Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
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Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
Alex is staying at her grandparents farm in Mexico for the summer with her brother Jose. While their journey started out a bit more CFNM the tables are quickly turning this section only contains the CMNF section but if you'd like to get the full gist of the story you can read the first part linked below
Translation note - Cenotes are a form of natural spring system that are very popular in Cancun along with other areas along the Yucatan peninsula.
First part of this story (CFNM section)
Part 1
Alex knew she had disobeyed her grandparents orders and also broken their trust along with her brothers. Never again was she to be trusted alone with him unless certain very specific conditions were met. As She marched into her grandparents room they lay down the ground rules for how the rest of their summer in Mexico was going to look. She would be doing more chores which included but was not limited to operating the farm stand the family was running, feeding the animals day and night, making sure that all the clothes were cleaned and a few other activities that had not yet been decided. Unfortunately for Alex (and fortunately for jose) She would be completing some of these in various forms of nudity to varying degrees. Both Grandparents agreed to try to approach her modesty in a respectful way and figure out a good way to ease her into it (Unfortunately Jose was not given this luxury) So they settled on something that everyone could agree and enjoy a Senote! For those that don't know Senotes are natural springs that have formed up in the Yucitan Peninsula of Mexico they are believed to have many healing and spiritual properties with them but also are a source of fun for the locals to go to. Fortunately Alexes grandparents knew just the one and to their surprise they would be going three days in a row! Wow Alex thought to herself, This was like a dream come true! The car ride to the senote was going to be a few hours long and without air conditioning Alex thought to herself she would pack her swimsuit and wear just her sun dress as it covered enough of her tan body. Jose just wore his swimsuit there and let the breeze come through. A few times Alex's dress flew up with the wind and Jose got a quick but fleeting peak at her bare pussy giving a little grin and looking away quickly. Alex blushed several times and would occasionally "forget" to hold it down. Regardless, she thought, he hasn't seen me naked and Ive seen everything he's got what's the worst that could happen. The family got out of the car and pulled up the the "senate de la cure natural" which arguably Alex didn't entirely understand what it meant but went in anyways
"Cuatro Por Favor Mi amiga por la experiencia natural" Alex's Grandpa said with a smile.
"Si Senor y usted sabe las reglas del denote para hoy verdad?"
"Si Si no es mi primera vez aquí"
They walked through to the other side Their grandma holding the bag they had packed suspiciously tight Alex wasn't sure what was going on but the Senate was closing within the hour so she wasn't too concerned. They had to pass through a building before going into the senote which read in Spanish
Para Conservar el seno natural debts ducharte antes de entrar
In order to preserve the natural senote you must shower off before entering.
Alex's grandfather looked down at them and said
"alright you two you have to shower before you go into the senote so we don't disturb the fragile eco system that exist within these things. Boys on that side girls on the right we will meet you down the path."
"Okay can I grab my suit real quick though?" Alex said smiling but getting hot standing out in the muggy sun.
"Yes Ill have it for you when you get out of the shower" Said her grandmother "but you have to shower naturally"
"Well, okay" she went to the girls section her grandmother showering quickly no more than 1-2 minutes and stepping out nude, even for her age she was quite the site as many hispanic women still look youthful well into their years her long black hair was reflective of Alex's own and she certainly was where Alex got her above average butt. Alex took off her sun dress and gave it to her grandmother stepping fully naked besides a pair of flip flops into the shower and felt the cool water dump on top of her body. It was like a relief she had never known she could or would ever had being nude but still behind a shower curtain and being in a relatively natural setting she wanted to stay there forever in a daydream she almost got lost as her fingers went down but quickly remembering where she was snapped out of it and stepped out of the shower. There were several more girls there now all in various states of undress some fully nude some just entering with their street clothes on all casually not caring about their nudity. Alex went from covering up to putting her hands at her sides. She looked around, something was missing or rather someone, well to be honest two things. Her sun dress which she had given to her grandmother and her grandmother who was supposed to be waiting on the other side with her swimsuit. She didn't want to step back out into the public area where there were many more clothed patrons so elected to start meandering down the hill once again covering up. She wasn't wearing her glasses so things were a little hazy but she slowly got her bearings and continued down the small rocky trail. She was immersed in a beautiful canopy of green as the jungle around her seemed to shield the sun from the floor of the trail. Slowly she walked down hearing the sounds of animals and people. Beautiful birds flitted about and sang sweet melodies as Iguanas skittered away from the trail in a flash of exotic colors. Alex got down to the small rocky location where she met up with the rest of her family but to her surprised everyone was naked! Not just her own family but all the people swimming and jumping off the cliffs sunbathing and all. While she didn't realized this at first when she got up closer to people she noticed they didn't have the blotches of blue or green a regular swimsuit would have and asked her grandparents to confirm which they did that they were in fact all naked. While Alex was a little embarrassed by the whole thing as she had not been fully nude in front of strangers she slowly relaxed and jumped into the water floating around and watching as fish darted between her legs and fingers. While a part of her did feel great to be in control of her naked brother she almost liked being nude together even more. This feeling that would grow was started here. Although they didn't get to stay for long Alex loved her time there being in the senote nude letting her hair down but unfortunately having to squint to get a good look at everyone. The day concluded and the four of them made the small walk back together alex getting to shower again this time leaving the curtain open and almost forgetting to bring her sun dress when she stepped out of the private area. Throwing it on her and Jose fell asleep almost instantly in the back of the car as they drove to a local spot to stay for the next few nights Alex not minding how many times her dress may have flitted up.
Part 2
The next day everything proceeded as normal they made their way to the cenote got 4 tickets to enter went their separate ways Alex once again left the shower curtain open but somehow missed her grandmother walking down this time with a bigger bag she was confused but couldn't exactly see what was happening without her glasses that were safely tucked away in that bag. regardless she walked down a bit modest but still feeling free to the main beach area without paying much mind to her family she jumped right into the water and started to look for the fish and around at the other locals who had come but today was a little... different. She couldn't tell exactly what it was but she got some funny looks from some of the others who were swimming in the water. She tried to play it off until she did a quick squint at one of the boys that was swimming besides her. Thats when she noticed the blotches in the water. Greens, Blues even reds began to appear on all the bodies she had initially thought to be fully tan but not all of them. She couldn't quite distinguish what was going on but then noticed something else that gave her a fright. They only had blotches on one area of the body, their crotches. This confused Alex as there were still a good quantity of swimmers who appeared to be fully naturalistic and realized what had happened. Rushing to her bag and still soaking wet naked her grandmother lay out on the sand getting a tan she threw on her glasses to reveal the conclusion she knew all too well at this point. All of the boys were clad in swim trunks she spun around to see her grandfather and brother at the snack stand wearing suits and then back to the beach to gaze upon half a dozen naked girls with their families acting like business as usual. Initially she covered up and began to dig through the bag but to no avail.
"Oh what are you looking for sweetie water or sunscreen?" Her grandmother said with a smile
"My swimsuit or sun dress I didn't know all these boys were going to see me bare like this" Alex said throwing her hair back before giving it another search.
"Oh its in the car do you want to head up and get it" Her grandmother replied paying no mind to it
The car??? So I have to go back into public naked head to toe besides these silly flip flops and my nerdy glasses???
"Oh no that's okay I just wanted to be a little modest is all" Alex said smiling trying to garner sympathy
"Alex you know girls don't need any modesty and you know you still have to be punished for what you did to your poor brother so enjoy it for now." Her grandmother turned over and went to take a nap.
Alex started to weigh her options she could either go back to the car and get the swimsuit risking being seen by more people outside of the cenote or just wait it out until the end of the day. Alex resigned deciding to take her glasses back off and wade into the deeper ends of the pool to spend her afternoon. Hours passed and she was getting a little tired of swimming so she made a break for the jungle when nobody was looking finding a small patch of beach in a secluded area she placed her towel down and laid there to rest for a bit. When she awoke she realized that more people had shown up next to her all partying without her glasses on and still a bit weary she couldn't quite make out what they were doing or wearing but she assumed them to be nude.
"Oye, Ven a tomarte una foto con nosotros! nunca hemos conocido a otro naturalista"
Alex arguably didn't know any spanish but decided to just agree as she got up in a group of several boys and girls in a line maybe they were playing a game? She looked around and up couldn't tell what was happening hear a few clicks then everyone split and went back to their own thing. I guess they all decided not to play I wonder what that was about she squinted again and confirmed most of them were clothed besides one or two girls. she shrugged and started to walk back to her grandparents. By this point most of the other locals who had come were drying off and began to wander back up to the main entrance draped in towels or beach bags. Alex started to make her way up to the showers this time glasses on almost forgetting her totally nude state before realizing she forgot her towel!
"hold on grandma I forgot my towel Ill be there in a second" She ran back down to the cenote which was almost deserted at this point besides a few stragglers everyone was dressed now as she was the only one who hadn't been able to bring her stuff down. She imagined how funny she must have looked a fully nude spanish girl with big nerdy glasses franticly looking for her towel a few of the locals looked over and laughed a bit before heading back up. Alex Ran into her brother jose.
"Jose I can't find my towel did you see it anywhere?" she said covering up her breasts as they began to poke out.
"No I didn't see if Alex where did you leave it last?"
"I think over there" she said pointing and uncovering her right breast jose took a peak before looking in the direction.
"I don't see it sister, are you sure you left it there or up at the showers?"
"no I didn't leave it at the shower!" Alex barked angrily getting a little red knowing Jose had the power this time but also getting that familiar feeling.
"I'm sorry don't get mad with me im just trying to help" he said as he licked his ice cream and stuck his hand in his pocked "but if you don't want it you can find it yourself"
"Okay find I'm sorry please help me out"
"well... okay but can you do something for me?" Jose said grinning
Alex groaned "What..."
"can you do a squat for me like I had to do I just want to see what you look like down there"
"no way you creep!" Alex said re covering herself but once again feelings started to swell up even stronger than yesterday, she almost wanted to do it.
"okay suite yourself" Alex said turning
"WAIT!" Alex yelped desperately
She lowered herself into a squat placing her hands on her knees and let herself relax as Jose got a great look at his big sister only clad with some flip flops and her glasses. She gave him a peace sign and a smile in a form of a self admitted defeat. Her bare pussy was visible and looked to be getting slightly wet. The legs which Jose had seen plenty of almost gained an intimacy of their own as they connected to the rest of her hips which had looked thick and by this point being out in the sun completely tanned. While she didn't have remarkably large boobs they were still nice to look at and her nipples seemed to point out and ask to be played with. Jose had to admit it was quite a shameful display even for his sisters sake who had embarrassed him. All this time she had been the one who had been modest and clothed and now here he was enjoying a cool treat while she had to expose herself to her fully clothed and relaxed brother.
Alex on the other hand was red hot, She had somewhat known about being turned on from the times she played with her brother and when they were both simultaneously naked but now the power he had over her was overwhelming. She knew he didn't have a bad bone in his body but being on full display to him gave her an embarrassment and a pleasure she really couldn't put her petite finger on. After about a minute of that little staring contest between the siblings she got up as he started to hunt through the jungle. Somehow he was able to find it within 5 minutes (He hid it but that will stay our little secret). He handed it over and Alex once again felt the warmth of clothing on her naked body they wandered up the path and continued to the showers where she once again tossed aside the towel washing and returning it to her body walking towards the car getting in her grandmother handed over her sun dress which she coincidentally couldn't get on that quick giving her brother another nice look at her nudity before they drove back to the hotel only having one more day at this miraculous spot.
Alex is staying at her grandparents farm in Mexico for the summer with her brother Jose. While their journey started out a bit more CFNM the tables are quickly turning this section only contains the CMNF section but if you'd like to get the full gist of the story you can read the first part linked below
Translation note - Cenotes are a form of natural spring system that are very popular in Cancun along with other areas along the Yucatan peninsula.
First part of this story (CFNM section)
Part 1
Alex knew she had disobeyed her grandparents orders and also broken their trust along with her brothers. Never again was she to be trusted alone with him unless certain very specific conditions were met. As She marched into her grandparents room they lay down the ground rules for how the rest of their summer in Mexico was going to look. She would be doing more chores which included but was not limited to operating the farm stand the family was running, feeding the animals day and night, making sure that all the clothes were cleaned and a few other activities that had not yet been decided. Unfortunately for Alex (and fortunately for jose) She would be completing some of these in various forms of nudity to varying degrees. Both Grandparents agreed to try to approach her modesty in a respectful way and figure out a good way to ease her into it (Unfortunately Jose was not given this luxury) So they settled on something that everyone could agree and enjoy a Senote! For those that don't know Senotes are natural springs that have formed up in the Yucitan Peninsula of Mexico they are believed to have many healing and spiritual properties with them but also are a source of fun for the locals to go to. Fortunately Alexes grandparents knew just the one and to their surprise they would be going three days in a row! Wow Alex thought to herself, This was like a dream come true! The car ride to the senote was going to be a few hours long and without air conditioning Alex thought to herself she would pack her swimsuit and wear just her sun dress as it covered enough of her tan body. Jose just wore his swimsuit there and let the breeze come through. A few times Alex's dress flew up with the wind and Jose got a quick but fleeting peak at her bare pussy giving a little grin and looking away quickly. Alex blushed several times and would occasionally "forget" to hold it down. Regardless, she thought, he hasn't seen me naked and Ive seen everything he's got what's the worst that could happen. The family got out of the car and pulled up the the "senate de la cure natural" which arguably Alex didn't entirely understand what it meant but went in anyways
"Cuatro Por Favor Mi amiga por la experiencia natural" Alex's Grandpa said with a smile.
"Si Senor y usted sabe las reglas del denote para hoy verdad?"
"Si Si no es mi primera vez aquí"
They walked through to the other side Their grandma holding the bag they had packed suspiciously tight Alex wasn't sure what was going on but the Senate was closing within the hour so she wasn't too concerned. They had to pass through a building before going into the senote which read in Spanish
Para Conservar el seno natural debts ducharte antes de entrar
In order to preserve the natural senote you must shower off before entering.
Alex's grandfather looked down at them and said
"alright you two you have to shower before you go into the senote so we don't disturb the fragile eco system that exist within these things. Boys on that side girls on the right we will meet you down the path."
"Okay can I grab my suit real quick though?" Alex said smiling but getting hot standing out in the muggy sun.
"Yes Ill have it for you when you get out of the shower" Said her grandmother "but you have to shower naturally"
"Well, okay" she went to the girls section her grandmother showering quickly no more than 1-2 minutes and stepping out nude, even for her age she was quite the site as many hispanic women still look youthful well into their years her long black hair was reflective of Alex's own and she certainly was where Alex got her above average butt. Alex took off her sun dress and gave it to her grandmother stepping fully naked besides a pair of flip flops into the shower and felt the cool water dump on top of her body. It was like a relief she had never known she could or would ever had being nude but still behind a shower curtain and being in a relatively natural setting she wanted to stay there forever in a daydream she almost got lost as her fingers went down but quickly remembering where she was snapped out of it and stepped out of the shower. There were several more girls there now all in various states of undress some fully nude some just entering with their street clothes on all casually not caring about their nudity. Alex went from covering up to putting her hands at her sides. She looked around, something was missing or rather someone, well to be honest two things. Her sun dress which she had given to her grandmother and her grandmother who was supposed to be waiting on the other side with her swimsuit. She didn't want to step back out into the public area where there were many more clothed patrons so elected to start meandering down the hill once again covering up. She wasn't wearing her glasses so things were a little hazy but she slowly got her bearings and continued down the small rocky trail. She was immersed in a beautiful canopy of green as the jungle around her seemed to shield the sun from the floor of the trail. Slowly she walked down hearing the sounds of animals and people. Beautiful birds flitted about and sang sweet melodies as Iguanas skittered away from the trail in a flash of exotic colors. Alex got down to the small rocky location where she met up with the rest of her family but to her surprised everyone was naked! Not just her own family but all the people swimming and jumping off the cliffs sunbathing and all. While she didn't realized this at first when she got up closer to people she noticed they didn't have the blotches of blue or green a regular swimsuit would have and asked her grandparents to confirm which they did that they were in fact all naked. While Alex was a little embarrassed by the whole thing as she had not been fully nude in front of strangers she slowly relaxed and jumped into the water floating around and watching as fish darted between her legs and fingers. While a part of her did feel great to be in control of her naked brother she almost liked being nude together even more. This feeling that would grow was started here. Although they didn't get to stay for long Alex loved her time there being in the senote nude letting her hair down but unfortunately having to squint to get a good look at everyone. The day concluded and the four of them made the small walk back together alex getting to shower again this time leaving the curtain open and almost forgetting to bring her sun dress when she stepped out of the private area. Throwing it on her and Jose fell asleep almost instantly in the back of the car as they drove to a local spot to stay for the next few nights Alex not minding how many times her dress may have flitted up.
Part 2
The next day everything proceeded as normal they made their way to the cenote got 4 tickets to enter went their separate ways Alex once again left the shower curtain open but somehow missed her grandmother walking down this time with a bigger bag she was confused but couldn't exactly see what was happening without her glasses that were safely tucked away in that bag. regardless she walked down a bit modest but still feeling free to the main beach area without paying much mind to her family she jumped right into the water and started to look for the fish and around at the other locals who had come but today was a little... different. She couldn't tell exactly what it was but she got some funny looks from some of the others who were swimming in the water. She tried to play it off until she did a quick squint at one of the boys that was swimming besides her. Thats when she noticed the blotches in the water. Greens, Blues even reds began to appear on all the bodies she had initially thought to be fully tan but not all of them. She couldn't quite distinguish what was going on but then noticed something else that gave her a fright. They only had blotches on one area of the body, their crotches. This confused Alex as there were still a good quantity of swimmers who appeared to be fully naturalistic and realized what had happened. Rushing to her bag and still soaking wet naked her grandmother lay out on the sand getting a tan she threw on her glasses to reveal the conclusion she knew all too well at this point. All of the boys were clad in swim trunks she spun around to see her grandfather and brother at the snack stand wearing suits and then back to the beach to gaze upon half a dozen naked girls with their families acting like business as usual. Initially she covered up and began to dig through the bag but to no avail.
"Oh what are you looking for sweetie water or sunscreen?" Her grandmother said with a smile
"My swimsuit or sun dress I didn't know all these boys were going to see me bare like this" Alex said throwing her hair back before giving it another search.
"Oh its in the car do you want to head up and get it" Her grandmother replied paying no mind to it
The car??? So I have to go back into public naked head to toe besides these silly flip flops and my nerdy glasses???
"Oh no that's okay I just wanted to be a little modest is all" Alex said smiling trying to garner sympathy
"Alex you know girls don't need any modesty and you know you still have to be punished for what you did to your poor brother so enjoy it for now." Her grandmother turned over and went to take a nap.
Alex started to weigh her options she could either go back to the car and get the swimsuit risking being seen by more people outside of the cenote or just wait it out until the end of the day. Alex resigned deciding to take her glasses back off and wade into the deeper ends of the pool to spend her afternoon. Hours passed and she was getting a little tired of swimming so she made a break for the jungle when nobody was looking finding a small patch of beach in a secluded area she placed her towel down and laid there to rest for a bit. When she awoke she realized that more people had shown up next to her all partying without her glasses on and still a bit weary she couldn't quite make out what they were doing or wearing but she assumed them to be nude.
"Oye, Ven a tomarte una foto con nosotros! nunca hemos conocido a otro naturalista"
Alex arguably didn't know any spanish but decided to just agree as she got up in a group of several boys and girls in a line maybe they were playing a game? She looked around and up couldn't tell what was happening hear a few clicks then everyone split and went back to their own thing. I guess they all decided not to play I wonder what that was about she squinted again and confirmed most of them were clothed besides one or two girls. she shrugged and started to walk back to her grandparents. By this point most of the other locals who had come were drying off and began to wander back up to the main entrance draped in towels or beach bags. Alex started to make her way up to the showers this time glasses on almost forgetting her totally nude state before realizing she forgot her towel!
"hold on grandma I forgot my towel Ill be there in a second" She ran back down to the cenote which was almost deserted at this point besides a few stragglers everyone was dressed now as she was the only one who hadn't been able to bring her stuff down. She imagined how funny she must have looked a fully nude spanish girl with big nerdy glasses franticly looking for her towel a few of the locals looked over and laughed a bit before heading back up. Alex Ran into her brother jose.
"Jose I can't find my towel did you see it anywhere?" she said covering up her breasts as they began to poke out.
"No I didn't see if Alex where did you leave it last?"
"I think over there" she said pointing and uncovering her right breast jose took a peak before looking in the direction.
"I don't see it sister, are you sure you left it there or up at the showers?"
"no I didn't leave it at the shower!" Alex barked angrily getting a little red knowing Jose had the power this time but also getting that familiar feeling.
"I'm sorry don't get mad with me im just trying to help" he said as he licked his ice cream and stuck his hand in his pocked "but if you don't want it you can find it yourself"
"Okay find I'm sorry please help me out"
"well... okay but can you do something for me?" Jose said grinning
Alex groaned "What..."
"can you do a squat for me like I had to do I just want to see what you look like down there"
"no way you creep!" Alex said re covering herself but once again feelings started to swell up even stronger than yesterday, she almost wanted to do it.
"okay suite yourself" Alex said turning
"WAIT!" Alex yelped desperately
She lowered herself into a squat placing her hands on her knees and let herself relax as Jose got a great look at his big sister only clad with some flip flops and her glasses. She gave him a peace sign and a smile in a form of a self admitted defeat. Her bare pussy was visible and looked to be getting slightly wet. The legs which Jose had seen plenty of almost gained an intimacy of their own as they connected to the rest of her hips which had looked thick and by this point being out in the sun completely tanned. While she didn't have remarkably large boobs they were still nice to look at and her nipples seemed to point out and ask to be played with. Jose had to admit it was quite a shameful display even for his sisters sake who had embarrassed him. All this time she had been the one who had been modest and clothed and now here he was enjoying a cool treat while she had to expose herself to her fully clothed and relaxed brother.
Alex on the other hand was red hot, She had somewhat known about being turned on from the times she played with her brother and when they were both simultaneously naked but now the power he had over her was overwhelming. She knew he didn't have a bad bone in his body but being on full display to him gave her an embarrassment and a pleasure she really couldn't put her petite finger on. After about a minute of that little staring contest between the siblings she got up as he started to hunt through the jungle. Somehow he was able to find it within 5 minutes (He hid it but that will stay our little secret). He handed it over and Alex once again felt the warmth of clothing on her naked body they wandered up the path and continued to the showers where she once again tossed aside the towel washing and returning it to her body walking towards the car getting in her grandmother handed over her sun dress which she coincidentally couldn't get on that quick giving her brother another nice look at her nudity before they drove back to the hotel only having one more day at this miraculous spot.
Last edited by Wastelander on Fri Jan 17, 2025 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
Give me some feedback whenever you can! I will be writing more soon and want to hear what was good vs bad
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
Part 2
Alex got home that night from the Cenote feeling refreshed all be it a bit shaken by her sudden "only one naked" nature but decided to brush it off and get some rest for the big day tomorrow. She looked out the window and could see the ocean waves crashing against the beach as the palm trees swayed above casting long shadows across the white sand which shown like a snow covered field littered with big branching dark paths. She nestled back down and decided to sleep instead of venturing out. "maybe tomorrow" she thought as she drifted off into dreamland. The next day she awoke with a sudden delight as she could smell the familiar smell of corn tortillas being made on the press. She loved her grandmothers meals and quickly raced downstairs to get first in line before her brother was to beat her. When she got down her grandmother took one look at her and laughed
"What!" Alex said "Did I miss the tortillas?"
"uh no you certainly didn't miss them but you're missing something" Jose called from behind her wearing his Pajama pants and a white T shirt
"looks like you're having your tortillas plain" Her grandma said pointing down
Alex had forgotten her bottoms and worse yet her panties as well!
"arg" Alex said pulling down her shirt barely covering her beautiful round butt from her brother who was laughing.
"Oh don't worry about them for now lets eat!" Alexes grandfather said chuckling and pulling out a chair.
"But my brother can see my privates, aren't girls supposed to have SOME modesty?" Alex protested
"Well, Yes but so do the boys to a degree and you didn't show your brother much when you decided to pull that stunt in the barn with those two girls watching" He replied a bit more sternly
Alex sighed and made her way to the table pulling up and placing a napkin over her bare pussy trying her best to hide the nudity from her brother but once again that all too familiar feeling started to arise within her.
They ate quickly and shared some laughs talking about the 2 days at the cenote and feeling a bit down that their last day had come although this was not the end and they would surely return one day! After breakfast Alex hurried upstairs but followed closely by her brother. Trying to hide she brought a napkin with her attempting to hide her shapely booty but to little avail as it covered small portions of her not the entire thing. Alex got upstairs closed the door and found her sun dress along with her swim suit. "This time" She thought "I can finally wear clothes" once she finished she was met with her brother and grandparents downstairs all packing up ready to go everything seemed normal her grandmother had her suit on as did her brother and grandfather no extra nudity phew she was relieved. Hopping in the car her sun dress once again flew up several times but to her brothers and to hers to a degree disappointment the swimsuit protected her modesty. Once by the entrance Alex gave her glasses to her grandmother for the showers and noticed this time that EVERYONE appeared to have a suit on not just the boys like yesterday or when everyone was naked the day before. Oh well, she thought, it was fun while it lasted. Stepping into the shower she once again shed her clothing not being able to see what was exactly going on. When she stepped back out and tried reaching for her sun dress it was not there then turning she went for her swimsuit which was also missing. She thought this a little odd as all the girls who were in there were getting naked for the showers then putting on their swimsuits to head down to the cenote. Huh, I guess that I should just head down maybe she took it by accident. This made some semblance of sense to Alex beside the fact that her grandmother had left Alex her shoes which Alex slid on quickly. Reaching the beach and without her glasses Alex couldn't quite make out what was going on but there seemed to be a bit of a commotion when she arrived chalking it up to nothing she started squinting and looking for her grandmother before finding them at the opposite end of the water. Well I guess this is the best way to get there, Alex thought as she made her way into the water taking big strides past the various fish life that she had grown accustomed to. reaching the shore she got up flip flops smacking against the back of her feet and standing dripping from the water she approached her grandmother. "Hey can you please give me my swim suit I think you took it by accident"
"Oh your suit?" Alexes grandmother replied "I didn't think you'd need it so I left it by the car"
"by the car?" Alex panicked a bit and suddenly realizing she was standing bare in front of her family tried to cover a bit with her arms "do you at least have my sun dress?"
"No?" her grandmother said "I only saw your suit"
Alexes mind was scrambling, once again finding herself in a very embarrassing situation. She quickly dove into the bag looking for any piece of clothing only being able to find a towel and her spectacles which she threw on. Although what she saw made her wish she was blind. ALL of the other guests at the cenote young and old were all wearing bathing suits from the grandparents to the toddlers the only ones who seemed to be nude were her and the muscelaneous baby here and there that the family had brought and would cover right back up after they got out of the water. Alex groaned and wrapped the towel around her wet body. She had to think of something, she could go back up to the car and get the suit but she would have to go out into the public area wearing just a towel. That might work she thought and started towards the hut.
"Wait a minute that my towel" Jose said "you can't just take it and make it all wet"
"Jose please" Alex said flustered and gripping it tightly "I need to get my suit I can't be the only one naked here everyone is gonna see"
"well you should have thought about that before you came down here" jose barked (he knew what he was doing)
"Ill give it back when I get down" Alex said
"well that doesn't help me now if I want to lay on the sand" Jose replied
weighing her options Alex finally broke down
"Fine ill make you a deal, If you let me use the towel now Ill cook you something when we get home"
"Oh?" Alex said opening an eye "just one thing?"
"For a week" Alex said
"for a week bottomless" Jose replied chuckling
"no way!"
"well I guess you'll just have to wander up there in your flip flops"
"Fine!" she admitted defeat and quickly hurried towards the shower huts.
While up there she made her way past the showering girls and into the main area. Walking towards the cars she glanced over and saw the daily activities for the Cenote they read
Monday - Nude day
Tuesday - Clothed men nude females
Wednesday - Clothing encouraged
Thursday - Clothed Females nude men
Friday - Naturalist day (optional nudity)
Saturday/Sunday Clothing required
Darn, she thought as they were leaving tomorrow and wouldn't get to place her brother in such a spot. Quickly looking for the car she spotted it on the far side her hair was beginning to dry at this point and get a bit more fluffy. She was so excited to get to the car she tried to break out into a quick sprint but tumbled over herself and the towel leaving a big tear in it. This was bad as she was going to have to explain this to her grandparents and brother and also tore a huge hole in the part she was using to cover up her gluteus maximus. She shifted it around a bit and exposed different parts of herself on accident before trying to door and.... it was locked... of course she thought just her luck. She looked back across the parking lot and gripped her towel tightly as she noticed more and more people were showing up making the area crowded. Wandering by the towel blew up and exposed her thighs and parts of her pussy to a big tour bus all of the people on board were cheering and laughing as they knew this was a very nudist friendly resort. Alex felt mortified and clutched it close once back to the entrance she tried to go back before being stopped by the guard.
"ma'am you have to pay to get in"
"but I was here earlier my grandfather paid"
"Sorry we can't just let you wander back in here without a pass or anything"
"Well can i go down there with you so I can bring my grandfather up?"
"No I have to stay here unless you can pay you can wait right here for them"
Alex pouted and walked over to the bench being careful to fold her towel to not expose herself more than she had then hatched an idea, it may not have been the greatest but it would get the job done. She slowly crept to the side of the showers and made a quick break for the jungle hearing the guard yelling at her to come back she darted in and began to run first slowly then gaining speed she almost tripped but regained her footing and gaining a sort of new freeness. She did not care she only wanted to get the keys and get her swimsuit back on. Once down to the beach on the 10 minute run through the parts of the jungle she looked down and noticed why she had felt so much more free. Once again like before she stood naked on the beach and in front of a family no less.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry" She said covering up as the mother laughed her two boys being transfixed on the beautiful bare hispanic girl before them. Luckily she did not lose her glasses but had to navigate her way around the shore instead of swimming walking past several other families trying her best to hide her modesty but like before hadn't been able to cover her butt. making her way to her family this time exhausted and fully nude once again she sat next to her grandparents
"Change your mind on the suit?" her grandmother said chuckling again
"No the car was locked" Alex groaned
"Well can I have my towel back" Jose asked inquisitively
"I lost it in the woods" Alex looked down
"oh dear... well that won't do I guess we can go see if they have spares up there in the meantime lets just enjoy our time here" The grandfather said leaning back and sipping from his beer
Easy for them to say Alex thought, she was the only one naked at a beach full of happy folks all clothed and covered up. She lay back on the warm sand and before she knew it dozed off. She dreamed about being back at home in the states and being able to wear clothes not having to put up with any of this vacation nudity nor what may await her back at the ranch. Then suddenly she was awoken by a big splash of water as one of the small children had done a cannonball in the water in front of her. Trying to regain her surroundings she got up and looked around. The sun had begun to wane on the horizon but there were still many hours left to go she looked down and saw how her pussy glistened in the sunlight and her breasts had grown to a larger size maybe the natural air was good for her she thought. She turned over onto her stomach revealing a very fine coating of the white sand on her big beautiful cheeks. Jose looked over admiring his over sisters bare butt wanting to lay his head on it but deciding instead to remain respectful.
"Hey Alex can you rub some lotion on my back" he said smiling
"uh sure" She stated getting up for a moment brushing off the sand.
She poured a nice big portion onto her hands and began to rub her brothers back and shoulders before making her way down to his lower back. She wanted to so badly pull them down and embarrass him a bit but remembered what consequences she was already facing so decided against it.
"Okay roll over" She said but to no avail "Jose roll over" She spoke up again shaking him before being met with a long snoring sound, he had fallen asleep as she was rubbing his back
"well" she said out loud a few feet back from her grandparents "I don't want him to get burned now do I" She grinned as she motioned for putting on more lotion grabbing his legs and rubbing them up and down before going up to the edges of his trunks. With a few quick motions she probed the area going up and into his suit before touching his thighs he shifted a bit but kept sleeping. She worked quickly but smoothly slowly going upwards into his shorts again and grazing his balls at first with her hand she felt a rush. She then placed but her hands up his suit grabbing his balls again giving it a tug. Her hands were wet and oily from the sunscreen so she made quick work of her brother then encroaching upon his butt hefore probing it. Jose awoke and turned around throwing off his sister.
"Hey you're not supposed to be doing that" He said pointing at her
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Alex said begging for her forgiveness.
"Alex why can't you control yourself" Said their grandmother causing a scene "You can't just leave your hands to yourself lets see how you like it"
End of this part (part 2 I believe?)
Alex got home that night from the Cenote feeling refreshed all be it a bit shaken by her sudden "only one naked" nature but decided to brush it off and get some rest for the big day tomorrow. She looked out the window and could see the ocean waves crashing against the beach as the palm trees swayed above casting long shadows across the white sand which shown like a snow covered field littered with big branching dark paths. She nestled back down and decided to sleep instead of venturing out. "maybe tomorrow" she thought as she drifted off into dreamland. The next day she awoke with a sudden delight as she could smell the familiar smell of corn tortillas being made on the press. She loved her grandmothers meals and quickly raced downstairs to get first in line before her brother was to beat her. When she got down her grandmother took one look at her and laughed
"What!" Alex said "Did I miss the tortillas?"
"uh no you certainly didn't miss them but you're missing something" Jose called from behind her wearing his Pajama pants and a white T shirt
"looks like you're having your tortillas plain" Her grandma said pointing down
Alex had forgotten her bottoms and worse yet her panties as well!
"arg" Alex said pulling down her shirt barely covering her beautiful round butt from her brother who was laughing.
"Oh don't worry about them for now lets eat!" Alexes grandfather said chuckling and pulling out a chair.
"But my brother can see my privates, aren't girls supposed to have SOME modesty?" Alex protested
"Well, Yes but so do the boys to a degree and you didn't show your brother much when you decided to pull that stunt in the barn with those two girls watching" He replied a bit more sternly
Alex sighed and made her way to the table pulling up and placing a napkin over her bare pussy trying her best to hide the nudity from her brother but once again that all too familiar feeling started to arise within her.
They ate quickly and shared some laughs talking about the 2 days at the cenote and feeling a bit down that their last day had come although this was not the end and they would surely return one day! After breakfast Alex hurried upstairs but followed closely by her brother. Trying to hide she brought a napkin with her attempting to hide her shapely booty but to little avail as it covered small portions of her not the entire thing. Alex got upstairs closed the door and found her sun dress along with her swim suit. "This time" She thought "I can finally wear clothes" once she finished she was met with her brother and grandparents downstairs all packing up ready to go everything seemed normal her grandmother had her suit on as did her brother and grandfather no extra nudity phew she was relieved. Hopping in the car her sun dress once again flew up several times but to her brothers and to hers to a degree disappointment the swimsuit protected her modesty. Once by the entrance Alex gave her glasses to her grandmother for the showers and noticed this time that EVERYONE appeared to have a suit on not just the boys like yesterday or when everyone was naked the day before. Oh well, she thought, it was fun while it lasted. Stepping into the shower she once again shed her clothing not being able to see what was exactly going on. When she stepped back out and tried reaching for her sun dress it was not there then turning she went for her swimsuit which was also missing. She thought this a little odd as all the girls who were in there were getting naked for the showers then putting on their swimsuits to head down to the cenote. Huh, I guess that I should just head down maybe she took it by accident. This made some semblance of sense to Alex beside the fact that her grandmother had left Alex her shoes which Alex slid on quickly. Reaching the beach and without her glasses Alex couldn't quite make out what was going on but there seemed to be a bit of a commotion when she arrived chalking it up to nothing she started squinting and looking for her grandmother before finding them at the opposite end of the water. Well I guess this is the best way to get there, Alex thought as she made her way into the water taking big strides past the various fish life that she had grown accustomed to. reaching the shore she got up flip flops smacking against the back of her feet and standing dripping from the water she approached her grandmother. "Hey can you please give me my swim suit I think you took it by accident"
"Oh your suit?" Alexes grandmother replied "I didn't think you'd need it so I left it by the car"
"by the car?" Alex panicked a bit and suddenly realizing she was standing bare in front of her family tried to cover a bit with her arms "do you at least have my sun dress?"
"No?" her grandmother said "I only saw your suit"
Alexes mind was scrambling, once again finding herself in a very embarrassing situation. She quickly dove into the bag looking for any piece of clothing only being able to find a towel and her spectacles which she threw on. Although what she saw made her wish she was blind. ALL of the other guests at the cenote young and old were all wearing bathing suits from the grandparents to the toddlers the only ones who seemed to be nude were her and the muscelaneous baby here and there that the family had brought and would cover right back up after they got out of the water. Alex groaned and wrapped the towel around her wet body. She had to think of something, she could go back up to the car and get the suit but she would have to go out into the public area wearing just a towel. That might work she thought and started towards the hut.
"Wait a minute that my towel" Jose said "you can't just take it and make it all wet"
"Jose please" Alex said flustered and gripping it tightly "I need to get my suit I can't be the only one naked here everyone is gonna see"
"well you should have thought about that before you came down here" jose barked (he knew what he was doing)
"Ill give it back when I get down" Alex said
"well that doesn't help me now if I want to lay on the sand" Jose replied
weighing her options Alex finally broke down
"Fine ill make you a deal, If you let me use the towel now Ill cook you something when we get home"
"Oh?" Alex said opening an eye "just one thing?"
"For a week" Alex said
"for a week bottomless" Jose replied chuckling
"no way!"
"well I guess you'll just have to wander up there in your flip flops"
"Fine!" she admitted defeat and quickly hurried towards the shower huts.
While up there she made her way past the showering girls and into the main area. Walking towards the cars she glanced over and saw the daily activities for the Cenote they read
Monday - Nude day
Tuesday - Clothed men nude females
Wednesday - Clothing encouraged
Thursday - Clothed Females nude men
Friday - Naturalist day (optional nudity)
Saturday/Sunday Clothing required
Darn, she thought as they were leaving tomorrow and wouldn't get to place her brother in such a spot. Quickly looking for the car she spotted it on the far side her hair was beginning to dry at this point and get a bit more fluffy. She was so excited to get to the car she tried to break out into a quick sprint but tumbled over herself and the towel leaving a big tear in it. This was bad as she was going to have to explain this to her grandparents and brother and also tore a huge hole in the part she was using to cover up her gluteus maximus. She shifted it around a bit and exposed different parts of herself on accident before trying to door and.... it was locked... of course she thought just her luck. She looked back across the parking lot and gripped her towel tightly as she noticed more and more people were showing up making the area crowded. Wandering by the towel blew up and exposed her thighs and parts of her pussy to a big tour bus all of the people on board were cheering and laughing as they knew this was a very nudist friendly resort. Alex felt mortified and clutched it close once back to the entrance she tried to go back before being stopped by the guard.
"ma'am you have to pay to get in"
"but I was here earlier my grandfather paid"
"Sorry we can't just let you wander back in here without a pass or anything"
"Well can i go down there with you so I can bring my grandfather up?"
"No I have to stay here unless you can pay you can wait right here for them"
Alex pouted and walked over to the bench being careful to fold her towel to not expose herself more than she had then hatched an idea, it may not have been the greatest but it would get the job done. She slowly crept to the side of the showers and made a quick break for the jungle hearing the guard yelling at her to come back she darted in and began to run first slowly then gaining speed she almost tripped but regained her footing and gaining a sort of new freeness. She did not care she only wanted to get the keys and get her swimsuit back on. Once down to the beach on the 10 minute run through the parts of the jungle she looked down and noticed why she had felt so much more free. Once again like before she stood naked on the beach and in front of a family no less.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry" She said covering up as the mother laughed her two boys being transfixed on the beautiful bare hispanic girl before them. Luckily she did not lose her glasses but had to navigate her way around the shore instead of swimming walking past several other families trying her best to hide her modesty but like before hadn't been able to cover her butt. making her way to her family this time exhausted and fully nude once again she sat next to her grandparents
"Change your mind on the suit?" her grandmother said chuckling again
"No the car was locked" Alex groaned
"Well can I have my towel back" Jose asked inquisitively
"I lost it in the woods" Alex looked down
"oh dear... well that won't do I guess we can go see if they have spares up there in the meantime lets just enjoy our time here" The grandfather said leaning back and sipping from his beer
Easy for them to say Alex thought, she was the only one naked at a beach full of happy folks all clothed and covered up. She lay back on the warm sand and before she knew it dozed off. She dreamed about being back at home in the states and being able to wear clothes not having to put up with any of this vacation nudity nor what may await her back at the ranch. Then suddenly she was awoken by a big splash of water as one of the small children had done a cannonball in the water in front of her. Trying to regain her surroundings she got up and looked around. The sun had begun to wane on the horizon but there were still many hours left to go she looked down and saw how her pussy glistened in the sunlight and her breasts had grown to a larger size maybe the natural air was good for her she thought. She turned over onto her stomach revealing a very fine coating of the white sand on her big beautiful cheeks. Jose looked over admiring his over sisters bare butt wanting to lay his head on it but deciding instead to remain respectful.
"Hey Alex can you rub some lotion on my back" he said smiling
"uh sure" She stated getting up for a moment brushing off the sand.
She poured a nice big portion onto her hands and began to rub her brothers back and shoulders before making her way down to his lower back. She wanted to so badly pull them down and embarrass him a bit but remembered what consequences she was already facing so decided against it.
"Okay roll over" She said but to no avail "Jose roll over" She spoke up again shaking him before being met with a long snoring sound, he had fallen asleep as she was rubbing his back
"well" she said out loud a few feet back from her grandparents "I don't want him to get burned now do I" She grinned as she motioned for putting on more lotion grabbing his legs and rubbing them up and down before going up to the edges of his trunks. With a few quick motions she probed the area going up and into his suit before touching his thighs he shifted a bit but kept sleeping. She worked quickly but smoothly slowly going upwards into his shorts again and grazing his balls at first with her hand she felt a rush. She then placed but her hands up his suit grabbing his balls again giving it a tug. Her hands were wet and oily from the sunscreen so she made quick work of her brother then encroaching upon his butt hefore probing it. Jose awoke and turned around throwing off his sister.
"Hey you're not supposed to be doing that" He said pointing at her
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Alex said begging for her forgiveness.
"Alex why can't you control yourself" Said their grandmother causing a scene "You can't just leave your hands to yourself lets see how you like it"
End of this part (part 2 I believe?)
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- EddieDavidson
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
This is neat. A few suggestions;
* I had to google "Cenotes". I was picturing a C-note, (100 dollar bill). You may want to describe it more, and use other words for exposition of the location.
* I am the worst at grammar/editing before I post, and I am sure you probably plan to run a spell check - but could I ask that you space out your paragraphs? It is difficult to read because it is a bit of a wall of text.
* I like the inclusion of Spanish and don't mind googling. It is a bold choice. One alternative is to write the translation (In parenthesis) for those of who can't speak it.
* I am not a big fan of the third person narrative, because what I give up is Alex's internal dialogue and exposition that comes along with how she feels about things. You may want to consider writing this from Alex's perspective. A great example is when her grandmother says "You have to shower naturally". There is no follow up to that, and no questions, leading me to believe that Alex knows what that entails. Even if she does, I do not. if you wrote in 1st person, you could help the reader by adding the context of internal thoughts example; Grandma meant I'd have to stand under the natural falls without soap or shampoo and wash my body. I used to do that completely au natural when I was a little girl. I hoped she didn't expect me to remove my suit to shower outside!
I enjoy the authentic Hispanic feel to the characters and that is refreshing.
This is neat. A few suggestions;
* I had to google "Cenotes". I was picturing a C-note, (100 dollar bill). You may want to describe it more, and use other words for exposition of the location.
* I am the worst at grammar/editing before I post, and I am sure you probably plan to run a spell check - but could I ask that you space out your paragraphs? It is difficult to read because it is a bit of a wall of text.
* I like the inclusion of Spanish and don't mind googling. It is a bold choice. One alternative is to write the translation (In parenthesis) for those of who can't speak it.
* I am not a big fan of the third person narrative, because what I give up is Alex's internal dialogue and exposition that comes along with how she feels about things. You may want to consider writing this from Alex's perspective. A great example is when her grandmother says "You have to shower naturally". There is no follow up to that, and no questions, leading me to believe that Alex knows what that entails. Even if she does, I do not. if you wrote in 1st person, you could help the reader by adding the context of internal thoughts example; Grandma meant I'd have to stand under the natural falls without soap or shampoo and wash my body. I used to do that completely au natural when I was a little girl. I hoped she didn't expect me to remove my suit to shower outside!
I enjoy the authentic Hispanic feel to the characters and that is refreshing.
All of my stories:
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The site is free up to 100 chapters a day. You can get unlimited just for submitting stories.
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
First off hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my little story here! I appreciate the feedback ill have a look back and see if I can edit some stuff around or continue it with the notes you've provided me here.EddieDavidson wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:03 pm Hi,
This is neat. A few suggestions;
* I had to google "Cenotes". I was picturing a C-note, (100 dollar bill). You may want to describe it more, and use other words for exposition of the location.
* I am the worst at grammar/editing before I post, and I am sure you probably plan to run a spell check - but could I ask that you space out your paragraphs? It is difficult to read because it is a bit of a wall of text.
* I like the inclusion of Spanish and don't mind googling. It is a bold choice. One alternative is to write the translation (In parenthesis) for those of who can't speak it.
* I am not a big fan of the third person narrative, because what I give up is Alex's internal dialogue and exposition that comes along with how she feels about things. You may want to consider writing this from Alex's perspective. A great example is when her grandmother says "You have to shower naturally". There is no follow up to that, and no questions, leading me to believe that Alex knows what that entails. Even if she does, I do not. if you wrote in 1st person, you could help the reader by adding the context of internal thoughts example; Grandma meant I'd have to stand under the natural falls without soap or shampoo and wash my body. I used to do that completely au natural when I was a little girl. I hoped she didn't expect me to remove my suit to shower outside!
I enjoy the authentic Hispanic feel to the characters and that is refreshing.
For the cenotes yes I should add some more description into it i only learned of them recently.
I didnt spell check and the paragraph spacing was relatively random on my end that's my fault.
The reason I left it untranslated was for the reader to Google it themselves like a story within but perhaps I should add translations.
The last critique is something with my writing I need to add more descriptors with I just get an idea in my head and I'm often super eager to get to that place and write it out so I'll try and adjust it accordingly!
Lastly thank you again for reading it and the compliment i unfortunately feel like a majority of ENF runs over the Hispanic side and could be a welcome portion taking place in another country or with those characters
- EddieDavidson
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
I am always happy to encourage a fellow author!!
You have a great imagination here. If you write it like she is telling the story, it also helps you to see it through her eyes. I imagine I am the character, sitting across from the reader, shooting the shit and telling them the most interesting thing that ever happened to me.
Alex telling her story. What's next for her?
You have a great imagination here. If you write it like she is telling the story, it also helps you to see it through her eyes. I imagine I am the character, sitting across from the reader, shooting the shit and telling them the most interesting thing that ever happened to me.
Alex telling her story. What's next for her?
All of my stories:
The site is free up to 100 chapters a day. You can get unlimited just for submitting stories.
The site is free up to 100 chapters a day. You can get unlimited just for submitting stories.
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
Part 3! (This might be a shorter part)
Jose stood up recovering from his massage as their grandmother began to scold the poor nude Alex. Attempting to cover up Alex thought to herself how this could get any worse.
"Alex just what were you thinking by doing that! No more touching! I thought i told you to lay off your brother!
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to honestly" Alex replied turning redder by the minute
Some of the other families were starting to look over and notice the commotion that had started. Alex could feel herself being beemed at by multiple park goers not so much for the nudity as several of them would come on the nude day but more so for the yelling. Regardless even though she had been made to go nude Alex was far from feeling comfortable in her body. As if being able to read her mind in that moment Alex had an unlikely ally.
"It's okay grandmother she didn't mean anything negative by it" Jose stepped in dusting the sand off his knees "besides i needed to get up and turn over" he laughed putting his arm around Alex's bare shoulders
Their grandmother shot Alex one last look of disappointment and anger before turning and walking away.
"Thanks little brother I really owe you one" alex said letting out a little smile
"More than one!" Jose said laughing with her before resetting the towel on the ground "go in lay down I'll give you a second coat"
"Haha no thanks I appreciate it though" Alex said feeling her knees weaken. The idea of her younger brother putting his hands on her while she was totally bare like this would be even more humiliating than her simply being the only one naked at this particular instance.
"Ah cmon I promise I'll be a gentleman" he said grabbing the sun screen from the bag "plus you do owe me one" he winked at her
"Fine! But nothing weird!" She said before laying back down on the ground her large round butt protruding into the sky. Thinking to herself for a moment maybe this wouldn't be too bad I mean he hasn't lead me astray yet while I've been in such a vulnerable position. Alex closed her eyes and let down her hair trying ti imagine being somewhere else before feeling her brothers hands smoothing down across her shoulders and exposed parts of her arms. The lotion felt cold but soothing in the hot sun against her brown skin. She sighed deeply as he made his way down her upper shoulders before meeting her back and below. Just when alex thought he was gonna touch her butt priming herself to flip over and scold her younger sibbling he ignored it and went to her legs preening all the way down towards her ankles. Jose slowly removed her flip flops one at a time before coating the balls of her feet with the lotion and getting between each individual toe. She couldn't believe she was thinking this but Alex started to feel a particular feeling swelling up from within her and manifesting as her flower began to feel wet. Not good she thought, getting turned on by this sort of thing could lead to LONG lasting consequences (which dear reader you will remember from the very first page of this story). Jose finished with Alex's feet and made his way up to the large task at hand her voluptuous butt. While she wasn't super large in the booty department compared to her small short stature her butt really stuck out from years of running sports and keeping a decently healthy diet. Jose pressed his hands on the tops of her buttox before sliding his hands down towards the center and making circular motions. The touching and the cold lotion started to give Alex a bit of a rush as the sound changed to something else she couldn't believe. Jose had begun to slowly bit by bit spread her cheeks open and coat the trenches of her buttox getting relatively close to her precious flower. Alex placed her head in the towel and tried to bite down. "I can't believe I'm enjoying this" she thought to herself "I didn't want to but my body feels so hot right now I need some privacy". Alex gripped her hips as Joae continued to coat her large and exposed butt spreading it even more for the sunlight to touch places it never had on her tan body.
"Are you okay sis" Jose said wondering why his sister had essentially gone mute
"Yeah I'm just, tired is all so im trying to sleep" alex squeaked out trying not to let out a moan
"Ah okay do you want me to stop and let you rest?"
"No it's okay you can keep going" (yeah keep going) she thought
"Alright well your back is done want to flip over?"
"Yeah sure" alex very carefully switched herself back onto her back pulling the towel over and covering up the large wet spot she had created hoping her brother wouldn't notice the mess she had made.
"Alright get comfortable this might take a bit" Jose said smiling
End of part 3
Jose stood up recovering from his massage as their grandmother began to scold the poor nude Alex. Attempting to cover up Alex thought to herself how this could get any worse.
"Alex just what were you thinking by doing that! No more touching! I thought i told you to lay off your brother!
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to honestly" Alex replied turning redder by the minute
Some of the other families were starting to look over and notice the commotion that had started. Alex could feel herself being beemed at by multiple park goers not so much for the nudity as several of them would come on the nude day but more so for the yelling. Regardless even though she had been made to go nude Alex was far from feeling comfortable in her body. As if being able to read her mind in that moment Alex had an unlikely ally.
"It's okay grandmother she didn't mean anything negative by it" Jose stepped in dusting the sand off his knees "besides i needed to get up and turn over" he laughed putting his arm around Alex's bare shoulders
Their grandmother shot Alex one last look of disappointment and anger before turning and walking away.
"Thanks little brother I really owe you one" alex said letting out a little smile
"More than one!" Jose said laughing with her before resetting the towel on the ground "go in lay down I'll give you a second coat"
"Haha no thanks I appreciate it though" Alex said feeling her knees weaken. The idea of her younger brother putting his hands on her while she was totally bare like this would be even more humiliating than her simply being the only one naked at this particular instance.
"Ah cmon I promise I'll be a gentleman" he said grabbing the sun screen from the bag "plus you do owe me one" he winked at her
"Fine! But nothing weird!" She said before laying back down on the ground her large round butt protruding into the sky. Thinking to herself for a moment maybe this wouldn't be too bad I mean he hasn't lead me astray yet while I've been in such a vulnerable position. Alex closed her eyes and let down her hair trying ti imagine being somewhere else before feeling her brothers hands smoothing down across her shoulders and exposed parts of her arms. The lotion felt cold but soothing in the hot sun against her brown skin. She sighed deeply as he made his way down her upper shoulders before meeting her back and below. Just when alex thought he was gonna touch her butt priming herself to flip over and scold her younger sibbling he ignored it and went to her legs preening all the way down towards her ankles. Jose slowly removed her flip flops one at a time before coating the balls of her feet with the lotion and getting between each individual toe. She couldn't believe she was thinking this but Alex started to feel a particular feeling swelling up from within her and manifesting as her flower began to feel wet. Not good she thought, getting turned on by this sort of thing could lead to LONG lasting consequences (which dear reader you will remember from the very first page of this story). Jose finished with Alex's feet and made his way up to the large task at hand her voluptuous butt. While she wasn't super large in the booty department compared to her small short stature her butt really stuck out from years of running sports and keeping a decently healthy diet. Jose pressed his hands on the tops of her buttox before sliding his hands down towards the center and making circular motions. The touching and the cold lotion started to give Alex a bit of a rush as the sound changed to something else she couldn't believe. Jose had begun to slowly bit by bit spread her cheeks open and coat the trenches of her buttox getting relatively close to her precious flower. Alex placed her head in the towel and tried to bite down. "I can't believe I'm enjoying this" she thought to herself "I didn't want to but my body feels so hot right now I need some privacy". Alex gripped her hips as Joae continued to coat her large and exposed butt spreading it even more for the sunlight to touch places it never had on her tan body.
"Are you okay sis" Jose said wondering why his sister had essentially gone mute
"Yeah I'm just, tired is all so im trying to sleep" alex squeaked out trying not to let out a moan
"Ah okay do you want me to stop and let you rest?"
"No it's okay you can keep going" (yeah keep going) she thought
"Alright well your back is done want to flip over?"
"Yeah sure" alex very carefully switched herself back onto her back pulling the towel over and covering up the large wet spot she had created hoping her brother wouldn't notice the mess she had made.
"Alright get comfortable this might take a bit" Jose said smiling
End of part 3
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Re: Alex the farm girl - Cenotes ahead!
I'm gonna have a bit more here then a small portion at the resort before ending up back at the farm to wrap it upEddieDavidson wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:13 pm I am always happy to encourage a fellow author!!
You have a great imagination here. If you write it like she is telling the story, it also helps you to see it through her eyes. I imagine I am the character, sitting across from the reader, shooting the shit and telling them the most interesting thing that ever happened to me.
Alex telling her story. What's next for her?
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