Heather Plays Hockey [Final Chaper Posted on 12/27/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Heather Plays Hockey [Final Chaper Posted on 12/27/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by tiger_kitten_2025 »

Chapter 1 - Making the Team

Heather Mulqueany was 8 years old when she made her first wave with school administrators and the school board. Heather desperately wanted to join the school's peewee ice hockey team. The problem was it has always been a boys-only team. It was just an understood thing at that time that girls could play field hockey in the spring, but the winter ice hockey league was only for boys. The problem, at least for the school district, was that this was never written down. It wasn't in the team agreement or the league charter. Sure those documents mentioned "young men", "son", and "boy" throughout but it never explicitly said girls weren't allowed. Why would it? Since the school's inception in 1953, no girl had ever asked to join.

Heather was very good at roller blading and would play roller hockey by herself in her driveway. She could skate even before she learned to ride a bike. In the winter she loved to ice skate as well. Of course she wouldn't let her parents get her figure skates she wanted hockey skates. Her parents had always encouraged her and so when she turned 8 years old, the first year a child could play peewee hockey her parents filled out the sign-up forms. She was denied, of course, with the coach explaining it was a boy's team and giving them information about field hockey in the spring. Heather didn't want to play field hockey. With the help of her parents she appealed the denial and the principal upheld the coaches decision. So they went before the Board of Education for the district. It was contentious but after seeking legal council the district was advised in today's day and age that based on there being no historical proscription from girls joining the team the district would lose if it went to court. In a 3 to 2 vote, Heather Mulqueany was permitted to join the peewee ice hockey team. She was officially a Thompson Sled Dog, if only to avoid legal issues and treble damages for the school district.

One might think that the boys on the team would have been upset to have a girl on the team. However, at 8 years old kids just don't think like that. If they had any thoughts that Heather wasn't right for the team, that was assuaged during the very first practice. Heather was the fastest skater for one, and when one boy got going and didn't know how to stop, Heather took a massive unintentional check against the boards in stride. Even the coach who had initially denied Heather's application was suddenly thinking the Sled Dogs had a chance at winning the prestigious Regional PeeWee Ice Hockey Championship this season. It was an award Thompson hadn't won since 1976.

After practice the coach said "ok boys, hit the showers" out of habit. He realized he needed to figure out something for Heather. He was thinking an alternating boys-first then Heather-first schedule for locker room use. Before he could tell Heather to hang out on the bench until the boys were done, he got distracted by a parent and then another. By the time he pulled himself away and got back to the locker room he was taken by surprise. All of the boys and Heather were in the communal shower together. They were joking, laughing, and throwing sud balls at each other. Heather didn't seem notice or mind that there were nine bald little penises and sets of testicles dangling around and the boys didn't seem to pay any attention to Heather's hairless cleft. The coach realized this wasn't going to be much of an issue at all. The kids were too young to care about those differences.

Of course the coach checked with Heather's parents. He assumed they would want to stop the coed locker room situation. Surprisingly, they appreciated that Heather was being treated the same as any other player on the team. Heather was an only child, but they assumed if she had a brother she'd learn about the differences between boys and girls because boys are notoriously bad at modesty. This situation wasn't much different than having nine brothers. They figured it wouldn't be terrible for the boys to normalize that not all nudity is sexual as well. So for the season coed locker rooms continued.

The coach was extremely pleased with the season. They had the best stats in the league. Even though none of these kids had played on a team before, the Sled Dogs seemed to have a natural comradery that translated into teamwork on the ice. The coach also had grown to appreciate the sight of a naked Heather rough housing with her team in the locker room. He almost intervened once when a boy snapped her bare ass with a towel until he saw her take it like a champ and then snap the boy back. The boy looked like he might cry but he kept it together and it seemed to be part of arranging a natural pecking order in the team. Heather was a natural leader. Aside from that, Heather had the least amount of modesty on the team. The coach had watched her running around the locker room with the boys playing tag and keep away while tossing a puck around. These kids weren't always goofing around naked or mostly naked, but if they were undressed it was guaranteed that they were goofing around.

Before the first game the team had to elect a captain and alternate-captain. A boy named Jeremy was voted captain and Heather was voted alternate-captain. They each affixed their respective 'C' and 'A' patches to their jerseys. In the peewee league all the kids had to wear helmets with full face cages for safety. Heather came out of the locker room with her helmet on and didn't take it off until she was back in the locker room. Her teammates had decided to only call her 'Mulqueany' on the ice to help her keep her gender low profile. The other team didn't know that H. Mulqueany was a girl. Heather and her parents liked it that way. It made her gender a non-issue and it meant the other team didn't go easy on her for being a girl.

It was a rough first game. Heather took a hard check early on but scored a goal a few minutes later. There was a lot of skating back and forth. Some of the boys clearly didn't have the stamina. Heather stayed almost as fast as in the start of the game. Heather got a great hit on one of the other team's players, and that boy was quite a bit bigger than her. Heather was showing she could hold her own out on the ice. They went into the third period tied 3-3. Jeremy scored the winning goal with an assist by Heather. As the clock ran out and the buzzer sounded the kids lined up and bumped gloves saying the obligatory "good game" over and over. League rules prevented celebration on the ice in the interest of good sportsmanship.

Back in the locker room things got pretty rowdy for a group of ten 8 year olds. They were obviously pumped to start the season off with a win. Skates and pads were littered everywhere with names written inside with Sharpie marker being the only hope of matching the items up with its owner. All the kids were in the shower. They were singing, and Heather was teaching them a TikTok dance. That wasn't unexpected for a group of kids this age, but all of them were soapy and naked. The coach tried not to pay attention, but Heather called out "coach! We have the dance down. Come watch". He felt obligated to watch, or that's what he told himself as he watched his whole team dancing naked in synchronization to some trendy song. He watched Heather most of all.

The rest of the season was the best in Thompson Sled Dog history for the peewee league. They didn't end up winning the championship, but they came in 4th overall in the league, which was 11 places higher than the previous season. Everyone looked forward to next season.
Last edited by tiger_kitten_2025 on Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:44 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by Freesub »

Off to an interesting start, can't wait for chapter 2 as Heather gradually gets older!
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by jojo12026 »

Nice start. Can't wait for practices to start again.
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by jojo12026 »

Maybe team sleepovers or water park trips during the summer....
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by SixPathsKeyblader »

Interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes.
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by mars357 »

Really sweet! Also curious as to how this evolves!
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by Dormouse »

Of course, in the UK, hockey means field hockey. And it's a game associated with girls at school. Indeed, there is a type of schoolgirl story called "jolly hockey sticks". What the girls got up to in the showers, I never found out. :-)
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Heather Plays Hockey - Chapter 2

Post by tiger_kitten_2025 »

Chapter 2 - Getting to Junior League

The team largely stayed together through the next three seasons. One or two of the boys changed as they moved away or decided to quit hockey. Of course Heather never considered giving it up. She stuck with it through the peewee 9 year old, 10 year old, and 11 year old seasons. The team continued to improve as well. They came in third, then second place twice, and finally won the championship when Heather was 11. It was a feat the Thompson Sled Dogs hadn't achieved since 1976. The school couldn't have been prouder

The coach knew it was partially all the hard work at practice that helped the team catapult to victory. However, he'd done the same practice routine with teams of years past and they'd never won. The coach believed that the friendships and comradery that these ten 11 year olds had built was the real secret to success. He suspected that Heather was the glue that held the team together. He had a lot of data points to prove the point, at least to himself.

Over those peewee years all the kids got taller, but it was too soon for puberty. They all looked like slightly larger versions of the 8 year olds he'd started coaching back then. This past year after Heather turned 11 the coach did notice one change. Sometimes when she was nude or topless in the locker room, her nipples would get puffy and stick out slightly more prominently than usual. If any of the boys noticed, he couldn't tell from hearing their giggles and playful trash talk with each other.

The team had gotten closer than the coach would have thought possible. After a practice where one of the boys took a puck to the cup the coach saw the boy strip down to his athletic cup before saying "can somebody check this? I think that stupid shot bruised my balls.". Heather was undressing and had just her jersey and shoulder pads on. Her little butt was visible from the coach's office, but that wasn't abnormal. Heather said "I'll check". The boy pulled his cup down. Heather said "ew brother ew....yeah, it's already starting to bruise. You should ice it or something". The boy showing his nuts or Heather looking at some bruised nuts didn't seem to bother or affect either one of them. It was no more impactful than someone asking another to look at a splinter in their finger.

Sometimes after practice the team would get into a big strategy session with the coach in the locker room. They would look at videos or go over plays and strategies. Usually everyone had changed clothes by then. But if the session went on a while sometimes a couple of them would need to pee. They were in the locker room on benches between the actual lockers on one side, the communal showers on another, and open urinals and stall-less toilets on another wall. So guys could just go pee in the urinals without the discussion stopping or them missing anything. That was common.

One day during a strategy session Heather stood up. The coach said "need something?" She said "just gotta pee". The coach said "we can pause this and go in the hall to give you some privacy". She said "no need". The coach kept talking but couldn't stop himself from looking as Heather went to the closest toilet and pulled her sweatpants and panties down. She sat on the potty and everyone heard the telltale tinkle sound of her pissing, right there in the coaches eyeline. Heather didn't care and was watching the video of an opposing team intently. She wiped her crotch, and pulled her bottoms up. Then she flushed and washed her hands before coming back to the group. Some boys had seen the whole thing from their vantage point but didn't seem to clock it as abnormal. The coach surmised it must not be that different from the boys using the urinal in front of her, which happens all the time.

At the awards ceremony at the end of the 11 year old peewee season, the whole team was invited to join the junior league next year. The coach announced he was going to move up too and coach the junior league. It could have been he was ready to work with more experienced players or that he wanted to lead a team with Heather on it. Who could say for sure. After the ceremony the parents were treated to a catered party that included drink tickets and a band. It was a thank you for getting the kids to all the practices and games and helping develop the first winning team in recent Sled Dog history. The school funded half of the party but surprisingly the coach funded the other half.

In an additional act of selflessness, he offered to host the team at his house for the evening so the parents could have fun. The coach had all manner of snacks, sodas, and pizza for the team. He put on a movie for them. One of the boys noticed that the coach had a hot tub. He said "coach, can we use the jacuzzi?" The coach said "um....well.....I don't think anyone brought bathing suits. I didn't think you guys would care about a hot tub". Whether by serendipity or careful orchestration, before the coach could stop them, all ten kids including Heather stripped naked in his den and crammed into the hot tub.

There was splashing and giggling and rough housing. The coach acted as the waiter getting sodas for the group. The cans had to stay on the ground though so they didn't get knocked into the hot tub. That meant whenever one of them wanted a drink they had to get out and walk dripping and nude to their soda can. The kids quickly figured out it was easier to lean way over the edge to get a drink. In either case the coach got quite the eye full. He of course enjoyed seeing the boys, but seeing Heather was a special treat. When Heather leaned over the edge her bottom and smooth puffy vulva were on display, no different than if it had been a museum exhibit. The boys looked at Heather's vulva but it seemed mostly out of its difference from their parts. The coach could actually say on good authority that none of the boys even got an erection. He couldn't say the same for himself, but that is beside the point.

Heather, being a good teammate as always, got out of the hot tub and offered to get more sodas for the boys. She didn't seem bothered in the least to be walking through the coach's house completely bare. She even stopped and said "thanks for having us over coach. And thanks for this season. I don't think we would have done nearly as well without your guidance". He said "you're welcome. Get back on the hot tub. I see goosebumps on your skin". Then he gave her a pat on the bare bottom. He hadn't done that before, but she didn't seem to mind.

A while later it was time for the kids to get out and get dressed. The coach's den was littered with discarded clothing. It was an ordeal getting a matching pair of socks back to each individual player they belonged to. He overhead "that's my shirt" , "hey those are my boxers you have on", and "Heather, I found your panties" as they sorted it out amongst themselves. Then they all got picked up and he would have to wait for next season.
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch2 Posted on 11/21/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by Rprohl »

More, please
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Re: Heather Plays Hockey [Ch2 Posted on 11/21/24] (trigger warning - underage nudity)

Post by Freesub »

Can't wait for more! The coach patting her bare bottom and her thinking nothing of it, maybe the coach can pat it whenever he likes..
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