Bad post (3 parts available)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Bad post (3 parts available)

Post by Revengedpirate »

On Friday night, Vicky went to the party. It was absolutely wild, and she ended up going off with some guy back to his dormitory. On Saturday morning she did the walk of shame back to her dormitory before collapsing on the bed and sleeping.

Saturday afternoon she lazily chilled with her roommates before having an early night.

On Sunday she awoke and had her shower, before getting dressed, it was then she noticed the note on her bed.

She opened it and what she read horrified her.

“Dearest Victoria Willmott,
you don’t know me, but I saw you were pretty cosy with my bestie’s boyfriend on Friday night. Don’t even try to deny it, I’ve got tapes and pictures of you two kissing in the club, before heading back to his apartment, I’ve also got your walk of shame on video, from the morning after.

I’m confident you don’t want his girlfriend seeing these images or finding out. Here’s what I propose.

Number 1 you follow every instruction I give you without question.

Number 2 get dressed wearing the following items.

A pair of white trainers,
A pair of white socks,
A mini skirt, colour is your choice.
A vest, that means no bra,
A plain white T shirt over your vest.
You are to remain pantless.

Number 3 put £10.50 in your skirt pocket.
You will need it in a five pound note, two pound coins, ten twenty pence pieces, and three, fifty pence pieces

Number 4 leave your keys and purse inside your dormitory.

Number 5 go to your local shop. Where you’ll find your next instructions taped to the back of the bin outside.

Number 6 remember YOU ARE BEING WATCHED.

If any of these rules are not followed it’ll be worse for you. Be at the shop at 10am no later or you’ll do a forfeit.

Better hurry and do as your told, or everything I have from Friday night goes public.

Good luck hahaha.”

It was a quarter past nine already and the shop was a twenty minute walk, Vicky tan around changing into what she had been instructed to wear.

She didn’t have much time to think about whether the letters threats were true or not. It took to half past nine to get ready, and after one final check making sure her bum and pussy weren’t showing and she had the correct money, she left her apartment locking the door behind her.

Vicky realised she wouldn’t be able to get back in without help but figured that was a problem for later.

The dyed blonde walked as quick as she dared to the shop instructed, making sure her skirt didn’t blow up, or reveal anything she didn’t want revealed.

The vest and T made her chest look really flat, she had double A cup breasts and without her bra could pass for a boy. If it wasn’t for her long blonde hair and girly facial features.

By 5 to 10am she made it to the shop. She saw the bin and searched for the note. At last she found it.

“My dearest Victoria,

Well done, now follow the next steps, remember I’m still watching.

Number 7 go in the shop

Number 8 buy a pack of nappies with the most babyish design you can find, but still fit you.

Number 9 leave the shop with the nappies

Number 10 go to the campus laundrette

Number 11 go in the laundrette

Number 12 you’re next note will be on machine number 2 hurry you have till 11am

Have fun my little girl.”

Vicky threw the note in the bin and ran into the shop. Although an hour was a long time the campus laundrette was 45 minutes away at a run. Vicky knew she’d barely make it.

She browsed the shop looking for the nappies. She found them on the shelf and looked at the sizes. The only nappies they had in her size, were meant for two year olds. They would be a bit big on her but they fit the criteria the letter had given her.

They were baby pink with Disney princesses all over them. She took them to the counter where a smirking teen boy served her. The nappies cost £7, she handed him the five pound note and the two pound coins.

He was surprised to see she had the correct change. He just figured she must buy nappies for herself a lot as she knew exactly how much they were.

Vicky was bright red as she left and headed towards the campus laundrette with the nappies tucked under her arm.

She walked as briskly as she could but realised her time was running out. It was twenty minutes to eleven and she was only just over halfway. Luckily this time of day the streets were virtually empty and Vicky decided to run.

Vicky got to the campus laundrette at 2 minutes to 11. She walked inside, the laundrette. It was completely empty apart from her. She walked over to machine 2 and took the note attached to it.

“My dearest Victoria,

Number 13 take your clothes off, EVERYTHING!!!

Number 14 put ALL your clothes in machine two, not the nappies or loose change.

Number 15 turn the machine to the longest setting you can find.

Number 16 put your money in and start the machine.

Number 17 sit down on a plastic chair and put the nappies under your chair. Sit with your hands at your sides and legs spread.

Number 18 if anyone walks in YOU MUST GET THEM TO PUT A NAPPY ON YOU.

After the washing cycle is complete go outside and your next instructions will be under the bin.

Remember I’m watching you so the next instructions won’t be there till after the cycle has completed so no peeking. Hahaha”

Vicky felt her cheeks turn red as she started to strip off in the laundrette. Vicky took her trainers and socks off first and placed them into the machine. Her bare feet felt cool on the tiles.

She placed her trainers and socks into the machine. Vicky looked at herself, wondering what to take off next, finally she decided her shirt and vest. She removed both quickly covering her bare small breasts with her hands.

She threw the tops into the machine and finally took her skirt off and threw that in as well. Vicky now stood there in the laundrette her naked body reflecting into her eyes from every machine.

She saw her hairy black haired vagina and small bum. She saw her small breasts too. She was really red as she closed the machine door and applied the coins before putting it on the longest wash setting she could.

It would take three hours as the door automatically locked shut and started to wash. Vicky walked over to the plastic chairs and sat down. She placed the bag of nappies under her chair and sat there, with her arms on the rests and her legs spread as far as was comfortable.

3 hours would be a long time to sit, especially considering it was summer and her bare bum was starting to stick to the plastic. Vicky squirmed uncomfortably waiting for time to pass.

Since the weather was so hot, most of the college students had gone to the beach. Leaving Vicky sat in the laundrette on her own. Vicky actually wished someone would come along just so she could have her bum and vagina covered. But no one came.

There was now only 5 minutes left of the washing cycle. Vicky heard the machine doing it’s final spin. Finally Vicky thought it’d soon be over and nothing would happen. Just then, however a girl came into the laundry room.

“Woah, you’re naked, where’s your clothes?” Asked the girl astonished to see the naked girl just sat there arms on the rest and legs spread.

“My clothes are in that machine, but I don’t suppose you could do me a favour? You see my nappies, I struggle to put them on myself, I was wondering if you could put a clean one on me?” Said Vicky blushing at her own words.

“This is some sort of prank right?” Asked the girl.

“Urm, yes it is, but I really do need the nappy on.” Begged Vicky.

“Ok I’ll do it, come over here. Oh wait. You can’t put a nappy on as you are.” Said the girl.

“What do you mean?” Asked Vicky.

“Well it’s your bush, you see, it’s got to come completely off, or in this heat you’ll get a rash really quickly.” Said the girl.

“A rash!!! Will that hurt?” Asked Vicky.

“I’m a babysitter, I have babysat little kids who’ve had rashes, they need cream and everything. It takes a long time to heal and is extremely itchy.” Said the girl.

“Oh I don’t want that, what do you suggest?” Asked Vicky.

“Give me your hand and come with me.” Said the girl.

“But I’m naked.” Said Vicky.

“Don’t worry most of the uni kids are at the beach, especially in this hot weather, besides no one cares seeing a twelve year old naked.” Said the girl.

“I’m, im not twelve.” Said Vicky stammering a little.

“Of course you’re not, my names Beth, just come with me and we’ll sort you out, ok?” Said the girl.

“Ok Beth,” said Vicky.

“Good girl.” Said Beth.

Beth took Vicky’s hand and led the naked girl out of the laundrette. She led Vicky to the chemist, holding Vicky’s hand they went inside. The carpet in the chemist was warm on the soles of Vicky’s bare feet.

Beth took the girl over to the hair products, she quickly found some wax and took it to the counter. To Vicky’s utter dismay Kevin was serving. He was a guy who had persistently tried to date her, in her last year of school.

Now two years later, here he was getting a free show of her completely naked.

“Wow, Vicky. Where have your tits gone?” Said Kevin.

“Do you know her?” Asked Beth.

“Well yes, I kept trying to date her two years ago but she kept turning me down.” Said Kevin.

“Well, that sounds fascinating Kevin. Hmm since you know this little girl, we need to buy this wax. I don’t suppose you have a way of hearing it up do you?” Asked Beth.

“Hmm, it’ll cost you. The microwave isn’t really supposed to be used by non staff members.” Said Kevin.

“Well we will pay you whatever you want.” Said Beth.

Vicky glared at Beth.

“You know ok, I want a picture of Vicky, before and after using the product. Also she has to kiss me for three whole minutes without stopping.” Said Kevin.

“Fine.” Said Beth.

“What, no way.” Said Vicky.

“Little girls do as there told besides it’s not hurting you. Now pose for the before picture.” Said Beth.

“No!!” Said Vicky.

“I didn’t want to do this but you’re making me.” Said Beth.

She grabbed Vicky’s hand and pulled her to the chair facing Kevin’s desk. Beth sat down and pulled Vicky over her lap.

“Stop, what are you doin owwww” screamed Vicky.

Beth landed her bare hand on Vicky’s bare bum. Spanking Vicky with Kevin

“No. Please, not in front of Kevin. Owww.” Screamed Vicky again.

“I’m not stopping till you do as you are told young lady.” Said Beth.

“I’m sorry, I’ll do as you tell me Beth, please stop spanking me.” Screamed Vicky.

“Fine. Do as Kevin tells you.” Said Beth letting go.

“Where do you want me Kevin?” Asked Vicky.

“Hmm, I’ve got just the place.” Said Kevin.

He took Vicky by the arm and led her to the front window, before turning her around and making her face him. He then took a couple of steps backwards.

“Right spread your legs apart. Good that’s fine now stand still. Actually put your hands above your head. That’s it great.” Said Kevin.


Kevin took three photos and grinned. Right I’ll pop this in the microwave now. He left and within a minute had returned.

“It’ll take five minutes in the microwave, we can kiss why we wait.” Said Kevin.

Vicky rolled her eyes, glanced at Beth who scowled at her then she did the unthinkable and began to kiss Kevin.

They stopped kissing when the microwave dinged audibly. Kevin went to fetch the wax. When he brought it back, Beth got Vicky to lie down as she applied the wax.

After another five minutes of letting it settle Beth pulled the strips off. Vicky felt enormous pain in her groin but could do nothing but scream.

Finally the last strip was removed. Vicky looked down at her bare vagina with no hair left. She really did look like a twelve year old now, maybe even a little younger.


Kevin took her by surprise as he snapped the next three photos.

“Great I’ve got all I need.” Said Kevin.

Beth took the bag of nappies which they had brought with them, and opened it removing a nappy from the bag. Kevin saw the nappy and looked astonished.

“What are you going to do with that?” Kevin asked.

“I’m putting it on her.” Said Beth pointing at Vicky.

“Oh I’ve got to film this.” Said Kevin getting his phone out.

He pointed at Vicky who still lay naked on the floor.

“Oi you’ve got what you asked for.” Shouted Vicky.

“Oh I’m not missing out on this bonus footage. Besides it’ll serve you right for rejecting me.” Said Kevin.

“Vicky he’s filming you, unless you want to be spanked again. At the beach.” Said Beth.

“Wait what?” Asked Vicky.

“You heard. I’ll be taking you little girl to the beach. You’ll then be spanked before having your nappy changed in front of as many people as possible.” Said Beth.

“No. Please anything but that.” Said Vicky.

“Well be a good girl. Hands above head. Legs spread. Oh and Kevin film as much or as little as you want.” Said Beth.

Vicky could only watch as she let Kevin film her, as Beth put the nappy on her. Finally after what seemed an eternity for Vicky, Beth had finished.

Beth led Vicky by the hand back to the laundrette.

“Right baby Vicky, this is where I leave you. See you later.” Said Beth.

Beth left the laundrette. Vicky saw the machine had stopped, so she went outside to the bin and found her next letter.
Last edited by Revengedpirate on Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bad post part 2

Post by Revengedpirate »

“Dearest Victoria,

I see you’ve been waxed and had a nappy put on. I’m glad you’re doing as you’re told now for your next tasks.

Number 19 go back into the laundrette and put your clothes in the dryer.

Number 20 when the dryer stops put your clothes back on if they haven’t shrunk.

Number 21 once you are dressed head to the nearest children’s playground.

Number 22 once inside climb to the very top of the tallest climbing frame.

Number 23 then go on the slide.

Number 24 finally have a go on the baby swings.

You’re next instruction will be in the playground under the baby swing you choose. To get it you must be swinging as high as you can go before reaching underneath to retrieve it.

Have fun little one.”

At least this time there was no time limit. Vicky went back inside and put her clothes straight into the dryer without looking at them. She turned the dryer on and waited patiently.

It took a further 40 minutes to dry her clothes. The dryer stopped and Vicky cautiously opened the door.

She took out her mini skirt first. Luckily it hadn’t shrunk and she put it on. Next came her socks which had both shrunk so she threw them into the bin.

Her trainers hadn’t shrunk either so she put them on. The vest hadn’t shrunk so on it went.

Unfortunately her T had shrunk so it also went in the bin. Vicky now in her skirt nappy and vest walked towards the playground. Once there she found the climbing frame and began to climb.

Luckily once again the playground was empty. Everyone must’ve been at the beach. The weather was absolutely scorching and everyone must’ve been in the sea.

Vicky climbed the large frame but it was difficult as the metal bars were hot and everyone she touched burned her hands.

It took her a full ten minutes to do the climbing frame and slide before finding the baby swings. She climbed in and started to swing.

“Oh hello again, Vicky.” Said Beths cheery voice.

Vicky blushed red, as Beth walked over to her.

“Er, hello, Beth.” Said Vicky.

“Isn’t that swing for baby’s? I’d have thought you’d put more clothes on then just that vest, skirt and trainers.” Said Beth.

“Well my clothes had shrunk you see.” Said Vicky.

“Hmm still being pranked then. You know what I think I’ll help.” Said Beth.

Beth strolled over to Vicky and stood next to Vicky’s swing.

“Help? What d’you mean help?” Asked Vicky.

“I’ll just take this, see you later.” Shouted Beth.

Beth had grabbed Vicky’s skirt, pulling it clean off, before running off. Leaving Vicky alone, wearing just a nappy vest and trainers in the baby swing. Vicky tried to give chase but the swing was impossible to get out of so quick.

All Vicky could do was watch Beth disappear with her skirt. Annoyed Vicky swung as high as she could and took the letter from underneath her seat. Slowly she brought the swing to a full stop before reading the letter to herself.

“Dearest Victoria,
I didn’t realise so many of youre clothes would’ve shrunk in the wash. Hmm who knew that the longest setting on the washing machine and a tumble dryer could be so deadly to your clothes.

Anyway I feel really bad about it, so I hope these next tasks make up for your destroyed clothing.

Number 25 go to the beach.

Number 26 there are lockers near the tower and pier. Go to these lockers.

Number 27 open locker 2956

Number 28 place you’re bag of nappies inside along with the nappy, vest, skirt, and trainers you are wearing.

Number 29 then do ten star jumps whilst facing the beach.

Number 30 remove your next letter from the locker before locking it and throwing the key down the drain.

The key to locker 2956 is in this envelope take it with you little princess


Vicky took the locker key before shoving the envelope in the bin. Vicky really didn’t want to go to the beach, but the letter promised more clothes if she did as she was told.

Besides it wasn’t like she could go back to her dormitory dressed in just a nappy and vest. Vicky got up and reluctantly headed towards the beach and her certain discovery.

Vicky walked quickly, but once she got within five metres of the beach she could tell it was packed. Vicky prayed she didn’t bump into anyone she knew dressed as she was.

Vicky saw the tower was ten metres from her current position. She put her head down, held the nappies across her chest and ran full pelt towards it. No one payed her any attention. She got to the tower and searched for her locker.

Finally she found it. It was between the tower and a particularly busy part of the beach. Vicky wanting this over as quick as possible shoved the key in the lock and turned it.

The locker opened, Vicky quickly opened it, and shoved the bag of nappies inside. She found the letter stuck to the top. She took it and placed it by her feet. Vicky took a quick glance around.

People weren’t paying her any attention. There were some college students a little way off playing volleyball a few elderly couples walking along the beach. There were several teenagers playing frisbee, Vicky just decided to get this over with as quick as possible.

Vicky whisked her vest off and threw it in the locker. Her trainers went next leaving her in just the nappy. Just then the frisbee landed at Vicky’s feet.

“Excuse me, little girl, can you throw my frisbee back please?” Asked a teen girl.

Vicky bent down and picked it up.

“Er, yes, no problem.” Said Vicky.

Not used to being called a little girl Vicky awkwardly tried to throw the frisbee whilst at the same time trying to hide her small naked breasts from view.

“Aww look the little girl is nervous.” Said one of the boys with the girl.

“No no, I’m not nervous.” Said Vicky.

She glanced over at the college students playing volleyball, thankfully none of them were watching her. Vicky threw the frisbee at the girl who caught it.

“Thanks!!” said the girl.

“No problem.” Said Vicky.

Vicky turned back to the locker. She grabbed the sides of her nappy and quickly pulled it clean off and shoved it in the locker before locking it so she couldn’t change her mind.

Vicky dropped the key down the drain and without turning to face the beach, she started her star jumps facing the lockers.

After 5 she heard whistling behind her. Her cheeks went beet red but she continued till her ten were complete. She bent down and picked up the next letter.

“Dearest Victoria,
I must congratulate you, I didn’t think you had it in you especially with those volleyballers and frisbee players. Anyway back to business.

Number 31 use the water slide.

Number 32 make sure on the way down your legs are spread as wide as they can go.

Number 33 once you reach the bottom sprint back to the lockers hands above your head

Number 34A if you’re approached by anyone asking you why or what you are doing, you are to respond that you go to Bruno’s boarding school and that you’ve locked you’re clothes in locker 2907

Number 34B if you’re not approached you’re to run across the volleyball court with your hands still on or above your head.

Number 35 then pigeon step from the volleyball court to the lockers flapping your arms as you go.

Number 36 using the key provided open locker 2907. You’re next instructions will be inside.

Good luck little girl. Hahaha.”

Vicky was starting to hate these letters, she took the key and tied it to her wrist before heading to the water slide covering her naked self as best she could, completely red in the face and almost crying.
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Re: Bad post 2 parts available

Post by computerphoto »

Can't wait for the next part to see what happens next
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Re: Bad post part 3

Post by Revengedpirate »

She got to the bottom of the slide and slowly began to climb the steps. The slide was extremely busy and there were people above and below her. She knew everyone below was getting an eyeful of her bare freshly waxed pussy and bare backside.

She eventually got to the top to see there was a guy in charge letting people down in twos and threes. Finally it was Vicky’s turn. She got on and went down.

It was extremely fast and Vicky had trouble keeping her legs spread. But eventually got to the bottom and heard people laughing at her. Other people were commenting on her naked body. Vicky wished the ground would swallow her up.

Vicky took a deep breath put her hands on her head and did her best to sprint to the tower, via the volleyball court. As she neared the court she looked to the right to see how far she was from the tower. It was about 1500 feet on her right.

She looked back in front just in time to see a big woman standing there. Vicky ran straight into her.

“What on earth do you think you are doing?” Shouted the woman.

“I’m sorry. I really am.” Blurted out Vicky.

“Oh you will be.” Said the woman.

The woman grabbed Vicky’s arm and sat down on the sand pulling the naked girl across her lap. Vicky tried to struggle but it was no use.


“Owwww owwww owwww. Please let me go I’m sorry.” Screamed Vicky.

The woman wasn’t amused and didn’t let go. She continued spanking Vicky. They were right next to the volleyball court. The college players had stopped playing and everyone was starting to gather around the commotion.

Vicky continued to struggle as her spanking got worse, and her bum was on fire. More and more people gathered and some even took pictures and started to film on their phones.

“No please, I’m sorry, all these people.” Begged Vicky.

“You should of thought of that little girl.” Said the woman.


Vicky burst into tears as so many people witnessed her most embarrassing moment of that day so far, until she heard.

“Vicky?” From a guy nearby.

“No way. It’s Vicky Willmott.” Said another guy.

“It is her, but I thought she had bigger breasts then that.” Said a third guy.

Vicky looked up, tears streaming down her face. The boys were in her maths group. All were pretty cute, and here she was tears running down her face being spanked naked in front of them.

“Oh these photos have got to go on Facebook wait till everyone sees the little girl.” Said one of the girls standing with the boys.

Vicky squirmed and struggled but only cried harder when five more heavy spanks hit her already red backside.

“Please let me go. I’m so sorry.” Cried Vicky.

“You’re only sorry because everyone is watching you. I’m going to continue spanking you till I think you are truly sorry.” Said the woman,

Vicky heard everyone laughing at her, and could see more and more camera phones pointing at her. Vicky had tears running down her bright red cheeks as the slaps got more painful and her embarrassment escalated.

Vicky tried using her arms to defend her sore bottom but it was no use. Vicky gave up begging for mercy and began kicking and screaming like a toddler.

“I never knew Vicky was such a baby. Look at her having a full blown tantrum this is quality.” Said one of the college girls.

“You’d never know she was nineteen would you.” Said one of the guys.

“Please I’m sorry.” Screamed Vicky before finally giving up.

She stopped kicking and punching and just let the spanks rain down on her bare bum. The woman gave her five more spanks before stopping. Vicky was thankful the punishment on her bare bum was over.

The woman put her hands under Vicky’s knees and under her back before standing back up. Vicky quickly moved her hands to cover her bare pussy just before it came into everyone’s view. The woman then stood Vicky on her feet, before grabbing Vicky’s arms and pulling them both above Vicky’s head.

Vicky now stood giving everyone in the vicinity a full unobstructed frontal view. Vicky saw the glee in everyone’s faces as they took in her naked body. Cameras and phones still pointing at her were once again flashing and recording her moment of utter shame.

“Little girl, you will stand there exactly like that for the next ten minutes. You will not move a muscle.

If you make any movement whatsoever, or try to cover yourself, I’ll have you back over my lap for another twenty spanks, before standing you there like that, for another twenty minutes.

Oh and I’ll take this, just to make sure you don’t feel like running away.” Said the woman.

She took the locker key from Vicky’s wrist, as Vicky stood there facing the audience naked as the day she was born.

The woman then went over to her towel and laid down as Vicky stood there centre of everyone else’s attention. Vicky just stood still silently crying.
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