[ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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[ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by swguy123 »

Part 1 – The bet

It was a Friday night, and a group of friends at college was drinking beer and watching the football game, which was just starting. The group consisted of 3 guys, Steve, Jack and David, and 3 girls, Rachel, Lilly and Sara.

Jack was a huge supporter of one of the teams, the Ravens, and was hyping them up, saying how the other team, the Eagles, doesn’t stand a chance. Reality, however, was quite different, as the Eagles were the clear favorite, with the betting markets giving them a 10:1 chance of winning.

Lilly was also a big football fan and knew the actual winning odds. She was a bit annoyed that Jack was being delusional and a big mouth, so she pushed back. Jack, however, ignored her and continued with his speech.

Even more annoyed now, Lilly challenged him, “If you are so confident, Jack, why don’t we make a bet?”

“Sure, what should we bet,” Jack didn’t hesitate.

The rest of the group was finding this entertaining and was hyping them up.

“How about $100?” Lilly proposed.

“No, that’s boring,” Jack was not satisfied.

“Yeah, you guys should bet something a bit more entertaining,” Rachel agreed and was egging them on.

“How about the loser needs to do some kind of a dare?” Steve proposed.

The group was now discussing what kind of a dare would it be fun to make the loser do. The ideas were mild in the beginning, such as making an embarrassing Facebook post or making an embarrassing phone call to your crush. However, soon they started to become more intense due to the combination of alcohol and friends trying to outdo each other in upping up the stakes. Jack and Lilly were now starting to sweat a bit.

David proposed that the loser had to streak on the next college football game. The rest of the group found that hilarious and agreed, but Jack and Lilly pushed back, saying that they would get arrested or kicked out of college. The group reluctantly agreed and backed down, but the idea of seeing one of their friends naked remained.

“I’ve got it!” Sara proclaimed, “The professor in our art class is absent for the next two weeks. I am leading all of the classes during this time, since I have already been helping him with coordination and other tasks for the last year. Right now we are drawing live models. So the dare would be that the loser has to come and pose for us. Nude of course! No excuse of getting arrested here, guys!” she laughed.

“Oh, that’s a great idea! Our model for next Monday cancelled, so this is perfect!” Steve, who was also in Sara’s art class, enthusiastically agreed. The rest of the group was finding the idea to be awesome, but Jack and Lilly were getting a bit nervous.

“It’s usually a small group - just 6 or 7 people that you don’t even know. And they are all art students and are used to seeing nudity just as art, don’t worry too much guys,” Sara was trying to convince them, but Jack and Lilly were still resistant to the idea.

“Come on Jack! Do you not believe the Ravens can do it, or are you just a pussy,” David was now pressuring Jack.

“Fuck, fine! I agree with your stupid dare, I know we are winning this,” Jack finally agreed due to a combination of being called out like that and still being delusional about his team’s chances. The fact that he was somewhat drunk and wouldn’t mind seeing Lilly nude and embarrassed also helped to change his mind.

The group cheered to Jack agreeing and all eyes and all the pressure were now on Lilly.

She really didn’t think that this would get this far. She just wanted to make an easy $100, but the stakes were getting way too high for her. She wanted to back out, but the combination of Jack surprisingly agreeing and all the peer pressure being on her, made her reconsider for a few seconds, as the group enthusiastically cheered her on.

She reminded herself that the odds were 10:1 in her favor. She imagined how seeing Jack naked and embarrassed after him running his big mouth would be very satisfying indeed. She was also slightly drunk at this point, so she finally reluctantly agreed.

“Fuck, I agree as well,” she resigned herself to the dare.

“Yeaaaaah!” the group cheered.

“Oh, and just so that you two know, there is always a photo of the model taken during the class,” Steve informed them.

“No, what the fuck!” Lilly was not happy to hear that.

“Oh, it’s just a single photo to help us analyze the drawings later on, Lilly,” Sara tried to convince her, “Plus I’ll get you a copy of Jack’s if he loses. You want something to remember Jack’s embarrassing loss, right?” Sara whispered to Lilly.

“So, are you going to chicken out, Lilly,” Jack was drunk, still delusional about his chances, and mocking her. Lilly was pissed at him, and wanted to erase that stupid grin from his face.

“Okay, fuck, it’s on!” Lilly exclaimed angrily, also a bit drunk, “You know the betting odds are like 10:1, your team is probably losing in a landslide!”

“I believe in the Ravens, Lilly! It’s not something a statistics nerd like you could ever understand!” Jack went on another drunk monologue about his team. The other members of the group just laughed and grinned to each other. It was on!

The game started, and the first half of the game went just as expected. The Eagles created a huge lead, and it seemed pretty obvious that there was no way for a comeback from the Ravens.

“Can’t wait to see you all embarrassed with your little willy out! This is going to be hilarious!” Lilly was now teasing Jack, certain that she had already won the bet. The group joined in making fun of Jack for being so delusional, but he insisted that they still had a chance and that “he believed in his team”.

During the break Sara printed out two standard contract forms for the modeling for the art class. She insisted that both Jack and Lilly sign them now, before the game ends. She told them that they will just throw away the one from the winner. Lilly, thinking she had the game in the bag, happily signed it, but Jack, seeing the contract right in front of him, suddenly seemed not to “believe in his team” as much as he was announcing just a minute ago.

“Who is chickening out now, huh,” Lilly put more pressure on him, “I thought you ‘believed’ in the Ravens,” she and the rest of the group laughed.

“Fuck, I do believe in them!” Jack found a new bit of inspiration and quickly signed the contract. He pushed it back to Sara as the slightly drunk group cheered.

“Thank you, guys, this is all we need,” Sara smiled and took both contracts.

The game continued, and what happened in the second half can only be described as a miracle. The Ravens started to increase their score, with Eagles not scoring a single point in the next quarter of the game.

The teams were now almost tied, and Lilly suddenly started to sweat again. Why was it getting this close? This should have been a landslide victory for the Eagles according to any facts-based forecast.

Jack was getting excited and cheering as the Eagles’ lead narrowed, and he almost exploded when the Ravens took the lead with 5 minutes of the game left.

Lilly was feeling hot. “Oh my god, this is not happening,” she couldn’t believe it.

And just like that, the last 5 minutes evaporated, with Ravens maintaining their lead and winning the game!

Jack was now cheering louder than he ever had, and the rest of the group joined him. Everyone had expected that Jack was just going to make a fool of himself, but the reversal at the end and the victory of the underdog was somehow inspiring, even for those who didn’t have a horse in this race.

Everyone was now singing or cheering or dancing; everyone, but Lilly that is. She was sitting in her chair, unable to move. The realization of what this meant dawned on her, and her face was getting red.

“I guess we know who our next model is,” Steve grinned and winked at Lilly. Lilly averted her gaze, and looked at the floor in embarrassment.

“I hope this taught you a lesson, Lilly,” Jack now approached her, “You can’t just rely on the facts and numbers, you’ve got to believe with your heart,” he thought he was being profound or inspirational and not just lucky.

Lilly couldn’t say a thing, she just stared at the floor and nodded.

It was getting late so the friends decided to call it a night, and go to bed.
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by swguy123 »

Part 2 – The nude art model

The weekend was anxiety inducing for Lilly as she was dreading the upcoming Monday. She called Sara on Sunday evening, and tried to back out of the art modeling. Sara insisted that Lilly had signed the contract, had already been signed into the system as the model, and they couldn’t find a replacement on this short of a notice. She had lost the bet fair and square, and would simply have to follow through.

On Monday afternoon Lilly was seriously considering just not going, but she felt guilty going back on her word and betraying her friends like that. She always considered herself to be a woman of her word, and also knew that her friends would not just let her escape her forfeit like that. She reluctantly walked to the Arts Department where they were scheduled to meet.

There, Sara was already waiting for her. She took Lilly to the classroom that they were using, and led her to the dressing room at the side of the classroom.

“You can get undressed in here, and there is a robe on the chair. Be quick, we should be starting soon!” Sara explained.

Lilly went into the dressing room, and started to slowly undress. She couldn’t believe she was really doing this. Her whole friend group was about to see her completely naked. And a few random art students as well. She was feeling hot and blushing just thinking about it. She was lost in her thoughts for a while, but then she heard noise from the classroom, and realized that she needs to get on with it. She quickly undressed, put the robe on, took a deep breath, and decided to return to the classroom.

As she opened the door and peeked outside the dressing room, the classroom was already full. Sara and Steve said that there were usually only 6-7 people there, but even putting aside the addition of Jack, Rachel and David, the room still seemed fuller than it should be. As she quickly counted the number of people in the classroom, she realized that there were at least 18 people in there.

“Sara, why are there so many people here? You said only 6 to 7 people!” Lilly whispered to Sara, who was waiting in front of the dressing room.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I guess the word got out that a student from our university was modeling this time, and more people than usual signed up,” Sara tried to innocently brush it off.

“Oh my god, I know that guy from my Math class. And those two girls are in my Chemistry lab,” Lilly was anxiously scanning the room, still peeking from the dressing room.

“Yeah, I don’t know them, they aren’t usually here,” Sara shrugged.

“And I remember that guy from our last house party – Martin, was it? Oh my god, why do I know all these people!” Lilly was squealing.

“Oh, just relax, Lilly, they are probably just here for the art,” Sara was unconvincingly trying to calm her down.

“Yeah, I am sure,” Lilly rolled her eyes.

“Okay, Lilly, no use in just standing around and overthinking this, let’s get started,” Sara decided that they have to just get on with it. She grabbed Lilly’s arm and gently pulled her out of the dressing room.

She led Lilly into the center of the classroom, onto a raised platform. There was also a chair on the platform and Sara told Lilly to sit down. The crowd waiting for Lilly got enthusiastic in greeting her when they saw her enter.

Lilly, far from looking as though she appreciated the greeting, looked for all the world as if she just wanted to crawl into a hole in the floor.

“Thanks, guys,” Sara answered for her. “Now, if everyone can grab an easel, we’ll get started.”

Lilly swallowed so hard, it was audible.

When everyone was ready, Sara continued. “Okay, now, as usual, for the next two hours or so, Lilly will assume various poses of just under fifteen minutes in length. She’s never done anything like this before, so, please, be respectful.”

Everyone chuckled.

“Okay, so in order to help Lilly sort of ease into her first nude modeling experience, let’s begin with having her remain seated… and simply open the top of her robe… just enough to expose her breasts.”

Then, turning to Lilly, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “Lilly… if you wouldn’t mind…”

Sara half expected Lilly to just freeze up. But the social pressure was strong enough to compel her to slowly untie the belt, then move the top of her robe off of her shoulders.

Lilly’s large breasts were out in the open. This was blowing Lilly’s mind. She couldn’t believe everyone was seeing her with her boobs out like that! Her nipples were fully exposed. Her breasts looked amazing, with her sitting back in the chair under the bright studio lights. Their full, heavy size and shape truly a sight to behold. They looked spectacular out in the open before everyone.

And they looked even better, sitting right there beneath a blushing face that was all embarrassment—from her quivering lip, to her frantic eyes, to her intense look of reluctance and humiliation.

Lilly couldn’t believe that other students and her friends were being granted permission to see her with her tits out like this! They now all know exactly how her nipples look like! It was a mind-blowing humiliation that even she hadn’t been expecting!

“Now, everyone, let us not forget that in the depiction of the female body, you needn’t show everything. I mean, look at how compelling a view Lilly has created by only allowing us to see her breasts,” Sara tried to lead the class.

“I’ll say!” Jack called out, “Look at those nipples!”

The other students chuckled softly as they started in on their drawings.

Lilly had assumed that as time went on, she would grow at least a little more comfortable having her clothes off. But that was not the case at all. On the contrary, each passing minute seemed increasingly difficult for her—as if showing her breasts was akin to standing barefoot on hot asphalt, and it just gets increasingly more uncomfortable as time goes by.

At the end of the fifteen minutes, Sara walked over to the front of the stage. “Okay, everyone, for our second pose, let’s move on to the tried-and-true full-frontal position in order to really help you try to capture the female form.” She turned to Lilly. “Lilly, at this time, let’s have you stand…”

Slowly, Lilly stood up, shaking a bit. “And now, let’s have you remove your robe and simply stand straight, arms at your sides,” Sara finished her instructions.

“Oh, god, I am actually doing it!” Lilly thought to herself, “Everyone is about to see me completely naked!” Slowly but surely, she untied the belt. Then, after a long, deep breath, she drew the robe off her shoulders and arms, placing it on the chair behind her.

She looked incredible. Her body is full-figured and everything is proportionate, curvaceous, and just gorgeous.

But something didn’t seem quite right to Sara.

After a few seconds, she figured out what it was: Lilly was standing so stiffly that it sort of masked her soft, feminine lines. That wasn’t going to work.

“Lilly, actually, let’s have you bring your arms over your head… and just think graceful and grand.”

“Okay,” Lilly whispered, embarrassed.

That did the trick. There she was, reaching upward—the move causing her titties to thrust forward and become more featured. She kept taking calming breaths and her face was as red as a tomato.

The full-frontal view was also giving everyone a good look at her pubic area. There was a large bush of dark hair which did not go unnoticed.

“Oh man, look at that bush! I thought you shaved down there, Lilly,” David laughed, pointing directly at her crotch from the front row. This got a few chuckles from the rest of the audience.

“Oh fuck, I totally forgot to shave for this!” Lilly thought to herself, but said nothing and blushed even harder.

“I like the retro style, Lilly!” the guy from her Math class commented with a grin.

If you looked hard enough, you could even just start to make out her pussy lips, partially hidden beneath the bush. And Lilly knew that especially the people in the front row were getting a great look.

But that was just the beginning…

As usual, after a couple of suggested poses, Sara invited the students to suggest various poses that they wanted to draw.

“Okay, everyone, this completes our second pose for the day. Any suggestions for the third?” Sara inquired.

David raised his hand.

“Yeah, let’s have her turn around so we can do her back, you know what I’m saying? We can work on her spine contour and stuff.”

It was obvious that he didn’t know what he was talking about and was essentially saying: Let’s have her turn around, so I can stare at her ass for fifteen minutes.

“Okay, Lilly, if you wouldn’t mind…?”

Lilly flashed a look that conveyed that she wasn’t too happy with the suggestion. But she did turn without saying anything, as instructed, then simply stood, head lowered, hands clasped together.

Everyone was now greeted with the sight of her ass. Oh, God, her ass! Same deal as with her tits—seeing it out in the open made this fabulous part of her anatomy all the better! The bright lighting brought out all of its deep contours and superb geometric design. It could be said that Lilly has something of a bubble-butt—and its size just makes every single curve, well, curvier. Each cheek is practically a perfect soccer-ball-sized sphere that grabs attention everywhere she goes.

Lilly hates it, of course, to be exposing her ass like this.

So, it was a damned good thing she was facing the other way. Otherwise, she would have seen David’s mouth hanging open throughout the duration of the pose. And gawking was all he was doing, too. When Sara walked by to check on his work, his freaking paper was blank!

“What’s the matter?” Sara whispered.

David shrugged sheepishly. “Just can’t seem to focus today.”

“Hmm, it seems to me that you’re too focused!” Sara quietly giggled. She found it quite funny to see David getting all juiced up on Lilly’s ass.

And Lilly, it seemed, was getting ever more humiliated. When Sara happened to move to the side of the room, she got a look at Lilly’s face. Man, it was the most tortured look of embarrassment she’d ever seen her with.

And it wasn’t just David who was getting off on the view. All the other students as well were clearly enthralled by Lilly’s curves. At least they were drawing while they looked—not just drooling!

Following the Lilly butt-show, one of the girls, who Lilly had known from the tennis club, asked her to simply lie on her side, facing the class. It didn’t appear to upset Lilly too much, being a rather modest pose as she could cover her bush with her leg—as modest as a pose in the nude could be anyway!

The next one, as well—called out by a girl, who was an actual art student—was pretty tame. Lilly was asked to turn around, as she did before, but looking shyly back over her shoulder at the class. Well, she certainly didn’t have to work too hard to attain the ‘shy’ look, that’s for sure!

Everyone was enjoying the view, everyone but Lilly, of course. There was Lilly’s bubble-butt once again. But this time, the view was accompanied by her adding a demure over-the-shoulder look with a nice side view of her boobies.

Then, one of the guys from Lilly’s Economics class asked her to turn facing them sideways with her hands behind her back, and bend forward a little. That was a nice pose as well, which made her large breasts hang down towards the floor, giving everyone an excellent demonstration of how physics affect her boobies.

It seemed Lilly didn’t have too much trouble with that one either. Maybe she was actually starting to get comfortable with the idea of posing in front of people with nothing on.

Unfortunately for her, the poses were about to get a lot more risqué. One of the girls from Lilly’s Chemistry class, who never seemed to like Lilly, called out the next pose.

And, man-o-man, it was a doozy!

“Hey, let’s have her sit down and lean back in the chair. She can then spread her legs apart really wide, like, dangling over the sides.”

“Oh, for God’s sake!” Lilly thought, “That bitch is really trying to humiliate me in front of everyone!”

Lilly turned towards Sara. “Can I speak with you for a moment?”

“Uh, sure,” Sara came closer.

“Is she insane?” Lilly whispered bluntly. “Is that bitch insane? I can’t believe she’s asking for something so—so lewd as that! She actually wants me to spread my legs like that?”

“Well, yes, Lilly,” Sara whispered back, “it might seem a bit lewd, but I am sure everyone is just seeing it as art,” Sara was pushing her on.

“Oh, my God,” Lilly murmured, closing her eyes, blushing just thinking about it. “I really can’t believe this,” she looked Sara straight in the eyes. “I’m going to have to go through with this, aren’t I?”

“Well, you did lose the bet fair and square, Lilly, and this was the forfeit,” Sara was unrelenting.

“Fuck it,” Lilly said reluctantly, feeling sorry for herself.

Then, as everyone watched…

Lilly walked over to the chair and sat down, facing the group. She swallowed hard a few times.

Then, after what seemed like forever, she leaned back in the chair…

And then—just like a scene from a movie—she slowly lifted both of her legs high in the air, brought them wide apart, then down onto the armrests.

And her feminine charms were now right there, fully displayed, for all eyes to see.

Yes, there she was, Lilly, exposing her pussy to the max for a large group of friends and students who knew her. Her thighs were spread impossibly wide. Ensconced by her bush, her light pink lips were gaping wide. She was showing them everything—under these lights, nothing was left to the imagination.

Once again, her red face told a story of complete humiliation. Her eyes were staring straight up at the ceiling. Her mouth was clamped shut. Her breathing was heavy and uneven. She was the picture of total humiliation.

She couldn’t believe she ended up like this. Everyone was gaping at her wide open cunt!

“My pussy is wide open,” Lilly remarked to herself in complete embarrassment. “This roomful of people can see right up inside my pussy! And I have no choice but to let them see it! Oh, my god! Everyone gets to see it!” Her blushing face clearly indicated that she never had and never would show it to anyone quite so explicitly.

And, a few minutes later, at the end of the pose, it got even worse!

Lilly was just closing her legs and sitting up straight again when one of the male art students, Mark, whom Lilly also happened to know, issued his suggestion.

“Yeah,” he said, “I want to work on my, um, foreshortening skills. So, why don’t we have the model come down off the platform…”

Carefully, Lilly complied, getting off the platform—not understanding what foreshortening means, nor what it implied.

Now, she stood totally nude in front of everybody, shivering still, waiting for the art student to continue with his instructions.

“Yeah, cool. Now, turn around, bend over with your hands on the platform, and really stick your butt out so we can practice foreshortening, which is, like, when you’re drawing something, and some parts of it are farther away—like your head—and some parts of it are, like, really close—like your ass…I—I mean, your butt, you know what I’m saying?” Mark was clearly using professional sounding words, just to get Lilly to expose herself even further.

And poor Lilly just stood there, embarrassed, unmoving, staring blankly at everyone.

“I—I can’t…do…” she began, her voice not much more than a whisper.

Sara went over to her, and put her hand on her shoulder. “Lilly, come on, let’s just get this over with.”

“Yeah, Mark just wants to practice his foreshortening,” Steve laughed, knowing exactly what Mark was thinking.

“Fucking foreshortening,” Lilly hissed red-faced.

Sara gave Lilly’s butt a little pat, causing the right cheek to bounce a little. Everyone chuckled. Lilly glared at her for a few seconds…

Then… she turned around… and bent over.

And out came that amazing ass of hers—spread nice and wide and looking downright amazing.

Then, she pushed it back…

It flared open even wider.

Everyone in the class could now see everything—her pussy, her anus, everything!

David was breathing hard—really hard. Fuck, he was on the verge of hyperventilating!

The room was dead quiet. Everyone, it seemed, was too busy looking at Lilly’s exposed asshole to bother drawing it—not just David. Even the girls. I guess they were just fascinated that a non-model and a fellow student like Lilly could do this—expose herself in front of everyone and put herself into such a lewd pose.

And the boys… all of them were gaping to various degrees.

“Okay, people, we’re down to fourteen minutes, so let’s get cracking,” Sara tried to get the group to start working.

Finally, everyone picked up their charcoal and started drawing.

Meanwhile, Lilly just stared forward in utter embarrassment as she was displaying her beautiful ass so provocatively. And everyone found it incredible, even more so, knowing how hideously embarrassed Lilly had to be when displaying herself like this.

After a few minutes Sara moved to the side to help one of the girls with her shadowing technique, and she got another good look at Lilly’s face. She was grimacing, breathing hard, and scrunching her eyes shut— the whole nine yards.

After the pose was completed, Lilly stood back up, and continued to avoid eye contact as she awaited the final pose.

As Sara asked for a suggestion, multiple hands shot up.

“Okay guys, we only have time for one more pose,” Sara was thinking. “So since Jack was the one who won the bet, I guess he should have the final word,” she decided and pointed at Jack, who had his hand up.

“Excellent,” Jack smiled with a big grin, “She was acting so smug and superior last Friday… Well, how the tables have turned! I have just the idea to finish this off!” he announced, satisfied with his position, and continued explaining his idea.

“Let’s have her lay down on the edge of the platform on her back, right? Then, she can, like, spread her legs, and pull them way back, like, knees at her ears. That’ll open everything really good, you know what I’m saying? Then, she reaches down with her hands and, like, spreads her pussy—”

“What the fuck,” Lilly blurted out red-faced, her heart beating faster than it ever had. Jack ignored her and continued.

“Yeah, she just opens it right up. That way, we, like, really get to see all of her, right,” he smiled, blushing a bit himself for suggesting such a lewd pose.

There was a bit of incredulous “Oh my god, is she really going to do that,” sounds among the students, but everyone was excited to witness this final humiliation.

Without a word to anyone, her face completely red, Lilly stepped up onto the stage, and moved over to the edge facing the students. She was still shivering, but now, in addition to the humiliation, there was also a look of resignation about her. She wasn’t fighting it, she knew she would have to do it. “Fuck it, let’s just get this over with,” she thought to herself.

Slowly, she lay down on her back and drew her legs up. Her pussy was clearly visible already. But when she spread her legs, the view got better—and better still when she pulled her knees back towards her head. She was quite flexible, so her knees really were at her ears.

Then, she reached down with both hands, and gently but firmly pulled her labia wide apart. The entire class was now dead focused on one point - her wide-open, completely exposed pussy.

Lilly had no idea how she ended up like this. She had never even considered that they could ask her to make such a humiliating pose. Her face was burning with shame, and she thought she might just faint.

Nobody could say anything, they simply stood and stared at the most lewd pose they had ever witnessed. After a minute or so some people actually started drawing.

“Oh fuck, we forgot!” Steve suddenly exclaimed, “We need a photo of the model in one of the poses we are drawing!”

He was now pulling a large, professional-looking camera from his bag.

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot,” Sara answered, “Good thing you remembered before we finished! Go right ahead!”

“What the fuck!” Lilly exclaimed, with her heart pounding with full force. She was still holding the pose as she objected, “I thought the photo would be me just standing normally or something! Can’t this wait until we are done with the drawing?”

“I am afraid not Lilly, we must always take a photo of the model while they are still being drawn in a pose. To make the comparison with the drawings for analysis afterwards, you understand. Everything is in the contract you’ve signed,” Steve remained decisive as he made his way towards the platform with the camera.

He was now standing right in front of Lilly, less than three feet away. He leaned down, pointing the camera straight at Lilly, who was still holding her pussy wide open. He made sure to frame everything, including Lilly’s face, her breasts, her anus, and her wide open pussy.

“But can’t we, like…”


Before Lilly could object any further, he had already snapped what must be the most humiliating photo Lilly had ever had taken of her.

Steve checked the photo he had just taken – Lilly was red-faced and looking straight at the camera with a stupid look on her face. Her legs were pulled back, pussy stretched wide open, anus clearly visible, lying there under the bright lights, with no detail hidden from the camera.

“Yep, this is great Lilly!” Steve was satisfied, but Lilly just wanted the ground to swallow her, and wishing for nothing more than that nobody else will ever see this picture.

The time for the last pose was almost up, and it was time to finish. Sara made all the wrapping-up comments—including a group thank-you for Lilly—during the final minute. Then, when the timer dinged at the end, Lilly scrambled to get up, collect her robe, and raced back to the dressing room.

She slammed the door shut, and stood there unable to move for a few minutes. This was the most embarrassing day of her life. Everyone had seen her... seen EVERYTHING! And they even took a photo of her in the most humiliating position possible. She was still gathering her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door.

“Everything alright there, Lilly,” Sara was asking from the other side.

“Yeah, just a minute,” Lilly responded and finally started getting dressed again.
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by swguy123 »

Part 3 – The Epilogue

Almost a month had passed, and Lilly was finally starting to forget the humiliation that she had experienced. That was until Sara invited her to the art exhibition that the Arts Department was organizing. Just remembering the department’s building brought back the embarrassing memories. All of the friends from her group were going, so she reluctantly agreed to go as well. Can’t avoid that building forever, she thought.

On the day of the art exhibition, Lilly met her friends in front of the building. Everyone was there, David, Jack, Steve, Rachel and Sara. They went inside and spent an hour just walking around together, looking at all the art pieces on display.

“Hey guys, over here! It’s the art from our class!” Sara called to the group from around the corner.

The group followed Sara, and Lilly suddenly realized that drawings of her might be included in the exhibition!

At first, there were drawings of different objects - vases, fruit bowls, and similar items. But then, there was a section of drawings of live models. Men and women of all shapes and sizes were drawn in the art pieces. Lilly looked at them, and it seemed that none of them had assumed poses quite as lewd as she had. But what really disturbed Lilly, was that there were also photos of the actual models in their poses, right next to the drawings. The faces of the models were censored in the photos, but it was still disturbing.

Just around the corner the exhibition continued, and that’s where Lilly witnessed what she was afraid of – it was the drawings of her from that embarrassing day. The drawings displayed were really good as they only used the best ones for the exhibition, and Lilly was already starting to blush. But as she moved her eyes along the drawings on the wall, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“What the fuck!”

There it was – the photo from that day, in a huge size that covered half the wall. There she was, Lilly, lying on her back, her legs pulled up to her head, her pussy pulled wide open and exposed to the world, her anus clearly visible, and her large breasts just below her red face – her face, which was clearly visible – it was NOT censored!

Lilly thought she was going to faint.

“What the fuck! Why is my face not censored?!” she screamed again.

“Well, you see Lilly, the contracts at the start of the semester guaranteed anonymity to our models, so we had to censor their faces. But with the new contracts that we started using at the end of the semester, that is no longer the case,” Sara was starting to explain.

“And well, you were the first model to get the new contract and the last model of the semester, so only your face is not censored at this exhibition, you see,” Sara continued as if there was no reason for Lilly to have a problem with this.

Lilly could not believe what she was hearing. She could hardly breathe, and her face was as red as a tomato. “What the fuck,” was all she could say as she stared at the picture of herself. She looked below the picture, and a sign in large letters read:

Lilly Harrison
November 2019
Amberton University

“What the fuck, why is my full name mentioned here!” Lilly was now hyperventilating.

“As we said, anonymity is no longer a part of our model contracts,” Sara answered matter-of-factly and shrugged her shoulders.

Lilly wanted the ground to swallow her. How the fuck could they do this to her? She could not look at the photo anymore. She turned around, walked to the wall opposite, and rested her head on it.

“Oh cheer up, Lilly, you have a great body,” Rachel came to her, and was trying to calm her down.

“What the fuck do you mean, a great body,” Lilly could not believe that others were so nonchalant about her being exposed like this. Jack was even finding it hilarious, laughing out loud as Lilly was fuming. Her heart was beating uncontrollably, and her face was burning with embarrassment.

“Oh my god, is that Lilly Harrison?! No fucking way!” a familiar female voice screamed.

Lilly turned around again, and a group of two girls and two guys was standing before the huge photo of her. She recognized them from her Math class.

“I can’t believe someone would pose like this! You can see fucking everything! And she is even pulling her pussy wide open!” one of the girls stared incredulously.

“Why would anyone want to be displayed like this?! Her face isn’t even censored!” the second girl continued in amazement.

“Look at that bush! Couldn’t she shave at least for the modeling gig?” the first girl was judging her.

“Oh my god, I need a photo of this,” the second girl was now pulling out her phone. She took a few steps back to capture the entirety of the photo with her phone.

“Oh man, look, you can even see her anus,” the first girl was laughing now as she had her face an inch from the photo, and was pointing straight at Lilly’s exposed anus.

“And it really is Lilly Harrison, look, it says so right here!” she was now pointing at the sign below the photo.

“Yeah, let me grab a photo as well,” one of the guys was now also pulling out his phone, “I know a few people who might suddenly be interested in visiting this art show after seeing this!”

“I know a few as well, just post it in our group chat,” the other guy laughed.

Lilly couldn’t believe it. At that moment it dawned on her. This photo was going to spread like wildfire. Her life was over. Everyone she knows is going to see it. See her in the most humiliating pose possible, exposing her pussy to the world! The photo is probably already on a dozen social media sites. She was never going to live this down.

The End

Disclaimer: Some parts of Part 2 of this story were based on an excerpt from Bend Over, Darling…The Class Is Waiting by J.C. Cummings.
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by mikewozere »

Great humiliation story.
Very hot!!
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by Theseus »

Awesome story!
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by spookyscaryskeletons »

really nice! i'm a big fan of ass exposure (maybe even more than pussy exposure!), so having an entire section where her ass was exposed and they all stared at it was really good! amazing job!
rational brain: you can't have them all strip naked at once, you need to build up suspension
lesbian brain: hnngh tiddies
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by Hooked6 »

LOVED IT! This story follows in the tradition of a classic ENF scenario without getting into copious amounts of sex . I really admired the embarrassment and humiliation you placed in the story, which was well-written and very entertaining.

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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by Bqt »

I love it. One of the best Story I’ve ever read. Thank you very much.
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by swguy123 »

Thank you for all the comments, I appreciate it!
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Re: [ENF] Lost bet leads to nude art modeling

Post by FunKelly »

Awesome story !!! More please,
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