KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 35 Added.)

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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 26 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

Executionus wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 2:36 am
AllieNF wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 2:16 am why hasn't something like that happened? Probably a different level of kink...and maybe my potentially unfounded concerns in what I can/can't do to the characters. I wrote a chapter that I tossed that I thought ended up being a little too non-consent, perhaps a little more violent than I wanted. I've been skittish around certain parts and concepts. Something like what you mentioned is somewhere on my "can I?" list.
This story won't really benefit from abusing any of the characters too much, especially moving towards violence and excessive groping. That would break from the overall feel of the rest of it and shift too dark. I wasn't suggesting that sort of thing. I was more going with things like a boy asking Jenna "I'll donate $100 if you use your fingers to spread your pussy for me and let me take pictures". Jenna would then struggle with the dilemma of whether or not she'd agree to the offer.

I was commenting how I was surprised that it hadn't happened yet, but that's probably because I know how internet communities treat E-girls. Cash for humiliating poses is a hugely popular kink online so cam girls and pic models will often get flooded with requests. It's one of the draws of OnlyFans as well, the ability to buy custom content.
I think we're really on the same page. I totally get where you're coming from. That's why I tossed the chapter it seemed too much. The concept was different until I wrote it... (It was originally Mr. Riley allowing the students to participate in a Human Experience experiment as part of his Literature and the Human Experience class...) It felt wrong and changed the tone of things in a way I thought hurt the story, so I chucked it.

In the explanation, I think you wrote, of the NIS type stories, there was talk of other students being able to touch the naked students at will. I think I struggle with that, somewhat because part of the official rules ( I think,) pushed to avoid non-consent-mainly in sex. I was working on finding the line that worked for me...and with Part 25, I didn't find it. I took a different path. But I want to do something more like that.

...I get more of what you're saying now, referring to E-girls and cam models. I haven't participated in that kind of transaction, apart from seeing what I imagine are after the fact photos and videos of the events themselves. I hadn't considered them as "events of humiliation." I'm learning a little more about this kink along the way, which is good.

I think when I started (and it's probably evident,) my fantasies lie a little more in forced exhibitionism. The accidental and humiliation aspects are more foreign to me. ...Having said that, the "cam model conundrum" is more in my wheelhouse, just not something I had seen as such.

In any case, I think that sort of thing would be covered in what I have planned for the lunch hour. I'll toss some credit your way for the assist.

Overall, I've probably failed a little in the "fundraising" aspect of the story, but I'm always finding ways to circle back to it.

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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 26 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:04 am Having been in the drama club in high school, this story continues to scare the heck out of me! I would not have been nearly as brave as these kids! :lol:
I don't think I would have either, but I know some of the kids this would have been easy for...
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser Part 27

Post by AllieNF »

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 27- The Pre-Show

Mr. Gunderson was one of Jenna’s younger teachers. He was married and had a small son at home, but that didn’t keep his eyes from wandering. He’d often make flirty statements. He taught Jenna when she was a freshman, and now again as she was a senior due to a positional shift after some early retirements due to Covid. She didn’t feel 100% safe in his class, but she didn’t feel scared either.

Today, since she was naked, she felt a little less safe. Still reeling from the kiss fellow naked drama kid Emily had just given her outside and lightly amused by the jaunty comments from her teacher at the door, Jenna felt less safe than normal…but only a touch more nervous about things. She’d gotten through Mr. Riley’s class without him being a total asshole, which he normally was, perhaps she’d get through Mr. Gunderson’s class unscathed and without him being a total dick, which he normally wasn’t.

“Class, today we have been given a gift,” Their teacher began, “Two incredibly naked and incredibly beautiful young girls. Stand up for us girls…let’s all take a look.”

Emily looked over at Jenna, who shrugged and started to stand. Emily followed the lead.

They could feel the eyes and the cameras.

Mr. Gunderson beckoned them to come to the front and the two girls reluctantly did. He stood between them and posed for pictures. Put his arm around their shoulders…and another with his arms around their waists.

“Make sure you send these to me, gang.” He said to the class. “And don’t post them! My wife will freak out!” He laughed as he said this last part, he knew they were going to get posted. The smarter and more mischievous kids might hold them back for blackmail. Mr. Gunderson also knew his wife as already watching on the classroom camera, her wild jealously made her take today off just so she could supervise her husband, who she had suspected of straying before. He winked at the camera. Jenna noticed the steady stream of text messages coming silently to his phone on his desk, but couldn’t read them.

“Okay.” Mr. Gunderson said to the girls starting to step away from them. “I want you to turn around and put your hands on the desk…y’know, bend over a little, let us get a good look.”

Jenna and Emily were getting a little more frustrated now and their faces definitely showed it.

The classroom was not at all frustrated. They were happy. Girls and boys. The boys obviously because they enjoyed what they were seeing, which may have been true for some of the girls as well…but the majority of the girls were happy to see Emily get unwanted attention.

Emily was one of the most book smart girls in the school and was particularly good in history. This being a senior class, despite the early stage of the school year, the students were familiar with Emily’s ability to blow out a curve and achieve the highest scores in the class. While Emily was not as good with social interactions as she wished she was, she wasn’t completely out there. She tried lots of extracurricular activities and sometimes did well at them, but got bored easily. Theater was something she found interesting and fun, better than most of the sports. There’s a team feeling in theater that is just different than playing field hockey or softball. The pressure is manageable in a way that worked with Emily’s personality and her drive to succeed. She wasn’t the best at it, but, to her, that was fine. Being in the middle felt comfortable for her in theater, increased the fun, and kept her under the radar. Tricia Michaelson was the odds-on favorite for Valedictorian because she was so good at everything she did and she was pretty smart when it came to her grades. That took the pressure of Emily, who was actually most likely going to end up as Valedictorian. Most kids didn’t suspect that… but it sure felt good to the girls to put her in her place today.

“Hey,” Mr. Gunderson interjected into the proceedings as the girls bent over begrudgingly, “Should we move some desks out of the way…clear up the shots some?”

There were murmurs of agreement and some of the kids starting moving up to his desk to help without being told. Mr. Gunderson stepped in himself and moved a few pieces of classroom furniture. The boys and at least of the girls took little opportunities to brush against the girls…touching their legs, arms, tummies, side boobs if they could, and, of course, their asses as the students moved things around their naked classmates.

“You two stay right there. …right like that… or spread your legs a little,” he said to the two nude girls displayed at his desk.

“It could be worse.” Jenna commented quietly to Emily as she spread her legs a little.

“Class just started, Jenna…” was Emily’s slightly panicked reply. Emily did not spread her legs at all.

Neither girl was either particularly proud or specifically unhappy with their ass. Jenna knew it wasn’t her strongest feature, but she didn’t feel anything negative towards it. Emily was probably a little more positive about hers, than Jenna.

It didn’t feel like their asses were being neglected by their peers, not in this classroom anyway. Far from rejecting them, the class seemed to be embracing them… True both were paler than the rest of their bodies, but they were both also round in all the right places. Neither was flat or marked with cellulite lines and pock marks. These were nice smooth asses and worthy to be in the naughty pictures which were now immortalizing them.

“Emily,” Mr. Gunderson said in a serious tone, “If you don’t do as I tell you, I’ll start deducting classroom points and it might affect your grade.”

Emily groaned angrily, but complied. She muttered under her breath to Jenna “And there it is…”

Jenna’s heart broke a little for her friend as she spread her legs wider for the class to gaze more deeply on her private areas. Once again, a teacher had chosen the nuclear option towards Jenna and her friends, forcing actions by threatening things that meant so much to high school students. Mr. Elba had done it with whole damn fundraiser that now resembled more of a sex circus to the other students, while being the only way Jenna could achieve what she needed to make her dreams come true. Mr. Gunderson had now joined the list of teachers who would have to fall prey to revenge…

…but that thought would have to hold for now, the embarrassment was far from over as Mr. Gunderson coughed to get their attention.

Jenna knew it was coming, the trajectory of Gunderson’s commands and requests so far was unmistakable.

“Spread your cheeks girls.” He asked.

The girls scoffed at this. Jenna turning and changing her pose as she protested. “No. That’s not right.” She blurted.

Emily relaxed her pose, as well, feeling just a little better getting to close her legs, and cover her chest with folded arms. The pictures didn’t stop, so she turned a little to prevent full frontal photos.

Jenna leaned into her protestations. “The purpose of this is to make it so we can do a musical this year. Not so you and all the boys and bis and lesbians can get a thrill today….” She looked out at the other students, “No offense.”

There was a grumble from the class.

“We already paid this morning.” Several of the students said, or intoned some facsimile of the same.
Emily spoke up here, “You paid to get us naked…to keep us naked, not to have us do a show just for you.”

There was a grumble again and Morgan Flaherty, one of the male students from the second wealthiest family in the school district raised an intriguing question, “Well, how much would a show cost?”

Emily and Jenna looked at each other eyes getting wider. They walked right into that one.

Mr. Gunderson smiled wickedly off to the side. “Well ladies?”

Jenna looked at Emily again, and shrugged. She honestly had no idea how to even quantify a “show,” for the class. She could imagine a few of the things they’d ask…and she wasn’t even sure she’d be willing to do them. They could just come up with a number that was so outrageous that the students would never be able to pay it…but that would be seen as unfair.

They could come up with a reasonable number…and even double it maybe, with Morgan Flaherty in the mix it would probably happen.

“Can we confer?” Jenna asked her teacher.

“I’ll give you two five minutes,” their mentor said, “And while you work, we’ll come up with your script.”

He motioned the girls to his desk and gave them a piece of paper to write calculations. Jenna and Emily grabbed their bags and pulled out their donation envelopes… quickly counting and thinking.

They overheard the other students suggesting poses and lewd acts…For his part, Mr. Gunderson did say no to one of two things. Scat and fisting were a definite no.

Emily started crying a little bit, but Jenna talked her back from a full breakdown. She told her to write a quick list of things that were a definite no for them…for her. And they could counter bargain.

Jenna asked Mr. Gunderson to show her the fundraiser website, as her phone was in the drama room. She wanted to see where the money stood now.

Both nude girls were floored as the Fundraiser had raked in almost $10,000 more since home room and the envelopes hadn’t even been turned in yet. With a total of almost $28,000 they both realized it was going to be one hell of a musical…

…but that thought didn’t help them come up with a price.

Then Jenna whispered to Emily, “Sweet 16? ...$3,200 total. Sixteen hundred per girl. Put us over the $30,000 mark and we each pocket $600 without telling Elba? I’ve got more than that much in cash in my envelope.”

Emily thought quickly and nodded her head yes. “Me too.”

Jenna turned to the teacher and the class. “3 thousand, 2 hundred.”

There was a murmur as students started doing mental math…

“But no cameras.” Emily added, “This show is just for you.”

There were some groans, but Gunderson quieted them down. “No, that’s fair. I’ve seen the list of things you want them to do.”

There was a grumbled wave of agreement.

Mr. Gunderson looked at the class, “So… Is this a price the market is willing to bear?”

They began to empty their pockets and collect what money they had left. Mr. Gunderson walked over to his desk and picked up his phone, he showed it to Jenna as he added $500.00 to his already existing donation of $303-$101 dollars for each naked student in his home room.

Morgan stayed out of the fray until the kids had collected all they could. A few came forward to Jenna to show their new donation numbers on their phone. She wrote them down to keep track, while Emily counted the cash.

As the money kept rolling in, Jenna had to admit she was getting a little more excited about the possibility of doing some kind of show for the kids. She tossed around the idea in her head that maybe they’d still do something even if they couldn’t match the fee. They may say no to a few more things, but they might do something.

The new total from the class was just over $1,400.

Morgan said, he’d double it. That put them just about $400 shy of the needed number.

The class started to register disappointment… when Morgan asked if he could phone a friend. …and by friend, he meant his dad.

Jenna looked at Emily and the two agreed. Maybe they could pocket a little more, They were close enough to having to do the show anyway, they probably couldn’t weasel out of it too easily. The begging from the students and Mr. Gunderson would be atrocious.

Moments later, they had a new viewer to the classroom feed, a new sponsor for their show and another $800.00 donated into the fundraiser.

“Looks like opening night is here, ladies.” Mr. Gunderson said with a smile. “Let’s compare lists…”

Jenna handed over their list of definitely nots, their teacher looked at both lists and only marked two things off their list. He leaned over with the classroom list and pointed at one item.

“This one is on your no list, but it was on our yes list. You made $400 extra dollars and we agreed no phones. This one happens or some donations disappear.”

Jenna looked at Emily, she felt had again. This didn’t feel like total blackmail, but it felt like a negotiation that had a small hiccup in the other side’s favor. With a lowered head, Jenna agreed. She would take the brunt of the activity anyway.

“Give us a minute to warm up and we’ll start.” Jenna said, taking Emily’s shoulder and stepping behind Gunderson’s desk once more.

He went back to the kids. “Alright class, put your phones away and get ready. It’s almost showtime.”

Mr. Gunderson took a seat in the front room, and pulled a red pen from his pocket. He was going to watch everything they did and make sure they hit every request on the list… even the last one. The grand finale.

Jenna told Emily it was going to be okay, to which her friend nodded worriedly.

Jenna wondered who was going to tell her it would be okay. She definitely wasn’t sure it would be, she wasn’t sure she would be.

NOTEIf you want to skip the short block of comments that follows and continue on to part 28, click this link: viewtopic.php?p=7984#p7984
Last edited by AllieNF on Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 27 Added.)

Post by swguy123 »

Just wanted to say I have been really enjoying this story, great work! I particularly like people taking nude photos of them. I am really looking forward to the upcoming 'show', hopefully they have to do some really embarrassing stuff. I was just a bit disappointed that they said no cameras, hopefully some people ignore that and manage to sneak a few photos anyway.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 27 Added.)

Post by Executionus »

swguy123 wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:20 am I was just a bit disappointed that they said no cameras, hopefully some people ignore that and manage to sneak a few photos anyway.
The girls have both forgotten that their show will be streamed on the fundraiser website, meaning everyone watching it online can save screencaps at will and distribute them freely.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 27 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

Executionus wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:23 pm
swguy123 wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:20 am I was just a bit disappointed that they said no cameras, hopefully some people ignore that and manage to sneak a few photos anyway.
The girls have both forgotten that their show will be streamed on the fundraiser website, meaning everyone watching it online can save screencaps at will and distribute them freely.
Spoiler alert! ...maybe. ;)

(New chapter should be up tomorrow...been a weird couple of days.)
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 27 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

swguy123 wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:20 am Just wanted to say I have been really enjoying this story, great work! I particularly like people taking nude photos of them. I am really looking forward to the upcoming 'show', hopefully they have to do some really embarrassing stuff. I was just a bit disappointed that they said no cameras, hopefully some people ignore that and manage to sneak a few photos anyway.
I have a cunning plan... I think.

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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser Part 28

Post by AllieNF »

Disclaimer: This part might include some events some people feel are extreme.

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 28- The Show

The bell rang, and the class was over. The show was over. The two of them had done it…but Jenna was humiliated and unable to move for the moment from the shock. She sat Mark Taylor’s gym towel on the floor, as Emily had collapsed in tears on Mr. Gunderson’s chair. The last 25 minutes had been intense…and their acting Principal’s words were echoing in their ears. Perhaps this fundraiser truly had turned them into whores.

It had started out innocently enough. Mr. Gunderson’s class was going to get a show, but the girls themselves had turned the somewhat free show he was presenting into a sort of pay per-view. The class had ponied up extra cash for the fundraiser and the two girls had even planned to skim some of that cash off the top for themselves, it wouldn’t hurt the program since the fundraiser was going exceptionally well.

Emily and Jenna had taken some form of control over the proceedings and there was, if not joy then, relief in that for them. They had taken the cameras away from students for their little show. While they knew the classroom cameras were on and that feed was going through the fundraiser website to anyone who had donated any money through it, they figured with almost 80 classrooms to choose from, theirs wouldn’t be the main draw.

The spike in viewership had crashed the website about 10 minutes into their “show.” The crashing of the site earned the attention of the acting principal Mrs. Ritaworth. It took mere moments for her to make a schoolwide announcement, and turn all the monitors in all the classrooms on to the feed from Mr. Gunderson’s room. She wanted the entire school to see what something like fundraiser had done to two good students. It had turned them into whores she said on the intercom to the whole school… and perhaps it had.

Jenna and Emily were not allowed to stop… they had to complete each dirty task Mr. Gunderson and the other students had listed out. …and they did them all.

It had started out innocently enough…

…as asked the two girls began kissing. They figured that was easy enough to handle. They had already kissed. Emily had taken the initiative in the hallway before class, right in front of their history teacher. It was one kiss then, but while the classroom watched, it became more. It wasn’t an innocent peck…it had to become a deep and passionate kiss. The two naked students had pressed into the kissing, mouths open, tongues touching tongues and cheeks and teeth… those watching in the classroom howled. Those watching at home probably went further…

Further is what Jenna and Emily did. They added touching, massaging, groping or each other. Their two nude bodies embracing and entwining, first in a strange mocking way-something akin to the exaggerated lovemaking sessions they had seen in pornographic videos they had both seen but neither would admit too. …but then…as it progressed, it became more comfortable, perhaps tenderly rougher and more confident in the way two people enjoying each other’s bodies would as things progressed to a point where hormones had to take over.

Emily’s D cup breasts had mostly engulfed the delicate and perky C-cups of Jenna as their bodies melted together. Standing on the cold tiled floor of their history class feeling and experiencing an intimate moment in front of their peers, vulnerable and naked. The outside world, for this moment, no longer existed. Neither had ever felt they might be lesbian…neither had considered themselves bi-sexual in any measurable way outside of a few stray thoughts of girlish adventure. This school, these friends, their teacher Mr. Gunderson would never again see them as anything else.

The undulating and entwining that accompanied the kissing now involved their hands between each other’s legs. Jenna’s hands upon Emily’s sex, Emily’s hand upon Jenna’s nether lips…

The in-room viewers started chanting “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” That was indeed on the list and they both knew it…

Jenna gently laid Emily down on Gunderson’s desk and spread her legs wide so the other students could see. She still held Emily’s hand with one of hers, as she kneeled on the floor placing her other hand upon her friend’s vagina, to aid and assist as her mouth connected with the wet and hirsute pussy. As Jenna’s tongue deployed itself lashing and licking against her friend’s hidden flesh, Emily moaned in pleasure louder then she expected.

None of Emily’s boyfriends had ever wanted to perform oral sex on her, she had stopped shaving over the summer. Beaches and bathing suits be damned, was her thought, if no one is going to touch it but me and the odd prematurely ejaculating dick, why bother to make it pretty. She had always wanted someone to give her “head,” she never expected it would be Jenna and it would happen in front of her history class and teacher on his desk in their high school.

For her part, Jenna had only really given one blow job before. It was last year before the homecoming dance and the recipient was Mark Taylor who was in this very room. Jenna had never performed oral sex on a girl, but through masturbating herself, she knew what might feel good to another girl like her.
Her fingers played upon Emily’s pussy lips, while her tongue danced between them…flittering like the dance Jenna herself was, spinning and rolling in the folds with a lightness and ferocity, both in their turn as the tempo and rhythm of the act solidly increased…

Emily’s hand squeezing Jenna’s…her other hand grasping at the desk… flailing for purchase along the end of the fake wood top of the institutional furniture… her feet propped on Jenna’s shoulders…toes clenching and unclenching with each euphoric touch of a tongue more talented than it had any right to be.

And that’s when Emily burst…

It was most likely Emily’s orgasm that knocked out the website. One imagines that the sight on the screen was something many people had chosen to share. Jenna imagined it wasn’t just the folks at home watching, but other students in the school, watching on their phones. Surely if you knew which classroom beautiful naked girls were in, you would try to watch on your phone in another classroom. Other students had the advantage over the adults…or did they? Jenna remembered, their schedules were printed on the site in their profiles, next to their pictures… They would have been easy to find if someone had taken a liking to a particular drama student.

And once found, sharing the link of the classroom feed to others when something juicy like a girl-on-girl sex scene was most likely second nature to a high school boy.

…of course, Jenna and Emily had been so wrapped up in their show, neither was even checking to see if the students in this class were abiding by the no camera rule. Mr. Gunderson should have been monitoring that. …but even if he could be trusted-and he most likely couldn’t- his own attention was focused on his two students having delicious sex on his desk.

He watched Emily burst, her legs and thighs crushing together around Jenna’s head…the involuntary reaction trapping Jenna in and against her friend’s pussy…

…As Emily couldn’t stop, Jenna refused to. Pushing her mouth and tongue deeper into the tight wet cavern of Emily’s vagina, Jenna soldiered on in the act, coaxing the moment to last. Keeping her tongue’s rhythm. Jenna’s fingers pressing, flesh digging into flesh in a most pleasant way upon Emily’s moist and wanting sex.

And Emily screamed in sheer ecstasy. She couldn’t help but do so. The particulars of the moment may have been so wild and undreamed of, but the feeling itself had been her fantasy.

Emily’s legs relaxed and Jenna collapsed back on her own legs…breathing again, gasping for air. She turned to the classroom as Emily’s legs fell open in front of her upon Mr. Gunderson’s desk. Emily breathing hard as well, visible with the rise and fall of her large breasts… the girls’ hands had separated and for the first time since the show had started there was no contact between them.

Jenna saw the phones…the betrayal of the other students…but as she began to rise to chastise them, the intercom beeped.

Mrs. Ritaworth’s voice rang out from the air. “Well. It’s only second period and this school has fallen into the pit of prostitution!” Her judgmental tone and harsh words stopped Jenna. “I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in Mr. Gunderson’s History classroom, students…”

Jenna’s eyes widened as she heard the tell-tale echo and realized this was not a call to just this classroom, but to the whole school.

“…but it’s crashed the fundraiser website and so it must be worthy for everyone to see.” The acting principal continued. “So, we have turned on the screens in all of your classrooms for the remainder of this period, we are patching the feed from his classroom to all of you. I want all of you students to see these two whores. To see that this fundraiser has turned two good students into two worthless whores who will never amount to anything in all their lives except sex carpets to be walked on by alpha males. These two students Jenna Jenkins and Emily Henderson are your whore-coming queens this year folks. Enjoy whatever slutty show they do for the next ten minutes.”

The cheers heard throughout the school as Acting Principal Ritaworth ended her announcement were almost deafening.

Emily who had started to regain composure was crying on the desk, curling up without a thought to fact that entire class was getting a good view of her ass …and some of those students notices the juices still leaking over out and down her thighs…

Jenna was unable to mount the attack she had started, lost and alone now...called out in front of the entire school…thinking that maybe she was a whore…

Mr. Gunderson stood.

He walked to his desk a smile on his face, the list still in his hand. He opened the drawer and pulled out several permanent markers…

He slammed his hands on the desk. “Stand up whores!”

The show, it seemed was over…or more precisely, Jenna and Emily’s show was over. Now it was the Gunderson/Ritaworth show.

Emily could barely stand, tears still flowing, but not the tears of joy she had experienced during her orgasm. These were tears of fear and humiliation. Jenna supported her friend, and gave Emily her arm. The two stood before their peers.

“Class,” Mr. Gunderson addressed the room. “It’s time to label these two whores. Come up, grab a marker, pick a girl, write a message on their body.”

“Yo, Mr. G., We gonna get to that one thing?” Arnold, one of the less intelligent students asked.

“Of course, we are Arnold.” The teacher responded. “But first, let’s make sure the acts of these two sluts are immortalized on their bodies for the rest of the day.”

Cheers from the classroom and the students came forward and began to write on Emily and Jenna.

The smell of the markers filled the air, as the two naked girls were accosted and not gently either. Their classmates touched and manhandled the girls as they wrote… More than one reached in to feel their pussies or poke at their assholes with the markers… their tits were pinched and written on.

Mark Taylor, the boy who had received a blow job from Jenna brought his gym towel up. His was an act of kindness, as he noticed she had gotten some of Emily’s juices one her face. His intent was to wipe them off, but Gunderson stopped him. Throwing his towel on the floor.

“They don’t deserve that.” The teacher scowled.

It is important to note that Mark chose not to write on either girl. He grabbed and squeezed Jenna’s hand as a sign of strength before returning to his seat.

As the students all settled back down, Mr. Gunderson had the two girls do a slow turn for the camera so everyone could see the writing adorning their bodies. In addition to the numerous versions of slut and whore written upon. Each had “Cum hole” written in a few places with arrows, the words themselves not always spelled correctly. Jenna’s back had the words “Pussy-licker” scrawled upon it. They had dicks drawn on them. The word “Loser” appeared on each. Other words in various places “Cum-rag,” “fuck-slave,” “star-slut,” “cum-guzzler,” and others. But the most damning one, written on Jenna’s tummy “Will fuck for $.”

These labels would be with them all day…and longer most likely.

Mr. Gunderson smiled and he bent down to pick up the gym towel. He spread it out on the floor as he addressed the camera. “The students in my class had written a list of things they wanted these two…” He paused to hit the word with right tone of judgement with glee “Whores to do for them. Things my class wanted to see their classmates do to each other. I was nice and said no to certain things. I didn’t want anal fisting or things of that nature… I decided it would be, not appropriate to have one girl shit on the other. … but I compromised on that one….” He looked over at Jenna. “Slut Jenkins,” he called her… “Come over here and lay down on this towel that your friend Mark Taylor has so nicely allowed us to borrow…”

She stepped forward nervously…looked back at Emily and said “It’s okay.”

“On your back whore!” Gunderson barked. “The way you are meant to be.”

Jenna’s body and spirit sank to the floor. She laid down on the towel, as ordered.

“Open your legs…open your mouth…”

Jenna did as he ordered.

“Emily, ripe from your orgasm…your whore-gasm… time to pee…on your friend.” He reached out and grabbed her hand to pull her forward. Emily tried to resist, but Gunderson was stronger and wearing shoes.

“Slut Henderson, stand over your friend and pee on her.” The Teacher fiercely instructed. “Or I shall have to get other students to do it…” There were cheers from the classroom.

Emily looked down at Jenna, laying naked on the towel, written on with words vile and disgusting, her face still slightly covered in juices from Emily’s own orgasm.

Emily was scared…but Jenna was not. She shook her head in disappointment for a beat, but then nodded to do it.

Emily closed her eyes…and stepped over her friend. She tried to keep her body away from Jenna’s face, but Gunderson would not allow that. He turned her around, and made her step farther up on Jenna’s chest area.

“Pee now. Pee on your friend. Piss all over the cum whore Jenna Jenkins…”

Emily closed her eyes, and clenched her body. She tried in her mind to be anywhere but here… and she tried to pee. It was difficult and slow to come. The embarrassment of being watched, the humiliation of having to do it on her friend… it was a difficult start. The fact that she didn’t want to do it made it harder…but when it started, it didn’t matter that she wanted it to stop…because it just started to flow.

As did her urine…so did her tears.

And Jenna was helpless. She took it all… sputtered a bit, as it got in her mouth. The liquid rolled down her face and inter her hair, down her chin and onto her chest…

The classroom, the school cheered.

But these were not cheers for heroes. If there was a hero the school was cheering for, it was Mr. Gunderson… but to the class, to the school, the girls had become objects. They were no longer even sex objects…but objects of degradation and derision. Things to be forever insulted.

And Jenna knew it.

When Emily was finished and the last drops had stopped…she collapsed into Mr. Gunderson’s chair, tears streaming down her face.

This is when the bell rang.

This is when Jenna sat unable to move due to shock.

This is when their day changed.

…and it was only the end of second period.

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Last edited by AllieNF on Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 28 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:24 am Wow. This sure has taken a dark turn.
The pendulum doth swing.

I actually pushed myself out of my comfort zone here. ...probably why it took so long to get this chapter out. But...It also gave me an angle that I'm looking forward to discovering.

...but yeah, I feel you, and I do expect some backlash on this.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 28 Added.)

Post by jimmythehand »

AllieNF wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:28 am
TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:24 am Wow. This sure has taken a dark turn.
...but yeah, I feel you, and I do expect some backlash on this.
I wouldn't be surprised if you're correct there but for what its worth, I don't necessarily think that would be justified response. While its not really my thing and has moved well beyond ENF at this point, it was clear the direction the story was heading and you did give a clear warning at the start of the chapter.

Personally, as I said, the story's not really my thing at this point but its well written and I'll probably keep reading to see where it goes.

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