The High Dive

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The High Dive

Post by josh »

Just a little preface before the story. This story is something that's been in the back of my mind ever since I saw the original version when I was much younger. I finally decided to write it recently after getting inspiration from this forum. It's a gender-swapped version of the pool scene from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This story ended up being much longer than I thought it would be, so here's part one of two. I'm hoping to get the second part up sometime tomorrow but I felt this was a good stopping point for now, plus it will motivate me to finish the story.

The High Dive, Part One
It was a bright summer day at the Plainview Heights Country Club. Thirteen year Maggie arrived at the Club, choosing to spend her day at the pool. It was a pretty slow day at the pool, not like there was nobody there but it definitely wasn’t as packed as it could be. None of this mattered to Maggie though, as she spotted the one person she wanted to see from across the pool, Gabe. Gabe was the boy she had a crush on for years. She knew him well enough, but definitely not well enough to start dating. All Maggie wanted to do was to impress him today.

As Maggie settled into her chair on the pool deck, she pulled off her shirt and shorts to reveal a maroon red one piece bikini. Maggie loved the suit as it gave great coverage to her… underdeveloped parts. Maggie let the sun soak in for a while. She peeked to see if Gabe was nearby, adjusted her golden hair as it sat just below her shoulders.

Maggie decided it was finally time to impress Gabe. She looked around for anything that would help her when her eyes locked on the high dive. A fit girl in a skin tight bathing suit showing off her curves leaped off the board, completing an excellent dive that barely left a splash. A man in front of her sat up in his seat, staring in awe.
“That was impressive,” he said with a smile.

Maggie knew what she had to do to finally impress Gabe! She looked over to see Gabe sitting right by the diving board, ensuring she would grab his attention. Maggie’s smile grew big and she walked over the diving boards. Maggie confidently climbed the (probably) twenty feet to the tallest high dive in the Country Club.

When she reached the top, Maggie realized she may have been in over her head. Embarrassingly, this was Maggie’s first time on the high dive, and she hadn’t quite accounted for how tall it seemed from the top. As Maggie apprehensively approached the end of the diving board, she didn’t notice the little girl quickly climbing behind her.

Maggie only made it to the end of the railing before she stopped, still a good few feet from the end of the platform. She looked downwards in fear.
“That’s pretty high,” she said aloud. Suddenly, the little girl behind her spoke. The girl’s name was Taylor. She couldn’t have been older than eight and she wore a black one-piece covered in small pink and red designs.
“Are you talking to yourself?” Taylor asked.

Maggie turned around, slightly shaking because of the height.
“No, of course not,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.
“Yeah you were,” Taylor replied cockily, “You’re talking to yourself because you’re scared.”
Maggie let out a nervous chuckle.
“I’m not scared, that’s crazy! You don’t understand what I was doing b-because you’re just a little kid,” Maggie said, trying her best to sound assertive when in reality she was terrified.

“Then go!” Taylor yelled with a wave of her hand. Maggie turned back around and slowly continued her walk towards the end of the board, being sure to keep her grip on the railing until the very last second. Maggie briefly stopped to look back at Taylor who gave her a quick shake of the head, as if to tell her to continue moving.

With a final few small steps, Maggie reached the end of the board. Somehow everything seemed even taller at the edge and it felt like she was a hundred feet in the air. Just at that moment Gabe got distracted by his friend and turned away from the high dive. Maggie no longer had any reason to go, and she was contemplating just turning away at this point. It’s not like Gabe would know.

It seemed the excessive waiting and the little kid comment had finally gotten to Taylor, as she shook the board around. This, mixed with Maggie’s already nervous shaking legs caused Maggie to slip and fall backwards. Maggie’s butt plummeted down onto the board, the sudden weight causing it to push itself far downwards. Suddenly the board recoiled back up, sending Maggie flying into the air.

Maggie, now a couple feet in the air basically lying straight out, flailed her arms around, fearful that she would smack the board and hurt herself. A loud tear could be heard as Maggie straightened herself out and somehow completed a dive into the water. Taylor, still on top of the high dive, looked almost in shock at the scene that had just occurred.

As Maggie surfaced the water and looked up, all those feet in the air, she noticed her entire bikini hanging off the corner of the high dive. Maggie was now completely in the buff, in the middle of a public swimming pool.

Taylor covered her mouth and let out a big laugh. Maggie panicked, looking around to make sure nobody, especially Gabe, saw the sight that had happened. Maggie then quickly looked back up at the high dive, noticing Taylor at the edge grabbing her bikini. Maggie, hoping for a little sympathy, waved her hand towards her, a gesture to try and get Taylor to return her bikini to its rightful owner.

Taylor, holding the bikini high above her head and waving it around, said, “I’m sorry! I don’t understand! You see, I’m just a little kid!” Just like that, Taylor tossed the maroon swimsuit into the air. It landed on a fence post far away from where Maggie was left, completely nude in the water.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by mikewozere »

Love it. Looking forward to part 2.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by clockspinning »

Males might be able go unnoticed as their bathing suits are far enough down that water distortions and shadows in a clear pool might obscure their nudity for a while. A girl wearing a bikini just losing just the bottoms might go unnoticed for a while, but not in a one piece. MORE!!!
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Re: The High Dive

Post by ely »

I really liked the first part, bikini and swimming pool are a winning couple :D
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Re: The High Dive

Post by josh »

This time around I definitely took more creative liberties to spice it up a little bit, since in the original the time between the diving board incident and leaving the pool is almost nonexistent and made for a less interesting second half. I hope you enjoy these changes and the end of the story!

The High Dive, Part Two
Maggie was now stranded in the deep end of the pool, completely naked. Even though it wouldn’t make a huge difference, it still embarrassed Maggie to not be able to cover herself up as she was treading water with both of her arms.

Maggie looked at her bikini, now hanging off of a fence post so far away. At that moment, she wanted to cry and she felt tears beginning to form in her eyes. Maggie jumped and her eyes opened wide as she heard a voice at her side.

“Hi Maggie!” Gabe said. In her panic Maggie hadn’t noticed Gabe get in the pool and swim over to her.
“Oh, hey Gabe” Maggie replied, trying to keep cool while being fully nude right next to her crush.
“Oh my god, it’s so hot out,” Gabe said, “It’s so nice to be cool off in here.”
“Yeah, great!” Maggie said, her voice not sounding very sincere.
“I was about to go get ice cream, you wanna join me?” Gabe asked.
“That’d be awesome!” Maggie said before she rejoined reality, remembering her predicament. “I-I-I mean, no. Another time maybe.”
“Are you sure? It’s really good here!”
“Yeah, I’m trying to lose a couple of pounds” Maggie really hoped that Gabe would buy her excuse. For the first time in her life she just wanted him to leave her alone.
“Well, ok,” Gabe said before swimming away.

Immediately after Gabe’s departure a new problem arrived. Maggie’s sort of enemy, Patty, hopped into the pool near her. Patty pulled her goggles down over her eyes and ducked underwater while facing right toward Maggie. Maggie panicked and immediately swam as fast she could while only being able to basically paddle underwater. She was trying her hardest to make sure her butt didn’t dip above the water, exposing her.

Maggie swam as fast as she could but it seemed like Patty was following her, and she was much faster. Maggie reached the corner of the pool, still slightly ahead of Patty. She went under the water and was about to push herself off the wall to get some distance when two legs appeared right in front of her. Patty. Maggie brought her head back above the water.

“Oh hey Maggie!” Patty said, “While I was walking around the pool I couldn’t help but notice how tan your bikini looked!”
“Um… well… I was just try-”
“You don’t need to lie to me Maggie. All I’m going to ask for is a little view underwater. I didn’t bring my goggles for nothing!”
“What? No! That’s… weird!’ Maggie did not need to show Patty her flat boobs and give away another thing to make fun of her with.
“Well if you don’t… I guess I’ll just have to tell the nice lifeguards that you’re skinny dipping in the pool! I’m sure that’s against the rules.”
“O-okay, fine.”
“And no covering!”

With that, Patty dipped under the water. Maggie had her hands covering her underdeveloped privates in front, holding on to her dignity for as long as possible. Patty grabbed onto her arms and pushed them out of the way. Above the water, Maggie’s face turned red. She couldn’t believe her mortal enemy was getting a perfectly clear view of her most private areas.

Maggie saw Patty laughing from under the water, and felt the bubbles touch her legs and stomach. After what seemed like hours, Patty resurfaced. She immediately began to climb out of the pool.
“Wait!” Maggie said.
“What?” Patty asked with a groan.
“Could you please get me some sort of cover?” Maggie asked.
“No, it’s really more fun to watch you squirm,” Patty replied.“See ya around, flatty!” she said with a laugh.

Maggie spent the rest of her day forced to swim around. She tried to mostly stay in corners away from most of the other people there. Maggie somehow managed to avoid detection for the entire day.

As Maggie stood (well more squatted) in a corner of the pool, an announcement happened over the loudspeaker.
“Attention everybody! The pool will be closing in ten minutes so everyone out of the pool please!”

Maggie's worst nightmare had finally become reality. It was hard enough to avoid people noticing her nudeness while she was in the pool but outside? It would be 100% impossible. Everybody quickly exited the pool and Maggie realized she had to act fast, as she turned around to pull herself out of the pool, prepared to accept her fate, she noticed something.

“Hey! Um… could you pass me those?” Maggie asked a worker walking by.
“These?” the worker asked, pointing to a light blue color hidden underneath a towel.
“Yeah,” Maggie said with a chuckle.

Maggie finally exited the pool up the steps in the shallow end. As luck would have it, she managed to find a bikini at the last second. At least, part of a bikini. Maggie began walking to the exit (where the fence post with her bikini was) covering both of her flat boobs with her very own hand bra. Her bottom half was covered by a few sizes too small children's bikini, filled with bright colors, ponies, and rainbows. The bikini was better than nothing, but especially when wet it gripped to her skin and left the lower half of her butt cheeks exposed, not leaving much to the imagination.

As Maggie approached the exit, keeping her head down, two older boys walked past and laughed as they looked at her. Multiple parents sitting at tables also chose to laugh at her. As Maggie continued to walk Patty gave a big, exaggerated laugh at her situation.
“Oh my gosh! You loser!’

Maggie finally walked by the exit, passing by Taylor, who just stood there with her arms crossed. Maggie, at this point too tired to even yell at her grabbed her bikini and hid behind a tree as she quickly changed, tossing the kid's bikini over the fence and finally leaving the pool to head home.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by jimmythehand »

Another enjoyable story, you're on a roll now! I particularly enjoyed the nervous anticipation of waiting to see if she could avoid exposure and who might see her.

I have a technical question, if you don't mind? I've been seeing use of the word 'bikini' to mean a one piece swimsuit or just any female swimsuit more and more in recent years. In the past I've corrected people but seeing it again here, is this now a thing or maybe I've just missed out on a particular style of swimsuit?

For me, leaving aside wetsuits and drysuits, the basic styles of female swimsuits are:
  • Bikini - a two piece suit that resembles bra and panties/knickers. There's also the bandeau bikini, where the the 'bra top' is replaced with more of a wraparound piece of material (a bandeau).
  • Tankini - like a bikini but the 'bra top' is replaced with a tank top (vest type top), which can be of varying lengths.
The two styles for men are:
  • Swimming trunks/swim trunks/swimming briefs - looks like men's 'briefs' underwear. In the US, particularly small examples are often referred to as a speedo, after the classic sports brand with which they're synonymous.
  • Swimming shorts/swim shorts - basically a pair of shorts made out of swimuit material, usually with netting built in to act as underwear and often with pockets.
Apologies if this seems like an odd question but it's something I've encountered more than you might expect and now seeing it on this board, I thought I'd ask.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by Debbifan »

A bikini is definitely a two piece. The clue is in the name...'bi' equals two, as in bifocal, bisexual and so on. Bicycle...two wheels.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by Humilatron »

While bikini definitely means two piece, it has been evolved to also refer to women’s bathing suits. Similar to how lingerie just referred to women’s underwear and now has evolved to mean moreso sexy underwear. I think also non-English speakers may also refer to a woman’s swimsuit as a bikini because the translation of two piece doesn’t necessarily carry over.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by Executionus »

The problem is that the term "monokini" never caught on.
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Re: The High Dive

Post by Revengedpirate »

Loving the swim suit diversions lol I would’ve thought also bikini still refers to a two piece, again with Debbifan, as bi definitely means a pair, two or double.

But also wouldn’t a monokini be a mankini as this is usually a one piece stretched around. You would have briefs which are just bottoms which describes trunks and underwear. Clothing would start to get very complicated if we started breaking down every acronym based to clothing as each has different meaning in several languages
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