Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 14)

Post by neverdoubted »

After that last peek, I didn't care anymore if Hanna was Lucy's closest friend or if Lucy had forbidden me from pursuing her. Her flirting had worked too well, and I was being driven wild with lust. In the blink of an eye, I abandoned the idea of behaving for Lucy's sake, and let my libido take over calling the shots.

My immediate goal was figuring out a way to signal to Hanna my desire to escalate the sexual tension already building between us without Lucy figuring out I was doing it. I would have to be very strategic with my actions. I couldn't directly reciprocate Hanna's flirtatious advances or respond with anything so obvious that it would make Lucy grow suspicious.

Luckily, by sheer chance, I already had prepared the perfect way to engage in a little, suggestive flirting of my own. I just had to activate my sister and she would willingly play along. She had even already agreed to be an unknowing facilitator in this endeavor.

With the game ending, and since it was nearly lunch time, I offered to make everyone sandwiches. Our garden was at the end of its productive season, but you could still sometimes find a few stragglers here and there. I asked Hanna if she would mind cleaning up the game so Lucy and I could go into the kitchen and discuss fresh vegetable options.

Secretly, I just needed to talk to Lucy in private. As soon as we were alone in the kitchen, I made Lucy pay attention and sternly reminded her of her duty. She hadn't exactly committed to maneuvering Hanna into somehow getting spanked at my hand, but she had agreed to try and would be rewarded with a break from her own humiliating tasks for the rest of the weekend if she succeeded.

Lucy seemed a little hazy on the details of our deal – for good reason. She had been naked and squirming while I traced lazy circles around the outside of her throbbing pussy when the particulars were being discussed. But when I confidently told her that it was time to deliver, she nodded along like she understood.

While I went about preparing the sandwiches in the kitchen, Lucy went into the backyard to gather some vegetables to go with lunch. When Hanna had finished packing up the game, she went out to assist her friend.

Our air conditioner had finally quit working. But since the house was usually empty during the day, we were surviving by opening the windows at night to let in the cooler air or running the ceiling fans. Today would probably be the last hot day of the year. So, we could tough it out a little longer until fall brought cooler weather. Since I oversaw the family budget, I had started setting aside some money in the hopes of having enough saved up to fix our A/C before next summer rolled around.

Because the window over the sink was open to let in a breeze, while I worked, I was able to eavesdrop on the girls talking to each other through the screen. When Hanna knocked something over, maybe a rake or shovel, I heard its handle scrape against the slats of the fence.

"Woah, careful with that," Lucy warned, "you don't want to get a spanking from Mikey."

"...what are you talking about," Hanna asked, genuinely befuddled by that out of the blue comment, and by the entire subject being so randomly broached.

"Oh, come on," Lucy replied, incredulously, "don't act like you've never been spanked before."

"That's not...wait, did you just say, 'from Mikey'?"

"Yeah," Lucy explained, in a professorial, very matter-of-fact, tone, "it's not that strange. Who normally spanks you?"

"Well, my dad sometimes spanks my brothers. He used to spank me, too, but that was when I was a lot younger. He hasn't done that in years," she answered.

Shifting to a wistful, almost forlorn tone, Lucy said, "well, you know my dad's gone. And since she didn't have anyone to help with things like that, mom asked Mikey if he would fill in, once he was old enough. You know, since he's the man of the house. He's even spanked her before."

"What?!" Hanna exclaimed, "Mikey actually spanked your mom?"

"Don't worry, she deserved it," Lucy was quick to add, as if that would explain everything.

"You're joking, right?" Hanna asked, "You’re not serious."

"Don't believe me? Fine, I'll prove it to you!"


I was so surprised by the sound of Lucy hitting Hanna that I nearly cut myself with the knife I was holding. Since I couldn't see anything from where I was standing, I moved closer to the window, leaning far over the sink so I could see them by peeking through the blinds.

Lucy had squared up on her friend, standing defiantly just a couple feet away. Hanna stood facing her, looking shocked and confused. From the way she was rubbing her right cheek, I guessed that's where Lucy had slapped her.

"OW! Lucy, that hurt!" she cried out.

"Go ahead, tattle on me. You'll see," Lucy challenged.

After a few seconds, when nothing happened, Lucy wound up and slapped her on her other cheek, hard enough to show she wasn't messing around.

"OOOW. Stop that, I'm serious!" Hanna complained.

"If you want me to stop, then go tell Mikey."

But loyal Hanna still refused to tattle on her best friend. Unfortunately, because she had moved her hands over to rub her left cheek, her right cheek was once again exposed. You can probably guess what happened next.



A few seconds later, Hanna came charging through the back door into the kitchen rubbing both her cheeks. By then I had gone back to the sandwiches and did my best to look like I had no idea what had just transpired. Smug Lucy marched in as well, pulling the door closed behind her. Hanna, quite incensed by this point, blurted out her accusation.

"Mikey, Lucy hit me!"

"What?!" I feigned shock even though I had seen it happen through the window. By now I had figured out what Lucy was up to. This was the first step in her clever entrapment scheme. Slapping your houseguest repeatedly and without being provoked was clearly out of bounds. So, Hanna couldn't possibly disagree that some consequence was in order.

Now that she had been briefed on how our family deals with naughty behavior, Hanna shouldn't be surprised by what was about to happen. But if she stood by and let Lucy willingly submit herself to a spanking from her own brother to atone for her actions, the trap would be set. Lucy just had to later catch Hanna misbehaving and Hanna would be obligated by the precedent Lucy had already established. Whether a future consequence would rise to the level of a full-blown spanking would be up to whomever was in charge. I'll give you one guess who was in charge!

Slipping into the role of both justice of the peace and family disciplinarian, I pulled my shoulders back and stepped forward to inspect Hanna's face so I could decide for myself how to proceed. My sister had not held back. Both the poor girl's cheeks had gotten pretty rosy in a very short amount of time. They were almost as red as her pouty lips! I couldn't help but wonder if her bottom would have a similar reaction after a few forceful impacts.

Pretending to make up my mind, I spoke. "You don't look hurt, Hanna, but hitting someone in anger is never ok. Just like anyone staying under this roof, Lucy is expected to follow our family rules. And if she doesn't, she has to accept the consequences of breaking them."

Turning to my sister, I pointed at the breakfast table, and said, "Lucy, put your elbows on the table."

When it registered with Hanna what I intended to do, she felt a twinge of regret and tried to smooth things over instead.

"It-It's ok, really," she insisted, dropping her hands to her side as if to signal that she was willing to forgive Lucy's misconduct and drop the matter altogether, "you don't have to-"

"NO!" I cut her off with a forceful tone, "Lucy knows better than to hit her friends. This is unacceptable."

The time for debating was over. Having issued my final ruling, I stood firm with my arm still extended, and waited for Lucy to comply with my order. The standoff ended when Lucy silently walked to the table, bent over at the waist, and placed her elbows on the surface.

With her bottom now in prime spanking position, I came over to stand behind her. Seeing my shadow fall over her made her start to squirm. Hanna made a soft gasp when, without hesitation, I lifted the back of Lucy's shirt a little so I could get access to the waistband of her play shorts. She had just come to terms with the idea of Lucy being spanked at the hands of her own big brother. But nobody had informed her that spankings in the Jenkins household are always done on bare bottoms.

Reaching down with both my hands, I grabbed Lucy’s shorts and her panties together and slid them out of the way. I kept my face stern and did not react to the erotic sight of her bare, wiggling rump. Lucy had been speaking the truth when she said I was in charge of our family's spankings. I had only done it a sparingly, and only because Lucy's behavior had gotten really out of control.

I didn't want to make a spectacle of it. Rather, I wanted the whole thing to come across as just another chore, something I was only doing because I had to. But because I had an audience watching, I felt like I should at least make a little show out of it.

"Lucy, I hope you know that this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you," I said, in a patronizing voice. It was something I had heard from tv when the kids get spanked by their parents.

Then, without further ceremony, I spanked her directly on her bottom, three times in quick succession, one for each time she had slapped her friend. My wind-ups were swift and elaborate, but my open palm landed on her bottom as lightly as I could make it while still generating a moderately loud sound. The way Lucy legitimately yipped like I was beating the living daylights out of her did most of the heavy lifting making it believable enough.

Seeing I was finished, Lucy started to stand up, but I caught her by the back of her head and told her to stay put. As the stinging sensation spread, she started doing her little pain dance, lifting her feet one at a time and flexing the strong muscles of her bottom in a futile effort to ease the ache in her booty.

"Now apologize to your friend," I ordered.

With her shorts and panties still around her legs and her flexing bottom still completely bared, Lucy turned her head as best she could without getting out of her bent over position and located Hanna. Her eyes had welled up with real tears, but the smirk on her face was saying, "I told you so."

"Sorry," she muttered, resentfully. When Hanna replied with, "it's ok", I finally allowed Lucy to stand up and fix her shorts.

Lucy led her friend back outside where they finished picking vegetables. I returned to the kitchen with a smile on my face and a tent in my shorts. Lucy had played her hand masterfully, establishing our family's spanking precedent and setting the trap for unsuspecting Hanna. All she had to do now was catch her friend doing something against our "house rules" and bring her to me for punishment.

It took her until the middle of the afternoon. After we had eaten lunch, I helpfully put the dishes away and cleaned up the kitchen while the girls wandered off to play somewhere else. I was ok keeping my distance. Because Hanna was still without her bra, I had a hard time concentrating on her face when I was around her. My gaze kept drifting down to study the soft fabric of her top. I was a blackbelt by then at undressing girls with my mind and the way her lightweight tee shirt draped suggestively over the tender swells of her chest made too easy a target for my uncontrollable eyes.

Assuming my disciplinary services would be called upon any minute, I kept my nerves in check with busy work. Taking all the mail that had accumulated over the course of the week into the dining room, I spread out the stacks of past-due bills on the table and began to sort through them. The hardship exceptions I had successfully applied for from the utility companies were expiring. That made this already undesirable chore even more crummy. When the girls did eventually return to me with another conflict, I didn't have to pretend too hard to be in a bad, unforgiving mood.

When I heard Lucy cry out from a distance, my heart skipped a beat. Was this the moment? Pretty soon, I heard them stampeding down the stairs with Lucy wailing the whole time.

She arrived at the dining room first, holding one of her favorite blouses. Hanna charged in a little behind her, looking understandably nervous. Both girls were wearing different clothes than what they had had on earlier. At some point, while up in Lucy's room playing dress-up, Hanna had put a bra back on. That made it easier for me to focus on my role in this mediation.

"Mikeeeeee, she tore it...on purpose!" Lucy exclaimed, holding up the blouse to show a big tear in the seam down one side.

"It was an accident," Hanna rushed to explain, "I'm sorry."

"It was not an accident," Lucy accused, between big, wet sniffles, "you wouldn't let go and now you ruined it!"

Turning to me, she whined, "Mikeeey, she said she was jealous of it. That's why she tore it. She didn't want me to have it."

Putting on a judicial facade, I crossed my arms seriously and asked, "Hanna, did you really say that?"

"No!," she stammered, before clarifying, "well, I didn't mean it like that." Turning back to her friend, she added, "and I was trying to take it off just like you asked. You just yanked on it before I could give it to you."

I had enough information to piece together what had happened. Lucy had ripped the shirt herself while Hanna was taking it off to make it look like they had been wrestling over it. She wanted me to conclude that Hanna's jealous resistance had led to the tear. As spankable offences went, there wasn't much there. Lucy had not given me enough of a conflict to justify spanking her friend. Luckily, perhaps coming to the same conclusion, she added one last grievance.

"And she called me fat!"

Hanna flinched, but quickly recovered and defended herself. "That was just a joke, and you know it!"

The girls glared at each other for a tense moment. Hanna couldn't figure out where all this animosity from Lucy was coming from. First the slaps and now this? Why had her friend turned on her so suddenly?

"I just don't know what has gotten into you girls today," I wondered aloud, "you usually get along so well."

I took the shirt from Lucy and studied it before continuing, "I can't help but wonder if this was your way of getting back at Lucy for hitting you earlier."

Hanna opened her mouth to refute the theory, but I cut her off sternly. Their time to talk was over. Now it was my turn.

"Either way, we do not allow name-calling in this house," I said, my voice dripping with regret. Seeing that I had already made up my mind to punish her, Hanna's shoulders slumped, knowing what was coming next.

Extending my arm and pointing my finger like the grim reaper, I said, "I'm sorry, Hanna. Elbows on the table."
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/7)

Post by jojo12026 »

Let me give the first thumbs up to this chapter. You are a master of stopping just where I don't want you too...
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/7)

Post by fuwafuwataimu »

You know, "I've always wanted to spank a girl who was flirting with me 30 minutes ago" is not a thought I've had once before in my life, but you've sure sold me on the idea! I wonder if Hanna will go along willingly?

Wait, does Mikey seriously think this counts as flirting?
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/7)

Post by student »

Lucy deliberately provoking a spanking surprised me. Hitting Hannah surprised me more. Lucy must really have formed that diamond! Now it's Hannah's turn.
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Re: Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 14)

Post by Freesub »

I'd be interested to see maybe some conversations between Lucy and Hanna, maybe Hanna asking for her help to impress Mikey?

I can't wait for the spanking to commence
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/7)

Post by Patronus »

Holy cow. Bare bottom spanking coming up for Hanna! I know I keep saying this next chapter is most anticipated but it is true. I do wonder if Hanna being spanked once makes up for what Mikey originally wanted with 2 spanked bottoms. I wonder if Hanna will do something on purpose for a second spanking to fulfill this wish. (It might just get Lucy’s diamond factory barrier broken enough to see through to the mutual flirting going on before her.)

Needless to say I am very much looking forward to the next episode.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/7)

Post by perseus »

This chapter was great! Part of me feels bad for Hanna for being set up but the other part really wants to read about her spanking.

I really hope we get the next part soon!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 15)

Post by neverdoubted »

I could barely contain my glee when Hanna reluctantly walked over and faced the table. Bending over until her elbows were touching the surface, she assumed the same spanking position she had observed Lucy get into earlier in the kitchen.

Since they had been playing dress-up, her outfit had changed. But just like Lucy, I could easily flip up her shirt to reveal her shorts in their entirety. Tucking my thumbs into the band of elastic encircling her petite waist, I pulled down, making sure to snag her panties on the way.

Her still young hips were not especially wide, but the band did have to expand slightly to get over them. Like I had done with Lucy, I didn't lower her shorts all the way, but stopped as soon as I got to her legs.

You would think, having just spanked a cheerleader's bare bottom only minutes earlier, I would have no trouble doing it again. But I took one look at Hanna's delicate, exposed rear and knew I had made a terrible mistake. Her young body was so tender - like a porcelain doll - she would surely crack and shatter if I spanked her.

How could I punish this innocent creature? Yes, she had admitted to calling Lucy "fat", but in the context of a joke, did that deserve corporal punishment? And while the blouse was obviously torn, the girls had given contradictory testimonies on how it got that way. Without further proof, the evidence was circumstantial.

Even if she was guilty, how could I bring myself to strike a poor, defenseless girl who is smaller and weaker than me? Seeing Hanna's pure, unspoiled bottom laid out before me only made me want to protect her with every fiber of my being. But with Lucy watching intently, I couldn't back out now without her calling foul and possibly exposing our shady deal that led to Hanna being bent over with her bottom exposed in the first place.

Forcing my arm to go through with it, I delivered three reluctant…pats. I admit they were pathetically soft. I held back so much that my palm barely registered more than a sexy little "pap-pap-pap" when it contacted her behind. It's possible she didn't even feel it.

Knowing she had to apologize next, Hanna turned her head and located her friend without standing up.

"Sorry," she offered.

Lucy stood with her arms crossed and a big frown on her face. She didn't seem happy with my performance. As soon as she muttered, "s'ok," Hanna shot up and rapidly pulled her shorts and panties up to put an end to her exposure. Having suffered no real physical harm, she eagerly scurried from the room without saying another word.

Lucy turned to follow but shot me a narrow look on her way out. Her meaning was clear. I had pulled my punches with Hanna a little too much and she resented not receiving the same pampered treatment.

Relieved that the unpleasantness was over, I slumped into the dining room chair. After so looking forward to seeing her bottomless, I hadn't even been able to appreciate Hanna's brief exposure. My stomach turned as my heart continued to beat faster than necessary for someone who was just sitting there doing nothing.

I wished I had never made the stupid deal with Lucy to trick her friends into being spanked. Lucy's naked spanking session with Mr. Nickson had given me the idea in the first place. I admit I was jealous about missing out and wanted to satisfy my curiosity if it was really as bad as she had made it out to be.

When it comes to being sadistic, I guess I just don't have the heart for it. I'm just not the type to get excited about physically harming another human - even for a supposedly noble cause like metering out justice.

Once I made up my mind to retire from spanking duties for good, I felt a weight lift off my conscience and my stomach untwisted its knot. Turning my attention back to the utility bills, I shuffled papers around idly, but was still unable to concentrate. The side-eye Lucy had given me made me uneasy. She was obviously dissatisfied by the unequal way I had administered justice. Was it too much to hope that she would decide to drop the matter and turn the page?

I got my answer a few seconds later in the form of a loud crashing sound. No more than twenty minutes after Hanna's "spanking", Lucy came charging into the room, ready to level another accusation against her friend.

"Mikeeee, Hanna pushed me!" she complained. She made a big show of cradling and rubbing her shoulder as if it were fractured even though she was clearly fine.

I stood up as Hanna rushed in to defend herself. They talked over each other. In the heat of their growing feud, neither one bothered to show courtesy anymore. Lucy's unprovoked slaps earlier had created tiny cracks in what had previously been a rock-solid relationship. Because they truly did care about each other, with time, those cracks would heal. But Lucy's unfair accusations, along with my unequal delivery of justice, had widened those cracks until each girl regarded the other with distrust and suspicion.

From their competing, disjointed accounts, I pieced together what must have happened. They had returned to the living room and started playing Yahtzee together - trading subtle, but stinging, verbal barbs the whole time. The barbs had grown increasingly insulting until both girls stood up to confront each other. When Hanna reached her limit, she resorted to what had probably been nothing more than a warning shove. But that's just the type of provocation Lucy was hoping to instigate.

Rather than absorb the shove, my sister had overly dramatically thrown herself backward into the end table, knocking over the lamp and everything else that was sitting on it, and supposedly hurting her shoulder in the process. It didn't sound to me like any real offense had occurred - nothing of major consequence. If I had been given a chance to issue a ruling, I would have said as much and sent them on their way.

But when Lucy pointed her finger like I had done earlier and demanded, "elbows on the table," I realized my opinion no longer mattered. She had usurped my role of maintaining the scales of justice and only needed me around to deliver the punishment. If she put me in a difficult position by taking it upon herself to order her friend to bend over, Hanna made it even worse. After huffing, she shot her friend an indignant look. Then, as if to show noble defiance in the face of injustice, she angrily stomped over and placed her elbows on the table.

I hadn't even said a word! But this wasn't about me anymore. What else could I do? Reluctantly, I stepped forward as before, lifted her shirt, pulled her shorts down. Lucy watched me like a hawk. This time, she would not be satisfied by a few, timid love pats. I had to make her believe it was real, or she would raise hell.

Silently apologizing for what I was about to do, I squared up on Hanna's pert, upturned bottom. Her skin remained perfectly pale, bearing no sign of my previous spanks. But after winding up and adding another one, forceful enough to satisfy my sister, a blush started forming where my hand had landed.

Hanna let out a yelp of surprise and immediately started squirming. By the time I had added two more, she was doing a similar pain dance to the one Lucy had performed. I guess it's a move all little girls learn to help them cope with spankings.

Through gritted teeth, she offered her requisite apology to Lucy. When Lucy accepted with a satisfied sniff, she quickly got dressed. From the way Hanna glared at her friend as she left the room, it didn't look like their little feud was anywhere near being settled. Hanna knew how she could settle the score and would be watching for an opportunity to do exactly that. As I settled back into my seat, I stared at my still warm spanking hand. I had a sinking feeling it would be called back into service again very soon.

I was proven right not even fifteen minutes later. This time, it was Hanna who brought her grievance before me. She had been biding her time and watching closely for Lucy to break another Jenkins family rule so she could nail her. It happened while they were playing a particularly tense game of checkers.

"Oh Miiiiikeeeeee," I heard her call out from the living room. Sighing, I sat up straighter. A few seconds later, an incensed little redhead came charging into the room with a nervous blonde trailing after her.

"Mikey, Lucy cheated at checkers," she announced proudly, "she tried to sneak a piece back onto the board."

Lucy crossed her arms indignantly, "that was just a joke, and she knows it! She saw me do it, I wasn't trying to hide it or anything."

"Just a joke, huh? Kinda like calling you 'fat' was just a joke?" Hanna shot back. Then, turning to me, she asked, "Is cheating against the family rules or not?"

Hanna obviously felt that Lucy deserved another spanking for cheating. I had a hard time seeing it as especially egregious. It was just a game, after all. But my opinion was mattering less and less with each dispute. To bolster her case, Hanna offered another juicy accusation.

"She also called me 'ugly'!"

Lucy huffed angrily, "I did not! I said, 'blue and red are an ugly combination'. That's totally not the same thing."

Because Hanna just so happened to be wearing a blue outfit, Lucy's comment could only have been about her striking, red hair. Hanna had a point with that one.

Standing up, I made up my mind. "Lucy, what did I say about name calling? No more 'fat', no more 'ugly'. That goes for both of you."

Thinking my ruling would settle the matter, I waved dismissively for them to go away and stop bothering me. But they were barely listening to me by that point and were staring each other down too intently to notice my wave. I was really starting to understand why judges have those little hammer things.

Seeing that Hanna's accusation of name-calling had trapped her, Lucy stomped her foot in a childish protest before walking over and placing her elbows on the table. What was wrong with these girls?!

Hanna stood with her arms crossed, waiting expectantly for me to do my duty. Throwing my hands into the air, I walked over and pulled Lucy's shorts down for the second time that day. After I delivered another trio of spanks, she apologized and stood up. Each girl had now received six spanks. Surely, I thought, this would be the end of their feud.

I couldn't have been more wrong! After that, the flood gates were opened, and an arms race developed to see which girl could amass more grievances against the other. Over the course of the next few hours, about every few minutes, one of them would level another accusation against her friend and come to me to punish it. And no matter how many times I spanked them, nothing deterred them from their aim.

"...Mikeeee, Hanna made fun of my handwriting", smack-smack-smack, "sorry."

"...Mikeeee, Lucy tripped me", smack-smack-smack, "sorry."

"...Mikeeee, Hanna spilled my drink on purpose,", smack-smack-smack, "sorry."

"...Mikeeee, Lucy-", smack-smack-smack-
"...Mikeeee, Hanna-", smack-smack-smack-

After receiving more than half a dozen punishments each, the girls were even more incensed than ever. Neither of them felt like justice had been done. Each was determined to make sure the other suffered to the same degree that she had. I was irritated and had long grown weary of the job of mediating their feud and doling out spanks.

Speaking of irritation, by about the seventh or eighth round, you could really see the physical toll all those spanks were taking on their young bodies. Hanna's formerly white bottom had turned quite rosy, and Lucy, who was still recovering from her encounter with Mr. Nickson's ruler the day before, was starting to wince every time she pulled her panties up. But they kept at it all afternoon until even I was grumpy and needed a break.

At my wits end, I suggested they go outside for a while. Because their gaming session had only caused constant arguments, I figured a change of scenery couldn't hurt. Knowing the house would not stay cool all day, Lucy had already planned for them to lay out and catch the last of the summer rays before their punishment war derailed all their plans. I just hoped the fresh air would help cool their ragged nerves.

When they agreed and went upstairs to change into their swimsuits, I swept the bills off the table in frustration. Lucy and Hanna's constant interruptions had made it impossible for me to make any real progress. Babysitting two feuding, adolescent girls and mediating their conflicts is way more taxing than it sounds. By that point, I was fed up with the both of them.

I also feared that I had ruined my chances with Hanna. The day had started out so pleasantly, with her flirting and offering me teasing glimpses of her body. Now, how could she see me as anything other than a human spanking machine? In my mind, it was all Lucy's fault. If she hadn't insisted on evening the spanking score, none of this would have happened. My only hope was that Hanna, so wrapped up in feuding with Lucy, wouldn't come to associate me with her suffering.

The girls came back down in a much better mood, having apparently formed an uneasy truce. They were chatting normally with each other - without all the snarky comments - and actually giggling, too! That was music to my ears.

Walking down the hall toward the back door, Lucy spun in the doorway as a joke. Feeling more playful, she pretended to be on a fashion show runway, modeling her two-piece bathing suit which she filled out quite nicely. When I offered a smattering of applause, Hanna decided she wanted in on the game, too. Stepping into the opening, she made a skillful spin before striking a pose. She stood with one hand on her cocked hip and a winning smile on her face.

She looked so cute in her snug-fitting, one piece swimsuit that I couldn't stop my eyes from drifting down to study her body. The lime color nearly matched her green eyes and complimented her bright red hair nicely. I had spent so much time looking at her bare bottom that afternoon that I nearly forgot about her other assets.

But the suit did a good job reminding me what all the perky cheerleader had to offer. It stretched over the growing swells of her chest which she was thrusting proudly forward. When I was reminded of the enticing peek down her shirt without a bra which she had intentionally given me earlier, my face started to grow warm again.

When my eyes did return to her face, she gave me a playful wink to let me know that she approved of me checking her out. Flirting Hanna was back! But more importantly, she did not appear to hold a grudge against me for spanking her. I recovered enough to offer her some applause, then the giggling girls disappeared down the hall to go outside.

I had an urge to spy on them while they soaked up the sun in their swimsuits. But the chances of getting seen and labeled a creep was too high. So, I stayed away.

Giving up on solving our debt crisis, I went into the living room, turned on the tv and flipped over to a basketball game. Taking the opportunity to enjoy a little peace and quiet, I kept it on mute and just watched the action. But I only got about ten minutes of peace. I should have known better than to expect the temporary truce between the girls to last any longer than that.

"OH MIIIIKEEEEE," a high-pitched voice trumpeted out from the direction of the kitchen. Damn it! What now?
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by Freesub »

You must really enjoy cliffhangers neverdoubted!
Mikey got so many chances to spank the bare buttocks that he must be intimately familiar with them now.

I hope Lucy and Hanna's friendship is not broken, but maybe in the interval of their friendship repairing Mikey can maybe convince Hanna to do what he wants :D
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/11)

Post by student »

What's next? Is Hanna secretly conspiring with Lucy? Hanna's one-piece swimsuit will leave the girl naked from head to knee--or less. When it's Lucy's turn to get spanked again, it will be "unfair" for Lucy's breasts to remain covered.

Besides, "time out" facing the corner or the center of the room while partially clad may be appropriate--standing on the coffee table in the middle of the living room for five minutes exposed will at least buy five minutes of silence. :lol:

Or, perhaps the girls will be given the choice between wearing just a short top that leaves their bottom bared for punishment and wearing nothing at all because they seem to need constant correction. Running around in just panties until "three more strikes and you're out" is an alternative. :P

So far, Neverdoubted's chapters are better than I had imagined.
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