The Unequal Standards of Southern Society
Prelude: Joining JROTC
Briana Batleth considered herself to be a real go-getter, a trailblazer for girls her age. Not content to just get through her High School years
and attend the best parties thrown by the privileged upper-class girls, Briana wanted to do something special. When the 15 year old Sophomore
told her parents she was going to enroll in the Junior ROTC program her father chuckled and said, "Good luck with that".
Not even Briana's mom supported the decision to become a military cadet. "Girls aren't meant to be soldiers, dear. But if it leads to marrying a
future high ranking officer like a Major or Colonel, well...that would go a long way to ensure financial security."
Briana wasn't thinking about marriage. She wanted to be a leader, and in the Army she could be a leader of men.
1973 was the year girls were first allowed into the JROTC programs of High Schools and Colleges. Eleven years later, bright and ambitious girls
like Briana would be welcomed into the military services training programs. That is what she thought, but long established institutions are slow
to change and adapt, especially in certain southern states of the US.
During that first year in JROTC Briana would come to find there was an unequal set of standards, enforced by a male dominated and oriented
training and social structure. For one thing, the senior officers among the students and all the instructors were men. Favoritism is rampant
for the "Star" male cadets, some of whom can list multi-generations of officers in their family trees.
This story is about Briana's experiences in the JROTC, as well has her growing awareness of various "incidents" that occurred at the High School
or her hometown. Intimidation, mild molestation including unwanted fondling, the copping of a feel, ass pinching, and of course verbal insults,
ridicule and persecution. All of this will be documented here for future generations to peruse and ponder how things could have been done
Eventually it all leads to Briana founding an organization (the BSA) whose purpose was to strike back and right the wrongs in a twist of
the concept of "An Eye For An Eye".
The Unequal Standards of Southern Society_New June 26
Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society
This story is the long, and hopefully eagerly awaited collaboration between myself and SDS.
This was set up after my story was selected as the winner of the New years writing contest.
I will be getting the first chapters knocked out and SDS will swoop in and add contributions.
The first part of this is ENF focused.
The second part will be more ENM focused and most likely will be posted as a sequel on the ENM side.
This was set up after my story was selected as the winner of the New years writing contest.
I will be getting the first chapters knocked out and SDS will swoop in and add contributions.
The first part of this is ENF focused.
The second part will be more ENM focused and most likely will be posted as a sequel on the ENM side.
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Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society
An interesting setup indeed. Still very open-ended so I'll reserve comments on the plot, but it looks promising for sure.
One of my favourite ways for stories to go is ENF-ENM-ENF or ENF-ENM-Both, so it'll be interesting to see where this goes ultimately.
You've only just started though so this is just speculation
One of my favourite ways for stories to go is ENF-ENM-ENF or ENF-ENM-Both, so it'll be interesting to see where this goes ultimately.
You've only just started though so this is just speculation
My real incidents:
Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society
It has been a little while since the story (for which this current story is a prequel) was posted.
Treehouse Tricksters has a mix of both ENM and ENF, and even female empowerment in using female bodies as a weapon of humiliation.
Treehouse Tricksters has a mix of both ENM and ENF, and even female empowerment in using female bodies as a weapon of humiliation.
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Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society
Oh I've read this and the other one too! I must've read this too fast and not realised it was connected to that one!
My real incidents:
Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society
Unequal Standards
Chapter 1. Uniformity of Uniforms
"No female cadet lasted longer than one year in the Junior ROTC here at Andrew Jackson High School," said Mrs. Beverly. "For some reason
most of them drop out after a few months. I can't recall any girl signing up for a second year of the program."
Briana can't believe what the guidance counselor is telling her. Not one of her gender has ever graduated as a member of the corps of cadets.
Not one?
Shaking her head, Briana finds the news to be unbelievable, "I don't understand. Why do they drop out?"
"I suppose they just couldn't handle it. The level of academic attainment is higher to be in the ROTC. Maybe they can't handle the drills or
the physical fitness requirement. I don't know...maybe those girls had a hard time with following orders."
Briana is confused and bewildered at the revelation. If she accomplishes three years, from Sophomore through Senior grades, then she would
be the first ever to do so at her High School. It's somewhat daunting, but Briana never shied away from a challenge.
"I want to sign up, Mrs. Beveryly. I admit it sounds tough...but I'm a tough girl."
* * * * *
The moment Briana stepped into the JROTC building, known as HOORAH HALL among the student cadets in the program, known officiallly as
General Sherman Officer Training Administrative Building, she could smell and see the military tradition. Portraits of America's most famous
war heroes decorate the main hallway. A bust of General Washington sits in a place of prominence in Major Gallagher's office. The Major
wanted to personally meet all three female cadets who signed up. Standing behind his well polished oak desk, wearing Forest pattern camouflage
BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform), the Major wants to shake hands with and congratulate each of the recruits.
"I truly do admire the courage you young women have in abundance. It's a rare breed of student, especially here at a public High School, for
members of the fairer sex to want to become officers in the army someday. Some people in the media have reported that retired and currently
serving members of the armed forces are not happy with rumors the standards have been watered down since the glory days of student
soldier instruction in public institutions of learning. I want you three to know there has been no easing of standards here at Andrew Jackson.
The student officers here, and the instructors will be expecting excellence and high achievement. You do want to be treated as equals don't
you? You don't want special favors. Now am I correct in my judgement?"
Of course Briana and her fellow female recruits are not interested in special favors and a lessoning of standards. Briana in particular is interested
in outperforming her male peers in a number of ways, such as being able to outshoot them on the firing range.
"I just want to be a good soldier," Briana tells the Major.
Major Gallagher smiles and he winks at the recruit. Then he gets on the phone and tells somebody the recruits are ready for processing.
A minute later there is a tall and extremely handsome young man at the door, wearing the gray short sleeve shirt and blue pants of the Class
B uniform, two rows of ribbons above the left pocket.
"This is Cadet Colonel McMasters. He will finish your orientation and get you your uniforms."
* * * * *
When it comes to uniforms the women's uniform is the same as the men's. There is the Class A uniform, the fancy one for parades and
ceremonies, the Class B uniform which is the main one to be worn during the school day in the other classes, and the BDU which will be worn
during training both on campus and out in the field. There was one more uniform none of the girls anticipated in advance, and that is the PE
uniform. It's very much the same as the PE uniform of the regular students, except the ones for cadets is gray shorts with a light gray t-shirt
(gray sweats bottoms and tops for colder days).
The quartermaster, Cadet Captain Spender, selected the sizes for each girl. To the dismay of each, the gray t-shirts seemed to be a size smaller than expected. Briana is nicely fit, almost tall for a girl her age, and she has a slender waist, almost male like broad at the shoulders, and a medium sized bust. Briana not only looks great in a military uniform, but she would turn heads at the swimming pool in a bikini.
The other two female cadets are not so lithe of limb and trim of torso. Cadets are called by last name. A name tag with last name sits above
the right pocket on all uniforms except for PE. Cadet recruit Jenny Johnston could barely squeeze her rotund breasts into her PE t-shirt, and she also seemed a little shy about how much leg is exposed, probably because of how thick her thighs are rather than the height of the shorts leg
seam. Cadet recruit Shirley Barker looks like she could play with the boys on a football team. She is broad in the hips, big in the bones,
and looks tough as nails with a butch like short haircut. But even Barker looked sheepish and uneasy after putting on her PE outfit for the first time.
The main reason for the collective uneasiness concerning the PE uniform is the three girls were informed, right as they were lined up and
ready to start their first exercise routine on the first morning of the first day of their training for the semester, is that they needed to be
uniform with the boys.
Cadet Colonel McMasters, looking like a taller version of an 18 year old Kevin Bacon, appearing very much like a Greek god he was so handsome,
is the one to inform Briana and the other two girls that they are not dressed the same way the guys are.
"Cadets Batleff, Johnston, and Barker...none of you are matching what your cohorts are wearing. I don't see any of my male cadets here wearing
a bra. Remove your bras, drop them to the ground and we can begin stretching for the mile run."
A shocked Cadet Barker dares to question authority, "You can't expect us to run across campus with no bra on! That's crazy."
"What's crazy is you questioning my orders. Drop and give me twenty pushups."
When given an order a soldier must obey. When told to drop and do pushups by a superior officer...drop and do it. As Cadet Barker does
the twenty pushups the uniform regulations are expanded upon by the highest ranking officer.
"We each wear the same thing here. Two shoes, two socks, one pair underwear, one pair shorts, and one t-shirt. Bras are not part of the uniform
for physical exercise. Uniformity of appearance and understand now Cadet Barker.
Cadet Barker stands back up, "Yes Colonel sir. Understood sir."
Assisting each other, Briana and the other two female cadets removed their bras, sliding them off underneath their t-shirts. Tossed to the ground
like litter, the bras will be left behind on the grass when the training company sets off on their morning run.
Chapter 1. Uniformity of Uniforms
"No female cadet lasted longer than one year in the Junior ROTC here at Andrew Jackson High School," said Mrs. Beverly. "For some reason
most of them drop out after a few months. I can't recall any girl signing up for a second year of the program."
Briana can't believe what the guidance counselor is telling her. Not one of her gender has ever graduated as a member of the corps of cadets.
Not one?
Shaking her head, Briana finds the news to be unbelievable, "I don't understand. Why do they drop out?"
"I suppose they just couldn't handle it. The level of academic attainment is higher to be in the ROTC. Maybe they can't handle the drills or
the physical fitness requirement. I don't know...maybe those girls had a hard time with following orders."
Briana is confused and bewildered at the revelation. If she accomplishes three years, from Sophomore through Senior grades, then she would
be the first ever to do so at her High School. It's somewhat daunting, but Briana never shied away from a challenge.
"I want to sign up, Mrs. Beveryly. I admit it sounds tough...but I'm a tough girl."
* * * * *
The moment Briana stepped into the JROTC building, known as HOORAH HALL among the student cadets in the program, known officiallly as
General Sherman Officer Training Administrative Building, she could smell and see the military tradition. Portraits of America's most famous
war heroes decorate the main hallway. A bust of General Washington sits in a place of prominence in Major Gallagher's office. The Major
wanted to personally meet all three female cadets who signed up. Standing behind his well polished oak desk, wearing Forest pattern camouflage
BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform), the Major wants to shake hands with and congratulate each of the recruits.
"I truly do admire the courage you young women have in abundance. It's a rare breed of student, especially here at a public High School, for
members of the fairer sex to want to become officers in the army someday. Some people in the media have reported that retired and currently
serving members of the armed forces are not happy with rumors the standards have been watered down since the glory days of student
soldier instruction in public institutions of learning. I want you three to know there has been no easing of standards here at Andrew Jackson.
The student officers here, and the instructors will be expecting excellence and high achievement. You do want to be treated as equals don't
you? You don't want special favors. Now am I correct in my judgement?"
Of course Briana and her fellow female recruits are not interested in special favors and a lessoning of standards. Briana in particular is interested
in outperforming her male peers in a number of ways, such as being able to outshoot them on the firing range.
"I just want to be a good soldier," Briana tells the Major.
Major Gallagher smiles and he winks at the recruit. Then he gets on the phone and tells somebody the recruits are ready for processing.
A minute later there is a tall and extremely handsome young man at the door, wearing the gray short sleeve shirt and blue pants of the Class
B uniform, two rows of ribbons above the left pocket.
"This is Cadet Colonel McMasters. He will finish your orientation and get you your uniforms."
* * * * *
When it comes to uniforms the women's uniform is the same as the men's. There is the Class A uniform, the fancy one for parades and
ceremonies, the Class B uniform which is the main one to be worn during the school day in the other classes, and the BDU which will be worn
during training both on campus and out in the field. There was one more uniform none of the girls anticipated in advance, and that is the PE
uniform. It's very much the same as the PE uniform of the regular students, except the ones for cadets is gray shorts with a light gray t-shirt
(gray sweats bottoms and tops for colder days).
The quartermaster, Cadet Captain Spender, selected the sizes for each girl. To the dismay of each, the gray t-shirts seemed to be a size smaller than expected. Briana is nicely fit, almost tall for a girl her age, and she has a slender waist, almost male like broad at the shoulders, and a medium sized bust. Briana not only looks great in a military uniform, but she would turn heads at the swimming pool in a bikini.
The other two female cadets are not so lithe of limb and trim of torso. Cadets are called by last name. A name tag with last name sits above
the right pocket on all uniforms except for PE. Cadet recruit Jenny Johnston could barely squeeze her rotund breasts into her PE t-shirt, and she also seemed a little shy about how much leg is exposed, probably because of how thick her thighs are rather than the height of the shorts leg
seam. Cadet recruit Shirley Barker looks like she could play with the boys on a football team. She is broad in the hips, big in the bones,
and looks tough as nails with a butch like short haircut. But even Barker looked sheepish and uneasy after putting on her PE outfit for the first time.
The main reason for the collective uneasiness concerning the PE uniform is the three girls were informed, right as they were lined up and
ready to start their first exercise routine on the first morning of the first day of their training for the semester, is that they needed to be
uniform with the boys.
Cadet Colonel McMasters, looking like a taller version of an 18 year old Kevin Bacon, appearing very much like a Greek god he was so handsome,
is the one to inform Briana and the other two girls that they are not dressed the same way the guys are.
"Cadets Batleff, Johnston, and Barker...none of you are matching what your cohorts are wearing. I don't see any of my male cadets here wearing
a bra. Remove your bras, drop them to the ground and we can begin stretching for the mile run."
A shocked Cadet Barker dares to question authority, "You can't expect us to run across campus with no bra on! That's crazy."
"What's crazy is you questioning my orders. Drop and give me twenty pushups."
When given an order a soldier must obey. When told to drop and do pushups by a superior officer...drop and do it. As Cadet Barker does
the twenty pushups the uniform regulations are expanded upon by the highest ranking officer.
"We each wear the same thing here. Two shoes, two socks, one pair underwear, one pair shorts, and one t-shirt. Bras are not part of the uniform
for physical exercise. Uniformity of appearance and understand now Cadet Barker.
Cadet Barker stands back up, "Yes Colonel sir. Understood sir."
Assisting each other, Briana and the other two female cadets removed their bras, sliding them off underneath their t-shirts. Tossed to the ground
like litter, the bras will be left behind on the grass when the training company sets off on their morning run.
Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society_New June 19
Unequal Standards
Chapter 2. Dirty Lyrics To Run To
When Briana normally runs, which was mainly during sports like tennis or soccer, she was always slightly aware how much her chest
bounces as she runs. Even when contained in a bra there is enough movement that she would be conscious of how she is dressed around
others. Out on the first PE run as a member of the JROTC, having no bra on under her light gray t-shirt, Briana is more aware of the upward
swings of her breasts with every stride than she is of her arms or legs.
The unit runs in two single file lines, with a Squad Leader at the front of the lines, the officers running alongside the unit. It's still early in
the morning, but the sun is up enough to shed its light in abundance. Everyone the group passes, who looks at the runners, must see the
three females who stand out from the other cadets. It must be the way their chests heave and sway up and down that gets their attention.
Several students whistled their appreciation of the early morning show.
JROTC units, just like the regular military, sing a cadence while running. There is the usual cadence almost every military unit does:
"C130 rolling down the strip
Airborne Ranger gonna take a little trip
We gonnna stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door
Jump right out and count to four."
Cadet Colonel McMasters shouts out the lines of the song, followed by the unit repeating the line.
That particular marching or running cadence Briana had heard before. One can see it in a dozen movies made about boot camp training.
The JROTC of Andrew Jackson High School also had other cadence songs that Briana and the other girls did not expect.
1984 is a year where the blues-rock band from Texas, ZZ Top, was at its peak in popularity. Their songs were in every Juke Box across the
entire southwestern US and especially in Texas. The lyrics of certain ZZ Top songs had made its way into the PE running cadence.
"I've got a girl, she lives across town
She's the one that really gets down
She likes to Boogie
She does the tube steak boogie
Briana was familiar with the song, was aware it was called "Tube Snake Boogie". But this cadence uses the original meaning of the words and
says tube steak, referring to a penis. It was shocking the Cadet Colonel was calling out a sexually explicit cadence.
"I got a girl, she lives on the hill
She won't do it, but her sister will
she likes to Boogie
She does the tube steak boogie.
As part of the group, Briana and the other two girls are forced to sing along with the dirty lyrics. By the time the units completes the run
Briana, as well as just about everyone else, has trickles of sweat running down her face. Being September, the weather in the south is still
summer, hot and muggy even in the morning. The PE unit walks the final 100 yards across half the football field and going past the metal
bleachers. Members of the marching band are sitting on the bleachers, waiting for their turn to use the field after the football players clear
out. Both band boys and footballers turn their heads to see the sweaty PE runners go by.
When walking with the group the legs stay in rythm as well as the swinging of the arms, down at the side. A girl can't use her arms to cover
the nipples poking through the damp material of the t-shirt, and being light gray in color it's almost see through. Briana looks down to see the
darkened area of areola, nipples poking through making a lewd display.
The rest of PE is pushups, situps, and of course...jumping jacks. This is all done outside next to the JROTC building. A small crowd of onlookers
gathers. The guys normally don't have watchers when they work out. The watchers are there to watch the girls as they jump up and down,
their breasts bouncing up and down during the twenty-five jumping jacks.
The onlookers, both boys and some girls, clap their hands as the Cadet Colonel calls for parade rest. Breathing heavily, the cadets can only
stand there until given permission to go inside the school to shower before the first class starts.
"That one is a real hottie," some dorky dude shouts out.
"Dang, that girl there needs a special-order bra, one of those over the shoulder boulder holders...damn those tits are huge", most likely referring
to cadet Johnston and her melon sized mammaries.
The officers didn't come to the defense of their youthful cadets. They only snickered and grinned as the girls had to stand at parade rest
and endure the wicked comments.
Upon being set free to shower and go to first period class, Cadet Johnston could be heard crying as she stood under the showerhead in the girl's
locker room. Briana decided she must start a journal, start taking names and notes and she will bring this to the attention of Major Gallagher.
Chapter 2. Dirty Lyrics To Run To
When Briana normally runs, which was mainly during sports like tennis or soccer, she was always slightly aware how much her chest
bounces as she runs. Even when contained in a bra there is enough movement that she would be conscious of how she is dressed around
others. Out on the first PE run as a member of the JROTC, having no bra on under her light gray t-shirt, Briana is more aware of the upward
swings of her breasts with every stride than she is of her arms or legs.
The unit runs in two single file lines, with a Squad Leader at the front of the lines, the officers running alongside the unit. It's still early in
the morning, but the sun is up enough to shed its light in abundance. Everyone the group passes, who looks at the runners, must see the
three females who stand out from the other cadets. It must be the way their chests heave and sway up and down that gets their attention.
Several students whistled their appreciation of the early morning show.
JROTC units, just like the regular military, sing a cadence while running. There is the usual cadence almost every military unit does:
"C130 rolling down the strip
Airborne Ranger gonna take a little trip
We gonnna stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door
Jump right out and count to four."
Cadet Colonel McMasters shouts out the lines of the song, followed by the unit repeating the line.
That particular marching or running cadence Briana had heard before. One can see it in a dozen movies made about boot camp training.
The JROTC of Andrew Jackson High School also had other cadence songs that Briana and the other girls did not expect.
1984 is a year where the blues-rock band from Texas, ZZ Top, was at its peak in popularity. Their songs were in every Juke Box across the
entire southwestern US and especially in Texas. The lyrics of certain ZZ Top songs had made its way into the PE running cadence.
"I've got a girl, she lives across town
She's the one that really gets down
She likes to Boogie
She does the tube steak boogie
Briana was familiar with the song, was aware it was called "Tube Snake Boogie". But this cadence uses the original meaning of the words and
says tube steak, referring to a penis. It was shocking the Cadet Colonel was calling out a sexually explicit cadence.
"I got a girl, she lives on the hill
She won't do it, but her sister will
she likes to Boogie
She does the tube steak boogie.
As part of the group, Briana and the other two girls are forced to sing along with the dirty lyrics. By the time the units completes the run
Briana, as well as just about everyone else, has trickles of sweat running down her face. Being September, the weather in the south is still
summer, hot and muggy even in the morning. The PE unit walks the final 100 yards across half the football field and going past the metal
bleachers. Members of the marching band are sitting on the bleachers, waiting for their turn to use the field after the football players clear
out. Both band boys and footballers turn their heads to see the sweaty PE runners go by.
When walking with the group the legs stay in rythm as well as the swinging of the arms, down at the side. A girl can't use her arms to cover
the nipples poking through the damp material of the t-shirt, and being light gray in color it's almost see through. Briana looks down to see the
darkened area of areola, nipples poking through making a lewd display.
The rest of PE is pushups, situps, and of course...jumping jacks. This is all done outside next to the JROTC building. A small crowd of onlookers
gathers. The guys normally don't have watchers when they work out. The watchers are there to watch the girls as they jump up and down,
their breasts bouncing up and down during the twenty-five jumping jacks.
The onlookers, both boys and some girls, clap their hands as the Cadet Colonel calls for parade rest. Breathing heavily, the cadets can only
stand there until given permission to go inside the school to shower before the first class starts.
"That one is a real hottie," some dorky dude shouts out.
"Dang, that girl there needs a special-order bra, one of those over the shoulder boulder holders...damn those tits are huge", most likely referring
to cadet Johnston and her melon sized mammaries.
The officers didn't come to the defense of their youthful cadets. They only snickered and grinned as the girls had to stand at parade rest
and endure the wicked comments.
Upon being set free to shower and go to first period class, Cadet Johnston could be heard crying as she stood under the showerhead in the girl's
locker room. Briana decided she must start a journal, start taking names and notes and she will bring this to the attention of Major Gallagher.
Re: The Unequal Standards of Southern Society_New June 22
Unequal Standards
Chapter 3. T-shirts Wet or Torn
After taking several days' worth of notes in her journal, Briana asked to speak with Major Gallagher. She had compiled a daily log with names
of those who had crossed the line with one or more of the female cadets. Not only the male cadet officers, but some of the senior cadets
had taken to calling the girls bimbos, babes, and Cadet Captain Spender, the Quartermaster came up with the unique derogatory moniker
Briana said she was speaking on behalf of all three female cadets. But as soon as Briana started to list the alleged offenses the Major cut
her off.
"Everybody who is different has had to take some minor verbal mistreatment, some insignificant level of bullying. That's normal. It makes a
soldier tough. Back in my day the recruits who were Negroes, or Rum loving Puerto Ricans, or the "grease monkey" of Mexican descent, or the
Asian "rice pickers"...they've all had to endure their fair share of good natured teasing, a ribbing. Now I suggest you grow a thick skin Cadet
Batleth. Get on with your training. Don't bother me again with complaints of such petty insults. If you were a man I'd tell you to grow a pair.
You are dismissed Cadet Batleth."
The next day the morning PE run took a different course. Cadet Colonel McMasters led the group onto the golf course that is adjacent to the
school grounds. The water sprinklers turn on in the morning. Colonel McMasters steers the unit in such a way as to cause the runners to pass
through each jet of water along the nine holes of the small golf course. Nine times the PE runners get sprayed by the sprinklers. Needless to
say, by the time the runners are back on the school campus each one of them is thoroughly soaked. Batleth, Barker, and Johnston look like
contestants in a wet t-shirt contest.
American Football practice is taken seriously in the southern states. Football comes after Religion as the most important thing in the lives
of the citizens in small towns from Texas to Georgia. Practice got disrupted for ten minutes as the young athletes enjoyed the sight as the
JROTC cadets did their calisthenics on a corner of the football field, hooting and whistling at the female cadets, their gray t-shirts nearly
see through, as Colonel McMasters orders two extra sets of jumping jacks. Even the gray haired football coaches looked on with amusement.
* * * * * *
A month into the school year, the JROTC did their first battle drill. The sport of paintball was invented in 1981, and by 1984 it had become
a method of fight training for junior officer groups. Teams of cadets battled it out on a course with obstacles and sandpits. The paintballers
wore their BDU pants, brown t-shirt, and protective eyewear. Briana and the other two girls are assigned to Attack Squadron B. The Squad
Leader gets orders to attack the middle, to go right at the most heavily defended sector.
The cover is sparse going up the middle, few bushes, a small number of foxholes. As Squadron B approaches a bunker made with sandbags,
a withering fire falls around them. Splotches of yellow paint pepper the ground in front of Briana's feet. Two members of Squadron A rise up
from behind a wall of intertwined logs and Briana's squad is caught in a crossfire. Briana's body jerks backward as two paintballs slam into her
body, one on the stomach and one on the upper chest.
"Man down, man down" the Squad Leader shouts as he gathers the group around Briana. "Hey, you gotta lay down on the ground, Batleth. You've
been hit."
Briana lies down on the ground. The Squad leader tells the others in the group to pick her up. "We're retreating. Leave noone behind."
With two or three members laying down a covering fire, three others pick up and carry Briana back to their original line. This is where a
secondary part of the training kicks in, the first aid for battle wounded. Briana had no idea there was a second part of the training going on.
The senior medic, Cadet Captain Reynolds takes charge.
"Put the wounded soldier on this table."
Briana is not the first wounded soldier to be brought to the makeshift field hospital, but she must be the most critically wounded as she
gets the full attention of the entire medical staff.
"I see two wounds to the torso, frontside. Scissors, I'm gonna cut this shirt off. I need gauze and stitching."
Briana looks up, looks around. Cadets are scrambling to grab the needed items or supplies. Cadet Captain Reynolds grabs the bottom of the
yellow splattered t-shirt and he begins cutting from bottom upward.
" can't cut my shirt." Briana screams.
"You two there, hold the patient down. She is delirious."
The senior medic, a boy only a year or so older than her, continues to cut and cut. All the way to the collar he cut. Briana's arms are held as she thrashes like a madwoman screaming for help. Yanking the t-shirt wide apart, Cadet Captain Reynolds surveys the damage.
"There is an entry wound just below the ribcage left side. A second entry wound just above the right breast."
In shock and dismay, Briana ceases her struggle. The senior medic and his staff are all staring down at her, at her naked torso. This is a military
and medical exercise, so why is everyone smiling?
Chapter 3. T-shirts Wet or Torn
After taking several days' worth of notes in her journal, Briana asked to speak with Major Gallagher. She had compiled a daily log with names
of those who had crossed the line with one or more of the female cadets. Not only the male cadet officers, but some of the senior cadets
had taken to calling the girls bimbos, babes, and Cadet Captain Spender, the Quartermaster came up with the unique derogatory moniker
Briana said she was speaking on behalf of all three female cadets. But as soon as Briana started to list the alleged offenses the Major cut
her off.
"Everybody who is different has had to take some minor verbal mistreatment, some insignificant level of bullying. That's normal. It makes a
soldier tough. Back in my day the recruits who were Negroes, or Rum loving Puerto Ricans, or the "grease monkey" of Mexican descent, or the
Asian "rice pickers"...they've all had to endure their fair share of good natured teasing, a ribbing. Now I suggest you grow a thick skin Cadet
Batleth. Get on with your training. Don't bother me again with complaints of such petty insults. If you were a man I'd tell you to grow a pair.
You are dismissed Cadet Batleth."
The next day the morning PE run took a different course. Cadet Colonel McMasters led the group onto the golf course that is adjacent to the
school grounds. The water sprinklers turn on in the morning. Colonel McMasters steers the unit in such a way as to cause the runners to pass
through each jet of water along the nine holes of the small golf course. Nine times the PE runners get sprayed by the sprinklers. Needless to
say, by the time the runners are back on the school campus each one of them is thoroughly soaked. Batleth, Barker, and Johnston look like
contestants in a wet t-shirt contest.
American Football practice is taken seriously in the southern states. Football comes after Religion as the most important thing in the lives
of the citizens in small towns from Texas to Georgia. Practice got disrupted for ten minutes as the young athletes enjoyed the sight as the
JROTC cadets did their calisthenics on a corner of the football field, hooting and whistling at the female cadets, their gray t-shirts nearly
see through, as Colonel McMasters orders two extra sets of jumping jacks. Even the gray haired football coaches looked on with amusement.
* * * * * *
A month into the school year, the JROTC did their first battle drill. The sport of paintball was invented in 1981, and by 1984 it had become
a method of fight training for junior officer groups. Teams of cadets battled it out on a course with obstacles and sandpits. The paintballers
wore their BDU pants, brown t-shirt, and protective eyewear. Briana and the other two girls are assigned to Attack Squadron B. The Squad
Leader gets orders to attack the middle, to go right at the most heavily defended sector.
The cover is sparse going up the middle, few bushes, a small number of foxholes. As Squadron B approaches a bunker made with sandbags,
a withering fire falls around them. Splotches of yellow paint pepper the ground in front of Briana's feet. Two members of Squadron A rise up
from behind a wall of intertwined logs and Briana's squad is caught in a crossfire. Briana's body jerks backward as two paintballs slam into her
body, one on the stomach and one on the upper chest.
"Man down, man down" the Squad Leader shouts as he gathers the group around Briana. "Hey, you gotta lay down on the ground, Batleth. You've
been hit."
Briana lies down on the ground. The Squad leader tells the others in the group to pick her up. "We're retreating. Leave noone behind."
With two or three members laying down a covering fire, three others pick up and carry Briana back to their original line. This is where a
secondary part of the training kicks in, the first aid for battle wounded. Briana had no idea there was a second part of the training going on.
The senior medic, Cadet Captain Reynolds takes charge.
"Put the wounded soldier on this table."
Briana is not the first wounded soldier to be brought to the makeshift field hospital, but she must be the most critically wounded as she
gets the full attention of the entire medical staff.
"I see two wounds to the torso, frontside. Scissors, I'm gonna cut this shirt off. I need gauze and stitching."
Briana looks up, looks around. Cadets are scrambling to grab the needed items or supplies. Cadet Captain Reynolds grabs the bottom of the
yellow splattered t-shirt and he begins cutting from bottom upward.
" can't cut my shirt." Briana screams.
"You two there, hold the patient down. She is delirious."
The senior medic, a boy only a year or so older than her, continues to cut and cut. All the way to the collar he cut. Briana's arms are held as she thrashes like a madwoman screaming for help. Yanking the t-shirt wide apart, Cadet Captain Reynolds surveys the damage.
"There is an entry wound just below the ribcage left side. A second entry wound just above the right breast."
In shock and dismay, Briana ceases her struggle. The senior medic and his staff are all staring down at her, at her naked torso. This is a military
and medical exercise, so why is everyone smiling?
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