Mr Tequila

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Mr Tequila

Post by RebeccaShaw »

Well I suppose I better start with a little background to myself so here goes. My name is Bethany Evans, I am 27 yeas old and recently moved back to my parents after the typical break up of a relationship. I have always seemed to have an interest is what could be described as “Spanking” and although experimented with several boyfriends never really found what exactly I was looking for.

Chris was actually my Step Dad not my real dad and had been to married to Mum for about 8 years. I hadn’t actually lived with him before having leaving home to go to university when I was 18. Once back home Mum began to treat me much the same as she did before I left and found myself getting constant lectures about my behaviour as if I were some naughty child again. This actually fitted in quite nicely with my “Hobby” if you can call it that. Which was to walk around in front of Chris in various states of undress in order to get a little thrill of having him pretend not to look but also wind my Mum up when he did.

As a sort of joke I came across a novelty wooden paddle with the word “Brat” on it and thought it would be funny to give it Mum and Chris as a present for Christmas. Anyway not much was said when they opened it just the disapproving stare from my Mum as Chris tried not to look too interested in it. I thought it would be amusing to hang it in the kitchen and told mum that was what it was for , just like some kind of ornament type thing.

I had arranged to go to a New Year’s Eve party with my best friend Lisa. While I was in a particularly bratty, sulky mood about having the usual “nothing to wear” tantrum, Chris offered to take me shopping and buy me a new dress if it would shut me up for the rest of the day. Of course I took up his offer and ended up getting a wonderful midnight blue retro 50’s style dress. It was a flared A line type skirt part with a tight fitting top with wide shoulder straps and had little sparkly silver speckles woven into the material. It was the best dress I had ever had.

I spent all afternoon getting ready and even decided to go with the whole 50’s theme and wear some white ankle socks instead of tights and some plain black shoes. I glanced in the mirror and had to giggle to myself as I looked more like an over gown 10 year old going to a birthday party or something. I was so looking forward to the party and all the cute guys queuing up for New Year kisses it was going to Brilliant. Then Lisa rang and informed me she had come down suddenly with the flu and wasn’t going to be able to make it.

Now I was in a “mood” alright and had no option but to stay at home with my parents on New Year’s Eve as if I actually was 10 again. They had arranged for a few of the neighbours to come around, mainly a selection of older people and a few couples with smaller children. Obviously I was looked totally out of place and was hating every second of it and was just about to go and hide in my room and celebrate the worst New Year ever when I saw that someone had brought a bottle of Tequila.

I thought oh to hell with it and found a quiet corner of the kitchen and got a small shot glass, some salt and a couple of limes. At least if I got drunk quickly I could go to sleep quicker and forget about the woeful evening. I took 2 or 3 right after one another then noticed a girl standing next to me. She looked around 15, wearing jeans and nice top and she asked me what I was doing. I told her briefly and she complained that she wasn’t enjoying herself either as she was older than the other little kids who were here but obviously not a grown up either so had no one to talk to.

Her name was Annabelle and she was the niece of my Mum’s best friend Maureen. She was staying over at her Aunt’s while her parents were out partying. She asked me about the salt and the lime and of course asked what does tequila taste like. What the hell I thought , it’s a party isn’t it so told her to lick the back of her hand and sprinkled some salt on for her. I filled the shot glass told her to taste the salt drink the Tequila down in one go then push the slice of lime in her mouth. She screwed her face up with the salt then after a second or so delay opened her eyes wide and went bright red as she gasped as the Tequila hit the back of her throat then she quickly pushed the lime in her mouth trying to stop her mouth burning.

I laughed as she said it was horrible and stuck her tongue out and made all kinds of funny faces. Just them her Aunt Maureen appeared over her shoulder. She looked at me and worked out what was going on and didn’t look too happy.

“What the hell are you doing Bethany, do you know Annabelle is only 13” she snapped at me.

Then she spun Annabelle round to face her, “If you have one more drop of anything that isn’t water tonight young lady I’ll spank you so hard you’ll wish you were never born”

I couldn’t help feel a tingle rush through me at her words and was instantly intrigued by what I was hearing. Surely Maureen didn’t actually spank Annabelle even at 13 that was way too old, beside the fact that Annabelle didn’t even look 13 she looked much older. I was fascinated and determined to find out more. I poured another shot of tequila and looked at her.

“Come on…..I dare you” I smiled and waited to see what she would do.

To my disappointment she glanced around nervously and shook her head saying she had better not or she would be “in for it”. I took the shot myself and then began asking her question about Maureen. I was trying to bring the subject up about spanking and showed her the paddle on the wall which made her giggle. Unfortunately she wasn’t really answering directly and I gave her another shot telling her I would look out while she took it. It was so much fun trying to hide what we were doing as people walked around seemingly unaware of our little game.

She gulped it down pulling all sorts of faces again and giggled that she would tell me a secret about her Aunt Maureen if I promised not to tell. Oh good I thought Mr tequila was doing his job and getting her to talk. I had another shot myself and listened eagerly. Annabelle looked around then whispered in my ear that her Aunt Maureen was a “Lemon”. A Lemon around here is childish slang for a Lesbian and of course I was shocked as I would have never guessed Maureen was into girls.

Although it was indeed a cool secret for Annabelle to have told me it wasn’t really what I wanted to know. I tied to get her to have more of Mr Tequila to loosen her tongue further.
She was very reluctant saying she didn’t even like it which resulted in me calling her a “baby” and of not wanted to be grown up like me. She became a little angry at my insult and all of a sudden asked why was I so interested in Aunty Maureen, was it because I was a “Lemon” too.

I was a little shocked by her outburst and for some reason thought it would be funny or should I say Mr Tequila thought it would be funny if I said to her that for all she knew I might be a “Lemon” and did she have a problem with it. She seemed a little surprised then smiled.

“Oh I get it now…….so you fancy Aunty Maureen” she giggled

Instantly I tried to deny it saying I was only joking of course I wasn’t “lemon” and I had loads of boyfriends in the past. Just go and ask my mum I told her and could feel myself getting annoyed at her assumption. She just smiled and said her Aunt had denied it for ages according to her Mum and most people like to keep things like that a secret. Oh the little brat was really beginning to wind me up now. I had another shot to try and clam myself down.

Then Mr tequila began whispering in my ear that he had a plan to sort this mess out. Unfortunately for me Mr tequila hadn’t really thought this plan through properly .He suggested to me that if I went and kissed Maureen she would know by the kiss that I wasn’t a “Lemon” as the kiss must obviously feel different to her. I took yet another shot and thought right that was it so I marched right up to Maureen who was standing in the lounge surrounded by half of out street. I put my hands on her shoulders as she looked confused then without any warned leaning into her and kissed her full on the lips. I could feel her kiss me back and I began to feel this was not quite going to plan.

Next thing I know was the fucking “Lemon flavoured bitch” had stuck her hand up my dress! I was still kissing her as Mr Tequila kept telling me to carry on as the plan needed more time. Her hand up my dress began to actually lift my dress higher at the back then to my horror I remembered I hadn’t put any knickers on. The whole room gasped as my bare bottom was on full view and I could her Annabelle giggling and announcing that I had told her I fancied Maureen.

Maureen stopped kissing me and then gave me a couple of slight smacks to my bare bottom, “I think this naughty little girl needs to have a long chat with Aunty Maureen doesn’t she”.

More laughter filled the room as suddenly my Mum dragged me away by my arm. Thankfully my dress slipped back down to cover myself as Mum stood me in the middle of the room. I couldn’t think properly and began to realise I had drunk far more of Mr Tequila than is good for anyone. Mum then looked me up and down and exclaimed this certainly answered a lot of questions. It was obviously the reason I couldn’t keep hold of a boyfriend for more than five minutes. also why I didn’t care that I paraded myself in front of Chris half dressed. The room laughed even louder as she went on to say that was probably why I chose to let the only girl cat we have sleep with me.

I felt Mr Tequila begin to move inside my stomach and realised he didn’t want to be inside me anymore now his plan had failed so miserably. My cheeks bulged like a hamster and the inevitable happened as everyone screwed their faces up in disgust I was sick all down the front of my dress. Mum reached forward to lift my dress up to stop the sick going on the carpet hardly seeming to care that she was once again displaying my knickerless state to the whole room.

Her and Maureen led me to the kitchen followed by Annabelle and proceeded to remove my dress completely and push it in the washing machine. I tried to protest that they couldn’t just let me stand in only my bra, socks and shoes like some 2 year old only to be told it was no more than I deserved for showing myself up in front of half the street. I began to sob and before I knew what was happening Mum had took the paddle of the wall and handed it to Annabelle.

“Give the little baby something to cry about while I go and find her something to wear” she exclaimed as if this happened every day.

Maureen stood back and watched delightedly as Annabelle swung the paddle down square on my bare bottom. The loud crack made me squeal and several faces appeared in the door way to see what was going on. I should mention I shaved myself bald between my legs and must have looked just like a naughty little girl as I danced around trying to put my hands over my bottom to stop the agonising swats Annabelle was giving me. Oh God where was Mum with some clothes for me as I began to plead with her that it hurt so much.

I began to stop putting my hands over my bottom only to press one hand between my legs and then dance around and squeeze my thighs together. Annabelle and Maureen noticed what I was doing and began laughing. They looked at each other and Maureen told Annabelle she better take me to the bathroom before it was too late. She grabbed me firmly by the hand and despite my protests led me into the lounge again. With several hard smacks with the paddle to my bare stinging bottom she ushered me along past all the grinning faces.

“I’m just taking naughty baby Bethany for a wee wee” she announced to everyone amidst the howls of laughter.

Mum was on top of the stairs with my Pyjamas in her hand and stood shaking her head as Annabelle led me into the bathroom. She pushed me down on the toilet and I cringed in shame as she hadn’t even closed the door and all the children who had been playing upstairs were stood watching me. She lifted my chin up to look at my face.

“Well not so grown up now are we…I think we can see who the real baby is around here” she laughed as I let go of my bladder in front of the giggling kids.

I was beyond caring now that everyone had seen me as I was led downstairs to face them all again. Annabelle pushed me into the corner making me lift my hands to my head and calmly told my Mum that she could get me ready for bed after I had done my corner time. I could see my mum look up to protest but the look Annabelle gave her made her stay quiet. The party seemed to resume with me standing quietly sobbing as one by one the children began to come up to me and feel my bottom saying how hot it was and why had I been so naughty and all end of questions. Even most of the adult managed to walk past me and give my bottom a feel and even a few smacks as they thought it was the best New Year’s Eve party they had even been to.

Eventually I was brought in front of my Mum by Annabelle and with several more sharp smacks to my bottom she told my Mum to get the naughty little girl ready for bed. She reached around to unclip my bra and made me hold my feet up one at a time to take my shoes and socks off. I was naked as the day I was born with a bright bottom in front of most of my neighbours who were standing amused at such a display.

“This is what happens to naughty little girls who think it is clever to get themselves so drunk they don’t know what they are doing isn’t it Bethany” she hissed as she put the pyjama jacket on me.

I found my self nodding in agreement with her and muttering that I was sorry as once again my feet were lifted to step into the rest of my pyjamas. With a final slap to my bottom she tugged them up tight to cover my nakedness.

“Right go around give everyone a kiss goodnight and apologise to them all” she smiled.

I walked around giving everyone a kiss on the cheek saying how sorry I was for being such a naughty little girl and deep down had to laugh to myself that this was hardly the kind of kisses I was expecting this evening. The last person waiting at the foot of the stairs was Annabelle who was grinning from ear to ear.

“Shall I ask your Mum if I can come over and baby sit you again sometime” she giggled

With my face as red as it has ever been in my entire life I kissed her on the cheek and replied, “Yes please”
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Re: introduction

Post by RebeccaShaw »

Hi, I have been writing stories as a hobby for a few years now and thought I would post a few. Some are true, some are total fantasies and some are Hollywood true
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