Trundle wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:13 am
Yep TeenFans account is back but all his stories are missing large chunks in the middle, stories are going from chapter 6 to chapter 38 for example.
The whole site feels buggy, it says there are no posts in this section of the forum for me.
Hello folks. I was able to get back in.
But as Trundle mentioned, most of my stories are not Fully back. The first two pages of each topic are there, as well as the final two pages.
Everything in the middle is missing.
"The Chocolate Factory Fiasco" is missing chapters 6-21
This is what I would call a Fiasco.
The same with other stories missing the entire middle sections. "The Strange Girl" is missing chapters 15-46.
There is something very Strange about it.
Is there any way to bring back the missing parts?
I wrote these stories for fun, not to be seen by the eyes of "Normal mortals" in the public arena. This site is the only place most of these
stories exist. It would be a shame if they can't be recalled.
I doubt I would take the time and effort to rewrite them from scratch.
I want to thank the readers of my stories. I got lots of thanks and praise (the last I noticed it I was at 3,400 thanks). Specifically, from
Themarble, Jeepman, Trundle and Drwhofanj
I will be considering if I'll be able to continue as a contributor.
I am glad I found this site. I had lots of fun with it. Working on these fantasy fictions has gotten me back into full gear with writing technique
and the ability to write almost daily. Maybe I'll get around to doing those novels I have been needing to get to.
I'll be reading what people write here. The rest...we'll see.