Yankton SD enf
Yankton SD enf
Here is a story my wife told me of a bad event that happened to her. I have mixed feelings about it because it was obviously traumatic for her but it is kinda hot and it makes me wish I worked here when I was in high school.
Back in 1991 she was 18 but still a senior in high school. She had an older brother that to this day is a huge piece of shit, into drugs and can't stay out of prison. When this happened he was basically making my wife's life hell and her parents life hell also. He was doing tons of drugs and just being a huge piece of shit, pawning stuff, being paranoid, haulicinating etc. It really started fucking her up and a teacher noticed she was crying all the time at school and had a social check because he thought she was going to hurt herself. So a judge eventually got involved and thought she was a harm to herself and the police showed up to "help" her on a Friday. They ended up sending her to the state hospital in Yankton, South dakota for a 3 day hold and to make sure she was mentally ok.
The drive to the hospital is about 5 hours away so she got escorted to the hospital in a sheriff's car which to an 18 year old female was probably pretty traumatic but the worst was yet to come. They got to the facility late that night so all the administration and Drs went home for the weekend. They didn't know anything about her and since they get lots of homeless people to the facility they make them strip off all their clothes and run a blacklight over your body to make sure you don't have lice. She said it was a female guard and it was embarrassing because any lent or odd foreign object would glow and the nurse would examine it to make sure it wasn't a bug. The nurse was vary thorough and basically looked at every inch of her body. Now something to say about my wife is she is really attractive and 90s skinny, she also was extremely worried about her showing skin so she always wore pants and long sleeve shirts even when it was hot out. So this was extremely embarrassing for her. But the worse was still yet to come.
So after the blacklight body inspection was over they wouldn't let her have her clothes back because they hadn't been inspected by admin and since it was Friday late they wouldn't be back until Monday morning so they gave her a paper gown to wear.
Background: The first time she told me a little of this story I thought a paper gown isn't that bad. But since the first time she told me this story we had a visit to a hospital and we had to wear a disposable gown and my wife said this is what I wore in Yankton. Holy shit the thing was see thru and only went to your high thigh.
So her is my extremely shy, traumatized wife who is 18 years old in a see thru blue gown. Since it was late everyone in the unit was asleep so they showed her to her room and gave her a paper blanket since they thought she was suicidal and might hang herself with a real blanket. She had to share a room with another female who was extremely unstable and every hour a female guard checked on my wife to make sure she was safe. So she got no sleep.
So the last check just before morning my wife said in walked a male guard to make sure she was still ok and shined a flashlight into her eyes. She thought to herself Holy shit their are male staff on a female unit. So for the next hour she thought she would just stay in her room and not go out into the unit because she is basically naked and she doesn't want to be seen. After about 30 min of hiding a female staffer came in and said she can't stay in her room because they won't allow it because they don't have enough staff to watch inside the rooms.
So my wife built up enough courage to get up and walk out into the commons area with no socks, clothes bra nothing and a see thru blue disposable gown that left nothing to the imagination. She said you could see everything. Her dark bush, her pointy nipples, her areola she was basically naked. I am guessing if you are reading this you are already aware of what I am going to say next.......the unit wasn't just females it was coed and staffed with almost all males. My wife said she instantly had a deer in the head lights look. Her stomach went queasy and she went flush in the face. I told her if it was a horny 18 year old me I would have probably got a hard on. She said she felt her nips get hard.
Going to write more later. Trying to copy this from other site I posted on with phone.
Back in 1991 she was 18 but still a senior in high school. She had an older brother that to this day is a huge piece of shit, into drugs and can't stay out of prison. When this happened he was basically making my wife's life hell and her parents life hell also. He was doing tons of drugs and just being a huge piece of shit, pawning stuff, being paranoid, haulicinating etc. It really started fucking her up and a teacher noticed she was crying all the time at school and had a social check because he thought she was going to hurt herself. So a judge eventually got involved and thought she was a harm to herself and the police showed up to "help" her on a Friday. They ended up sending her to the state hospital in Yankton, South dakota for a 3 day hold and to make sure she was mentally ok.
The drive to the hospital is about 5 hours away so she got escorted to the hospital in a sheriff's car which to an 18 year old female was probably pretty traumatic but the worst was yet to come. They got to the facility late that night so all the administration and Drs went home for the weekend. They didn't know anything about her and since they get lots of homeless people to the facility they make them strip off all their clothes and run a blacklight over your body to make sure you don't have lice. She said it was a female guard and it was embarrassing because any lent or odd foreign object would glow and the nurse would examine it to make sure it wasn't a bug. The nurse was vary thorough and basically looked at every inch of her body. Now something to say about my wife is she is really attractive and 90s skinny, she also was extremely worried about her showing skin so she always wore pants and long sleeve shirts even when it was hot out. So this was extremely embarrassing for her. But the worse was still yet to come.
So after the blacklight body inspection was over they wouldn't let her have her clothes back because they hadn't been inspected by admin and since it was Friday late they wouldn't be back until Monday morning so they gave her a paper gown to wear.
Background: The first time she told me a little of this story I thought a paper gown isn't that bad. But since the first time she told me this story we had a visit to a hospital and we had to wear a disposable gown and my wife said this is what I wore in Yankton. Holy shit the thing was see thru and only went to your high thigh.
So her is my extremely shy, traumatized wife who is 18 years old in a see thru blue gown. Since it was late everyone in the unit was asleep so they showed her to her room and gave her a paper blanket since they thought she was suicidal and might hang herself with a real blanket. She had to share a room with another female who was extremely unstable and every hour a female guard checked on my wife to make sure she was safe. So she got no sleep.
So the last check just before morning my wife said in walked a male guard to make sure she was still ok and shined a flashlight into her eyes. She thought to herself Holy shit their are male staff on a female unit. So for the next hour she thought she would just stay in her room and not go out into the unit because she is basically naked and she doesn't want to be seen. After about 30 min of hiding a female staffer came in and said she can't stay in her room because they won't allow it because they don't have enough staff to watch inside the rooms.
So my wife built up enough courage to get up and walk out into the commons area with no socks, clothes bra nothing and a see thru blue disposable gown that left nothing to the imagination. She said you could see everything. Her dark bush, her pointy nipples, her areola she was basically naked. I am guessing if you are reading this you are already aware of what I am going to say next.......the unit wasn't just females it was coed and staffed with almost all males. My wife said she instantly had a deer in the head lights look. Her stomach went queasy and she went flush in the face. I told her if it was a horny 18 year old me I would have probably got a hard on. She said she felt her nips get hard.
Going to write more later. Trying to copy this from other site I posted on with phone.
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Re: Yankton SD enf
I think it was such an ugly and routine situation that no one thought of looking at your wife's body just because she was a beautiful woman. Does your wife know you told us this? xD
Re: Yankton SD enf
So Saturday morning comes and she finds out that she is in a coed unit with some really crazy people. She said everyone was really out of it but 1 guy and 1 girl. The girl got transferred Saturday to another unit so it was basically her and this guy that were fairly sane.
After my wife got enough courage to walk out into the unit Saturday morning and realizing what she was dealing with she immediately planted herself by a table with her back to the wall. She used it for protection and she told me she was relatively covered and could hunker down and use her arms to cover everything else. At some point the one sane guy moved to my wife's table to start to talk to her.
I asked my wife if anyone else had a paper gown on. At first she said no one else did but eventually she said this guy had one on and that it was blue and had white polka dots on it. Not sure if at first she didn't want me to know this or if she truely forgot about it. I am assuming different sized gowns were different colors. I joked that of course a sane guy was going to move to the pretty girl that is naked table. lol. She said he was not interested in her but I don't think my wife understands guys minds, espically with an enf situation going on.
So he starts to tell her that he is actually a prison inmate that got sent to Yankton because he felt suicidal. My guess is it was a way for him to get out of his routine and has seen some interesting shit in this facility already. My wife said she actually welcomed the guys company because he would give her advise like "don't look this person in the face" or "don't talk to that person if he talks to you" So I think the guy was being helpful but like I told my wife he was probably trying to get looks at her the whole time.
I asked my wife if he could really see anything and she said no but eventually he got to. That really interested me so I tried stearing the conversation in that direction. After about 2 hours a male staffer came up to the table and told my wife that she needed to come do a one on one with her and she needs to come with her. She was obviously paranoid because she was going to lose the comfort and protection of the table. So she got up and they went over to 2 chairs basically against the wall 5 feet away. lol. No way did he need her to get up, I am thinking he just wanted to see her nakedness. She said she tried to hold the back of the gown together so her ass wouldn't show but this bascially left her front expossed. The staffer said they had to do a one on one with the her, basically yes/no questions about being sad, if she wants to hurt herself, etc. She told me she was extremely uncomfortable and was leaning foward trying not to expose her front to him. The classic enf pose that we have all seen in pictures here. Basically it was about ten minutes worth of questions and then he said she could go. I asked her if he got up first and she said no he waited for me to get up and walk away becuase he was writing. I mentioned that he wasn't writing, he was waiting to see more of her having to set up and then walk away. If you look at the gown she was wearing and how high it was I am guessing everytime my wife got up or set down her ass was completely exposed for a time and depending on how the tables and chairs moved she probably had to bend over to get up or out and probably her lips could have been exposed too.
So my wife got back to the comfort of her table and was covered again but she was obviously in for a long day. The prisoner and her made small talk and he was in for burgerly. He robbed a movie vhs store that he used to work at. He was high when he did it and looking back on it he said it was dumb. At some point another staffer came up and took my wife away to do another one on one. And this went on for the day. Every couple of hours a new male staffer came up and did one on ones with her. I asked her if it was ever a female staffer and she said no, all male staff. Almost always a different one. They were all getting their looks at her naked body. lol. Everytime she said she was extremely naked and tried to lean forward and cover her body and hope her gown tried to cover her ass.
I have tried finding out more about what happened this day and get more details but I think I will get more out of her over time.
So this was how her day went until the last one on one. My wife having to hide her nakedness as best she could with male staffers trying to fuck with her....until the last one on one for the day.
A completly new staffer came up and asked her to come to do her one on one, so my wife once agian gets up and goes to the wall and leans over to protect her modesty. Are you sad? no. Are you wanting to hurt yourself? no. Other? no. After the end of all the question my wife is now getting irritated, no sleep, basically naked, in crazy town, and she did nothing wrong. So she asks the staffer what qualifications does he have to determine her mental health. He replies that he is going to become a doctor. My wife then asks where he is going to college? "I don't go to college I go to Yankton high school. I am a Junior and am 17 years old. Every unit aid on the weekends are high school students"....BOOM. Now you know why I said I would have worked here if I was in high school. Every staffer aid that has seen my wife naked are the same age as her or younger. I bet my wife went complete ape shit over this. Here she is completely shy, never wanting to have her arms seen, never wears shorts, modest as can be and she is getting eyed by all the high schoolers that got a job here. At this point she said she lost her modesty and set up and started being a b*tch. Chewing him out that she is probably smarter than him, this is rediculous, etc. At some point she got up and went back to the table.
I don't think anything else embarrassing happened and she hasn't told me any more about this day. But I guess this was way over the top humiliation.
I have went on fishing expeditions and have made her guess how many people saw her naked? 5, 10, 15.....higher. She said she bets the unit had 30 people, most crazy and maybe 15 high school students and some older staff. She did tell me she thought the aids looked young but she didn't think they were her age or younger. I have tried to reassure her that she probably looked really hot and they were enjoying it. She doesn't think they were wanting to see her naked but I am betting they were taking turns doing one on ones just to see her naked. And after everything I have heard, they saw all of her.
After my wife got enough courage to walk out into the unit Saturday morning and realizing what she was dealing with she immediately planted herself by a table with her back to the wall. She used it for protection and she told me she was relatively covered and could hunker down and use her arms to cover everything else. At some point the one sane guy moved to my wife's table to start to talk to her.
I asked my wife if anyone else had a paper gown on. At first she said no one else did but eventually she said this guy had one on and that it was blue and had white polka dots on it. Not sure if at first she didn't want me to know this or if she truely forgot about it. I am assuming different sized gowns were different colors. I joked that of course a sane guy was going to move to the pretty girl that is naked table. lol. She said he was not interested in her but I don't think my wife understands guys minds, espically with an enf situation going on.
So he starts to tell her that he is actually a prison inmate that got sent to Yankton because he felt suicidal. My guess is it was a way for him to get out of his routine and has seen some interesting shit in this facility already. My wife said she actually welcomed the guys company because he would give her advise like "don't look this person in the face" or "don't talk to that person if he talks to you" So I think the guy was being helpful but like I told my wife he was probably trying to get looks at her the whole time.
I asked my wife if he could really see anything and she said no but eventually he got to. That really interested me so I tried stearing the conversation in that direction. After about 2 hours a male staffer came up to the table and told my wife that she needed to come do a one on one with her and she needs to come with her. She was obviously paranoid because she was going to lose the comfort and protection of the table. So she got up and they went over to 2 chairs basically against the wall 5 feet away. lol. No way did he need her to get up, I am thinking he just wanted to see her nakedness. She said she tried to hold the back of the gown together so her ass wouldn't show but this bascially left her front expossed. The staffer said they had to do a one on one with the her, basically yes/no questions about being sad, if she wants to hurt herself, etc. She told me she was extremely uncomfortable and was leaning foward trying not to expose her front to him. The classic enf pose that we have all seen in pictures here. Basically it was about ten minutes worth of questions and then he said she could go. I asked her if he got up first and she said no he waited for me to get up and walk away becuase he was writing. I mentioned that he wasn't writing, he was waiting to see more of her having to set up and then walk away. If you look at the gown she was wearing and how high it was I am guessing everytime my wife got up or set down her ass was completely exposed for a time and depending on how the tables and chairs moved she probably had to bend over to get up or out and probably her lips could have been exposed too.
So my wife got back to the comfort of her table and was covered again but she was obviously in for a long day. The prisoner and her made small talk and he was in for burgerly. He robbed a movie vhs store that he used to work at. He was high when he did it and looking back on it he said it was dumb. At some point another staffer came up and took my wife away to do another one on one. And this went on for the day. Every couple of hours a new male staffer came up and did one on ones with her. I asked her if it was ever a female staffer and she said no, all male staff. Almost always a different one. They were all getting their looks at her naked body. lol. Everytime she said she was extremely naked and tried to lean forward and cover her body and hope her gown tried to cover her ass.
I have tried finding out more about what happened this day and get more details but I think I will get more out of her over time.
So this was how her day went until the last one on one. My wife having to hide her nakedness as best she could with male staffers trying to fuck with her....until the last one on one for the day.
A completly new staffer came up and asked her to come to do her one on one, so my wife once agian gets up and goes to the wall and leans over to protect her modesty. Are you sad? no. Are you wanting to hurt yourself? no. Other? no. After the end of all the question my wife is now getting irritated, no sleep, basically naked, in crazy town, and she did nothing wrong. So she asks the staffer what qualifications does he have to determine her mental health. He replies that he is going to become a doctor. My wife then asks where he is going to college? "I don't go to college I go to Yankton high school. I am a Junior and am 17 years old. Every unit aid on the weekends are high school students"....BOOM. Now you know why I said I would have worked here if I was in high school. Every staffer aid that has seen my wife naked are the same age as her or younger. I bet my wife went complete ape shit over this. Here she is completely shy, never wanting to have her arms seen, never wears shorts, modest as can be and she is getting eyed by all the high schoolers that got a job here. At this point she said she lost her modesty and set up and started being a b*tch. Chewing him out that she is probably smarter than him, this is rediculous, etc. At some point she got up and went back to the table.
I don't think anything else embarrassing happened and she hasn't told me any more about this day. But I guess this was way over the top humiliation.
I have went on fishing expeditions and have made her guess how many people saw her naked? 5, 10, 15.....higher. She said she bets the unit had 30 people, most crazy and maybe 15 high school students and some older staff. She did tell me she thought the aids looked young but she didn't think they were her age or younger. I have tried to reassure her that she probably looked really hot and they were enjoying it. She doesn't think they were wanting to see her naked but I am betting they were taking turns doing one on ones just to see her naked. And after everything I have heard, they saw all of her.
Re: Yankton SD enf
https://apxap.com/is-the-covid-here-to- ... o-endemic/
Here is a picture of the gown she had to wear.
Here is a picture of the gown she had to wear.
Re: Yankton SD enf
So I posted the rest of this story on another site. I will post the last part because a few people were interested.
So going to finish the rest of this but was hoping to get in contact with someone who worked there at this time. I tried Facebook and reddit but never have meet anyone that worked there then, it was actually 1990 instead of 91. I did talk with someone who worked there in 93 and someone in 96. They both say they would have never left my wife in a isolation/disposable gown, or she wouldn't have had contact with an inmate but my wife still says this happened.
So Sunday morning comes around and she still is getting woke up every hour at night. So she is super tired and grumpy come Sunday morning and extremely pissed at this point. She makes it out to the commons area and does her best to hide without her ass showing out the back of a see through gown. She said the food sucked and she wouldn't eat, so by now the staff thinks she is also on a hunger strike. She assures them that she isn't and if their food wasn't shit she would eat it.
After an hour passes here comes another younger male to do a one on one. Makes her get up and go to the chairs so she is exposed again. Are you a danger to yourself ? No. Are you suicidal? No. Etc. At this point she is getting grumpy with them and the male staff starts to ask her why she is embarrassed? My wife being naive tells him how stupid of a question is that. She is naked, trying to lean forward to cover up, etc. I told her he was fucking with her and teasing her because of the situation. I bet the teasing probably started the day before but she never really specified when it happened. So after the questions the one on one is over and my wife goes back to the table with the only kinda sane person.
She then tells me after about 30 min a male staffer comes over and tells her she needs to get up and mingle. Lol. WTF, everyone is crazy except the one guy she is talking to. So she argues with him but gets up and walks around for 5 minutes then goes and sets down. I am betting they were just still fucking with her and enjoying the show but maybe this was standard procedure but I just don't think so. I asked if the prison inmate had to mingle and she said no but she thinks he was a regular there.
After about the 3rd one on one she said they stopped asking her why she is embarrassed, you shouldn't be embarrassed, etc. My guess is they were just teasing her but I don't know, that is why I would like to find someone who worked then. She said after the second time of getting up and walking around because she was told too she stopped listening to them and just stayed seated.
She said later that day she finally got to see a doctor who quized her and decided to release her and that she wasn't a harm to herself. So Monday morning she got her clothes back and her family came and got her.
Sorry I wasn't able to write more about this last part. I haven't really heard much about it from her. If I hear more I will update about this.
I also was told two different things about the younger employees. One person told me if a 17 year old had a GED they could work there and another person said no, all employees had to be 18 so not sure.
If anyone ever worked here in 1990 please respond!!
So going to finish the rest of this but was hoping to get in contact with someone who worked there at this time. I tried Facebook and reddit but never have meet anyone that worked there then, it was actually 1990 instead of 91. I did talk with someone who worked there in 93 and someone in 96. They both say they would have never left my wife in a isolation/disposable gown, or she wouldn't have had contact with an inmate but my wife still says this happened.
So Sunday morning comes around and she still is getting woke up every hour at night. So she is super tired and grumpy come Sunday morning and extremely pissed at this point. She makes it out to the commons area and does her best to hide without her ass showing out the back of a see through gown. She said the food sucked and she wouldn't eat, so by now the staff thinks she is also on a hunger strike. She assures them that she isn't and if their food wasn't shit she would eat it.
After an hour passes here comes another younger male to do a one on one. Makes her get up and go to the chairs so she is exposed again. Are you a danger to yourself ? No. Are you suicidal? No. Etc. At this point she is getting grumpy with them and the male staff starts to ask her why she is embarrassed? My wife being naive tells him how stupid of a question is that. She is naked, trying to lean forward to cover up, etc. I told her he was fucking with her and teasing her because of the situation. I bet the teasing probably started the day before but she never really specified when it happened. So after the questions the one on one is over and my wife goes back to the table with the only kinda sane person.
She then tells me after about 30 min a male staffer comes over and tells her she needs to get up and mingle. Lol. WTF, everyone is crazy except the one guy she is talking to. So she argues with him but gets up and walks around for 5 minutes then goes and sets down. I am betting they were just still fucking with her and enjoying the show but maybe this was standard procedure but I just don't think so. I asked if the prison inmate had to mingle and she said no but she thinks he was a regular there.
After about the 3rd one on one she said they stopped asking her why she is embarrassed, you shouldn't be embarrassed, etc. My guess is they were just teasing her but I don't know, that is why I would like to find someone who worked then. She said after the second time of getting up and walking around because she was told too she stopped listening to them and just stayed seated.
She said later that day she finally got to see a doctor who quized her and decided to release her and that she wasn't a harm to herself. So Monday morning she got her clothes back and her family came and got her.
Sorry I wasn't able to write more about this last part. I haven't really heard much about it from her. If I hear more I will update about this.
I also was told two different things about the younger employees. One person told me if a 17 year old had a GED they could work there and another person said no, all employees had to be 18 so not sure.
If anyone ever worked here in 1990 please respond!!
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Re: Yankton SD enf
This sounds too scary and traumatic to be funny or sexy - to me, anyway. Sounds like she's made her peace with it.
I'm glad for that.
I'm glad for that.
Re: Yankton SD enf
Yes, she has made peace with it and laughs about it. She jokes that we should role play the situation. But yea it fucked with her when it first happened. Heck it fucked with me when I heard a lot about it.
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Re: Yankton SD enf
Like I said, glad to hear it. I could see the humor in my hospital stay even while it was happening.
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Re: Yankton SD enf
sslim5 wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:53 pm Yes, she has made peace with it and laughs about it. She jokes that we should role play the situation. But yea it fucked with her when it first happened. Heck it fucked with me when I heard a lot about it.
I can understand that something traumatic, that you want to relive to control it and make it not so bad.
Just a bi girl who likes being spanked and degraded
Open to Constructive Criticism and ideas for stories
My most embarrassing story
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Open to Constructive Criticism and ideas for stories
My most embarrassing story
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