Swim Meet

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

Pluto2025 wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 12:50 pm The female district manager may want to personally see the problem and solve it. She'll enjoy it! One of the solutions may be for the boy to swim naked, but since this will create inequality, it may also be decided that all boys swim naked. Why not. Ultimately, the girls and the coach will benefit greatly from this situation.
However, until this decision is made, all swimmers (boys and girls) should do stretching and jumping movements to warm up together before swimming.
Please be patient, the story is very long, and so far I've posted only a fraction. I like to build up to the extreme at the end.
It isn't all written yet, but it will be eventually.

Please keep those words of encouragement coming. It motivates me to write more.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Themarble »

Loving this story, the ominous threat of losing his swimsuit meaning he'd have to be without, for how long? For ever? Already going through the throes of sexual tension, if he were naked, he'd surely have a boner. It'd be like a dolphin fin as he swam! Keep it up Buckaroo!!!
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

I’ve had to make a couple edits to the story to fix and improve the story.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

As soon as group one climbed out of the pool and was headed back, coach told us to get on our mounts. I stood from sitting on my bench and with my penis flopping side to side, I walked over to the mount and climbed up onto it. I stood upright for a couple seconds, and then got into my diving position. As soon as she blew the whistle, I dove into the water, and swam as hard as I could. The pleasure my penis felt in the water flow was great, but nothing compared to when my penis was bouncing off my thighs. As I reached the end of the pool, and swam over to the ladder, I secured my penis, this time much higher so that it was totally under the 1” elastic band around my waist [actually, hip]. I double checked and even adjusted it slightly higher under the elastic band. I was sure this would keep it from slipping out at my leg opening again.

As soon as the girl in front of me climbed up the ladder, I climbed up and as I reached the top step, and before I stepped out onto the deck, I glanced down to see if everything was okay with my penis. I noticed it was way above the elastic band. My penis was centered on the top edge of the waist band almost all the way around and was showing a lot more over the top of the band. I put it too high. It’s not as bad as walking with my penis completely hanging out, but with the exception of my penis head tucked into the back panel, almost all the way around me they will be able to see the top half of my penis in plain sight. Next time I need to be more careful.

I stepped out onto the deck and as I walked back, I glanced down to my left side and everything seemed to be okay. After only ten feet, I started to feel a slight movement from my penis. I wasn’t sure, so I looked over and from my viewpoint looking down, I couldn’t see the elastic waist band along the side. The elastic waist band had slipped down a little exposing slightly more of the side of my penis, but I didn’t think it would be a problem since my penis head was still tucked in the swimsuit back panel. After four or five more steps, I glanced down again and noticed that my penis was wobbling slightly and I realized that from almost an inch from the front and all along the side of my swimsuit, my penis had completely slipped up above the elastic band, and was resting on the top of the elastic waist band. The front of my penis was still behind the waist band and my penis head was still securely tucked into the swimsuit back panel, but almost all of my penis was totally exposed along the side. I was getting a little nervous because of the wobbling.

I hadn’t even gotten one third of the pool length back and I looked back and watched as the head of my penis kept slipping out so slightly until I could see almost half of my penis head exposed and then, while watching, it slipped out and swung down and over to the right side and waving side to side in front of me. The swimsuit elastic band in front, was holding it up in an arc, keeping my penis from hitting my thighs. For the next three or four steps my penis just swung side to side hanging over the elastic band.

I then started to feel the head of my penis bounce off my thigh, the weight of my penis forced the elastic band down slightly. Each step I took, the weight of my penis forced the elastic band to slip down farther and farther until my penis hung freely and bounced back and forth off my thighs. My penis started to feel the sexual pleasure of smacking against my thighs and bouncing straight out before falling back down to the opposite thigh. I hadn’t even reached the half way point of the pool and the sexual pleasure was building.

On top of the sexual pleasure my penis was feeling from smacking against my thighs, there was another emotional sexual pleasure I started feeling that I didn’t understand. I believe I noticed it very slightly the last walk back to my bench, but I wasn’t sure what it was all about. With both sexual pleasures going on, my mind started to go into a blur.

[ What I didn’t know, was that as the weight of my penis drooped over and hanging over the edge of my swimsuit, forced the elastic band down in front allowing my penis to bounce off my thighs, the swimsuit elastic band all the way around had also slipped down. As I passed the half way point of the pool, my swimsuit in back had slipped down exposing the top half of my butt. Not only my penis exposed out front, but half my butt was also exposed. ]

I continued past the half way point of the pool and the two sexual pleasures I was feeling only became more extreme. My mind was not thinking of anything else but the extreme sexual pleasure, as I continued walking towards the end of the pool.

[ Again, without even knowing it, my swimsuit bottoms continued slipping down little by little. By the time I reached the end of the pool my swimsuit bottoms had slipped down to the top edge of my legs, completely exposing my butt. ]

As I reached the corner of the pool, I wasn’t thinking straight, and I turned to walk between the benches and dive mounts. I was in a blur, the sexual pleasure was too extreme blinding all reason.

[ I didn’t know it, but as I turned to walk past the others, my swimsuit slipped down even more, not only with my butt completely exposed but it had dropped almost two inches down the back of my legs. The only thing holding my swimsuit from falling to the ground was the rough surface of the skin on my balls. After passing three of the benches, my swimsuit even slipped down more in the back and along the sides. ]

As I got within 20 feet of my bench, I slowed my pace down and so that my penis stopped bouncing up into the air and started to only sway side to side slightly. I took much shorter steps until I got to my bench.

[ What I didn’t know was that, the back of my swimsuit had slipped almost eight inches down the back of my legs, just barely hanging on, changing the pace of my walk and allowing my penis to press against the material and my balls was the only thing keeping my swimsuit from falling to the floor. ]

As I got to my bench, I turned and leaned forward slightly to sit down on the bench. As I sat down, something felt odd. I was feeling the surface of the bench on my butt. That isn’t right. I looked towards my back/side and then towards my lap, and that is when I noticed my swimsuit hanging over my legs, hanging down towards the floor. I asked myself. How did this happen? When did this happen? I glanced around the pool area, and then I started to realize that, not only was my penis exposed, but my butt was also exposed. But when did it happen? Was my butt exposed while I was walking past my team mates?

I didn’t have any more time to dwell about my problem because Coach Johnson yelled, “okay group two, get onto your mounts.”

I glanced back down towards my lap, and then a more important question came to mind, how am I going to get to the dive mount without my swimsuit falling to the floor? I could only hope that it wouldn’t. As I stood up my swimsuit held between my penis and balls, did not fall to the floor. I walked over to the mount and climbed up and placed my feet into position for the dive and leaned forward and grabbed the front of the mount. Coach Johnson yelled, “take your marks.”

I leaned back slightly ready for the whistle, and a second before she blew the whistle, I felt something touch my left calf, but didn’t have time to figure out what it was because the coach blew her whistle for us to dive. I dove into the water and swam as hard as I could till, I got to the end.

[ What I didn’t know was, it was my swimsuit that slipped down and fell against my left calf, and as soon as I dove into the water, my swimsuit slipped off my legs and into the pool right in front of the mount. ]

After reaching the end, I reached down to pull up my swimsuit only to find them missing. I had a hunch I lost them while swimming. I treaded water for a couple seconds, and decided my only option was to swim back and find them and put them back on. I swam back in the direction of the mount, but after only about 20 feet, I could hear the sound of a whistle. I stopped and looked in the direction to see Coach Johnson blowing her whistle again, and then yelling, “where are you going?”

[ What I didn’t know was Coach Johnson watched as my swimsuit fell into the pool as I dove off the mount. ]

I replied back, “I . . . I lost my swimsuit. I’m swimming back to find it.”

I must have not said it load enough, because she yelled, “what? Get out of the pool.”

This time I yelled louder, “I lost my swimsuit. I’m trying to find it.”

She walked over to the edge of the pool and looked down into the water and yelled back, “Tina will get them for you, get out of the pool. You can get them when you get back.”

I paused for a couple seconds trying to figure out how to respond, and she yelled again, “go on, get out of the pool, group one is ready to dive.”

I thought to myself, oh crap, and slowly swam towards the ladder. As I swam to the ladder, I nervously pondered; well, everyone has seen my penis, and some of them might have seen some of my butt, but I’ve never been bare ass naked in front of them. As I reached the ladder I hesitated for almost 15 seconds, I was getting more nervous, and tried to think of a solution out of this.

No matter how much I wished for another option, there was none. Coach Johnson, blew her whistle again and yelled, “let’s go, group one is waiting.”

All of group two swimmers had already gotten back and sat down on their benches. I begrudgingly climbed up the ladder and hesitated for a few seconds, as my hips started to emerge above the water. I finally realized, I had no other choice and slowly continued up the ladder until first my butt was completely out of the water and the next step my penis was out of the water. I nervously climbed up the last step and onto the deck, and walked back towards the other end of the pool.

I looked straight ahead and tried not to look at anyone directly. I don’t know why being completely naked in front of everyone seemed more embarrassing then when my penis fell out, but it was. I walked back with my penis smacking against my thighs and bouncing straight out before falling back down to the opposite thigh each step I took.

Before reaching the half way point of the pool, the sexual pleasure my penis felt had overcome my embarrassment, and the other emotional sexual pleasure that I didn’t understand returned. Oh my gosh, the combined sexual pleasures were quickly blurring my thoughts as I continued walking towards the corner of the pool. By the time I reached the corner of the pool, I wasn’t thinking clearly and a total blur and I believe I actually didn’t care, as I turned and walked three feet past my other team mates to my diving mount and looked into the water for my swimsuit. I didn’t see it and asked Coach Johnson, “did you find my swimsuit?”

Coach Johnson walked over and asked Tina, “did you get his swimsuit?”

Tina swam over and she pointed at the return water hole in the pool wall near the top of the pool, giggled and replied, “it went into the return water line to the filter pump.”

[ What I didn’t know, Tina put my swimsuit into the return water hole. ]

Coach replied, “oh my.”

With a surprised look on my face, I looked at Coach Johnson and asked, “huh? . . . Where does that go?”

Coach answered, “that goes back to the filter room. There is a pump basket in the equipment room that will catch it and keep it from going into the pump.”

I asked, “can I go and get it?”

Coach answered, “no the equipment room is locked up for safety reason.” After a short pause, she told me, “I’ll ask the janitor to get it out of the pump basket this weekend.”

I asked, “what am I supposed to do?”

I could hear Tina lightly giggling as Coach glanced at Tina and then looked at me and said, “well, for now you go as you are.”

“Huh?” I replied.

Coach replied, “come see me on Monday, and I’ll give you, your swimsuit. Meanwhile you swim natural.”

“Naked?” I asked.

Coach replied, “yes. Come see me on Monday and I’ll give you back your swimsuit.”

I looked around confused. I wasn’t sure what to say. There were times the extreme sexual pleasure overwhelmed me, but other times, I am still embarrassed being exposed and now bare naked. I turned and walked back to my bench and sat down with my legs spread and my penis drooped over the edge and my penis head laying sideways on the floor.

Group one swimmers had already gotten out of the pool and had returned and sat down on the benches next to group two. All of us were on the benches. I looked over towards Coach Johnson and noticed she and Tina were quietly talking to each other. It only took another couple seconds and Coach yelled, “group two, get on your mounts.”

I stood up and walked over to my mount and climbed up and just stood looking out over the pool. After a couple seconds, coach yelled, “take your marks.”

I bent over and grabbed the front of the mount and leaned back slightly. She blew the whistle and I dove into the pool. Again, I had this strange sensation that I felt the head of my penis hit the water before I entered the water. I swam as hard as I could till I got to the other end. I swam to the ladder and waited for the other swimmers to climb up the ladder. I was feeling a little awkward with my penis floating freely in the water as I waited behind the other swimmers to get out. As soon the last swimmer climbed up the ladder, I slowly climbed up the ladder and I hesitated for a few seconds as my hips started to emerge above the water line. For some reason, I’m not sure why, but I was feeling a slight emotional sexual pleasure as I climbed up the rest of the steps and up onto the deck. I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling the odd emotional sexual pleasure, but it continued as I walked back. My penis started to feel the sexual pleasure of slapping against my thighs flying up in front and back down with each step I took, and the sexual pleasure increased each step I took. The emotional sexual pleasure and my penis sexual pleasure I was feeling was going through the roof. Again, as the previous times, my mind was in a blur.

As I got to the corner of the pool and group two swimmers were sitting down on their benches, group one was still sitting, they didn’t dive off the mounts this time, I turned and for the first time, I walked three feet past both groups of swimmers. Everyone watched as I walked past them bare ass naked with my penis bouncing up and down off my thighs. The sexual pleasure I was feeling was the most intense I’d felt so far, but I didn’t understand it. I didn’t care. As I got to my bench and sat down, Coach Johnson said, “okay, that’s it for today. Take your swimsuits and towels home and wash them and bring them back on Monday. Don’t lose your swimsuit because we don’t have any extra’s. On Monday we will spend the last five minutes walking two laps around the pool. Are there any questions?”

We all stood up and headed towards the changing room. I grabbed my towel and walked naked part of the way towards the exit. As I got closer to the exit, I wrapped the towel around me and tucked it at my waist. The towel was small and I couldn’t tuck it in at my hips, but I could tuck it in higher up at my high waist. I continued to the exit and down the hall, past the coach’s office, past the girls changing room and then entered the boys changing room. I took a quick shower and got dressed for my next class, Art 101.

After all my classes, I took the bus home and spent the some of the weekend on homework, many hours cleaning and skinny dipping in the neighbor’s pool and building a model airplane.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

TeenFan wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 10:56 pm How many of the guys here would love to have this swimmer's um...problem?
It's a big problem. LOL :D
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

Themarble wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 4:00 pm Loving this story, the ominous threat of losing his swimsuit meaning he'd have to be without, for how long? For ever? Already going through the throes of sexual tension, if he were naked, he'd surely have a boner. It'd be like a dolphin fin as he swam! Keep it up Buckaroo!!!
More to come in about 10 hours.

I think you're going to love it.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »


After eating breakfast, I grabbed my rolled-up towel from the laundry room, grabbed my backpack with my school books and ran out the door to jump on the bus. I dropped off my back pack at my hallway locker, and as soon as I got to the changing room, I went to my locker, took off my shoes and clothes off, hung them up in the locker, closed my locker, and rolled out my towel to get my swimsuit . . . wait, where’s my swimsuit?

Oh, Coach Johnson has my swimsuit. I stood staring at my locker for a few seconds, thinking, I need to get dressed so I can go find the coach to get my swimsuit. I thought about it for a second, and realized I could just wrap the towel around me instead of getting dressed again. Besides I was complete naked on Friday, a towel should be fine. I picked up the towel and wrapped it around me and tucked in at midbody [waist]. On my way towards the door, I glanced at the mirror and to my surprise, I noticed my penis was hanging a little more than three inches below the bottom edge of the towel.

Oh my, I need to fix that. I got in front of the mirror and loosened the tuck, and lowered the towel down to cover my penis. I watched the mirror as I lowered my towel and when I got the towel down that completely covered my penis, the towel was at my waist, and very difficult to hold the two ends of the towel together. I looked closer in the mirror and I realized that about a half inch of my penis head was still visible below the edge of the towel. I was concerned about having to hold the top ends of my towel up, and after a couple seconds, I decided to raise the towel back up so that I could tuck it in at my waist, but my penis was clearly hanging a little more than three inches below the bottom edge of my towel.

I was running out of time, and had to get out there before I was late, and decided to just leave it. I walked towards the door and noticed a larger towel hanging on the wall across the room. I thought to myself, I could use that towel, it appears to be much larger, I wonder who it belongs to and would I get in trouble. I hesitated for almost 30 seconds trying to decide if I wanted to switch towels, I had an odd feeling that I wanted to go as I am. I actually wanted to go out there with three inches of my penis exposed below my towel. I walked out the door into the hallway; it felt strange, but a little bit pleasurable walking down the hallway with three inches of my penis exposed and swinging side to side below my towel, I was hoping no one would notice. As I walked out into the pool area, I noticed that there were almost a dozen female spectators in the bleachers. I saw Coach Johnson over between the bleachers and the pool facing away from me, talking to two of the swimmers. I walked up to her approximately three feet away and waited for a few seconds until the two swimmers walked over to their benches. With the large group of spectators in the bleachers, I was hoping they would not notice my penis hanging below my towel. I realized I should have grabbed that larger towel.

I said, “Good morning, Coach Johnson.”

She turned around towards me and replied, “hello Mike, what can I do for you?”

I answered, “on Friday, you told me to come see you.”

She looked at me with a puzzled look, “what? What are you talking about? Oh . . yes, I almost forgot. Yes, I did.” After a short pause she said, “well, I talked to the janitor and there was a minor problem.”

My expression changed to a puzzled look, and asked, “wwwhhhat? What kind of problem?”

She answered, “well, you know I mentioned about the pump basket that catches things in the water return line before the water goes through the pump.”

I replied, “yes.”

She continued, “well, the pump basket sits in a housing with a clear plastic cover. Well, the pump basket was left out because it was broken and they were waiting for a replacement.”

Confused, I replied, “oookkay, what does that have to do with my swimsuit?”

She continued, “well the pump basket is what would have kept your swimsuit from going into the pump.” There was a short pause, and she gritted her teeth for a second, and then said, “the pump shredded your swimsuit.”

I asked, “shredded?”

She replied, “yes, they were completely destroyed. It damaged the pump and they had to replace it over the weekend.”

I’m not exactly sure what I was thinking, but I was hoping that she would allow me to wear my personal boxer style swim trunks, but I asked, “what do I do now?”

She looked at me and then looked down towards my towel for almost 10 seconds, and finally answered, “your only option is to go natural. I talked to the principle and she agreed with me that until we hear back from the district manager, your official school uniform will be natural.”

I gulped, and asked, “my official uniform will be natural? You mean nude?”

She answered, “until we hear back from the district manager, yes.”

I asked, “when do you expect to hear from her?”

She answered, “well, I need to write a letter and send it to her. It shouldn’t take too long before we hear back.”

As I looked around towards pool area, she leaned back slightly to get a better look at my towel and said, “it looks like you are already in your official school uniform,” and at the same time, she reached down and grabbed the towel and pulled it away from my waist, leaving me bare ass naked.

I didn’t expect that, and a little shocked. I didn’t expect to be bare ass naked again in front of everyone and now a dozen new spectators in the bleachers. I could hear some gasps, and I glanced over to see several smiling girls and a couple teacher’s aides.

My mind glitched and again I asked, “when will you hear from the district manager?”

Coach with a little irritation in her voice replied, “I told you already; I’ll send out a letter to her, and as soon as I get an answer back, I’ll let you know.” There was a short pause and she added, “although it might take some time to order and manufacture a new swimsuit”

I thought to myself, oh crap, what is going on with my brain. I asked the wrong question; I wanted to ask her if I could wear my personal swim trunks. But, by the irritation in her voice and the slight angry expression on her face, I can’t ask her what I really wanted to ask.

I finally replied, “okay.” And I turned and walked over to my bench. I thought to myself, Holy crap, I’m naked again. No, it’s even worse, I’m naked until I get a new swimsuit, and we have an in-house practice meet in less than two weeks. What am I going to wear for that? Wait, did she say . . . oh crap, my official school uniform is nude. Does that mean if they don’t have my new swimsuit made within two weeks, I’ll have to attend the in-house practice meet naked?

As soon as I reached my bench, I sat down with my penis drooped over the edge of the bench and the head of my penis leaning sideways on the cold floor. I waited until the coach sent off group one. I was feeling a little stressed, and decided I need to relax. Stop worrying about my nakedness. Everyone has now already seen me naked, just relax.

Coach Johnson announced to group two, “okay, swimmer four and five have been trained on flip turns last week, and two and three are already trained on flip turns from last year, today swimmer one will train with Tina. Number six you’ll be training with Tina tomorrow.” Number six, that’s me.

Swimmer one got up and walked over to Tina in the two unused lanes on the left.

After group one swam to the other end, and after climbing out, Coach Johnson told group two to get onto our mounts. I stood up and walked over and climbed up the mount and stood there for a couple seconds looking out, and oh crap, there’s the spectators looking at me. I had to remind myself, stop worrying. Coach Johnson, yelled, “take your marks.”

I leaned over and grabbed the front edge of the mount and when she blew the whistle, I dove into the water and swam as hard as I could until I reached the end. I swam over to the ladder, and waited for the other swimmers to climb out of the pool. As soon as the last one climbed out, I climbed up the ladder, but hesitated for almost five seconds with the water at my hips. I then climbed the rest of the way up the ladder, looking straight at the dozen female spectators in the bleachers.

I turned and walked back towards the other end of the pool. For the first three or four steps my penis flopped side to side, wrapping around one leg and then the other until it caught one of my thighs, and then flew straight out in front and fell onto the opposite thigh, back and forth, for the rest of the way. It only took about another 4 or 5 steps and the sexual pleasure my penis felt was feeling good. Then the unusual emotional sexual pleasure started. Before I even got half way back, both sexual pleasures were starting to blur my mind. The sexual pleasure was feeling so extreme, that a couple times I actually kicked with a little extra force in my step causing my penis to fly up farther upwards almost a 45-degree angle up. By the time I reached the corner of the pool, the combined sexual pleasures I was feeling was so extreme, I didn’t care anymore. I continued walking right in front of my team mates to my bench, and sat down.

The sexual pleasure I was feeling decreased slightly, but didn’t go away. Coach Johnson told group two to get onto our mounts. With my penis flopping side to side each step I took, partially wrapping around one leg and then swinging back to the other leg wrapping around the other leg until I got to my mount and climbed up. I got into position for the dive and waited for the whistle.

As soon as coach blew the whistle, I dove into the water and swam as hard as I could. The sexual pleasure I was feeling earlier was still there, and the pleasure I was feeling from the water flowing past my penis just added to the sexual pleasure I was feeling.

After reaching the end and swimming over to the ladder, my penis wiggled in the water like a snake, while waiting for the two girls in front of me to climb up. As soon as the climbed up on deck, I climbed up the ladder starring at the spectators in the bleachers. As I turned and starting walking back, the strongest sexual pleasure I was feeling was the unusual emotional sexual pleasure.

After taking three or four steps past the spectators, it finally occurred to me what that emotional sexual pleasure feeling was all about. I finally realized I was enjoying being seen naked. My extreme shyness and embarrassment every time my penis was exposed, was suppressing my enjoyment of being seen naked. As I walked and my penis started bouncing back and forth off my thighs, the sexual pleasure my penis felt just added to the sexual pleasure I felt being naked in front of everyone. About the time I reached the corner of the pool, I realized the sexual pleasure that I felt being naked was much stronger than all the other pleasures. I couldn’t believe that I was actually enjoying being naked in front of everyone. I walked past my team mates and sat down on my bench with my penis drooped over the edge of the bench and my penis head lying sideways on the floor.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Themarble »

Finally naked and walking around with a boner in front of classmate? Perfect chapter, I love it. Hoping that we get to see how he swims now, that will be fun to read!
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

Tomorrow’s update may be later in the day or the next day.

When I write these stories, I like to write them so they are a little plausible. Today, I realized I need to rewrite tomorrows post to help give it plausibility.

This story is written to have taken place in the late 70’s or early 80’s, before cellphones and before digital cameras. Based on the next couple posts, you’ll see that the story would be plausible. Not realistic, but plausible.

In reality, a swim class would never happen as written in this story, but I had to adjust it to fit the story. Personally, I have no idea what a school swim class is like. I had to look up some terms to help it make some sense.
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Re: Swim Meet

Post by Buckaroo »

It took me several hours, but I made the changes to today’s post that I needed. It’s a little rough, so if you see any inconsistencies, please let me know.

I had to remove about a paragraph of material that I decided to cover later on. It was too early for it at this time.

I discovered this problem when I wrote a chapter that will be posted much later. I kind of jumped into this new “much later” chapter while it was fresh in my mind.

There’s a lot of good material coming soon.
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