Dawny and Nancy agreed to meet 10 years after highschool in order to spend a nice weekend at Dawny's home, talking about books and their past. However, Nancy arrived earlier than tey agrees which sets off unexpected chain of events.
Chapter 1
Nancy was almost an hour early, but she wasn’t concerned much. It was Friday evening, and even though her bus arrived earlier than scheduled, and taxi ride afterwards being as smooth as possible due to mostly empty streets, she was certain that Dawny and Simon are home. They must be, she thought, they’re not a couple that would go anywhere unless forced to. She was so excited about finally meeting them in person. Well, she went with Dawny in the same high school, a lifetime ago. They talked a bit, but never much as they were never close friends. After the high school they went separate ways, Dawny pursuing degree in math while she opted to study languages. And that should be it, right? Nah, the life had different plans for them. They started to talk again few months ago, after almost 10 years, both now being in early 30s, and they found they have some much in common. It started with sharing some memes on Instagram, but soon enough, the messages become longer, and eventually turned into long audio messages and even calls. They both enjoyed reading books, which was the main thing that reconnected them, but soon they discovered much more things they share, like witty humor, anxiety, complicated relationships, and much more.
Soon enough, they started to chat every evening, talking about everything, including their relationships and sex life. Dawny was in a long relationship with Simon who was few years older than her, more than 5 years now, and they were living together, planning for the future. On the other hand, Nancy was currently single, working as a part time professor on college, and was enjoying flirting with both her male and female colleagues from work. And with her students as well, although she was always shy about it. She was looking younger that her actual age which resulted in her students feeling more comfortable around her than around older assistants and professors. She didn’t prefer longer relationships and rather enjoyed casual one-nighters after an evening spent in local pubs. Even though all her longer relationships were with men, she discovered that she enjoyed women company more in recent years. When she started to chat more regularly with Dawny, she spent many nights imagining them cuddling beneath the sheets, and was sure Dawny had similar thoughts as well. However, with time, their affection became platonic, and now they were just very good friends. After months of planning due to both of them having tight schedules, they found a weekend where both were free, and they agreed that Nancy should come to visit and meet both Dawny and Simon in person.
So, there she was, a bit tired after a long day of work and then bus ride, but overexcited to finally meet them both and spend whole weekend talking to Dawny about everything. She exited the elevator and climbed last couple of stairs to their apartment, carrying her luggage in one hand and backpack in the other. Dawny and Simon lived on the 8th floor in a building, but luckily for her some older man exited the main door at the same time when she arrived, so he held the door for her, sparing her from using the intercom. She took a deep breath, starting to smile already and rang the bell. And… Ten seconds later, nothing happened. Her smile faltered a bit and she rang again. Again, nothing. She reached for her phone to call Dawny, but then she heard steps from behind the door. It was faster pace, almost like running. Few seconds later she heard the door unlocking and then Dawny appeared with a huge smile and they both hugged, talking simultaneously.
“You’re finally here.”
“You look so great.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“Oh my god, you didn’t change one bit since the high school.”
“It has been so loooong…”
“Look at you…”
And then they both stopped, looked at each other and burst into laugh.
“No seriously, why didn’t you call me to pick you up?” Dawny asked her, reaching for her luggage and ushering Nancy inside. “Never mind, don’t just stand there, come in.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” Nancy answered. “And I knew that there’s no way that you two would go out anywhere when you can just chill at home.”
“Yes, chilling…” Dawny mumbled, absently rubbing her bottom, but then smiled and continued. “Look at you! You look so much better than on the photos.”
“Oh, shut it, look who’s talking,” Nancy laughed. “You look amazing as well; you would fit perfectly among my students.”
“Oh, I would looove to be one of your students,” Dawny smirked and they both laughed again, looking at each other with broad smiles.
Nancy was taller than Dawny, a bit bulkier and had longer and thicker legs with a curvy butt and busty and round breasts. She was very shy though, so she preferred not to attract any attention with her physical appearance, and was therefore wearing a knee-high loose dress with a floral pattern and a comfy converse sneakers. She was a natural redhead with green eyes and a long and curvy hair. She also had some freckles over her nose and cheeks whose number drastically increased during the summer although she avoided sun as much as possible due to her pale skin. She also preferred not to wear any make-up and her hair was usually loose.
On the other hand, Dawny was a petite girl who had to wear high heels if she was to reach Nancy’s height. It seemed like she never lacked energy, always joking and running around, so eventually she started going to gym which resulted in both her legs being tight and butt being firm and perky. She looked at least 10 years younger than she was, and was preferring to wear oversized hoodies, black jeans and to tie her long brown hair with pink highlights into a pony tail. She wore B-sized bra and preferred sneakers over high-heels. The most distinctive detail on her were her big and round gray eyes and a puppy look which she used to get her way. In rare occasions she wore anime-like makeup that emphasized her eyes and cropped t-shirts with a hentai prints like “waifu material” or “good girls have bad knees”.
“So, how was your trip?” Dawny asked, taking Nancy’s jacket at the same time.
“Oh, you know me,” Nancy answered, going down to take her shoes off. “Give me a book and I can endure any struggle.” She took a book from her rucksack. “I’m reading ’A Sword of Kaigen’ now.” Nancy was all into Asian culture and was devouring books, anime and manga at the frightening pace. “It’s about a woman who was a warrior but is now a mother, and her struggles with both her family and her past.”
“Ohhh, I must read that,” Dawny took it and started to go through it. But then heard steps approaching. “Simon, look, Nancy arrived, come say hi.”
Her boyfriend appeared few moments later. Simon was of average height and had a bulky appearance one would have with regular gym visits. He was easy to smile, although smile often didn’t reach his eyes. Nancy suspected he was the main reason for Dawny and him not going out more, as he also preferred books to cafes and restaurants.
“Hello and welcome,” he said, reaching to grasp Nancy’s hand. “I’m glad you’re finally here as Dawny wouldn’t shut up about you for the whole week.” They shook hands and Nancy noticed he had a very firm grip, a feature she always respected, especially when it comes to men.
“Oh, shush you,” Dawny elbowed him, and blushing at the same time. “He’s exaggerating.”
“Well, I certainly couldn’t wait to see you,” Nancy smiled, and then continued. “Well, both of you, of course, but you know that I love girls more.” And they both giggled. “No, seriously now,” she continued, “Dawny is officially my platonic love.”
“Yes, we now share only books,” Dawny showed Simon a book she was still holding. “Not bed.”
“Oh, I have no problem at all,” Simon smiled, “You can share whatever you want.” And then he straightened a bit and put a hand on Dawny’s shoulder. “Dawny, let Nancy unpack and rest a bit. In the meantime, we need to finish what we started.”
Dawny looked at him confused, “You can’t be serious? We can continue it any other day.”
“I don’t think that’s an option,” Simon replied. And they stared at one another for few seconds.
“But it’s rude to leave a guest alone,” Dawny was now looking between Nancy and Simon.
“Oh, now you offend me by calling me a guest,” Nancy smiled. “I’ll be perfectly fine. You two finish whatever you were doing.” she teased Dawny with a twinkle in her eye and a big smile.
Dawny looked at Simon once more and came closer to him. “But she’ll hear.” she said with a lower voice so only Simon could hear, while Nancy was going through her backpack.
“Do you really care?” he whispered. And no, Dawny knew deep inside her that she didn’t care. Actually, it even excited her a bit. So, she just lowered her eyes and shook her head. Then she turned to Nancy, took her by the hand and led her to a living room.
“Make yourself at home,” she said, and pointed to a door on the left wall. “The kitchen is right there, please feel free to take whatever refreshment or food you need.” And then she pointed to the door on the other side of room. “And a bathroom is there.” She then hugged Nancy once more. “I’m so glad you’re finally here, we have so much to talk about.” And then she let her go and started walking down the hall where Simon already disappeared. “We’ll be back soon, and then we can talk until sunrise.”
“Have no worry about me,” Nancy responded, already starting to go towards bathroom. “You two take all the time you need. I know I came a bit earlier, sorry about that.”
“No no no, everything is perfectly fine,” Nancy heard Dawny’s voice from down the hallway, and then heard a door closing.
Nancy continued to unpack her bag, pulling out several books, pajama, towel, toothbrush, hand and face creams. She kept shirts, dresses and underwear in the bag, and then went to a bathroom. She started to wash her hands when she heard a very faint *smack*. She just ignored it, and continue to wash her face. Soon she finished and closed the tap. She was looking at her reflection in the mirror when again, a faint *smack*, coming from the distance, a bit stronger as there was no running water to muffle the sound. Now she was certain she hasn’t imagined it.
That’s weird, she thought. She dried her hands and then unclipped her C cup sized bra and removed it from under the dress. She felt instant relief after a whole day of wearing it.
Now she was curious. She disregarded her creams and stepped outside, trying not to make any noise.
This time she was sure it was coming from the hallway where Dawny and Simon went. She smiled, thinking it must be some kind of foreplay. Then she suddenly felt dirty for overhearing that.
“It’s none of your business,” she mumbled. “You had your chance for a naughty time day before yesterday with that cutie after class and you were too shy to even approach her. Now suffer in silence.”
She started to look around for any kind of wardrobe where she might put the rest of her clothes when she heard it again.
She was trying to ignore it. Now she was looking at the bookcases. There were several of those, all full of nicely stacked books, and she was attracted to those like a moth to a flame.
She decided to put her headphones and lose herself in books, but when she reached for the headphones she put on the table, there was another *SMACK*, this time louder and followed by some faint moans. Now she was a bit worried about what was happening. Dawny never gave her any reason to believe there was violence in her relationship, but she read a lot about girls being in denial about that.
*SMACK* followed again by muffled groans.
She then decided to approach slowly and try to determine what was happening. She was wearing socks so she hoped she won’t make any noise. Her heartrate was slowly increasing as she slowly approached the room at the end of a hallway, step by step.
*CRACK* and then more groans, this time a bit louder. It seemed like someone was trying not to be heard. Or had something in mouth. Nancy hoped it was the first one. The door was closed, of course, but there was a keyhole below the door handle and by light going through it, it seemed that no key was in it on the other side. I guess there’s no need for keys when you live alone with your partner, she thought. Now she faced a dilemma. Was she really so worried to try to peek through the keyhole? It felt so dirty and voyeuristic. And she would die on the spot if she was discovered. What would she even say? There was no justification for spying on her friends.
*SMACK* followed by “Mmmmhgghhhh”.
“That’s it,” Nancy said to herself. “If he’s beating her for any reason, I need to know and I’ll talk to her afterwards.”
Her heart racing like never before, she slowly crouched, trying to make no sound and peeked through the keyhole. The radius was small, but she could clearly see both of them as they were few meters from the door, and luckily for her, directly in front of it. She gasped in surprise and then silently covered her mouth in fear of being heard.
Dawny was there with her jeans lowered to her ankles and her pink panties being around her knees. Her cropped shirt was barely reaching her belly button, so she was completely nude from her waist down. Her ass was covered in several pink and red stripes. And she was facing Simon and whispering something to him while holding both her hands behind her head. He was fully dressed, and was looking at her, slowly nodding while holding a leather belt in one hand. Then suddenly he slightly jerked his head and Dawny slowly turned around. Nancy wasn’t sure whether the slowness was due to her being afraid of what was coming or due to her panties being around her knees. She was now exposing her red bottom to him, watching straight ahead with hands still behind her head. Nancy’s pulse quickened even more. There were some nights where she fantasized about her and Dawny and she went through all Dawny’s photos on social networks, admiring her lean figure. But not even in her wildest dreams she imagined to see her like this, with her ass bared and vulnerable. She saw Simon whispering something, and then Dawny spreading her legs even more, bending forward. This pushed her ass even more out and she was now completely exposed to him, in a pose like teasing him to punish her. Nancy couldn’t move her eyes from Dawny’s ass so she didn’t see Simon taking a swing.
Belt connected to Dawny’s ass and Nancy yelped in shock. She saw Dawny immediately straightening and trying not to cry out in pain, only some moaning letting through her teeth. That’s what those muffled sounds were which she was hearing right after the smacks. Dawny then started to do a little dance from one foot to another, to relieve the pain Nancy guessed, still keeping her heads behind her head. Nancy imagined how hard was to suppress the urge to rub the sore bums. And then a wilder thought appeared in her mind, her rubbing Dawny’s bums. Dawny’s legs were apart all the time, preventing the panties from falling to the ground. And then a most surprising thing happened. Dawny turned around, approached to Simon and kissed him. He then lowered his other arm and was gently rubbing her bums. Then she broke the kiss and started to tell him something which Nancy couldn’t hear. He was nodding, and after like 20 seconds, again, jerked his head, and Dawny let a brief sigh which seemed to be a frustration, and turned around.
Again, she bent over, and suddenly, all Nancy could see was the curvy line going from Dawny’s lower back and then making a smooth transition to her perfectly round and petite ass. At the same time, Nancy was wondering why her panties were around her knees. Was it so that Dawny must keep her legs apart, or was that some additional part of the punishment, like more humiliation? Although Nancy couldn’t think of much more humiliating scene then being spanked naked by your partner. She always preferred more vanilla stuff like cuddling, kissing, and then slow sex, ideally in the dark, when all senses are elevated. This was… well, so out in the open, where everything could be seen.
Again, Dawny jumped, and even her hands instinctually going towards her bums before she remembered to put them back behind her head. She hissed, clearly each next spank being more painful and therefore harder for her to control her groaning. Nancy has never been spanked in her life, not as a child and certainly not later when she started dating. She read a lot of dark fantasies and erotic stories, even writing some herself, but never thought this was a real deal for some people. It seemed both painful, degrading, humiliating and over the line. But why was she so compelled watching Dawny’s bare ass being spanked. She felt no compassion towards her, as clearly this was voluntarily. Was it just that she never tried any BDSM stuff and therefore was judging without any solid ground for her arguments?
In the meantime, Dawny again approached Simon, and started to kiss him, whispering something between the kisses. At the same time, he grabbed her butt cheek with his left hand and squeezed. Dawny moaned while not breaking the kiss, and Nancy felt the urge to put her tongue in Dawny’s mouth. Her inner whispers about being voyeur and this whole situation being completely inappropriate were becoming less and less vocal. He kept his hand on her bum, clearly still squeezing, while Dawny started to rhythmically move her hips in circles.
After some time, Nancy wasn’t sure how much has passed as she couldn’t track time properly anymore, Dawny moved away again and turned her back on Simon. Nancy felt a bit of regret that she turned clockwise, leaving her without a clear look on Dawny’s pussy. She couldn’t believe what was going though her head as she was clear that they were just good friends, nothing more. Why was then this such a turn on for her? When Dawny turned, this time she shook her leg, and then another, letting her jeans fall on the floor. And then she bent even lower and spread her legs as much as her panties allowed her. Nancy was speechless. She was not sure whether she imagined or Dawny even wiggled her bums a bit, like inviting him to spank her. Nancy felt so dirty looking at her friend being spanked naked, but she just couldn’t force herself to even close her eyes, much less go away. This time Nancy saw Simon taking a swing, and was terrified that it seemed he didn’t hold back.
Nancy was prepared this time, so she didn’t let any sound. But Dawny couldn’t keep her mouth shut, and a loud squeak escaped her lips. Her bums were now bright red with another red stripe quickly appearing over both her cheeks. Dawny again started to both dance and do some weird attempts at squats, clearly not being allowed to rub her ass. Due to Dawny movements, Nancy now saw glimpses of her pussy, enough to see Dawny was completely shaved down there. And then, Nancy was suddenly imagining going down slowly on Dawny, exploring every inch of her with her tongue. She imagined how Downy’s pussy would taste like, how smooth Dawny’s skin would feel under her lips. She would be kissing her down there, listening to her moans steadily increasing, and then slowly, very slowly, she would part those lips and…
Nancy shook her head quickly, not banishing those fantasies but storing them for later. At the same time she was feeling excited and disgusted at herself for ruining someone else’s privacy and also hating herself for not being able to stop. When she returned to peek through the keyhole, she saw Simon looking straight towards her. Her world froze.
“Would you prefer to keep your distance?” he asked, “Or, would you like to join us?”
Double Trouble - Chapter 1
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Double Trouble - Chapter 1 - My site where I'll publish chapters as well (probably few days earlier than here, to allow myself some maneuvering space if I need to edit something)
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Re: Double Trouble - Chapter 1
Can't wait to see how it all plays out in te next chapter, will she join in or walk away, that is the question.
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