Alex naked birthady

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Alex naked birthady

Post by Thewriter »

Alex was in the shower, today is a very important day for ir is his birthday and her girlfriend go to visit him with other intension, not just celebrate or maybes yes but in a different way.
Some minutes before when he was put the clothes he will use that day in his bed, her girlfriend knock the door.
-hi you came-
-Yes of course I do-
-I know, but where is my present?
-I will give to you soon, is a very especial surprise-
-Maybe you can give to me after my shower-
-Maybe I will-
Then they enter in the house, Alex in the bathroom and Nat in his room. But what Alex didn’t know was that mean while he was cleaning himself, his girlfriend was hidden his clothes for his present. So when Alex ends his shower he noticed that hi forgot to bring a towel.
He was relaxing there no one more in the house, just Nat and him. His families were to the supermarket for the last thing for the birthday, so he walk to the room just thinking in surprise Nat with is naked look. But the surprise was for him when he enters in the room and don’t see Nat and neither his clothes…
Nat was hidden behind the door, so when she saw Alex she came out of hiding and in a jump she took his arms and the handcuffed him.
Alex now was very surprised and afraid, especially when he notices where Nat was taking him… the garden.
-Nat please what are you doing? Where is my clothes? He asked very nervous but a little exited-
-This is part of your surprise so relax dear-
-But I can’t, am naked and with handcuffs-
-Indeed, you look really hot in your birthday suit and wearing just the handcuffs, all are going to loves this-
-All? What do you mean… my families… please not that please-?
-I will not advance anything, you will see it yourself, but first I have to do some changes-
Say that Nat unlock one of the hand of Alex, that make him relax a little even thinking that all was just a joke in the style of Nat. But that felling quickly end when she take his arms and handcuffed it to a tree with all his frontal and naked body looking directly to the front door.
Now trapped in the tree, Nat began to touch his entire body until she reached his penis. Which stroked until he was rock hard, he was now feeling very hot and in so way want that his girlfriend make him cum. But she stop when see the horny face of Alex.
-Not so fast, just one thing left to do-
Says that she was walking to the front door, occasionally looking back to see Alex's face and his hard penis. Then she open the door mean while Alex was cold except for his hot penis…
All his female friend was there…. Even ones that he don’t see in a long time… all of them…
Nat and his friend was closing to him with evil smiles and says stuffs about his body.. that he was all naked for they, that his penis was so hard but tiny, some says that is no so tiny but not bigger, that they never think to see so much off Alex. So ones even thanks Nat for all this show.. but it was not the end…
When all surrounded Alex and the tree, Nat begin to masturbate him for all the female audience
-Do you want see him cum?
All exclaim… yes make him cum a lot…
Nat was touching his penis faster and faster mean while look the face of Alex who was losing the small control of his body… he was so close… but try to resist..
But he lost all control when one of his friends came close and squeezes his balls…that was too much… and he cum all hover the garden and in his naked feet meanwhile all the girls laughs and take pics of the moment. Then Nat whisper something in his ear…. Happy birthday Alex.. I hope you liked you gift…
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Re: Alex naked birthady

Post by Michael »

It's really funny that Alex wears his birthday suit for his birthday!
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Re: Alex naked birthady

Post by Thewriter »

Indeed. I hope you like the story Michael. Greetings :D
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Re: Alex naked birthady

Post by Thewriter »

Im glad you liked. I hope for tomorrow write another aventure of Alex and Nat
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Re: Alex naked birthady

Post by Michael »

Will you write a part 2?
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Re: Alex naked birthady

Post by Thewriter »

in fact i never think about a second part off that story but maybe i will try ;)
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