When freshman year ended and summer began, I was left with a bit of a void in my life. All my humiliations up to this point had been carried out at school surrounded by several friends.
We all got together here and there throughout the summer but more often then not it would jus be 2 to 4 of us instead of the larger group of 7 or 8 and rising.
So with way less time with my friends, and even less time with possible victims to scout for, I was left fantasizing and longing to humiliate someone. I wanted to see that trademark shame and horror in their face as I peeled away the articles of clothing protecting their dignity. I was withdrawling and needed to do something.
So I'd like to tell you a couple short tales of how that summer went. These are someone important to my arc because they were the first victims I ever got ahold of outside of school.
Some of these stories may be short and to the point as their isn't a ton of story to tell with every story, and some humilations get to drag on longer than others but I'm going to clump these few together into a chapter.
And I know, I know before anyone says it, I realize that we are well into winter and the days of bikini tops and sunny days are behind us, but who doesn't love humiliating tales of summer? Those little bikini strings are just so easy to pull. Every girl you pass at the beach, pool, or waterpark is one bad wave, one water jet, one rough slide, or four knot untying

She was a random girl chosen for the actions she had done. Nothing was truly special about her, and truth be told I was just anxious to humiliate someone and she was just the unlucky girl who made the mistake of giving me a reason.
She was my first victim of the summer. School had ended a few weeks before and I was fiending for a good humilation.
It was only for her actions that she had even caught my attention.
Me and two of my girlfriends had chosen to go to the city pool that day. We had been there over an hour at this point and were getting bored. You can only swim in circles and jump off a freakin low dive so many times ya know?
I had been staring off into space imagining ripping off as many bikinis as I could and running for it.
(I acted upon this daydream a couple summers later after becoming more bold and careless with my humilations)
My daydream was interrupted when I witnessed a commotion forming, snapping me out of my perverted thoughts.
There was a girl standing on the edge of the pool, dry as can be. Long black hair straightened and make up on, she was wearing a bright white string bikini. She was short, skinny, she seemed younger, maybe 13 just based on looks. I had been staring in her general direction but off into space when a squeal and movement stirred me.
Now even in all my years of humiliating these girls, the youngest I'd ever messed with was atleast a freshman and capable of maybe being "hazed" or something. Anything younger than that just felt a little wrong and unfair, they were just so defenseless and still innocent. Girls these days weren't virgins by the end of freshman year so messing with atleast sexual active victims made me feel a little less wrong. When it came to middle schoolers and shit I just didn't go for it. Call me a hypocrite but with all the terrible strippings and humiliations I acted out, I had some standards. I avoided the middle schoolers and as I said before I never forced a girl to orgasm..which was my ultimate fantasy. There were a couple other things I avoided out of good humiliator morales but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
So..that being said, even being in my early and perverse stages, and even if I found the actions a little hot, I found what I witnessed next to be really uncool.
The squeal I had heard was the young girl, another girl had ran up behind her, this girl was a bit taller and more endowed, she seemed to be atleast my age, possibly even older.
She had crouched down and yanked the knots on both sides of the younger girl's bottoms. The bottoms fell to the concrete and the girl had squealed in shock and surprise, drawing the attention of the people in their area of the pool and my own.
Then, as the girl crouched down to retrieve her bottoms, she was given a bare foot spartan kick in the ass, sending her tumbling into the pool and causing a very small splash with her little body. She came up spitting out chlorinated water and reaching for the edge of the pool to avoid having to tread water.
The girls once pretty and straightened hair, was now a soaked matted mess in her face and her mascara was running down her cheeks. She definitely hadn't planned on fully being submerged in the water that day.
Once she had gotten her bearings, the girl began bitching at the girl who had debikinied her.
"What the fuck Bailey!"
(only saying her name this time because this girl deserves it for exposing such a young girl, in such a public place, i know, I know what a hypocrite but whatever, bite me.)
Bailey was a couple feet from the pool edge, laughing her ass off, and holding the white bottoms in the air like a trophy.
(Side note it was kind of erotic seeing an enf scenario that I hadn't administered, but again she was like 13 at best so I kind of felt bad.)
"Give me back my bottoms you bitch! Before people see me!" The young girl demanded.
All this commotion had somewhat drawn a scene but only with the people in the general vicinity like myself, and not the whole pool or the lifeguards.
"Now now little sis, thats not the way a girl in your predicament should be talking to her older sister, it was just a funny prank after all, and I was going to give you back your bottoms in the water so no one would see you, that's why I pushed you in after all, to cover your modesty before the prank went to far, but you know what..with that attitude maybe I shouldn't give you your bottoms..maybe I should toss them over the fence? Hm? That'd be hilarious your little ass being scene by everyone at the pool huh? You wouldn't be able to hide in there forever you know, you'd have to go allll the way outside to get them. That'd be funny huh sis?" The older girl answered.
I got my first real look at Bailey as she spoke. She was in a red bikini same style as her sister's but a little more revealing, she had a larger chest and a bigger ass that caused her bottoms to ride up and quiet a bit of cleavage to be shown. She was blonde, so either her or her sister weren't their natural hair color, or they were half-siblings or something. That much I concluded.
Seeing a girl be embarrassed and the threat of further exposure was slightly turning me on, but once again I felt truly wrong that this older sister would do this to that young of a sister in such a public place, it seemed quiet far for a "prank." I continued watching to see what would happen, but I felt a strong desire to intervene and teach this bitch a lesson, I waited, watching with my friends as the scene continued unfolding im front of me. It was all happening so fast and a bit of a shock to myself to see in real life.
"Come on don't even joke about that..I'm sorry sis just please let me get dressed and don't let anyone see me like this..please."
Begged the younger girl.
"Ugh, fine I tell you what, I WON'T throw your bottoms over the fence."
The younger girl shoulders relaxed as she gripped the edge of the pool, seemingly relieved at her sister's words.
"But..I don't accept your apology. You need to learn to take a little fucking joke, and watch your mouth when you're talking to me. You can have your bottoms. Come get them."
As the older sister said this, she tossed the bottoms behind her to the sunchairs, that I assume the sisters had already been laying at. They were both dry before this incident and the elder girl still was.
The bottoms landed on the younger girls towel and shoes. They rested there waiting for their owner's next move.
I should have intervened here and just given the girl her bottoms. But I was still in shock at what would be a fantasy or maybe even a story on this board happening right in front of me. What these stories had taught me, was a very perverted plan forming in my head, whatever happened here, I was going to help this younger girl get revenge on her older sister before the days end.
The younger sister hesitated for a moment desperately trying to find a way out of exposing herself. I could see her brain rapidly looking around and trying to find a way out of the situation. The sunchair was only maybe 15 feet from the girl leaning on the pool edge.
I guess the girl was somewhat brave or full of adrenaline because her next move surprised me. Rather than waiting to get someone's attention to retrieve her bottoms for her or flagging down a lifeguard or something. She pulled herself up by her arms exposing her bottomless figure. She was very underdeveloped and clearly young. She made a quick dash from that point to her chair. She grabbed her bottoms, quickly wrapped her towel around her waist, and beelined it to the changing room.
A fair amount of people had noticed this scene maybe 10 or 12, but not the whole pool as it all happened fairly quickly.
"What the hell was that?" My friend to my right asked.
"I don't know that was kind of messed up, that girl couldn't have been more than like 12." My other friend said.
"Yeah there could be perverted old guys here or something, pretty irresponsible prank from an older sister. And messed up even for our standards." I said breaking my silence for the first time since this all had begun.
The three of us watched as the older sister returned to sun bathing as if nothing happened, and the younger girl beelined it to the dressing room, covered from the waist down by only a towel, and heading to dress herself in safety and recover from what just happened.
"We should go check on her." I said
"Really you think so? I mean if you want just seems out of character for someone like you. I mean we have done worse than all that after all?" My friend replied seeming confused.
"Yeah, but not to a little girl like that I mean damn, besides, it isn't out of character of all silly..we are going to go check on that girl..and then we are going to help her get revenge on her older sister. It only seems fair, and she looks like she would need the help." I said a smile beginning to form on my lips at the thrill of finally humilating someone again.
My friends caught on to my idea immediately and loved it, this wasn't their first rodeo and even though they likely didn't get turned on like myself..my friends were starting to love humiliating too..ESPECIALLY to those that deserved it. We all stood up to head to follow the towel covered younger sister into the lockerroom.
We opened the door and walked into the changing room. The room was pretty baren, besides some 40 something, fat girl with massive tits changing in the corner. I diverted my eyes not wanting to see that. We walked further into the changing room looking for the younger girl.
We heard her before we saw her. We followed her sniffles and crying to the shower area. When we walked in we found her curled up in the corner.
The three of us crouched down in our bikinis to the now covered teen. She had gotten her bottoms back into place.
"Hey its okay, don't cry, what your sister did back there was really messed up, and I know its embarrassing but not alot of people seen I promise, I'd of stopped her but it all happened so fast and I didn't know what to think. It's gonna be alright whats your name?" I spoke to the girl
She sniffled out.
"Okay *redacted* what would you think if I told you the three of us could help you get that stupid bitch back? What she did to you was unprovoked and uncalled for. I think you deserve your revenge and she deserves to pay for what she did to you. I think she deserves to lose HER bikini for that bullshit, and maybe even some other humiliating shit, she deserves to pay, and I tell you what, we will let you lead the way, with some gentle nudging, we will just be your muscles to overpower her. Whatda say girl? Do you want payback, do you not want to play a part and let us handle it? Or do you want to just let her get away with doing that to you and thinking its okay and something worse happen next time..? Its your choice, I'm just hear to let you actually have a choice in the matter rather than being stuck with your third option." I said, rubbing the girl's back and trying to reassure her.
"You'd all really do that for me? Help me get her back? She went way to far, I wanted so badly to return the favor right there..but I needed to get dressed..and even if I wanted to she is alot stronger than me and would probably overpower me and take my top and bottoms..I was too scared but the thought flashed through my head..you'd all help me? Really?"
She truly didn't seem like she believed it.
"Of course."
"It's our specialty."
The three of us assured her.
The girl had stopped crying at these point and now had a shit grin on her face.
"Okay, I'm in. Let's make her pay!"
Been a bit slow to working on this series. I took a small break from it to do my Halloween contest entry and decided to not force it and comeback to it when I felt the drive to write. I still mostly know where I'm going with the entire series and main humilations and different chapters but there's alot to fill in and alot of improvising and going with it. Finally decided to rep out the intro to the next chapter and the bridge between chapters. At first I thought I would skip around alot but I'm keeping Candace's stories chronological. So it seemed fitting since the last chapter freshman year was coming to a close, why not have some summer stories to avoid thinking about the cold days coming. I plan on telling a few tales in this chapter with maybe a few parts remaining in this "summer" time before moving on. I hope you all like the intro to chapter 4 and I felt like going ahead and putting it out might make me work a little faster at getting more parts out. And of course the intro is always the hardest part to write out. Anyway thanks as always,