Summer Slam - Edithdick
- edithdick
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Summer Slam - Edithdick
“You know what tomorrow is, right?” Jenna’s voice chirped excitedly over the phone.
“Friday.” Michelle responded blandly.
“It’s senior skip day, you bitch!” she exclaimed.
“So? We’re still juniors. Are you excited for Lisa or something?” Michelle responded, ignoring the ‘bitch’ comment.
“No, I’m sure your sister can be excited for herself, but after senior skip day is senior skip night, as in the biggest senior party of the year!” Jenna continued.
“Again, we are not seniors.” Michelle said, impatience showing in her tone.
“Well, Tom is a senior, and he is taking me.” Jenna said.
“So… have fun?” Michelle replied.
“Tom is taking me and I am taking you.” Jenna declared triumphantly.
“Why would I want to third wheel with you and Tom?” Michelle asked.
“Because.” Jenna hesitated for a few seconds before more quietly saying, “Alex will be there too.”
Michelle felt her face heat up from what she assumed was a severe blush. She had had a crush on Alex for as long as she could remember. He used to date her sister, Lisa, when they were both 13, but Michelle always fantasized about him wanting to be with her. Now that he was graduating, she would probably never have a chance to even hook up with him.
“He doesn’t even like me.” Michelle said, instead.
“How would you know? You have not said 2 words to him since we started High School.” Jenna told her sternly.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to say 2 words to him. Every time he looked at her she froze up. Not is a cute giggly way, but in an awkward stumbly way.
“What makes you think I CAN talk to him without looking like a freak?” Michelle asked.
Jenna didn’t respond.
After a period of silence, Michelle said, “Fine! I’ll go!”
Jenna shot back, “Awesome! What are you going to wear?”
“Clothes.” Michelle replied.
“Not your clothes.” Jenna said.
“What’s wrong with my clothes?” Michelle asked.
“Just borrow an outfit from Lisa. At least she has a sense of fashion.” Jenna told her.
Not wrong, exactly. Michelle described her own fashion preference as ‘extra casual’.
“Lisa?” Michelle asked her sister a short time later, well, she asked her sister’s closed door anyway.
“What?” the door shouted back.
“Can I borrow an outfit, please?” Michelle asked.
The door flew open, and Lisa had an astonished look on her face.
“Hell no!” Lisa said.
“Why not?” Michelle asked.
“Because you never give things back when you are done with them.” Lisa told her.
“That’s not true!” Michelle denied.
“I have to hunt you down every time to get anything back.” Lisa told her.
“Please, I promise I will give it back as soon as I am done with it.” Michelle said.
“NO. You give it back as soon as I'm done with you having it.” Lisa said. “Final offer.”
“Okay, anything, just please let me borrow your pink halter top and black skirt.” Michelle said excitedly.
Lisa closed the door, after a few seconds she returned with the top and skirt each on a hanger.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Michelle said as she took them.
“No, I want them back now.” Lisa said coldly.
“What? You just handed them to me.” Michelle complained.
“And now I want them back.” Lisa repeated.
Reluctantly, Michelle handed them back.
“Good. You can obey when you are desperate.” Lisa told her. “Just remember, if I tell you I want them back then you don’t hesitate, just give.”
Michelle nodded and Lisa handed them back.
The next day at school was all sorts of boring. With the seniors gone, the teachers seemed to think it was their skip day too so there was no work assignments. Lisa was gone by the time Michelle got home from school. After dinner she took a shower and proceeded to get ready for the party.
The first problem was the halter top was backless. She didn’t have a bra that would not be fully exposed with that setup. Good for her that her breasts were naturally perky, so she could go without a bra and not feel all saggy.
The second problem was her underwear. They all stuck out like granny panties in that tight mini-skirt. She snuck into Lisa’s room and found a thong. That wouldn’t show with this skirt.
Just in time too, there was a horn blasting from the street that turned out to be Tom’s SUV. She got into the car and they all headed out to the party.
“Friday.” Michelle responded blandly.
“It’s senior skip day, you bitch!” she exclaimed.
“So? We’re still juniors. Are you excited for Lisa or something?” Michelle responded, ignoring the ‘bitch’ comment.
“No, I’m sure your sister can be excited for herself, but after senior skip day is senior skip night, as in the biggest senior party of the year!” Jenna continued.
“Again, we are not seniors.” Michelle said, impatience showing in her tone.
“Well, Tom is a senior, and he is taking me.” Jenna said.
“So… have fun?” Michelle replied.
“Tom is taking me and I am taking you.” Jenna declared triumphantly.
“Why would I want to third wheel with you and Tom?” Michelle asked.
“Because.” Jenna hesitated for a few seconds before more quietly saying, “Alex will be there too.”
Michelle felt her face heat up from what she assumed was a severe blush. She had had a crush on Alex for as long as she could remember. He used to date her sister, Lisa, when they were both 13, but Michelle always fantasized about him wanting to be with her. Now that he was graduating, she would probably never have a chance to even hook up with him.
“He doesn’t even like me.” Michelle said, instead.
“How would you know? You have not said 2 words to him since we started High School.” Jenna told her sternly.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to say 2 words to him. Every time he looked at her she froze up. Not is a cute giggly way, but in an awkward stumbly way.
“What makes you think I CAN talk to him without looking like a freak?” Michelle asked.
Jenna didn’t respond.
After a period of silence, Michelle said, “Fine! I’ll go!”
Jenna shot back, “Awesome! What are you going to wear?”
“Clothes.” Michelle replied.
“Not your clothes.” Jenna said.
“What’s wrong with my clothes?” Michelle asked.
“Just borrow an outfit from Lisa. At least she has a sense of fashion.” Jenna told her.
Not wrong, exactly. Michelle described her own fashion preference as ‘extra casual’.
“Lisa?” Michelle asked her sister a short time later, well, she asked her sister’s closed door anyway.
“What?” the door shouted back.
“Can I borrow an outfit, please?” Michelle asked.
The door flew open, and Lisa had an astonished look on her face.
“Hell no!” Lisa said.
“Why not?” Michelle asked.
“Because you never give things back when you are done with them.” Lisa told her.
“That’s not true!” Michelle denied.
“I have to hunt you down every time to get anything back.” Lisa told her.
“Please, I promise I will give it back as soon as I am done with it.” Michelle said.
“NO. You give it back as soon as I'm done with you having it.” Lisa said. “Final offer.”
“Okay, anything, just please let me borrow your pink halter top and black skirt.” Michelle said excitedly.
Lisa closed the door, after a few seconds she returned with the top and skirt each on a hanger.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Michelle said as she took them.
“No, I want them back now.” Lisa said coldly.
“What? You just handed them to me.” Michelle complained.
“And now I want them back.” Lisa repeated.
Reluctantly, Michelle handed them back.
“Good. You can obey when you are desperate.” Lisa told her. “Just remember, if I tell you I want them back then you don’t hesitate, just give.”
Michelle nodded and Lisa handed them back.
The next day at school was all sorts of boring. With the seniors gone, the teachers seemed to think it was their skip day too so there was no work assignments. Lisa was gone by the time Michelle got home from school. After dinner she took a shower and proceeded to get ready for the party.
The first problem was the halter top was backless. She didn’t have a bra that would not be fully exposed with that setup. Good for her that her breasts were naturally perky, so she could go without a bra and not feel all saggy.
The second problem was her underwear. They all stuck out like granny panties in that tight mini-skirt. She snuck into Lisa’s room and found a thong. That wouldn’t show with this skirt.
Just in time too, there was a horn blasting from the street that turned out to be Tom’s SUV. She got into the car and they all headed out to the party.
- Executionus
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Summer Slam - Edithdick -- Executionus
The entire drive to the party might as well have been a tricycle ride for how strongly Michelle felt like a third wheel between Jenna and Tom. At least they both approved of how she looked in her revealing outfit, which made her more confident about this plan.
This could very well be the very last chance she ever has to make a move on Alex. If he leaves for college or a career then that's it, opportunity lost forever. Michelle's heart was beating at lightspeed just visualizing actually trying to ask him out. She hoped that the party had alcohol even though everyone is underaged, because she was going to need the boost in courage. Her mind was wandering so badly that she didn't even notice when they arrived.
"Hey Elsa!" yelled Jenna to Michelle in the backseat "No freezing this time."
"Do I wanna know?" asked Tom.
"Nunya!" replied Jenna.
Nervously, Michelle vowed: No freezing.
The three of them walked into the party, which was already rocking and rolling from the people who got here early. The snacks were gone completely, since somebody gravely underestimated how much teenage boys eat. Notorious lightweight Jimmy was already face down passed out alongside one of the walls, and his classmates were taking turns posing for selfies next to his unmoving body. Jimmy's presence implied alcohol, but Michelle couldn't see any around aside from a few bottles in peoples' hands. She realized that she was going to have to do this mission of hers stone cold sober.
"GO EAGLES!!" some random boy screamed as they entered, cheering the school teams.
A few senior boys asked Tom about the identity of the two girls he brought with, and he identified them as his girlfriend and her bestie. The bro code prevented them from ogling Jenna too strongly with Tom there, but Michelle couldn't help but notice quite a few stares aimed her way from these older boys. She blushed a little from the male attention, something she wasn't normally used to receiving. This outfit was making her feel much sexier than she normally felt.
After a few minutes, Tom and Jenna took to the crowded makeshift dance floor to throw down to the loud music playing. The dancers were so tightly clustered together that it probably made the nearest OSHA inspector weep, but somehow they managed to rock out without hitting each other (much). Michelle stayed back, trying to locate where Alex was in this sea of seniors.
"No...FUCKING...way!" some girl yelled from across the room.
Everyone looked in that direction to see Michelle's older sister Lisa standing there dumbfounded. She walked directly to Michelle's location without slowing down even if a person was in her path. People dodged at the last second just to avoid being run over by the freight train of fury.
"Hey...Lisa" called Michelle nervously.
"You came here? You needed my outfit for here? HERE?" Lisa was astounded and embarrassed "Are you completely stupid or just mostly? You're not a senior you moron! Get your little-kid ass out of here before you embarrass yourself. Or worse, me."
"Uh, Tom invited me and Jenna. Tom's a senior" Michelle responded, quite annoyed by the public scene Lisa was making.
From the dance floor, Tom yelled "She's fine, Lisa. Simmer down"
"Your sister is cool. Nobody minds her" calmly declared Alex, seemingly appearing out of thin air in the crowd. Michelle's entire circulatory system went into error mode the instant he spoke, and then it took 5 full seconds to come down from the high of hearing him say that she was "cool".
"Ok, whatever. She can stay." Lisa grumbled, then asked Michelle "Can we please discuss something privately in the bathroom real quick?"
Michelle really didn't want to, but went along anyway for civility's sake. The door was quickly shut, making it so that nobody else could hear them talk.
"My clothes" Lisa coldly ordered "I want them back. Now!"
"WHAT?" gasped Michelle. "Lisa we're in PUBLIC!"
"I literally don't care. I'm not going to stand there while my kid sister wears MY hookup clothes trying to hookup with MY classmates. No. Or my ex Alex, who you keep drooling over when you think I don't see you! Hell no! Wear your undies, or you can ask your loser friends for replacement clothes or something, I truly legitimately could not give any less of a fuck. NOW!"
"But...but Lisa...I'm not wearing a bra under here! Please I'm sorry, I'll give you your clothes when we get home" Michelle pleaded.
"You'll give them right goddamn now or I will rip them off of you and shove your topless ass out the door in front of everybody. You have until the count of ten" Lisa commanded. "One...Two..."
"OK OK!! I'll do it!" Michelle nervously yelled. She knew 100% that Lisa's threat of shoving her out of here topless was not a bluff, and there was no way she'd be able to fight back wearing such flimsy items.
Already red in the face from both anger and humiliation, Michelle lifted up the pink halter-top over her head and shamefully handed it to her sister. As she went to lower the skirt, she could hear Lisa snickering.
"Whelp, looks like your boobs never did catch up to mine in size, and they're surely done growing by now. Sucks to be you!" Lisa taunted.
Embarrassed as hell, Michelle handed the black miniskirt to Lisa, now standing there in just a thong. Lisa grabbed the skirt, but fury filled her eyes.
"Are you wearing my FUCKING UNDERWEAR TOO??" Lisa screamed. "What the hell is wrong with you? That is gross! Give me that right now or I swear to God I will drag you out of this bathroom"
Trembling, Michelle had no choice. Nervously, slowly, she peeled off her last precious covering and handed it to Lisa. She was now completely naked in a stranger's bathroom, in a house stuffed with horny high schoolers. Michelle had no idea how she was going to get out of this without everybody seeing her nude.
Michelle squealed in fright and covered herself up when Lisa opened up the door to the outside and walked out, taking with her all of the clothes, the towel from the towel rack, and even Michelle's phone from the counter. Lisa cruelly left the door wide open, and even though most of the party wasn't looking that way, a handful of guys were. Frantic, Michelle sprinted forward to the doorway, desperate to close it again. Her only problem was that both of her hands were busy covering something precious to her from the eyes of the 3-4 horny boys staring at her. She had to chose one to release: top or bottom. She had no time to think about it, or else more of the boys might look her way. Hoping that her lower parts were more difficult to see from a distance than her tits, Michelle moved her lower hand and quickly shut the door again. She prayed that those boys weren't able to actually see anything vital, but they were certainly aware of her lack of pubes after that half-second flash.
She was openly panicking now, trapped like a rat with nothing to wear and no way to call for help. Word was surely going to get out about her nudity at lightspeed. High school boys can't keep a secret, especially a sexy secret. What if they tried to pry open the door? Even if they didn't, they could wait her out. She had to leave eventually. Michelle needed a miracle.
Thirty torturous seconds went by, with Michelle shivering madly out of cold, terror, and shame all mixed together. She wanted to scream for help, but was terrified of what would happen if anybody opened that door. She was losing hope, completely at a loss for ideas. She jumped and screamed when there was a knock on the door.
"Michelle..." her sister Lisa calmly spoke "I think you've learned your lesson. I'm not that cruel. Unlock the door and I'll give you back the clothes you had on."
"Oh my God, THANK YOU!!" Michelle beamed, unlocking the door before quickly covering herself and ducking behind the counter before it could be opened.
Lisa opened the door, casually entering the bathroom with no rush. She left the door wide open as she walked in, allowing 6 different guys to stare inside trying to see something. All six were staring at the clearly naked girl covering in the corner by the toilet trying to avoid being seen while covering up, and one of the guys even waved and hooted to draw attention from his friends.
"LISA! THE DOOR! PLEASE!" Michelle squealed in a mousey voice.
"Yeah yeah." Lisa nodded while staring at her sister "I'll close the door in a second. There's something I have to do first, that's all"
Suddenly, Lisa grabbed Michelle's elbow and pulled her as hard as she could. Michelle screamed as Lisa started dragging her out from her cover and into the open. Michelle tried to drag her feet, but this wasn't enough to stop her stronger sister from pulling her. Michelle's hands were both gripping her body tightly, top and bottom, desperate to not let go and flash something private.
"LISAAAA!!" Michelle screamed loudly enough to overpower all of the music playing easily, inadvertently drawing far more attention to herself. "LISA! STOP! STOOOOP! LET GO!!! LISA THE BOYS CAN SEE ME! This isn't funny, please let go! STOP PULLING ME TOWARDS THE DOOR!!!"
"HEY BOYS!! IT'S A STREAKER!!" Lisa shouted.
She finally shoved Michelle out of the bathroom and shut the door behind her, locking it. The laughter drowned out the music it was so intense, as most of senior class was in that one room now all staring at the naked girl trying to stay covered. Michelle was determined above everything else to keep her hands in place, while her secondary objective was to remain facing the crowd with her butt facing the door at all costs to avoid flashing her backside. With no easy way to use door handles this way, Michelle started mule-kicking the door behind her over and over again as hard as she possibly could.
"Lisa! Lisa! LISA!!! Let me in let me in let me in!! Everybody can see me!! They're all looking at me! LISA LET ME IN!!! PLEASE!! HURRY!!" The terrified Michelle begged while kicking the door.
"Occupied!" Lisa replied sarcastically.
Many of the teens watching loaded up their phones to take pictures of the unwilling streaker, especially the boys in the crowd. Michelle was trembling, looking around desperately for somebody she trusted enough to help her in her hour of greatest need. The laughing, cheering, and shouting was deafening as Michelle hung her head in shame.
"STOP LOOKING AT MEEEEEE!" Michelle whined pitifully.
"Stop kicking my door!" yelled one of the drunk horny boys, apparently the one who lived here.
He walked over to Michelle and shoved her away from the door into the sea of seniors. 20 hands instantly tried to spank her newly-exposed ass, with only 4 landing on target. Other hands reached for her as she tried to run away. Michelle got to the end of the room before crashing into Big Ben, varsity linebacker.
"Ooo look what I caught!" Ben yelled out like a Pokemon trainer as he grabbed Michelle in a full nelson, finally pulling her hands free of her privates. Her little bouncy perky boobs jiggled for their fans.
The crowd went wild! Michelle's breasts and bare mound were showing, but she held her legs together desperately to hide the last piece of her modesty. At least 50 cameras were snapping pictures as Michelle screamed for them all to stop and let her go. After 15 seconds, two other football players walked up on either side of her.
"Hey, what's even better than football Eagles?" One of them asked the crowd.
"SPREAD EAGLES!" yelled the other.
The two big guys each grabbed a knee, lifting into the air in opposite directions. They then grabbed Michelle's ankles and pulled as wide as possible, right in front of the entire senior class.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Michelle screamed.
She was unable to even blink from the shock as she watched every guy here stare at her virgin pussy. The cameras all grabbed that shot, without exception. Her whole life she was uncomfortable if a cute boy looked at her even with clothes on, but now dozens were staring and filming her bare as a newborn.
"Please..." Michelle pleaded "Please delete those pictures! Don't show anybody or post them anywhere. Please I'm begging you!"
It was at this moment, with her held wide, that Alex, Tom, and Jenna returned amid all of the commotion. Alex froze when he saw Michelle, naked, spread-eagle, held airborne by three guys. When Michelle made eye contact with him she wailed in humiliation. Her crush, the boy she's loved for years but couldn't talk to, the entire reason she was even here tonight...he was staring at her naked and spread, zero secrets unseen. It was too much. Her humiliation was complete now.
Tom and Jenna finally got her down from there, and Alex even offered his shirt to her to wear (which was practically a sundress now due to the height difference). Michelle's face was still solid red from shame, knowing that everybody saw her naked and they have pictures. If even one guy posted those somewhere, they'd be EVERYWHERE in a week and she knew it. Even seeing Alex shirtless wasn't helping her mood.
After a long announcement from Jenna to the crowd about not sharing or posting anything of a naked 17-year-old online unless they wanted to get buttfucked in prison, Alex gently put his arm around Michelle's shoulders.
"If it makes you feel any better, you are so much hotter than your sister, and have nothing at all to be embarrassed about" Alex suddenly whispered to Michelle, causing the girl to blush all over again.
"Uh..what? Uh..thanks?" Michelle stammered.
"Also she's a bitch who does this sort of crap to people all the time. We're all pretty sick of it." Alex told her. "So I'm 'totally innocent' of anything that might be accused of me by her in a minute, but here's a spoiler: don't blink"
As Alex walked away from her, towards the clueless Lisa hamming it up, Michelle fumbled to ready her newly-recovered phone and place it into camera mode. Somehow she knew that big sis was about to experience something 1000x worse than what she had just gone through, and that Lisa would be experiencing it in front of her OWN peers, none of which planned to show her mercy...for hours or longer. Per the tipoff, Michelle refused to even consider blinking until it was over.
By the time the night was done, Michelle's own streak was largely forgotten by comparison (aside from multiple compliments).
This could very well be the very last chance she ever has to make a move on Alex. If he leaves for college or a career then that's it, opportunity lost forever. Michelle's heart was beating at lightspeed just visualizing actually trying to ask him out. She hoped that the party had alcohol even though everyone is underaged, because she was going to need the boost in courage. Her mind was wandering so badly that she didn't even notice when they arrived.
"Hey Elsa!" yelled Jenna to Michelle in the backseat "No freezing this time."
"Do I wanna know?" asked Tom.
"Nunya!" replied Jenna.
Nervously, Michelle vowed: No freezing.
The three of them walked into the party, which was already rocking and rolling from the people who got here early. The snacks were gone completely, since somebody gravely underestimated how much teenage boys eat. Notorious lightweight Jimmy was already face down passed out alongside one of the walls, and his classmates were taking turns posing for selfies next to his unmoving body. Jimmy's presence implied alcohol, but Michelle couldn't see any around aside from a few bottles in peoples' hands. She realized that she was going to have to do this mission of hers stone cold sober.
"GO EAGLES!!" some random boy screamed as they entered, cheering the school teams.
A few senior boys asked Tom about the identity of the two girls he brought with, and he identified them as his girlfriend and her bestie. The bro code prevented them from ogling Jenna too strongly with Tom there, but Michelle couldn't help but notice quite a few stares aimed her way from these older boys. She blushed a little from the male attention, something she wasn't normally used to receiving. This outfit was making her feel much sexier than she normally felt.
After a few minutes, Tom and Jenna took to the crowded makeshift dance floor to throw down to the loud music playing. The dancers were so tightly clustered together that it probably made the nearest OSHA inspector weep, but somehow they managed to rock out without hitting each other (much). Michelle stayed back, trying to locate where Alex was in this sea of seniors.
"No...FUCKING...way!" some girl yelled from across the room.
Everyone looked in that direction to see Michelle's older sister Lisa standing there dumbfounded. She walked directly to Michelle's location without slowing down even if a person was in her path. People dodged at the last second just to avoid being run over by the freight train of fury.
"Hey...Lisa" called Michelle nervously.
"You came here? You needed my outfit for here? HERE?" Lisa was astounded and embarrassed "Are you completely stupid or just mostly? You're not a senior you moron! Get your little-kid ass out of here before you embarrass yourself. Or worse, me."
"Uh, Tom invited me and Jenna. Tom's a senior" Michelle responded, quite annoyed by the public scene Lisa was making.
From the dance floor, Tom yelled "She's fine, Lisa. Simmer down"
"Your sister is cool. Nobody minds her" calmly declared Alex, seemingly appearing out of thin air in the crowd. Michelle's entire circulatory system went into error mode the instant he spoke, and then it took 5 full seconds to come down from the high of hearing him say that she was "cool".
"Ok, whatever. She can stay." Lisa grumbled, then asked Michelle "Can we please discuss something privately in the bathroom real quick?"
Michelle really didn't want to, but went along anyway for civility's sake. The door was quickly shut, making it so that nobody else could hear them talk.
"My clothes" Lisa coldly ordered "I want them back. Now!"
"WHAT?" gasped Michelle. "Lisa we're in PUBLIC!"
"I literally don't care. I'm not going to stand there while my kid sister wears MY hookup clothes trying to hookup with MY classmates. No. Or my ex Alex, who you keep drooling over when you think I don't see you! Hell no! Wear your undies, or you can ask your loser friends for replacement clothes or something, I truly legitimately could not give any less of a fuck. NOW!"
"But...but Lisa...I'm not wearing a bra under here! Please I'm sorry, I'll give you your clothes when we get home" Michelle pleaded.
"You'll give them right goddamn now or I will rip them off of you and shove your topless ass out the door in front of everybody. You have until the count of ten" Lisa commanded. "One...Two..."
"OK OK!! I'll do it!" Michelle nervously yelled. She knew 100% that Lisa's threat of shoving her out of here topless was not a bluff, and there was no way she'd be able to fight back wearing such flimsy items.
Already red in the face from both anger and humiliation, Michelle lifted up the pink halter-top over her head and shamefully handed it to her sister. As she went to lower the skirt, she could hear Lisa snickering.
"Whelp, looks like your boobs never did catch up to mine in size, and they're surely done growing by now. Sucks to be you!" Lisa taunted.
Embarrassed as hell, Michelle handed the black miniskirt to Lisa, now standing there in just a thong. Lisa grabbed the skirt, but fury filled her eyes.
"Are you wearing my FUCKING UNDERWEAR TOO??" Lisa screamed. "What the hell is wrong with you? That is gross! Give me that right now or I swear to God I will drag you out of this bathroom"
Trembling, Michelle had no choice. Nervously, slowly, she peeled off her last precious covering and handed it to Lisa. She was now completely naked in a stranger's bathroom, in a house stuffed with horny high schoolers. Michelle had no idea how she was going to get out of this without everybody seeing her nude.
Michelle squealed in fright and covered herself up when Lisa opened up the door to the outside and walked out, taking with her all of the clothes, the towel from the towel rack, and even Michelle's phone from the counter. Lisa cruelly left the door wide open, and even though most of the party wasn't looking that way, a handful of guys were. Frantic, Michelle sprinted forward to the doorway, desperate to close it again. Her only problem was that both of her hands were busy covering something precious to her from the eyes of the 3-4 horny boys staring at her. She had to chose one to release: top or bottom. She had no time to think about it, or else more of the boys might look her way. Hoping that her lower parts were more difficult to see from a distance than her tits, Michelle moved her lower hand and quickly shut the door again. She prayed that those boys weren't able to actually see anything vital, but they were certainly aware of her lack of pubes after that half-second flash.
She was openly panicking now, trapped like a rat with nothing to wear and no way to call for help. Word was surely going to get out about her nudity at lightspeed. High school boys can't keep a secret, especially a sexy secret. What if they tried to pry open the door? Even if they didn't, they could wait her out. She had to leave eventually. Michelle needed a miracle.
Thirty torturous seconds went by, with Michelle shivering madly out of cold, terror, and shame all mixed together. She wanted to scream for help, but was terrified of what would happen if anybody opened that door. She was losing hope, completely at a loss for ideas. She jumped and screamed when there was a knock on the door.
"Michelle..." her sister Lisa calmly spoke "I think you've learned your lesson. I'm not that cruel. Unlock the door and I'll give you back the clothes you had on."
"Oh my God, THANK YOU!!" Michelle beamed, unlocking the door before quickly covering herself and ducking behind the counter before it could be opened.
Lisa opened the door, casually entering the bathroom with no rush. She left the door wide open as she walked in, allowing 6 different guys to stare inside trying to see something. All six were staring at the clearly naked girl covering in the corner by the toilet trying to avoid being seen while covering up, and one of the guys even waved and hooted to draw attention from his friends.
"LISA! THE DOOR! PLEASE!" Michelle squealed in a mousey voice.
"Yeah yeah." Lisa nodded while staring at her sister "I'll close the door in a second. There's something I have to do first, that's all"
Suddenly, Lisa grabbed Michelle's elbow and pulled her as hard as she could. Michelle screamed as Lisa started dragging her out from her cover and into the open. Michelle tried to drag her feet, but this wasn't enough to stop her stronger sister from pulling her. Michelle's hands were both gripping her body tightly, top and bottom, desperate to not let go and flash something private.
"LISAAAA!!" Michelle screamed loudly enough to overpower all of the music playing easily, inadvertently drawing far more attention to herself. "LISA! STOP! STOOOOP! LET GO!!! LISA THE BOYS CAN SEE ME! This isn't funny, please let go! STOP PULLING ME TOWARDS THE DOOR!!!"
"HEY BOYS!! IT'S A STREAKER!!" Lisa shouted.
She finally shoved Michelle out of the bathroom and shut the door behind her, locking it. The laughter drowned out the music it was so intense, as most of senior class was in that one room now all staring at the naked girl trying to stay covered. Michelle was determined above everything else to keep her hands in place, while her secondary objective was to remain facing the crowd with her butt facing the door at all costs to avoid flashing her backside. With no easy way to use door handles this way, Michelle started mule-kicking the door behind her over and over again as hard as she possibly could.
"Lisa! Lisa! LISA!!! Let me in let me in let me in!! Everybody can see me!! They're all looking at me! LISA LET ME IN!!! PLEASE!! HURRY!!" The terrified Michelle begged while kicking the door.
"Occupied!" Lisa replied sarcastically.
Many of the teens watching loaded up their phones to take pictures of the unwilling streaker, especially the boys in the crowd. Michelle was trembling, looking around desperately for somebody she trusted enough to help her in her hour of greatest need. The laughing, cheering, and shouting was deafening as Michelle hung her head in shame.
"STOP LOOKING AT MEEEEEE!" Michelle whined pitifully.
"Stop kicking my door!" yelled one of the drunk horny boys, apparently the one who lived here.
He walked over to Michelle and shoved her away from the door into the sea of seniors. 20 hands instantly tried to spank her newly-exposed ass, with only 4 landing on target. Other hands reached for her as she tried to run away. Michelle got to the end of the room before crashing into Big Ben, varsity linebacker.
"Ooo look what I caught!" Ben yelled out like a Pokemon trainer as he grabbed Michelle in a full nelson, finally pulling her hands free of her privates. Her little bouncy perky boobs jiggled for their fans.
The crowd went wild! Michelle's breasts and bare mound were showing, but she held her legs together desperately to hide the last piece of her modesty. At least 50 cameras were snapping pictures as Michelle screamed for them all to stop and let her go. After 15 seconds, two other football players walked up on either side of her.
"Hey, what's even better than football Eagles?" One of them asked the crowd.
"SPREAD EAGLES!" yelled the other.
The two big guys each grabbed a knee, lifting into the air in opposite directions. They then grabbed Michelle's ankles and pulled as wide as possible, right in front of the entire senior class.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Michelle screamed.
She was unable to even blink from the shock as she watched every guy here stare at her virgin pussy. The cameras all grabbed that shot, without exception. Her whole life she was uncomfortable if a cute boy looked at her even with clothes on, but now dozens were staring and filming her bare as a newborn.
"Please..." Michelle pleaded "Please delete those pictures! Don't show anybody or post them anywhere. Please I'm begging you!"
It was at this moment, with her held wide, that Alex, Tom, and Jenna returned amid all of the commotion. Alex froze when he saw Michelle, naked, spread-eagle, held airborne by three guys. When Michelle made eye contact with him she wailed in humiliation. Her crush, the boy she's loved for years but couldn't talk to, the entire reason she was even here tonight...he was staring at her naked and spread, zero secrets unseen. It was too much. Her humiliation was complete now.
Tom and Jenna finally got her down from there, and Alex even offered his shirt to her to wear (which was practically a sundress now due to the height difference). Michelle's face was still solid red from shame, knowing that everybody saw her naked and they have pictures. If even one guy posted those somewhere, they'd be EVERYWHERE in a week and she knew it. Even seeing Alex shirtless wasn't helping her mood.
After a long announcement from Jenna to the crowd about not sharing or posting anything of a naked 17-year-old online unless they wanted to get buttfucked in prison, Alex gently put his arm around Michelle's shoulders.
"If it makes you feel any better, you are so much hotter than your sister, and have nothing at all to be embarrassed about" Alex suddenly whispered to Michelle, causing the girl to blush all over again.
"Uh..what? Uh..thanks?" Michelle stammered.
"Also she's a bitch who does this sort of crap to people all the time. We're all pretty sick of it." Alex told her. "So I'm 'totally innocent' of anything that might be accused of me by her in a minute, but here's a spoiler: don't blink"
As Alex walked away from her, towards the clueless Lisa hamming it up, Michelle fumbled to ready her newly-recovered phone and place it into camera mode. Somehow she knew that big sis was about to experience something 1000x worse than what she had just gone through, and that Lisa would be experiencing it in front of her OWN peers, none of which planned to show her mercy...for hours or longer. Per the tipoff, Michelle refused to even consider blinking until it was over.
By the time the night was done, Michelle's own streak was largely forgotten by comparison (aside from multiple compliments).
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Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
- mikewozere
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Re: Summer Slam - Edithdick
Great story, very hot how she was spread-eagled naked in public 
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Re: Summer Slam - Edithdick
Perhaps Lisa's humiliation could be expanded on into another chapter here?
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Re: Summer Slam - Edithdick
The competition required him to finish my story in 2,500 words or less. Given that, he did an outstanding job. I loved how he nailed every thread that I left him to bring this story to a conclusion!mikewozere wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:19 am Perhaps Lisa's humiliation could be expanded on into another chapter here?
- Executionus
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Re: Summer Slam - Edithdick
I have no plans to do so currently, but possibly the next step in the contest will involve that in some way.mikewozere wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:19 am Perhaps Lisa's humiliation could be expanded on into another chapter here?
Honestly I was more connected to Lisa as a character than Michelle when writing this, because Lisa's entire toxic mentality of treating her sister like a child (even though they're only one year apart) conveyed such a passive villainous elitism to me. Toxic attitudes are very NOT popular among Zoomers like they were for older generations, so I had it in my mind that nobody in her class really liked Lisa even if Lisa thought she was popular. Ending the story with her payback teased would be cathartic to all in attendance, but obviously I had no room to actually write it.
Executionus Complete Story Archive
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
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Re: Summer Slam - Edithdick
Agreed. If not a new chapter, maybe a linked story; the setup is already there, so could get straight into the humiliation 
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