Twelve Days

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by SensoryOverlord »

"Unlike the prologue which is very much meant to be heartwarming"

It's beautiful and touching. Just finished reading it, I'm still crying.

"Because it doesn't really fit the theme of this board, it might not belong here,.... Also, who posts a Christmas story in January?"

Bah humbug. Who cares about that?

"the story itself is much more salacious and sexually explicit"

Audience applause over bawdy Christmas carols...
Splendid. She's going to be totally determined isn't she! The age difference only means she has to try harder. Not like _we_ mind. And Santa, please ensure Andy doesn't make it _too_ easy for her. But she does get her man. Or rather the man does get the naked and very gullible, obedient, eager and blushing angel. No matter how embarrassing she finds overcoming the obstancles and conditions he sets, or how shocking she finds her own unexpectedly naughty desires. Then they live happily and with virtually no clothing for her ever after. Just now and then something for her yellow vinyl fetish.
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

It's wonderful, I've fallen in love with Ashley already.

Your writing is excellent, ND, and you will always have my attention. I hope one day to see the full story of this!
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by mars357 »

neverdoubted wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:28 pm I see from everyone's comments that I did not do a good enough job establishing the timeline. I'm happy because that knowledge will make me a better writer. Please allow me to clarify. The prologue is meant to tell a backstory. It spans six Christmases over a ten year period - Ashley between the ages of six and sixteen and Andy twenty to thirty. As some have pointed out, it could stand alone as its own tale.

The titular story is much tighter in scope. It begins two years after the prologue (when Ashley is eighteen and Andy is thirty-two) and only covers those twelve days. I only wrote the prologue so the timeline wouldn't have to jump around and to avoid having to depend on flashbacks to establish traditions and identities. With everything already explained, including both character's motivations and intentions, the story can jump right into the good stuff when they are finally reunited after two long years.

Unlike the prologue which is very much meant to be heartwarming, the story itself is much more salacious and sexually explicit. Because it doesn't really fit the theme of this board, it might not belong here, and I see now why its existence has confused many readers. Also, who posts a Christmas story in January? I may just follow jimmythehand's advice and surprise everyone by posting it next Christmas.

~ ND
I loved the prologue and I very much like the sound of salacious and explicit follow up/main course with that build up! I wouldn't want to rant a whole year, ideally, life's too short!!!
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by jojo12026 »

I, too, loved the prologue. Would also like to see the whole story. Post a Christmas story any time!! No worries there.
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by student »

There's precedent for publishing a story set at Christmas anytime. Die Hard was a summer blockbuster.

Speaking of Die Hard, John McClain would up wearing less than he normally did. Imagine if it were Joan McClain...
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by neverdoubted »

Wow, I didn't expect this story to get so much traction. You all are going to end up willing this thing into existence, aren't you? As of right now, I'm not convinced to budge on the timeline (die hard or no die hard). But look at it this way, Andy had to wait two whole years. You'll only have to wait eleven months! :lol:
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Twelve Days

Post by cat93822 »

Personally I thought the timeline was quite clear, and easy to follow. It was interesting watching the two over time, and the slow and sometimes challenging adjusting to the fact that this "little girl" was becoming a young (to young) woman, in these fleeting snapshots. The use of the letters to give us some insight into her world view and thoughts and desires was also well done!

Now you do realise it's actually Christmas tomorrow? So it is now time to prep the next part for posting.

No edits to my calendar were made to support this post, its just that Christmas is so epic, its always here! 8-)
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by ENFfanatic »

neverdoubted wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:17 pm Wow, I didn't expect this story to get so much traction. You all are going to end up willing this thing into existence, aren't you? As of right now, I'm not convinced to budge on the timeline (die hard or no die hard). But look at it this way, Andy had to wait two whole years. You'll only have to wait eleven months! :lol:
Oh. I thought that part was a joke. This vexes me.
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by Kazu »

Then I shall wait.

Thanks again for such an enjoyable prologue.
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Re: Twelve Days

Post by nonround »

I made an account just to remind you that Christmas is right around the corner, and we have waited eleven months for this story! :D In all seriousness though, I thought the prologue was excellent, and I look forward to the main story.
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