(Connected storyline)
This takes place in between the ENM and ENF sections the weekdays leading towards Katie's big ENF weekend.
Maddie had always enjoyed spending time with and playing with her brothers ever since she was young. She looked up to them and always found time to spend a small portion of her day whether it was a quick conversation or a quick game or a TV show episode. She always knew they wanted the best for her and would never harm her in any way so she trusted them wholeheartedly. Ever since she was small she wouldn't care much about her own nudity around them although it didn't happen all that frequently she would from time to time strip off her bathing suit or wander the house without bottoms but this had tapered off as she got more shy and modest about herself. Still she longed to an extent ti be free so would spend her evenings alone in her room bottomless wearing a big t shirt or large jacket. The weekend she had just witnessed with her very naked and exposed brothers had changed her perspectives a bit. She enjoyed being clothed and having control of her brothers but couldn't figure out why. She enjoyed playing with them while they could only watch as Katie observed the whole thing. Hence why to her utter shock when he parents discovered the photos (Katie had taken on the pollaroid) her parents were extremely upset. They spoke to the three siblings and asked all the questions about how it happened what exactly happened and most importantly when they would tell Katie's parents. The boys, however humiliated, were more caring about Katie and even their sister so with a quick thought they brought up a proposition.
"I have an idea" jack said interrupting his father
"And what's that" the father spoke looking at his son
"I would never ask to do what was done to us to Katie let alone our sister but what about something similar"
"And that would be" the father raised an eyebrow
"What if..." jack paused gathering his voice, he was about to roll the dice "what if we had Katie babysit us this weekend, but she had to be completely naked for the entire thing"
"The seems a bit extreme, and while I do like the idea as you know your cousin has been subject to the new ENF treatment, I doubt Katie will agree to this"
"Well, what about a compromise" Joe interrupted "what if she was allowed a top but no bottoms like us, it gives her a little modesty but it's still the same effect"
"Hmm" thought the dad "that might work I don't see why that's not relatively reasonable especially after all this" he pointed to the humiliating photos.
"But no picture taking and no bringing Katie outdoors that's too cruel" the mother responded "we are going to dispose of these and after this weekend we can hopefully put this behind us" the mother chimed in
"Then it's settled we will give Katie the choice and this weekend you boys will get a little payback for that" the father concludes
"That sounds great I'll see you guys in a bit" said Maddie as she began to walk up the stairs
"Where do you think you're going young lady?" The mother spoke "you are gonna join Katie on this escapade this Friday"
"Well okay I guess that's not bad" Maddie said thinking it was all over she inched towards the door
"Actually how about now" joe said glaring at her "she didn't say anything to stop Katie from that whole experience"
"Uhhhh" Maddie said feeling hot she shifted from foot to foot
"Well fine, but same rules apply no outdoors and no photos" the mother said before ordering the brothers to go to their sister
"Don't worry sis it ain't that bad" the boys said standing on either side of her
They then knelt down took a side of her shorts on either side and with a quick tug brought them to her feet. Maddie tried to act normal having been nude in front of her brothers before but not like this! Before she could get a second thought she felt either side of her panties being grabbed and slid down her bare legs revealing her bottomless body in her white ankle socks in front of her whole family. The brothers looked on in astonishment and couldn't believe their luck. The mother collected her bottoms and went upstairs leaving a very bottomless and exposed Madeline to wander into the living room and sit her bare butt on the couch before being joined by her fully clothed brothers. "Just try and enjoy it" joe said
"We aren't really that upset with you we are gonna make this fun" jack added. The three of them spent the next few hours watching TV and fell asleep until the next day awakening on the couch joe looked over at his sister curled up and snoozing her cute butt showing and shirt barely covering her bottom; this was gonna be a great week!
End of part 1
Sister Maddie ENF (Prequel/side story to the Katie babysitter story)
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Re: Sister Maddie ENF (Prequel/side story to the Katie babysitter story)
Part 2
Maddie awoke and rubber her eyes she felt down and remembered vaguely what her parents had said and sat up. Both her brothers had already been up and about getting ready for school and eating breakfast she wandered over to the stairs as her mom called her.
"Maddie come eat before it gets cold" she said
"Can I just get dressed first" maddie responded hiding halfway behind the wall
"Just eat there is plenty of time for that plus you remember what we said about this week" her mom responded
Maddie went to go sit down still feeling sleepy her long black hair still un-brushed and falling all around her shoulders in a mess. She quickly forgot about being bottomless being too hungry to care and ate quickly with her brothers. For the most point the boys behaved well only taking a peak once or twice but more or less didn't seem to care as much that their younger sisters pussy was exposed to them, perhaps they had gotten enough views of it yesterday. Just as she was about to finish up and get changed her mother asker her to take a quick shower.
"But mom I'm gonna be late" maddie whined
"Young ma'am it's unbecoming to go to school without having washed yourself"
"I don't want to" maddie said crossing her arms
"You either do it now by yourself or after school and I'll supervise it myself!" the mother balked
Maddie didn't have time to argue so opted for that "fine, I'll see you then"
Maddie went upstairs quickly got changed brushed her long beautiful hair and got dressed. Suddenly relief as she was no longer exposed to her two brothers or her family for that matter. School went off without a hitch and everything went well until she got back home
"Mom?" She said wandering through the house still clothed until she discovered a note
I had to go to a company event after work and won't be back until late, your father is accompanying me and will be back later as well. I haven't forgotten about what I asked you to do so listen up! I've asked the boys to join you and finish washing you up. Remember no pants once you enter!
Maddie's heart sunk as she had totally forgotten about the bottomless rule or the fact that her brothers would be the ones washing her. She made her way upstairs and took a nap before being awoken by both of her brothers knocking politely at the door.
"Okay maddie are you ready for your shower?" Joe said smiling
"Yes, let's just get this over with" maddie said looking at the ground"
"Listen we care about you Maddie and we know it's embarrassing for you to be the only one nude in the shower so me and Jack agreed to be in solidarity with you but ONLY for the shower" joe responded. Maddie was unsure of what that meant but she nodded and walked with the boys into the bathroom towel in hand. Once inside they turned the hot water on testing it before both jack and Joe removed their clothes and stepped in. "Okay maddie ready?" Jack said
She was shocked her brothers had willingly gotten nude before she even took off a stitch of her clothing; she hadn't gotten bottomless since this morning. Not wanting to delay or spit in the face of their kindness she quickly took her clothes off and joined her nude brothers in the shower. They were very gentle with Maddie and not at all perverse as she thought they would be washing her hair and arms. They took special care when moving around her breasts not to touch them too much and made their way to her legs. Suddenly jack lifted her up by the backs of her knees holding her spread eagle facing the shower. Joe worked quickly to lather the soup up and down her body and took special care of her pussy. Maddie couldn't help but yelp for joy here or there when they grazed a special place of hers having never been touched there by another person. Slowly they let her down as she collapsed into the tub feeling hot and all sorts of excitement. The boys turned the water on her and washed the soap once again making sure to be gentle with her Maddie noticed both of her brothers had become relatively erect and went in to grab their dicks. Initially letting her play with them the boys sat back before regaining their mission and brushing her hands away maddie looked disappointed. "Sorry Maddie none of that you've had your fun with us" jack said drawing up a finger to her. The boys turned the water off and began to towel off before getting dressed again maddie sat naked in the tub watching her brothers dicks flop about before they helped her out of the tub drying her off. Sitting her down one brother towelled off and dried her hair brushing it the other applied moisturizer to her skin giving her the total dream treatment. After all this the boys went to their room and maddie went to hers picking out a nice big t shirt and rejoining the boys in their fully clothed attire. This wasn't gonna be too bad, thought Maddie, her brothers liked seeing her nude but they didn't want her totally humiliated like she had done to them and it started to change her thoughts on the week.
End of part 2
Maddie awoke and rubber her eyes she felt down and remembered vaguely what her parents had said and sat up. Both her brothers had already been up and about getting ready for school and eating breakfast she wandered over to the stairs as her mom called her.
"Maddie come eat before it gets cold" she said
"Can I just get dressed first" maddie responded hiding halfway behind the wall
"Just eat there is plenty of time for that plus you remember what we said about this week" her mom responded
Maddie went to go sit down still feeling sleepy her long black hair still un-brushed and falling all around her shoulders in a mess. She quickly forgot about being bottomless being too hungry to care and ate quickly with her brothers. For the most point the boys behaved well only taking a peak once or twice but more or less didn't seem to care as much that their younger sisters pussy was exposed to them, perhaps they had gotten enough views of it yesterday. Just as she was about to finish up and get changed her mother asker her to take a quick shower.
"But mom I'm gonna be late" maddie whined
"Young ma'am it's unbecoming to go to school without having washed yourself"
"I don't want to" maddie said crossing her arms
"You either do it now by yourself or after school and I'll supervise it myself!" the mother balked
Maddie didn't have time to argue so opted for that "fine, I'll see you then"
Maddie went upstairs quickly got changed brushed her long beautiful hair and got dressed. Suddenly relief as she was no longer exposed to her two brothers or her family for that matter. School went off without a hitch and everything went well until she got back home
"Mom?" She said wandering through the house still clothed until she discovered a note
I had to go to a company event after work and won't be back until late, your father is accompanying me and will be back later as well. I haven't forgotten about what I asked you to do so listen up! I've asked the boys to join you and finish washing you up. Remember no pants once you enter!
Maddie's heart sunk as she had totally forgotten about the bottomless rule or the fact that her brothers would be the ones washing her. She made her way upstairs and took a nap before being awoken by both of her brothers knocking politely at the door.
"Okay maddie are you ready for your shower?" Joe said smiling
"Yes, let's just get this over with" maddie said looking at the ground"
"Listen we care about you Maddie and we know it's embarrassing for you to be the only one nude in the shower so me and Jack agreed to be in solidarity with you but ONLY for the shower" joe responded. Maddie was unsure of what that meant but she nodded and walked with the boys into the bathroom towel in hand. Once inside they turned the hot water on testing it before both jack and Joe removed their clothes and stepped in. "Okay maddie ready?" Jack said
She was shocked her brothers had willingly gotten nude before she even took off a stitch of her clothing; she hadn't gotten bottomless since this morning. Not wanting to delay or spit in the face of their kindness she quickly took her clothes off and joined her nude brothers in the shower. They were very gentle with Maddie and not at all perverse as she thought they would be washing her hair and arms. They took special care when moving around her breasts not to touch them too much and made their way to her legs. Suddenly jack lifted her up by the backs of her knees holding her spread eagle facing the shower. Joe worked quickly to lather the soup up and down her body and took special care of her pussy. Maddie couldn't help but yelp for joy here or there when they grazed a special place of hers having never been touched there by another person. Slowly they let her down as she collapsed into the tub feeling hot and all sorts of excitement. The boys turned the water on her and washed the soap once again making sure to be gentle with her Maddie noticed both of her brothers had become relatively erect and went in to grab their dicks. Initially letting her play with them the boys sat back before regaining their mission and brushing her hands away maddie looked disappointed. "Sorry Maddie none of that you've had your fun with us" jack said drawing up a finger to her. The boys turned the water off and began to towel off before getting dressed again maddie sat naked in the tub watching her brothers dicks flop about before they helped her out of the tub drying her off. Sitting her down one brother towelled off and dried her hair brushing it the other applied moisturizer to her skin giving her the total dream treatment. After all this the boys went to their room and maddie went to hers picking out a nice big t shirt and rejoining the boys in their fully clothed attire. This wasn't gonna be too bad, thought Maddie, her brothers liked seeing her nude but they didn't want her totally humiliated like she had done to them and it started to change her thoughts on the week.
End of part 2
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Re: Sister Maddie ENF (Prequel/side story to the Katie babysitter story)
Part 3
Maddie wandered downstairs after the shower with the boys sitting with them in the living room. Having just been fully nude the t shirt did feel nice but there was a noticeable breeze between her legs that brushed against her pussy and made her feel a bit more reserved. They started with a movie followed by a couple episodes of a TV show they all enjoyed - space devils -. All of them had their speculation on what was to happen next but before they knew it an odd scene came on the TV in which one of the female leads was nude in front of her male actors. Although the show was TV MA it strayed away from nudity and when it was shown it was mainly played for laughs. Maddie looked at the nude female on screen admiring her fully developed beautiful body and long hair. For a bit she felt a little self conscious and out of nowhere as if they had read her mind the brothers turned to her younger sister and assured her she looked fine and she would grow into a beautiful woman one day! Although that wasn't all the boys did once again placing their hands on their sister's legs as she sat cross legged maddie started to feel nervous. The boys asked her politely to sit up a bit.
"Can we get a good look at you? We are kinda curious" Joe said smiling to his sister
Jack had already begun to slide his hand up towards his sisters hips. Maddie not wanting to be rude and relatively curious opened up her legs positioning herself in the spread eagle or M shape with her legs. Her bare pussy was on display for her very clothed brothers as she sat bottomless on their large couch. Her pussy glistened with slight wetness as her brothers moved their fingers up and down her delicate body. Maddie felt embarrassed but to an extent she got a warm feeling of enjoyment from it. Little by little small amounts of fluid dribbled from her pussy as her brothers brushed against her erect clit while feeling her up and down. Finally she relaxed sitting back and pulling her legs up farther allowing her brothers total access to her virginal pussy. They started slowly playing with her labia lips and gentle massaging her hips followed up with slight prods into her folds. She sighed and moaned a little not being able to hold back. Joe eventually got the point and started to circle her clitoris in quicker paces before moving on to squeezing her hips. Jack kept right on touching her gentle pussy lips his hands getting soaked in the process until Maddie let out a yelp and experienced her first orgasm. Fireworks went off in her head as her eyes looked up and closed something inside of her was exploding and she felt no more embarrassment wanting her brothers to keep touching her over and over. This continued for the next hour or so with Maddie cumming several times covering the couch in her sweet juices until the brothers decided it was time to clean up and go to bed.
"WHOOPS sorry Maddie we got carried away" joe said pulling away his fingers and giving a laugh
"Let's get you cleaned up again" jack laughed as he went to get a towel
The boys helped Maddie clean up the couch and wipe off the fluids that had dribbled onto the floor before all three of them heading up to bed. Maddie needed help from her brother's barely being able to walk up the steps never having cum that much let alone at all. Okay, she thought, maybe this wasn't TOO bad.
End of part 3
Maddie wandered downstairs after the shower with the boys sitting with them in the living room. Having just been fully nude the t shirt did feel nice but there was a noticeable breeze between her legs that brushed against her pussy and made her feel a bit more reserved. They started with a movie followed by a couple episodes of a TV show they all enjoyed - space devils -. All of them had their speculation on what was to happen next but before they knew it an odd scene came on the TV in which one of the female leads was nude in front of her male actors. Although the show was TV MA it strayed away from nudity and when it was shown it was mainly played for laughs. Maddie looked at the nude female on screen admiring her fully developed beautiful body and long hair. For a bit she felt a little self conscious and out of nowhere as if they had read her mind the brothers turned to her younger sister and assured her she looked fine and she would grow into a beautiful woman one day! Although that wasn't all the boys did once again placing their hands on their sister's legs as she sat cross legged maddie started to feel nervous. The boys asked her politely to sit up a bit.
"Can we get a good look at you? We are kinda curious" Joe said smiling to his sister
Jack had already begun to slide his hand up towards his sisters hips. Maddie not wanting to be rude and relatively curious opened up her legs positioning herself in the spread eagle or M shape with her legs. Her bare pussy was on display for her very clothed brothers as she sat bottomless on their large couch. Her pussy glistened with slight wetness as her brothers moved their fingers up and down her delicate body. Maddie felt embarrassed but to an extent she got a warm feeling of enjoyment from it. Little by little small amounts of fluid dribbled from her pussy as her brothers brushed against her erect clit while feeling her up and down. Finally she relaxed sitting back and pulling her legs up farther allowing her brothers total access to her virginal pussy. They started slowly playing with her labia lips and gentle massaging her hips followed up with slight prods into her folds. She sighed and moaned a little not being able to hold back. Joe eventually got the point and started to circle her clitoris in quicker paces before moving on to squeezing her hips. Jack kept right on touching her gentle pussy lips his hands getting soaked in the process until Maddie let out a yelp and experienced her first orgasm. Fireworks went off in her head as her eyes looked up and closed something inside of her was exploding and she felt no more embarrassment wanting her brothers to keep touching her over and over. This continued for the next hour or so with Maddie cumming several times covering the couch in her sweet juices until the brothers decided it was time to clean up and go to bed.
"WHOOPS sorry Maddie we got carried away" joe said pulling away his fingers and giving a laugh
"Let's get you cleaned up again" jack laughed as he went to get a towel
The boys helped Maddie clean up the couch and wipe off the fluids that had dribbled onto the floor before all three of them heading up to bed. Maddie needed help from her brother's barely being able to walk up the steps never having cum that much let alone at all. Okay, she thought, maybe this wasn't TOO bad.
End of part 3
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Re: Sister Maddie ENF (Prequel/side story to the Katie babysitter story)
Here's a new story I started if anyone cares to read it. I will come back and finish this one soon as well
Here's a new story I started if anyone cares to read it. I will come back and finish this one soon as well
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Re: Sister Maddie ENF (Prequel/side story to the Katie babysitter story)
Got another section up for my CMNF fans this one takes place in Mexico
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