Carol came from a family very well off. Her father was the CEO of a medium size construction company, and mother a high-powered lawyer. They lived on a large mansion on a private beach in Connecticut. It was Saturday morning and Carol’s father had a construction job he had to oversee, and her mother was out of town preparing for a court case. Carol was bored, and decided to invite some friends over to relax on the beach for the day. She called over two friends, Eric and Jessica, and they both arrived in their bathing suits about an hour later. When both friends arrived the three immediately walked to the beach, they all looked great. Carol was a beautiful 24-year-old woman of Brazilian heritage, fresh out of college, brunette, D cup breasts, and a cute bubble butt. Eric was a slim, athletic looking guy, but very strong and handsome. Jessica was a bit on the larger side, but everyone always said she had a pretty face.
Carol was lying on her back sunbathing on her beach towel; she was half asleep and not paying attention when Jessica jumped on her.
“Oh my god what are you doing!” she screamed
“You were falling asleep so I decided to wake you up!” Jessica said. Jessica was now sitting on Carol’s stomach. Carol was unable to get up.
“Get off me!” Carol screamed.
“Make me” Jessica replied.
Carol wriggled around with all her might but she was trapped under the weight of Jessica. Carol tried to push Jessica off her, but Jessica had none of that, as she pinned Carols arms over her head.
Eric saw the two girls horsing around had had a devious idea. Once he saw Carol with her arms pinned, he rushed to the girls, grabbed the sides of Carol’s swimsuit bottoms, and without hesitation pulled them clean off of her.
Carol let out a high pitched scream as she crossed her legs, “AHHHHHHHH”.
Jessica was caught by surprise, not letting go of her grip she looked behind her to see Carol was now bottomless. Jessica let out a burst of laughter.
“OMG I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU JUST PULLED DOWN HER BATHING SUIT!” Jessica laughed. “You aren’t getting a very good view with her legs crossed; I’ll keep her pinned, try to pry her legs open.
Carols face was now completely red, she couldn’t contain the embarrassment of being bottomless in front of her two friends, especially with one being a boy. “Please get off me!” she screamed, but it was no use. What started off as two girls horsing around was quickly getting out of hand.
Eric was getting excited himself, he wasn’t a virgin but he had only had sex a few times, and seeing one of his close friends naked was getting him excited quickly. He was much stronger than Carol, but still had a hard time prying her legs open. Every time he got her legs to loosen up just a little, Carol would quickly readjust and close back up.
“Shit she’s strong” Eric said “This might be a two person job.”
As luck would have it, right as Eric said that, two of the neighbor boys who shared the private beach happened to come strolling along. Both were brothers, ages 21 and 17. Eric didn’t waste a second to yell out, “Hey Billy and Steven, come look at this!”
Carol couldn’t help but start to tear up. She was mortified at this point, and now, for no reason at all two of her younger guy neighbors were being called over to be a part of her humiliation. In a desperate attempt to get away she wiggled and screamed with all her might, but Jessica overpowered her and got nowhere with struggling.
The brothers couldn’t believe what they were seeing; they had known Carol ever since they were small children and always found her attractive. But now she was pinned down with her arms still over her heard, bottomless, and they were moments away from seeing their neighbor’s vagina.
“I can’t un-pry her legs, can you guys help me?” Eric asked.
The boys were happy to help, and with Billy grabbing her left leg, Steven grabbing her right, and Eric putting pressure in the middle, they easily spread her legs wide open. In fact the boys were so eager that they spread her legs a little too wide, so that there was a slight stretch in her groin and hamstring area. Her legs were straight, and feet were at about shoulder height, a little lower.
“My god she’s got a full bush!” Eric screamed with delight. The boys all stared intently at Carol’s pussy.
Meanwhile Jessica was facing the other direction, still pinning Carol to the sand.
“Please let me go, please, please let me go.” Carol sobbed. The humiliation was unbearable. One of her best friends, and both of her younger neighbors now endlessly stared at her pussy, and the attention was too much for her. She would do anything to get out of Jessica’s grasp.
“Relax girl, where just kidding around! It’s all in good fun!” replied Jessica, as if this were some normal situation. “Eric,” said Jessica, “run up to Carol’s bathroom, you should find a razor and shaving cream up there. Let’s have some fun with her.
Carol couldn’t believe what she was hearing, this was by far the most embarrassing situation she was ever in and it was about to get much worse.
“PLEASE DON”T” screamed Carol.
But it was too late; Eric was already running up the stairs to grab the proper grooming supplies.
Eric was in the house for around 10 minutes looking for supplies, and those 10 minutes felt like torture to Carol. The neighbor boys would not let go of her legs, so for what felt like an eternity, she was spread eagle for all to see. The boys were just staring, taking in the sight of her glistening pussy, lips slightly spread apart, and Jessica was making embarrassing small talk.
“I can’t believe you don’t shave at least once a week” said Jessica, “It’s just good personal hygiene. The boys are getting a pretty good show though; don’t worry, in a few days we’ll all get to laugh at how hilarious this was.”
Finally Eric found the supplies and rushed down to the beach. He wasted no time applying the shaving cream to Carol’s lady bits and started to shave off the hairs.
A shiver went down her spine once the shaving cream touched her sensitive areas. Already humiliated beyond all measures she could ever imagine, one of her best guy friends was up close and personal with her kitty, slowly applying shaving cream. He gently messaged the area and slowly but careful cut the long hairs off her vagina.
In no time at all she was bald as a baby. The boys all got a good look and took in the sight of Carol’s naked body. Eric was happy with his job and gently caressed Carol's pussy lips with his fingers, slightly opening her up and examining Carol to the fullest extent. He even went searching for her clitoris but was too inexperienced in sex to find it.
Finally Jessica grew restless of missing the show. “Can someone sit on Carol so I can see what everyone else is?”
Eric snapped back into reality sat on Carols stomach, and grabbed her arms.
“After all that fuss I can’t believe we forgot this!” Jessica got off Carol and immediately ripped her bikini top off, exposing her beautiful D cup beasts and dark nipples, rendering Carol now completely naked, still spread eagle and freshly shaved.
The humiliation was now complete. At least before Carol had some sort of dignity, albeit very little. The boys eyes were now set on her tits, which were by far the best asset on her body.
“And now to examine the lower half”, Jessica moved over to Carols vagina, and started to open her pussy lips slightly with her fingers. Jessica couldn't help herself and made another embarrassing remark.
"Wow Carol you have pretty long labia lips, I always figured you were more tucked in, I'm learning so much about you today!"
The boys couldn't help but stare at Carol's crotch to confirm Jessica's statement.
Carol could have died right then and there.
Jessica then started pressing on Carol's clit.
"You have giant labia but a really small clitoris" Jessica said to Carol.
The boys all noticed Carol's hips buck upwards once Jessica touched Carol's button.
"I'm begging you guys PLEASE let me go!" Carol sobbed, hoping for some mercy in this unbelievably cruel joke. The examination of her intimate areas and embarrassing analysis of her was too much to handle.
But Eric chimed in. "Jessica, can you show me Carol's clitoris, I was trying to find it before but couldn't."
Jessica shut her up by putting pressure on Carol's clit, and started hysterically laughing when Carol's hips bucked in the air again.
"This is honestly one of the funniest moments of my life, looks like we have complete control of her. Sure Eric, I can show you her clit. Like I said before is smaller than average so it's harder to find than on most girls. Billy, let go of her leg and grab Carol's arms so Eric can get an anatomy lesson."
When Billy let go of Carol's leg she immediately tried to cross her limbs to have some kind of coverage, but Jessica stopped that by grabbing the leg, then gave the limb to Eric and the boys spread her even wider than before.
"Guys my legs are too far apart please give me some slack" Carol begged.
"Ssssh" said Jessica as she continuously put pressure and flicked Carol's clitoris. Carol's hips were bucking in the air. "See this bean over here Eric, that's Carol's little baby clit, see how she has no control of herself when I flick it"
"Wow it is small!" Eric shouted
Jessica looked up and noticed Carol crying, beat red, and realized this was the worst day of her life. For some reason she felt guilt, and suddenly told the boys that they had enough fun for the day. The boys gave some push back but reluctantly agreed. This joke had gone too far. Everyone let go of Carol and she sprinted to her house naked, and locked herself inside for the rest of the day.
Summer Story Contest - Carol's embarrassing beach day
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Re: Summer Story Contest - Carol's embarrassing beach day
Great story! I do wish someone got out a camera or a phone to take some embarrassing photos.
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