Male Modesty

A forum for general discussions relating to the subject matter of stripping, pantsing, humiliating or being on the receiving end of any of the above. (Newly registered members can't make topics).
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Male Modesty

Post by matrix1999 »

Hi, new here. I am seeing a lot of comments from people saying in a medical emergency or overall that male modesty doesn't matter but female modesty does matter? I grew up in a conservative family so male modesty and female modesty mattered. Yes, female modesty ranked higher but male modesty was extremely important. I was not seen naked by my mother and sister post puberty. Yes, got walked in on accidentally a few times but those were honest mistakes. Thanks.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by TeenFan »

This has become a theme of this board currently, in a creative way. You will find recently written titles on the ENF side that say "Girls Don't
Need Modesty". Same as on the ENM Forum, titles about "Boys Don't Need Modesty".

Most stories only have one gender ending up naked, written by an author who usually only writes about that one gender getting naked and
humiliated or at least embarrassed.

Then there are writers who like to mix things up and have stories where the focus is either an ENF or ENM story, but will get one or more of
both genders partially or fully nude in the same story. Mixed gender stories are the rare exceptions here.
In some of my ENM stories a girl loses some or all of her clothes.
In my ENF stories there often are at least one unclothed male. Some of these stories take place in a Family Naturist group setting.

What kind of story might you write, matrix1999...only ENF, only ENM, or a mix of both?
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by matrix1999 »

TeenFan wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:33 pm This has become a theme of this board currently, in a creative way. You will find recently written titles on the ENF side that say "Girls Don't
Need Modesty". Same as on the ENM Forum, titles about "Boys Don't Need Modesty".

Most stories only have one gender ending up naked, written by an author who usually only writes about that one gender getting naked and
humiliated or at least embarrassed.

Then there are writers who like to mix things up and have stories where the focus is either an ENF or ENM story, but will get one or more of
both genders partially or fully nude in the same story. Mixed gender stories are the rare exceptions here.
In some of my ENM stories a girl loses some or all of her clothes.
In my ENF stories there often are at least one unclothed male. Some of these stories take place in a Family Naturist group setting.

What kind of story might you write, matrix1999...only ENF, only ENM, or a mix of both?
Got it. Thanks. Also, in reality female modesty does rank higher than male modesty. I will only write about ENF and maybe some CFNM because that's what I or people I know experienced,
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by randomlygenerated »

matrix1999 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:31 am Hi, new here. I am seeing a lot of comments from people saying in a medical emergency or overall that male modesty doesn't matter but female modesty does matter? I grew up in a conservative family so male modesty and female modesty mattered. Yes, female modesty ranked higher but male modesty was extremely important. I was not seen naked by my mother and sister post puberty. Yes, got walked in on accidentally a few times but those were honest mistakes. Thanks.
It's erotic fiction. Don't try to apply too much realism to it. It's more about preferences. Personally, I hate anything that has to do with families, for example. Sometimes if a story is really good otherwise, I might just cut out the dad or make him a teacher instead or something.

Edit: I got interrupted before I could finish my comment. I was also going to say that, for example, in the case of male nudity vs female nudity, I find male nudity empowering so the whole ENM thing doesn't appeal to me on multiple levels, but obviously that's a perspective thing and also very much so a fantasy thing. I don't go around streaking IRL to empower myself, LOL. Erotic fantasy doesn't need to be realistic, and really, generally shouldn't be.
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Robert Brooks
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by Robert Brooks »

Like the guys above have said, its erotic fiction, written by people whose preferences lean more towards male humiliation. I agree in real life it does seem that female modesty is more fiercly protected but male modesty certainly doesn't count for nothing! It does make for a very convenient pretext for great male humiliation fiction :D

In an unrelated question, I'd love to know why you picked Matrix1999 as your pseudonym? It's cool, I like it, but would be interesting to know why. No worries if you's rather not say.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by Lefanto »

Robert Brooks wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:35 am Like the guys above have said, its erotic fiction, written by people whose preferences lean more towards male humiliation.
When I just read the title of this thread - "Male Modesty" - I was tempted just to write "... isn't needed". :D
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by tim409 »

Robert Brooks wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:35 am
I agree in real life it does seem that female modesty is more fiercly protected
I know a few nurses and they all agreed that until the HEPPA laws came out about privacy, very few men or women on staff protected male modesty but they did protect female modesty. Male staff other that doctors would not be allowed to care for female patients if they had to undress but almost any staff could see male patients totally naked including lab techs when they drew blood. Even today, when a whole body exam has to be done, female nurses and female aides can do it on males who are naked but males can only do the exam on males. So they are still protecting women's modesty more than that of the males and I think it is rightly so to do things that way.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by tim409 »

Lefanto wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 2:01 pm
Robert Brooks wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:35 am Like the guys above have said, its erotic fiction, written by people whose preferences lean more towards male humiliation.
When I just read the title of this thread - "Male Modesty" - I was tempted just to write "... isn't needed". :D
Well Lefanto, it isn't needed!!
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by matrix1999 »

tim409 wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:55 pm
Robert Brooks wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:35 am
I agree in real life it does seem that female modesty is more fiercly protected
I know a few nurses and they all agreed that until the HEPPA laws came out about privacy, very few men or women on staff protected male modesty but they did protect female modesty. Male staff other that doctors would not be allowed to care for female patients if they had to undress but almost any staff could see male patients totally naked including lab techs when they drew blood. Even today, when a whole body exam has to be done, female nurses and female aides can do it on males who are naked but males can only do the exam on males. So they are still protecting women's modesty more than that of the males and I think it is rightly so to do things that way.
Oh man I had such a humiliating experience with the medical stuff lol. Certain aspects of this board are def not fiction.
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Re: Male Modesty

Post by matrix1999 »

Lefanto wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 2:01 pm
Robert Brooks wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:35 am Like the guys above have said, its erotic fiction, written by people whose preferences lean more towards male humiliation.
When I just read the title of this thread - "Male Modesty" - I was tempted just to write "... isn't needed". :D
Hahaha, my sister as a married adult certainly does not think so with her family, and when she comes and stays with me and my fire - no privacy for me. Wasn't like this growing up but as an adult, she thinks male nudity big deal at all and I had such an embarrassing moment during her summer visit, I was mad.
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