Summer Humilation - Naked on the beach (Fin)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Summer Humilation - Naked on the beach (Fin)

Post by SDS »

I had started this previously a couple of years back but thought I'd try and get some of these short stories finished before reposting.

Summer Humilation - Naked on the beach

I should have known better, it was a glorious sunny day and my older step-sister and her friends had offered to take me with them to the beach. I was reluctant as she often did mean and embarrassing things to me especially when our parents were not around, but I loved the beach and my parents wouldn't let me go alone, even though it was just a mile away. They thought her the more mature one, just because she was one year older, although she looked a good three or four year in truth. My step-sis Gabrielle had overheard me asking her mom the day before and had come to me last minute and told me I could come as long as I did her chores that night. This little deal helped ease my fears that they might have had something planned, but I had no idea what they had in store for me!

Excitedly I quickly grabbed a towel and my one piece, I didn't want to tempt her and her friends anymore than necessary and I ran down the street to catch them up before they left me. The four girls, although only slightly older, made me feel like a little child, I didn't really care but Gabrielle loved teasing me about my shortness and lack of womanly curves. We arrived at the beach and headed toward the sea, to my shock the other girls quickly swept off their clothes to show they had already dressed swimsuits underneath. I looked around nervously at the busty beach suddenly aware of my issue.

“Oh what's wrong Elsie do you need to get changed?” giggled Gabrielle nudging another girl to look in my direction. There was a public toilet back up the beach but it was a far walk away and I was too giddy and excited to get splashing in the sea. Looking back I was pretty immature for my age if not by looks. I was debating what to do when Gabrielle came over with her friends and grabbed the towel off me. “Hurry up! God we’re doing you a favour you know!” she tutted as if annoyed by my presence already.

Before I knew what was happening one girl had my swimsuit and backpack and Gabrielle and Julie held the towel around me so I could change. I wanted to ask them to at least let us go somewhere a bit less crowded but I got swept up in the moment. Slightly awkwardly and blushing I took my white T Shirt with a cartoon print off. Karen, another of my sisters friends, took this from me and put it in my backpack for safe keeping.

The girls were giggling as I reached down under the towel to pull my pink shorts down next. “Hurry up Hallie! We're getting bored and you don’t want us to drop this towel and leave you, do ya?” laughed Gabrielle. She pretended to drop it, making me let out a scream as I frantically tried to grab the towel while my shorts fell down my legs in the scuffle. The girls were all having a good laugh at my expense then as I regained my composure and stepped out of my shorts.

Karen grabbed these as well leaving me in just my knickers and bra underneath the towel. My composure didn't last long though as my sis pulled open the towel she was holding to get a look at me. “Awww soo cute I think you’ll be fine swimming in them little Halie-poo” I quickly tried to hide her view of my little childish pink knickers and white bra as both her and Julie slackened their grip exposing me to the girls down the towel.

“Stop it! I can’t! I’m not a little kid!” I cried out grabbing the towel just in time as they let it go. Luckily no one was really looking nearby as I flashed my underwear briefly. I clung on tightly as the girl were surrounding me now and they had both my clothes and swimsuit. “Your little pony knickers would say otherwise '' she taunted pulling the towel up again to quickly flash the other girls my cartoon panties. I was blushing bright red and backed off trying my best to hold onto the towel. I looked around wildly, there were no boys our age nearby but the beach was packed and the last thing I wanted to do was people see my underwear.

“So you don’t want to swim in your little undiepanties?” I looked at her in shock, “Of course not!” I cried out taking another step back as the girls kept closing in on me. I only had the sea to my back so all was looking hopeless. My underwear which was already mortifying enough would go even more revealing when wet if the girl decided to push me in the water and let them soak through.

“But you’d be so cute, no one would care, just another little girl at the beach” taunted Julie in a baby voice joining in the teasing. All her cronies took a sick pleasure in humiliating me at any opportunity. The worst thing was that my stepmother would never believe me over them when they ganged up on me. This wouldn't be the first time they had done something to embarrass me. Once at the shopping centre they had opened and held open the changing room curtain exposing my knickers to the stoor.

“No way!” I shouted distraught and terrified now.

“Are you 100% sure? Last chance you don’t want to come swimming with us in your pony knix?” laughed Gabriel smiling like a cat cornering the mouse.

“Gabby please, just let me get changed” I stammered. It felt so helplessl, I was sure it was only a matter of moments until the towel would be taken from me and I would be forced into the sea in just my underwear. Oh if only I had know what the girls had planned.

The girls all bust into hysterical laughter. “God don’t cry we were only joking” my sister laughed as they reached me again. The tension broke and I let out a sign of relief. “Come on hurry up or we really will take your towel” Gabby said, still giggling.

Relief flooded through me as I let myself grin along at my own foolishness. Pretending I was in on the joke and it wasn’t all just at my expense. The girls quickly took up their places again and I removed my bra under the protection of the towel. The bra was a simple vest style one and I didnt bother padding it as I had better things to worry about than boobs and boys in my opinion. The girls continued giggling as my embarrassing knickers quickly joined this and the rest of the clothes in the bag held by one of the girls.

I reached for my swimsuit but Karen pulled away. A dread suddenly hit me. I was naked in just a towel. Surely the girls wouldn't go this far I dared to hope. “What do ya think little sister? How does it feel to be Nekkid” Gabrielle teased me again. I clung onto the towel for dear life but knew in a tug of war I would end up the bare naked loser. “Please this isn't funny” I cried as the other girls laughed obviously finding it very funny indeed.

“Oh look how cute she is when she’s all red faced” One girl laughed making me blush even more.

“How about a deal? Do exactly what we say and we don’t take your towel and leave you butt naked on the beach?”

“Just give me my swimsuit!” I begged trying to pull away but they held onto the towel and I knew they could easily expose me between them if they wanted. Gabriel pulled my towel again and looked down the back “ooo look at that pale little bottom sooo cute” she teased me making me squeak in shame trying to cover up. I regularly ran around in just my swimwear in summer and so I had nearly an all over tan, apart from my now almost exposed private areas. “You really need to get some sun on there, oh and these little boobies” she laughed trying to get a look down the front also but I had it pulled tight to myself.

“Please leave me alone” I begged as they started to pull the towel away from me. “Last chance do what we say or end up naked” said Julie pulling from the other side lightly getting ready to rip it off me fully.

“Ok ok ok!” I cried and the girls all giggled as they let me go for the moment. The girls soon had hold of my towel again as they had when they were ‘helping’ me get changed. “Put your hands on your head” poked Gabriel.

I looked to her, pleading with my eyes to just leave me alone. “No!” I cried “your going to pull the towel off me” I whined and kept my grip tight as I could . She loomed over me, the extra foot in height making me feel very small and very intimidated.

“Only if you don’t do exactly what I say, the first time from now on! Hands on head!”

I reluctantly obayed as the girls held the towel around me. Holding it between them they slackened it until it was around me but not touching any of my body. This let the girls see me from all angles looking down the towel. They all giggled and teased me about my skinny body and pale exposed bottom, tiny tis and even more mortifying my exposed coinslot.

The girls ushered me down the beach, my hands still on my head, I felt so exposed and naked despite no one being able to see my exposure. People were giving us funny looks but they probably just assumed it was all some silly game.

“ sister’s nekid, baby sister’s nekid”

The girls chanted as we walked purposefully embarrassing me more. They even started to lift the towel, shrinking it’s coverage so only a few inches below my bottom were covered and my tits were almost exposed now. My nerves and anxiety were on a razor's edge. I feared any moment why would run off leaving me naked and exposed.

We walked past some younger kids who laughed at their song and then to my horror I watched as we approached some boys that looked around our age. To my relief the girl’s stopped their chanting. We walked past them and then I heard a laugh “Nice bottom!” from one of the younger boys. I screamed, noticing my sister had lifted up my towel slightly at the back, mooning the boys my pale cheeks.

I frantically tried to grab the towel as the girl’s let it go, almost falling over themselves laughing.

“I told you to get dressed!” Laughed Gabby outloud somehow making it my fault I was naked ont the beach.

The boys were all watching me like hawks now. The girl’s pulled me to my feet luckily still covered by the towel. “Please please please!” I begged as the bikini clad bullies started pulling me towards the water. I screamed in horror as they whipped the towel away from me leaving me for a moment butt naked and exposed on the beach. The only consolation was the boys could only see me from behind. The girls dragged me into the waves soaking me and luckily affodding me some coverage.

The next few minutes were a chaotic mess as I tried to stay submerged and covered while the girls roughhoused with me. They sometimes lifted me up other times they dunked me leaving me flailing wildly and flashing the boys on shore who were watching in shocked excitement.
I begged, pleaded and tried to fight but the girls only laughed harder and dunked me again and again.

At one point my flailing hand grabbed and pulled down Gabby’s swim bottoms exposing her ass briefly to the boys. They whooped and laughed much to her annoyance. “Grab her girls” She said now slightly red faced herself.

I found myself grabbed tight between the girls each held and arm or a leg and I found myself started out but luckily still somewhat covered by the water. “Please it was an accident” I begged as the girls dunked me under before quickly raising me out letting the boys get a quick flash of my nakedness.

“I know girls, let's make her into a sandman!” I could only scream at the thought. It was a game kids played on the beach where you grag a wet person (usually in their swimsuit) and rolled them in the dry sand so it sticks everywhere.

I cried, screamed and thrashed as the girls carried me still fully exposed out of the water. My heart broke in total shame as they carried me face up past the hysterical boys. I was totally naked, my pale boobs now looking even smaller with my arms stretched above my head and my naked sex open and exposed to the boys. My usually mucky blond hair was a mess from the dunking and spread across my face. The boys followed everyone laughing and cheering as I was carried to where the sand was dry before being roughly dumped to the ground.

I tried to cover up by I felt myself being roughly rolled around on the floor as sand was thrown all over me. The sticky, itchy sensation all over my was awful, the stuff got everywhere and into my most private regions.

Eventually I was left alone sobbing in a naked ball on the floor while everyone in a circle laughed down at me. One boy threw a towel over my obviously feeling bad shortly afterwards but the girls had already humiliated me in the worst public way.

The rest of my beach adventure was less eventful, we moved on further down the beach away from the boys and I had to rinse off in the sea the best I could before being allowed my swimsuit back. I was threatened and teased that if I told on them, they would do something worse next time.

I had to put up with for the next few weeks the girls constantly teasing me and talking about me exposing my naked body to the boys. The shame was terrible as I kept reliving the nightmare of being dragged out of the sea, my legs wide and my whole private body exposed.
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Re: Summer Humilation - Naked on the beach (Fin)

Post by Executionus »

This was great, one of your bests ever! Each section worked well and chained into each other flawlessly from towel circle, to walking towel circle, to naked water toy, to carried out naked and sanded.
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Re: Summer Humilation - Naked on the beach (Fin)

Post by LauraLaura »

What a treat to see you writing again!
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Re: Summer Humilation - Naked on the beach (Fin)

Post by SDS »

Executionus wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:27 am This was great, one of your bests ever! Each section worked well and chained into each other flawlessly from towel circle, to walking towel circle, to naked water toy, to carried out naked and sanded.
Thanks glad you liked it! reading it back I didn't know if it felt a littel rushed. Some time in the future I may get around to rewriting and expanding it a little as this lovely forum allows haha!

SDS xx
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