Good to have witch for a friend.

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Good to have witch for a friend.

Post by Vader »

This is another one-off idea I finally decided to do.

Daniel and Jessica had been married for ten years both were very attractive with model looks and bodies together they had built a very successful business and were extremely well off financially one of their biggest problems was Daniels over inflated ego believing he was responsible for all their business success and while he did play a part in some of it Jessica was the true driving force in the success. The other big problem was Daniels sexist attitude towards Jessica treating her like she was just eye candy there just to look good for him Jessica finally had enough, and they had separated and were in the process of getting a divorce during this time Daniel had been having a number of flings with various women his current fling was Carmen a very hot redhead with an amazing body he truly lusted after something she would take full advantage of.
Carmen was a skilled sculptor with a great talent for doing any type of sculpture, but she was especially good at doing nudes one evening after one of their flings she told Daniel that she had a request for a statue of a nude male and that his body type and physique especially one body part match up great to what they wanted and asked him to be the model for it. Daniel was not sure he really was the right person for something like that as he was not a professional model, Carmen told him get real you have model looks and body and all you will have to do is stand still besides I know you like being naked in front of me and who knows I might decide to do the work naked for you at times playing to his ego did the trick and he agreed to be her model.

Carmen gave him the address of her studio and told him to be there at ten O clock Saturday Daniel arrived right on time looking forward to being naked in front of Carmen and hoping today was one of the times she would be working naked as he entered the studio, he noticed it was pretty decent sized but looked surprisingly clean for doing sculpting but didn't think anything of it. Carmen told him alright let's get started so get those clothes off this was something Daniel was only too happy to do and was naked in short order what about you he asked? If you mean, will I be working naked this won't be one of the times but before we start let's have a toast she went in another room and brought back two glasses and handed him one this is a special blend I made myself Daniel took the glass what's the toast? Carmen replied to making you a sexy nude statue they clinked glasses and downed the drinks, and Carmen told him let's get started.
Before she began, she asked Daniel if he was ready, he told her he was good to go, and she told him alright let's get you into your pose she began moving him into position having him look straight ahead in kind of a muscle pose with his muscles flexed his legs apart enough to put his penis and balls on full display Daniel quickly noticed that her touch even though it was strictly professional had him fully erect in a matter of moments. Carmen noticed his surprise it's the effect of the drink she told him it really helps when someone wants a very realistic statue you hold this pose, and I will be right back. She returned moments carrying a bowl and a couple of small bottles and what looked like some herbs Daniel asked what is all that she just told him give me a minute she put all the herbs in the bowl then poured the contents of the bottle in and mixed it all up she then light a match tossed it in and began to chant something and suddenly there was bright lights coming from the bowl and a whooshing sound as they engulfed him for a few seconds and disappeared.
Daniel tried to ask what that was, but he couldn't speak he tried to raise his hands to his throat, but he couldn't move them in fact he couldn't move at all he could feel his body stiffening up and his skin color changing he was in a panic not knowing what was happening to him he could hear a loud crackling sound which after a few moments began to fade and end totally. As this was happening Carmen had been watching with neither shock nor surprise, she told him be right back and returned quickly with a full-length mirror and placed it in front of him and he saw himself standing there with every detail turned to stone he was now a nude statue!

Carmen looked at him and told him we have a successful toast excuse me a moment I have to call the client who commissioned this statue as she took her phone out and made the call Daniel was still trying to process all this telling himself it has to be dream while knowing it wasn't yes, he's ready he heard Carmen say I think you will be very pleased with the results see you in a few minutes. Carmen smiled at him and said company will be here in a moment no need for you leave the room moments later the doorbell rang, and Carmen called out it's open they could hear high heels clicking on the floor and seconds later Jessica entered the room. Daniel could do nothing as Jessica circled him inspecting every inch of him, she finally told Carmen this is perfect you did a great job my pleasure Carmen replied Jessica asked did the spell do everything it was supposed to oh yes Carmen told her even though he is now a statue he can see at least what is in front of him he can hear everything we are saying and she walked up to Daniel and reached between his legs and patted the stones that were now his balls he can feel whatever you do to him you could jerk him off and he would still feel the urge to climax but of course statues even one this sexy don't have orgasms.
Jessica looked Daniel in his stone eyes and told him since you can't ask the questions you so desperately want to; I will fill you in Carmen and I have been friends since we were kids' witchcraft has been part of her family for decades as time went by, I got sick of your sexist bushtit and how you treated me like nothing but an object for your pleasure when I was ranting about you to Carmen she told me of a way to put you in your place and allow me to get everything I deserve having a witch for a friend is a great thing and this is just the first step. Jessica handed a Carmen a card and asked her can you please have Daniel packed up and shipped to this address ASAP she told her I would have liked to have kept him a little longer but you have delt with him a long time so I will make the arrangements to have him picked up hearing them talk about packing him up and shipping him drove home to Daniel that he was now an object. After Jessica left Carmen called a shipper she used before and told them she had a statue she needed crated up and shipped she gave them the information needed to get the right sized crate, and they told her they could have people out first thing in the morning smiling at Daniel she added please make them female. The two women arrived at 9am and were shown the statue they would be packing and shipping wow one said nice way to start they day Carmen told them just be careful with him packing material was put in the crate a protective tarp was put over Daniel he was then placed inside, and more packing material was placed inside and the top of the crate was placed on and secured and he was taken out Carmen called Jessica and told her that the nude stone Daniel was on the way.

Jessica of course got tracking updates so she could have everything ready when he was delivered like Carmen did, she asked for female delivery drivers she finally got the notice Daniel was out for delivery the women delivering him were impressed with big house behind high walls and security gates they were delivering to they got the crate out put it on a dolly and rang the bell Jessica quickly opened the door and ushered them in. The women asked where she wanted this, she told them right here in the front hallway she led them about 15 feet down the hallway where she had a pedestal set up and told them this is where the statue will be set up Daniel could hear the crate being opened the packing material was removed and he was lifted out he could hear Jessica telling them where to place him he was set down and moments later the tarp was removed the two workers were stunned when they saw what was under the tarp dam they exclaimed as the saw naked stone Daniel with his muscles flexed and his erect cock standing straight out. What do you think Jessica asked that's some nice stone beefcake they told her yes; he is she agreed after everything was cleaned up the ladies asked would it be Ok if we got a picture of your statue not at all Jessica told them feel free to pose with him if you want both did, they each took a couple of pics and posed for a pic one holding his balls the other stroking his stone cock.
After the delivery women left Jessica told Daniel I have some good news and bad news for you the good is this can be reversed, and Carmen will do it as soon as I let her know I'm ready to do so the bad for you is I have a number of things to get down before then and they are going to take several months to do so until then she then reached down and took his erect stone penis in her hand and began stroking it I literally own your ass you will be a display piece for the enjoyment of women you always though attractive women were supposed to be seen and not heard to just stand there and look sexy well that is now your role to silently stand there while women enjoy your sexy naked body.
Jessica not only set Dainel up in the front hallway entrance where he would be visible for people coming and going but also had track lights set up over him, so he was fully visible all the time during the following months Jessica hosted many events for female groups and Daniel always got plenty of attention and Jessica always encouraged them to grope and fondle him and take pics of and with him the action on his naked stone body gave him the feeling and need for an orgasm that he could not achieve a maddening situation for him.

Daniel lost track of how long he had been on display on this day the doorbell rang, and Jessica gave him a hard slap on his stone ass as she passed him to open the door as it swung open, he saw Carmen oh thank God he thought as if she could read his mind Jessica said that's right it's time to make you flesh and blood again she looked at Carmen is everything ready she simply nodded. Ok Jessica said let me show you around as they went off without doing anything Daniel wondered if they really were going to free him from being a naked statue the day wore on and nothing later, they told him going out to eat be back later when they got back the told him see you at five. Daniel was getting more confused why would they be doing this at five in the morning but a little before five they showed up Jessica opened the door and Carmen spoke some kind of incantation and was able to lift him up and float him outside put him on trailer being pulled by a truck a cover was thrown over him and off they went. When the truck stopped and the cover taken off, he was again floated by Carmen on center square in the middle of downtown oh no Daniel thought as he realized he was going to be changed back and be totally naked in the middle of downtown and sunrise and people filling the streets not far off in a moment he would wish that was what it was.
After he was in place they pulled chains with metal cuffs on one end and locked his wrist in them then wrapped the other end around the metal beams surrounding square and locked them in place with this done Jessica told him while you were being my sexy naked statue, I was finalizing our divorce and since you were nowhere to be found I got complete control of the company, the bank accounts and properties Daniels head was spinning at hearing this. His thoughts were interrupted by Jessica asking your sure there is nothing to place us here Carmen told her don't worry I cast a spell that prevents any cameras from seeing us or any person someone could walk by right now and all they would see is him they wouldn't even see the truck and trailer great Jessica said I guess it's time for him to go from nude statue to nude man. Carmen did the reversal spell and moments later Daniel was himself again naked and chained up downtown before he could react, they were in the truck driving off. They got back to Jessica's about seven and turned on the TV and the local news was abuzz about a naked man chained up downtown there was video playing with his best parts of course blurred out and many people taking photos and the reporter saying before the police arrived a number of women were taking selfies with him and having their way with him.
Jesicca went to the kitchen and brought back a bottle of champagne it's early, but I think this is deserved as she popped the cork the newscaster reported the identity of the naked man, and the police had gotten him free Jessica poured them each a glass and as the live shot of naked Daniel being led away by the police was shown she raised her glass and said to the good life well not for Daniel Carmen said. Jessic told her he will be fine saying your ex has a best friend who is witch who turned you into and nude statue and they chained you up here and turned you back doesn't sound crazy at all.
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Re: Good to have witch for a friend.

Post by Jeepman89 »

Nicely done. Thanks for the New Years treat.
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Re: Good to have witch for a friend.

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:57 am Nicely done. Thanks for the New Years treat.
Thanks, figured this was good night for posting that plus getting tougher to think up new naked situations for James in bad day.
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Re: Good to have witch for a friend.

Post by tim409 »

Vader wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 11:29 pm This is another one-off idea I finally decided to do.
The other big problem was Daniels sexist attitude towards Jessica treating her like she was just eye candy there just to look good for him

Maybe he needs Dr. Showmore's treatment to knock the macho out of him (if there is any left in him)and I think Jessica would love to do it :D

Is it not most every male's dream to have a ROCK HARD COCK? Love how he was put on public display.
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