Embarrassed At the Pediatrican's Office

Stories about you or someone you know getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated.
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Embarrassed At the Pediatrican's Office

Post by NickTwisp »

When I was 14, my Mom took me to our pediatrician's office for a routine physical exam. Mom remained in the waiting room (fortunately) while I was ushered into one of the exam rooms. As expected, a nurse followed me in and told me to "take everything off but your underwear." She left, closing the door behind her, so I felt pretty safe stripping down to just my underpants to await Dr. Kalbacher.

Soon he entered, re-closing the door, and began to do the standard things like listening to my heart with a stethoscope and so forth. Suddenly, the exam room door opened, and the nurse poked her head in and said, "Dr., I have a very important call you need to take." Dr. K excused himself by saying, "Hang on Nick, I'll be right back."

For some reason he did not close the door when he quickly exited the room. It remained open into the hallway which featured several other exam rooms. I was sitting on the exam table wearing only my underpants (white briefs). I should have just gotten up and closed the door, but I was a shy and unassertive teen and felt reluctant to do that. I just hoped the doctor would return soon.

Suddenly I heard a woman's voice in the hallway. It was our next-door neighbor, Mrs. Slattery, accompanied by her 9-year-old daughter. She boldly sauntered into the exam room and said, "Oh Nick, I'm glad I found you here. I need to talk to your Mom about next week's Churchwoman's Luncheon." Her daughter then also entered the room, began giggling and said, "Mommy, Nick is sitting there in just his underpants." In a sort of remonstrative voice, Mrs. S replied, "I know, Sally, that's to be expected as this is a doctor's office and Nick is obviously being examined. That's why he's sitting there in front of us in just his briefs. No harm in that."

As embarrassed as I was, sitting there in my underpants, I began to feel slightly aroused at having Mrs. Slattery and Sally staring at me. I crossed my hands over my crotch to hide the expanding bulge, and shakily answered, "Mom's in the waiting room." Mrs. S cheerfully replied, "Oh thanks, Nick, I'll go find her. So nice to see you. Don't forget you're due to cut my lawn today or tomorrow." Then they left the room as Sally continued to stifle a giggle. Dr. K returned and continued the exam, fortunately closing the door.

Yeah, I had to go and cut her lawn the next afternoon. Sally looked out the window the entire time I was mowing. I imagined both she and her Mom were picturing me still in my underpants, as they had seen me yesterday.
Last edited by NickTwisp on Sun Mar 09, 2025 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Embarrassed At the Pediatrican's Office

Post by Jeepman89 »

Nice story. Too bad you weren't seen totally naked!
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