IF YOU’VE EVER read the tale of the princess and the pea, you know what happens when an entitled little highness has her sleep disturbed. And if you think sleeping soundly with a pea under your mattress is hard, try moving your bed under what might as well be a leaky faucet!
The continual drips were just slow enough – and she just tired enough – to keep from waking her up. Already exhausted from exploring the ghost town and a long afternoon of swimming, she had to have been counting on a good night’s sleep. Instead, she tossed and turned all night.
A little before dawn, thoroughly soaked and shivering uncontrollably, she finally awoke with a moan. Her inconsiderate caterwauling obviously woke everyone else in the room. Flipping the switch on her bedside lamp, Patricia got out of bed and rushed over to check on her distressed daughter. In response to the commotion, I sat up.
With her side of the mattress completely soaked through, Bea was practically laying in a puddle and blubbering like a toddler. I rubbed my eyes and pretended like I was playing catch up. My voice dripping with fake concern, I muttered, “What happened, Bea? Are you ok?” I barely maintained my sleepy, poker face while I was saying it.
“YOU!” Bea exclaimed. Turning off her waterworks like it was connected to a light switch, she turned her ire on me. “YOU DID THIS! You dumped water on me while I was sleeping!”
So that’s how she wanted to play this. “I did no such thing,” I shot back, “it doesn’t even make sense! Where would I find a bucket? I was right here all night. Wasn’t I, Cindy?”
Waking up beside me but still half asleep, Cindy dutifully nodded her head even though she didn’t have a clue what she was agreeing with.
Sensing our opposing accusations were building toward another conflict, Patricia tried to intervene. “All right, you two, that’s enough,” she said in her sternest voice. But she was too timid to make it stick. Bea ignored her and just kept glaring at me. Leaning over to check on Bea, Patricia caught a water droplet on her arm. Looking up, she noticed the dripping insulation and drew her conclusion. With no evidence of foul play, I sensed she would side with me on the dispute. But more than anything, she was just trying to keep the peace.
I smiled at my perfectly executed prank. Over the long hours of the night, the steady dripping water had penetrated through her covers to soak even her mattress. Her matted blonde hair was a disaster and there were heavy bags under her puffy eyes. Somebody had certainly missed out on her beauty sleep!
Across the room, my father let out a low, soft growl. I should have interpreted the sound for what it was – a warning from him not to escalate things. But when Patricia helped her sniveling daughter into a sitting position and I saw Bea’s nightgown, I got distracted and momentarily lost track of the danger.
Bea’s normally chaste front panel was soaked through. It clung to her chest and magnified her respectable mounds. The gown had turned translucent. And because she didn’t sleep in a bra and had nothing on underneath it, I could now see her nipples! They were smaller than Mary’s and shaded a softer pink. They were so pale, that if the cold fabric hadn’t caused them to stiffen into very noticeable points upon her perky bust, I might have missed them.
Wallowing in her misery, and with everyone staring at her, she also ignored Frank’s warning and lashed out at me.
“What are you looking at?” she sneered.
I couldn’t tell her the truth – that I was staring at her bulging breasts with their perfect little pink caps. But I did recover my wits in time to respond with the perfect jab.
Peering closer, I asked, “Wait a minute. Bea, did…did you wet the bed?!”
“SHUT UP, CRANKIE,” she roared, grabbing her pillow and flinging it across the room at me.
I caught it in midair, but still got sprayed with a face full of water droplets. Angered, I jumped to my feet to get a better angle and heaved the wet payload back at her. “Make me, bedwetter,” I taunted.
She wasn’t the type to let such an insult stand, but before she could respond, Frank let out a roar that stopped both of us in our tracks.
With most of my attention still on Bea, I saw him get out of bed and put on his housecoat. Like a shortstop during the payoff pitch, I stood there with all my muscles tensed to field any other projectile she might launch my way. But my father’s ominous outburst had temporarily frozen everyone. Even out of the corner of my eye, I could tell he was not happy. Stiffly, he slipped into his loafers and headed for the door, even though it was still pitch-black outside. Glancing over, I saw his eyes narrow when they passed over me. That was all the indication I needed to know I was in trouble.
“Everyone pack your things for wheels up in sixty,” was all he said before slamming the door behind him.
Any chance that yesterday’s stepsibling feud was going to stay in the past had been shattered before dawn. Now he was being driven from his own bed and into the motel dining room just to get a little peace and quiet. I was partially responsible for that. And if the commotion had woken any of the other hotel patrons, he would add that to my account.
As soon as he was gone, Bea resumed her sniveling. Patricia went to one of the suitcases to get her daughter something dry to change into. Of course, she had packed multiple nightgowns. If you ask me, they had all way overpacked for our trip. Well, everyone except Mary who ended up packing nothing at all.
With the confrontation seeming to be over, I felt foolish standing there in nothing but my briefs and an especially powerful morning wood. It was too early to start my day, and I wanted to lay back down and roll over, at least until the sun had risen. Better yet, I would love nothing more than to retreat to the shower and engage in a nice, relaxing stroke session.
But any delay in facing my father and apologizing would only make things worse for me. That had to be my first order of business. Forcing myself to turn my back on the sleeping bag, I walked over to my suitcase and picked out an outfit for the day. Quickly getting dressed, I brushed my teeth and put my shoes on.
As I was leaving the room, I saw Bea curled up in our parent’s bed under several layers of warm, dry covers. Didn’t she feel even a little guilty for her role in disturbing Frank’s peace? If she knew what was good for her, she would take the time to apologize and smooth things over with him. But I knew she never would. That girl was prideful to a fault and her bossy, entitled nature knew no bounds. But if she would rather let her transgressions pile up like so much hay on my father’s back, that was her business. I wasn’t about to take those chances.
Making my pre-dawn trek to the dining room, I found my father sitting at his table and reading the newspaper. Just like the day before, it was too early for breakfast service, and he was the only one in the room. He had acquired a mug of steaming, black coffee from somewhere, but showed no interest in drinking it. Coming to stand beside him, I waited at attention for permission to speak.
Finishing whatever article he had been reading, he looked up in silent acknowledgement.
“Sir, I apologize for my behavior. It was unbecoming and will not happen again.”
Having to apologize like this, two days in a row, was not a good look for me. I kept my gaze steady and on the horizon like he had taught me as he weighed the sincerity of my words. Silent seconds ticked by. For the sake of the knot in my stomach, I could only hope that he would find reason to show leniency.
“What is it with her?” he finally asked in contemplation. I didn’t have a good answer.
I was mad at myself for letting her goad me into another fight. Why was it so hard to control myself around her? Even though we had the occasional argument, I was never driven to escalate with Mary. And I usually got along well with Cindy – probably because she was younger. But there was just something prickly about Beatrice Rose Conyor. Even though we were just a few months apart in age, she lorded her seniority over me as if she was as old as Mary and I was a mere child.
“…Uh…I don’t know, sir. She just gets under my skin sometimes. I…can’t help it.”
It may have been the truth, but I winced even as I said it. If there was one thing Frank valued in a person, it was self-discipline. And if you couldn’t control yourself, he would step in and do it for you.
“Don’t tell me it won’t happen again. I know better than that. You’re too evenly matched. It will keep happening until one of you bows out,” he concluded, “…and it sure as hell isn’t going to come from that stiff-necked girl. She is every bit as stubborn as her sister, maybe more so. Now, what you’ve done with Mary Jane, I didn’t think could happen. And I commend you for it. But this fighting with the other one will stop. And if you two can’t break this stalemate between you, I will step in and break it for you – one way or another. Understood?”
I gulped at his ominous warning, but barked out, “Understood”.
“Good. You’re going to pack the car again this morning. Solo. You can use the time figuring out how to control yourself. Dismissed.”
Having cleared the air between us, I felt better – well enough to get right in line and fill my plate as soon as breakfast was served. It still wasn’t fair that Bea remained fast asleep without a care back in the room while I was out here wrestling with my father’s difficult assignment. But he had given me an ultimatum. I had to find a way to get along with her…or else. Other than by swallowing my pride and letting her walk all over me, I couldn’t imagine any way to make that happen.
More travelers trickled in until the dining room was about half full. But it wasn’t until the girls arrived that things got interesting. Bea wasn’t with them. I assumed she had chosen to sleep in. But I was pleasantly surprised to see Mary with them. After skipping dinner the day before, she couldn’t wait until lunch to eat again and had been driven by hunger to make an appearance despite her embarrassing attire.
She was wearing her see-through, breakfast gown – the one her mother had been allowed to loan her. And when she walked through the door, every head in the room turned to stare at her and conversations hushed. Barefoot and obviously naked beneath the flowing white garment, she looked like the world’s sexiest ghost as she drifted across the room and picked up a breakfast tray.
The floor-length gown did nothing to hide the tantalizing curves of her naked figure underneath. As she made her way down the buffet line, the treat of her gorgeous teenage ass shining clearly through the fabric brightened up the whole room. It certainly improved my mood.
When she reached the end of the line, she had to turn around to find a table. Holding the tray, she couldn’t use her hands to cover herself. Along with the strong blush on her face, everyone got to see her impressive breasts pull the draped gown up and away from her body in a gravity-defying feat. Nearly poking through the fabric, her nipples might as well have been completely exposed. But sadly, the area between her legs was more obscured and harder to make out.
While I couldn’t see what was going on down there, I had no doubt she had honored my specific shaving instructions from last night. I couldn’t wait to see her cleft hairless with nothing but an adorable heart perched on top. And since she was only allowed to wear the gown during breakfast, I would soon get my chance for a closer inspection.
Just then, I saw a woman with a confrontational gleam in her eye stand up at a table where her family was breaking their fast. Plenty of people in the room were still wearing their pajamas. But they were all dressed to meet the modesty standards of a communal gathering. I got a feeling this woman did not approve of Mary putting on a teenage lingerie show for the appreciative men and boys in her group to enjoy during their morning meal.
When she left her table and started toward Mary, I jumped to my feet. Intercepting her just as she got to Mary, I employed the same line I had used several times before and shut her down before she could get wound up.
“She has a condition,” I insisted with a confident and authoritative voice. Then, offering to carry her tray, I escorted my grateful stepsister to the table Patricia and Cindy had already picked out. I stood at attention beside the table – watching over the girls and daring any of the other incensed women in the room to bother Mary. No one did.
Frank sat alone at his table and watched both the exchange and everything after. And though he was a hard man to read and would never come out and express it, something about the way he was turning the pages of his paper and sitting upright in his chair indicated a certain sense of satisfaction. If he wasn’t proud of me, he was at least impressed by the way I had dispatched that disgruntled woman and protected Mary. I was just glad I could show him in some small way that he hadn’t made a mistake entrusting her to my care.
After breakfast, we all returned to the room to pack our things and get ready for the day. Starting with the biggest ones, I began hauling the suitcases out to the car as soon as they were ready. This was my punishment for fighting with Bea. Since it wasn’t pouring down rain in the middle of the night, I had assumed it would be a relatively easy task. But figuring out how to make them all fit on the roof of the station wagon, not to mention securing them so nothing would fall off, turned out to be a grueling and taxing exercise.
I should have known better than to think my father had let me off easy. His punishments never failed to teach you an unforgettable lesson. Just ask Mary. With departure time fast approaching, and me covered in sweat and cursing under my breath, I wrestled the latest case into position as my family began to make their way to the car.
Patricia got into her front passenger’s seat while Cindy went around back to enter through the tailgate door. When I saw Mary stick her head out the motel room door, I paused my work so I could enjoy the show. For the now naked girl, getting to the car first thing in the morning was becoming a routine.
Like a nervous prairie dog, she stretched out her neck and peered left and right to make sure the coast was completely clear. Then she briefly disappeared back inside the room. I could imagine her standing there in her last moment of privacy giving herself a silent pep talk.
For three days she had mourned the loss of her clothes and refused to accept her new, nude reality. But shedding countless tears had done nothing to improve her circumstance. Only my interventions had. And though my prices in dignity were astronomical, I was the only thing bringing her the occasional normalcy that she so desperately needed to keep from losing hope.
Before she could think about making deals for clothes, she first had to convince her trembling, buck naked body to leave the safety of the motel room. A long day of utter, public humiliation was assured. But if she could get through this part, she was giving herself a chance to earn the extra outfit I had once again made a show of putting in my day pack.
A few seconds later, she emerged. Without a stitch of clothing on, her youthful, bare skin gleamed like a beacon in the bright, morning sunlight. It was practically screaming for everyone within eyesight to “LOOK OVER HERE!”. Covering her breasts and privates as best she could with just her hands, she darted from the doorway in a mad, jiggling dash to reach the car and lunge inside. It never failed to put a smile on my face and a bulge in my shorts.
Knowing I was just starting another day of playing with my naked stepsister made my work easier. I stowed everything I could and, if my calculations were correct, had just enough space left for the remaining suitcases.
When my father arrived to inspect my work, he checked his watch and asked, “cutting it a little close, aren’t you?”
“Just a few things left. My suitcase and pack and Bea’s cases.”
“Very well, snap to it, then. I’m returning the keys and checking us out. Be ready to go when I get back.”
With a nod, I hopped down from the car and hustled back into our room. Bea had finally finished packing her three large suitcases and placed them side-by-side on the dry bed. My punishment would officially be over as soon as I had finished packing the car.
The bathroom door was closed, and I could hear the shower running inside. While the rest of us had worked diligently to get packed and loaded in time for wheels up, Bea had slept in. The last one to get out of bed and start her day, she was using the excuse of her terrible night to drag her feet.
Saving her for last, I walked over to where I had placed my things against the wall on the floor. Slipping my arms through the straps of my day pack, I threw my cot under one arm then reached for the handle of my lone suitcase. But when I hefted it, I felt like something was…off. It was heavier than it should have been, and the contents inside were shifting in odd ways. Almost…sloshing?
Dropping my cot, I sat my suitcase on the bed and opened it…and made a terrible discovery. My clean, neatly folded clothes were completely soaked, as if someone had dumped a whole bucketful of water right into my suitcase. I didn’t have to guess who had done it, and I was furious!
Anything that wasn’t ruined would take hours to dry, if it could be laid or hung out. But I didn’t have that luxury. Just like my soaked pajamas had done when I accidentally left them wadded up on the floor of the bathroom, the rest of my things would grow musty and stale all mashed together inside my suitcase while we drove along.
Seeing red, I dropped my things, rounded the other bed, and threw open Bea’s suitcases. But I hesitated to do more. Even though it would make me feel better to take my anger out on her personal possessions, she would see it as an unequal escalation and make a proportional response. If that happened, I would be in big trouble.
My father’s one-sided ultimatum was forcing me to fight with one hand tied behind my back. It wasn’t fair! But his goal had never been fairness – only armistice. He had made that much very clear.
…if you two can’t break this stalemate between you, I will step in and break it for you – one way or another.
If that’s what he wanted to do…fine! I would take myself out of the equation. Maybe then, he would finally be forced to deal with the tyrannical, entitled, stiff-necked monster he had allowed to fester right under his nose.
In a vengeful rage, I emptied Bea’s suitcases and began shoving her clothes back into drawers. I strewed articles carelessly around the room and draped them over furniture to make it look like she hadn’t even begun packing. Once the crime scene was set, I smugly picked up my things and hustled outside.
Tossing my pack in the middle seat beside Mary, I secured my bed roll to the roof rack along with my suitcase full of damp clothes just in time for my father, punctual as ever, to come walking up.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
Keeping my tone somewhat aloof with a hint of regret, I responded, “Everyone except Beatrice. I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t know what to do. She’s…not packed yet.”
Frank checked his watch. His jaw clenched as he silently watched the hands rolled over to seven fifty-nine. In almost a whisper, he turned to me and said, “Get in the car.”
Happy to oblige, I walked around the station wagon and climbed in to sit next to my naked stepsister. The girls were chatting about something, but I paid no attention to their inane conversation. Staring at the back of the headrest in front of me, I sat in silence and tried to calm my pounding heart. The water pipe prank had been carefully considered and well-planned. This one was rushed and impulsive. It had a great potential to blow up in my face.
It felt like an eternity but couldn’t have been more than half a minute later, when a commotion drew Cindy’s attention to the motel building. When she let out a piercing scream, everyone turned to look.
Frank was standing in the doorway of our room and holding a very stunned, and completely naked, Beatrice by her elbow. With suds dripping down her body and white foam all over her hair, she had obviously been dragged straight from her shower. Not even giving her the courtesy of a towel to dry off, he began marching her toward the car!
When the naked, dripping girl realized she was being dragged outside without any clothes on, she began to resist his pull. But she was no match for him and might as well have been a rag doll in his angered and overpowering grasp. Marching her around to the rear of the station wagon, he opened the back door and tossed her inside like so much luggage. Speaking of luggage, he didn’t bother to turn back toward the room to retrieve any of hers. Instead, he walked straight to the driver’s door and sat down behind the wheel.
As our car accelerated away from the Gushing Gully Motel for the last time, with all her clothes still back in the room, my other naked stepsister began to wail.
Note to Frankie--don't get mad, get even! Day One--Mary. Day Three--Bea. So far, Cindy and Mother Patricia have little to fear.
Now Frankie has to deal with damp clothes in his pack. Clothes that he cannot loan his sisters. How to get Bea to brag about ruining Frankie's clothes? It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. Proof would be getting Bea to brag in front of Frank Senior.
FINALLY! I've been waiting for Bea's naked comeuppance for a long time! Hope you update it quickly! And please include details about her and frankie's reactions to the nudity!
Somebody wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 1:26 am
Beautiful, I was wondering how you were gonna rope her in. Lots of unexpected twists here.
Bea's entire world getting turned upside down means Frankie has a lot to contemplate. He doesn't realize it yet, but in one fell swoop, he basically just annihilated his biggest rival as a threat with extreme prejudice. Whatever family feud was brewing between them just ended - abruptly and with a decisive victory...and to the victor go the spoils . A seismic shift in the family dynamic is at hand. And now that the ground has started to rumble, it will only grow in magnitude from here.
I don't want to make too many guesses but I noticed one advantage the sisters had over Frankie was there numbers and their unity.
Now that Beatrice has made the majority of the clothes unusable, after not providing any to Mary herself. I wonder if the unity is going to be strained.
marrow324 wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:05 pm
I don't want to make too many guesses but I noticed one advantage the sisters had over Frankie was there numbers and their unity.
Now that Beatrice has made the majority of the clothes unusable, after not providing any to Mary herself. I wonder if the unity is going to be strained.
It makes sense that being in direct competition for dwindling resources might strain their usual sense of sorority.
Can't wait for the next chapter. You know, this might actually be worse for Beatrice than it is for Mary, depending on what percentage of Bea's clothes that Bea took on this vacation. If Bea took all of her clothes on this trip, then this means that Bea has no clothing remaining at home, which means that Bea will have to remain naked for the remainder of this trip, and she will have to be naked at home too when they go back. At least Mary can put her clothes back on when they go back home. Bea may very well not have any clothes to put on until she can buy some more.