A Game of Golf part 2

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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A Game of Golf part 2

Post by JustHere10 »

Everyone in this story is 18 or older and is based on a true story. However, the added journey is more fiction maybe wished it played out like this but glad it didn't at the same time?? I'm still trying to improve my writing skills so let me know what everyone thinks!

Part 1: Not Your Average Game of Golf

It all started his freshman year in college for James. He was very eager to meet new people since he would be attending an out of state college this fall. The first month was everything he had hoped for. He met a lot of nice guy friends and (more importantly to any 18 year old boy) a lot of really hot outgoing girls on his floor. There were two in particular that he got along super well with. They just so happened to be his neighbors Maddie and Dakota.

Maddie was 5 ft tall, on the smaller side of the chest department but with her little frame it made them look bigger, and firm peach shaped ass. Dakota on the other hand was about 5 ft 6, perfect c-cups, and her ass was to die for. She was any college boy's dream girl.

James and his roommate Todd spent a lot of time with them. They'd all go to the dining hall everyday for lunch, studied together, and had a couple of blackout drinking sessions over the course of the first month of college. All 4 of them were planning on joining fraternities and sororities but since the bid process was still going on they only hung out with each other until it was over.

Saturday night came and they were all still very hungover from the previous night. "Do you guys want to stay in tonight? We went so hard last night." Dakota asked.
Maddie nodded her head and was eager to agree. She was really more of a staying in kind of person, but college had her going out of her comfort zone more.

"I don't know. I mean think of the crazy parties we could miss tonight!" James said. He had a fear of FOMO.

"I could be convinced, what did you girls have in mind?" Todd asked curiously. "We can still drink from our leftover alcohol. I mean that's the best way to cure a hangover right? And we could play this really fun card game called GOLF!" Maddie cheerfully suggested.

Todd, James, and Dakota all looked at each other pondering Maddie's suggestion. The boys didn't look persuaded, but Dakota saw her roommates excitement and wanted to at least give it a try. However, she wanted to make things more interesting. We're all only young and dumb once right? And it's college! She thought.

"Alright Maddie let's stay in tonight and play your game. BUT the loser of this game has to do a forfeit chosen by the winner of the game." Suddenly the boys were all too happy to stay in now. Maddie have a puzzling look to Dakota but trusted that her roommate knew what she was doing.

"The game is simple. Everyone gets 8 cards and every round we all take turns flipping 1 card. Just like in the game of actual golf you want to get lower cards like 2,3,4 etc because at the end we'll add up everyone's cards for their score. The lowest total wins and the highest total as to do a forfeit. Each round whoever has the highest number has to take a shot as well." Maddie explained but could tell she was starting to lose everyone's attention.

"Alright let's play!" James said. He wanted to get this game going because his mind was already thinking of forfeits for one of these girls. Flash their tits? Run down the hallway in their underwear? Have them make out with each other? He could barely keep his teenage hormones under control. They were all still close friends though so SURELY no one would pick anything too embarrassing even if he somehow lost.

Rounds 1-5 passed and it was just past the midway point of the game. Dakota had 30, Maddie had 25, Todd 31, and James at 34. They were all several shots deep but James and Todd were starting to get a little nervous. As if they both had the same thought. One of the girls need to lose! Dakota sensing their nervousness. "Awh are you boys getting scared?" She teased. Maddie joined in "I hope it wasn't laundry day for you guys" Todd and James faces were getting flushed by being teased by such hot girls.

Dakota looked over at Maddie and couldn't help but give a devious smirk. That last comment...oh she was just too innocent. Dakota had so much more planned if she ended up being the winner of this game.

The final round was starting and everyone was all tied. Dakota and Maddie weren't feeling so confident at the moment. Todd and James were still nervous too but the chance of one of these girls doing a forfeit was clouding their emotions.

"Maybe we should just forget about the forfeit?" Maddie pleaded.
"Nooooo wayy!" James and Todd said in unison. Both guys were pretty drunk at this point slightly slurring their words.
"Come on Mads. That wouldn't be fair." Dakota said as she gave a sly "wink" to Maddie. The boys didn't see this as they were too focused on trying to convince Maddie to keep the game going.
Maddie getting Dakota's hint but still unsure about it all..."Fineeeee I won't be a buzzkill."

Maddie was the first to flip her card. A 3 of diamonds show up. "Whewww." As she lets out a big sigh of relief. Impossible for her to lose now. Todd is next. A 6 of hearts. Not quite out of the woods but unlikely he's the biggest loser. He liked his chances. James and Dakota were starting to sweat looking at each as if to ask who wants to go next? Dakota flipped her card and a 9 of spades showed up. "Shit." Dakota suddenly feeling very shy as reality was starting set in. Her plan was backfiring. James just needed anything lower than a 9.

James was way too excited over this revelation. He quickly turned his card over. He was so confident he wasn't going to lose, but fate had a different plan for him. King of spades. Todd looked at him feeling sorry for him but glad it wasn't him, Maddie covered her mouth in shock as she was giggling, and Dakota jumped up in joy! She got so lucky!!

James was disappointed but still confident it wouldn't be too bad of a forfeit. "Ugh alright Maddie what am I doing?" Maddie seemingly already had her mind made up and started to open her mouth...but Dakota stopped her. "Wait! Let's huddle up Mads." Maddie and Dakota were in the corner of the room whispering just loud enough to hear some words from James and Todd's vantage point.

"Isn't that too mean?" Maddie asked.
"Nooo that's why we give him this. Come onnn it'll be so funny!" Dakota pleaded. If Maddie wasn't influenced by alcohol she might have stood her ground. However, she did think of this as something they could all laugh about years down the road.

Maddie reached for her clothing drawer and then walked over to James. She was barely able to say it in between giggles. "Your forfeit is to run from this end of the hallway to the other end." Maddie said. James interrupted "Whew. Oh okay that's easy." James was relieved.
"Wearing ONLY THIS" as she displays one of her socks.
Dakota couldn't hold in her giggle fit anymore after seeing the James face turn completely pale.
"WHAT! I can't do that. That's not fair!" James pleading his case.
"You don't have to wear the sock." Dakota teased.
James instantly turning red from that comment.
Todd (who was drunkest of them all) "Well this has been fun. But I don't want to see James naked ass. So I'm going to bed." Maddie and Dakota both shrugged. More fun for the both of them.

"Come on James. We both know if you would have won you would have made us flash you or make out." Maddie said. James knowing she was right..was starting to take off his clothes. He was already down to his boxers and ready to get this nightmare forfeit out of the way. He extended his hand out waiting for Maddie to give him her sock. Dakota saw an opportunity. "Not yet. Boxers first." She smiled. "No way that wasn't apart of the forfeit." James nervously trying to stand his ground. "We're going to see it anyways. If you don't do it we'll think you have something to hide?" Maddie contributed. Her interrogation skills were sinister.

James just wanting this to be over turns around and pulls down the waistband of his boxers. He has one hand covering his crotch and the other with his arm extended as he waits for the sock. Maddie hands him the sock as they both stare at him curiously. He's got a cute butt but with being able to cover with one hand he probably wasn't that big. They both thought. Maybe it was cold? Or he was a grower? Nonetheless, James turned around again put both hands on his crotch to keep the sock covering everything. James was starting to feel some excitement down below as they continued to stare. He had enough. He checked if the coast was clear and then ran out the door to complete the second half of the forfeit.

"Please no one be out here." He thought. As he turned the corner halfway done with the challenge he noticed Dakota and Maddie pointing their phones at him. "Better hurry up!" They both couldn't stop laughing. In their excitement their door behind them clicked. Thinking nothing of it at the time they both kept recording.

James was annoyed they're videoing his butt but thankful at least he had this sock covering his front. After what felt like an eternity but really only a couple of minutes..James made it back to their door. Dakota and Maddie were disappointed they were the only ones who saw James streak, but would save the video for another time to bring up when James was being a jerk.

"Well that was fun. Congrats on completing the forfeit. You were a good sport. Let's get your clothes back. Maddie said. She tried to open her door. No luck. "Uhh Dakota? Do you have our keys?" Dakota patted her body everywhere. "Noo I thought you had our keys??"

James watching this all unfold and becoming increasingly nervous people were going to start coming back from their night out of drinking. "Very funny guys. Just open the door already" James said.
Maddy starting to feel bad about the whole situation. "I'm being serious I don't have it!" Dakota still thinking this whole situation was hilarious. "Looks like we're going to need to go to the front desk to have someone open our door." The girls started to walk towards the elevator. "Guys! Don't leave me!" James nervously said. "Oh James did you want to join us downstairs? Or better yet do you want to go get the key by yourself?" Dakota teased.

James was in an impossible situation. He didn't want a third person seeing him like this, but he also didn't want to be left alone in such a vulerable state. The silence and the still movement said it all. The girls proceeded to go down the elevator and as it closing Maddie yelled "don't worry we'll be quick!" She assured. They reached the first floor and Maddie was getting ready to walk in the direction of the front desk but Dakota grabbed her arm. "Not yet. Let's extend the fun just a little longer." Maddie was hesistant but what harm is an extra 5 minutes? She thought.

James was still upstairs pacing back and forth getting more nervous as time passed. "They should be back by now. Ughh what's taking them so long??" He thought.

As if things couldn't get worse. He started to hear a group of people coming up the stairs. James ran around the corner to hide behind a couple of larger community trash cans. The people were getting louder. Closer and Closer. James shut his eyes in embarassment and silently prayed they wouldn't see him. After a while the voices started to get quieter and he heard some doors slam shut. He lets out a deep sigh. "That was too close." He was too occupied with sudden group of people that he failed to noticed room 417 girls had opened their doors to see what the commotion was about.

"James? Is that you?"

James turns around and sees Christine and Tina. Both girls were covering their mouths giggling at the absurdity of the situation. For James this was worse than before. It's one thing to be basically naked in front of Dakota and Maddie because they were close friends. Christine and Tina were both very attractive which only increased James embarrassment. But they also had a bit of a mean streak to them. It's not that the Christine and Tina were outright evil, but they loved the power they had over boys and if fate gave them an opportunity like this who are they to not take advantage of this situation?
"Wow James. I never took you for a steaker." Christine teased.
"Why don't you show us the rest? You already flashed us that cute butt of yours." Tina added and she moved behind James to get another look at it while also blocking his way of escape.
"It's-nnnottt-likke thatt. I losssttt a game andd got locckkked out." James stuttered as he desperately tried to maintain his modesty. He could feel himself slowly starting to harden as another pair of hot girls were seeing him like this.

"The way I see it. You have two options. You show us what's underneath that sock or we can make this so much worse" Tina states as she playfully slaps Jame's butt. The slap shocks James as he nearly let's go of his only coverage. With neither option sounding enticing James attempts to run past Tina. Struggling to maintain his hand on his sock but also trying to push back he freezes as he hears Christine say "Don't move another muscle or I pull this fire alarm."

James stood there frozen in fear.

"Just think. Every girl would know exactly what you look like naked as the day you were born. You know that sock doesn't leave much for imagination right?" Christine knew she held all the power.
James look on his face said it all. "Okay I'll remove the sock just please don't pull the fire alarm."
"Too late. That deal expired. We'll let you keep that sock. FOR NOW. But we're going to take a little stroll to the front desk. Christine said in a singy song voice. She was enjoying this way too much. Meanwhile Tina was texting someone and said "Hey Christine, isn't Abby working the front desk tonight?"

Abby was a very cute blonde, blue eyes, and had a girl next door type of vibe to her. She also happened to be James's RA and his college crush. James was so embarrassed hearing this new information but his body was starting to betray him at the thought of Abby seeing him like this. Maybe Maddie and Dakota will save him before that?

To be continued...
Last edited by JustHere10 on Mon Feb 24, 2025 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Game of Golf part 1

Post by docknumber »

Loved the first part. You’re doing great.
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Re: A Game of Golf part 1

Post by Jeepman89 »

Great job! Love it so far!
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Re: A Game of Golf part 2

Post by JustHere10 »

Part 2 Bad to Worse

Christine and Tina made James take the lead down 3 flights of stairs and stopped at the doorway that leads to the lobby of the front desk. Through the window they could all see that Abby was indeed working the front desk. James attempted to make one last plea.

"Please girls. Anything but this. I can't let her see me like this.

"Anything? Now now James I'm sure you don't mean that all." Christine whispered seductively into his ear. She was tracing her finger around James chest and starting moving it lower and lower down his body. James was getting more aroused by the subtle touching and whispering of Christine. Tina was hearing everything happening but she was too occupied with her phone texting away to really pay attention with what was going on. What could possibly be more interesting on her phone than this? Christine thought.

Tina finally puts her phone in her pocket and says "No more talking. It's showtime!" As she pushes James through the door.

He tried to quickly open the door again, but it was being held shut by the two girls. Not wanting to make any loud noise he turns around and notices that the lobby is completely empty except for Abby. She didn't notice him yet. She was too busy reading her book.

James took a deep breath.."just need to get a key from her and I can run upstairs and no one else will see me. It's just one person" he thought. He walked up to the desk while still looking around nervously to double check no one else was coming into the building.

"Uhhh Hi I uhm need a spare key to my room."
Abby still had her eyes on her book and said "it happens. I just need to see your ID please." She recited like she had said this line 20 times a night.

"I uh don't have it but my room # is 410" hoping that would be enough for her.

Clearly frustrated that this wasn't straightforward.."I can't just give you a spare key with just the room---- "she pauses as she's now looking up at James.

"Wow. What happened?" Abby said as her eyes were gazing at the sock covering James's dick.

"It's a long story please can I just have a key?"

Abby looked like she was trying to suppress a smile but doing a very bad job at it. "You know, the university takes their policies very seriously..I'm afraid I can't give you a spare key without seeing some ID."

"Abby! Please just give me a break it's been a long night." James said, gritting his teeth.

Before she could respond there was noise coming from just outside the dorm building. It was a group of girls and boys fooling around on their way back to their rooms after a night out of drinking.

"Hurry, hide underneath here!" Abby panicked.

James practically jumped over the front desk and hid underneath the desk. Abby went back to sitting in front of the computer screen ready to check these people in like she normally would. Well except for the fake that a basically naked boy is hiding next to her legs.

"How's yourrrr nightt beeen cutieee?" The drunk boy asked. Abby was about to engage in small talk when her foot brushed up against James...it was his sock. She still couldn't quite tell how big he was packing. Thinking she could still have some fun...she slowly starts to rub the sock gently with her foot. James put his hands over his mouth trying to suppress any noise but it felt so good.

Distracted by the sensation he was caught off guard by a slight pinch and then the sock being pulled away from his body and a hand reaching underneath and putting it on top of the desk. Abby had just stripped him naked!

The group of girls and boys looked at Abby with confusion? "Why do you have that sock?" They asked. "Oh it's mine. It's been a long night and I have a couple more hours to go. I like to take off my shoes and socks." Abby cleverly said.

The group just thought she was a little strange. Eventually, they were all checked in and left to go back to their rooms. James was still hidden under the desk. "I'm not coming out until I get that sock back!!" Abby knew she held all the power in this situation and had no intention of doing that. She never felt this before, but the power she held over James was intoxicating.

"I don't think so. How about you come out from the desk with your hands above your head and in exchange I'll get you some clothes. After a good long look of course." She smiled.

James was still silent obviously thinking about his options.

"Orrrrr....I could call campus security. There may have been some sightings of a crazy drunk trespasser flashing everyone on campus? I hear they like the handcuff streakers and make them do a reaaal slow walk of shame through the whole campus on their way to the police station. It may even wake up the entire campus during it?" Abby giggling while holding her phone appearing ready to make a call.

James thought he knew Abby before this. She would never be this sinister. Is she just bluffing or is this a side of her he never saw because of his obvious crush on her? Either way he had to make a decision fast.

Hidden in the corner by the laundry room was Tina and Christine and they had joined Maddie and Dakota secretly watching this all of this happen.

"We should stop her. I thought she was just going to tease him for a second and help him." Maddie said.
"Ehh you're probably right. BUT ITS COLLEGE! Let's see where this goes. Dakota objected. Tina and Christine nodded at Dakota's response. "Ugh fine..majority rule after all right?" Maddie shrugged.

To be continued...maybe?
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Re: A Game of Golf part 2

Post by Jeepman89 »

Awesome! Of course you have to continue this story.
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Re: A Game of Golf part 2

Post by JustHere10 »

Will do thanks! I've always been a reader not writer so wasn't sure how my thoughts come across when I wrote lol.
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Re: A Game of Golf part 2

Post by Jeepman89 »

Well written and exciting! You're a natural.
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Re: A Game of Golf part 2

Post by docknumber »

Good to see this getting an update. You should definitely continue this, it has great potential.
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