I do always like to be included! Being referenced is an honor, and I liked the concept of taking popular stories and telling the "true story" versions of those events. Pushed Out by Joshua was always one of my favorites back in the early era as well. That's actually not the first time that Sleepover Nightmare has been directly referenced either, so I should really start including that in my mental list of most popular works.Nikolai wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:11 am Glad you like it Executionus. What did you think of the shout out from Candace?
A Lesson in Karma: Sophomore Year: Detention: Finale (finally)
- Executionus
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 2 out 10/16)
Executionus Complete Story Archive
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
- Nikolai
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 2 out 10/16)
Thanks for the compliment man! You always take the time to on all my stories and I appreciate that.
- Nikolai
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 2 out 10/16)
Hey thanks! Thats awesome that you feel it'd be good without it even. Might be busy for a couple days but plan on getting back to work on this really soon! Stay posted.MyNameIsAnon wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:02 am This would be an interesting story even if it didn't have any erotica in it. Looking forward to the next part.
- Nikolai
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 2 out 10/16)
Executionus wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:01 amI do always like to be included! Being referenced is an honor, and I liked the concept of taking popular stories and telling the "true story" versions of those events. Pushed Out by Joshua was always one of my favorites back in the early era as well. That's actually not the first time that Sleepover Nightmare has been directly referenced either, so I should really start including that in my mental list of most popular works.Nikolai wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:11 am Glad you like it Executionus. What did you think of the shout out from Candace?
Its a classic without a doubt. And I loved pushed out, there were alot of hit and misses back then but that one was always one of my favorites. The true stories version of the events just felt like a fun homage to the board. I'm really having fun with this series. I was wondering if I happened to run into a spot where I felt stuck if I could bounce ideas off you? On this sites message thing. For the most part all these stories come pretty naturally but I just really try to avoid it becoming repetitive. This story is my first that I decided to make first person. Usually I take more of the 3rd person omnipresent approach which always worked but I feel like first person can sometimes give some scenes that little extra something. So I decided on first person and then I thought of the finale and from there I've just been winging it filling the blanks to the finale. I have a rough idea of the humiliations and stuff but the rest is mainly just off the top of my head as I go. I feel like without tooting my own horn that this stuff comes really naturally to me because really this was my first and only fetish and I realized it at a very young age(like very young.) So I've always laid in bed imagining scenarios at night like Candace. I've basically only ever really got into stuff like this when it came to not in real life sexual stuff. I've obsessively read basically every story ever wrote on all 3 boards. Probably since before I should have(im 23 now if that tells you what I'm getting at) so to make a long point short I feel like when I start writing these stories just flow out but I never have enough time

One last side note, if you were okay with me bouncing ideas off you, besides if I ran into a dead end, some times I have ideas and jot them down. Sometimes these are broke down into an outline with key elements and I fill the blanks between(new thing im trying rather than winging it all the time) sometimes these outlines could be pretty detailed or literally just one quick thought. If I finish this or start my Halloween story or something could I possibly show you some outlines and ideas? I have countless story prompts thought up but only the time to work on one or two here and there. I don't know just an idea sorry to ramble a bit. Take care Executionus! Glad you like my work
- Executionus
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 2 out 10/16)
Yeah feel free to message me with dead ends and questions about outlines, I'll get back to you eventually since I check here every once in awhile. That really goes for anyone who'd like tips, advice, or ideas bounced at them within their concept. I've worked behind the scenes helping a couple other writers in the past. Believe it or not, this actually is what happens to me on most forums, I end up being the guy advising everyone (not even just ENF ones, I used to do lots of game modding, comic making, and SFW writings under a different alias).
My main tip regarding first person perspective is that I've found that it works the best when you treat the whole thing as narration written in that character's speaking style, including the use of sentence fragments, stream of consciousness outbursts, and side comments to the audience. That was basically what you were doing already, so I'd say you've got the hang of it just fine.
Most of the time when I write anything I begin with the outline of events that I want, followed by designing the character(s) that I will use and training myself to think as they think, then talking to myself in character in order to simulate scenarios and align myself with them more, and then finally I mentally run that character through my outline of events as I'm writing the story itself and allow things to move naturally driven by the characters themselves. It's a neat process that I taught myself, which also makes me a fantastic liar and actor because I'm changing my own thoughts into the other person's thoughts in a damn-near schizophrenic manor and that character isn't lying or acting (it's real to the character).
Also you and I have in common a strong connection to ENF from childhood. My Playville saga is loosely inspired by my years in daycare, because that "everybody trying to see everybody else naked while avoiding being seen naked themselves" thing was 100% the main obsession for the whole lot of us (even though we were all younger than 10). Honestly this discussion just gave me the idea to post an AMA in General Discussions just for the hell of it, which might inspire other authors to do the same at some point.
My main tip regarding first person perspective is that I've found that it works the best when you treat the whole thing as narration written in that character's speaking style, including the use of sentence fragments, stream of consciousness outbursts, and side comments to the audience. That was basically what you were doing already, so I'd say you've got the hang of it just fine.
Most of the time when I write anything I begin with the outline of events that I want, followed by designing the character(s) that I will use and training myself to think as they think, then talking to myself in character in order to simulate scenarios and align myself with them more, and then finally I mentally run that character through my outline of events as I'm writing the story itself and allow things to move naturally driven by the characters themselves. It's a neat process that I taught myself, which also makes me a fantastic liar and actor because I'm changing my own thoughts into the other person's thoughts in a damn-near schizophrenic manor and that character isn't lying or acting (it's real to the character).
Also you and I have in common a strong connection to ENF from childhood. My Playville saga is loosely inspired by my years in daycare, because that "everybody trying to see everybody else naked while avoiding being seen naked themselves" thing was 100% the main obsession for the whole lot of us (even though we were all younger than 10). Honestly this discussion just gave me the idea to post an AMA in General Discussions just for the hell of it, which might inspire other authors to do the same at some point.
Executionus Complete Story Archive
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
- Nikolai
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 2 out 10/16)
Thanks for allowing me to message you on some of that stuff and ill keep that in my back pocket if I run into a tough spot, or send some ideas your way soon. I loved the ama and made a comment on that to you started and might even make a bio of my own. I'll be working on part 3 and the further parts of this series but hopefully I can squeeze out a Halloween story for the contest too. Appreciate your advice and support Executionus.
- Nikolai
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Part 3.1
The rest of freshman year was a bit boring..see I was still young and new to this. I didn't hold the power that the Captain did, not yet atleast. I couldn't direct the girls to assist me in humiliating someone whenever I wanted. I wasn't confident enough yet to do it by myself. I kinda needed them to be on board for me to be able to act on my perversions. I lay in bed every night, either imagining brilliant humilations, or reading Dan's board.
The fence ordeal had warmed my friends up to embarrassing girls rather than just beating them up or trashcanning them. But sadly, they were far less passionate as I was about it. Occasionally we would pants some girls, but not near as much as I wanted to, and we never really pushed it any further than that.
I grew frustrated with this in time. These light embarrassing moments weren't enough. I wanted more. I wanted real humilations. I wanted more exposure. I wanted them naked. This was the real world though, not the fantasies of this board. Bullies didn't sit up at night thinking about the shit that I did, and I wasn't their leader, I was the lowest on the totem pole so I couldn't even suggest more interesting ways to embarrass the nerds. (After finding and reading every night on Dan's board I had plenty of ideas.) The captain made all the calls and anyone who brought up their ideas was quickly shut down. Unless she specifically asked you what you thought, it was better to just follow her lead.
So to make a long story short my freshman year was pretty lame when it came to humiliations. Pantsing girls occasionally was getting me through, but I was constantly craving more. The best one of that year was undoubtedly the poor fence girl. A close second would be the time I pantsed this girl in gym class. I managed to get her shorts off and she chased me around the entire basketball court in her little panties. I even managed to get a couple girls to help me play keep away. It was pretty hot..but not enough.
Besides that, freshman year was lame and not getting to act on my urges was getting old. It drove me crazy. Humiliating girls was constantly on my mind. I had so many plans, but I didn't know how I could convince my friends to go along with them. Especially with the captain micro managing everything we did. She was such a bitch to us for no reason and everyone just put up with it. I liked her at first, probably because I was so blindly trying to be accepted into the group, but now I couldn't stand her.
The tension in the group had been building lately. The year was nearly coming to a close. There was only a month or so left. The captain and one other girl in our group would soon graduate. That would leave the leader role void. I was a freshman so I definitely wasn't next up by default.
I wanted it so badly though. I wanted to be the queen bully. I wanted others to listen to me. I wanted their help humiliating girls and I wanted to start taking things further when I embarrassed the nerds. My only problem was that I didn't know how I could secure that position. And even if I did, I didn't know how to normalize the real humiliations I wanted to achieve. The girls I was friends with thought that they "really got that girl." Whenever they exposed her panties, as if that was the ultimate gotcha or some shit. Sure the girls acted embarrassed, and maybe some of them found it humiliating, depending on their underwear choice for the day. (Could be embarrassed from her granny panties, or because they were in a thong with most of their ass on show)
But none of that was enough for me. I wanted to make the girl break like I had done to the titless fence girl. I wanted to remove every stitch of clothing they had. I wanted there to be an audience. I wanted to spank them, force their legs open, tie them up, you know REAL HUMILIATING THINGS.
One night after a good masturbation session to some story on here about a popular girl being humilated, it came to me, the solution to all my problems! What better way to assume the leadership role than to humiliate the girl in charge? She was leaving soon anyway but they respected her and followed her lead. I wanted that. I decided that without doubt, If I lead the humiliation on the bossy bitch that had controlled us all year, they'd respect me. Everyone was sick of her shit already anyway. I just needed something to get them on my side. Something to push my friends from just disliking the captain, to full blown hatred.
I needed something to push over that first domino, because once they started falling, I knew it wouldn't stop. If I could take out the queen bitch of the school, then no one would be off limits and I'd run this place the rest of my high school career.
But how could I get all the other girls to agree to humiliate their queen? I wondered on that thought all that night, I decided to sleep on it for a couple days and see how I could make that happen.
I didnt have to think to hard though because the opportunity was presented to me the very next day.
Me and my friends were sitting down at the breakfast table. All of the girls were there besides the captain. The captain always rolled into school last minute or even late at times. I was mostly just eating, and listening to the conversations about boys and class work. The subjects they spoke of often bored me, and often times I'd find myself day dreaming about ripping the clothes off some struggling victim. I did this alot back then, mostly because I wasn't as active of a humiliator as my later years.
It was at that moment, while my friends mulled over homework and some new boy at school, and I daydreamed of tearing girls clothes away, that moment, is when the conversation turned and I came back to the real world. The moment that girl said:
"I think *redacted* has been texting my boyfriend."
(Here on only called the captain, for confidentiality and easier reading purposes)
I knew right as she said it, that this was that first domino.
"She did what?!" I exclaimed trying to sound angry and concerned, rather than giddy with excitement.
"I saw some texts, most of it was deleted, it seemed suspicious but if there was anything more on there he hid it well." The girl continued
"I'd fucking believe it, the captain is kind of a skank and she doesn't respect us as her friends." Another girl interjected
"Yeah like she just treats us like her little henchman, constantly bossing and bitching, I'm so sick of her shit." One more girl said with a look of disgust in her face.
It was like music to my ears. A choir of mutiny building at the breakfast table. This was exactly what I needed!
"Yeah, everyone is sick of her shit, but we put up with it because she's the most popular girl in school. She's rich, her family runs this town, she could have another group of her "henchman" in a day, and swear be it that we are disgusting losers and by the end of the week, that's all the school will see us as, its pathetic but we all know its true, we need her to keep up this facade. That being said, if I get conformation that she's talking to my boyfriend behind my back, well I can deal with losing my popularity but she's going to pay, I'll beat her ass up and down these hallways." The first girl said solemnly.
You could tell that her status at school meant alot to her, and through that you could tell how much her boyfriend of a year meant to her. All the other girls had nodded in agreement. They knew they had to put up with the captain's shit if they wanted to remain in this popular group. But I could see it in their eyes, the distaste, the resentment, I knew this was my time to act.
"What if she wasn't the most popular girl in school?" I asked rhetorically.
The other girls looked at me like I was stupid.
"What if she was no different than any other nerdy bitch around here? What if we took her down a peg? Made a fool out of her? If we get proof of her flirting with *redacted's* boyfriend, then she needs to be punished. She can't just do whatever the hell she wants and get away with it, we have to stand up for ourselves!" I continued.
My words felt like a battle cry or a pep talk by coach at halftime, I was fueling the flames to the mutiny that had began sparking some minutes ago. The girls faces lit up in agreement and understanding. I felt my plan may of actually worked, these girls were listening. I felt a small taste in that moment of what being the leader would be like, and I decided right then that there was no turning around. I was going to have the captain's spot. And I was going to take it, at the cost of the captain's dignity.
But the questions still remained and were flying at me. Every question leaving a little doubt in the air, poking holes in my little fantasy, leaders didn't need to be questioned, only followed.
"How are you going to get proof?" The girl with the lying boyfriend asked.
"What do you actually have in mind?"
"Is that really going to work or are we going to end up losers at the end of this? I've earned my status and I can't throw it away for some bogus idea of rebellion."
"How should we punish her?"
With every question I could feel the doubt increase at the table. I could tell these girls didn't think they could follow the younger girl. I immediately shut those doubts down.
"Look, I'll find out if there's proof, I'll come up with the plan, we will punish her if the proof is found, we will ruin her and we will continue to run this school. Until I let you know, just keep your mouths shut about all this, and if anyone says a word of this to her, your dead to me and I'll humiliate you with her, got it?"
I had said all of this pretty aggressively, but matter of fact, not leaving room for anymore questions, or anymore doubts, and just like I had wanted, the dominance I had shown had made the others submit to me. They all nodded and said they got it, we dropped the conversation and the captain came in shortly after. We continued on with the day as if that conversation had never happened. I was in charge now, behind the scenes atleast, but soon I would take the captain's spot at the throne of the popular girls, and I would kick the humiliations up around here. Because in the end thats what I wanted, none of the popularity or retribution for the girl who's boyfriend the captain had been texting, or the proof of said cheating, none of that mattered to me. I just wanted to humiliate girls, its all I thought about anymore, and I hadn't truly got to act on my urges with the captain in charge. If I ran the show, then I could make my fantasies a reality. This was my chance.
I found my proof the next day, and began forming a plan for my humiliation of the most popular girl in school.
Got the filler and build up to the action up to this point and I'm working on the action sequence of part 3 now. Figured I'd give a little teaser of what's to come in part 3..Let me know what you think.
The fence ordeal had warmed my friends up to embarrassing girls rather than just beating them up or trashcanning them. But sadly, they were far less passionate as I was about it. Occasionally we would pants some girls, but not near as much as I wanted to, and we never really pushed it any further than that.
I grew frustrated with this in time. These light embarrassing moments weren't enough. I wanted more. I wanted real humilations. I wanted more exposure. I wanted them naked. This was the real world though, not the fantasies of this board. Bullies didn't sit up at night thinking about the shit that I did, and I wasn't their leader, I was the lowest on the totem pole so I couldn't even suggest more interesting ways to embarrass the nerds. (After finding and reading every night on Dan's board I had plenty of ideas.) The captain made all the calls and anyone who brought up their ideas was quickly shut down. Unless she specifically asked you what you thought, it was better to just follow her lead.
So to make a long story short my freshman year was pretty lame when it came to humiliations. Pantsing girls occasionally was getting me through, but I was constantly craving more. The best one of that year was undoubtedly the poor fence girl. A close second would be the time I pantsed this girl in gym class. I managed to get her shorts off and she chased me around the entire basketball court in her little panties. I even managed to get a couple girls to help me play keep away. It was pretty hot..but not enough.
Besides that, freshman year was lame and not getting to act on my urges was getting old. It drove me crazy. Humiliating girls was constantly on my mind. I had so many plans, but I didn't know how I could convince my friends to go along with them. Especially with the captain micro managing everything we did. She was such a bitch to us for no reason and everyone just put up with it. I liked her at first, probably because I was so blindly trying to be accepted into the group, but now I couldn't stand her.
The tension in the group had been building lately. The year was nearly coming to a close. There was only a month or so left. The captain and one other girl in our group would soon graduate. That would leave the leader role void. I was a freshman so I definitely wasn't next up by default.
I wanted it so badly though. I wanted to be the queen bully. I wanted others to listen to me. I wanted their help humiliating girls and I wanted to start taking things further when I embarrassed the nerds. My only problem was that I didn't know how I could secure that position. And even if I did, I didn't know how to normalize the real humiliations I wanted to achieve. The girls I was friends with thought that they "really got that girl." Whenever they exposed her panties, as if that was the ultimate gotcha or some shit. Sure the girls acted embarrassed, and maybe some of them found it humiliating, depending on their underwear choice for the day. (Could be embarrassed from her granny panties, or because they were in a thong with most of their ass on show)
But none of that was enough for me. I wanted to make the girl break like I had done to the titless fence girl. I wanted to remove every stitch of clothing they had. I wanted there to be an audience. I wanted to spank them, force their legs open, tie them up, you know REAL HUMILIATING THINGS.
One night after a good masturbation session to some story on here about a popular girl being humilated, it came to me, the solution to all my problems! What better way to assume the leadership role than to humiliate the girl in charge? She was leaving soon anyway but they respected her and followed her lead. I wanted that. I decided that without doubt, If I lead the humiliation on the bossy bitch that had controlled us all year, they'd respect me. Everyone was sick of her shit already anyway. I just needed something to get them on my side. Something to push my friends from just disliking the captain, to full blown hatred.
I needed something to push over that first domino, because once they started falling, I knew it wouldn't stop. If I could take out the queen bitch of the school, then no one would be off limits and I'd run this place the rest of my high school career.
But how could I get all the other girls to agree to humiliate their queen? I wondered on that thought all that night, I decided to sleep on it for a couple days and see how I could make that happen.
I didnt have to think to hard though because the opportunity was presented to me the very next day.
Me and my friends were sitting down at the breakfast table. All of the girls were there besides the captain. The captain always rolled into school last minute or even late at times. I was mostly just eating, and listening to the conversations about boys and class work. The subjects they spoke of often bored me, and often times I'd find myself day dreaming about ripping the clothes off some struggling victim. I did this alot back then, mostly because I wasn't as active of a humiliator as my later years.
It was at that moment, while my friends mulled over homework and some new boy at school, and I daydreamed of tearing girls clothes away, that moment, is when the conversation turned and I came back to the real world. The moment that girl said:
"I think *redacted* has been texting my boyfriend."
(Here on only called the captain, for confidentiality and easier reading purposes)
I knew right as she said it, that this was that first domino.
"She did what?!" I exclaimed trying to sound angry and concerned, rather than giddy with excitement.
"I saw some texts, most of it was deleted, it seemed suspicious but if there was anything more on there he hid it well." The girl continued
"I'd fucking believe it, the captain is kind of a skank and she doesn't respect us as her friends." Another girl interjected
"Yeah like she just treats us like her little henchman, constantly bossing and bitching, I'm so sick of her shit." One more girl said with a look of disgust in her face.
It was like music to my ears. A choir of mutiny building at the breakfast table. This was exactly what I needed!
"Yeah, everyone is sick of her shit, but we put up with it because she's the most popular girl in school. She's rich, her family runs this town, she could have another group of her "henchman" in a day, and swear be it that we are disgusting losers and by the end of the week, that's all the school will see us as, its pathetic but we all know its true, we need her to keep up this facade. That being said, if I get conformation that she's talking to my boyfriend behind my back, well I can deal with losing my popularity but she's going to pay, I'll beat her ass up and down these hallways." The first girl said solemnly.
You could tell that her status at school meant alot to her, and through that you could tell how much her boyfriend of a year meant to her. All the other girls had nodded in agreement. They knew they had to put up with the captain's shit if they wanted to remain in this popular group. But I could see it in their eyes, the distaste, the resentment, I knew this was my time to act.
"What if she wasn't the most popular girl in school?" I asked rhetorically.
The other girls looked at me like I was stupid.
"What if she was no different than any other nerdy bitch around here? What if we took her down a peg? Made a fool out of her? If we get proof of her flirting with *redacted's* boyfriend, then she needs to be punished. She can't just do whatever the hell she wants and get away with it, we have to stand up for ourselves!" I continued.
My words felt like a battle cry or a pep talk by coach at halftime, I was fueling the flames to the mutiny that had began sparking some minutes ago. The girls faces lit up in agreement and understanding. I felt my plan may of actually worked, these girls were listening. I felt a small taste in that moment of what being the leader would be like, and I decided right then that there was no turning around. I was going to have the captain's spot. And I was going to take it, at the cost of the captain's dignity.
But the questions still remained and were flying at me. Every question leaving a little doubt in the air, poking holes in my little fantasy, leaders didn't need to be questioned, only followed.
"How are you going to get proof?" The girl with the lying boyfriend asked.
"What do you actually have in mind?"
"Is that really going to work or are we going to end up losers at the end of this? I've earned my status and I can't throw it away for some bogus idea of rebellion."
"How should we punish her?"
With every question I could feel the doubt increase at the table. I could tell these girls didn't think they could follow the younger girl. I immediately shut those doubts down.
"Look, I'll find out if there's proof, I'll come up with the plan, we will punish her if the proof is found, we will ruin her and we will continue to run this school. Until I let you know, just keep your mouths shut about all this, and if anyone says a word of this to her, your dead to me and I'll humiliate you with her, got it?"
I had said all of this pretty aggressively, but matter of fact, not leaving room for anymore questions, or anymore doubts, and just like I had wanted, the dominance I had shown had made the others submit to me. They all nodded and said they got it, we dropped the conversation and the captain came in shortly after. We continued on with the day as if that conversation had never happened. I was in charge now, behind the scenes atleast, but soon I would take the captain's spot at the throne of the popular girls, and I would kick the humiliations up around here. Because in the end thats what I wanted, none of the popularity or retribution for the girl who's boyfriend the captain had been texting, or the proof of said cheating, none of that mattered to me. I just wanted to humiliate girls, its all I thought about anymore, and I hadn't truly got to act on my urges with the captain in charge. If I ran the show, then I could make my fantasies a reality. This was my chance.
I found my proof the next day, and began forming a plan for my humiliation of the most popular girl in school.
Got the filler and build up to the action up to this point and I'm working on the action sequence of part 3 now. Figured I'd give a little teaser of what's to come in part 3..Let me know what you think.
Last edited by Nikolai on Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Nikolai
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Part 3.2
Fifth hour I had gym class. This class was made of girls from all the different grades. This was the only other class besides study hall that I had with the captain. A few of the other girls were in the study hall class, but only me and the captain shared this one.
Even though she was the only girl in my group in the class, we often didn't talk in gym. The captain was always giving the "to cool for physical activity" vibes, meanwhile I usually participated in the workout or games.
But even though she never truly broke a sweat, the captain always showered after every gym class. The way she showered religiously afterwards, would of made you think she pushed herself everyday and hit the lockerrooms covered in sweat, this was not the case.
Some girls showered afterwards, many didn't. It really depended on the workout or game played for me. But every single day that prissy bitch would strip off in the lockerroom and head to the showers with her little shower bag of soaps and shampoos. Every single day as if on repeat she would slip out of her clothes right in the middle of the lockerroom. Me and some of the other gym girls even agreed it almost seemed like she was trying to show off? I mean her body was perfect. C cup tits, perky as all hell. Slim waist and belly, and a FAT ass. Like this thing wasn't fat by any means but I'd be lying to you if I wasn't saying it was large. It was perfectly rounded and big, but not big enough to throw off her curvy proportions. She was tall, with nice, smooth, and tanned legs. She didn't tan naked, I could tell by her milky white tits with a little string bikini top tan lines. The taller figure helped her ass and tits to be large but still perky and proportioned on her body to accent her athletic figure. Her body was amazing, but I never understood why she stripped off dead center off the room to brag about it.
The one thing she never did was remove her panties in the middle of the room. She would strip every other piece of clothing off, then leave her clothes and belongings(her phone and backpack etc) in her locker. She would then wrap a towel around her mostly naked body and head off to the shower with her shower bag flung over her shoulders.
This wasn't that strange, alot of girls didn't strip bare naked in the lockerroom. But it was strange to me that she specifically waited until she got into the shower stall to set her panties and towel on the door hook. When she was done showering and alot of girls had already cleared out of the lockerroom, she would turn off her water. Then she would reach over the door to get her towel, she would dry off her body, then reach over to grab her panties to slide back on. After that, she would come out of the showers with the towel wrapped either around her exposed body or sometimes, wrapped in her hair while she was topless.
The captain had done this routine every single day since I met her. I had seen different pieces of this sequence throughout the year. But now, I was planning my brilliant humiliation so I was noticing more things. I was making notes of how long she took for this whole process, how many people remained in the lockerroom by the time she was done, how much time was left until lunch by the time she was done. I noted all these things and started thinking up twisted ways to capitalize on her being alone and vulnerable.
Between documenting how long she was taking to do all this, and hatching up plans on what to do to her, I had almost forgot my proof! She was nearly done showering! I had to move fast.
I ran up to the captain's shower door and knocked on it a couple times. The captain was mid washing her hair and let out a little squeal from me catching her off guard. I could only see from her shoulders and above over the shower door but I could tell I made her jump.
"What the hell do you want?" She asked.
She had done a quick 180 and was now facing me with soap on her perky tits. I snuck a gaze when she wasn't looking. Once again it did nothing for me. I didn't even get slightly turned on. I knew I wasn't attracted to girls unless I was humiliating them but sometimes I just had to check.
"Hey sorry to bother you Captain, my uh..phone died and I was wondering if I could use yours to call my mom quick? I promise I'll be done with it by the time you're out of the shower."
"Ugh..I guess Candace, just make it quick because I'm almost done here, and I don't like people on my phone. And bring a charger next time!" The captain said turning back to the showerhead to finish rinsing her hair.
I turned to head to her belongings, but quickly turned around to ask her one last thing.
"Hey, sorry captain but I kinda need your locker combination and phone code.." I asked, trying to seem sheepish and apologetic for bothering her.
"23, 27, 29" she gurgled out, not bothering to turn away from the showerhead this time.
"And 6969! Hurry up with it!" She continued.
She had no idea how large of a mistake she had just made.
I cut the act and ran to her locker. I did the combination quickly and pulled her phone out of it. I clicked the unlock button and her screen came to life. I saw her wallpaper and let out a sigh of disgust. This bitch really had herself as the background. She was so fucking full of herself, but I was gonna fix that.
I typed the pass code.
Her phone unlocked and I was in. The shower was still running, so based on previous experience I figured I had atleast a few more minutes. I quickly went to her messages. At the top of her messages, almost as if it was waiting for me, was *redacted's* boyfriend whom she was suspicious had been texting the Captain. We will just call him James for simplicity's sake.
James contact name had all the thirsty emojis next to it. Hearts and heart eyes and the stupid eggplant were all around his name. I quickly snapped a picture of the contact name and then clicked through the messages. It was blatantly clear what was going on.
James may have hid it somewhat on his phone but she hadn't bothered hiding any of hers. It was truly some filth. They talked about all the nasty shit they wanted to do to eachother, he complained about *redacted.* The captain would go on about how he just needs to leave her and how she's s ugly anyway. I came to the conclusion that they probably hadn't acted on any of this yet but their conversations definitely seemed like they wanted to.
It almost seemed like she was just toying with him. Like she just knew what to say to get him worked up and she was just having fun flirting with her henchgirl's boyfriend. Maybe she just enjoyed the power she held over girls and guys alike. I don't know, but I snapped several pictures on my phone, of her text messages with James.
I was speed reading and snapping pictures while still listening to her shower running, when I spotted a nude she had sent him. It was just her tits and I snapped a picture of the proof that she had sent it to James. My work here was done, but that picture had made me curious. I decided to look in her gallery quick. Time was ticking but now I was curious what kind of pics this slut takes.
Her gallery was a gold mine. Just like most other girls I knew, she didn't even bother hiding her nudes in a secret folder. There were tens of pictures of the naked Captain. Several of them were pictures of her tits with her face in them, she was biting her fingers and trying to seem provocative. Others were of her big round ass in all its glory. Her Pale white cheeks were surrounded by her tanned body. She didn't tan in a thong either apparently. She had alot of ass pics in different positions and even a couple of her shaved little asshole. I didn't see any pussy pics but didn't think anything of it at the time, I mean a guy kinda had to be special for those, or you were a hoe. These pictures were all a bit teasing with some of her covering her tits or her ass in panties. The most revealing being the asshole pics. I came to the conclusion that she probably sent these around pretty often and enjoyed teasing the guys into begging for her to show or some shit. She had several other guys in her texts and I had taken a picture of the names but not bothered looking through those messages.
I was going to send her nudes to myself as a backup blackmail but thats when I heard her shower click off. I started speaking right when she did as if I was finishing my conversation with my mother. I slid my phone into my pocket and continued as if I had been having a conversation this whole time.
"Yeah, yeah Ma lasagna sounds good, I love ya just wanted to let you know my phone died, I have to give *redacted* her phone back now, see you after school." I had dialed a number just to be safe but that number was my mother's old number and hadn't went to anyone.
It was right as I was finishing my fake conversation that the Captain came around the corner with her towel wrapped around her head, standing in just her black spandex panties.
"Damn freshman you don't know what hurry up means? I thought you'd be done with it before I got out of the shower." She said in her bitchy tone
"Yeah uh..sorry about that Captain my mom kinda gets to rambling and doesn't know when to shut up. Thanks for letting me use your phone sorry to ask." I told the captain. Then I grabbed my stuff and headed out the lockerroom before she could really say anything else.
I had done it, I had found all the proof I needed to. And I had also gained all the knowledge I needed on how I was going to humiliate this girl. I knew exactly what I needed to do and how much time I had. Now I just had to tell the girls the plan and once it was complete, I would run this school and be able to humiliate anyone I please.
The next morning we sat at the breakfast table, just like we had before, when this mutiny began.
Once again the Captain was running late and was nowhere to be found when I joined the group that morning.
As I sat down the girls' conversation grew silent. Everyone was looking at me expectingly. Before I could even get a word out, I was being questioned.
"Well did you get any proof? Is that bitch texting my boyfriend?" James girlfriend asked.
"If you got the proof, what're we gonna do to her?" Another girl asked.
"Yeah Candace, what's the plan?" One girl chimed in, sounding impatient.
"I got my proof alright." I said, pulling my phone out, opening up my gallery, and passing it to James' girlfriend.
She flipped through the messages. At first I could tell it was breaking her heart. She was fighting back tears reading what her supposed "friend" had said to her boyfriend. Then, the girl grew angry.
"I can't believe that fucking slut! We have been together for a year and a half now, she knew that, how could she do this to me?! How could he?!
She was getting really worked up and I had to calm her down before someone grew suspicious.
"I have a plan for her girl, she will pay for this, but we gotta play this off, take a deep breathe." I said, firmly but reassuring.
"Forget your plan alright? I'm gonna kick her ass, thanks for proving my doubts for me but this is my business." The girl said through lowered brows.
She was clenching her fist on the table and I could tell she meant exactly what she said. But I couldn't have this girl foiling my plans with her retribution.
"No. I told you all yesterday to follow my fucking lead on this, I got the proof, I planned out how to teach her a lesson and God damnit we are gonna follow through with it. What I got planned for her is way better than a couple slaps and some hairpulling. You want to ruin her don't you? You want the bitch to pay for what she's done? You want to keep your spot at the top of the food chain around here?
The girl nodded, accepting that this was my show. The others nodded to all my questions too. It felt so good. This was my humilation to administer and these girls were just here for backup, I needed them to listen to me and listen good. I needed them to trust me to lead them. I had to show them that I meant business and that I was going to make the captain pay. I didn't need any amount of passion or stupidity getting in the way of that.
"Look, I already brought everything we need, I already got everything planned. All you girls need to do is figure out how to get to the girl's lockeroom in the last 10 minutes of fifth hour before lunch. We meet there. By then she should be the only person left in there or we will run the stragglers out. Today she is going to be so humilated she never shows her face around here again. Be there. On time. Fake your period or something I really don't give a fuck just be there. Got it?"
I spoke to my new followers like a true leader. I made sure to emphasize my words to further my point. I made eye contact with all the girls as I spoke, and I slammed my fist on the table like a dictator during certain parts. I could tell by the way they looked at me that they knew I was there new leader. None of them remotely carried the leader characteristics or could rally all the girls like I had just done.
"I'll be there, this better be good because I really want to bloody her nose, and after this is done, I'm leaving James' pathetic cheating ass." James' soon to be ex, said.
"I'll be there." Another one followed.
"Count me in, I'm so excited, I've hated that bossy bitch all year." The girl next to me chimed in.
"Good, just do whatever you got to do be there ladies." I said, hiding my joy that they had listened to my demands.
"One last thing Candace..what're we gonna do to her?" James' girl asked me.
I met eyes with her, then with the rest of the girls, they all were expecting me to answer, but I figured it'd be better to leave them in the dark just a little longer.
"Now that would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it sweety? Just be there. No more questions." I answered, making eye contact with the girl who asked.
"And everyone, just like yesterday, keep your fucking mouths shut and act natural, ESPECIALLY(Hitler fist slam on table) around the Captain. Capeesh?"
They all nodded in agreement.
Just as the conversation concluded, the Captain had came in and plopped her fat ass down next to us.
"What's up bitches? Didn't even get my breakfast tray yet? Fuck I thought I had you trained better than that." The captain sounded so confident and snobby as she spoke.
The girls were all mostly quiet. Too quiet. I had told them to act natural.
"What's with you guys?" The captain asked aloud sounding a little suspicious.
"What about you girl? Why the long face? You look like you been crying or something, what the hell's wrong with you? She grabbed James' girlfriend by the chin as she asked her.
I thought to myself. I took a deep breath. I could tell the others did too. I was pissed. I had worked so hard to get to this point and the Captain was going to ruin it by mouthing off to the girl who wants to rip her head off. Her hands were gripping her fork and I could tell she was going to launch at the Captain and started kicking and scratching.
In one last ditch effort I stepped on the fuming girl's toes.
She shot me a dirty look at first, which transitioned to understanding. She swallowed her pride and spoke up to the Captain, as if she didn't know what filthy things the captain had said to her boyfriend, she spoke as if she never saw the Captain's tits sent to James or her boyfriend's thirsty response.
I was actually very proud of how well she played it off and the fact that me stepping on her toes and kept her mouth shut. The girl said:
"Everyone's in a bad mood because there's a big test today, my eyes look teary because I was up all night studying. I'm tired, we are all tired, no one is excited for this test. That's 'what's up' with us captain."
She had said it so matter of fact and believable, I nearly thought I forgot to study for a test myself. Then I remembered I don't have class with any of these girls even if she was telling the truth.
"Oh. Well who gives a fuck about a dumb test anyway? Lighten up a little and drink some coffee or something, I don't want you guys so bummy when I arrive anymore." The captain nagged.
"You got it captain."
"Yeah, I'll work on getting more sleep or being in a better mood in the mornings my bad."
"Yeah sorry captain just absent-minded today."
The girls all played it off so well and just then the bell rang to begin the school day.
"Have a better day bitches, good luck on that lame test." The captain said, and she headed off to her first class.
"This better be worth it freshman, because your little plan is the only reason I didn't punch her stupid teeth in." James' ex said.
"Yeah, if I ever have to kiss her ass like that again, or this goes badly for us, I'm blaming you 100%" another girl said.
I cut them off before anyone else came at me sideways.
"Just be there. Lockerroom. 10 minutes before end of fifth hour and lunch begins. Then I show all of you that you can trust me and that my punishment for her will make this all worthwhile."
Sorry for more "filler" and teaser I had a bit more to fill before the main action sequence of this part. More to come soon!
Even though she was the only girl in my group in the class, we often didn't talk in gym. The captain was always giving the "to cool for physical activity" vibes, meanwhile I usually participated in the workout or games.
But even though she never truly broke a sweat, the captain always showered after every gym class. The way she showered religiously afterwards, would of made you think she pushed herself everyday and hit the lockerrooms covered in sweat, this was not the case.
Some girls showered afterwards, many didn't. It really depended on the workout or game played for me. But every single day that prissy bitch would strip off in the lockerroom and head to the showers with her little shower bag of soaps and shampoos. Every single day as if on repeat she would slip out of her clothes right in the middle of the lockerroom. Me and some of the other gym girls even agreed it almost seemed like she was trying to show off? I mean her body was perfect. C cup tits, perky as all hell. Slim waist and belly, and a FAT ass. Like this thing wasn't fat by any means but I'd be lying to you if I wasn't saying it was large. It was perfectly rounded and big, but not big enough to throw off her curvy proportions. She was tall, with nice, smooth, and tanned legs. She didn't tan naked, I could tell by her milky white tits with a little string bikini top tan lines. The taller figure helped her ass and tits to be large but still perky and proportioned on her body to accent her athletic figure. Her body was amazing, but I never understood why she stripped off dead center off the room to brag about it.
The one thing she never did was remove her panties in the middle of the room. She would strip every other piece of clothing off, then leave her clothes and belongings(her phone and backpack etc) in her locker. She would then wrap a towel around her mostly naked body and head off to the shower with her shower bag flung over her shoulders.
This wasn't that strange, alot of girls didn't strip bare naked in the lockerroom. But it was strange to me that she specifically waited until she got into the shower stall to set her panties and towel on the door hook. When she was done showering and alot of girls had already cleared out of the lockerroom, she would turn off her water. Then she would reach over the door to get her towel, she would dry off her body, then reach over to grab her panties to slide back on. After that, she would come out of the showers with the towel wrapped either around her exposed body or sometimes, wrapped in her hair while she was topless.
The captain had done this routine every single day since I met her. I had seen different pieces of this sequence throughout the year. But now, I was planning my brilliant humiliation so I was noticing more things. I was making notes of how long she took for this whole process, how many people remained in the lockerroom by the time she was done, how much time was left until lunch by the time she was done. I noted all these things and started thinking up twisted ways to capitalize on her being alone and vulnerable.
Between documenting how long she was taking to do all this, and hatching up plans on what to do to her, I had almost forgot my proof! She was nearly done showering! I had to move fast.
I ran up to the captain's shower door and knocked on it a couple times. The captain was mid washing her hair and let out a little squeal from me catching her off guard. I could only see from her shoulders and above over the shower door but I could tell I made her jump.
"What the hell do you want?" She asked.
She had done a quick 180 and was now facing me with soap on her perky tits. I snuck a gaze when she wasn't looking. Once again it did nothing for me. I didn't even get slightly turned on. I knew I wasn't attracted to girls unless I was humiliating them but sometimes I just had to check.
"Hey sorry to bother you Captain, my uh..phone died and I was wondering if I could use yours to call my mom quick? I promise I'll be done with it by the time you're out of the shower."
"Ugh..I guess Candace, just make it quick because I'm almost done here, and I don't like people on my phone. And bring a charger next time!" The captain said turning back to the showerhead to finish rinsing her hair.
I turned to head to her belongings, but quickly turned around to ask her one last thing.
"Hey, sorry captain but I kinda need your locker combination and phone code.." I asked, trying to seem sheepish and apologetic for bothering her.
"23, 27, 29" she gurgled out, not bothering to turn away from the showerhead this time.
"And 6969! Hurry up with it!" She continued.
She had no idea how large of a mistake she had just made.
I cut the act and ran to her locker. I did the combination quickly and pulled her phone out of it. I clicked the unlock button and her screen came to life. I saw her wallpaper and let out a sigh of disgust. This bitch really had herself as the background. She was so fucking full of herself, but I was gonna fix that.
I typed the pass code.
Her phone unlocked and I was in. The shower was still running, so based on previous experience I figured I had atleast a few more minutes. I quickly went to her messages. At the top of her messages, almost as if it was waiting for me, was *redacted's* boyfriend whom she was suspicious had been texting the Captain. We will just call him James for simplicity's sake.
James contact name had all the thirsty emojis next to it. Hearts and heart eyes and the stupid eggplant were all around his name. I quickly snapped a picture of the contact name and then clicked through the messages. It was blatantly clear what was going on.
James may have hid it somewhat on his phone but she hadn't bothered hiding any of hers. It was truly some filth. They talked about all the nasty shit they wanted to do to eachother, he complained about *redacted.* The captain would go on about how he just needs to leave her and how she's s ugly anyway. I came to the conclusion that they probably hadn't acted on any of this yet but their conversations definitely seemed like they wanted to.
It almost seemed like she was just toying with him. Like she just knew what to say to get him worked up and she was just having fun flirting with her henchgirl's boyfriend. Maybe she just enjoyed the power she held over girls and guys alike. I don't know, but I snapped several pictures on my phone, of her text messages with James.
I was speed reading and snapping pictures while still listening to her shower running, when I spotted a nude she had sent him. It was just her tits and I snapped a picture of the proof that she had sent it to James. My work here was done, but that picture had made me curious. I decided to look in her gallery quick. Time was ticking but now I was curious what kind of pics this slut takes.
Her gallery was a gold mine. Just like most other girls I knew, she didn't even bother hiding her nudes in a secret folder. There were tens of pictures of the naked Captain. Several of them were pictures of her tits with her face in them, she was biting her fingers and trying to seem provocative. Others were of her big round ass in all its glory. Her Pale white cheeks were surrounded by her tanned body. She didn't tan in a thong either apparently. She had alot of ass pics in different positions and even a couple of her shaved little asshole. I didn't see any pussy pics but didn't think anything of it at the time, I mean a guy kinda had to be special for those, or you were a hoe. These pictures were all a bit teasing with some of her covering her tits or her ass in panties. The most revealing being the asshole pics. I came to the conclusion that she probably sent these around pretty often and enjoyed teasing the guys into begging for her to show or some shit. She had several other guys in her texts and I had taken a picture of the names but not bothered looking through those messages.
I was going to send her nudes to myself as a backup blackmail but thats when I heard her shower click off. I started speaking right when she did as if I was finishing my conversation with my mother. I slid my phone into my pocket and continued as if I had been having a conversation this whole time.
"Yeah, yeah Ma lasagna sounds good, I love ya just wanted to let you know my phone died, I have to give *redacted* her phone back now, see you after school." I had dialed a number just to be safe but that number was my mother's old number and hadn't went to anyone.
It was right as I was finishing my fake conversation that the Captain came around the corner with her towel wrapped around her head, standing in just her black spandex panties.
"Damn freshman you don't know what hurry up means? I thought you'd be done with it before I got out of the shower." She said in her bitchy tone
"Yeah uh..sorry about that Captain my mom kinda gets to rambling and doesn't know when to shut up. Thanks for letting me use your phone sorry to ask." I told the captain. Then I grabbed my stuff and headed out the lockerroom before she could really say anything else.
I had done it, I had found all the proof I needed to. And I had also gained all the knowledge I needed on how I was going to humiliate this girl. I knew exactly what I needed to do and how much time I had. Now I just had to tell the girls the plan and once it was complete, I would run this school and be able to humiliate anyone I please.
The next morning we sat at the breakfast table, just like we had before, when this mutiny began.
Once again the Captain was running late and was nowhere to be found when I joined the group that morning.
As I sat down the girls' conversation grew silent. Everyone was looking at me expectingly. Before I could even get a word out, I was being questioned.
"Well did you get any proof? Is that bitch texting my boyfriend?" James girlfriend asked.
"If you got the proof, what're we gonna do to her?" Another girl asked.
"Yeah Candace, what's the plan?" One girl chimed in, sounding impatient.
"I got my proof alright." I said, pulling my phone out, opening up my gallery, and passing it to James' girlfriend.
She flipped through the messages. At first I could tell it was breaking her heart. She was fighting back tears reading what her supposed "friend" had said to her boyfriend. Then, the girl grew angry.
"I can't believe that fucking slut! We have been together for a year and a half now, she knew that, how could she do this to me?! How could he?!
She was getting really worked up and I had to calm her down before someone grew suspicious.
"I have a plan for her girl, she will pay for this, but we gotta play this off, take a deep breathe." I said, firmly but reassuring.
"Forget your plan alright? I'm gonna kick her ass, thanks for proving my doubts for me but this is my business." The girl said through lowered brows.
She was clenching her fist on the table and I could tell she meant exactly what she said. But I couldn't have this girl foiling my plans with her retribution.
"No. I told you all yesterday to follow my fucking lead on this, I got the proof, I planned out how to teach her a lesson and God damnit we are gonna follow through with it. What I got planned for her is way better than a couple slaps and some hairpulling. You want to ruin her don't you? You want the bitch to pay for what she's done? You want to keep your spot at the top of the food chain around here?
The girl nodded, accepting that this was my show. The others nodded to all my questions too. It felt so good. This was my humilation to administer and these girls were just here for backup, I needed them to listen to me and listen good. I needed them to trust me to lead them. I had to show them that I meant business and that I was going to make the captain pay. I didn't need any amount of passion or stupidity getting in the way of that.
"Look, I already brought everything we need, I already got everything planned. All you girls need to do is figure out how to get to the girl's lockeroom in the last 10 minutes of fifth hour before lunch. We meet there. By then she should be the only person left in there or we will run the stragglers out. Today she is going to be so humilated she never shows her face around here again. Be there. On time. Fake your period or something I really don't give a fuck just be there. Got it?"
I spoke to my new followers like a true leader. I made sure to emphasize my words to further my point. I made eye contact with all the girls as I spoke, and I slammed my fist on the table like a dictator during certain parts. I could tell by the way they looked at me that they knew I was there new leader. None of them remotely carried the leader characteristics or could rally all the girls like I had just done.
"I'll be there, this better be good because I really want to bloody her nose, and after this is done, I'm leaving James' pathetic cheating ass." James' soon to be ex, said.
"I'll be there." Another one followed.
"Count me in, I'm so excited, I've hated that bossy bitch all year." The girl next to me chimed in.
"Good, just do whatever you got to do be there ladies." I said, hiding my joy that they had listened to my demands.
"One last thing Candace..what're we gonna do to her?" James' girl asked me.
I met eyes with her, then with the rest of the girls, they all were expecting me to answer, but I figured it'd be better to leave them in the dark just a little longer.
"Now that would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it sweety? Just be there. No more questions." I answered, making eye contact with the girl who asked.
"And everyone, just like yesterday, keep your fucking mouths shut and act natural, ESPECIALLY(Hitler fist slam on table) around the Captain. Capeesh?"
They all nodded in agreement.
Just as the conversation concluded, the Captain had came in and plopped her fat ass down next to us.
"What's up bitches? Didn't even get my breakfast tray yet? Fuck I thought I had you trained better than that." The captain sounded so confident and snobby as she spoke.
The girls were all mostly quiet. Too quiet. I had told them to act natural.
"What's with you guys?" The captain asked aloud sounding a little suspicious.
"What about you girl? Why the long face? You look like you been crying or something, what the hell's wrong with you? She grabbed James' girlfriend by the chin as she asked her.
I thought to myself. I took a deep breath. I could tell the others did too. I was pissed. I had worked so hard to get to this point and the Captain was going to ruin it by mouthing off to the girl who wants to rip her head off. Her hands were gripping her fork and I could tell she was going to launch at the Captain and started kicking and scratching.
In one last ditch effort I stepped on the fuming girl's toes.
She shot me a dirty look at first, which transitioned to understanding. She swallowed her pride and spoke up to the Captain, as if she didn't know what filthy things the captain had said to her boyfriend, she spoke as if she never saw the Captain's tits sent to James or her boyfriend's thirsty response.
I was actually very proud of how well she played it off and the fact that me stepping on her toes and kept her mouth shut. The girl said:
"Everyone's in a bad mood because there's a big test today, my eyes look teary because I was up all night studying. I'm tired, we are all tired, no one is excited for this test. That's 'what's up' with us captain."
She had said it so matter of fact and believable, I nearly thought I forgot to study for a test myself. Then I remembered I don't have class with any of these girls even if she was telling the truth.
"Oh. Well who gives a fuck about a dumb test anyway? Lighten up a little and drink some coffee or something, I don't want you guys so bummy when I arrive anymore." The captain nagged.
"You got it captain."
"Yeah, I'll work on getting more sleep or being in a better mood in the mornings my bad."
"Yeah sorry captain just absent-minded today."
The girls all played it off so well and just then the bell rang to begin the school day.
"Have a better day bitches, good luck on that lame test." The captain said, and she headed off to her first class.
"This better be worth it freshman, because your little plan is the only reason I didn't punch her stupid teeth in." James' ex said.
"Yeah, if I ever have to kiss her ass like that again, or this goes badly for us, I'm blaming you 100%" another girl said.
I cut them off before anyone else came at me sideways.
"Just be there. Lockerroom. 10 minutes before end of fifth hour and lunch begins. Then I show all of you that you can trust me and that my punishment for her will make this all worthwhile."
Sorry for more "filler" and teaser I had a bit more to fill before the main action sequence of this part. More to come soon!
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