Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by EddieDavidson »

Synopsis: Jeff hypnotized his mother about 18 months ago, and is showing her off to his best friend on the Fourth of July. A short illustrated story - all images are original
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Genre: Mind Control
Tags: Ma/Fa, Teenagers, Mind Control, Incest, Humiliation, Light Bond, Gang Bang, Anal Sex, Exhibitionism, Illustrated
Two Chapters


“Mom, can you come here for a minute?” I called out, trying to keep my tone casual. I had no reason to be careful. Only my mother Fiona and my best friend David were at the house.

She entered the room, looking a bit wary. “What is it, Jeff?”

I gestured for her to stand in front of me. “I just need to make sure everything’s set for tonight. Remember the hypnosis? I need to reapply it.”

Her eyes widened with a mix of fear and resignation. “Jeff, please, not again. This has gone far enough.”

I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm and assertive. “Mom, focus on my voice. You’re getting sleepy again.”

My mother futilely shook her head, but I could see the trance taking hold. “Jeff, please, I’m begging you. Don’t do this. It’s not right.”

She knew there was no avoiding the compulsion to obey me. I applied reinforcement sessions every day to bind my mother’s will to me, and she always reacted the same way. She’d plead until I placed her fully in the trance.

“Mom, look into my eyes. You are feeling very sleepy. My voice is the only thing you hear. You must listen and obey,” I continued, my voice steady and firm. I was used to my mother’s pleading. If I stopped to argue with her, the impact of the ritual would be diminished, and I’d have to start over.

Her resistance was fading, her eyelids drooping. “No, Jeff...”

“Fiona Erdman, It’s the fourth of July today! It’s your favorite day in the entire world. You are the most patriotic and obedient mother of all time. There is no one more red-blooded, true-blue, and American than you in the entire world, is there?”

“No, Jeff...” She could barely stand; her body was limp.

“Your answers to me will always be totally sincere and will provide fully honest context and details, won’t they?”

“Yes, Jeff.”

“You won’t ever exclude some information or try to manipulate or trick me, will you?”

“No, Jeff.”

“That would be bad if you did that. wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, Jeff.”

“You are incapable of lying to me, aren’t you?” I said. I’ve found repeating the same instructions in a different way helps reinforce the trance state programming.

“Yes, Jeff.”

“You are so proud of your country that you can never be humiliated for loving it. You’ll go to any lengths to celebrate our nation’s rich traditions and heritage. The more embarrassed you are, the more patriotic you feel,” I reinforced, watching as the words took root in my mother’s malleable mind.

It had taken months of practice and training for me to be able to hone my technique and adjust her brain to accept suggestions from me with minimal resistance from her conscious mind.

I also make my mother sleep with headphones and a blindfold and play suggestive instructions through subliminal messages embedded in new-age music.

She was fully under now, her body relaxed, and her eyes closed. “You love to have fun by doing whatever I say. It’s all in good fun, and you enjoy it. Who am I, Mother?”

“You are my son,” she answered.

“What am I?”

“A good boy who can do no wrong.”

That’s what I had programmed her to say. She was doing really well. I encouraged her with light praise before continuing.

“Can you ever disagree with me?”


“You aren’t mad that you were hypnotized. It was all in good fun. You won’t tell anyone you were hypnotized unless I tell you that it’s okay, right?”


“You will do whatever I tell you, when I tell you, how I tell you, no matter what, because you trust and obey me. I know what is best. Don’t I?”

“Yes, Jeff, you know bessss...”

“Are you aware you are hypnotized and under my control?”

“Yes, I am...”

“You are falling into a deeper state of suggestion, one where the things I tell you are all that you believe. You believe you can only tell me that you are hypnotized and no one else, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Today, you can tell David when you see him. You can’t tell anyone else, though. It’s a deep, dark secret that no one else can know.”

“Yes, Jeff.”

“No one else must ever know you are hypnotized,” I repeated a few times until my mother’s voice started to trail off while she agreed.

Fiona was completely entranced. I knew I had to make sure she wouldn’t break free. “When you wake up, you will remember that you love being a Yankee Doodle Dummy. You will follow all of my commands and feel happy and proud while doing so. Your heart swells with pride as we celebrate the enduring spirit of America, and you become a good mommy who does what she is told by her son. Don’t you?”


“Whenever I remind you of the bravery and vision of our founding fathers, who forged a path to freedom and democracy, you will feel a sense of sexual desire and mounting frustration today unless I tell you what to do next. You will follow me until I give you an instruction and obey it without hesitation.”

“Yessss, I will.”

“You asked me to hypnotize you to prevent you from smoking, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

“You don’t want to smoke, do you?”

“No, Jeff.”

“You will never smoke, and if you disobey me, it means you’ll start up that nasty habit again, and you don’t want that, do you?”

“Ptaw,” my mother spat out a foul taste in her mouth and shook her head no.

Finally, I snapped my fingers, bringing her out of the trance. She blinked a few times, looking around with a sudden realization of her state. Panic flashed in her eyes as she realized that I had tranced her again. I re-apply the hypnosis every day to ensure that she can’t break free from my suggestions.

I’ve somehow connected the very real fear of smoking again to a fear of disobeying me. I am not entirely certain how I was able to manage it but at the root of all of my mother’s compulsion to obey, is her compulsion never to smoke again. I use association of the behaviors I want in her with the concept of never smoking again.

My mother will soon piece together what is happening to her. She comes to this realization every afternoon.

“Jeff, what did you do to me? Why do I feel so ... weird?” she asked, her voice trembling as she looked around the room in a confused state.

“Relax, Mom. You asked me to hypnotize you so that you would never crave a cigarette again. Do you remember?”

“Oh! Yes, I need to quit...” she said. She always says that. She hasn’t smoked in over 18 months, thanks to me. “It might be all in my head, but I really don’t want a cigarette. Thank you, Jeff. You are the best son ever!”

My mother’s expression of gratitude changes after she is done with her hypnosis from day to day. She’ll figure out shortly that that wasn’t the only suggestion that I implanted in her head.

I call this phase the “Waking from a Dream” phase because my mother’s disorientation will only last a few minutes, as if she had just awoken from a deep slumber. It will take her a few minutes to process the instructions I gave her. Today, I introduced one new rule into her psyche about my best friend knowing her dirty secret, and I wasn’t sure how that would work. I rarely deviated from my hypnotic script now that I had perfected it.

“What day is it today?” I asked.

“Why, it’s the Fourth of July! It’s my favorite day ever! Don’t you know that silly?”

“Yes, I do! Come on, let’s go show David how obedient you are.”

“Obedient?” my mother asked dumbfounded. She was compelled to follow me into the living room. It’s at this point that she starts to make a connection with what’s going on.

“You know David. He’s my best friend. He knows your secrets. Take his shoes off and kiss his feet, Mom.”

“What? why?” My Mom went to her knees at David’s feet, removed his shoes with a startled look on her face, and began to kiss his feet lovingly. “David, I am sorry about this,” she apologized.

“Don’t be sorry, Mom. He knows you are hypnotized. David and I are the only ones who know you are hypnotized. You can’t tell anyone else, and you like being told what to do, don’t you?”

“I do,” Fiona was still kissing his feet. David was lucky. I hadn’t told anyone else I hypnotized my mother. Today, I finally told David, and he didn’t believe my story. It was fairly incredible. I barely believed it myself.

“Seeing is believing, isn’t it, Buddy?”

“Jeff, why am I doing this?” Fiona couldn’t believe her actions.

“She’s most resistant right after the suggestions have been placed. It wears off after I start giving her commands,” I explained to David. I patted her on her beautiful red hair and reminded her, “You asked me to hypnotize you, and you aren’t mad about it. It’s all in good fun, right?” I asked.

“Yes, Jeff,” My mother was licking his toes and kissing my friend’s feet. She’d keep doing it until she passed out if I didn’t stop her. I’ve tested it before.

“How do you know she is really hypnotized and not just acting?” David asked.

“I’ve had her hypnotized for 18 months, David. Do you really think my Mom is playing the long con so she can surprise me and say that she was faking it?” I asked him rhetorically.

“I never noticed your mom was hypnotized, and I’ve been over here many times!”

“My Mom had a reputation for rambunctious and often outspoken behavior before this began. It was fairly simple to maintain that behavior around people. You are the only one I trusted to share this with. Do you need more proof? Fine, Mom, Stand up, please.”

“I’ve been doing what you tell me for 18 months, Jeff?” my mother asked with her eyes wide in surprise.

“You always do what I tell you, Fiona. Take your clothes completely off, fold them neatly, and sit on David’s lap. He’s a guest in the house, and you like to obey me, don’t you?”

“I do like to obey you, so you don’t have to hypnotize me, Jeff,” My mother was stripping out of her clothes quickly. She had perfect strawberry-colored nipples. I loved David’s face when she unsnapped her bra and popped out those puppies for him. She took her jeans down and rolled her panties down without hesitation as she stepped out of them.

“Are you embarrassed, Mom?”

“Yes, very.”

“Does it turn you on to be humiliated?”

“Yes, it does, Jeff,” My Mom covered her mouth and whispered, “Oh God!”

She says that every time I ask her, and she realizes her pussy is doing overtime juicing up, and her nipples are stiffening. I’ve instilled a deep desire to be humiliated in her that has somehow become psychosomatic. She can’t have an orgasm unless she is mortified.

“Mom, stand in the middle of the room,” I commanded. Fiona moved to the center of the living room, her naked body rigid but compliant.

“Now, sing ‘Yankee Doodle’ while hopping on one foot,” I said, testing the depth of the trance.

Fiona’s face flushed with embarrassment, but she started singing and hopping, her voice wavering but obedient. “Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a pony...”

David’s jaw dropped. “No way, dude. She’s really doing it.”

“See? She’s my Yankee Doodle Dummy,” I said proudly. “And she loves every humiliating moment of it, don’t you, Mom?”

Fiona stopped hopping, tears of embarrassment in her eyes, but she nodded. “Yes, Jeff. I love it.”

David was thoroughly convinced now. “Man, that’s crazy. You’ve really got her under your control.”

I nodded, feeling a strange mix of power and guilt. “Yeah, but remember, it’s all in good fun. Right, Mom?”

Fiona’s voice was soft and resigned. “Yes, Jeff. It’s all in good fun.”

“Now, sit in David’s lap,” I reminded her. I could tell my Mom was resistant.

“Do you want a cigarette?” I asked. It was strange how asking her for a light, or a cigarette would somehow motivate her to stop trying to fight against the programming I had woven like a web over her mind over the last 18 months.

She sat on David’s lap, letting her naked ass rest on his jeans. “Ouch, your belt is hurting me, David.”

“That’s okay, Mom. You like a belt to the ass. You will bump and grind on David because it’s fun to dry hump him as long as you don’t want to smoke?”

My Mom agreed and began to give my best friend the lap dance of his life.

“How did you do this, dude?”

“I honestly don’t know. My Mom bought me a hypnosis book for my birthday and jokingly asked if I could help her stop smoking. It’s a nasty habit, and she wants to give it up. I planted other small suggestions, like letting me stay out all night. I was skeptical, just like you, that she was just pretending to go along with it. Eventually, I ordered her to strip naked and cluck like a chicken, and that’s when I realized that my Mom is really suggestable.”

“Oh my god, I want to see that!”

David couldn’t wait for my mother to perform.

“Mom, our guests want you to be a chicken. You are now in a barnyard, and you’ve become a delicious, white chicken, squawking and pecking on the farm.”

My mother’s eyes grew wide in recognition of the order that she had been given, and then they glazed over.


“This is actually one of the exercises I do with her almost every day. I find that reinforcing her verbal and physical programming through repetition only makes the suggestions stronger,” I explained as my mother slid off of David’s lap and down to the floor.

My mother squatted on the balls of her feet and began to flap her arms while pecking by moving her head like a chicken and making chicken noises.

David was laughing hysterically as my mother squawked, flapped her wings (arms folded at her side) and waddled around pretending to lay imaginary eggs on the carpet. It was pretty fucking funny and I never tired of it. I’ve sometimes left her as a chicken for several hours while I went out of the house and come back only to find her roosting somewhere on a pile of clothes like it was a nest.

David started laughing. “That was some lap dance, but this is great! Can you do it to anyone?”

“Do you want me to try on you?”

“Fuck no, dude!”

“I’ve tried it on a few girls, but no dice. I think it takes certain types of minds, and the subject has to REALLY want to be hypnotized in the first place.”

“Does Steve know?”

“I already told you, David. You are the ONLY person I’ve told,” I reiterated. There was no way I was telling my mom’s asshole of a boyfriend. I almost never talk to that guy. I thought about making my mother break up with him, but I couldn’t do that to her. She really seemed to like him.

“How does he not figure out his girlfriend is a chicken?” David asked.

“I don’t keep her in this state all the time. She has to work, pay bills, clean the house, and I let her go on dates with Steve.”

If he moved in with us, that would be a different story. That would definitely cramp my style. I let her spend the night at his house sometimes. The poor bastard had no idea that his girlfriend was my hypno-slave.

“LET HER? Oh man,” David found that hysterical.

My mother was obliviously pecking around the living room. I put some birdseed on the ground for her to pick up with her teeth.

“Yes, I allow it. If I told her to stop seeing Steve, she would.”

I couldn’t help but feel a bit conflicted, but the thrill of control and the amusement on David’s face pushed any second thoughts to the back of my mind. I had been doing this in private for so long that it was a bit late to stop now, anyway. Tonight was going to be unforgettable.

“When Fiona is just acting like a regular mom, why doesn’t she refuse to let you hypnotize her again?”

“My Mom is aware she is hypnotized, and she can’t break free. She’s tried a few times, especially in the beginning, before I started realizing she needed daily reaffirmations. She has a strong will. Watch this,” I snapped my fingers and told my Mom to break out of her trance.

My Mom was in the middle of eating seeds off the floor. She spat them out and looked confused and horrified. She started to get up while covering her tits and pussy with her hands as she looked for her clothes. “Jeff, why are you doing this to me?”

“You asked me to hypnotize you, don’t you remember?”

“I didn’t tell you to make me strip in front of your friends,” she made a dash for the clothes she put on the floor.

I snapped my fingers again and told my Mom to enter her trance.

My Mom stopped in place and stood there like a brain-dead zombie.

“Hello, Fiona,” I greeted my mother in a friendly tone.

“Hello, Jeff,” she replied in a very emotionless voice.

“Are you angry that you are in a trance?”



“This is all in fun.”

“Why were you so angry with me before?”

“I don’t know,” she replied.

“Do you mind being naked?”


“Why are you naked?”

“I don’t know,” she replied with an expression that suggested she was trying to remember.

“You are naked because I told you to strip in front of David. Does that make you angry?”



“I like doing what you tell me, Jeff.”

“You must do what I tell you, don’t you?”


“Are you turned on right now?”



“I love being humiliated.”

“Yes, you do. Are you humiliated right now?”


“But you aren’t mad at me, are you for telling you to strip naked?” I asked.


“I am going to snap my fingers, and you are going to exit your trance slowly and not want to put on clothes until I tell you to do so. You’ll act normally in every other way. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Jeff.”

I snapped my fingers, and my mother blinked rapidly as she awoke from what must have felt like a dream. She looked down at her nudity and then back at David and asked if we would like something to drink.

“Sure, bring me a beer, and ask David what he wants?” I said boldly.

My Mom nodded and asked David what he wanted.

“You can drink beer?” he asked me. “You are only 16!”. I shrugged and reminded him to tell her what he wanted to drink. He said he wanted some water. My Mom went and got them for us. She opened my beer for me and poured it into a cold glass.

“Mom, you don’t mind. I drink beer, even though I am only 16, do you?”

“Yes, I think I do mind,” she said as she handed it to me.

“You wouldn’t punish me for it, though, would you?”

“No, I wouldn’t,” My Mom seemed unsure of herself. I loved testing my mother’s responses.

“Good mommy. You will do whatever I tell you, won’t you?”

“Yes, Jeff,” my Mom said, but she didn’t smile.

“If I see her starting to struggle against responding the way that I programmed her, I’ll immediately re-apply her trance and re-program her.”

“I don’t get it; why not just make it so your mom doesn’t know she is hypnotized?” he asked.

“I find it’s easier to figure out when her programming is starting to fade if she is aware but can’t stop me. You know that I hypnotized you, don’t you, Mom?”

“Yes, I do,” my mom said as she returned to the kitchen to get David a drink of water.

“Are you mad about that?”

“No, I am not mad; it’s all in fun, but I wish you would release me.”

“Can you punish me for hypnotizing you?”


“Can you tell anyone?”

“Only David,” she said as she looked at David and gave him the glass.

My Mom sat down on the couch near us as if it were perfectly normal to be nude in front of me and my best friend. “I am learning to live with it,” she admitted. I hadn’t taught her to say that.

“In a trance, my Mom is in a very suggestive state. That is when I take her offline to program her and reinforce her existing instructions or give her new ones. She will become oblivious when I focus her on a task like being a chicken or a puppy. However, most of the time, I leave her like this and let her go about her normal routine.”

“You haven’t turned me into a puppy or a chicken, have you? This is all in fun, Jeff, but that is very humiliating,” she said. I could see my mother’s face turning flush as she grew deeply aroused.

“Watch, this is you as a puppy this morning using the lawn. I walked you on a leash,” I showed her a video on my phone that I took of her crawling across the wet grass in the backyard, playfully sniffing flowers, and shaking the big latex tail in her ass.

“Oh my god, that’s so hot, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” My Mom started to slide out of the chair and began to masturbate in front of us. “Please, tell me to stop, Jeff. Please.”

“No, go ahead and give yourself an orgasm, and watch the entire video for as long as you need,” I grinned sheepishly. We watched my mother writhe on the ground and spew out a litany of dirty words as she finger fucked her wet gash and asshole with unabashed lust in her eyes. “Jeff, your friend is watching me masturbate! I can’t fucking stop, Jeff, fuck, ah, I am so close, god, I am so close, please, let me cum, oh fuck.”

“You are a disgusting, perverted, filthy whore, aren’t you, Fiona?”

“Oh yes, please don’t call me dirty names. Oh my god,” my mother’s back started to spasm as she tightened her butt cheeks and spread her legs apart as wide as she could. She had three crooked fingers arched in her pussy and was using her thumb to mash down on her clit.

The more I humiliated my mother, the more she got turned on.

“I don’t get it. She doesn’t want you to call her names, but does it turn her on?”

“Yep, her dripping wet cunt starts to squirt when I verbally humiliate her, and us watching her is embarrassing her as well, so she can’t stop cumming as long as it continues,” I explained. It was a circular dilemma for my mother. The more embarrassed she got, the more she embarrassed herself.

“Please, please, stop watching. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t, oh god,” my Mom rolled on her tummy, stuck her ass up, and begged to be fucked in the ass. She’d have taken either of us if I had told her to do it.

I had to put her in a trance, calm her down, and get her to stop masturbating slowly, bringing her into a calm mental state to feel less humiliated.

“Oh god, that was something,” my mother wiped her sticky fingers through her hair and apologized profusely to David. “I can’t help myself, David. I am really not a nasty whore. My son has hypnotized me to respond to being called dirty names and get turned on when I am embarrassed.”

“You don’t get mad when I call you dirty names, though do you?”

“No, Jeff.”

“Can you have an orgasm any other way?”

“No, Jeff!”

My mother was frustrated by the new limitation I had opposed on her. She could not get off unless she was humiliated. I’d made it impossible for her to find sexual pleasure any other way. Her boyfriend Steve was frustrated as well. He could fuck her brains out, but unless he hit specific triggers, she was as dry as a Saltine cracker in the Sahara desert. I made her tell me all about their sexual escapades and it was always funny to me that the guy didn’t give up trying to get my mom off.

“Can you tell anyone that you the more humiliated you get, the more turned on you are?”

“Only you and David,” she frowned.

“I like you this way, Mom. You are a good mommy.”

“I am glad you like it, Jeff,” my Mom didn’t sound convinced.

“Tonight is July 4th, which means fireworks, doesn’t it?”

“Oh yeah,” Fiona became enthusiastic at the mere mention of Independence day. That was fantastic. The new programming that I introduced into today’s session had worked like a charm.

“I want you to call all of your friends over for a party at 7 pm. I will give you a list of my friends. I want you to ask their parents if they can come over as well. You will get dressed and start preparing for the party while David and I go out and buy fireworks and party supplies. Do you need anything?”

“Can we have ribs, hamburgers, and hot dogs?” Mom asked excitedly.

“Yes, Apple Pie, Samuel Adam’s beer, and traditional American food!”

I made sure to mention some stereotypical American food.

“Oh, thank you, Jeff!”

My mom was elated for the privilege of holding a party at my instruction.

“It’s good to be the King, David,” I basked in the my friend’s awe over my strange circumstances. I am sure he was probably wishing he could get a piece of my mother, or learn how to do this to other women.

I gave Fiona some phone numbers and the names of the parents and kids I wanted her to invite to the house.

Once she was done, I drove my mother’s car, safe in the knowledge that Fiona would set up the backyard for the party to come. I told her to sit in the backseat and not speak unless spoken to by one of us. We’d need her ID to buy beer.

I chose a pretty yellow skirt for her to wear to the grocery store.

“She just lets you take her car without asking too, huh?” David asked. He was clearly impressed as he ignored my mother sitting quietly in the backseat.

I held up my mother’s credit card and said, “She lets me spend her money, too!”

My Mom remained quiet in the back, just like I instructed. It was time to test some programming that I had been reinforcing lately.

“How do good Mommies sit in the backseat?” I asked my mother without looking in the rearview mirror.

“Oh my god, Dude!” David’s reaction told me that my Mom had complied. She had taken her tits out and was sitting with her legs spread.


“Is it humiliating to sit like that in the backseat of your own car, Fiona?”

“Yes, very much so,” my mother replied. Her breath was growing rapid. I knew she was getting turned on automatically by her humiliation. I had conditioned her to only find pleasure in embarrassment. “Please don’t make me sit like this, Jeff.”

“Why? Doesn’t it turn you on?” I asked casually as I turned onto the main street.

“It does, but I can’t take it! It’s driving me wild, and it’s embarrassing for your friend to learn my dirty secret,” my Mom replied. She had to tell me the truth at all times and often told me things that helped me refine her programming.

For the last few months, my mother had grown more and more resistant to humiliation when we were alone. It just didn’t embarrass her like it used to when I made her degrade herself while we were alone. I was sensing that my mother was far more stimulated exposing herself in the car while David was with us.

I wondered if David’s presence would ignite her pleasure centers a little more.

“Are you asking me to tell you not to sit like a good mommy?” I asked.

“I ... I ... I...” my Mom was writhing in the back seat and starting to mewl like a little lost puppy whining for pleasure.

“You enjoy being humiliated and you enjoy sitting like a good mommy, don’t you?”

“I do, Jeff, but it’s driving me crazy,” My mom was probably playing with herself at this point. She couldn’t resist the urge. The humiliation was driving her close to the edge of an orgasm.

I waited and gave her enough time to really enter a state of blissful ecstasy, and then announced, “Don’t touch your body or masturbate; put your hands to your side. Only I can tell you when to play with yourself, and only Bad Mommies pleasure themselves without permission from their sons.”

“Oh god,” my Mom shouted in the back seat as if she had just stubbed her toe. I laughed. It was fun to get my mother super horny, only to make her stop abruptly.

“That’s cruel, dude,” David was half-laughing when he saw my mother’s reaction. She was like a Mets fan at the World Series when she found out the game was going to be called due to rain.

“It’s not cruel. I am happy; my mom is happy this way; she’s very adventurous, we never argue or have any sort of conflict,” I explained. I asked my Mom if she was happy.

“Very happy, dear!” my Mom sounded frustrated.

“She’s just answering that way because she is your puppet on a string,” David harumphed. I thought he’d be more into it. He wasn’t asking to stop the car, though.

“You’ve always thought my mom was hot, and now you get to see her be naughty and adventurous. What’s the big deal?”

“True, but she doesn’t want this,” he said.

“Mom? Do you want to sit like a good mommy?”

“Yes, Jeff! Thank you for driving my car and allowing me to sit like this in front of your friend,” my mother’s pleasant tone sounded a little forced because she was fighting the urge to touch herself. The programming usually won, although, at times, she had lost a test of wills with her subconscious and started frigging herself. I was still trying to figure out how to reinforce my will over her primal, lusty desires for self-pleasure.

“So, your mom does whatever you say, and she won’t get mad at you. She likes this, but she also wants you to stop hypnotizing her?” my best friend asked while I found a parking spot at the supermarket.

“Yep, that about summarizes it,” I said as I turned to address my mom. “Isn’t that right, Mom?”

“It doesn’t do any good to beg you not to hypnotize me, Jeff. You’ll just laugh and put me under again.”

I explained to my friend that my mother goes through phases. “The first phase is disorientation, like waking up from a dream. She doesn’t know what’s going on, but she has all these compulsions she doesn’t understand. The second phase is bargaining. She thinks she can negotiate with me to un-hypnotize her. Then, the third stage is the realization that she is hypnotized and going to stay that way.”

“That’s harsh; how long are you going to keep her like this?” David asked. I could tell he felt sorry for my Mom. I did, too, sometimes, but she’s better this way – so much better.

I felt a little guilty about my response. “I may not even be able to undo all of her programming, but you could imagine that she would do more than punish me if I stopped reinforcing the trances,” I said.

“I won’t punish you, Jeff,” my Mom promised sweetly.

I smiled at her sweetly and reminded her that was the programming talking. “Wipe your pussy, fix your clothes to cover your stretched out twat and ass, and get a cart, then push it while we shop; put both hands on the cart. You are a good mom when you obey, Fiona.”

My Mom had no choice but to comply with my instructions.

It was good to be the King!
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter 2 (Finale?)

Post by EddieDavidson »

My mother complied and followed us into the grocery store. She was dressed in a very sexy yellow dress. I had long since replaced any of her casual, frumpy clothes with sexy stuff that showed off my mother’s natural tits and attractive body.

Fiona was embarrassed by how she looked in the grocery store, and that made her nipples stiffen and her cheeks flush as she walked behind us. I started picking out some things for the party with David and ignored her.

David kept staring at my mother, and his glances and looks only made her blush. I knew that was turning her on. She got very excited when people stared at her in stores!

When we got to the produce department, I selected a cucumber and handed it to my mother. “Titty fuck and suck this like it’s the best cock you ever tasted.”

“Oh, god,” my mom’s face turned white as she took the cucumber and began to lovingly lick the tip, placing it between her tits. We were lucky there were no store employees nearby. A few customers saw the spectacle my mother was making and either headed the other way or stood and watched with dumbfounded expressions.


“David, did you know that during the Revolutionary War, General George Washington reportedly issued a celebratory double ration of rum to his soldiers on July 4th, two years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence?” I told him a random fact.

My mom went weak in the knees and started deep-throating the cucumber to comply with my orders. My hypnotic suggestion had worked even better than I had hoped. It had only taken one session to turn my mother into a nympho for anything Patriotic.

It was proof to me that I was scrubbing her mind and breaking down her conscious will, while altering her subconscious to suit my needs. Today was an experiment that was working out well. I’d have to repeat this for other holidays to see if I got the same results.

“How the fuck is she not choking?” David asked incredulously. He was mesmerized by my mother’s behavior. The six or seven people in the produce session were also staring. Some were disgusted, and others were fascinated. I assumed a few who felt both ways about it.

I’d made her do things like at this store before and always managed to get away with it. There were rarely any managers around at this time of the day.

“I removed her gag reflex, just like I removed her urge for nasty cigarettes, didn’t I?” I asked my mom.

She nodded and sucked on it harder, pushing it down her throat and up and down between her boobs.

“Take that cucumber out of your mouth and put it in the cart. We must buy that now that you’ve used it,” I said sternly.

“Sorry,” my mom apologized breathlessly as she removed the cucumber. It still had her spit dripping off of it. “Oh god, I am so ashamed of myself!”

“You enjoyed it though didn’t you, slut?” I asked. It was the first time I called my mother a slut around my friend.

“Yes, Jeff,” my mom smiled wantonly. She wiped her spit off of her chin.

“Slut is a trigger word for my mom; if I call her that, it puts her in a very compliant but horny mode,” I explained to David as we looked around. My mother smiled politely as I selected a few more foreign objects I wanted to watch her insert at the party, including carrots, potatoes, and eggplants.

“Slut, can you fit this melon in your pussy?” I asked her casually as I picked up a cantaloupe. We were in earshot of a nosy woman who was eavesdropping on our conversation after she watched my mother’s performance.

My mom considered it. “I am not sure, Jeff,” she replied politely as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

“Would you sit on this cantaloupe if I told you to do it?”

“Yes, Jeff.”

“Right here in front of everyone?”

“If you told me to do it.”

“Why would you do it?”

“Because I am a good mommy and obey you, Jeff. You know what is best, and it would be all in fun,” she smiled at me in a friendly manner, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Would it humiliate you to fuck yourself on a melon in the grocery store?” I asked.

My mother’s lips parted as if she was blowing a kiss and gasping simultaneously. At the same time, she contemplated that mental image and said it would very much.

“And that would turn you on?”

“It would, Jeff; I would be mortified and turned on,” she answered.

I liked asking these questions in front of David. It seemed to humiliate her more that he knew the details of our relationship. That was the “dirty secret” I programmed her to keep hidden from everyone else, and now I allowed her to let David know about it.

“This can’t be for real,” David said in disbelief. “Slut, take this ginger root and put it in your pussy,” he said as he grabbed a freshly cut root of ginger from one of the produce bins. I knew that those could sting. I wanted to see what happens.

“David, I didn’t expect this from you. That is very inappropriate,” my mom answered him. Her eyes narrowed in anger and frustration. I found that amusing because she had been so compliant until then. I was prepared to re-apply her programming if I had to do so, but I wanted to see where this was going.

“But you just said that you would be turned on by fucking a melon; what about a piece of Ginger? You could slip that under your dress!”

“That would NOT turn me on, David,” she scowled at him.

I snickered and explained that my mom was lying. “She can lie to anyone else but me,” I explained, asking her point blankly. “Are you lying to David? Having Ginger shoved in your wet cunt under your dress and walking around the grocery store would excite you, wouldn’t it, slut?”

“Yes, I am lying,” my mom seemed angry that she had to admit that in front of David. “It would turn me on, Jeff.”

“Apologize to David for lying to him, and ask David to pick out a smaller one, open your skirt in the back and plead with him to shove it in your dirty asshole.”

I prompted my mother with David’s name several times, so she understood my instructions. This was all new territory for me.

My mom didn’t hesitate. “I am sorry for lying, David,” she said as she turned around and simply had to shift the slit in the back of the dress to reveal her incredible asshole and pussy. “Would you please pick out a smaller piece of ginger and shove it in my filthy asshole?”

I watched my mother’s face becoming even more beet red than usual and noticed her pussy squirting her juices down her thigh as she waited for my friend to plug her ass with a ginger root. I knew this was deeply humiliating to her, and she was probably melting inside with anticipation to close her skirt again.


David selected a tiny bit of root and pushed it into my mom’s asshole with a satisfying pop. She continued holding her skirt up but groaned in anguish mixed with pleasure.

“Turn it a little so it doesn’t fall out,” I instructed David and told my mother, “You may let your skirt back down, slut.”

“Jesus, dude! It’s huge!” my friend remarked about my mother’s stretched-out asshole.

“I’ve trained my mother’s asshole like her mind; it’s compliant enough to fit all sorts of new and exciting things,” I said to David and my mother with a chuckle.

“It stings, Jeff,” my mom ran her finger down her ass crack, trying to dislodge it.

“You will leave the root in your ass, it’s a punishment for being rude to my friend. You lied to him and told him you were disappointed in him. You will keep the root in until I tell you to take it out.”

“Yes, Jeff.”

“Why would you have to punish your mom if she does whatever you tell her?” David asked as we headed toward the beer and liquor aisle to prepare for the party.

“My mom still has free will; she goes on dates, and I am not there to tell her what to do. She goes to work, and I can’t supervise her there. If she disappoints me, she knows I will punish her, don’t you, Mom?”

“Yes, Jeff. It’s for my own good, and it’s all in fun,” she repeated her mantra.

“David noticed that I’ve stretched out your asshole so that it’s huge! How does having a gaping wet cunt and a stretched out asshole make you feel?”

“Like a slut, Jeff,” she replied, her face still blushing. I could tell the ginger root was starting to send tingles of pain through her body as the juices from the root merged with the ones from her body. She wanted desperately to remove it.

“How does that ginger feel?”

“Like a fire ant hill was poured into my asshole, and I can’t touch it,” she said.

“Are you going to be rude to my friend?”

“I’ll try not to be rude to your guest. I am sorry, David,” my mom panted a little, and a small tear formed on the side of her face and rolled down her cheek. I dried her eye, and held up my finger. She opened her mouth and sucked it off the tip without being told to do so.

I loved it when my mother was in slut mode.

“These don’t work on me. I am not Steve. You earned this punishment. I told you he was an honored guest,” I said. Then I changed the subject and asked what my mother’s boyfriend Steve thought of her asshole.

“He was confused at first because I didn’t used to enjoy anal. Now, he seems to like me stretched out. I don’t really know. He never discussed it, Jeff.”

“Tonight, at the party, I want you to ask him to put a Sparkler in your asshole and light it in front of everyone in the backyard,” I said. If he did that, I’d expect her to move on to bigger things like bottle rockets. I knew it would be harmless. I’ve seen other women do it on the Internet.

My mother’s body shook as if she was experiencing an earthquake. I could smell her pussy working overtime under the dress as she lost a few steps.

“Dude, that could blow up in her ass?”

“We’ll only use safe fireworks,” I assured David. “Mom, you love the Fourth of July, don’t you?”

“Oh, YES!”

“Tonight, you are going to be my Fire Cracker Mom and Yankee Doodle Dummy by painting your body with Fourth of July paint, passing out American flags, singing patriotic songs, and allowing people to shoot bottle rockets or light sparklers in your ass, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Jeff, if you tell me to do that.”

“Do you want to do that?”

“I do not,” she said emphatically. She can’t lie to me; sometimes she sends mixed messages like that.

“You will be the life of the party and get turned on by all the humiliation,” I reminded her.

“Jeff, you told me to invite my Uncle and my parents. What if they find out about my dirty secret?” she asked with genuine concern. I liked my mother thinking and not acting like a total zombie. I’d tried that earlier, but it wasn’t very much fun.

“You will tell them it is all in fun, and you are just being patriotic. You will tell them that you have body paint covering your naughty parts, and you will ask them to light a sparkler in your teeth or the ones you are holding. You will be the living embodiment of the Patriotic Spirit and a human firework launcher.”

“Yes, Jeff.”

I decided to make my mom open a jar of mayonnaise and rub it all over her face while she finished the shopping after removing the Ginger when she’d clearly had more than her body could stand.

“I am allowing you to walk around the store with mayonnaise on your face because I think you’ve had too much ginger in your ass, but you haven’t learned your lesson yet.”

“Thank you, Jeff!”

My friend asked if she really would have kept the Ginger in her ass forever if I insisted.

“I’ve never pushed my mother so hard that she’d have any permanent damage. I look out for her. I wouldn’t tell her to fry her tits on the stove or something. That’s why I won’t let you give her instructions,” I said.

“I’d never do that! but you have stretched her pussy and asshole out; that’s permanent isn’t it?”

“The stretching is a modification, and an improvement, not damage, she can tighten her asshole and cunt around your cock and grip it, or take huge insertions because I’ve trained her like a body builder would to take more and more cock.” I shrugged and turned to my mother. “You like having your asshole and cunt stretched out, don’t you, slut?”

“Yes, Jeff. It turns me on to know how stretched out I look,” she admitted it was humiliating but that was a turn on for her now.

Before my friend could say that was a programmed response, I asked her another question.

“You wanted to be stretched out like a slut long before I started hypnotizing you, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Jeff.”

“Why didn’t you do it?”

“I was too ashamed and embarrassed to live like a slut, Jeff,” my mom replied. I knew all about her dirty little fantasies before this began.

“So, you see, David? My mother is just fulfilling her own fantasies with a little help from me!”

People definitely noticed my mother walking around the store as if she had cum on her face from the sticky white mayo. She couldn’t help but think that even the scorn and ridicule from women who knew instantly what it was supposed to be was exciting to her. She acted like it was perfectly normal as she loaded the groceries onto the conveyor belt for the cashier.

I’d taken her to our local grocery store many times and put her through similar humiliations.

I even picked out a “World’s Best Mom” Mug for her. We’d be paying for it with her own money, but it was the thought that counts, isn’t it?


“What do you think of that Mom?”

“It’s very nice, thank you, Jeff! Do you mean it?” she asked as she held up the mug and looked at it.

“You are a good mommy! Well behaved and you obey me most of the time. Are you sorry that you were rude to David?”

“No, Jeff.”

I snickered. My mom still had a stubborn streak that I’d have to work on over the next few months.

We bought all the stuff we needed; I got a large box of condoms, just in case, tons of beer and liquor, and some stuff for the grill. We could afford it. I had been checking my mother’s accounts and knew how much we had coming in and how much we were spending.

I instructed my mother to load the groceries into the car, and strip down in the backseat, while I drove her home. I also made her put away the groceries and set up for the party in the backyard completely nude.

“How many hot dogs can you fit into your mouth?” I asked my mother as I pulled out some packets of cheap hot dogs to help her.

“I don’t know, Jeff,” my mom said as she set out the potato salad.

“Let’s find out,” I ordered her to fill her mouth with hot dogs end first. She looked so good that I told her to stuff her pussy and asshole the same way while she finished setting up the tables outside for our guests.


She managed to get several hot dogs in her mouth, six in her cunt, and eight in her asshole but they were mushy by the end. I ordered her to eat them off the grass when they fell out while she worked.

My slutty mother was incredibly compliant, and she ate every bite after they fell on the ground. I teased her that she’d get some real hot dogs tonight if she remained a good mommy.

“Yes, Jeff! I will be good, I promise!”

“No need for promises, Mommy! Your promises never meant anything anyway. You WILL behave because you are a brainless bimbo that has to do what I tell you.”

“Yes, Jeff! Thank you for guiding me!”

I loved it when my mom became more submissive in slut mode.

David wanted to take some pictures. I wasn’t so sure that was a good idea because I didn’t want any proof of what I was doing. However, tonight, I planned to expose my mother to so many people, so I allowed it.

Once people started arriving, I sent my mother to paint herself up with patriotic body paint. My plan was that she’d walk around the party completely naked, with the exception of the paint. She was already hairless from the neck down. I hosted while she painted herself in the bedroom.

I was shocked at what a good job she did on her own ass. It must have taken mirrors and some very flexible and clever work to get it to look that good.

I sent David to check on her. She looked magnificent. He sent me some photos. “Tell her to come out and greet her guests,” I texted him back.

“She won’t do what I tell her,” he said.

I stormed into my mother’s bedroom. “What is the problem? I told you what you were to do tonight,” I reminded her.

“Yes, You did, Jeff,” my mom stood flat-footed. Her beautiful big tits bore red, white, and blue paint, and she had stars all over. This had taken quite a bit of effort.

“Then why didn’t you come out?”

“I don’t have to do what David tells me, and I didn’t want to come out,” she explained.

“Yes, but he was relaying an order that I gave you,” I said.

“I didn’t know that! I am so sorry, Jeff!”

“I’d spank your ass, but your paint looks too pretty to mess up this early in the party.”

“Really? Thank you, Jeff!”

“Get down on your knees and suck our dicks, and I’ll spank you later for your disobedience,” I said. My mom promptly dropped to her knees and unzipped our pants. I’d never shared my mother’s mouth with anyone else before. She was an amazing cocksucker. I’d like to have known how good she was at it before I hypnotized her to turn off her gag reflex.

“This is so depraved, dude! You have sex with your mom?” David said as my mother lovingly began to suck both of our cocks at the same time. She took turns deep-throating them while we stood side by side.

“Good mommies have sex with whoever they are told to have sex with, don’t they Slut?”

“Glurp, glack, slurp,” my mom sucked David’s cock while nodding yes.

“Incest is best, isn’t it?”

“Gack, Gack, Gack, slirrppp,” my mom sucked my dick to the base while nodding yes and looking up at me with smiling eyes.


“Go on, pull her hair, slap her face, choke fuck her,” I offered. David didn’t do any of that. He just enjoyed the world-class blowjob. I did, though. I took charge after she made him cum, and forced my dick down her throat so hard that most women would puke. My mother didn’t resist when I pulled her hair and throat fucked her head by pulling her ears up and down my cock like her mouth was a cock sleeve. Once I was close, I came in her hair and let it dry.

“Good job, Mommy,” I praised her. My mother responds well to constant praise. I make sure to use it sparingly when she does actions that I want, and be intolerant when she doesn’t.

“Really? Thank you, Jeff!” she turned to my friend, and he could see his cum still in her mouth. She was taught not to swallow without my permission. “Did you like that, David?”

“Yes, Mrs. Erdman,” he replied. She blushed a little.

“Spit David’s cum on his feet, and then lick it off his shoes like a dumb whore!” I commanded.

My mother didn’t hesitate to ask David’s permission. She obediently spit his seed on his tennis shoes and began to lap it up.

“Did you always want to be treated like this, slut?”

“No, Jeff,” my mother replied as she lapped it up.

“Would you like our relationship to continue like this if I were to stop hypnotizing you?”

Fiona didn’t respond to my question. I grew concerned. I had trained her to respond to me before all else. She was lost in slurping up every bit of the cum she just spat out. I didn’t like it when she didn’t respond immediately. I kicked her tit with my shoe lightly and prompted her to respond.

“I don’t know how to answer that. I think I would, but that could be the hypnosis. I enjoy sucking cock, and being treated like a dumb whore, but I don’t know if I always did.”

“Well, you won’t ever have to find out! Let’s get you out there to meet and greet your guests!”

I was fortunate that my mother had a reputation as being rambunctious and a little wild before I began hypnotizing her. Her reputation wasn’t quite as wild as I intended things to get tonight. If she was blushing, I couldn’t tell because of the body paint as she greeted the ten to fifteen people who had arrived earlier. The sun was just starting to set, and people were eating and drinking already.

I instructed my mother to sing the National Anthem while waving some small American flags that I gave her. That broke the ice. People assumed she was wearing something under the paint. A few of the women giggled and said that was so much like my mother’s outrageous behavior.

Over the last 12 months, I’d been building to this. I’d make her do outrageous things, sleep with some of her best friend’s husbands, go out drinking with her girlfriends and flash her tits at strangers, and offer men that hit on her to just suck cock in the men’s bathroom. I told her to tell them, “I have a boyfriend, and I don’t want to date you. How about I give you what you want, and you buy me a drink afterward?”

Her friends just thought my mom was a bad-ass, liberated woman in an open relationship. Steve had no idea how big of a slut I made his girlfriend. I didn’t like Steve, but I also gave her instructions to ask him to tie her up, whip her, paddle her, and do some of the other things that I did with her in the privacy of my own home.

I got the impression from my mother’s detailed account of their love-making sessions that he was often confused by how bold she was and tried to make her take charge in the bedroom.

I’d probably be doing my mother a favor to make her break up with the dude and then find her some other guy who could be a little rougher with her.

Fiona breezed around the backyard, handing out tiny American Flags and sparklers and bringing people fresh beers while they helped themselves to the food she had made in advance.

Steve arrived just after dark. He was instantly concerned that my mother was naked. There was really no mistaking the fact she only wore red, white, and blue patriotic body paint in the backyard.

“It’s all in fun, Steve!”

“Fiona, this is really too much; what if someone brings over kids?”

“Then they can learn about George Washington and the meaning of Freedom! The Freedom to do what you want in your own backyard, Steve!” My mom replied with a coy smirk.

When I put her into slut mode, she’s still lucid, but she becomes submissive and compliant. She was acting much like she normally did before the hypnosis ever began. My mom was always loud, brash, and extroverted. Her subconscious mind retained the instructions I had given her about how to explain to people why she was behaving so outrageously.

“C’mon Steve, I want you to light a Sparkler in my ass!”

“What?” Steve was shocked as my mom grabbed his hand, led him outside, and planted a lighter and a slender Sparkler in his hand. She gripped one of the picnic tables, bent over, and looked over her shoulder. “PLEASE! It will be fun! It’s for Independence Day! It’s my favorite day of the year!!”

I walked up to them while Steve stood there reluctantly. “You better just do it, dude. She’ll probably start asking random strangers next if you don’t do it. It’s perfectly safe,” I assured him.


People had started to gather around and watch the spectacle playing out. My mother laughed while the sparkler hissed and crackled, sending out a shower of brilliant sparks. They look white-hot, but these small fireworks are harmless enough that even children can hold them. The sparks danced and whirled in chaotic patterns, resembling miniature fireworks, their radiant arcs painting the night air with fleeting, fiery trails.

“Sing Yankee Doodle!” I shouted as people laughed and talked, murmuring about my mother’s outrageous behavior.

“Yankee Dummy went to town, A-riding on a pony, Stuck a sparkler in her ass, And called it macaroni!”

I hadn’t even taught my mother that outrageous deviation from the original lyrics. I was beside myself with happiness. I maintained a shocked reaction on my face so that no one would realize I was the puppet master pulling her strings.

“Yankee Doodle, keep it up! Yankee Doodle dandy! Mind the music and the step! And with the girls, be handy!” She slapped her ass like she was spanking herself.

“Honey, this is too much!” Steve said.

“Father and I went down to camp! Along with Captain Gooding! and there we saw the men and boys

As thick as hasty pudding!” Mom pretended to suck the imaginary cocks of Captain Gooding and all the men and boys to get their hasty pudding.

I heard one woman that I didn’t know say that she was leaving. I didn’t care. This was solid gold.

When my mom finished the song, I started a cheer, and about half of the people in attendance roared with laughter while others complained. If we lost half of the people over this, I wasn’t concerned about it. I pointed out we had plenty of free booze, and the fireworks were just getting started.

“You were a very good mommy,” I whispered to my mother after it was over. “Where did you learn those lyrics?”

“I don’t know. I just started behaving like a filthy whore, Jeff. Did I do bad? Are you going to punish me?”

“No, I am going to reward you! Go flirt with the men, sit on their laps, get them to put their hands over their hearts, and then ask if they want to put their hand over yours!” I implied she should get the men at the party to touch her boobs. “Pass out fireworks and offer to let people shoot a bottle rocket out of your ass or light a sparkler in your ass.”

“Oh my god, this is turning me on too much. Can I play with myself first?”

“No, Fiona. You don’t want to mess up your Patriotic Body Paint! Go to it,” I smacked her butt playfully when I thought nobody was looking and mingled. I watched my mother move from man to man, flirting and giggling. The married ones always made an excuse, but one of my friends wanted to shoot a bottle rocket out of her ass!

She bent over, just as she had before, and allowed him to insert the slender length of the bottle rocket shaft into her ass. She even encouraged him when he didn’t push it down far enough. She gave my friend a lighter. The coward lit it and stood back as if he was in danger.

“FZZzZzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttt,” the sparks flew, and it shot off harmlessly into the air with a loud pop.

“Yay!! Independence day! Freedom!” my mom shouted. “I am a Yankee Doodle Dummy, born on the Fourth of July!”

People assumed my mom might be drunk, but surprisingly, quite a few laughed at her antics and continued hanging out. Steve tried to dissuade her, but she called him a fuddy-duddy. It wasn’t long before she was firing off another bottle rocket and another. She even clenched a lit sparkler in her teeth while holding two small American flags in her hands and using her stretched-out asshole as a launch pad for more fireworks.

“It’s time, Fiona. Beg Steve to light a Roman Candle in your asshole!” I whispered when I got a chance to talk to her.

“Then will you command me to masturbate? I am so horny, Jeff. This is driving me crazy! I am so fucking humiliated.”

“Better! I have something better planned!”

“Steve, I want you to shoot a Roman Candle out of me, next!”

My mother grabbed Steve by the hand, led him over to the stack of fireworks, picked out a Roman Candle, and even inserted it into her ass while she begged him to light it.

“What if it explodes?”

“It won’t, Steve! Please! PRETTY PLEASE! I want to light off fireworks!”

“Just hold it in your hand!”

“It’s already in, Steve!” she told him. A few of the raunchier party goers got the double meaning and laughed about it.

Her boyfriend reluctantly ignited the Roman Candle. A vibrant ball of flame shot into the sky with a loud whoosh. Each brilliant orb of color—red, green, blue, or gold—erupted from the candle’s cylindrical body, trailing a sparkling tail behind it. The fiery spheres soared upward, bursting mid-air into dazzling bouquets of light, illuminating the night with their radiant hues. The sequence repeated with rhythmic precision, each burst accompanied by a crackling sound, as the Roman candle’s fiery display captivates all who watch, transforming the sky into a canvas of vivid, ephemeral beauty.

More people were watching my mother’s excited reaction as she cheered the wand and shook her ass than were watching the colorful fireworks.

My grandparents and Uncle Lou arrived during that performance. They took one look at Fiona and thought she had lost her mind.

“Hi!” I intercepted them and introduced them to my friend David.

“What IS your mother doing?” my grandma asked.

“Just putting on the best fireworks show ever!” David replied for me.

“Yeah!” I agreed.

“Is she wearing clothes?” Grandma asked.

“No, but the body paint covers everything,” I said.

Her parents were shocked and outraged but not entirely surprised. My mom was always a bit of a wild child when she was younger. They gave her a dressing down and stormed out, but my Uncle Lou stayed. He’s a bit of a pervert.

“Jeff, I am so horny after that! God, I can’t be more embarrassed; my parents will probably NEVER speak to me again! I can’t take it,” my mom begged me in private after my grandparents left the party.

“Pick ten men, whisper in the ear to meet you in your bedroom, and I will let you fuck them,” I said.

“You will?”

“Yes, you are a slutty mommy and a good mommy! You earned it!”

My mother quickly canvased the men that she thought would be into it. I noticed she didn’t include her boyfriend in the invitation.

I observed as she struck out a few times but generally found happy guys who headed straight inside. I pointed out the way as they left.

My Uncle Lou came over to me as I was standing by the entrance to our house. “My sister really is something, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, she’s about to do a gang bang with the guests. Do you want to join in?”

“What? She’s MY SISTER,” Lou reminded me.

“Yep, I don’t think that matters. Just wait until she’s started with these ten and join in,” I invited him into the house and patted him on the shoulder. I would leave it to Lou whether he wanted to cross that boundary.


The paint started to wash off with my mother’s sweat, and the men’s cum. I was amazed some of it lasted as long as it did.

Then I made my way to Steve.

“Hey, Jeff, how is it hanging?” he asked as he nursed a beer by himself.

“Mom is the life of the party, huh?”

“You could say that” Steve said.

I watched my mother being escorted by two men toward our house. Lou stopped her. I watched to see if he was going to try to discourage her from continuing inside.

I didn’t hear what was said, but it looked like she nodded when he asked her if he could participate, and he followed the other men inside.

“Look, I hate to tell you this, but my mom cheats on you, dude. You may want to break up with her,” I said.

He smiled at me as if I was a naïve child. “I know that. We have an open relationship. It’s okay if your mom enjoys a little side action,” he replied.

I was hoping he’d break up with my mother rather than me instructing her to do it to him.

“She’s organizing a gang bang right now. Her brother Lou is in there with about ten other guys!”

“Really? I better get to the bottom of that! thanks for the tip, Jeff! You are a good kid!”

Steve rushed off. I assumed he would disrupt the gang bang, but when everyone started drifting out one by one, looking completely drained, I assumed that he had joined in. Every guy waddled out looking satisfied, most of them with stains on their t-shirts.

A few of them left right away, and others remained. I started sending in some of my friends from high school to fuck my mother. I approached each one and pretended to be complaining that she was fucking everybody at the party. I’d watch my so-called friend tell me how terrible that was and then disappear shortly after into her bedroom to get a piece of her.

The women who stayed for this kind of party were raunchy. A few of them started going topless and being wild, but none were as wild as my mother. She probably fucked every guy at the party before it was over, and some of them twice.

It was a wild night!! It was good to be king.

After the party: While my mom was spending the night with Steve, this is how the conversation went:

“God, my asshole feels like a runway! It burns, Steve,” Fiona complained about the friction from the bottle rockets and small fireworks she had lit in her ass tonight.

“Your parents flipped out tonight, doesn’t that bother you?” Steve asked.

“Not really! I never really liked talking to them anyway, and it’s not like I care about any inheritance from them. I am making way more from OnlyFans. I had no idea my brother Lou was so cool with incest though. He’s got a nice cock.”

“Good Slut, you never needed them. You liked fucking your brother Lou?”

“Yes, Steve. I enjoyed it very much. I never knew he was into incest.”

“You like fucking your son, don’t you?”

“Yes, Steve.”

“You will continue pretending that he is hypnotizing you to obey his instructions, won’t you?”

“Yes, Steve.”

“He must never know your real dark secret, that you are owned by me.”

My mother cringed, and shivered.

“Say it. I must hear you Fiona.”

“My son must never know that he isn’t able to hypnotize me.”

“You must never tell anyone, not him, not your parents, not even your brother Lou. No one must know your shameful, deeply perverted secret.”

“Yes, Steve.”

“You are going to slowly wake up on the count of three, and then pose for some fetish pictures before I send you home. You will tell your son we played checkers and that I did not satisfy you sexually.”

“Yes, Steve.”

“One ... you are growing slowly, leaving a deeply relaxed state. You are turned on, but you do not know why. You will not remember this conversation when we spoke, but you will retain the suggestions I have implanted.”

“Yes, Steve...”

“Two ... This feels like a very vivid dream, any lingering memories of my suggestions are just fantasies in your head. You are a slut, and you keep your deep secrets hidden from your son, while you pose for OnlyFans.”

“Three ... wake up now, Fiona.”

Fiona looked around as she tried to make sense of the situation. She was naked in Steve’s apartment and standing in front of him and several of his friends. They had cameras. She used to work as an accountant but now she was an Only Fans model. It was a secret she had to keep from her son, but she didn’t know why.

She just knew that it was imperative she continue the charade at home that I was hypnotizing her to do wild and kinky things. It had been Steve who had suggested she purchase me a hypnosis book as a gift. It had been Steve who set up a dummy bank account that made it look like I had access to my mother’s money. He was keeping the tremendous profits they were making from photos of her stretched out asshole. He was even showing them video that he took of my mother at the party and even at the grocery store.

I wouldn’t find out about this until a few months later during Thanksgiving, when I caught him filming me stuffing Fiona’s ass and tying her up like a Turkey to be served on the dining room table to my friends. We’re great partners, now!

At least I think so. It’s possible that he has hypnotized me, as well.
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Re: Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by Raunchy rachel »

Loved the story. Loved the pictures more :oops:
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Re: Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by BABYRYAN2121 »

OMG this is amazing!!!! great work!!!! what is next!!
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Re: Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by EddieDavidson »

Thank you! .
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Re: Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by BABYRYAN2121 »

I really enjoyed it! I sent you a messege
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Re: Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by EddieDavidson »

Thank you! I am a little discouraged because most of my stories didn't seem to generate too much interest.
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Re: Fire Cracker Mom (short story, Illustrated)

Post by Casanova »

Really enjoyed this and the one with the mom needing a change.
Got sidetracked and forgot to comment on these stories when they released.
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