A Lesson in Karma: Sophomore Year: Detention: Finale (finally)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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A Lesson in Karma: Summer Days (prologue)

Post by Nikolai »

The high from humiliating the Captain, and fulfilling my role of being leader of my clique managed to tide me over for a little while. I only carried out the occasional humiliation for the rest of freshman year. Nothing really of interest just the usual business.

When freshman year ended and summer began, I was left with a bit of a void in my life. All my humiliations up to this point had been carried out at school surrounded by several friends.

We all got together here and there throughout the summer but more often then not it would jus be 2 to 4 of us instead of the larger group of 7 or 8 and rising.

So with way less time with my friends, and even less time with possible victims to scout for, I was left fantasizing and longing to humiliate someone. I wanted to see that trademark shame and horror in their face as I peeled away the articles of clothing protecting their dignity. I was withdrawling and needed to do something.

So I'd like to tell you a couple short tales of how that summer went. These are someone important to my arc because they were the first victims I ever got ahold of outside of school.

Some of these stories may be short and to the point as their isn't a ton of story to tell with every story, and some humilations get to drag on longer than others but I'm going to clump these few together into a chapter.

And I know, I know before anyone says it, I realize that we are well into winter and the days of bikini tops and sunny days are behind us, but who doesn't love humiliating tales of summer? Those little bikini strings are just so easy to pull. Every girl you pass at the beach, pool, or waterpark is one bad wave, one water jet, one rough slide, or four knot untying ;) from exposure. Something about that is just so hot to me and I love that time of the year. Anyways I'm rambling let's just get to our first victim.

She was a random girl chosen for the actions she had done. Nothing was truly special about her, and truth be told I was just anxious to humiliate someone and she was just the unlucky girl who made the mistake of giving me a reason.

She was my first victim of the summer. School had ended a few weeks before and I was fiending for a good humilation.

It was only for her actions that she had even caught my attention.

Me and two of my girlfriends had chosen to go to the city pool that day. We had been there over an hour at this point and were getting bored. You can only swim in circles and jump off a freakin low dive so many times ya know?

I had been staring off into space imagining ripping off as many bikinis as I could and running for it.

(I acted upon this daydream a couple summers later after becoming more bold and careless with my humilations)

My daydream was interrupted when I witnessed a commotion forming, snapping me out of my perverted thoughts.

There was a girl standing on the edge of the pool, dry as can be. Long black hair straightened and make up on, she was wearing a bright white string bikini. She was short, skinny, she seemed younger, maybe 13 just based on looks. I had been staring in her general direction but off into space when a squeal and movement stirred me.

Now even in all my years of humiliating these girls, the youngest I'd ever messed with was atleast a freshman and capable of maybe being "hazed" or something. Anything younger than that just felt a little wrong and unfair, they were just so defenseless and still innocent. Girls these days weren't virgins by the end of freshman year so messing with atleast sexual active victims made me feel a little less wrong. When it came to middle schoolers and shit I just didn't go for it. Call me a hypocrite but with all the terrible strippings and humiliations I acted out, I had some standards. I avoided the middle schoolers and as I said before I never forced a girl to orgasm..which was my ultimate fantasy. There were a couple other things I avoided out of good humiliator morales but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

So..that being said, even being in my early and perverse stages, and even if I found the actions a little hot, I found what I witnessed next to be really uncool.

The squeal I had heard was the young girl, another girl had ran up behind her, this girl was a bit taller and more endowed, she seemed to be atleast my age, possibly even older.

She had crouched down and yanked the knots on both sides of the younger girl's bottoms. The bottoms fell to the concrete and the girl had squealed in shock and surprise, drawing the attention of the people in their area of the pool and my own.

Then, as the girl crouched down to retrieve her bottoms, she was given a bare foot spartan kick in the ass, sending her tumbling into the pool and causing a very small splash with her little body. She came up spitting out chlorinated water and reaching for the edge of the pool to avoid having to tread water.

The girls once pretty and straightened hair, was now a soaked matted mess in her face and her mascara was running down her cheeks. She definitely hadn't planned on fully being submerged in the water that day.

Once she had gotten her bearings, the girl began bitching at the girl who had debikinied her.

"What the fuck Bailey!"

(only saying her name this time because this girl deserves it for exposing such a young girl, in such a public place, i know, I know what a hypocrite but whatever, bite me.)

Bailey was a couple feet from the pool edge, laughing her ass off, and holding the white bottoms in the air like a trophy.

(Side note it was kind of erotic seeing an enf scenario that I hadn't administered, but again she was like 13 at best so I kind of felt bad.)

"Give me back my bottoms you bitch! Before people see me!" The young girl demanded.

All this commotion had somewhat drawn a scene but only with the people in the general vicinity like myself, and not the whole pool or the lifeguards.

"Now now little sis, thats not the way a girl in your predicament should be talking to her older sister, it was just a funny prank after all, and I was going to give you back your bottoms in the water so no one would see you, that's why I pushed you in after all, to cover your modesty before the prank went to far, but you know what..with that attitude maybe I shouldn't give you your bottoms..maybe I should toss them over the fence? Hm? That'd be hilarious your little ass being scene by everyone at the pool huh? You wouldn't be able to hide in there forever you know, you'd have to go allll the way outside to get them. That'd be funny huh sis?" The older girl answered.

I got my first real look at Bailey as she spoke. She was in a red bikini same style as her sister's but a little more revealing, she had a larger chest and a bigger ass that caused her bottoms to ride up and quiet a bit of cleavage to be shown. She was blonde, so either her or her sister weren't their natural hair color, or they were half-siblings or something. That much I concluded.

Seeing a girl be embarrassed and the threat of further exposure was slightly turning me on, but once again I felt truly wrong that this older sister would do this to that young of a sister in such a public place, it seemed quiet far for a "prank." I continued watching to see what would happen, but I felt a strong desire to intervene and teach this bitch a lesson, I waited, watching with my friends as the scene continued unfolding im front of me. It was all happening so fast and a bit of a shock to myself to see in real life.

"Come on don't even joke about that..I'm sorry sis just please let me get dressed and don't let anyone see me like this..please."

Begged the younger girl.

"Ugh, fine I tell you what, I WON'T throw your bottoms over the fence."

The younger girl shoulders relaxed as she gripped the edge of the pool, seemingly relieved at her sister's words.

"But..I don't accept your apology. You need to learn to take a little fucking joke, and watch your mouth when you're talking to me. You can have your bottoms. Come get them."

As the older sister said this, she tossed the bottoms behind her to the sunchairs, that I assume the sisters had already been laying at. They were both dry before this incident and the elder girl still was.

The bottoms landed on the younger girls towel and shoes. They rested there waiting for their owner's next move.

I should have intervened here and just given the girl her bottoms. But I was still in shock at what would be a fantasy or maybe even a story on this board happening right in front of me. What these stories had taught me, was a very perverted plan forming in my head, whatever happened here, I was going to help this younger girl get revenge on her older sister before the days end.

The younger sister hesitated for a moment desperately trying to find a way out of exposing herself. I could see her brain rapidly looking around and trying to find a way out of the situation. The sunchair was only maybe 15 feet from the girl leaning on the pool edge.

I guess the girl was somewhat brave or full of adrenaline because her next move surprised me. Rather than waiting to get someone's attention to retrieve her bottoms for her or flagging down a lifeguard or something. She pulled herself up by her arms exposing her bottomless figure. She was very underdeveloped and clearly young. She made a quick dash from that point to her chair. She grabbed her bottoms, quickly wrapped her towel around her waist, and beelined it to the changing room.

A fair amount of people had noticed this scene maybe 10 or 12, but not the whole pool as it all happened fairly quickly.

"What the hell was that?" My friend to my right asked.

"I don't know that was kind of messed up, that girl couldn't have been more than like 12." My other friend said.

"Yeah there could be perverted old guys here or something, pretty irresponsible prank from an older sister. And messed up even for our standards." I said breaking my silence for the first time since this all had begun.

The three of us watched as the older sister returned to sun bathing as if nothing happened, and the younger girl beelined it to the dressing room, covered from the waist down by only a towel, and heading to dress herself in safety and recover from what just happened.

"We should go check on her." I said

"Really you think so? I mean if you want just seems out of character for someone like you. I mean we have done worse than all that after all?" My friend replied seeming confused.

"Yeah, but not to a little girl like that I mean damn, besides, it isn't out of character of all silly..we are going to go check on that girl..and then we are going to help her get revenge on her older sister. It only seems fair, and she looks like she would need the help." I said a smile beginning to form on my lips at the thrill of finally humilating someone again.

My friends caught on to my idea immediately and loved it, this wasn't their first rodeo and even though they likely didn't get turned on like myself..my friends were starting to love humiliating too..ESPECIALLY to those that deserved it. We all stood up to head to follow the towel covered younger sister into the lockerroom.

We opened the door and walked into the changing room. The room was pretty baren, besides some 40 something, fat girl with massive tits changing in the corner. I diverted my eyes not wanting to see that. We walked further into the changing room looking for the younger girl.

We heard her before we saw her. We followed her sniffles and crying to the shower area. When we walked in we found her curled up in the corner.

The three of us crouched down in our bikinis to the now covered teen. She had gotten her bottoms back into place.

"Hey its okay, don't cry, what your sister did back there was really messed up, and I know its embarrassing but not alot of people seen I promise, I'd of stopped her but it all happened so fast and I didn't know what to think. It's gonna be alright whats your name?" I spoke to the girl


She sniffled out.

"Okay *redacted* what would you think if I told you the three of us could help you get that stupid bitch back? What she did to you was unprovoked and uncalled for. I think you deserve your revenge and she deserves to pay for what she did to you. I think she deserves to lose HER bikini for that bullshit, and maybe even some other humiliating shit, she deserves to pay, and I tell you what, we will let you lead the way, with some gentle nudging, we will just be your muscles to overpower her. Whatda say girl? Do you want payback, do you not want to play a part and let us handle it? Or do you want to just let her get away with doing that to you and thinking its okay and something worse happen next time..? Its your choice, I'm just hear to let you actually have a choice in the matter rather than being stuck with your third option." I said, rubbing the girl's back and trying to reassure her.

"You'd all really do that for me? Help me get her back? She went way to far, I wanted so badly to return the favor right there..but I needed to get dressed..and even if I wanted to she is alot stronger than me and would probably overpower me and take my top and bottoms..I was too scared but the thought flashed through my head..you'd all help me? Really?"

She truly didn't seem like she believed it.


"Of course."

"It's our specialty."

The three of us assured her.

The girl had stopped crying at these point and now had a shit grin on her face.

"Okay, I'm in. Let's make her pay!"

Been a bit slow to working on this series. I took a small break from it to do my Halloween contest entry and decided to not force it and comeback to it when I felt the drive to write. I still mostly know where I'm going with the entire series and main humilations and different chapters but there's alot to fill in and alot of improvising and going with it. Finally decided to rep out the intro to the next chapter and the bridge between chapters. At first I thought I would skip around alot but I'm keeping Candace's stories chronological. So it seemed fitting since the last chapter freshman year was coming to a close, why not have some summer stories to avoid thinking about the cold days coming. I plan on telling a few tales in this chapter with maybe a few parts remaining in this "summer" time before moving on. I hope you all like the intro to chapter 4 and I felt like going ahead and putting it out might make me work a little faster at getting more parts out. And of course the intro is always the hardest part to write out. Anyway thanks as always,

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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Chapter 4 intro out now! More of chapter 4 to come soon)

Post by swguy123 »

Awesome story, loved part 3, especially the finale. I also loved how there was a camera there to record the humiliation.
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A Lesson in Karma: Summer Dayz continued

Post by Nikolai »

The plan was simple, the younger sister laid out most of it for us and we just went with her lead.

First we had to lure Bailey into the changing room. I chose that job, the other girls were patiently waiting with the younger sister to pounce when I returned.

I found her just where we had last seen her, in her tanning chair. She had her earbuds in and was either dozing, or close to it. She hadn't even heard me approaching or acknowledged my presence as I stood over her. I smiled to myself, knowing when I woke her that their was no turning back, and that before the days end she will have received her punishment for humiliating her younger sister.

I admired her scantily clad body for a moment as she slept. Her skin was fairly tan. You could tell she used "bronzers" her long blonde hair flowed past her tits, temporarily hiding them from me, but I could tell earlier she had to of been a large C cup, maybe even a small D cup, her tits were pretty large, and I'm guesstimating here. Her stomach was somewhat fit, but her body represented more of a "slim thick" build if you will. With large tits and a curvy ass, full thighs, she was definitely a looker in her little red bikini.

I thought about how easy it'd be to pull some strings and leave her naked right here. Would she wake up? How would she react when she did? I dismissed my thoughts, this was Bailey's younger sister's redemption arc after all.

I decided the time had come.

I gripped both of the sleeping girl's shoulders and shook her violently awake.

"What the fuck, who are you whatdoyawant?!?!" The bitchy girl exclaimed.

"You're Bailey right? You gotta come quick your sister is bawling in the changing room, she must of fallen and hurt herself, she's talking about an ambulance, wanted me to get you so you could get ahold of your mother."

I said, seeming excited and concerned.

Just as the young girl had said, Bailey took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. She immediately jumped up heading towards the changing room and I walked beside her.

"She is fine! She cries about everything! Maybe if she wasn't such a fucking clutz! Ambulance?! MOTHER?! She's lost her mind!"

The bitchy girl grumbled to herself more than me, as she stormed towards the changing room.

She pushed open the large metal door and I slid in behind her, she turned the corner into the big open area and out of my sight. I latched the lock behind me.

I heard Bailey call out for her sister.

"*redacted* where the hell are you? You better not of called mom, what'd you fall in the shower..what the.."

The sounds that followed were growing slightly familiar to me, I smiled relishing in the moment and excited for what I'd see as I turned that corner, and I wasn't disappointed when I did.

I heard a scuffle, then the sound of muffled protests as I assumed one of my friends had silenced Bailey. That's when I turned the corner to a very pleasant view.

Bailey was on the ground on her stomach, my friends had her held to the ground at her ankles and shoulders. Bailey's own sister was crouched over her tying her sister's hands in place behind her with some kind of jump rope. The muffled protests were coming coming from Bailey's mouth which the friend on her shoulders was covering with her hand.

Once our little humiliation trainee had her sister's hands bound, she even made sure to secure her legs together with another jump rope around her calfs. This girl was a natural, or just hellbent on revenge from her own pantsing incident earlier.

The younger sister then rolled Bailey onto her back and my friends took a step back letting go of our victim to test her binds.

Bailey squirmed and struggled around on the concrete floor for a few seconds, hollering profanities, and calling us every name in the book. Then her attention turned to her sister.

"*Redacted* what the fuck is this? Did these bitches put you up to this? Let me free right now or I swear to God I'm telling mom! This isn't funny come on! Is this about the pantsing thing? I told you it was just a little joke this seems a bit extreme come on...sis..sis..?"

The younger sister said nothing just staring at Bailey and letting her desperately rambled in an attempt to get out of her current predicament. Then the young girl spoke in her soft voice.

"Hush. Just fucking shut up Bailey I think you've said enough. I've taken your shit for to long, always pushing me, constantly picking on me and insulting me, and today with my bottoms out there..."

The girl paused, choking up a bit at the memory.

"..that was just uncalled for and way to far to be considered a 'joke' my new friends here agree. They came to comfort me after they saw what happened, they said what you did was messed up, and that I deserve my revenge and you deserve to be punished, they said they'd help me. But no sis. They didn't put me up to this, every thing that happens to you here, is my idea, and you deserve it for being such a fuckin bitch all the time, enough words, time for action."

The younger sister finished crouching down to her sister with something in her hand I hadn't noticed earlier.

"Sis I'm sorry you don't have to.."

Bailey started to say but was silenced when her sister crudely ripped a piece of tape from the roll in her hand and slapped it across her sister's mouth.

"I said shut the fuck up."

The curvy teen was now on the concrete floor in only her little red bikini, in all the scuffle it had wedged up her asscheeks a bit and became slightly disheveled. Her hands were bound behind her back with a jump rope and another had been wrapped around her calls. Her mouth had a large uneven piece of tape across it and she was lying on her back whining into the tape.

"Lets get all this slutty makeup washed off first huh girls?" The younger sister asked aloud, seeming to not only ask for help in moving her sister, but also someone to validate her thoughts and assure her we still had her back.

"Hell yeah girl! Your wish is our desire. Stand her up and get her to the showers girls!" I said, taking second in command and showing the younger sister we weren't bluffing.

We managed to get Bailey to a standing position and started trying to push her towards the shower. She resisted. Somehow still worried about her hair and makeup and attempting to dig her heels in. We were about to just pick her up to drag her in there but her sister had a better idea.

The younger sister approached our huddle of me, my two friends, and our bound and gag victim. She seemed impatient and annoyed that we were taking a few extra seconds struggling to drag Bailey.

"Struggling only delays the inevitable sis, now come the fuck on!"

The younger sister said and without hesitation grabbed the front of Bailey's bikini and YANKED it up into her pussy and then took a step forward.

This move managed to do exactly what the sister wanted and forced Bailey to hop a few feet forward to loosen the strain on her pussy. The forward pull caused her waistband to pull away from her body and for a brief moment I saw Bailey's exposed crotch. Her pubic region was bare besides a small strip up the middle. The "landing strip" as I've heard it called. She must of thought she was sooo mature.

Bailey's sister pulled her forward like this a couple more times, no longer needing our help and we watched amused as the sweet small underdeveloped sister drug her much more developed, curvy, bitchy, sister forward by her bottoms, which she had yanked up into her pussy for leverage. We laughed aloud and snapped a few pictures to the dismay of Bailey. We followed the two sisters into the showers.

The younger sister drug Bailey into one of the handicap shower stalls and pushed her onto the bench/shower chair. Bailey landed hard on the wooden bench on her ass and her head slightly bounced off the block wall. This rang her bell and made her seem slightly out of it for a few seconds.

She was quickly awoke from her daze though because her sister had cranked the water on high. THE COLD WATER.

We all watched and laughed with the younger sister as Bailey squirmed around in the ice cold water. The way she was bound she couldn't really get any leverage to stand up or escape the icey stream.

We let her buck around like that for a couple minutes. Bailey's sister encouraged us to video this to add that level of humilation for Bailey. The camera captured the curvy teen in her red bikini buck around until she had accidentally popped a tit out. Her eyes went wide when she did that and she screamed into the tape. Her nipples were medium sized, red and rosy, the one exposed to the open air stood at attention, raised what seemed like an inch from her tit from the cold. Her tan body was clearly contrasted by her milky white tit and she clearly had never tanned naked. Her mascara/foundation/and lipstick were washed from her face and left odd smeared colors of black/red/and tan dripping from her face. Her once pretty straight hair was now a mess and her sister even made it a point to further mess it up by rubbing Bailey's hair all over the place.

When we pulled Bailey out of the shower, her skin was cold, she was shivering in place, I could hear her teeth chatter behind the tape, her messy hair and ruined makeup made her look like a clown more than the beautiful girl she had been minutes before. she still had one tit hanging out of her top and her nipples were rock solid and comically long. She looked pathetic and broken.

"Are you sorry for what you did to me? Have you learned your lesson and you promise not to mess with me again and we can put this all behind us?"

The younger sister asked her shivering sister.

Bailey frantically nodded her head up and down.

"What was that? I can't hear you sis?"

Bailey whined into her gag what sounded like "i'm so sorry" multiple times and nodded some more with tears starting to flow from her eyes.

The younger sister stood in front of her bound and soaking wet older sister seeming to deliberate. Then she spoke

"You know, I really appreciate you saying your sorry, and I'd hope you'd understand by now that I'm not to be messed with, and this has been a fairly good revenge after all, tying you up, dragging you around with your bottoms shoved up your clit, making you have that ice cold shower, and filming it all! God this has been nice. But..I don't accept your apology,(mimicking her sisters tone from earlier) and this isn't over yet, afterall, nobody has even seen your fat ass yet! (She giggled to herself at this comment, and Bailey visually gulped from fear)

"You seem awful cold sis! Why don't we get you some sun!"

Sorry for the long gaps in between chapters, lots going on in life lately and not alot of time to jot down perverted thoughts, I'm sure you all understand, finale of this part coming soon. Thanks for your support.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Chapter 4 new part out now)

Post by Revengedpirate »

Just a suggestion but instead of putting redacted make names up. Nobody minds false names I hardly ever use real names.

Other then that this is a great story can’t wait for next part
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Chapter 4 new part out now)

Post by Nikolai »

Revengedpirate wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:45 am Just a suggestion but instead of putting redacted make names up. Nobody minds false names I hardly ever use real names.

Other then that this is a great story can’t wait for next part

I mentioned this in one of the first parts, sorry if it takes away from the story. I just was trying to lean into this like telling Candace's tales but seeming as genuine as possible. She feels bad for what she's done so she blanks the names except for Bailey in this story because she had it coming, kinda just a nod to the bigger story throughout which is that Candace has done all of this and been punished and feels bad for her actions. Blanking the names and expressing guilt on occasion just keeps alluding back each chapter being a smaller story or one of Candace's "tales of humilation" but there's a larger story at play which is Candace's personal story arc and how she progresses. Maybe I'm getting to deep for a erotica and the redacted thing takes away from it idk, but I appreciate the suggestion and I'll keep that noted, maybe I should of just said "none of the names will be real to protect their identities" like 4 chapters ago which makes alot more sense now that i think about it. 🤦‍♂️ glad you like the new part and I'm posting another in a few minutes!
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Lesson in Karma 4.3

Post by Nikolai »

Her sister's words made Bailey grow frantic. She was desperate to not be seen like this, I could tell by the way she looked around like a scared animal, desperate for an exit.

The younger sister once again grabbed her sister's bottoms by the front, pulling them up her crotch and dragging her forward by the material. Bailey winced at the sensation of her bottoms splitting her lower lips, but with only a little resistance, she was lead towards the changing room door. I guess Bailey either marched forward to avoid the pain from her frontal wedgie, or she was scared, of her sister pulling any harder and making her lose her bottoms completely.

I had expected the younger girl to march her sister out of the changing room and towards the pool where she herself had been embarrassed. Instead she lead her to the other door, which lead to the entrance/exit of the building. I was confused by this choice but intriqued.

I had expected us to have to be more of the "muscle" in the younger sister's revenge, but at this point we were hardly more than spectators. The younger girl had Bailey under control and I was getting turned on watching the dynamic.

When they reached the large metal door to exit into the main lobby of the pool and the exits, Bailey stopped in her tracks. She began pleading nonsense through her gag towards her sister, she pleaded with her to not be taken out of the safety of the changing room. She obviously couldn't form words but her body language said enough.

Her pleas fell on dead ears though. Her sister wasn't going to let her off that easy and unlinked the lock and pulled the door open. She began walking forward with Bailey's bottoms in hand. Bailey didn't move. The material dug further up her pussy but she attempted to lock her feet and stop herself from further humiliation and exposure.

The bottoms were going to give soon, or Bailey was. That's what the younger sister's mentality had to of been because she just kept pulling and taking further steps out of the changing room.

I snuck up on the wincing older sister, standing in defiance at the changing room door with her bottoms being wedged further into her pussy by the second, leaving little to nothing left for imagination.

I reeled back with all my might and gave Bailey a huge smack on her asscheek. Causing a bit of a wave effect throughout her asscheek and down her thighs.

Bailey cried out into her tape and hopped forward a few inches, clearly caught off guard from her now stinging ass.

"Get to stepping Prissy Bitch."

I said giving her other cheek a hard slap and once again watching the wave effect it caused with her jiggly thighs and asscheek.

She hopped forward again, now slightly out of the room.

I gave her three more good whacks causing her to squirm and hop forward towards where her sister was pulling her bottoms, towards the open air..

After a couple good ass whippins Bailey was now matching her sister's pace as she was drug out the front door of the pool. We only passed a couple people entering the pool who seemed shocked by what they seen. When Bailey seen them her eyes grew wide and her face more red than her plump ass cheeks. One lucky boy probably the younger sister's age stopped in his tracks at the site of Bailey in bondage, with her pussy basically completely exposed and her right tit hanging out. Her hair was still dripping from her shower and her makeup was a mess.

The boy asked the younger sister what Bailey had done to deserve this. He gave me the impression he didn't really care just wanted to linger around the exposed girl.

"She thought it'd be funny to pants me, so this is my revenge, why don't you tell everyone to be sure to come out to the basketball court on break? Tell everyone in the pool that they get to see a naked girl at break! Now get out of here so I can complete her punishment before then."

The boy smiled, stealing one last glance and Bailey's split pussy lips.

"I can do that." He said taking off inside.

"Hear that sis? You're gonna put on a show for everybody! They'll have to forget all about my little incident when they see your slutty body in all its glory!"

The younger sister really must of had this building up, there was passion behind her voice and her insults, she truly wanted to humiliate her older sister.

Bailey had all but lost it at the sight of that boy and the way he was eyeing her, but her sister's commands to the boy to bring everyone else to see her naked..she went manic.

She somehow managed to headbutt her sister in the back of the head, causing the young girl to lose her grip on the bottoms, then almost comically, Bailey attempted to run from us. She looked hilarious hopping along, looking around for someone to help her, or a place to hide. She managed maybe 20 feet of hopping before she fell face first in the volleyball sand. She lay their, rolling around, trying to get her footing, but failing to do so. We let her struggle a moment laughing at her demise.

"Alright, that's fucking it, enough games, grab that bitch and follow me, its almost time!"

We did as she requested and scooped Bailey out of the sand by her shoulders and ankles and started walking her towards the basketball court.

The basketball court was kind of tucked away on the side of the pool, out of sight to the rest of the park and any lifeguards inside, this is where kids would sneak cigarettes and smoke weed on the pool "breaks." These breaks usually lasted about 10 minutes every hour on the hour. This is when the lifeguards would take off to their break area to also smoke cigarettes and funny cigarettes. Their break area was where *redacted* had found the tape to gag her sister in the first place.

We got to the basketball court with the struggling older sister and dropped her onto the concrete, exhausted from her weight and the added weight of her struggling. She lay there once again attempting to get her footing for no use.

Bailey's sister had her vision in mind and she was going to act on it. She asked us to stand her sister up, we obliged. The two sisters looked eachother in the eyes. Hatred flowing between them without words needing to be said. Bailey hadn't given up and submitted completely, but I think she knew at this point there was nothing she could do to change the outcome.

Bailey was dragged by her hair over to the tetherball pole. The pole was skinny, much skinnier than the basketball goal pole, I wondered to myself why she had chosen that one but dismissed the thought.

At this point we were helping the sister more at request than the entire time, we sat back watching for most of it. My panties were soaked at the domination this young girl was showing on her older bitchy sister. It kinda made me happy to know that this girl really deserved this for what she had done earlier, all my other humilations had felt a bit selfish, sure they were hot and hilarious and fun, but part of me always felt bad for the girls who didn't do anything wrong. But, that being said, I never let it get in my way, which looking back now, and thinking about Bailey..maybe we were more alike than I thought, after all I deserved my punishment far worse than she did..anyhow.

So where was I? Oh yeah sorry. So the younger one had Bailey up against the pole and asked for some help. She told us to hold her in place and so we did. While we held the struggling, bound teen, to the skinny pole, her sister wrapped her body multiple times in tape, one wrap went just under the girl's large tits, the other was tightly wrapped around her calfs similar to the jump rope.

When she was finished we let go of our bound curvy victim and she stayed securely in place. So for a quick recap before the final sequence begins.

Bailey is now bound by jumprope on her wrists and her calfs, then for extra measure she has ducttape wrapped around her body attaching her to the tetherball pole. She is in a obscure spot behind the pool where kids come to smoke out of site of the entire park. Her hair is a matted up soaked mess, her face is covered in wet and smeared makeup. Her face has been bright red for several minutes, and her asscheeks have red handprints from me smacking them earlier. I understand now why she had chosen the tetherball pole for Bailey, not only was her entire front locked into place and ready to be exposed to a crowd, but the pole was small enough that her entire ass would also be on show with only a thin pole interrupting the unobstructed view of her white derriere. I admired the younger sister's work, I was impressed a newb could come up with this, but I figured humilation through redemption or passion, probably comes pretty natural. Now we just needed one last thing for our plan to begin..

The audience.

Almost as if on queue to my thought process, we heard the sound of whistles blowing symbolizing the beginning of the lifeguards break and that everyone needed to exit the pool.

It wasn't 30 seconds after that the entire basketball court was filled with guys and girls eager to see the naked girl they had heard about. That boy must of got the word around fast.

The crowd had circled us at this point as my 3 girls and the younger sister stood by a bound and terrified Bailey.

The younger sister looked like she wanted to begin but seemed nervous? Surely she wasn't backing out now? I eagerly waited for her to make a move or address the crowd but she stayed silent.

Then I realized what the problem was, this poor young girl had stage fright! She must have never spoken in front of this big of a crowd or obviously never administered a humilation for an audience. I could tell the crowd was growing impatient so I stepped up to speak.

"Everyone, everyone, shut the hell up!"

I said loud enough to be heard over the crowd.

They all grew silent.

"Now I know why you all are here, to see this slut here's coochie and tatas, you've been promised a naked girl, and you will receive one. But first I think it's important you know why Bailey here(she visibly winced hard at her name being dropped) is being punished. Because I don't want anyone here to pity her, her actions alone got her into this situation and nobody here is going to get her out of this, clearly not herself, as she's a little tied up if you haven't noticed."

I chuckled to myself.

But I think the person who can explain all that best is Bailey's very own sister *redacted.*

"The floor is yours girl." I said passing a fake mic to the younger sister. She seemed relieved I had broke the ice for her and silenced the crowd. She relaxed a bit, then addressed the eager crowd.

"Today my sister thought it would be hilarious to pants me in front of the entire pool..she shoved me in and refused to give me back my bottoms, I had to exit the pool bottomless to retrieve my pants and cover myself. Now she seemed to think it was just some stupid prank, but she went way to far and humiliated me, nobody in the world has ever seen me like that and now I have no idea how many seen that..I was sad, hopeless, humiliated, and angry. Thats when these great girls told me they'd help me get her back, they agreed with me that Bailey went way to far, they showed me I can stand up for myself and I appreciate that more than they'll ever know, but enough of all that, I know many of you probably don't care, but I needed to set the record straight, this isn't some cruel prank, this isn't an initiation, it's not a dare, none of that, what you all are going to witness here, is stone. cold. revenge."

The younger sister had found her voice, I was so proud of her, I hadn't expected all that. The crowd cheered the young girl on, they rallied with her and against Bailey and cheers of "strip her, strip her." Were starting to bellow from the crowd.

"She deserves it! Get your revenge girl!" Some girl called out

"Show us her titties!" A guy called out

The younger sister approached Bailey.

"The crowd wants what the crowd wants sis, but I think I might want this even more, now how about we even out that tan of yours huh?"

First she pulled Bailey's bikini top string that was pressed up against her spine. The knot untied with ease and left the top limp against Bailey's body. The other knot on back of her neck was now the only thinking stopping her breasts from spilling out.

The younger sister didn't even bother getting into theatrics or monologueing, or even taunting Bailey. She simply said.

"Time to show them."

Then pulled the other knot loose. This caused the bikini top to fall to the concrete. Both of Bailey's milky white D cups were now exposed in all their glory. The sheer weight of her tits had caused them to jiggle profusely when the top ripped away and gravity made them fall.

Bailey had mostly only teared up here and there and stayed defiant, but the laughing crowd, the sounds of camera phones, and her sister's high pitch shrill laugh in her face must of broke the teen. She began full blown crying as her tits began drinking the first bit of sun they've ever tasted. Her nipples were once again erect from the summer breeze. Not quiet the extreme of her ice shower, but hard and at attention nonetheless.

She cried, but no one pitied her, especially after they had heard her sister's story and saw how young her sister was, she had no business playing that "prank" and she knew it, and she was paying for it.

*redacted* then turned to the crowd, relishing in her moment, her next words almost made me cum.

"Now, who wants to see my sister's pussy?"

The crowd went wild, loud enough that I feared they were going to draw attention from an outside source, but I need not fear, this wasn't my humilation after all.

Bailey's crying turned to full blown sobs. Her sister ignored her pleading eyes and crouched down to her waist.

"You shouldn't have fucked with me sis."

She said as she grabbed both knots on Bailey's hips and yanked them hard.

Once again, the knots came apart with ease and Bailey's bottoms collapsed to the ground, along with any hopes she had left of her modesty being preserved.

The cameras clicked and the crowd roared at the sight of Bailey's little pussy and her thin landing strip.

Bailey stood there, naked as the day she was born, securely attached to a tetherball pole with tape, with her hands bound behind her back with jumprope. She could do nothing to cover herself and dozens of eyes stared at the most intimate parts of her body. The once pretty and curvy girl now looked ugly, matted hair, makeup and tears all over her face. But her body looked good as ever, I took a moment to snap some of my own photos for later use ;) I was proud of myself in that moment that I had managed to not cream my panties when her pussy was exposed.

I thought we had done it and we would be wrapping up and leaving before anyone found the scene, but Bailey's little sister wasn't finished with her, she truly wanted to humiliate her, and i guess getting her naked wasn't enough?

I seen the younger sister stare off into space looking at the ground for a moment. Then she smiled to herself and crouched down to retrieve what had caught her eye. She laughed wickedly hiding the object temporarily from my view.

What was she up to?

"I know you must all of thought you've seen all of Bailey's secrets by now, but there's one more thing that nobody knows."

The little sister alluded to something.

I was confused but just here for the ride at that point, I asked aloud anyway.

"What're you getting at girl?" I asked her

"I'm glad you asked Candace, well you see, ever since we were little girls, as long as I could remember, Bailey has been just so damn ticklish.."

she answered me brandishing her hidden object: a discarded old feather that must have fallen off a bird. Like a legit feather, it looked kinda dirty and gross even, thinking back on it, what she did next really wasn't very sanitary..

Bailey's eyes went wide at the mention of tickling but her little sister was on her quicker than she could even muffle a protest through her gag.

The young girl didn't hold back at all swirling the feather around her sisters nipples and armpits. Bailey began bucking around all over the place, she was fairly secured but she had just enough room to wiggle around provocatively throughout her tickle torture.

Her sister ran that feather along Bailey's entire body stopping here and there to torment key parts. Her armpits and the tops of her bare feet were especially ticklish. The ticklish teen was scream laughing into the ducttape. When her sister would stop tickling her, her body would visibly drain from exhaustion and every muscle in her body would go loose, as soon as the feather was running along her sides or her tits once more then she'd be back to bucking around breathless with every muscle in her body tensed.

The little sister toyed with the teen for awhile to the glee of the crowd and their cameras. Then she did something I hadn't expected. She began rubbing that dirty feather along the inside of her sister's thighs, then along her pussy lips, and even her clit! The bound girl cringed and tried to pull her pelvis away but it was no use as she could only move inches at most.

I couldn't believe my eyes! Was I seeing what I thought I was seeing? No way right? The ultimate humiliation? The one I'd read about so many times on this board and dreams of acting out myself. Was she about to make her sister cum in front of all these people? Even I had never done that. I feared this could be to far, maybe we could get into some real trouble, but my perversion tossed those thoughts to the wind. My pussy was beginning to throb as the younger sister went from Bailey's thighs, to her pussy lips, and back to her clit with the dirty feather over and over.

Bailey was screaming, her legs were shaking. She seemed like she was desperately trying to focus on not orgasming..she was bucking around desperately trying to get pull the feather away from her sensitive regions..

I creamed myself right then and there before it happened..I couldn't help myself, it was so erotic and it didn't even have to be at my hands, I was just a spectator, a witness to a miracle that only belonged in written words on a story board, a true forced orgasm, I was in a bliss, there was alot of commotion and I was hidden behind a girl or two so nobody realized what I had done, I stiffled my moans and came back to reality from my orgasmic daze, just in time to see Bailey's final humiliation..

Man I'm such a fucking pervert 🤦‍♀️😂 for some reason my mind just filled some blanks and made something out of something it wasn't because Bailey didn't buck and cum all over the place like I assumed her sister was trying to do to her..(I couldn't of been the only one that assumed that right..? I mean some of the others there had to of maybe thought it right? No? Nobody irl thinks like that? My bad lol, I got my nut off though and thankfully so because I would have been pretty turned off after this)

NO she hadn't came leaving a puddle on the ground..she had pissed herself! Right there in front of everyone. It was all down her legs and in a puddle at her bare feet. I mean..yuck🤮 and definitely not my style if I'd of been conducting this humilation.

But..it got the job done, Bailey was brutally humiliated, tied buck naked and tickle tortured by her little sister until she pissed herself! She could never live that one down and her sister had definitely gotten her comeuppance. It of course was filmed by many of the spectators including my friends(I got a copy but cut out the end and pretend its forced orgasm instead of forced pee still works to this day)

After she had peed all over herself the crowd quickly dispersed, Bailey's humilation had been acted out and it was time to leave before someone found them all crowded around pee girl. Me and the girls were last to leave and spoke once more to our young new friend. Not even bothering to free Bailey or acknowledge her presence as we said our goodbyes in front of her.

"Well you did it girl! You got your revenge! You showed your bitchy sister that you're not to be messed with, and even if anyone saw you bottomless earlier, there's no way they remember that after this! I'm impressed for someone who's never been in the humiliation game you're a natural! The pee thing was a nice touch..not my cup of tea but you do you girl..it sure did a number on pissy pants' ego..or should I say pissy nopants? Haha If you ever need anything from us don't be afraid to call..but not with your middle school drama got it? It was nice to meet you, and you made my day with this show, we have to get going home now."

I said to the younger sister.

"Thank you all so much for everything and for helping me believe in myself. I'm not gonna take her shit or anybody else's anymore, don't worry about that, I'll keep what you said in mind and if I ever need you I'll give you a call..maybe we could hangout another time even if I don't need you..?

"Sure kid, sure. Have a good one!"
I said.

"Yeah it was nice to meet you!"

"Bye girl!"

My friends followed up with.

As we were walking away I heard her freeing her sister and talking to her as she did.

"Now I'm gonna let you go and we are going to go home and forget about all of this, and you're never gonna mess with me again you got it?"

I heard tape rip as I continued around the corner.

"Got it.."

I faintly heard Bailey say.

I continued walking smiling to myself at a job well done, I just barely heard one last statement before I was out of earshot.

"If you tell mom about this, I'm calling my friends and its an enema next time, don't test me bitch."


I thought to myself.

"I think I'm gonna stick to running the humiliations from here on out but that was fun. Can't wait til I get my hands on some bikini knots! ;) "

I just finished this part and need to get some rest but want to post it! If there's any typos or grammatical errors I apologize as I haven't fully proof read. If I read through it later and see anything dramatic I will edit it. Managed to find some time today to knock this part out but sadly probably won't have an entry for the winter contest before new years. Here's to hoping! I hope you enjoyed this part, let me know what you think, any constructive criticism or suggestions or feedback is welcome, if you're not into pee stuff and this was a turn off, sorry, I'm not really either just felt natural to this part and Candace wasn't leading this one. More HOPEFULLY coming soon.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Chapter 4 new part finished 12/28))

Post by ENFobsessed »

Is this story dead? I was really enjoying it.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Chapter 4 new part finished 12/28))

Post by Nikolai »

ENFobsessed wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:37 pm Is this story dead? I was really enjoying it.

I took a bit of a break for some contest entries/life stuff/ when I've came back here and there to write something I end up jotting new stuff down/not being in the mood to continue another right that minute, "revenge is a dish best served live" has the entire intro posted and then I've slacked on furthering that one. So to make a long story short

No this story isn't done, nor is "revenge is a dish best served live"

I'm just struggling to find time to really put into the work that I want to, I'll work on something soon and this isn't shelved by any means. Thanks for asking about it and telling me you were enjoying it, I'll try to use that as enthusiasm to get a boot in my ass and work on stories/series that haven't concluded and new stories as well. This is basically my main series and takes a bit more effort at times to continue with compared to just jotting down some fresh ideas, because of the way i set it up and the way i have to tell it, there's so many more places I can and plan to take Candace's first hand tales of humilation, I just got to be in the right headspace with the right amount of time, stay posted its not over yet i promise.

Sorry to the fans ill try to get something out on this series/more on the live twitch stream story, AND the winner of my Contest's prompt, lots to do, little time, but I've been slacking for too long, some goals and making myself a deadline will help, stay posted

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Lesson in Karma: First Summer: part 2

Post by Nikolai »

Note: at request of the audience i will no longer be using *redacted* to censor my victims names but rather will just change them all together, no names used in any of the following chapters will be real or even resemble the real names whatsoever, but for ease of reading I will fill the blank with a coherent fake name.

Ah, that first summer was a fun one. After Bailey's humiliation I decided summer was one of the better times to conduct my humiliations. Even lifeguards and parents would often think a pulled bikini top was fun pranks and dismiss it or turn cheek. Its just the name of the game that time of the year right?

It seemed like everytime I went out in my bikini, another girl lost hers..the public pool, waterparks, pool parties, float trips, you name it. Bikini strings were just so easy..so tempting..a few pulls on some string and BAM naked embarrassed girl, I took advantage of how easy that was a few times that summer after watching Bailey piss herself from being tickled by some dirty discarded feather, I didn't go for that, as I said then, not really my style. Nevertheless, various girls were at my mercy that summer, some were just random girls, in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I couldn't help myself.

Take Mandy Mitchell for example, innocent girl, sort of shy, popular in the sense that she has alot of friends but doesnt remotely look the part, just a super nice girl. But.. this super nice girl happened to wear some saggy bottoms, and was consistently SLOW climbing the high dive, for over an hour as me and my friends were trying to do tricks off the board, slow poke Mandy would not only take way to long to climb the ladder, but her saggy ass bottoms would leak chlorinated butt water the whole way up, splashing whoever was next in line, she was a nice girl, I tried to give her the benefit of a warning.

"Girl, could you like step it up when you take your turn? And maybe wedge your bottoms up a bit? They're saggy and look ridiculous, plus I don't think the boys would mind."

I smiled as I said it, this was me truly being friendly compared to my instincts but she was a nice girl, people liked her, I didn't want to be a bitch, but then she comes back with..

"You don't run the pool and ill take my time on the board, I go slow on the ladder because its wet and I don't want to fall off, as for my bottoms..mind your damn business I like them loose and not up my ass like a slut.."

Oh Mindy Mindy Mindy, she must not of heard about me prior to this, I really don't know how as word had mostly spread and girls across the county feared me, but not Mindy, she was proud and defiant. She paid for her words that day with her bikini and her modesty.

Just as any other day at any pool the lifeguards need a break from baking in the sun, they blow their whistle every hour to hour and a half and everyone must vacate the pool, wait 10 minutes, get a drink and a snack while the lifeguards get some AC and smoke a joint or whatever it is they do, it was at this time that I chose to strike.

Somehow it even worked perfectly that Mindy was the last in line for the high dive when the whistle was blown. Funny enough she was actually 3/4 a way up the ladder when it was blown, she had slowly and dreadfully climbed that far and was forced to make the descent back down. We all stood back against the fence, out of line but still there waiting for the high dive and lifeguards to return.

When she reached the bottom of the ladder she parked herself with her arms rested on one of the steps. Her body language just radiated "I'm not losing my spot in line."

I stared off into space indirectly staring at Mindy's bikini knots..4 pulls of string and I could teach her not to mess with me, and get my own perverted thrill of the day, summer time really was to easy, winter is more fun, pulling off hoodies and jeans, watching their cheeks flush in the cold..I digress.

I approached Mindy from behind, startling her.

"So that comment earlier..were you trying to say me and my friends are sluts?"

My friends were only a step behind, always ready to assist me in my humiliations, they could see when I was up to something, and we all had been quiet annoyed with Mandy's attitude and general annoying presence.

"Uh no..I uh..I just meant whats for some might not be for others who are more conservative.."

She was visibly a bit shaken, the pride and defiance she had shown earlier, not appearing when being so directly confronted.

"No, no, no you can't change what is said in anger Girl, I think it was something like 'up my ass like a slut' hm?"

I grabbed the back of her waistband as I said this. I physically heard her gulp in fear and start stuttering out some dumb apology. It was basically nonsense no need to try to explain in words. Then I released her waistband making her sorrys instantly go silent. I turned her around to fully face me, as she had yet to even give me that respect.

She looked me in the eyes, clearly frustrated but with the amount of girls around her and no friends or lifeguards to come to her aid she held her tongue.

"So you find me in my friends bikinis slutty Mindy? Do I look like a slut to you?"

I turned sideways to show her my ass in my black bikini, I gave my right cheek one pick up and drop, making my perky ass bounce a little, I was far from wearing a thong, but as most bikinis are these days, it was quiet cheeky.

My other friends also followed suit, turning their ass to the side and towards Mindy, one was even so blatant to bounce her booty a few times. We all continued to berate Mindy with "so you think we are sluts?" / "so you think this bikini is slutty?" / etc etc.

Eventually the sensory overwhelment of 4 girls showing their ass to her and repeating the same questions made Mindy snap once more.

"Yeah you're all a bunch of sluts! you were rude, so I was rude back, its a defense mechanism, now you're continuing to try to push me around this is a public freakin pool! I'm leaving!"

She turned to storm away.

This is what I wanted, a submissive who just cowers in fear and strips themselves is sooo boring.

I grabbed her by the arm whipping her around to face me, her face was red in anger, she looked like she wanted to hit me.

"Where do you think you're going? We were just trying to talk. Besides you're the only slut I see here, I mean who walks around topless at a public pool? There's kids here, have you no decency?"

I laughed as I said it, unknownst to little miss Mindy, I had positioned her and taken her focus away from my 3 friends who were creeping around behind her.

My threat and warning of her imminent exposure went completely over Mindy's head as she just looked down at her, B cup by my guess, breasts still covered by her modest bikini top.
She seemed confused.

"Im..I'm not tople...AHHHH"

Her confused statement had been interrupted by the sudden loosing of both of her bikini knots from behind, this caused her entire bikini top to begin to drop from her chest, instinctively she attempted to use her arms to press the top to her chest and save her tits from being exposed to us and whoever else hadn't gone to far on break. Her attempts to save her top were halted, she had forgotten I had ahold of one of her arms, when she had tried to yank it I didn't budge, her other arm had also been grabbed by one of my friends, we will call her Sandy.

So to recap, simultaneously me and my 4 friends had not only untied the only thing keeping little, bitchy, Mindy's chest from being exposed, but me and Sandy also had ahold of both arms so she couldn't immediately cover the damage to her modesty. That took 3 of us, the 4th friend made the final touch up pulling the top the rest of the way off while Mindy was held wide armed and whining and protesting. That 4th friend also snapped a quick photo capturing Mindy's sheer look of terror as her tits are bared in such a public place.

Once the girl had taken the picture, she took my place holding the arm I had been holding.

Mindy was naked short of her saggy bikini bottoms at the bottom of the high dive ladder, while the pool was on break, and she only had minutes until the pool would once again be flooded with people who had left to snack or smoke or what have you, the audience of the occasional lucky boy, or absent minded girl, who had stayed to wait for break were staring at the scene from afar.

"See, I think you're the only slut I see, not even bothering to cover up I mean come on."

Mindy shook her head at me in frustration.

"Please let me cover up and give me back my top, I'm so sorry, you girls aren't sluts, your bikinis are cute and your bodies are nice and I was just jealous!! Please this is embarrassing!"

I smiled and twirled her top over my head a few times approaching the subdued half naked girl who had dared pop off to Candace Owens.

I didnt have much to say. I kept it pretty simple.


Then I tossed her top right into the deep end.

Her jaw dropped.

We all watched it float for a minute, before the weight of the water began to make her ugly, blue top sink to the bottom. She stiffled out a couple whines but had yet to really make a fuss for fear of drawing more attention to her predicament.

"Tell you what, you climb this ladder, dive down there and find your top, and we will leave you alone and call it good, maybe if your quick you'll even manage not to let all those hot lifeguards see your little titties. If you don't climb that ladder right now, we take your bottoms too and there's no diving to save them. We throw you in naked and call it a day. Your choice..Slut.

Her eyes were darting back and forth, debating her options and ultimately accepting that if she wanted to hide her pussy and not leave here bottomless, that she better comply. It really was to easy these days but fun nevertheless.

"I'll..I'll do it okay, I'll jump off just leave me alone after that, and stop calling me a slut..just let me keep my bottoms please, I don't want anyone to see my..well..you know.."

She was so scared, still begging to keep her bottoms, even after being promised if she did as she was told, that she would keep them.

I upped the ante.

"Tell you what Mindy..you seem desperate, and truth be told I was going to rip these saggy ass ugly bottoms to your ankles about halfway up that ladder, even that probably wouldn't speed you up, so I envisioned you slowly and cautiously climbing that ladder buck naked and being forced to pull your bottoms up and jump off at the top..."

Mindy stared at me wide eyed as I spoke. The reality that I could of switched up on my promise and bared her entire body to the pool was a shock to her. She really didn't know who I was and probably thought her tits would be the only thing I'd expose. She was shaking at the thought.

"...but as I said you seem pretty desperate to keep that little pussy hidden, so change of plans, I don't rip your bottoms to your ankles on the ladder, or take them from you at all, but I get to come up with you and push you off myself!"

"Uh..uh okay as long as I keep my bottoms.."

She was like a broken record at this point, she truly didn't care what happened as long as her pussy remained tucked in her unattractive bottoms. Like a robot she once again just repeated "okay." and began walking towards the ladder to get this over with.

My friends released her as I followed her to the bottom of the ladder. She would of ran but it was no use, the way the pool was designed and our current location would lead her to being recaptured and relieved of her bottoms. She once again audibly gulped and removed her hands from her breasts to begin her climb.

She took her first couple steps, much quicker than her snail's pace earlier. Her perky tits bounced a bit as she pulled her weight up the first few rungs. When her ass was nearing face level I chuckled to myself and called up the ladder as I grabbed her waistband.

"Oh and your bottoms have to be 'up your ass like a slut'." I yanked them upwards causing the stretchy and saggy bottoms to bury into her asscrack. Mindy let out a yelp, but probably was just grateful they were yanked up rather than the alternative, she didn't even protest just once again said. "Okay." Down the ladder and continued climbing at a more frantic pace. With now her entire pale and slightly chubby butt exposed to us from below as well as her B cup titties, also pale as the day she was born bouncing and facing the ladder itself. I climbed the ladder behind her as she neared the top, I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to push someone off the high dive, I hadn't even got to do that as a kid, let alone mid humiliation. She waited patiently for me to reach the board with her. She covered her breasts with both hands but left the bottoms loose material buried in her ass.

"Can we just finish this please..I'm sorry.."

Mindy whined something along those lines, fully waiting for my lead on her every move. Not wanting to do anything to offend me and make me take back our deal. I loved holding this power over her, its so erotic.

I followed her to the end of the board, she waited there, waiting for me to shove her into the cold water so she could retrieve her top and end this nightmare before break ended and everyone sees her topless. I made her wait a few seconds in silence just standing behind her.

I stared at the bunched up mess of her bottoms, both of her pale asscheeks were completely exposed but the small of her back had this clusterfuck of loose, wedged, saggy material, Mindy hadn't picked it out, because I hadn't told her she could. In that moment I got one last thought, it probably wasn't even possible but I went for it.

I gave the girls bare back one gentle push, enough to rock her weight forward but not violently throw her off, I think she had been expecting a shove, so the light push caught her off guard, the momentum from the push was enough to carry her slowly forward and off of the board, the slow fall gave me enough time to make my move.

As soon as I had slightly pushed her I had whipped both hands to the mess of waistband that had been wedged into her, I grabbed her wedged bottoms at each hip as she fell, I crouched down with the bottoms in hand as her body lowered. Somehow I managed to succeed and kept ahold just enough to hook either side of the bottoms to the edge of the board. With the crouching technique I had used, I never fully had to hold the weight of Mindy by her waistband, I had transferred that responsibility to the edge of the 20 ft high diving board.

Now.. that's not to say that it was elegant..it wasn't. I smashed my hand doing so and the momentum actually caused me to somersault off the diving board, do a half ass front flip over Mindy as I watched myself fall to the water and her bottoms to make her remain. I landed roughly on my feet just a little sideways. I came up slightly disoriented and pulling my hair out of my face when I heard the muffled (from the water in my ears) cries from Mindy.

"Noooo, nooo, noooo, please, owwwie, somebody help me down, don't let everyone see me like this, please owwwwuh"

I smiled to myself and looked up, from my position I had a birds eye view(or should I say fish eye because I was in the water) to the topless dangling Mindy above me. The board was still slightly bouncing from my tumble and each bounce slightly yanked the bottoms further into her ass and pussy. From directly below I could tell that most of her pussy lips as well as her entire ass was fully exposed. I laughed as she cried and I dove down to retrieve her top, she looked me in the eyes when I resurfaced.

The way her bottoms had hooked had essentially forced her locked belly first looking down at the water. Her tits were completely exposed as she needed her arms to balance herself from falling completely out of the bottoms, she was also attempting to reach behind her to unhook them with little success.

She saw the top in my hands as I began to climb out of the pool to my laughing friends. There was beginning to be more of a crowd as break would be over any minute, evergone was standing around laughing at the wedgied, and nearly naked, teen dangling from the high dive, and nobody was volunteering to help her.

Mindy had mostly just whined and pleaded for help but when she saw me leaving the pool with the submerged top, she called down.

"You stupid bitch, you lied to me, how could you do this to another girl? Can't you see how humilating this would be? Have you no mercy you psycho? How am I supposed to love this down?" She was once again angry and slightly defiant but you could tell it was fake, she was clearly defeated and humiliated, dangling there helpless while multiple people laughed at her predicament.

It was at this exact moment that the lifeguards came out blowing their whistle for swimming to resume, they always blew the whistle right out of the break room not even bothering to get to their towers before hand.

At the sound of the whistle and realization that many more people were about to witness, possibly record, and definitely tell everyone in town what they saw today, Mindy realized she had to do something. She grew wide eyed and made strange noises as she attempted to jerk her body off of the diving board. She was desperately trying to unhook the bottoms and fall to the water, she was trying in vain to keep them! I laughed as did my friends as Mindy whined and squeaked out painful noises as she dug the bottoms deeper and shifted her weight around. Eventually she went limp, she hung there, break was long over and the pool was being filled with younger kids on the shallow end, the teenagers and others had migrated to the deep end and were all standing on the edge of the pool in all at the moment I had created, the girl I had humiliated, the art in front of them, some laughed and others seemed slightly concerned, a couple male lifeguards approached the ladder and were about to climb it to help poor limp and defeated Mindy, but when she realized they were approaching and that guys were going to be the ones helping and getting her down, she must of thought about how they would see this humilating ordeal she had been trapped in from inches away.

Mindy then made the only move she really could, she reached backwards with both arms, staring down directly at the water, and untied those two little hip knots. I seen the tension loosen and then she was free falling, face and stomach first,

BAM naked girl belly flop..



"God damn.."

The typical cringing crowd comments from a belly flop.

Mixed with.

"Why are you naked?"

"Are you some kind of slut or something?"

"Put some clothes on!"

"Nice wedgie nerd!"

Mindy heard all of this and more mixed with never ending laughter as she resurfaced from the water. The breath had been knocked out of her and she rolled out of the pool gasping for air and lying flat on her back, naked, not even bothering to cover. The water had left her once pale tits and pussy a bright red and her tanned thighs and belly a slightly more dark color, she slowly gathered her breath, got the wherewithal to cover herself and stand to leave, and began to march through the laughing crowd in the classic enf pose, covering her sore titties and pussy, and running for the lockerroom to get dressed. She looked around as she did, she really wanted someone to blame, a finger to point, a way to say this wasn't some dare or accidental exposure, but she couldn't find me, me and my friends had already dismissed ourselves to avoid the trouble,

rumor spread that she tried to jump off the diving board during break and accidentally got stuck by her bottoms, that story doesn't really elaborate on how she ended up topless..but word spreads like wildfire and even though she tried to convince the pool(who banned her) and others that I had done that to her, nobody believed her and I got off Scott free, I was onto the next girl by the next day and untying bikinis left and right, I was immune to trouble, I was to smart, I was unstoppable..until I learned my lesson..but we will get there eventually. As for now sorry its been awhile, my therapist tells me to write about this stuff to let it out, but when I do it just makes me crave that past, it makes me want to strike again, it makes me feel less regretful of my past and more envious of my former self. So I took a break to uh..combat those urges, but the truth deserves to be told, and I suppose there's no better place on the internet to tell it so here I am. My therapist would go nuts if they found out me "getting it out" is really just retelling my perverted tales to perverts on a story board about force stripping girls..but once again I digress. Lol. I hoped you enjoyed, I plan on telling one more of my summer tales, a bit of a "finale" to that first summer, so I can continue into my sophomore year stories and so on, eventually coming to the conclusion of how I received my karma..I'll get there eventually, thanks for the support, and patience.

- Candace Owens

More coming soon hopefully, sorry 4 da wait, not the most exciting chapter but a fun tale of Candaces to jot down, next tales to come.

Final Summer Story: Candace humiliates two birthday girls at their combined birthday party. Or they humiliate eachother...?

First Week Detention: Candace returns to school only to get detention the first week! Antics ensue.

Lots of other fun ideas just going with it as I go, stay posted.

One very last thought...as before with my stories..when I finally get the chance to write, I sit and write it all in one session, often times having just a slightest idea of where I'm going and filling the blanks, if anything is ever incoherent or there's typos, I have read it back once, but I don't have time right this minute to edit through and nit pick typos or my grammar today, I just want to put it out so here it is. I'll be working on this and my other series as well as LadyLucia's contest award(when she sends the prompt, no rush) as much as possible as im tired of being behind on stuff. Thanks for your time and as always I really appreciate any "thanks" or feedback
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer Continued. New part 3/21

Post by Executionus »

Totally awesome chapter! Definitely looking forward to more of these.
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