
I couldn’t hear the responses, but that might have made it worse. The thought, that Sarah, the cute petite redhead, was imagining me standing in front of her with an exposed raging erection, made me hard.
Then there was Chloe, the most popular girl at school. She must have asked so many questions, because my sister just kept coming up with more details. I was just lying there, trapped in my imagination until mom called for dinner.
I had to look at my sister when we both exited our rooms. She was grinning. I felt like she knew what I was thinking, maybe she knew that I heard everything.
Then her gaze went straight down to the bulge in my pants. She mouthed an ‘Oh my god!’ as we walked towards the kitchen. I couldn’t think of a response.
My mother wasn’t that considerate.
‘Are you still running around with that thing sticking out like that? Or did you get another boner? I always thought that that was just an unfair stereotype with young men.’
‘Mooom….’ I just wanted a second of peace.
‘I think he was jerking off and you interrupted him!’ my sister blurted out.
Both me and my mom looked at her shocked.
‘Don’t say those words at the dinner table!’
Dinner was awkward and silent, and I didn’t really do anything else, except for staying up too late and fantasizing about Chloe.
I woke up tired and panicked. I felt my mom’s hands on my shoulders, shaking me. I felt the cold air all over my body.
I instinctively grabbed for my blanket, but it was all the way at the other end of the bed.
‘You have theater today, the teacher wanted to see everyone in costume. Get up already!’
‘I’m coming…’ I complained, reached all the way for the blanket and covered myself. My mom had just wandered into my room, saw me completely naked with morning wood, and decided to wake me up just like that.
‘Now!’ she screamed and pulled the blanket off me again. ‘Get dressed, get breakfast and get in the car, young man!’
There was no use in arguing. I stood up and saw my sister standing in the door. She stared at me, no eye contact.
I rushed to my wardrobe, opened the door and hid behind it. I grabbed random clothes and put them on.
‘What are you waiting for, do you want to go to theater too?’ I heard my mom ask my sister.
‘Do you think I could watch?’
Oh, absolutely. The teacher told me that she always wants at least some audience present, so the newcomers can get used to it. If you just stand by and watch, she will be happy to have you.
‘That’s great, thanks!’
‘Yeah, yeah, but don’t annoy the teacher. If you’re disrespectful she will kick you out in a heartbeat.’
‘I’ll behave,’ I felt her staring through the door at my dick.
On the long way to school I was just staring out of the window, trying to distract myself. I heard my sister texting up a storm. She was excited about something and wanted everyone to know.
‘Oh, William, you can head straight to the changing room, behind the stage,’ Ms. Maelstrom said.
She didn’t have to tell me twice. I immediately disappeared towards the changing room.
Finally, I had some time away from my mother and sister. I walked past the audience area, and nobody was here yet. I expected at least some people. Some of the other actors were on stage.
I learned why that was the case seconds later.
The changing room was just two classrooms put together. It was just a large rectangular room with some tables that had piles of clothes on them. One of the walls was floor to ceiling mirrors.
When I entered the room, I immediately ran into Sarah. She was standing next to two other girls, talking to Joey.
Joey and the girls looked me in the eyes, but Sarah’s gaze went back and forth between my face and my crotch. She was thinking about what my sister told her last night, and so was I.
‘Hey, William,’ they greeted me.
‘Hi, this is the changing room, right?’
‘Yeah, you can just walk to the other side and get dressed!’ Joey said. He pointed across the room, but there was nothing to cover me. No wall or curtain that could hide my nudity from the girls.
‘Uhm, where am I supposed to get dressed?’
‘Just anywhere, dude…’
At this point I gave up. I had my costume in a bag in my hand. I had maybe a few minutes before we had to go on stage and get our costumes evaluated. And my mom knew the teacher, if I delayed anything all hell would break loose.
I felt all three girls staring at me. They saw me take my shirt off. They saw me slowly unbutton my pants. They saw me hesitate, before I pulled down my pants. The tables kind of covered me. I stood behind a pile of clothes, maybe it censored everything from their perspective…
I decided to hurry up. I pulled off my underwear, and quickly grabbed the bag. Why didn’t I prepare my costume before getting naked? Too late.
‘Why did you strip fully naked?’ Joey asked. The group was walking towards me. They definitely saw my naked ass.
‘Oh my god…’ one of the girls whispered.
‘Leave him alone, Joey. He’s just getting dressed,’ Sarah said. I looked at her, trying to thank her with my eyes. But Sarah was just staring right at my exposed dick. She was like mesmerized.
The other two girls were giggling, red-faced, whispering to each other, and Joey made a point of turning away from me and looking in the opposite direction.
Because of the nervousness I was fumbling with my costume. My mind was fully focused on Sarah. My dick too! I felt myself getting hard.
When I found the right orientation of the Toga, I slipped it over my head. I pulled on it a few times to get it lower and to make it sit right but there was a problem.
‘Is that how they wore it back in the day?’ One of the girls asked and laughed. She pointed at my half-erect dick which pointed back at her.
‘It’s a toga. We went to a specialist’s shop for it…’ I tried to defend myself. I pulled more on the cloth but there was no way I could cover myself. Joey just left without saying a word. I felt betrayed, but I couldn’t blame him.
‘Ah, you’re already dressed, good,’ I heard my mom from the door. ‘Come out when you’re ready. Just walk directly on stage,’ she added and left. My sister on the other hand, saw my predicament and ran through the room. Right after my mom closed the door again, she started.
‘I told you! My bro is huge! Look at that thing! And you didn’t believe me!’
‘Cassie, shut up, you’re embarrassing him!’ Sarah tried to be discreet.
‘If anything, he’s embarrassing me. Standing here, with his huge cock, pointing it at people. Showing off like a pervert,’ she laughed.
‘I have to go…’ I wanted to disappear, but this was the next best thing, I hoped.
‘Of course,’ Sarah said, smiled at me and the girls split up, making way for me to walk past them. All four stared at my erection and then at my ass.
The walk from the changing room to the stage was short. Way too short for me to calm my situation down, and I didn’t have time to disappear to the bathroom for a few minutes.
The stage light blinded me for a moment.
‘Ah, there you are William!’ the theater teacher said. She was very charming, and always had a smile on her face. With her it was easy to understand what stage presence and charisma meant.
‘A toga, so you went with my suggestion, how nice,’ she approached me on stage. She looked me up and down, touching the toga here and there, pulling and pinching it.
‘It’s a bit loose…’ an assistant handed her a belt. She pulled the toga up a bit and fastened the belt around my waist.
‘There! Just a little adjustment and it’ll be perfect. You’re just going to have to avoid this during the play,’ she said and grabbed my dick. It wasn’t a tap, or a point with contact, my theater teacher just grabbed my dick.
‘Are you listening William?’ she sounded stern.
‘Ah, yes!’
‘What did I just say?’
‘Avoid the… thing.’
‘And what else?’ her hand was still there. I felt my dick strain against her tight grip.
‘You’re going to have to tighten the toga around the waist, so it sits a bit higher. Although your penis is the bigger problem…’
‘ -Bigger- problem!’ I heard my sister emphasize the word from the crowd. She was sitting right next to Sarah and the other two girls. My mom was two rows further in front, writing things down in a notebook.
‘Quiet in the audience! There is either applause or silence!’ Her hand swung my erection around for emphasis.
‘As I was saying, your penis can’t be hard during the show. It would draw attention away from the acting. And everyone is working hard for this show.’
‘-Hard-’ my sister whispered, and the girls giggled again.
‘Ok, everyone is late today, but I think I saw Chloe run around earlier. Next!’ the teacher shouted towards the changing room.
Then Chloe came on stage. The most beautiful girl at school. She was wearing a toga as well, only hers was longer. And she didn’t have an angry erection lifting it up. But she still looked nervous. Why would she be nervous? She was the most popular girl at school.
She mouthed a ‘Hi!’ to me and I responded awkwardly. She was red-faced.
‘Ok, Chloe, stand over there, next to William,’ the teacher said.
‘Ok,’ Chloe responded, she also got blinded by the stage light, and as she looked into the audience she stumbled.
She fell over and grabbed for something to hold on to. Instinctively, I reached out to catch her fall. I felt her cold hand squeeze my dick. Then her warm face slammed into the tip of it. My hands had grabbed her waist but slid upwards and over breasts. For a moment I felt Chloe’s soft breasts.
‘Are you ok?’ the teacher stormed across the stage.
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry,’ Chloe stammered. But she wasn’t talking to me. She was looking at the teacher, embarrassed and afraid. She didn’t acknowledge her hand at the base of my dick. She didn’t remove her cheek from my erection.
My sister was crying laughing in the audience. I saw Sarah’s shocked face, staring at me. My mother was angry.
It felt like an eternity before something brought her back to reality.
‘I think you should let go of his penis…’ the teacher suggested.
‘Huh?’ Chloe looked at my dick. I felt her breath against it. I saw it throbbing and jumping in her hand. I was breathing hard at this point. I remembered that, for a moment I had felt Chloes breasts.
‘Let go of my brother’s huge cock, Chloe!’ my sister shouted from the audience. My mom turned around and admonished her.
At least something. At least my mom wouldn’t see what came next.
‘Oh my god, I’m sorry.’
But it was too late. Chloe aimed it away from her face at the last second. And I started coming.
A long white rope landed on my teacher’s thigh, before Chloe adjusted her aim again. She jumped up and away from me, and both of them watched up close as burst after burst came shooting out of my dick.
I heard my sister practically dying, the two girls and Sarah couldn’t hold back either. My mother stood up and shimmied through the seats, to get to the stage.
‘That’s fine, William. Don’t worry. We make mistakes during exercises, so we don’t make them during the big performance!’ My teacher tried to comfort me.
My mom quickly dragged me off stage and into the changing room. We had received the comments on how to improve the costume, that’s all that mattered to her.

When we got home, I locked myself into my room for the rest of the day. The wall to my sister’s room was thin and I could hear her talking to her friends… about me.
My sister knew some of the hottest girls at school. And I was lying in bed, listening to her describe my body in excruciating detail.
‘It looked angry…’
‘It was as big as my arm…’
‘I couldn’t stop laughing…’
‘… and then the cashier looked me in the eyes. I was expecting the same admonishing look that I got from my mom, but she was smiling. It was like she was celebrating with me; I will never let him live this down!’
I couldn’t hear the responses, but that might have made it worse. The thought, that Sarah, the cute petite redhead, was imagining me standing in front of her with an exposed raging erection, made me hard.
Then there was Chloe, the most popular girl at school. She must have asked so many questions, because my sister just kept coming up with more details. I was just lying there, trapped in my imagination until mom called for dinner.
I had to look at my sister when we both exited our rooms. She was grinning. I felt like she knew what I was thinking, maybe she knew that I heard everything.
Then her gaze went straight down to the bulge in my pants. She mouthed an ‘Oh my god!’ as we walked towards the kitchen. I couldn’t think of a response.
My mother wasn’t that considerate.
‘Are you still running around with that thing sticking out like that? Or did you get another boner? I always thought that that was just an unfair stereotype with young men.’
‘Mooom….’ I just wanted a second of peace.
‘I think he was jerking off and you interrupted him!’ my sister blurted out.
Both me and my mom looked at her shocked.
‘Don’t say those words at the dinner table!’
Dinner was awkward and silent, and I didn’t really do anything else, except for staying up too late and fantasizing about Chloe.
I woke up tired and panicked. I felt my mom’s hands on my shoulders, shaking me. I felt the cold air all over my body.
I instinctively grabbed for my blanket, but it was all the way at the other end of the bed.
‘You have theater today, the teacher wanted to see everyone in costume. Get up already!’
‘I’m coming…’ I complained, reached all the way for the blanket and covered myself. My mom had just wandered into my room, saw me completely naked with morning wood, and decided to wake me up just like that.
‘Now!’ she screamed and pulled the blanket off me again. ‘Get dressed, get breakfast and get in the car, young man!’
There was no use in arguing. I stood up and saw my sister standing in the door. She stared at me, no eye contact.
I rushed to my wardrobe, opened the door and hid behind it. I grabbed random clothes and put them on.
‘What are you waiting for, do you want to go to theater too?’ I heard my mom ask my sister.
‘Do you think I could watch?’
Oh, absolutely. The teacher told me that she always wants at least some audience present, so the newcomers can get used to it. If you just stand by and watch, she will be happy to have you.
‘That’s great, thanks!’
‘Yeah, yeah, but don’t annoy the teacher. If you’re disrespectful she will kick you out in a heartbeat.’
‘I’ll behave,’ I felt her staring through the door at my dick.
On the long way to school I was just staring out of the window, trying to distract myself. I heard my sister texting up a storm. She was excited about something and wanted everyone to know.
‘Oh, William, you can head straight to the changing room, behind the stage,’ Ms. Maelstrom said.
She didn’t have to tell me twice. I immediately disappeared towards the changing room.
Finally, I had some time away from my mother and sister. I walked past the audience area, and nobody was here yet. I expected at least some people. Some of the other actors were on stage.
I learned why that was the case seconds later.
The changing room was just two classrooms put together. It was just a large rectangular room with some tables that had piles of clothes on them. One of the walls was floor to ceiling mirrors.
When I entered the room, I immediately ran into Sarah. She was standing next to two other girls, talking to Joey.
Joey and the girls looked me in the eyes, but Sarah’s gaze went back and forth between my face and my crotch. She was thinking about what my sister told her last night, and so was I.
‘Hey, William,’ they greeted me.
‘Hi, this is the changing room, right?’
‘Yeah, you can just walk to the other side and get dressed!’ Joey said. He pointed across the room, but there was nothing to cover me. No wall or curtain that could hide my nudity from the girls.
‘Uhm, where am I supposed to get dressed?’
‘Just anywhere, dude…’
At this point I gave up. I had my costume in a bag in my hand. I had maybe a few minutes before we had to go on stage and get our costumes evaluated. And my mom knew the teacher, if I delayed anything all hell would break loose.
I felt all three girls staring at me. They saw me take my shirt off. They saw me slowly unbutton my pants. They saw me hesitate, before I pulled down my pants. The tables kind of covered me. I stood behind a pile of clothes, maybe it censored everything from their perspective…
I decided to hurry up. I pulled off my underwear, and quickly grabbed the bag. Why didn’t I prepare my costume before getting naked? Too late.
‘Why did you strip fully naked?’ Joey asked. The group was walking towards me. They definitely saw my naked ass.
‘Oh my god…’ one of the girls whispered.
‘Leave him alone, Joey. He’s just getting dressed,’ Sarah said. I looked at her, trying to thank her with my eyes. But Sarah was just staring right at my exposed dick. She was like mesmerized.
The other two girls were giggling, red-faced, whispering to each other, and Joey made a point of turning away from me and looking in the opposite direction.
Because of the nervousness I was fumbling with my costume. My mind was fully focused on Sarah. My dick too! I felt myself getting hard.
When I found the right orientation of the Toga, I slipped it over my head. I pulled on it a few times to get it lower and to make it sit right but there was a problem.
‘Is that how they wore it back in the day?’ One of the girls asked and laughed. She pointed at my half-erect dick which pointed back at her.
‘It’s a toga. We went to a specialist’s shop for it…’ I tried to defend myself. I pulled more on the cloth but there was no way I could cover myself. Joey just left without saying a word. I felt betrayed, but I couldn’t blame him.
‘Ah, you’re already dressed, good,’ I heard my mom from the door. ‘Come out when you’re ready. Just walk directly on stage,’ she added and left. My sister on the other hand, saw my predicament and ran through the room. Right after my mom closed the door again, she started.
‘I told you! My bro is huge! Look at that thing! And you didn’t believe me!’
‘Cassie, shut up, you’re embarrassing him!’ Sarah tried to be discreet.
‘If anything, he’s embarrassing me. Standing here, with his huge cock, pointing it at people. Showing off like a pervert,’ she laughed.
‘I have to go…’ I wanted to disappear, but this was the next best thing, I hoped.
‘Of course,’ Sarah said, smiled at me and the girls split up, making way for me to walk past them. All four stared at my erection and then at my ass.
The walk from the changing room to the stage was short. Way too short for me to calm my situation down, and I didn’t have time to disappear to the bathroom for a few minutes.
The stage light blinded me for a moment.
‘Ah, there you are William!’ the theater teacher said. She was very charming, and always had a smile on her face. With her it was easy to understand what stage presence and charisma meant.
‘A toga, so you went with my suggestion, how nice,’ she approached me on stage. She looked me up and down, touching the toga here and there, pulling and pinching it.
‘It’s a bit loose…’ an assistant handed her a belt. She pulled the toga up a bit and fastened the belt around my waist.
‘There! Just a little adjustment and it’ll be perfect. You’re just going to have to avoid this during the play,’ she said and grabbed my dick. It wasn’t a tap, or a point with contact, my theater teacher just grabbed my dick.
‘Are you listening William?’ she sounded stern.
‘Ah, yes!’
‘What did I just say?’
‘Avoid the… thing.’
‘And what else?’ her hand was still there. I felt my dick strain against her tight grip.
‘You’re going to have to tighten the toga around the waist, so it sits a bit higher. Although your penis is the bigger problem…’
‘ -Bigger- problem!’ I heard my sister emphasize the word from the crowd. She was sitting right next to Sarah and the other two girls. My mom was two rows further in front, writing things down in a notebook.
‘Quiet in the audience! There is either applause or silence!’ Her hand swung my erection around for emphasis.
‘As I was saying, your penis can’t be hard during the show. It would draw attention away from the acting. And everyone is working hard for this show.’
‘-Hard-’ my sister whispered, and the girls giggled again.
‘Ok, everyone is late today, but I think I saw Chloe run around earlier. Next!’ the teacher shouted towards the changing room.
Then Chloe came on stage. The most beautiful girl at school. She was wearing a toga as well, only hers was longer. And she didn’t have an angry erection lifting it up. But she still looked nervous. Why would she be nervous? She was the most popular girl at school.
She mouthed a ‘Hi!’ to me and I responded awkwardly. She was red-faced.
‘Ok, Chloe, stand over there, next to William,’ the teacher said.
‘Ok,’ Chloe responded, she also got blinded by the stage light, and as she looked into the audience she stumbled.
She fell over and grabbed for something to hold on to. Instinctively, I reached out to catch her fall. I felt her cold hand squeeze my dick. Then her warm face slammed into the tip of it. My hands had grabbed her waist but slid upwards and over breasts. For a moment I felt Chloe’s soft breasts.
‘Are you ok?’ the teacher stormed across the stage.
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry,’ Chloe stammered. But she wasn’t talking to me. She was looking at the teacher, embarrassed and afraid. She didn’t acknowledge her hand at the base of my dick. She didn’t remove her cheek from my erection.
My sister was crying laughing in the audience. I saw Sarah’s shocked face, staring at me. My mother was angry.
It felt like an eternity before something brought her back to reality.
‘I think you should let go of his penis…’ the teacher suggested.
‘Huh?’ Chloe looked at my dick. I felt her breath against it. I saw it throbbing and jumping in her hand. I was breathing hard at this point. I remembered that, for a moment I had felt Chloes breasts.
‘Let go of my brother’s huge cock, Chloe!’ my sister shouted from the audience. My mom turned around and admonished her.
At least something. At least my mom wouldn’t see what came next.
‘Oh my god, I’m sorry.’
But it was too late. Chloe aimed it away from her face at the last second. And I started coming.
A long white rope landed on my teacher’s thigh, before Chloe adjusted her aim again. She jumped up and away from me, and both of them watched up close as burst after burst came shooting out of my dick.
I heard my sister practically dying, the two girls and Sarah couldn’t hold back either. My mother stood up and shimmied through the seats, to get to the stage.
‘That’s fine, William. Don’t worry. We make mistakes during exercises, so we don’t make them during the big performance!’ My teacher tried to comfort me.
My mom quickly dragged me off stage and into the changing room. We had received the comments on how to improve the costume, that’s all that mattered to her.
- Trundle
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
Oh wow things escalating quickly already!
Poor William already ejaculating on stage in front of the cast, his Mom and sister! How on earth will he recover from this? Will he be too embarrassed to go back to school? Will he refuse to leave his bedroom? Will his Mom get angry at him? So many questions.
His Teacher seemed very understanding but I get the impression his Mom won't be. Her reaction to all this will be amazing i'm sure.
Really loving the sister character btw. Keep it up!
Poor William already ejaculating on stage in front of the cast, his Mom and sister! How on earth will he recover from this? Will he be too embarrassed to go back to school? Will he refuse to leave his bedroom? Will his Mom get angry at him? So many questions.
His Teacher seemed very understanding but I get the impression his Mom won't be. Her reaction to all this will be amazing i'm sure.
Really loving the sister character btw. Keep it up!
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
Amazing story so far. I Agree that the sister is a fantastic character.
After that "accident" on stage I wonder if his mother might think something is wrong with him and take him to the school nurse for a humiliating exam... with his sister tagging along ofcource
But I'm sure whatever you have planned next is going to be great. keep up the great writing!
After that "accident" on stage I wonder if his mother might think something is wrong with him and take him to the school nurse for a humiliating exam... with his sister tagging along ofcource

But I'm sure whatever you have planned next is going to be great. keep up the great writing!
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Re: Willy's Upcumming Performance
Part 3
When I got home and finally processed everything that had happened to me during the school costume try out, I couldn't believe it. Even when I thought about everything, I could believe it.
After I was dragged from the stage, dripping cum from my dick, I wasn't allowed to put anything on. I was so embarrassed but my mother just grabbed the remainder of my clothes in a bundle, and walked me down the school hallway. Cassie tagged along, wide eyed and muttering.
“Willy! You really just… you just… you shot it everywhere! Mom, did you not see?!” Cassie exclaimed.
“Of course I saw what happened, Willy seems to like this play very much and with this we should make sure he likes it even more!” Mom stated, notebook raised in her hand.
Cassie was brimming with glee at that, grabbing her phone and proceeding to type to what I would have assumed was Chloe or Sarah. I was dragged through the hallway with only one thing that somewhat salvaged the whole experience and that was that no one was around on the way to our car, so no one else could have seen my semi erection dripping as we made our way.
As soon as we got home I got into the shower and didn't even go down for dinner, I just passed out in my bed, butt naked and trying to forget what had just occurred. Little did I know what changes my own mother had in store for my costume.
I found myself being woken up in a haze, slowly coming to and hearing the soft mumbling of two girls, figuring I was still in a dream. I lay feeling safe but as the voices got more giddy I started to realize just what on earth was happening.
“It looks ever angrier up close!” I could hear Cassie whisper.
“Jeez, is your bro just a perv then?” Chloe returned in a hushed tone
“That thing keeps moving!”
I suddenly came to, looking at my uncovered body, my sister and her friend at either side of me, lying down, just staring at my cock with their faces just mere inches away from it, there were stari. I quickly sat up while they were laughing at my bad attempt to cover up.
“Oh don't even bother bro, we just stared at it for the past 10 minutes!” Cassie smirked.
I knew she was right and the cover wasn't helping regardless, my junk was clearly able to be seen so I dropped my hands and the girls of course had to laugh at my expense as I did so. I noticed my phone buzzed with a message from Joey, at my side table but I couldn't get to it, I could only see briefly and it was titled,
“New Solo Act!”
I was curious but had a different matter on hand, the girls told me that I was expected to go down and try on the adjustments mom made to my toga, I tried to look for something to put on, to cover my throbbing morning wood but the girls seemed dead set on preventing that by pulling me by my arms while Cassie stated,
“Willy! Mom and us have already seen your angry boner so you don't need to hide it, plus remember what the cashier said!”
Both girls were giggling, staring as my veiny erection wobbled and pulsed as we made our way, I tried to break free to at least grab a towel which seemed to annoy the girls as instead of taking me down the stairs by my hands, they each took one of their hands and wrapped them around my shaft, my sisters hand on top. I could believe it, my eyes must've been wide as the girls laughed and started to drag me down at a fast enough speed that we were sort of stomping down.
Each stomp caused their hands to travel up and down my shaft, both of them essentially jerking me off. I wouldn't have minded if it were just Chloe's hand on me and we were alone, but why on earth did Cassie have to put her hand on too! The pleasure was immeasurable and I felt I was going to orgasm before we even finished the journey down.
“Cassie your bro is as hard as a rock right now, try and squeeze it!” Chloe giggled, squeezing the base of my shaft.
“God, I can't believe it's big enough and then some for us to have both hands on it, some ‘little’ brother you have!”
“Oh he's massive alright, he's only 14 so I imagined it's going to get bigger, imagine in two years when he's at our age, that is why he can't hide it anymore. Let's just say our next slumber party will be a big one!”
I could believe what I was hearing, I was so glad we made it to the bottom of the stairs as I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was panting hard when they took their hands off, leaving my dick lurching for just a touch longer, enough to squirt out my cum.
“Cass, your brother was about to cum again, I swear, look!” Chloe pointed at Cassie's hand where there was a webbing of precum in between her fingers.
“Should we just finish him off? I accidentally did it yesterday, I mean I wouldn't mind doing it again…”
Cassie devilishly grinned while shaking her head to indicate no as both girls smiled at each other as I was brought into the kitchen where I assumed mom was.
Stepping in I declared,
“Good Morning Mom!” trying to act as if everything was indeed normal, and my mother did turn her head from the coffee she was making to return the greeting, but there was another greeting I didn't expect to hear.
“Good morning William, it has been a while hasn't it, and it seems you did grow! Quite a lot!” Auntie exclaimed, in a cheery manner, as anxiety took a hold of me.
“Seems you are happy to be naked in front of our eyes, very happy indeed!” She peered down and I followed suit to see my boner was now emitting precum, quite heavily.
I got scared and tried to bolt out of the room only to bump right into my younger cousin Kayla and we both toppled over, when I came to I tried to pull myself up, onto my knees. It worked but had the negative consequence of dragging my dick across her chest,slowly putting my cock right in front of her face as the skin was pulled back to show off my purpled knobhead. I was in shock and I couldn't imagine how she felt with the intimidating thing in front of her. I felt her exhale as her eyes shot open wide. Everyone had started to gather around by now and the pleasure of the hot breath against my cock was getting too much and I exclaimed.
“NOOOOO! I'M GONNA CUM!” As I felt the bubbling upwards of my sperm making its way, if I wasn't helped this was going to be a load and a half, and all I and my thirteen year old cousin could do was watch as my cock was preparing itself to spew it all over her face. I felt four hands under my arms as I was lifted up like a toddler, mom and aunt dragging me up as my erection lurched pulsed and even let out a white little bubble at the very top. My orgasm was prematurely stopped, but technically a bit came out. If only a little bit so it was clear just how close I was to the edge.
“Seems you have a bit of an issue controlling yourself, Willy, typical for a boy your age I guess.” Auntie said in a disappointed manner as the room fell silent. Allowing my cousin's exclamation of awe to be all that more prevalent.
Everyone had seen me nude now, everyone had seen me hard. It wasn't even as though my aunt and cousin were surprised at my nudity, just my erection. Mom must have told them a lot. A lot a lot.
Mom had gotten out the new and improved toga and started to slip it on as everyone stared at me, mostly at my crotch though. I wanted to wipe the cum bubble but wasn't presented an opportunity to yet.
The toga was tight and during the struggle mother was accidentally nudging my overstimulated boner to and fro. Getting a grunting reaction from myself as each time I felt a near orgasmu experience approaching. I tried to complain but mother shushed me saying I was being a brat.
When the costume was finally out on successfully I had a view down. My cock still looked at me, the toga was tighter. It was more like a slightly oversized, skin tight shirt which parted to show my belly button, my pubis and my cock. I asked for the other part of the costume but mother said that this was it! I must've looked dumbfounded as everyone laughed.
I was going to be naked on that stage at this rate! Not that I already basically wasn't…
When I got home and finally processed everything that had happened to me during the school costume try out, I couldn't believe it. Even when I thought about everything, I could believe it.
After I was dragged from the stage, dripping cum from my dick, I wasn't allowed to put anything on. I was so embarrassed but my mother just grabbed the remainder of my clothes in a bundle, and walked me down the school hallway. Cassie tagged along, wide eyed and muttering.
“Willy! You really just… you just… you shot it everywhere! Mom, did you not see?!” Cassie exclaimed.
“Of course I saw what happened, Willy seems to like this play very much and with this we should make sure he likes it even more!” Mom stated, notebook raised in her hand.
Cassie was brimming with glee at that, grabbing her phone and proceeding to type to what I would have assumed was Chloe or Sarah. I was dragged through the hallway with only one thing that somewhat salvaged the whole experience and that was that no one was around on the way to our car, so no one else could have seen my semi erection dripping as we made our way.
As soon as we got home I got into the shower and didn't even go down for dinner, I just passed out in my bed, butt naked and trying to forget what had just occurred. Little did I know what changes my own mother had in store for my costume.
I found myself being woken up in a haze, slowly coming to and hearing the soft mumbling of two girls, figuring I was still in a dream. I lay feeling safe but as the voices got more giddy I started to realize just what on earth was happening.
“It looks ever angrier up close!” I could hear Cassie whisper.
“Jeez, is your bro just a perv then?” Chloe returned in a hushed tone
“That thing keeps moving!”
I suddenly came to, looking at my uncovered body, my sister and her friend at either side of me, lying down, just staring at my cock with their faces just mere inches away from it, there were stari. I quickly sat up while they were laughing at my bad attempt to cover up.
“Oh don't even bother bro, we just stared at it for the past 10 minutes!” Cassie smirked.
I knew she was right and the cover wasn't helping regardless, my junk was clearly able to be seen so I dropped my hands and the girls of course had to laugh at my expense as I did so. I noticed my phone buzzed with a message from Joey, at my side table but I couldn't get to it, I could only see briefly and it was titled,
“New Solo Act!”
I was curious but had a different matter on hand, the girls told me that I was expected to go down and try on the adjustments mom made to my toga, I tried to look for something to put on, to cover my throbbing morning wood but the girls seemed dead set on preventing that by pulling me by my arms while Cassie stated,
“Willy! Mom and us have already seen your angry boner so you don't need to hide it, plus remember what the cashier said!”
Both girls were giggling, staring as my veiny erection wobbled and pulsed as we made our way, I tried to break free to at least grab a towel which seemed to annoy the girls as instead of taking me down the stairs by my hands, they each took one of their hands and wrapped them around my shaft, my sisters hand on top. I could believe it, my eyes must've been wide as the girls laughed and started to drag me down at a fast enough speed that we were sort of stomping down.
Each stomp caused their hands to travel up and down my shaft, both of them essentially jerking me off. I wouldn't have minded if it were just Chloe's hand on me and we were alone, but why on earth did Cassie have to put her hand on too! The pleasure was immeasurable and I felt I was going to orgasm before we even finished the journey down.
“Cassie your bro is as hard as a rock right now, try and squeeze it!” Chloe giggled, squeezing the base of my shaft.
“God, I can't believe it's big enough and then some for us to have both hands on it, some ‘little’ brother you have!”
“Oh he's massive alright, he's only 14 so I imagined it's going to get bigger, imagine in two years when he's at our age, that is why he can't hide it anymore. Let's just say our next slumber party will be a big one!”
I could believe what I was hearing, I was so glad we made it to the bottom of the stairs as I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was panting hard when they took their hands off, leaving my dick lurching for just a touch longer, enough to squirt out my cum.
“Cass, your brother was about to cum again, I swear, look!” Chloe pointed at Cassie's hand where there was a webbing of precum in between her fingers.
“Should we just finish him off? I accidentally did it yesterday, I mean I wouldn't mind doing it again…”
Cassie devilishly grinned while shaking her head to indicate no as both girls smiled at each other as I was brought into the kitchen where I assumed mom was.
Stepping in I declared,
“Good Morning Mom!” trying to act as if everything was indeed normal, and my mother did turn her head from the coffee she was making to return the greeting, but there was another greeting I didn't expect to hear.
“Good morning William, it has been a while hasn't it, and it seems you did grow! Quite a lot!” Auntie exclaimed, in a cheery manner, as anxiety took a hold of me.
“Seems you are happy to be naked in front of our eyes, very happy indeed!” She peered down and I followed suit to see my boner was now emitting precum, quite heavily.
I got scared and tried to bolt out of the room only to bump right into my younger cousin Kayla and we both toppled over, when I came to I tried to pull myself up, onto my knees. It worked but had the negative consequence of dragging my dick across her chest,slowly putting my cock right in front of her face as the skin was pulled back to show off my purpled knobhead. I was in shock and I couldn't imagine how she felt with the intimidating thing in front of her. I felt her exhale as her eyes shot open wide. Everyone had started to gather around by now and the pleasure of the hot breath against my cock was getting too much and I exclaimed.
“NOOOOO! I'M GONNA CUM!” As I felt the bubbling upwards of my sperm making its way, if I wasn't helped this was going to be a load and a half, and all I and my thirteen year old cousin could do was watch as my cock was preparing itself to spew it all over her face. I felt four hands under my arms as I was lifted up like a toddler, mom and aunt dragging me up as my erection lurched pulsed and even let out a white little bubble at the very top. My orgasm was prematurely stopped, but technically a bit came out. If only a little bit so it was clear just how close I was to the edge.
“Seems you have a bit of an issue controlling yourself, Willy, typical for a boy your age I guess.” Auntie said in a disappointed manner as the room fell silent. Allowing my cousin's exclamation of awe to be all that more prevalent.
Everyone had seen me nude now, everyone had seen me hard. It wasn't even as though my aunt and cousin were surprised at my nudity, just my erection. Mom must have told them a lot. A lot a lot.
Mom had gotten out the new and improved toga and started to slip it on as everyone stared at me, mostly at my crotch though. I wanted to wipe the cum bubble but wasn't presented an opportunity to yet.
The toga was tight and during the struggle mother was accidentally nudging my overstimulated boner to and fro. Getting a grunting reaction from myself as each time I felt a near orgasmu experience approaching. I tried to complain but mother shushed me saying I was being a brat.
When the costume was finally out on successfully I had a view down. My cock still looked at me, the toga was tighter. It was more like a slightly oversized, skin tight shirt which parted to show my belly button, my pubis and my cock. I asked for the other part of the costume but mother said that this was it! I must've looked dumbfounded as everyone laughed.
I was going to be naked on that stage at this rate! Not that I already basically wasn't…
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