First time embarrassed

Stories about you or someone you know getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated.
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First time embarrassed

Post by BareB4U »

This is my very earliest personal ENM memory.

It was summer. I had been swimming in a big outdoor pool one gloriously sunny afternoon with three same-aged friends. Let's call them John, Amy and Andrew (not their real names). The pool was old and a very basic set-up with no changing rooms. Most people arrived and left in their swimming things, or changed under a towel at the poolside, or went off and found somewhere more private to change. That was what the four of us did that day.

I can't recall exactly how old we were, but somewhere in the middle of primary school age. Certainly too old to simply strip naked in front of everyone on the poolside. Old enough that whichever adults we were with thought it was fine for us to go off and change by ourselves. Young enough that they didn't see any problem with three boys and a girl our age changing together. Old enough that WE all saw obvious potential problems - Amy seeing what we boys had under our swimming trunks and us boys seeing what she had under her swimsuit! :oops:

We found a promising spot not far away, a quiet space with a low wall dividing part of it, about chest high to us. The wall wasn't really tall enough to afford any privacy from each other if we were stood up, but as long as we all kept down low, Amy could change on one side and we could change on the other. It still felt like a risky business. Someone else might come along at any time. Someone naughty among us might decide to peek over a wall.

Andrew decided to play it safe and change with a towel tied around his waist. That seemed too slow and difficult to John and I, who weren't practiced at such tricks. We considered each holding a towel up in turn while the other changed behind it, but that required a lot of trust. Neither of us wanted to go second for fear that whoever went first, once safely dressed, might decide to drop the towel at an inopportune moment. No, we would change simultaneously in the open and just do it as quickly as we could.

John figured if the two of us squatted down close together facing one another, at least we would be mutual human shields from anyone seeing our little willies (which would be an unthinkable disaster!) This of course meant John was going to see mine up close and I was going to see his the same way. Not ideal but at least preferable to anyone else seeing. I took position a couple of feet from the wall with my back to it, while John settled down facing the wall, with me between him and it.

Trying to change while squatting proved difficult and undignified. We had to manipulate our wet swimming trunks off over bent legs, up and over our knees, then lift one foot at a time without losing our balance, then we had to repeat the process in reverse with our underwear. It really wasn't a quick option at all, or any easier than Andrew's more conventional towel method. He quite rightly thought we were ridiculous. We should've just sat down, but that would've opened a gap between us through which our precious willies (already no longer secret from each other, thanks to this plan) might be seen. It was insane, but made sense to us at the time, so that's what we did. :roll:

It was too much to hope Amy would hear us discussing all this from her concealed position and NOT be curious. I had just started the tricky business of manipulating my underpants on, when I noticed both John and Andrew looking behind me. I paused what I was doing, suspicious, and turned my head to look back over my shoulder at what had caught their attention.

Sure enough, there was Amy, having popped up from behind her barrier. She laid her arms flat along the top of the wall and her chin was resting on them. She was smiling at us with a look of amused interest. I noticed her shoulders were bare. However I was more concerned with how much of ME was bare. :oops:

John and Andrew were pretty much fine. John had his underwear on already and I was (at least mostly) blocking Amy's view of seeing him in just his pants. Andrew of course had his towel and was doing a competent job of getting his own pants on without revealing anything private to any of us. I was the only one naked. And I was squatting, bent over with my whole bum off the ground and pointed rudely in Amy's directon. For the first time, I felt the extent of my nudity. A GIRL was looking at me with no clothes on! :shock: My bare bum was fully on display to her and my even more private parts were dangling dangerously out in the open too. This wasn't supposed to happen!

My options were limited. My underwear was around one ankle and there was nothing else I could use to cover up within reach. I certainly wasn't going to get up or turn around. I could've sat down properly on the ground, which would've hidden at least MOST of my bottom from Amy's view, but might've let her see over my shoulders and get a glimpse of my front. (Thinking back, I was far enough away from her for this to be unlikely, but it worried me at the time.) So I did the only thing I could, and finished putting my pants on the way I had started.

Lift my second foot in... don't lose my balance... pull my pants up and over my knees... oops, wobbled a bit... try not to think about how exposed my bum is and how much I'm wiggling it about... pull my pants up further... glance back, Amy's still watching, still smiling...

There was some casual conversation between us all while I went through this tortuous all-too-slow process. I forget what was said, but even I recognised the situation was funny (albeit sheepishly). Once I'd eventually managed to drag my underwear over my backside, regaining some small amount of dignity, Amy seemed satisfied the main show was over and ducked back behind the wall. We carried on talking with her out of sight while we all finished getting dressed.

I can assure you that Andrew, John and I were three polite young gentlemen and did not at any point peek back over Amy's side of the wall in return. Tempting though it was. ;)
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Freesub »

I think amy probably deserved to be peeked on :D
It's just a pet peeve of mine when a girl does something bad and then boys don't do it back just to be gentlemen
Of course it's your life though, so I understand why you chose to do that :)
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Robert Brooks »

Great story, Bare!
I really like the way you tell them :)

I liked how even you recognised it was actually quite a funny situation, despite how embarrassing it seemed in the moment.
And the indicision and careful strategic planning at how best to tackle such a potentially 'unthinkable disaster' of a situation was very amusing too. It was slightly prefferable for you and John to face each other, showing each other your 'no longer secret' 'precious willies' than for anyone else to see. Perfect 'kid logic' and not at all 'gay' at that age, haha ;) :lol:

I agree with Freesub, that Amy definitely deserved to get peeked on too, but well done on being perfect gentlemen :P
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Boris_P »

Fantastic story, Bare. Thanks for sharing.

I take it this was the first time you and James had seen each other’s willies. That always makes it more embarrassing. In my last year of primary school we had compulsory showers after sports, so we all saw each other. Plus if I went swimming I wasn’t bothered with covering up at that age. That changed considerably once I went to secondary school! Lots of embarrassing moments followed.

Amy was very fortunate that nobody peeked at her!
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Boris_P »

Obviously I meant John, not James. I must have been thinking back to my own embarrassing moment with someone called James! :oops:
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by BareB4U »

Thanks for your comments. We boys had changed together after swimming on other occasions, so this wasn't the first time. There might've been accidental glimpses, but we tended to give each other space and turn away. It was quite an escalation being face-to-face and having to allow a clear, prolonged look at each other's private parts, almost as closely as we could see our own. And we did both look, comparing in a 'not at all 'gay' at that age' way! (Thank you, Bobby! :lol: )

(Compulsory PE showers would come a few years later, so yes, we and the other boys in our class then had to abandon any modesty we might've had in front of each other, but not yet.)

There's an embarrassment scale here:
John seeing my front = A bit awkward. :?
Amy seeing my rear = Yikes, I can feel myself blushing. :oops:
If Amy had gotten to see my front = Unthinkable disaster! :o

She didn't though, and I bore no grudge against her. So please don't all judge her too harshly. Imagine yourself in Amy's place, overhearing talk of careful positioning and willies being seen, knowing all you had to do was peer over a low barrier and you'd see everything that was going on. She would've needed an iron will to resist that kind of temptation!

Also, I nearly teased this at the end of the story and decided not to. But I will now since all of you mentioned it. Some time later (possibly the following summer?) I had another opportunity to watch Amy changing out of her swimsuit, alongside several other girls. I'm sorry(?) to say, I was NOT so much of a gentleman on that occasion. So I did eventually get my own back! ;)
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Robert Brooks
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Robert Brooks »

Boris_P wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:24 pm I must have been thinking back to my own embarrassing moment with someone called James! :oops:
...And you're going to tell us all about it, right Boris? ;)
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Freesub »

BareB4U wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:14 pm Thanks for your comments. We boys had changed together after swimming on other occasions, so this wasn't the first time. There might've been accidental glimpses, but we tended to give each other space and turn away. It was quite an escalation being face-to-face and having to allow a clear, prolonged look at each other's private parts, almost as closely as we could see our own. And we did both look, comparing in a 'not at all 'gay' at that age' way! (Thank you, Bobby! :lol: )

(Compulsory PE showers would come a few years later, so yes, we and the other boys in our class then had to abandon any modesty we might've had in front of each other, but not yet.)

There's an embarrassment scale here:
John seeing my front = A bit awkward. :?
Amy seeing my rear = Yikes, I can feel myself blushing. :oops:
If Amy had gotten to see my front = Unthinkable disaster! :o

She didn't though, and I bore no grudge against her. So please don't all judge her too harshly. Imagine yourself in Amy's place, overhearing talk of careful positioning and willies being seen, knowing all you had to do was peer over a low barrier and you'd see everything that was going on. She would've needed an iron will to resist that kind of temptation!

Also, I nearly teased this at the end of the story and decided not to. But I will now since all of you mentioned it. Some time later (possibly the following summer?) I had another opportunity to watch Amy changing out of her swimsuit, alongside several other girls. I'm sorry(?) to say, I was NOT so much of a gentleman on that occasion. So I did eventually get my own back! ;)
And we get to hear this sequel soon I hope? :)
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by Boris_P »

Robert Brooks wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 8:57 pm
Boris_P wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:24 pm I must have been thinking back to my own embarrassing moment with someone called James! :oops:
...And you're going to tell us all about it, right Boris? ;)
Yes, I'll type up some of my experiences when I get time, certainly. Plenty to tell.
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Re: First time embarrassed

Post by BareB4U »

Freesub wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:24 am And we get to hear this sequel soon I hope? :)
Likewise, yes I do plan to tell this story, when I can find time to do it justice. The other comments made me think I need to post about embarrassing moments relating to PE showers as well, as I have a few experiences to share on that front. Which to do first...?

I want to hear the James story too! :)
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