Michael was a high school junior good looking got good grades popular he was also someone who knew it and let others know it especially the girls.
He often treated them disrespectfully telling them they should dress sexier or show more skin. Katya was also a junior she was pretty but not considered super-hot she was not part of the popular group but not an introvert she got along well with most people what no one at the school knew was she was a witch. In fact in her family witches went back for decades she knew in the witch community there were lines she couldn't cross but taking arrogant Michael down a peg or two would not be one of them.
Halloween would be Friday and Katya knew she would have the house to herself as her older brother and sister were at college and her parents would be out of town on business starting Thursday and would not be back till Sunday the time was right to put Michael in his place. At lunch Katya saw a number of girls Michael had been a jerk to sitting together she joined them and ask if they would like to get some payback on him of course they replied yes but how. Katya told them she could not explain now but was having a Halloween party on Friday and they were all invited as would Michael be and if they came it would be worth their while. The girls asked was she sure he would come she assured them he be there they agreed to show up great she said adding costumes are optional. Katya was now off to get Michael she knew he would come even if she had to use a little magic to make it happen.
It didn't take Katya long to find him she coyly told him she was having a Halloween party on Friday and wanted to know if he would come he said he didn't know it was kind of short notice. Please she sweetly asked it would be great to have a hot guy there that little ego massage was all it took for him to agree great she said and told him to be there at 8.00 she found the girls and told them he would be there and for them to arrive at 7.00 she knew none of them would believe her when she told them she was witch and she would need some time to convince them and when that was done to plan out what they would have in store for Michael for the evening. The day arrived and the girls arrived at Katya's house she just said it straight out as there was no way to sugarcoat I am a witch. The others were shocked she would get them hyped and tell them something this silly test me she said one of the girls dressed as black widow from the avengers movie said conjury use some beer no problem Katya said she stood in middle of the room spoke a brief incantation and moments later there was a bright light and whooshing sound and there was a cooler ice cold beer. Now convinced they began to lay out the plan for Michael.
The girls were understandably curious about what else Katya could do she told them they didn't have time to get into all that and also told them in a most serious tone they were not to tell anyone about her being witch she didn't need or want that kind of attention. The girls understood and swore they would never say anything especially as they didn't want a witch mad at them with that settled Katya told them she would use what is basically a multi-purpose spell on him and that the spell would be in effect on him till midnight she told them she would be able to control involuntary body functions, make him agreeable to things he's asked to do, it could put him in a trance state if they wanted to discuss anything he would hear nothing and not even realize anything had happened when she ended it. The rest of the time till Michael's arrival was used to discuss with girls what they wanted to do with him during this 4 hour period.
Finally the moment arrived the doorbell rang and Katya went to let him in she opened the door invited him in she took his hand and spoke the incantation to put the spell on him what was that he asked oh my family is Romanian she said and I can speak the language it was just a greeting the first two things were true the third not. Michael was surprised at being the only guy there but he really didn't at this point mind having all these girls to himself. Did it work one girl dressed as a vampire whispered to Katya she smiled and spoke a couple of things in her native language Michael froze with a blank expression she told them he was now in the trance state and wont remember any of this she then told him get on all fours and bark like a dog he instantly dropped on his hands and knees and started barking. All the girls found this hilarious she stopped his barking after a few seconds and had him stand but remain in the trance state Michael arrived dressed as the pirate character Jack Sparrow black widow said you know his costume is not very fitting for tonight's party and asked Katya could she conjure him something more appropriate of course she replied what would you like all of the girls were realizing this was going to be one memorable party.
The rest of the girls waited for her suggestion as he has said he thinks girls should dress sexy and show more skin a male stripper costume would be great G-String, bow tie and those cuff around the wrist everyone congratulated her on her choice another girl dressed as a cowgirl added you should make everything a really bright pink that would really add to his embarrassment. Katya asked was there anything else they all agreed this was good she then did a similar incantation to the one she used to conjure the beer and whoosh his new costume appeared she told them was going to end the trance state and he would be agreeable to doing what they asked and he would be aware of what he was doing but couldn't stop if he wanted or know why he was doing something he really didn't want to do. Katya brought him out of the trance and Michael continued on unaware of anything that had been talked about Black Widow told him someone as hot as him should really be wearing a much sexier costume and they would really like it if he would wear this and showed him the stripper outfit Michale looked at it and responded sure no problem he was utterly floored at hearing himself speak those words she handed him the outfit and he said be right back as headed off to change no need for that Vampire said you can change right here sure why not he replied again shocked at his response but even more shocked that he started taking his clothes off.
As he began to remove his clothes one of the girls dressed as a zombie started recording him you aren't going to record this are you he asked of course your good with that right she replied yeah sure he responded he again thought what the hell is going on as he continued stripping as he removed his final article of clothing and started to put on the G-String Black Widow stopped and said why don't you give us a good look at everything and do a runway model walk across the room full turn and back he complied without hesitation and then was allowed to put on his outfit the girls enjoyment was rapidly increasing as was Michaels confusion and embarrassment.
Now that they had him properly dressed for the evening the girls had Michael start serving them some of the conjured beer and other snacks after a little beer they also took liberties slapping and pinching his ass Michale was going along with all this although he still had no idea why he found this all intensely humiliating but he still did what they wanted without question. After a bit Cowgirl said you know we have an exotic dancer her he really should be dancing very true Katya said let's get him some up tempo music playing and Michale you dance with high energy excitement they got some fast paced dancing music playing and Michale immediately began his show. Michale felt very embarrassed with all this but couldn't stop his dancing involving lots of ass shaking hip swiveling and pelvic thrust of course this too was being recorded Katya had an old Monopoly board game and she handed out the money in the game to girls which they started to throw at him and stuff in his G-String where some also made a point to grab and squeeze his cock. After three dances Katya told them you know it's starting to get late and we haven't had any trick or treaters and she turned on the porch light and announced Michale would be the official candy giver Michael got red faced at just the though of opening the door to what would be kids younger than him dressed as he was.
Katya walked over to Michael put her hand on his shoulder and whispered to him in Romanian he gave her a quizzical look oh I just said don't be shy you have nothing to be ashamed of she turned to look at the rest of the girls and gave them a wink. As the girls gathered around her and Michael was still focused on trick or treaters she told them every time he opens the door and someone says trick or treat he will remove an article of his clothing what happens after he has taken everything off Black Widow asked? Katya told them remember when I said with the spell I could control involuntary body functions well after he is naked and they say trick or treat he gets an immediate full blown erection at that moment the door bell rang and Michale made his first trip he opened the door heard the magic words and without a second thought took off one of the wrist cuffs and gave out candy. As he closed the door all the girls thought the same thing one down three to go.
Initially Michael gave no thought to him removing the cuff he was more focused on the people outside most found his appearance ranging from amused to highly funny he found the experience embarrassing but not as much as the thought it would be moments later the doorbell rang again. As before when he heard the words trick or treat he took off the other cuff and gave out the candy this time the reactions included cheering and wolf whistles he was now finding this increasingly humiliating when he went back inside he spoke out loud why did he keep taking something off Katya told him maybe you like being naked and treated like a sex object, Again the bell rang same results the bowtie came off only this time the people at the door were from his school they quickly burst into uproarious laughter at the sight of Michael now wearing just a bright pink G-String pictures were quickly taken from all angles to embarrassed to stay outside any longer he rushed back inside and slammed the door laughing hysterically Vampire told him you forgot to give out the candy the girls waited anxiously for the next group to ring the bell as they knew what was coming off next and what would quickly be standing up after that.
One of the girls looking out the window told the others another group was approaching the house Michael was now very uncomfortable with what was coming. They could hear the group nearing the door but instead of ringing the bell someone outside yelled trick or treat loud enough for all inside to hear the dread on Michaels face was extreme as he not by choice removed the G-string as he started to go to the door Black Widow grinning ear to ear called out trick or treat and in less than five seconds Michaels penis was fully erect he continued to the braced himself and pulled it open.
Standing there was a group of six to seven girls ages from 12 to 14 who at seeing naked Michael and his fully erect penis howled with laughter and all asking why he was naked along with girls there were two adult women in their mid 30s asking the same question. Katya told them he was Adam from Adam and Eve the adults told the girls to get their candy and move on the girls reluctantly did so the adult women seemed less motivated to do so they grinned at him saying he sure knew how to save money on a costume they ogled for a bit longer before one said they better catch up with girls right the other said but you better do something about she said pointing to his penis or soon you will have balls bluer than a Smurf with that they left to join the girls. Katya noticed there was less than thirty minutes to midnight and they had one last embarrassment for Michael.
As Michael slowly made his way inside Katya told him don't worry Halloween is almost over as she patted him on his bare ass she then told the rest of the girls she had a 5 x 5 stage she needed them to take out front they had confused looks but went to do it. What no one knew is Katya had told eight of her friends to show up about 15 minutes till midnight for a Halloween surprise she also set up a wireless speaker synced to her phone Michael was understandably becoming very nervous with all this Katya got a text telling her that her friends were just a few houses away she asked everyone to join her outside Michael of course still under the spell he had been under all night had no choice. Katya had Michael take the stage she then told the group Michael was going to give them a trick or treat dance to the Halloween classic Monster Mash of course he again now had a full erection as the song played he danced in rather silly fashion as it was not exactly a dance song but his bouncing and bobbing penis made up for that. As the song ended Katya announced it was time for his encore and he would masturbate himself to orgasm Michael wanted to end this humiliation quickly and began stroking his cock at a fast pace but Cowgirl told him to slow so they could all enjoy the moment he achieved his orgasm with less than five minutes left till midnight all of this being captured with pics and video. Midnight struck and Michael was finally allowed to put the pirate costume he originally came in on and end this humiliating night.
Michael begged Katya and the other girls to not show anyone the pics and video they took to anyone at school on Monday to the girls surprise Katya agreed to this but reminded him they had no control over what the other people from the school who had pics and video of him did Michaels heart sank at this thought and he silently headed home. The girls asked Katya why she agreed not show anyone at school what they had of Michael she smiled and told them I agreed we would not show anything on Monday but promised nothing after that. The rest of the school year was going to be long and humiliating for Michael.
Witches Halloween Party
- Jeepman89
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Re: Witches Halloween Party
Fantastic story, Vader. Love the stripping with each door bell ring. Well done.
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Re: Witches Halloween Party
Thanks I liked that he does it but can’t figure out why he keeps doing it.Jeepman89 wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:33 pm Fantastic story, Vader. Love the stripping with each door bell ring. Well done.
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Re: Witches Halloween Party
Great concept, but painful to read. I'd be happy to help with editing...and others are available
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Re: Witches Halloween Party
Only the second story I have written anywhere so these are learn as you go stuff.Massageguy wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:05 pm Great concept, but painful to read. I'd be happy to help with editing...and others are available
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Re: Witches Halloween Party
I repeat...
Great concept, fun plot, exciting stuff.
But the grammar is atrocious. Run on sentences...
That's easily fixed. Finding the ideas, the creativity you show - that's tough.
Great concept, fun plot, exciting stuff.
But the grammar is atrocious. Run on sentences...
That's easily fixed. Finding the ideas, the creativity you show - that's tough.
- Posts: 392
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Re: Witches Halloween Party
Strange how the writing part is easy for some, but they have trouble coming up with an idea and it's the opposite for others.Massageguy wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:35 pm I repeat...
Great concept, fun plot, exciting stuff.
But the grammar is atrocious. Run on sentences...
That's easily fixed. Finding the ideas, the creativity you show - that's tough.
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