Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
- perseus
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Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer
What happens when a care free girl enters the lives of Pat and his grandson, Hal? The lives of everyone around the girl changes for the better. All because summer was raised to believe, very strongly, that girls don't need modesty.
Part 1 viewtopic.php?p=38057#p38057
What happens when a care free girl enters the lives of Pat and his grandson, Hal? The lives of everyone around the girl changes for the better. All because summer was raised to believe, very strongly, that girls don't need modesty.
Part 1 viewtopic.php?p=38057#p38057
Last edited by perseus on Wed Mar 12, 2025 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
- perseus
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Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer Part 1
Hal stood in his grandpa’s kitchen, looking for a glass to get water. He was not excited about having to spend the summer with him. He was 15 and wanted to camp with his friends, maybe get a job at his friend’s dad's shoe shop. It was in the mall, which meant girls. He was never very good with those. But instead, he was several states away, visiting a grandpa he hasn’t seen in years.
The last time he saw his grandpa Pat, years ago, he looked much older than he did last night, when he picked him up from the airport. His grandma died when he was very young, and Grandpa Pat never recovered from it. He had once overheard a few distant family members say that old Pat wasn’t long for this world. But he seemed like a changed man now, walking tall, smiling, and joking. A changed man.
Still, he wasn’t happy to be here; he didn’t even have his annoying little sister to keep him company. She was going to spend the first part of her summer at cheer camp, but she would be sent out here after. Hal would have been happy to have her here, he had to admit; there were no other teens his age in the neighborhood. Except for one, his mom told him that a girl his sister’s age spends a lot of time at his grandpa’s. If it was one thing he was sure of, he had nothing in common with 13-year-old girls. Summer was her name, and already the idea of her intimidated him.
The only bright spot was that his grandpa had an in-ground swimming pool, but he was told by his grandpa that Summer would likely be out there by the time he woke up. So going out there now was out of the question.
Finally finding a glass, he went to the sink and poured water into it. The window to the kitchen overlooked the backyard. The girl called Summer was indeed back there, in the pool; he could see deep, dark red hair bobbing around as the girl swam.
His nerves started to rise. It's not like he didn’t know anything about girls; he had the internet; he just wasn’t good at talking to them. Apparently the girl’s mom worked as some sort of corporate consultant; she was out of town all the time. His grandpa watched her whenever she was out of town, which was a lot because the girl had her own room in the house. His grandpa lived comfortably in his retirement, due to smart investments and life insurance from when his grandma passed. Between his grandpa and the corporate mom, the girl must not have wanted for anything.
His grandpa, he called him pop-pop, always sent him and his sister gifts. He would always feel bad for a few days when he got them, knowing that they didn’t visit much, but that was more his parent’s fault than his and his sister’s.
He stayed watching the girl and her red hair swim about, studying her, trying to gain any information on her that he could. He didn’t ask too many questions about her to Pop-Pop; he wanted to avoid sending the wrong message. He felt like he was at a disadvantage in the house; she had her own room, after all, and he was in the smallest bedroom.
Once Summer was done swimming, she made her way to the shallow end and began to ascend the steps.
Hal watched, unblinking, as she came out. He saw her bare shoulders, and for a very brief second, thought that he was about to see a skimpy bikini; what he actually saw stopped his heart, lungs, everything. As her top half cleared the edge of the pool, he saw the first set of bare breasts he’s ever seen in person. Small but shapely, with bright pink nipples. Her freckles didn’t extend to her torso, leaving her pearl-white skin completely unblemished.
“There’s no way this girl was swimming topless,” he quickly thought to himself. And he was right; she wasn’t topless. She finally hoisted her full body out of the pool; she was completely naked. He dropped his glass of water; it bounced off the counter and smashed on the floor. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A pair of perfect breasts, tipped with pink nipples. Not nearly as big as the ones he was used to seeing online, but these were real. She had no pubic hair; he could see her small, slightly red lips between her legs. Much cleaner looking than the lips on the women on the porn sites. She walked towards the window to the lounging chair that held a towel; the sway of her naked hip gave him an instant erection.
“Damn, the show's over.” He thought, as she wrapped the towel around herself to dry off. But then she did something that stunned him. When she was finished drying, she dropped the towel back on the chair. Uncovered once again, she strolled towards the back door of the house, without a care in the world. She opened the door and walked right in, passing by the kitchen without looking in. She didn’t notice him standing there.
He quickly and quietly rushed to the door and stuck his head out. He watched her naked cheeks jiggle as her butt swayed down the hall and into the bathroom. He heard the shower going, but noticed the door was left open.
“What was that!? Are you alright!?” Pat asked, coming to investigate the glass breaking.
Hal turned to his grandpa, dazed still. “Pop-pop, there’s a naked girl in your house!”
“Oh, that’s just Summer. I told you about her, remember?”
“But why is she naked?”
“She’s almost always naked; you’ll get used to it.” Pat said, grabbing a broom and sweeping up the broken glass.
“What!?” Hal’s mind was blank, unable to process the words he was hearing. “She’s naked all the time!?”
“I was hoping to explain the situation before you saw her, but she really wanted to swim this morning, and she doesn’t own a bathing suit at the moment.”
Hal kept staring at his grandpa, dumbfounded. As if that sentence was supposed to make any sense to him.
“Well, now you know, Summer is naked a lot. She doesn’t have much need for modesty.” Pat told his grandson.
“Pop-pop, I don’t understand. Are you saying she’s naked all the time?”
Pat walked over to a framed picture that was on the wall. One that Hal failed to notice till now. He took it off the wall and handed it to Hal.
Hal nearly fainted. The picture was of both Summer and his grandpa, both holding small cakes with numbered candles on them; apparently they shared a birthday. His grandpa’s cake said 61; Summer’s said 13. But what was causing him to nearly faint was that Summer was completely naked, save for a cone-shaped birthday hat. Her face was the cutest he had ever seen, a small button nose and a light sprinkling of red-brown freckles over it and her cheeks. The rest of her skin was flawless. His eyes ran over her small breasts, tipped with pink nipples. But his eyes were drawn to her lower lips, which were fully in view. Seeing them up close, even through a picture. His knees were actually weak.
“That was a couple of months ago, on our birthday. She says that her birthday suit is her favorite suit.” Pat took the picture back and hung it on the wall again.
“How? You…have this just hanging up?”
Pat realized he needed to explain everything to his grandson.
“Sit down, Hal.”
2 years prior, Pat was not in the best place. His family rarely visited, early retirement wasn’t what he was expecting, and he still hadn’t gotten over his wife’s passing. His daughter wanted to visit, but she was always so busy with work. She wanted him to move closer to them, but he didn’t want to leave the home he made with his wife. The only bright spot in his life was that he got to live in relative comfort. All in all, he was just a sad man. He wasn’t a shut-in; he would socialize with his neighbors, though.
He was depressed; that was until someone finally moved into the empty house next to his. Marie and her daughter, Summer.
They showed up with a moving truck, and he felt like the neighborly thing to do was to help them move their stuff into the house.
Marie was in her early 30s, and Summer was 11. They worked all day, even after the movers arrived with another truck. Marie insisted that Pat didn’t need to put himself out, but she was glad of his company. For Pat, it felt nice to get out of the house and get some exercise.
They hit it off immediately. Pat wasn’t looking for romantic companionship; Marie was close to half his age, but he was glad to be making a new friend.
Summer took to him instantly as well, talking his ear off about all the hobbies she liked, animals, and how she was excited to start school and make new friends. She especially liked talking about gymnastics and cheerleading. Pat’s own daughter, Hal’s mom, was into gymnastics when she was a kid too.
Summer, to him, seemed like the happiest girl in the world. But one thing he thought was strange was the dress she was wearing. A simple sundress, but it seemed a few sizes too small. The hem was very high on her thighs, showing off almost all of her legs. Pat would avert his eyes whenever he would see flashes of her white panties, which was often. The way she would jump from the back of the moving truck and bounce up and down the stairs, she was constantly showing off her panties. Marie seemed oblivious to it, although he figured she had to know; even the movers probably knew the brand she was wearing.
It was what happened during lunchtime that he realized how unbothered by all the panty flashing Marie really was. She had ordered pizzas, and everyone was eating, even the movers. They were eating out in the front yard when Summer had finished and wanted to practice her tumbling. She started doing cartwheels. “Look, Mr. Pat!” she would say. “I’m the best at cartwheels!” She then proceeded to do them over and over. The hem of her dress would fall, every time, to around her bellybutton. Showing off her full panties. This went on for several minutes. As Pat and the movers watched, still not a word from Marie about it. Pat found that he was not attempting to look away as much; he was enjoying her little display. Not because he was attracted to this girl in any way; he was more taken in by her carefree attitude about it. She no doubt knew what she was showing off, but didn’t seem to care. Pat envied this. But the most surprising thing came at the end of lunch. “I can even do handstands!” Summer proudly announced. In one motion, she planted her hands in the grass, kicked her feet up in the air, and pulled off a perfect handstand for about 3 seconds. Long enough for her dress to slip all the way down to her hands. Pat got his first-ever look at her puffy pink nipples; it would not be the last time.
Summer’s perfect balance ended, and she rolled to the ground and bounced back up again, but without her dress. It was still on the ground. Summer stood up proudly and struck a gymnastic finishing pose. “Did you see!” The girl was unconcerned that she was not topless in front of Pat and three other men. Everyone is getting a full-on view of her panties and nipples.
Pat could see that she was just on the cusp of development. No breasts to speak of yet, but her nipples were starting to push out; by this time next year, she would have a small set to be proud of. He couldn’t find the words to speak, but he found himself clapping proudly for her. Summer gave him a warm smile.
“Yes, honey, we all saw. Very nice. Go wash up so we can finish.” Marie told her.
Pat was shocked. Marie was completely unbothered that her daughter was half-naked in front of strangers, but he wasn’t going to say anything.
Summer casually picked up her dress and slipped it back on. Pat found that he was slightly disappointed; her carefree disposition was infectious.
The rest of the day was not as exciting as lunch was, but Pat did get several dozen more glimpses of Summer’s panties as the day wore on.
Finally, the work was done, the movers were gone, and Pat was about to return home when Marie insisted that she pay him back in some way.
“That's really not necessary; I was happy to help.”
“Please, at least let me make dinner for you.”
Due to a mix-up with the electric company, Marie wouldn’t have power for a few days, so Pat offered his own kitchen until they got it sorted out.
Marie was touched by Pat’s kindness and agreed to the offer.
The next day, Marie and Summer showed up with a bag of groceries. Summer was once again wearing a short sundress.
Marie got to work right away in the kitchen. Summer wanted to watch TV. She plopped herself down on the couch, and Pat turned over the remote.
Pat then went to the kitchen to keep Marie company and help out if she needed. Marie insisted that she had it under control and wanted Pat to relax. They carried on, each talking about their families. Pat learned that Marie’s husband left years ago, leaving her to raise Summer on her own. Marie expressed concern that her new job would require long hours, and she was still not sure what she would do with Summer once school was out. Pat knew there were numerous after-school programs, and with her job, Marie would have no trouble affording them. But he didn’t press the issue; Marie surely had good reasons for not feeling comfortable leaving Summer in those programs.
In typical parent fashion, Marie soon began bragging about her daughter’s accomplishments in her last school, going on about her gymnastics.
“You saw how much she likes to show off her moves yesterday; she’s also very flexible. Far more than I was at her age.”
Pat could hear the pride in her voice; he thought it was sweet.
“Summer! Come here for a minute!” Marie called out.
Summer bounced through the door. “Yeah, Mom?”
“Show Mr. Pat the pretzel.”
Pat watched from his seated position at the table as Summer sat down on the floor and then proceeded to pull her feet up to her head. Pat expected to see the young girl wearing shorts under her dress; after the show she gave yesterday, her mom surely would have told her to be a little more modest. But she wasn’t. She was wearing a thin pair of panties. As she brought her feet behind her head, her full crotch area was exposed. Her panties looked a size too small; they hugged the lips of her vulva and outlined it perfectly.
“Well now… um… that is very impressive. You have real talent, young lady.” Pat was sure that Marie made a mistake and that she would quickly tell the girl to put her feet down.
“See how long you can hold that position, dear.” Marie told her.
“A real long time, I bet!” Summer added.
And so she did, keeping herself exposed in the most unladylike fashion.
Pat wasn’t sure if he should keep looking at the girl or not.
“Oh my… Well, she certainly is flexible!” Pat stammered.
“She really is; I'm very proud of her!”
They watched for several more minutes before the girl's strength gave out, and she unfolded and collapsed on the floor, her arms and legs spread in an X position. Her dress was bunched around her waist, leaving her panties on show.
Marie is completely unbothered by her daughter's exhibitionism; she even encourages it, Pat thought to himself. But it's what happened next that absolutely sealed that thought.
When Summer finally got up, she attempted to do another handstand but was having trouble in the small confines of the kitchen. Just like the first day, Summer's dress slid down her body, to her arms and on the floor. Still, the girl kept trying, now topless once again.
“Summer, don't do that in the kitchen, and don't get your dress dirty either; we can't do laundry for a while. Pick it up and hang it on the coat rack.”
“Okay, Mom.” The topless girl said, bending over to pick up her dress.
Pat got a full and close view of them now. They were definitely too small for the girl. The front dug into her vagina, leaving the most prominent camel toe Pat had ever seen. And the back was a permanent wedgie; more than half her butt was hanging out, as well as the very top part of her crack peeking over the top. They left almost nothing to the imagination. This little picture was topped off by her pink, heresy kiss-shaped nipples that pushed proudly from her chest.
Pat watched as her butt bounced and jiggled when she left the kitchen to hang her dress on the coat rack.
“You don’t mind, do you, Pat?”
“What? Oh! No, I don’t mind.” Pat was brought back to reality by her question.
“She’s so used to running around the house in almost nothing; I sometimes forget how carefree she can be.”
“Please, make yourselves at home here. My house is your house.”
“Thank you, Pat, that's sweet of you to say.”
When dinner was ready, the three of them sat at the dining room table to eat; Summer was still in just her panties.
Pat noticed how good her posture was; she sat up straight with her shoulders back. This has the effect of her pushing out her nipples all throughout dinner. Pat did his best not to look, but the girl made it impossible. Eventually she gave up and would look at them from time to time. If her mom didn’t see to it, and Summer didn’t seem to care, then why not?
The rest of the night went by without any more major surprises; they just watched TV and played a board game. Summer stayed topless the whole night, only putting her dress back on when they left.
This became routine; Marie and Summer would come over a few times a week and make dinner for Pat. Sometimes Pat would hang out with Marie in the kitchen; other times he would play a game with Summer. It wasn’t every time, but when Summer did wear a dress, she didn’t keep it on long. When her dress would come off, she would hang it on the coat rack.
The most recent time she shed her dress, before the big event that changed everything, her panties were so small that they were basically a thong in the back.
But then the big event happened. And Pat’s life would never be the same again.
The season of summer came, and it was finally warm enough to use Pat’s pool. Summer was beyond excited; she loved to swim.
It was no surprise to Pat that Summer’s one piece was again too small for her. It rode up high in the back, low up top, and tight between her legs. Summer didn’t care about what she was showing off; she was just enjoying swimming.
Marie was in her bathing suit as well; this one was much better fitting than her daughter’s was. Sitting on one of the lounging chairs, reading a book. Pat was getting the grill ready for a cookout. He was happy to be cooking for Marie for once. They had formed a real friendship over the few months they were neighbors.
Pat sat down on the other lounger, taking a break while the coals were heating up. He was wearing his trunks and shirt; he planned on getting in the pool at some point, but for now, he was happy to watch Summer have fun.
Something was on the girl’s mind; she seemed not exactly herself. Eventually, she got out of the pool and went to her mom, glancing quickly at Pat, then back to her mom.
“Please, Mom.” She whispered. “This suit is too tight, and I don’t have anything else. Pleeeese.”
Marie exhaled slowly. “Just while you swim.”
Summer ran back to the side of the pool, grabbed the straps of her one-piece suit, pulled it down to her ankles, and kicked it off. The girl was now completely naked. She was turned away from Pat at first; he laid eyes on her bare butt. It really wasn’t much more than he had seen before. But then she turned to face him.
“Watch me do a backflip, Mr. Pat!”
Pat took in this new sight; he had seen her topless many times, but this was something different. With her feet slightly apart, he could fully see her puffy lips. She had just the slightest hint of red pubic hair, not anything at all, but it stood out against her pearl white skin. Pat tried to speak, but the air left his lungs; he simply watched as the girl flipped backward into the pool.
“You don’t mind, do you, Pat? It’s just that I haven’t had time to get her a new suit, and she is just so comfortable around you.”
Pat coughed a couple of times. “No, um, not at all. If you don’t mind, then I don’t mind.” He couldn’t believe what he was seeing; the girl was truly careless and free. He had to force himself to get back to the grill to cook the burgers. He still had a good view as he stood at the grill. Summer announced that she wanted to practice her diving. She would get out of the pool and stand at the edge, bend down at the waist, hold, and launch herself into the pool. Bending over right in front of the grill, giving him a view of her lips from behind, each time. He nearly burnt a burger watching her.
“Pat, I have a confession to make.” Marie told him.
Pat looked over and gave her his full attention.
“I have raised my daughter a little differently from what you might be used to. I strongly believe that girls don’t need modesty; I’ve brought up Summer to believe this as well.”
Pat was floored by the admission. But if the woman truly believed this, then everything about the last few months made sense now. “Well, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t noticed how open Summer is.”
“I believe that it’s good for girls to shed the restrictions of modesty. I think it’s working for her; you’ve seen how happy she is. I was raised with excessive modesty, while my brothers weren’t. Our mother would always make sure I wasn’t showing too much skin, but she was always trying to get my brothers naked, even when they were horribly embarrassed. I envied them. I think it's better if a girl doesn’t concern herself with modesty at all.”
Pat watched Summer jumping in the pool over and over, having the time of her life. “I won’t say that I fully understand, but you know what's best for your daughter, and she seems very happy and well-adjusted.”
“If it makes you uncomfortable at all, just say the word and Summer will get dressed, and we’ll never speak of this again.”
“No, no, not at all. I meant what I said; my home is your home.”
“Thank you for understanding.”
Summer stayed naked for the rest of the evening. Giving Pat full-frontal looks all night.
Marie got an emergency call from work at the end of the night, and she was needed at work the next day. Pat offered to watch Summer for the day. Marie was extremely grateful.
The next morning, Pat got a call from Marie. “Hey, Pat. Summer is on her way over now, but I wanted to give you a heads-up; she’s a little underdressed. I felt like after we talked it would be okay; Summer was asking all morning. But if you feel uncomfortable at all, just send her back over to change.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary.” Pat answered, assuming she would be wearing something small and skimpy. There was a knock at the door. “She’s here now; I’ll call if there's an emergency.” Pat hung up with Marie and opened the door for Summer. Once again, the air left his lungs. Standing at his door, with her hands clasped behind her back, wearing nothing but a pair of shoes, a hair bow, and a smile.
The last time he saw his grandpa Pat, years ago, he looked much older than he did last night, when he picked him up from the airport. His grandma died when he was very young, and Grandpa Pat never recovered from it. He had once overheard a few distant family members say that old Pat wasn’t long for this world. But he seemed like a changed man now, walking tall, smiling, and joking. A changed man.
Still, he wasn’t happy to be here; he didn’t even have his annoying little sister to keep him company. She was going to spend the first part of her summer at cheer camp, but she would be sent out here after. Hal would have been happy to have her here, he had to admit; there were no other teens his age in the neighborhood. Except for one, his mom told him that a girl his sister’s age spends a lot of time at his grandpa’s. If it was one thing he was sure of, he had nothing in common with 13-year-old girls. Summer was her name, and already the idea of her intimidated him.
The only bright spot was that his grandpa had an in-ground swimming pool, but he was told by his grandpa that Summer would likely be out there by the time he woke up. So going out there now was out of the question.
Finally finding a glass, he went to the sink and poured water into it. The window to the kitchen overlooked the backyard. The girl called Summer was indeed back there, in the pool; he could see deep, dark red hair bobbing around as the girl swam.
His nerves started to rise. It's not like he didn’t know anything about girls; he had the internet; he just wasn’t good at talking to them. Apparently the girl’s mom worked as some sort of corporate consultant; she was out of town all the time. His grandpa watched her whenever she was out of town, which was a lot because the girl had her own room in the house. His grandpa lived comfortably in his retirement, due to smart investments and life insurance from when his grandma passed. Between his grandpa and the corporate mom, the girl must not have wanted for anything.
His grandpa, he called him pop-pop, always sent him and his sister gifts. He would always feel bad for a few days when he got them, knowing that they didn’t visit much, but that was more his parent’s fault than his and his sister’s.
He stayed watching the girl and her red hair swim about, studying her, trying to gain any information on her that he could. He didn’t ask too many questions about her to Pop-Pop; he wanted to avoid sending the wrong message. He felt like he was at a disadvantage in the house; she had her own room, after all, and he was in the smallest bedroom.
Once Summer was done swimming, she made her way to the shallow end and began to ascend the steps.
Hal watched, unblinking, as she came out. He saw her bare shoulders, and for a very brief second, thought that he was about to see a skimpy bikini; what he actually saw stopped his heart, lungs, everything. As her top half cleared the edge of the pool, he saw the first set of bare breasts he’s ever seen in person. Small but shapely, with bright pink nipples. Her freckles didn’t extend to her torso, leaving her pearl-white skin completely unblemished.
“There’s no way this girl was swimming topless,” he quickly thought to himself. And he was right; she wasn’t topless. She finally hoisted her full body out of the pool; she was completely naked. He dropped his glass of water; it bounced off the counter and smashed on the floor. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A pair of perfect breasts, tipped with pink nipples. Not nearly as big as the ones he was used to seeing online, but these were real. She had no pubic hair; he could see her small, slightly red lips between her legs. Much cleaner looking than the lips on the women on the porn sites. She walked towards the window to the lounging chair that held a towel; the sway of her naked hip gave him an instant erection.
“Damn, the show's over.” He thought, as she wrapped the towel around herself to dry off. But then she did something that stunned him. When she was finished drying, she dropped the towel back on the chair. Uncovered once again, she strolled towards the back door of the house, without a care in the world. She opened the door and walked right in, passing by the kitchen without looking in. She didn’t notice him standing there.
He quickly and quietly rushed to the door and stuck his head out. He watched her naked cheeks jiggle as her butt swayed down the hall and into the bathroom. He heard the shower going, but noticed the door was left open.
“What was that!? Are you alright!?” Pat asked, coming to investigate the glass breaking.
Hal turned to his grandpa, dazed still. “Pop-pop, there’s a naked girl in your house!”
“Oh, that’s just Summer. I told you about her, remember?”
“But why is she naked?”
“She’s almost always naked; you’ll get used to it.” Pat said, grabbing a broom and sweeping up the broken glass.
“What!?” Hal’s mind was blank, unable to process the words he was hearing. “She’s naked all the time!?”
“I was hoping to explain the situation before you saw her, but she really wanted to swim this morning, and she doesn’t own a bathing suit at the moment.”
Hal kept staring at his grandpa, dumbfounded. As if that sentence was supposed to make any sense to him.
“Well, now you know, Summer is naked a lot. She doesn’t have much need for modesty.” Pat told his grandson.
“Pop-pop, I don’t understand. Are you saying she’s naked all the time?”
Pat walked over to a framed picture that was on the wall. One that Hal failed to notice till now. He took it off the wall and handed it to Hal.
Hal nearly fainted. The picture was of both Summer and his grandpa, both holding small cakes with numbered candles on them; apparently they shared a birthday. His grandpa’s cake said 61; Summer’s said 13. But what was causing him to nearly faint was that Summer was completely naked, save for a cone-shaped birthday hat. Her face was the cutest he had ever seen, a small button nose and a light sprinkling of red-brown freckles over it and her cheeks. The rest of her skin was flawless. His eyes ran over her small breasts, tipped with pink nipples. But his eyes were drawn to her lower lips, which were fully in view. Seeing them up close, even through a picture. His knees were actually weak.
“That was a couple of months ago, on our birthday. She says that her birthday suit is her favorite suit.” Pat took the picture back and hung it on the wall again.
“How? You…have this just hanging up?”
Pat realized he needed to explain everything to his grandson.
“Sit down, Hal.”
2 years prior, Pat was not in the best place. His family rarely visited, early retirement wasn’t what he was expecting, and he still hadn’t gotten over his wife’s passing. His daughter wanted to visit, but she was always so busy with work. She wanted him to move closer to them, but he didn’t want to leave the home he made with his wife. The only bright spot in his life was that he got to live in relative comfort. All in all, he was just a sad man. He wasn’t a shut-in; he would socialize with his neighbors, though.
He was depressed; that was until someone finally moved into the empty house next to his. Marie and her daughter, Summer.
They showed up with a moving truck, and he felt like the neighborly thing to do was to help them move their stuff into the house.
Marie was in her early 30s, and Summer was 11. They worked all day, even after the movers arrived with another truck. Marie insisted that Pat didn’t need to put himself out, but she was glad of his company. For Pat, it felt nice to get out of the house and get some exercise.
They hit it off immediately. Pat wasn’t looking for romantic companionship; Marie was close to half his age, but he was glad to be making a new friend.
Summer took to him instantly as well, talking his ear off about all the hobbies she liked, animals, and how she was excited to start school and make new friends. She especially liked talking about gymnastics and cheerleading. Pat’s own daughter, Hal’s mom, was into gymnastics when she was a kid too.
Summer, to him, seemed like the happiest girl in the world. But one thing he thought was strange was the dress she was wearing. A simple sundress, but it seemed a few sizes too small. The hem was very high on her thighs, showing off almost all of her legs. Pat would avert his eyes whenever he would see flashes of her white panties, which was often. The way she would jump from the back of the moving truck and bounce up and down the stairs, she was constantly showing off her panties. Marie seemed oblivious to it, although he figured she had to know; even the movers probably knew the brand she was wearing.
It was what happened during lunchtime that he realized how unbothered by all the panty flashing Marie really was. She had ordered pizzas, and everyone was eating, even the movers. They were eating out in the front yard when Summer had finished and wanted to practice her tumbling. She started doing cartwheels. “Look, Mr. Pat!” she would say. “I’m the best at cartwheels!” She then proceeded to do them over and over. The hem of her dress would fall, every time, to around her bellybutton. Showing off her full panties. This went on for several minutes. As Pat and the movers watched, still not a word from Marie about it. Pat found that he was not attempting to look away as much; he was enjoying her little display. Not because he was attracted to this girl in any way; he was more taken in by her carefree attitude about it. She no doubt knew what she was showing off, but didn’t seem to care. Pat envied this. But the most surprising thing came at the end of lunch. “I can even do handstands!” Summer proudly announced. In one motion, she planted her hands in the grass, kicked her feet up in the air, and pulled off a perfect handstand for about 3 seconds. Long enough for her dress to slip all the way down to her hands. Pat got his first-ever look at her puffy pink nipples; it would not be the last time.
Summer’s perfect balance ended, and she rolled to the ground and bounced back up again, but without her dress. It was still on the ground. Summer stood up proudly and struck a gymnastic finishing pose. “Did you see!” The girl was unconcerned that she was not topless in front of Pat and three other men. Everyone is getting a full-on view of her panties and nipples.
Pat could see that she was just on the cusp of development. No breasts to speak of yet, but her nipples were starting to push out; by this time next year, she would have a small set to be proud of. He couldn’t find the words to speak, but he found himself clapping proudly for her. Summer gave him a warm smile.
“Yes, honey, we all saw. Very nice. Go wash up so we can finish.” Marie told her.
Pat was shocked. Marie was completely unbothered that her daughter was half-naked in front of strangers, but he wasn’t going to say anything.
Summer casually picked up her dress and slipped it back on. Pat found that he was slightly disappointed; her carefree disposition was infectious.
The rest of the day was not as exciting as lunch was, but Pat did get several dozen more glimpses of Summer’s panties as the day wore on.
Finally, the work was done, the movers were gone, and Pat was about to return home when Marie insisted that she pay him back in some way.
“That's really not necessary; I was happy to help.”
“Please, at least let me make dinner for you.”
Due to a mix-up with the electric company, Marie wouldn’t have power for a few days, so Pat offered his own kitchen until they got it sorted out.
Marie was touched by Pat’s kindness and agreed to the offer.
The next day, Marie and Summer showed up with a bag of groceries. Summer was once again wearing a short sundress.
Marie got to work right away in the kitchen. Summer wanted to watch TV. She plopped herself down on the couch, and Pat turned over the remote.
Pat then went to the kitchen to keep Marie company and help out if she needed. Marie insisted that she had it under control and wanted Pat to relax. They carried on, each talking about their families. Pat learned that Marie’s husband left years ago, leaving her to raise Summer on her own. Marie expressed concern that her new job would require long hours, and she was still not sure what she would do with Summer once school was out. Pat knew there were numerous after-school programs, and with her job, Marie would have no trouble affording them. But he didn’t press the issue; Marie surely had good reasons for not feeling comfortable leaving Summer in those programs.
In typical parent fashion, Marie soon began bragging about her daughter’s accomplishments in her last school, going on about her gymnastics.
“You saw how much she likes to show off her moves yesterday; she’s also very flexible. Far more than I was at her age.”
Pat could hear the pride in her voice; he thought it was sweet.
“Summer! Come here for a minute!” Marie called out.
Summer bounced through the door. “Yeah, Mom?”
“Show Mr. Pat the pretzel.”
Pat watched from his seated position at the table as Summer sat down on the floor and then proceeded to pull her feet up to her head. Pat expected to see the young girl wearing shorts under her dress; after the show she gave yesterday, her mom surely would have told her to be a little more modest. But she wasn’t. She was wearing a thin pair of panties. As she brought her feet behind her head, her full crotch area was exposed. Her panties looked a size too small; they hugged the lips of her vulva and outlined it perfectly.
“Well now… um… that is very impressive. You have real talent, young lady.” Pat was sure that Marie made a mistake and that she would quickly tell the girl to put her feet down.
“See how long you can hold that position, dear.” Marie told her.
“A real long time, I bet!” Summer added.
And so she did, keeping herself exposed in the most unladylike fashion.
Pat wasn’t sure if he should keep looking at the girl or not.
“Oh my… Well, she certainly is flexible!” Pat stammered.
“She really is; I'm very proud of her!”
They watched for several more minutes before the girl's strength gave out, and she unfolded and collapsed on the floor, her arms and legs spread in an X position. Her dress was bunched around her waist, leaving her panties on show.
Marie is completely unbothered by her daughter's exhibitionism; she even encourages it, Pat thought to himself. But it's what happened next that absolutely sealed that thought.
When Summer finally got up, she attempted to do another handstand but was having trouble in the small confines of the kitchen. Just like the first day, Summer's dress slid down her body, to her arms and on the floor. Still, the girl kept trying, now topless once again.
“Summer, don't do that in the kitchen, and don't get your dress dirty either; we can't do laundry for a while. Pick it up and hang it on the coat rack.”
“Okay, Mom.” The topless girl said, bending over to pick up her dress.
Pat got a full and close view of them now. They were definitely too small for the girl. The front dug into her vagina, leaving the most prominent camel toe Pat had ever seen. And the back was a permanent wedgie; more than half her butt was hanging out, as well as the very top part of her crack peeking over the top. They left almost nothing to the imagination. This little picture was topped off by her pink, heresy kiss-shaped nipples that pushed proudly from her chest.
Pat watched as her butt bounced and jiggled when she left the kitchen to hang her dress on the coat rack.
“You don’t mind, do you, Pat?”
“What? Oh! No, I don’t mind.” Pat was brought back to reality by her question.
“She’s so used to running around the house in almost nothing; I sometimes forget how carefree she can be.”
“Please, make yourselves at home here. My house is your house.”
“Thank you, Pat, that's sweet of you to say.”
When dinner was ready, the three of them sat at the dining room table to eat; Summer was still in just her panties.
Pat noticed how good her posture was; she sat up straight with her shoulders back. This has the effect of her pushing out her nipples all throughout dinner. Pat did his best not to look, but the girl made it impossible. Eventually she gave up and would look at them from time to time. If her mom didn’t see to it, and Summer didn’t seem to care, then why not?
The rest of the night went by without any more major surprises; they just watched TV and played a board game. Summer stayed topless the whole night, only putting her dress back on when they left.
This became routine; Marie and Summer would come over a few times a week and make dinner for Pat. Sometimes Pat would hang out with Marie in the kitchen; other times he would play a game with Summer. It wasn’t every time, but when Summer did wear a dress, she didn’t keep it on long. When her dress would come off, she would hang it on the coat rack.
The most recent time she shed her dress, before the big event that changed everything, her panties were so small that they were basically a thong in the back.
But then the big event happened. And Pat’s life would never be the same again.
The season of summer came, and it was finally warm enough to use Pat’s pool. Summer was beyond excited; she loved to swim.
It was no surprise to Pat that Summer’s one piece was again too small for her. It rode up high in the back, low up top, and tight between her legs. Summer didn’t care about what she was showing off; she was just enjoying swimming.
Marie was in her bathing suit as well; this one was much better fitting than her daughter’s was. Sitting on one of the lounging chairs, reading a book. Pat was getting the grill ready for a cookout. He was happy to be cooking for Marie for once. They had formed a real friendship over the few months they were neighbors.
Pat sat down on the other lounger, taking a break while the coals were heating up. He was wearing his trunks and shirt; he planned on getting in the pool at some point, but for now, he was happy to watch Summer have fun.
Something was on the girl’s mind; she seemed not exactly herself. Eventually, she got out of the pool and went to her mom, glancing quickly at Pat, then back to her mom.
“Please, Mom.” She whispered. “This suit is too tight, and I don’t have anything else. Pleeeese.”
Marie exhaled slowly. “Just while you swim.”
Summer ran back to the side of the pool, grabbed the straps of her one-piece suit, pulled it down to her ankles, and kicked it off. The girl was now completely naked. She was turned away from Pat at first; he laid eyes on her bare butt. It really wasn’t much more than he had seen before. But then she turned to face him.
“Watch me do a backflip, Mr. Pat!”
Pat took in this new sight; he had seen her topless many times, but this was something different. With her feet slightly apart, he could fully see her puffy lips. She had just the slightest hint of red pubic hair, not anything at all, but it stood out against her pearl white skin. Pat tried to speak, but the air left his lungs; he simply watched as the girl flipped backward into the pool.
“You don’t mind, do you, Pat? It’s just that I haven’t had time to get her a new suit, and she is just so comfortable around you.”
Pat coughed a couple of times. “No, um, not at all. If you don’t mind, then I don’t mind.” He couldn’t believe what he was seeing; the girl was truly careless and free. He had to force himself to get back to the grill to cook the burgers. He still had a good view as he stood at the grill. Summer announced that she wanted to practice her diving. She would get out of the pool and stand at the edge, bend down at the waist, hold, and launch herself into the pool. Bending over right in front of the grill, giving him a view of her lips from behind, each time. He nearly burnt a burger watching her.
“Pat, I have a confession to make.” Marie told him.
Pat looked over and gave her his full attention.
“I have raised my daughter a little differently from what you might be used to. I strongly believe that girls don’t need modesty; I’ve brought up Summer to believe this as well.”
Pat was floored by the admission. But if the woman truly believed this, then everything about the last few months made sense now. “Well, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t noticed how open Summer is.”
“I believe that it’s good for girls to shed the restrictions of modesty. I think it’s working for her; you’ve seen how happy she is. I was raised with excessive modesty, while my brothers weren’t. Our mother would always make sure I wasn’t showing too much skin, but she was always trying to get my brothers naked, even when they were horribly embarrassed. I envied them. I think it's better if a girl doesn’t concern herself with modesty at all.”
Pat watched Summer jumping in the pool over and over, having the time of her life. “I won’t say that I fully understand, but you know what's best for your daughter, and she seems very happy and well-adjusted.”
“If it makes you uncomfortable at all, just say the word and Summer will get dressed, and we’ll never speak of this again.”
“No, no, not at all. I meant what I said; my home is your home.”
“Thank you for understanding.”
Summer stayed naked for the rest of the evening. Giving Pat full-frontal looks all night.
Marie got an emergency call from work at the end of the night, and she was needed at work the next day. Pat offered to watch Summer for the day. Marie was extremely grateful.
The next morning, Pat got a call from Marie. “Hey, Pat. Summer is on her way over now, but I wanted to give you a heads-up; she’s a little underdressed. I felt like after we talked it would be okay; Summer was asking all morning. But if you feel uncomfortable at all, just send her back over to change.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary.” Pat answered, assuming she would be wearing something small and skimpy. There was a knock at the door. “She’s here now; I’ll call if there's an emergency.” Pat hung up with Marie and opened the door for Summer. Once again, the air left his lungs. Standing at his door, with her hands clasped behind her back, wearing nothing but a pair of shoes, a hair bow, and a smile.
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Re: Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful story I’ve ever read! I’m looking forward to the continuation!!!
Thank you!
Thank you!
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Re: Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
I will also give great thanks for your story. I hope it continues. There are about 2 years to fill before Pop-pop gets to current day.
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Re: Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
PERSEUS wrote: "Our mother would always make sure I wasn't showing too much skin, but she was always trying to get my brothers naked,
even when they were horribly embarrassed..."
I hope there is some back story to this, perhaps an ENM story about Marie and her horribly embarrassed brothers.
I'd be willing to take a crack at that topic, if the author agrees and wants to provide some details. I know Steam Train has done some
NO NEED FOR MODESTY I perfectly understand if Steam Train gets first shot at it.
Two thumbs and other unmentionables up.
even when they were horribly embarrassed..."
I hope there is some back story to this, perhaps an ENM story about Marie and her horribly embarrassed brothers.
I'd be willing to take a crack at that topic, if the author agrees and wants to provide some details. I know Steam Train has done some
NO NEED FOR MODESTY I perfectly understand if Steam Train gets first shot at it.
Two thumbs and other unmentionables up.
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Re: Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
Steam Train is too busy with his spin off stories about the Pulaski family girls, your welcome from my perspective to write as you suggest as long as Perseus agreesTeenFan wrote: Thu Mar 13, 2025 3:22 am PERSEUS wrote: "Our mother would always make sure I wasn't showing too much skin, but she was always trying to get my brothers naked,
even when they were horribly embarrassed..."
I hope there is some back story to this, perhaps an ENM story about Marie and her horribly embarrassed brothers.
I'd be willing to take a crack at that topic, if the author agrees and wants to provide some details. I know Steam Train has done some
NO NEED FOR MODESTY I perfectly understand if Steam Train gets first shot at it.
Two thumbs and other unmentionables up.
- perseus
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Re: Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
Glad you find the idea interesting. I don't plan on doing anything with Marie's past so feel free to write something. I would only ask two things.TeenFan wrote: Thu Mar 13, 2025 3:22 am PERSEUS wrote: "Our mother would always make sure I wasn't showing too much skin, but she was always trying to get my brothers naked,
even when they were horribly embarrassed..."
I hope there is some back story to this, perhaps an ENM story about Marie and her horribly embarrassed brothers.
I'd be willing to take a crack at that topic, if the author agrees and wants to provide some details. I know Steam Train has done some
NO NEED FOR MODESTY I perfectly understand if Steam Train gets first shot at it.
Two thumbs and other unmentionables up.
Marie has to eventually believe that it's girls that don't need modesty. This is a slight spoiler, but it will be revealed later on the Marie thinks that boys need to protect their modesty. So when it comes to Hal, she'll want to make sure Summer respects his privacy while expecting Summer to be completely open with him.
And the other thing is that by "modem day" in my story, the attitude about boys and girls modesty have flipped, with more people believing that it's girls that don't need it.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
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Re: Girls don't need modesty: Naked Summer (Part 1 - 3/11)
Thank you for that little bit of guidance. Rather than enjoying seeing her brothers embarrassed over and over by the mom, she beginsperseus wrote: Thu Mar 13, 2025 2:07 pm
Glad you find the idea interesting. I don't plan on doing anything with Marie's past so feel free to write something. I would only ask two things.
Marie has to eventually believe that it's girls that don't need modesty. This is a slight spoiler, but it will be revealed later on the Marie thinks that boys need to protect their modesty. So when it comes to Hal, she'll want to make sure Summer respects his privacy while expecting Summer to be completely open with him.
And the other thing is that by "modem day" in my story, the attitude about boys and girls modesty have flipped, with more people believing that it's girls that don't need it.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
to feel sorry for them, while having some personal needs in being free and open with her willingness to bare some skin (which is strongly
discouraged or prevented by the mom). Okay, I think I got it.
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