Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Post by PollyPan »

Part 1:

“Thanks for watching guys, we’re gonna raid a good friend of mine now so make sure to say hi!”

With that, Amy ended her third Twotch livestream and exhaled with an air of sadness.

Despite having used the platform for many months and making lots of friends whilst watching other streams, Amy herself had so far only had a maximum of 4 viewers herself.

This wasn’t even a bad feat, but Amy felt that she wasn’t getting the attention she deserved, and decided she’d dedicate more of her time to streaming.

The next few weeks passed by quite quickly, and surprisingly with some actual hint of success for Amy. Her viewership numbers were up, and she’d managed to hit Twotch Affiliation after just 6 streams! Things were definitely looking on the up for her.

However, after deciding to focus her attention on streaming, she’d been neglecting other aspects of her life; and had even begun to grow somewhat of an ego. She no longer hung out with her friends as much, and when she did she was always bragging about her views, her subscribers, etc.

One of her friends, Nicki, had been a fairly successful Onstgram model for quite some time before and during Amy’s attempts at making it with streaming, and Amy had started to become a little bit jealous of Nicki’s “better” popularity; eventually leading to a heated argument between the two, in which Amy had stated that Nicki’s photos were only popular because she ‘dressed like a slut’. This hadn't sat particularly well with Nicki, or the rest of Amy’s ‘friends’ for that matter.

It was the second Saturday in April when all hell broke loose.

Amy had gotten up that morning as usual, relieved herself, and then begun to shower. Her shoulder length, brunette hair looked as soft as ever, and her skin seemed to glisten in the morning light that shone through the bathroom window. She showered fairly quickly, but did take some time to maintain certain private areas, and then to admire herself for a while - she was becoming more and more vain recently. She’d often look at her camera whilst streaming to make sure she looked okay.

After finishing up in the bathroom, she returned to her bedroom and sat down at her computer. She had another stream scheduled for 1pm, and it was currently only 10am, so she had plenty of time to prepare.

Amy therefore began to get dressed and brush her hair, and then applied copious amounts of makeup to herself as well. Her lips seemed to glow red with whatever shade of lipstick she’d used. She wore a black tee shirt with white lettering that read “ANGEL” on it, blue ripped jeans, and a small black jacket over the top of her shirt. She looked quite stunning to be fair.

With plenty of time still remaining until her stream, she went downstairs and made some breakfast. Her parents were on holiday at the moment, which meant that she had all the freedom of an only child home alone - the world was her oyster.

After having eaten breakfast, Amy had sat on her phone for a while browsing various social media and occasionally adding comments to posts with the clearest aura of fakeness to them.

“Loved your last post!”
“Can’t wait to see what you do next!”
“I wish I could be you!”

She meant none of it, she just desired them to notice her and perhaps watch her streams. That was all that mattered to her.

In the middle of browsing, there was suddenly a knock at the door. Was she expecting anyone? She didn’t think so.

Amy opened the door to find three of her schoolmates stood outside, each with their bags as well. Nicki was among them, and the other two were Hannah and Jennifer. Any seemed utterly confused to see them here.

“Hey, sorry we’re a bit early!” apologised Nicki,

“Yeah, the next bus would’ve meant we’d have been late,” said Hannah.

“Early for what?” questioned Amy, dismissively.

“What? The study session, you invited us yesterday…” replied Nicki, looking a little irritated now.

“Oh.. uh… right,” replied Amy. She did remember now. Why had she arranged this on a Saturday, especially when she was due to stream later!

“Don’t tell me you forgot? After you made us come all the way out here despite it being easier for us to meet at Nicki’s?” Jennifer asked.

“N-no! I just haven’t woken up properly yet, that’s all,” Amy lied. Damn it, how was she going to get rid of them so that she could stream?

It was 12:30 pm now, and the girls sat in Amy’s room discussing their coursework in detail. Well, most of the girls. Amy’s mind was still on streaming, and she had been paying very little attention to the work so far.

“Stream Scheduled In 30 Minutes!” an automated voice rang out from the computer across the room.

“What was that?” asked Hannah.

“Oh, uh nothing!” replied Amy. She’d forgotten to turn her alert reminders off.

Nicki walked over to the computer to check what it was, and saw that Amy had indeed scheduled a stream for 30 minutes from now.

“Amy, what the fuck? Did you actually invite us here to study and then forget and schedule a stream instead?!” she shouted.

“Oh fuck off, Nicki!” she replied, she couldn’t care less about the stupid study session. “I forgot about the study session yes, but I’ll cancel the stream!”

“Jesus, I can’t believe you,” laughed Hannah, “you’re obsessed!”

“You wouldn’t understand,” replied Amy, “you’re not popular enough to be a streamer!”

“Who cares, it’s not like I’d want a bunch of creepy guys staring at me live anyway!” Hannah laughed again.

With this, Nicki came up with an idea. “Hey, it’s not that big of a deal anyway, in fact why don’t you stream us all studying? I bet your audience would go way up if there were 4 girls on camera and not just 1!” Nicki grinned.

“Oh, wow! That’s such a great idea, Nicki!” Amy seemed ecstatic at the idea. “I’ll just need to grab the better microphone though, that way we’ll be able to be heard better! And wish that, she left the room briefly.

During this time, Nicki filled Hannah and Jennifer in on her plan, and the other two girls seemed just as eager.

Amy was about to have the audience of a lifetime!
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Re: Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Post by ely »

The beginning sounds interesting, streaming is a good idea because it makes this story seem very current, and I'm curious how this enf story will evolve.
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Re: Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Post by Helloo »

Can’t wait for the following parts of this story! Love how it’s heading!

Any chance of a continuation of Kaitlyns torture at some point?
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Re: Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Post by computerphoto »

Can't wait to see how embarrassing it going to be for Amy in Part 2.
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Re: Amy’s Streaming Success - P2

Post by PollyPan »

With a few minutes still remaining before her stream was scheduled, Amy re-entered the room with the better microphone, unaware of any conniving that had been done by those that had remained. Nicki had shared the details of her intricate plan to humiliate Amy with the other two girls, and now all that was left was to play along until it was time.

“Okay guys, now you know what you can and can’t do and say on a Twotch stream right? There are rules!” asked Amy. She was thankful her friends wanted to join her stream, and she was sure having 4 girls would definitely boost the viewership, but she didn’t want them getting her banned for something silly - oh how naive she’d been.

“Yeah yeah, no naughty words, no threats, yada yada…” mocked Hannah, mimicking a mouth opening and closing with her hand and rolling her eyes.

“Um.. basically yeah, that’s the gist,” replied Amy - they seemed to understand at least.


There wasn’t anything particularly exciting to the first 15 minutes or so of the stream, the viewership was indeed higher than usual, with about a stable average of 7 viewers watching the girls simply go through their exam content together whilst sat on the floor. Amy had positioned the camera and microphone so that they could all be seen and heard clearly.

Nicki didn’t want Amy getting suspicious at all, so the first part of her plan involved things proceeding simply as if nothing were wrong.

“Amy, do you have any strong tape? We could tape these cards together to make a bigger revision sheet!” asked Hannah, remembering the line in her head that Nicki had made her memorise whilst Amy had been out of the room. “Actually, if you have any string we could use to hang stuff up that’d be great too!”

“Oh, yeah sure! I’ll go grab some” Amy replied with excitement - she was glad things seemed to be going well.

As soon as the girls were sure she’d left the room, Nicki approached the mic and stare directly at the camera.

“Alright you freaks, here’s the deal - soon you’re going to be seeing a lot more of your favourite ‘angel’ than you thought you would, it’s your lucky day!” she said, making reference to Amy’s “Angel” top. “Soon you’re all going to have the chance to control your angel like a little puppet, but not for free of course!” - unbeknownst to Amy, Nicki had changed the donation link on her Twotch profile to send to her own PoyPol, rather than Amy’s. She’d agreed to split all funds with the other girls later.

“So make sure you tell all your little gross friends to come and spend their money on seeing for the first time your angel’s most hidden secrets!” laughed Jennifer. “But remember, we don’t want anyone to ruin our fun, and we can’t have your angel finding out too soon either, so let’s keep it on the down low for now huh?” she laughed.


Amy returned to the room shortly enough with some thick duct tape and some rather thin but still strong rope. “Sorry, this is the only stuff I could find, it’s a bit extreme for what we’ll be using it for but it’ll do!”

The girls had to hide their glee. That idiot had brought them even better tools than they’d hoped for. This stuff would be perfect for their scheme.

Hannah took some of the tape and began to combine the revision sheets together - she didn’t want to break the illusion just yet of course.

They also needed Amy to play along slightly to begin with, so that at first nothing would seem wrong at all. Nicki looked towards Jennifer who understood.

A few moments later a chat message popped up from a new user.

“Take off your jacket for $10!” the message read.

“Yeah, right!” laughed Amy. “Pay first, you won’t” she dared.

The other girls simply laughed along with her. “Wow, these creeps must really like you.” said Nicki.

“Hey, don’t call my viewers creeps!” said Amy, staring at her.

Suddenly the donation alert played. A $10 donation had been received. Unbeknownst to Amy it was actually from Jennifer.

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to pay up - I guess a deal’s a deal, it’s only a jacket anyway” Amy teased, taking off her jacket and tossing it across the room. Her smooth, pale arms were now exposed.

“I wonder how much they’d pay for something else?” teased Hannah.

“What do you mean?” asked Amy, nervously, noticing the girls were now surrounding her - when did they get so close?

There was a lot of noise heard on the stream, but only the occasional shadow, or arm/leg could be seen in the view of the camera as some sort of scuffle seemed to be ensuing behind the scenes.


The stream camera had gone dark for some time, but the viewership remained at around 20 viewers, with one or two more joining now and again. The commenters were arguing with each other about what was going on, but a few kept telling most to have patience and to wait and see - it’d be worth their while.

Eventually there was some more noise, and the camera readjusted. The scene that now presented itself to the viewers was incredible.

The three girls had taken covert places behind the camera, so that they would no longer be in view, and had made sure all footage up until now had been removed, so nothing could tie them to this. What was in front of the camera on the other hand, was Amy - tied to her custom ordered streaming chair. Her arms bound behind her, and her legs spread open and tied to the sides. Currently all her clothing remained on - except for the jacket she’d already taken off - and her eyes were blindfolded, and her mouth was covered with a few layers of the tape. She was thrashing about as best she could, but it was pointless, the girls had secured the chair as best as possible also. Her muffled screams fell on deaf ears.

“Now my lovely degenerates, how much are you willing to fork out to see this angel’s deepest, darkest secrets?” teased Nicki, running her fingers along the “g” on Amy’s chest.
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Re: Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Post by mikewozere »

Looking forward to part 3
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Re: Amy’s Streaming Success - P1

Post by Helloo »

Very well written, can’t wait for the next part!👍
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