Here is the start of a story I had in mind for a few days now. Writing has been slow, so it's just the start. Have fun nonetheless.
Cinderello (working title)
Most people who experience some bad times and moments look back in their lives and ask themselves, where did it start? When did it begin to go downhill? Kevin never asked himself this question. And this was not because his life never went downhill, but because he knew exactly when all his downfall began. It was three years ago. He was seventeen when his mother died in a car crash. Until then he lived a happy life, a life many kids would dream of. His father was rich, his mother was good looking. They had everything you could want, lived in a nice villa just outside of L.A. And still, Kevin was not one of those spoiled rich kids. In fact he was kind of too good for this world, if you know what I mean. He was polite and modest, and always ready to help if help was needed.
After his mothers death his father got married again soon. He thought it would help Kevin. His new wife, Cleo, was much younger than his mother, in fact, she got her kids at the very young age of 17 years. And if this was not enough she got triplets, three girls. Cleo was from Russia and she managed to marry a rich russian man who indulged her every whim, so she never had a honest day of work but the birth of her three little girls. She named them Kira, Wasilisa and Wlada. She spent the next 15 years with her husband, who died under mysterious circumstances. He left all his riches for Cleo and his three russian princesses.
Cleo moved to America afterwards and met Kevin’s father at a welfare dinner. Despite having lost his wife only a year before, Kevin’s father fell in love with Cleo and married her, bringing Kira, Wasilisa and Wlada to his home. Kevin always felt that the love was given only in one direction towards Cleo, but she never gave back any of it. But his father did not want to hear about it and shrugged it off as Kevin’s jealousy towards his new stepmom. Kevin never understood what his father saw in Cleo, besides her beauty there was not much to love. In fact she ordered his father around all the time although she was nearly fifteen years younger than him. Who knows what might have happened if he’d listened to his son. But he died two years later. Kevin was 19 at that moment and his father made Cleo his guardian in his will. He also left him a lot of money but not before he would turn 21. This meant he was stuck for two more years with Cleo and her three daughters. They had the luck to get all their beauty from their mother, but unfortunately they also inherited her bad manners, her bossy attitude and the dislike of honest work from her.
Cleo did not mourn long, if at all. And she made Kevin perfectly clear who was the new boss in the house. Her and her three princesses. Regardless of what happened, they always got everything they only asked for while Kevin had to beg for everything but got granted nearly nothing. So one year of being some kind of exclusive stepson/brother slave to Cleo, Kira, Wasilisa and Wlada came and went and Kevin hated nearly every day of it. Sometimes the unfairness got so much, he even considered running off. But unfortunately his father somehow foresaw that and set a condition in his will. Kevin had to stay till his 21th birthday with his new family to get his inheritance. And it seemed Cleo tried her best to make Kevin lose his money as well.
Our story starts two weeks before the girl's 18th birthday. It was a warm day and Kevin just had a shower after a hard day of “slave work” like he called it. He was ordered around especially from Wlada and Kira that day. They made him sort and shine their shoes and clean their bathrooms. They had housekeeping staff but still the girls liked to make Kevin do some chores. And Kevin was very eager to please his stepsisters and -mother as he really wanted to go on a summer vacation with his friend next month. So he was in need of good behavior to get the permission (and the money) from Cleo.
As Kevin left the shower room he only wore a big towel draped around his body. He was not chubby but he was not athletic either. He was just plain average for his age. As he made it to the hallway he met his stepmother and quickened his pace, as he did not like being so scantily dressed in front of her. He would love to have a small cabinet in the bathroom for some boxer shorts and sweatpants, but the triplets occupied the complete space in the master bathroom, despite having their own bathrooms near their rooms.
When Cleo saw Kevin she greeted him: “Hey boy, be careful not to drop on the parquet, I hate water stains on the wood!”. “Sure Cleo, I’ll be carefull”, he replied. He tried to hurry away to get to his small room at the end of the long hallway. But Cleo stopped him with a finger to his bare chest and said: “While you’re at it, please take this vase to Wlada.” She handed him a very horrible looking thing that remotely resembled a trash bin that was made by a blind orang utan with only one foot. “Be careful, she made it last week in shop class, it just came from the pottery.” Kevin grabbed the vase with both hands to make sure he got a good grip on it and continued to walk down the hallway. Wlada’s room was just next to his so he had to get past Kira’s and Wasilisa’s room. When he passed Kira's, her door opened and she nearly ran into him. He managed to avoid her hitting him by making a big sidestep. Unfortunately this loosened his towel a little bit. He could feel the knot slipping and - worse - he could see that Kira had noticed it too. “Watch it gimp!!”, she snarled at him and started to grin.
What happened next happened - at least in Kevin’s eyes - in slow motion. He saw her grin and eying the rim of his towel. With a quick yank she loosened the towel all the way. Kevin instinctively tried to cover his crotch as he did not want Cleo or Kira to see his penis. Although he had an average body he did not have an average penis. It was not miniscule but he always thought he was lacking some centimeters to an average boner. This abrupt movement made him lose the grip on the pottery he just held seconds ago. He saw the vase falling from his hands to the hard wooden floor where it landed with a loud PANG. Despite him fearing for the worst, only a tiny bit of clay broke off the vase. In fact it was easy to miss the dent at all. His hands shot to his crotch to cover him just seconds before both doors to Wasilisa’s and Wlada’s room opened and they came looking for the source of the noise.
“Oh no, mommy!!! Look, dumb Kevin broke my vase!!” Wlada started wailing the second she saw her “vase” on the floor. Cleo was at his side immediately. Kevin still held his genitals with both hands but used one to fetch the vase from the floor very carefully to stay against a wall so his ass was not in front of anyone. “Look, it miraculously survived the fall, only a small dent but I’m sure I could glue this piece back again,” Kevin said, relieved and tried to hand Wlada the pottery. She took it, looked at it and a very short smile flashed her face before she said, “You broke it, why would I want a piece of broken pottery?” And with this she smashed the pottery with full force at the floor where it landed and exploded into hundreds of pieces. Kevin knew instantly this would mean a lot of trouble and the trouble came in the form of his stepmother. “What on earth have you done Kevin? You broke Wlada’s beautiful vase!” Cleo started her rant. “B..but, it was not really broken after I dropped it and besides, it’s not that beautiful, isn’t it?” Kevin asked timidly. “Don’t you dare talk back to me, you unthankful piece of shit! How dare you to “but” me? I supported you last year after your father’s tragic death. I gave you clothes and food and this is how you thank me? Shame on you Kevin” Cleo was furious. “What did you try to protect here anyway?” And with that she slapped on his hands still covering his crotch. “Well? Let’s see what’s so important to be shielded down there? Come on, move your hands away or you’ll regret it for a year!”. Kevin was reluctant to move his hand but he knew Cleo could ruin his life even more than she already had, so he folded his hand on his lower belly. Cleo, who wanted to make this as humiliating as possible, quickly said “Oh no, put your hands on your head, right now!”. Kevin obliged and leaned against the wall for support. Cleo and the three girls looked eagerly at his dick that started to twitch a little bit with all the attention it suddenly got. “yes that’s right, stay still and don’t you dare to move!” Cleo warned him. “Besides, it doesn’t look like there is much to see after all.” Cleo and her daughters giggled, Kevin blushed. “You are your father’s son, that loser wasn’t well endowed either” Cleo continued. Kevin hated it when she spoke ill of his parents. The three girls on the other hand had the time of their lives watching their step brother getting humiliated by their mom. “Shouldn’t he be bigger with his age?” Wasilisa asked using some kind of girly voice. “Well you know Liz, some are more favoured than others, and some seem to be totally forgotten…” All four of them sniggered again, making Kevin really feel uncomfortable.
Kevin started to move his hands again and his step mom slapped him slightly on his face, “Did I tell you, you could move again? Stay still!” and she traced her fingers down his sides. He jerked slightly when she reached his armpits. “Uh, ticklish boy? How cute!”. “Well, we still need to think of a proper punishment for your misbehaviour. What do you think girls?”. “YES, we sure do!” All three girls agreed. “What a coincidence that your big party for your 18th birthday is coming up next weekend. I’m still upset that I can’t be there myself.” Cleo said. “Here is the deal ticklish boy, you have to obey Wlada’s every command for the evening from 8PM to 12PM you are hers to do with as she pleases. And you will help to entertain and serve the guests.” Kevin thought he was in a bad dream and sure to wake up any moment now. His step mother could not be serious with this. “You can’t...I mean...what if…” Kevin stammered, not sure how to put it, but Cleo cut him off. “Tell you what Kevin, I’ll make it worth your while and give you some encouragement.” All the while she traced her finger across his upper body, slowly, teasingly, “If you comply with Wlada’s every wish and she tells me afterwards that she was more than happy with your performance, I’ll give you enough money for your trip with your friend next month. Deal?” Kevin’s heart made a jump for two reasons, first this seemed too good to be true, getting away for a few weeks with money in his pockets, and second because Cleo has reached his other armpit and lingered there much longer than necessary. And Kevin answered “Deal!” before he even could consider this deal. And while Cleo moved away with Wasilisa and Kira, Wlada stopped right next to him, leaned towards his ear while continuing her mother’s finger circling, “Oh step brother, I’m sure you will regret this soon, but I’m sure we will have so much to laugh about…” And with that she gave his armpits some extra light tickling and Kevin could not suppress a little giggle. The cold feeling of reality dawned on him that his worst weekend of his life might be the next one.
to be continued....
Cinderello - or Kevin's costume party from hell...
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Re: Cinderello - or Kevin's costume party from hell...
I like this story. I hope one day you write part II.
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