Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 4 (New)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 2 (New)

Post by antonias6969 »

Good afternoon, darling.

I left you a couple of private messages. I'm writing it here, just to make sure the messaging works...

I think you have wild potential...truthfully. Good luck and enjoy writing without rushing to publish. ^_^
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 3 (New)

Post by AnnaBlushhh »

How much more humiliation can Alyson endure?

Chapter 3

All heads turned towards the door. There was a sudden silence in the room. Few seconds later Alyson moved, reaching for her panties and jeans. Her mom got to them first.

“What you think you’re doing girl?” she asked.

“What does it look like?” Alyson responded, “the show’s over. I’m getting my clothes and then Mark and I are leaving.” She didn’t look at him though, remembering the hurt look on his face from few minutes ago. We’ll need to have a long conversation about this evening, she thought.

“Nobody is going anywhere until we’re finished,” her mom said. “Now, stay here and let me see who’s at the door.” She then left the room still holding Alyson’s clothes in one hand, closing the door with the other.

“Are you ok?” Mark asked Alyson.

Alyson nodded, but she was definitely not ok. She was still standing stark naked, her boobs slightly red, but her pussy still crimson and itching. She was dying to scratch herself down there, but she didn’t dare with all the people in the room. She went to the nearest chair and sat, crossing her legs and her arms to keep some level of dignity.

“Seriously?” Daria asked. “You’ll now pretend that you’re shy?”

“Fuck off.” Alyson was in no mood for talking. She was looking for any piece of clothing that might still be here, but her mom took it all with her. Great, she thought, just great.

“Be careful with the language, girl,” Daria was smiling at her, emphasizing how her mom addressed her. “I might need to spank you for it.”

“I would like to see you try,” Alyson grumbled.

“You would first need to ask for it, naturally,” Daria continued, ignoring Alyson’s response, “and then to thank me for it.” she sighed. “Not an easy job, disciplining younger sister.”

Alyson looked at her sister and snorted. “If not for mom, you would be on the streets, begging for food. Dumb, spoiled bitch.”

“What did you call me?”

Alyson didn’t manage to answer as the door opened, and her mom stepped into the room. Alyson wanted to ask for her clothes when two more women entered the room. Alyson eyes bulged and she instantly raised her knees to her chest in order to cover herself as best as possible.

“I believe some introductions are in order, mostly for our boys’ sake,” her mom said. “Mark, Adam, these two fine ladies are Julia and Christine, my neighbors from across the hall. They heard some screaming from my apartment so they were worried and wanted to check what’s going on.” Her mom paused for a bit, looking between all of them, and then continued. “When I told them I was in the middle of reeducating my younger daughter about what it means to be a proper lady, they offered to help.”

“Say what?” Alyson squeaked. Even Mark was now visibly uncomfortable.

“Hello everyone,” Julia said, her eyes scanning the room. She was in mid-fifties, but looked like she was no more than 40. She was tall and skinny with a short brown hair and Alyson remembered her as always being serious, rarely smiling, which was a pity in Alyson’s opinion as she had a pretty face. She approached Daria first. “Hello dear, it is so nice to see you again.”

“You too, Mrs. Davis,” Daria cooed. “I hope you’re well,” and then added “and how are Cindy and Eric?”

“Oh, we are all fine, thank you for asking,” Julia said. “You know Cindy, always running away somewhere. I hope that poor sweet boy can handle her.” She sighed and then continued, “Anyway, they’re on a vacation now, God knows where. That girl doesn’t tell me anything.” She then briefly looked at Alyson before continuing, “Sometimes I think someone would need to get her in line.” She then turned to Adam. “Hello Adam”, and they shook hands. “I hope Daria is not torturing you much?”

“Not at all Mrs. Davis,” Adam said. “I couldn’t be happier with her in my life.” Alyson rolled her eyes. How could anyone be even remotely happy having to spend time with Daria.

“That’s so nice to hear,” Julia said, approaching to Mark now. “And you must be Alyson’s boyfriend?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.” Mark replied, still stiff about the whole situation. “I’m Mark,” he said, extending his hand to shake, “nice to meet you.”

“Pleasure is mine.” Daria said. “Now, can I…”

She was interrupted as the other woman sighed loudly. “Julia, you’ll drown us all in formalities,” Christine said. She was a short plump woman, nearing sixties, with a wide face full of wrinkles and was constantly smiling. Alyson knew her well as she used to babysit her a lot when her mom was absent. Even then she had that grandmother-ish vibe around her.

“Can we address the elephant in the room,” Christine continued, “Alyson, it’s been some time since I last saw you. You were just passing by, hurrying to some fancy office party if I’m not mistaken?” her smile widened a bit more. “But it looks like you don’t always wear smart outfits when going out.”

Alyson was still petrified, trying to be as small as possible on that chair, arms wrapped around her knees. “H… Hello Christine,” and then she looked at her mom. “Mom?”

“Yes Alyson?”

“Can I get dressed now? Can Mark and I go?”

“Absolutely not, unless you want the terms of our arrangement to be discussed again.”

“I’m sorry, what arrangement?” Julia asked.

“Alyson agreed to be naked for the money.” Daria jumped in.

“Daria, don’t talk nonsense.” her mom said, and then continued. “It was brought to my attention that Alyson’s behavior was unacceptable for the last couple of years, and maybe even more. So, I’ve invited both of my daughters here this evening to try to fix this. And I said that anyone not complying with my demands will be disinherited.”

“Oh, that sounds serious,” Julia said while Christine was still looking at Alyson. “I must say I totally agree with you on this. Kids these days are just… so full of themselves, worrying nothing but their own needs.” She looked at Alyson now. “You’re lucky that you have a mother that still cares about you. I don’t know what would I do if Cindy turned out to be bratty.”

“It’s not like I had any choice,” Alyson said, “mom, aren’t we done with this?”

“The fact that you keep asking me this instead of just being quiet as a proper lady should be tells me that we are far from done,” her mom said. Alyson sighed and buried deeper in her chair. “Now, before we continue, I want you to tell Julia and Christine what were the lessons you learned so far. And before you do that, you will stand up,” her mom smiled, “as it’s not appropriate for lady to sit in that position, nor to talk to the elders sitting while they are standing.”

“Mom,” Alyson was blushing furiously even thinking about standing up, “please, wasn’t I shamed enough?”

Her mom just kept looking at her, and then Christine interrupted starring contest, “Girl, just do what your mother says. You made a mistake and now face the consequences like a woman. You are not a child anymore.”

“She’s both a child and a brat,” Daria whispered to Adam but loud enough so everyone could hear it.

Alyson started to open her mouth to tell Daria to go to hell, but then realized that this is probably something that Daria wanted. To provoke her which would then earn her more punishment. She gulped and slowly stood up, arms still crossed in front of her. Then she slowly let them hang by her side. She felt so miserable. She didn’t dare looking anyone in the eyes, so she looked down and saw her still light-red boobs and further down, much more red pussy. She heard Christine and Daria gasps. That made her even more embarrassed, and she automatically closed her legs as much as possible.

“Have you been spanked Alyson?” Christine asked.

“Y… Yes,” Alyson whispered, still looking down.

“No, no, this won’t do,” her mom interrupted. “Alyson, I want you to get in a proper position, answer loudly and look in the eyes the person you’re talking to.”

Alyson knew it was futile to argue, so she sighed once more and then moved her legs apart, putting her hands behind her head. And there she was, in a most humiliating position imaginable, showing her red boobs and pussy to everyone, nothing to hide, nobody to help her. She felt her eyes watering again from all the shame she was feeling, but she tried to blink the tears away. She’ll be brave, for herself and for Mark.

“Yes Christine, I have been spanked,” she looked Christine in the eyes and tried to stop her voice from trembling.

“And why have you been spanked Alyson?” Julia asked her.

“Because I was a bad girl,” she answered, cheeks burning from shame.

“No, you weren’t a bad girl,” her mom interrupted her again. “Bad is a term for a responsible and adult woman, which you’re clearly not. What is the proper term for a girl like you?”

“Naughty. I have been a naughty girl.” Alyson wished for a hole to open in the ground and swallow her.

“And where have this naughty girl been spanked?” Daria asked using baby voice, with the clear emphasize on naughty.

“You can see that!” Alyson snaped.

“Alyson, you’ll earn yourself another spanking if you’re not polite to everyone,” her mom said, “now, answer your sister.”

Alyson was now trembling with not just shame, but again, with all the injustice she was facing. “I have been spanked on my boobs. And my pussy.”

“And who spanked you?” Daria continued.

“You did. And my mom.”

“And did you thanked us for disciplining you?” Daria was clearly having the best time of her life. On the other hand, Alyson felt more and more miserable.

“Yes, I thanked you,” Alyson gritted the words through her teeth.

“Now girl, I want you to tell Christine and Daria everything you just said. And don’t you dare forgetting the reasons why you have been naughty.”

Alyson heart sunk. She was still feeling an itch between her legs and she direly wanted to scratch herself. Of course, she didn’t dare to attempt something like this with all the eyes fixed on her.

“I have been a naughty girl. My pussy has not been shaved, my inner pussy lips are visible,” she stopped for a moment, finding strength to continue, “as you can all see, and I was getting wet when I have been exposed.” She couldn’t believe what she was saying. Still, she continued. “Therefore, my mom and my sister had punished me by spanking my boobs and my pussy, and I thanked them afterwards for disciplining me.” Her heart was racing, and most worryingly, she felt slight wetness between her legs again. This is NOT happening, she thought. I cannot be turned on by saying such things… can I?

“Oh, you poor girl,” Christine said, “you’re so brave to admit all of this.”

“Which is important step in your rehabilitation,” Julia added. “Admitting that you have been naughty.”

Alyson wasn’t sure whether she saw a slight smirk on Julia’s face when she said naughty.

“Anyway, your boyfriend must be proud,” Julia added, looking at Mark.

Mark was suddenly uncomfortable with everyone looking at him. “Yes,” he said, “I’m very proud of how brave Alyson has been. It’s not easy to stand there all naked.”

Alyson has been grateful for his words, although she thought there was no need emphasizing her nakedness, even though it was obvious. Her pussy started to itch even more, and she realized a drop of water was running down her thigh. She panicked, praying that nobody would notice.

“I have one more thing to add, before we continue,” her mom said. “Alyson, it’s so rude to call your vagina pussy, especially as we just established that you’re not acting as a mature woman, therefore you don’t have the right to be treated as such.” She smiled, which was an indicator for Alyson that something bad was coming.

“Tell everyone here how did we called your pussy when you were a young girl.”

“MOM!” Alyson couldn’t believe what was asked of her.

“Now!” her mom was looking at her, “or you will be punished right away.”

In that moment, Alyson wished she never existed. “My n… naugh… naughty hole.” Alyson whispered.

“Louder girl.”

“My NAUGHTY hole,” she said, feeling so small. Daria erupted with laughter, but was quickly silenced by her mom’s glare. Mark’s and Adam’s eyebrows went up.

“That’s good girl,” her mom said, and then continued. “And how did we call your other hole?”

“Mom, please don’t embarrass me like this.”

“I won’t repeat myself.”

“My dirty hole, ok? We call my bumhole my dirty hole.” Alyson just couldn’t believe what she was saying. Daria exploded with giggling and Alyson wanted to struggle her on the spot.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” her mom said. “From now on, you will address your holes with the appropriate names,” and then continued, “luckily for Julia and Christine, your dirty”, she emphasized the word, “hole has not yet been inspected.”

Alyson’s head started to spin. This was not happening to her.

“However,” her mom continued, “unluckily for you, you forgot to mention the bad physical state you have been in.” Her mom glared at her. “So, you will have a chance to prove me wrong.” She then looked away from Alyson and turned to everyone else. “Does anyone have any suggestion what Alyson can do to demonstrate her physical condition?”

“More squats,” Daria shouted immediately.

“No, we won’t repeat what she has already done,” her mom waved her hand. “Any other suggestions?”

“Maybe some yoga?” Adam shyly added.

Oh, you would want that, would you? Alyson thought. Me spreading my legs for you. Then she forced herself not to think about it so not to get more wet.

“No, it’s too static,” her mom said, “we need something with more dynamic.”

“How about jumping jacks?” Daria asked.

“WHAT?” Alyson bulged her eyes.

“Excellent idea,” her mom instantly agreed. “Alyson, you’ll be doing jumping jacks.”

“But… But I…” Alyson couldn’t force herself to say her tits are too big for that exercise without her wearing sports bra.

“No buts, girl. You will do… hmmm, 50 jumping jacks,” her mom said, “and if you don’t sweat at all, I will admit that you’re not in a bad shape. If you sweat, you will be punished appropriately.”

Alyson hung her head. There was no way for her not to end up all sweaty. Not to mention her tits bouncing around, and that she’ll be flashing her pussy each time she splits her legs. It was such an awful exercise.

“I believe in you sweetheart,” Mark said encouragingly, “get this over with and we can go home.”

“Yes, sweetheart,” Daria said with a mocking tone, “we all believe in you,” and then she added in that loud whisper of hers, “being punished at the end of it.”

Alyson ignored her and, after taking a deep breath, started to jump. Her tits immediately bounced up and then down which made Daria laugh. It also hurt a bit. I won’t give you satisfaction of seeing me suffer, she thought. Unfortunately, as she was jumping, she realized she was opening her pussy more and more, flashing everyone even her clit, which made her blush furiously. Luckily, she was rapidly getting blushed from the exercise alone, so her shame was not that visible. Until she realized that her juices were running down her thigs. In panic, she started to close her legs fully, and then to spread them even wider afterwards in order to mask her wetness with the sweat. She couldn’t believe what she was doing and how she must’ve looked. When she was halfway done, her tits started to hurt even more from all the up-and-down bouncing, but she was determined not to quit. She saw that Mark was looking between her legs. Oh God, she thought, he knows I’m wet down there. On the other hand, Adam was fixing her tits with his gaze. It was so obvious. Fuck you sis, Alyson thought, you can never offer him that, not with you being all flat-chested. Finally, she was done with the jumps, and she just stood there, all red-faced, trying to catch her breath. She put hands on her knees, slightly bending forwards. She already lost her dignity being all naked, so she even didn’t try to hide anything.

“Well, I think we have our proof of your physical condition,” her mom approached her. “You’re all sweaty and lost your breath. I guess this poor condition of yours reflects on your bed activities as well.”

“She probably just bends over and spreads her legs every time,” Daria smirked, “like a good doggie.”

“Daria, don’t be rude,” Julia said, approaching Alyson, “not all men like a woman who is dominant in bed.” She reached with her hand towards her, and then stopped, looking at her mother. “May I?”

Alyson couldn’t believe that she was asking permission to touch her from her mom and not from her.

“Of course,” her mom didn’t even hesitate.

Julia took one Alyson’s boob in her hand and pulled it up. Alyson was just stunned. Was now everyone allowed to touch her?

“You have nice boobs, Alyson”, Julia said, dropping her right boob and then picking her left, also raising it. “It must’ve hurt a bit to jump with those.”

“Yes, Mrs. Davis,” Alyson mumbled, trying to stand still.

“And, see here,” Daria said to everyone, “if you lift her breasts,” which she suddenly did, each boob in one hand, “you can see that there is a substantial amount of sweat under her breasts.”

Alyson was burning with shame as she was being inspected in front of everyone. She felt like some exotic animal in the zoo with people looking and pointing at her.

“Of course, this is nothing to be ashamed of,” Julia said, letting go of her boobs which caused them to drop. Her nipples were starting to go erect again and Alyson prayed that her mom won’t notice it.

“It’s a body’s natural reaction, especially on such pressure points where there is a friction involved,” Julia continued. “Similar thing can be seen between her legs. Alyson, would you mind splitting them a bit wider?”

Alyson looked pleadingly at Mark first. Then at her mom. Then at Julia.

“Come on sis,” Daria couldn’t hide delight from her voice, “we all know you love to spread your legs.”

“No, I DON’T!” Alyson turned to Julia, “Please, Mrs. Davis, it’s so humiliating that anyone touches me down there,” she looked at Mark then, “except for Mark, of course.” which brought a smile to his face.

Before Julia could respond, her mom approached her as well. “Alyson, you’ll do as you’re told.”

Alyson bent her head, looking down at her feet and then slowly parted her legs.

“Wider, and I won’t repeat myself again,” her mom said.

Alyson did as asked and was now in the same position when her pussy was spanked. Her heart was pounding fast and she prayed no more spanking will come to her.

“Yes, as I suspected,” Julia said, stroking her hand up and down the crack between Alyson’s pussy and thigh, “it’s all sweaty here as well.” Alyson closed her eyes, just waiting for the end. Suddenly she felt a whisper in her ear. “It’s not just sweat down there, isn’t it?” Alyson opened her eyes and saw Julia’s head close to hers, her hand still stroking her thigh. “We’ll come to it soon,” Julia whispered, and then pulled away from her. Luckily nobody noticed the exchange that had just happened. Alyson’s legs started to shake and she tried to calm herself.

“Now, would you mind showing us your backside?” Julia asked her.

“My… my backside?” Alyson stuttered.

“Yes please. I just want to confirm my theory about correlation between sweat and friction. And you opened and closed your bums quite a few times in short time interval.” Julia smiled.

Alyson was speechless. She slowly turned around, feeling everyone’s gaze on her bums.

“Excellent”, Julia said, “now, would you mind spreading your legs a bit and bending over for us?”

Alyson eyes started to water again. It was a whole new level of humiliation when she couldn’t see them and they could all see her. Yes, she used to close her eyes quite a bit when in humiliating situations, but she could always open them whenever she wished. This… This was so horrible, being inspected and not even able to see it.

“Now, please reach out with your hands and open your bums.”

“W… What? No.” Alyson was petrified now.

“What did you say Alyson?” her mom voice was dangerously low.

“No, no, it’s completely fine,” Julia said. “I wanted to check Alyson’s… how do you call it… naughty hole one more time, just to see if I have missed something earlier.”

Alyson froze. Julia would reveal her wetness to everyone. And God knows how her mom would react. She would certainly get spanked again, and probably even harder this time. No, no, no, she couldn’t allow that to happen.

“I’ll do it, Mrs. Davis,” she whispered, “I’ll spread my cheeks.”

“Great, I knew you would agree with me,” Julia said.

Slowly, like in a dream, Alyson reached back with her hands, grabbed each bum with a hand and then did the most humiliating thing ever. She split her bum cheeks, immediately feeling slight air breeze on her most secret place. Tears of humiliation started to go down her other pair of cheeks.

“Oh my God, Adam, she’s spreading her cheeks for us. She’s showing us her asshole.” Daria squeaked, not being able to restrain herself. Alyson kept her position nevertheless, imagining everyone’s gaze fixed on her tiny hole.

“Alyson, explain yourself. Right now!” her mom’s voice was shaking with anger.

“Mom?” Alyson was confused, still keeping her position. “I did everything asked of me.”

“Why is your naughty hole not shaved, you DIRTY girl?”

*SMACK* Alyson felt pain right between her cheeks, causing her to scream, “EEEEEK”. Luckily, her bumhole was not hit directly.

“Don’t you dare move, girl”, her mom was furious, “or I’ll spank you so hard that you will not be able to sit for days.” Alyson then heard her mom’s steps as she was leaving the room, and then she heard her voice from the other room. “Let me get the tweezers, we will address this problem immediately.” - My site where I'll publish chapters as well (probably few days earlier than here, to allow myself some maneuvering space if I need to edit something)
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 3 (New)

Post by ChubbyChaser73 »

Mmm Alyson's hairy ass is revealed... :P
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 3 (New)

Post by cradulich »

excellent story so far.
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 3 (New)

Post by computerphoto »

I agree excellent story and Alyson's mom really has it out for her.
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 3 (New)

Post by AnnaBlushhh »

Chapter 4

Alyson couldn’t believe what was happening to her. How did she end up in this position? She was bent over, spreading her butt cheeks widely, exposing her asshole for everyone to see. It was the most vulnerable and humiliating position she could imagine. Her cheeks were burning from shame of both what she had already been through and from the position she was currently in. She could feel the eyes of five other people in the room fixed on her stretched asshole. What was even worse, she was now facing a standing full-length mirror on the opposite wall, which let her see all the people in the reflection and her panicked face expression as well. She was determined not to catch anyone’s eye, not even Mark’s.

“Aww, sis, you’re so cute right now,” Daria said, and then continued, “Can you show me where you like to be fingered when you’re horny?”

Alyson was determined not to speak and give Daria more reasons to tease her.

“Up your dirty hole? Really?” Daria giggled, “Can you now show me where to spank you next time you’re naughty?”

Alyson was still ignoring her, but she heard few muffled giggles which started to make her mad.

Daria was not stopping, “Ok, sis, I’ll spank you on your DIRTY”, she said, emphasizing the word, “hole if insist. But I will probably need to wash my hands afterwards.”

Alyson really hoped mom would come soon. She started to sweat a bit, her fingers losing a grip, so she let one hand go, wiped the sweat on her thigh, and then did the same with the other hand. Again, she returned to the position, stretching her asshole, too afraid of what might happen if her mom comes back and see her not holding the requested position.

Daria was now talking to everyone, “You know, when we were younger, Alyson had troubles with wiping after doing number 2.” Alyson couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “And so, whenever she pooped, she had to make this same position and show our parents her crack so they can check if she was eligible to put the panties back on.”

“Really?” Julia asked. “That seems a bit over the line.”

“Oh, not at all,” Daria was happy to explain it further. “Alyson was happy to expose herself, and was so proud when her dirty hole was announced to be not dirty.”

Alyson was shaking with rage now. “That is NOT true,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Oh, but it is, and you know it,” Daria said. She waited for a few seconds, and then continued. “But I have always wondered if you really learned to wipe yourself properly.” Alyson heard her rising from where she was sitting.

“Let me check you, sis,” Daria was saying, slowly approaching now, “Have you wiped yourself properly after last time you pooped? It would be so embarrassing for all of us here if that was not the case.”

“MOOOOM,” Alyson shouted, “Daria is being a jerk and bullying me.”

“Daria, leave your sister alone,” Mom shouted from the other room. “If I come and see you even touched Alyson, you’ll be next on display.”

“See?” Daria giggled, “she said nothing about me not being allowed to inspect you without touching.” Now she was standing right next to Alyson, and crouched. “Lemme see…”

Alyson was on the verge of either screaming or breaking the position to slap Daria right in the face.

“A really nice asshole sis,” Daria snickered, “probably the prettiest part of you, if you ask me, even though you really have a bit of hair there.” She stopped, probably looking it more closely, Alyson thought. Again, she felt so vulnerable, and the worst part was that she was actually spreading her cheeks for Daria to look. Daria continued, “But, it seems to me that your asshole was much pinkier before. Maybe you’re putting various stuff in there when no one can see you?”

“Fuck off,” was all Alyson managed to say.

“Oh my, no need to get mad,” Daria said. “Just one more thing and I’m gone. I want you now to look at me through your legs and politely ask me to check if you have wiped properly.”

Alyson was looking straight ahead, seeing Daria crouching behind her in the mirror, trying to calm down. She heard mom’s steps from the other room.

“If you do this”, Daria said, obviously also hearing mom coming back, “I’ll spank you less hard next time. And I won’t ask you to beg me for it.”

“Go… to… hell,” Alyson said, and at that moment their mom entered the room.

“As you wish,” Daria reached to tap her butt cheeks, but thought better and returned to sit next to Adam.

“Ok Alyson,” said her mom while approaching, “here is what’s gonna happen. You know how I feel about not being hygienic, and there are, and will be, no compromises about that.” Alyson then felt her mom’s fingers on the edge of her bumhole, slightly pulling several of her hairs down there. She was mortified that someone is touching her there, but didn’t dare moving. “I will first pluck out everything around your dirty hole, hair by hair, using tweezers, so it remains carved in your memory what will happen if you ever don’t shave down there again.” Alyson was just listening, and praying it will be over soon enough. “Then, a cream will be applied, so that your sensitive skin doesn’t get irritated.”

“Ohhh, like when she was a baby,” Daria interjected.

“Shut up Daria,” her mom said, not even looking at her. “This is supposed to be educational for both of you girls, not a humiliation.”

Easy for you to say that, Alyson thought.

“And then, I will also shave all of your pubic hair.”

“MOM,” Alyson almost screamed.

“Really, ma’am, there’s no need for that,” Mark was half-raising from where he was sitting, “I love when Alyson has some hair down there, as long as it’s nicely trimmed.” Alyson saw in the mirror that he blushed a bit while saying that, and felt grateful for him defending her.

“Honey, this is not about what someone likes,” Julia said, “it’s about hygiene and well manners.”

“Exactly,” Christine added, “and also, good girls have nothing to hide.”

Alyson just gave up arguing as she knew it was pointless. Nobody could explain to these older women anything they didn’t want to hear or understand. So, she just held her position, even though her legs were starting to ache.

“Ok, enough explaining,” her mom continued, “I think we’re all on the same page now. Alyson, spread those cheeks wide and keep your position.”

Alyson did as asked, and her bums were suddenly firmer than ever in anticipation of what was to come. However, nothing could prepare her for the burning and probing sensation few moments later.

“EEEEEEEK”, she screamed, losing all control, letting go of butt cheeks and started furiously rubbing them to ease the burning from her asshole.

Daria started to laugh, while other just watched in mild shock.

“Get back in position girl,” her mom’s voice was silent now. “And if you break the position again, I’ll spank you down there and you’ll be more than sorry.”

“No, mom, please,” Alyson was begging now, still rubbing her bums, “it’s so painful. Please, I’ll shave myself every day, I promise.”

“Yes, you will, I’m sure of it,” her mom replied, “now get back in position.”

Alyson was feeling tears forming in her eyes, and tried to blink them away while reaching back and reluctantly spreading her butt cheeks again. Her dark-pinkish asshole was appearing again for everyone to see.

“You’re doing great sis,” Daria was mockingly cheering for her. “Only dozen more and it’ll be over.”

Her mom ignored her, while putting one hand over Alyson’s asshole and reaching for another hair with her tweezers. Alyson was prepared this time, but the hair was smaller than the first one and when her mom pulled it out, Alyson again felt a burning sensation, like a sting from a bee, and again, she lost control and stood up, jumping up and down and massaging her bums.

“NAUGHTY GIRL”, her mom shouted, and then grabbed Alyson by the ear and started pulling her towards a chair. Alyson was now becoming hysterical, crying both from pain and from shame being dragged by the ear, fully naked, like a child. She was in a bent position, barely managed to keep up with her mom. She saw Adam standing up again, but she managed to wave him away. She wouldn’t walk away from everything now, not when she already was beyond humiliated. Suddenly her mom stopped, sat on the chair, and started pulling her over her knees.

“No, no, no, NO, mom, PLEASE, I’ll behave, PLEASE, STOP,” screamed Alyson, but to no good. She was pulled over her mom’s knees, and then her mom locked her right leg with one of hers, at the same time pulling her right butt cheek open with her thigh. Then, she grabbed Alyson’s left butt cheek with her left hand and pulled it roughly to the left. Alyson squeaked and felt a breeze over her asshole as it was now fully opened. She was still sobbing and tried to clench her butt cheeks, but all she managed was to slightly open and shut her asshole.

“Oh, look everyone,” Daria said, “she’s winking at us.”

“One more word Daria, and you’re next,” her mom hissed.

This was enough to shut her up. Alyson was still in panic, and then, her mother started slapping her asshole with a full force.


Alyson’s legs were pinned down and she didn’t dare to try to protect her asshole with her hands, so she was just howling with each spank, wiggling her ass, unable to close her asshole and feeling the fire from all the spanks. Not to mention how degrading it was to be spanked fully naked over the knees, and with her bums fully spread. She couldn’t even listen to what was her mom saying, she just screamed and was begging her mom to stop. Suddenly, the rain of spanks stopped.

“Are you gonna behave from now on?” her mom asked.

“Yes mom,” Alyson managed to say through all the sobbing.


“You promise?”

“Yes, yes, yes, mom pl…”


“AIIIEEEEE, no more, please.”

“And you will do as you’re told?”

“Yeeees, please, mom, st…”


“Ohhhhh, no more, I’ll be good and listen, I PROMISEEEE”, Alyson was almost screaming now.

“That’s a good girl,” her mom said.

A stunned silence followed. Alyson was still sobbing. She saw her face in the mirror, tears streaming down her cheeks. In the distance, Daria was smiling and… Did Adam and Mark have visible bulges in their pants? Was this making them horny? No matter how painful it must be for Alyson, there was still a naked girl being punished in a most humiliating way, and they couldn’t stop watching Alyson’s shaking legs and what was between them. And Alyson felt her bottom, and especially her asshole throbbing. It must have been crimson by now, she thought, and imagined what a sight she must’ve been for all the people in the room. Her cheeks were blushing, she was a total mess, but she didn’t dare moving, nor making a sound.

“You know, I’m not that young anymore,” her mom said, “so I think I’ll remain seated for the rest of the depilation. However, I cannot hold your dirty hole open and pluck your hair at the same time.” She then looked, first at Adam, then at Mark. “Will you two strong boys help me, please?”

Again, stunned silence followed for a few seconds.

“Wh… what you need us to do ma’am?” Adam asked.

“Oh, it’s quite simple really,” her mom responded. “I need each of you to take one her butt cheek, spread it open for me and hold it like that. It will both make my job easier at plucking her hair and also Alyson won’t be able to wiggle much until the work is done.”

“Mo…” Alyson started to cry in protest, but luckily for her, Daria screamed at the same time.


“Daria, this is the last time you raised your voice on me,” her mom said. “Do it again, and I’ll make you strip all of your clothes and then will spank you until every inch of your ass is as red as Alyson’s dirty hole.”

Oh, I would die to see that, Alyson thought. Suddenly, a plan started to form in her mind. If she makes Daria mad enough and provokes her to yell again, or do anything to upset her mom, she might be the next in line for disciplining sessions. I must be very careful though, she thought, or else I’ll be punished even more.

Daria visibly paled and stopped talking. Alyson saw in mirror that she desperately looked at Adam, but both he and Mark have already stood up, and started to approach Alyson, slowly, like in a trance. That brought back Alyson’s attention from thinking about Daria to what was going to happen to her. And she started to breath more quickly, not believing that another man will soon touch her down there. Like it wasn’t enough that she was displayed for the most part of the evening like some cheap whore, but now Adam and Mark will be free to touch her. OH MY GOD, ADAM is gonna touch my butt. She heard them stop, and then suddenly felt two pair of hands, one on each butt cheek. She firmly closed her eyes, not even wanting to see who was holding which butt cheek. This is not happening. This is not real. She even felt fingers slightly brushing her pussy lips as they reached towards her asshole.

“Good job guys,” she heard her mom saying, “now pull them apart as much as you can.”

Alyson felt her butt cheeks splitting wide apart. Wider than she ever imagined it was possible. She was in utter shock and horror about how she must’ve looked like. Her poor butt, red from all the spankings from before, gripped by two guys, one of them being her sister’s husband, and then her throbbing asshole being so rudely stretched, on display for both guys and her mom to see literarily everything she had to offer. She couldn’t imagine a worse position to be in.

“Great job,” her mom said. “Now keep her that way.”

“You know,” Alyson heard Julia speaking, “I was always saying that clitoris is the women’s most treasured part, but if you want to make her feel most vulnerable, expose her asshole.”

“Oh yes, I couldn’t agree more,” Christine said, “it’s the best way how a women can become a girl again in order to learn the lessons that she skipped during the early adulthood.”

Alyson couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was exposed as never before in her life, and two grannies were debating about ways how to discipline her. And then suddenly she felt a stinging sensation.

“EEEEAAAIIII,” Alyson screamed, while another hair from around her asshole had been pulled out. It was even more painful now given all the spankings she had received down there few minutes ago. She tried to clench her buttocks, but both guys were holding her firmly stretched. She could do nothing but to scream. Then another burning sensation as her mom pulled another hair.

“AAAAAARGHHH, NO MORE, MOM, PLEASE,” Alyson started to wiggle, but she couldn’t move more than an inch as guys seemed also to pin down her legs. She started to pound into floor with her hands in frustration. All the time, her asshole was stretched and vulnerable, allowing her mom to slowly pick the next hair to be pulled out with frustrating precision. Another pinch followed.

“NOOOOO, AAAAAAHHH,” she was screaming again, trying again to squeeze her buttocks and give her some relief as after the burning, she was also feeling an itch around her hole, and she was unable to scratch it.

“Aww, look, she’s winking at us again,” Daria giggled. Allyson was beyond frustration now, and itching had gotten even worse.

“Mom, please, can you scratch me down there?” Alyson was beyond any shame now.

“Say that again, Alyson, I didn’t hear you.”

Alyson gulped and repeated, “My assh… dirty hole is itching, can you please scratch me a bit?”

“Oh, I’m afraid I’m too busy with pulling out your hairs, and guys here with holding you open,” her mom responded, “but maybe Daria can help?”

“NO WAY!” Alyson said, before even thinking about it.

“Suit yourself,” her mom said and continued. The next pulled hair didn’t sting much, but the itching was becoming unbearable for Alyson. “Only few more and we’re done,” she heard her mom saying.

“Daria,” Alyson shut her eyes, and took a deep breath, “can you… can you scratch me down there?”

“Oh, I don’t know sis,” Daria said, “I’m afraid to ruin my nails, I went to manicure few days ago.”

“Come ooooon,” Alyson said, “I’ll even say… AAAAGGGHHHH,” she gasped, as another of her hairs got pulled out, “I’ll even say please. PLEEEEEASE.” She was desperately winking with her asshole now, trying to make the itch go away.

“Have you wiped yourself properly?” Daria asked.

Alyson was on the verge of tears again, this time of shame, “Yes, yes, I have.”

“I want you to say it all at once,” Daria said, enjoying every moment.

“Daria, can you PLEASE, scratch my dirty hole, it’s… AAHHHHHH… It’s itching so bad. My dirty hole is clean, I promise, I wiped myself properly.” Alyson couldn’t believe what she was saying, but she thought she will go crazy from the itch if it lasts any longer.

“Yes, sis, I cannot refuse you when you ask so nicely,” Daria said, approaching slowly and then kneeling in front of Alyson’s spread legs. “There’s only one more thing I’ll need,” she said, looking at Alyson via mirror, while putting her finger close to Alyson’s asshole. Allyson shuddered.

“What? What’s that?” Alyson asked, desperately needing Daria to scratch her.

“I want you to look at me between your legs as I scratch you,” Daria said, keeping her finger still.

“Oh, you bitc…”, Alyson stopped herself before the word left her mouth.

“What was that sis?” Daria asked, removing her finger.

“No, no, no, nothing, I’ll look you in the eyes,” Alyson said, bending her neck down and looking through her legs. She saw two pairs of legs by each side of her, Adam’s and Mark’s and then she saw Daria right between her legs. She felt so vulnerable at that point. Daria was totally dressed, while she was fully naked, red bottom and even redder asshole, lying over her mom knees. Daria was looking at her with a smile, and slowly started to scratch her around her asshole.

“Ohhhhh,” Alyson breathed, the relief she was feeling being nearly orgasmic.

“Does it feel nice?” Daria asked.

“Yes, yes, it does,” Alyson said, moving her hips a bit to point Daria to the place that was still itching, “please continue.”

Daria stopped, “I want to hear full sentence, sis. What feels nice?”

Alyson was looking at her, and said with pleading eyes, “It feels so nice when you scratch my dirty hole, sis. Please continue.”

“You see how quickly you learn to behave Alyson,” her mom interrupted them. “I always wanted you two to help and be nice to each other.” She reached and grabbed something from the table near her chair.

“Daria, would you mind also applying a cream to Alyson’s now-sensitive skin?”

“Sure mom, it would be my pleasure,” Daria said, opening a cream and few moments later starting to apply the cream with her one finger around Alyson’s asshole.

“Ohhhhh, it feels soooo good,” Alyson was now enjoying every moment as the cream was causing a cooling sensation to her buttocks and crack.

“Should I continue to rub you sis?” Daria asked, “And don’t stop looking at me or I’ll stop.”

Alyson opened her eyes which she closed briefly, enjoying the sensation. “Yes sis, please continue rubbing my dirty hole,” Alyson responded with a full sentence.

“And, now, let me check if you said a truth about your dirty hole being clean,” Daria smiled cruelly.

Alyson started to panic as she felt Daria’s finger closing to her crack, “No, no, sis, please. Mom, MOM, tell her to stop.”

“I won’t,” her mom said, “as it’s important to stop spreading possible infection, and also to soothe your skin. Your sister is to be commended for taking good care of you, and ensuring to spread the cream properly.”

“But mom, she just wants to humiliate me,” Alyson protested. Daria’s finger was now right on top of her crack. And Alyson was dying of shame. She frenetically tried to squeeze her butt cheeks, but they were still held open by Mark and Adam. And then, Daria’s finger, slid into her bumhole, slowly but without any restraint due to oily cream.

“Oh, it seems I’m not the first you had down there,” Daria giggled.

“Nooooooo,” Alyson started to wiggle, but to no avail. She rarely practiced anal sex, and she wasn’t prepared for the uninvited intrusion to her most secret place. Not to mention by her sister.

“Alyson, keep looking at me,” Daria said, wiggling her finger a bit inside Alyson’s butt.

Alyson was beyond angry now, but she couldn’t do anything other than looking at Daria. Her sister was fingering her ass, and was enjoying her humiliation.

“Do you enjoy this?” Daria asked her.

“Fuc… No, NO I’m NOT,” Alyson shouted.

“Too bad, then I must try apply it harder, as the cream is not making enough effect on you.”

And then Daria started to move her finger up and down her asshole, going a bit deeper each time.

“No, no, please, I mean yes,” Alyson was blabbing now, thinking furiously how to make Daria stop. The sensation inside her was so uncomfortable, and she even realized that it started to make her feel like she needed to go to the bathroom.

“I enjoy you applying the cream to my dirty hole,” Alyson whispered.

“No, no, I want you make a longer sentence,” Daria started to penetrate her faster.

“Ohhhh, no, no, you’re making me uncomfor… Ohhh, ok, ok, I enjoy when you’re fingering my dirty hole, and when you apply cream to it. PLEASE, will you stop now?”

“Ok, Daria, that’s enough,” her mom said, and Daria quickly pulled her finger out of Alyson’s crack. It didn’t close immediately, but was left gaping for everyone to see some of the cream slowly leaking from it.

“Sis, you should practice your sphincter muscles more,” Daria laughed, and Alyson blushed again, feeling how her anal ring was trying to close but couldn’t due to Mark and Adam still holding her.

“Ok, boys, that’s enough,” her mom slowly pushed them away, and with the sigh of relief, Alyson felt all hands letting her go, and she finally managed to close her butt cheeks. She felt her mom trying to stand up, and she also stood, immediately covering her pussy with her hand. She knew it was totally useless, but it was a reflex. She nearly cried again when she saw a crimson color of her inner butt cheeks, and she didn’t even dare spreading them to see her asshole.

“Ok, Alyson, let’s waste no more time,” her mom said, “go to bedroom, lie on bed and wait for us.”

Us, Alyson thought, already panicking again. Not wait for me, wait for us. She tried to keep her head high, looking straight ahead and started walking towards the bedroom, one hand still covering her pussy, and her red ass being on display for everyone to see as she passed by. - My site where I'll publish chapters as well (probably few days earlier than here, to allow myself some maneuvering space if I need to edit something)
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Re: Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 4 (New)

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