The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The Little Indian Girl - Chapter 5 - Driving to new levels of exposure

Post by SDS »

The Little Indian Girl - Chapter 5 - Driving to new levels of exposure

While they were watching the TV western, Gunsmoke, there was a knock at the door. Marci jumped up to see who it was. An older lady entered and asked Marci if his mother was at home.

"No, she's out I guess running some errands. My sister is home though," Marci explained.

"That would be fine," the old lady said. Marci immediately ran into the kitchen calling for her sister. Edie sat on the floor trying to cover her knickers and the small cloth bra as best she could from the stranger.

"Why hello there," she said musically after noticing Edie sitting on the floor. My aren't you a realistic looking Indian!" She walked over and extended her arm to shake Edie's hand. Edie held up her arm but she couldn't reach it and the older lady wasn't coming any closer. Edie reluctantly stood up minding her manners and shook the lady's hand. It was embarrassing as this clearly showed off that she was only wearing a pair of embarrassing yellow knickers on her lower half.

"You must have lost, huh?" the lady said, smiling at the sight of Edie's near nudity. Did EVERYBODY in town know about Marci's Cowboy and Indian game, she wondered? The lady just looked at her until Karla came into the room.

In a raspy voice the old lady explained that she just had to get a package mailed before the Post Office closed and was wondering if Mrs. Herzog could mail it for her.

"I'm afraid she's out for a while," Karla explained. "I have no idea when she will be back.

"Oh dear," the old lady said. "I’ve just GOT to have this in the mail today and I really need these things from the drug store. I'd go by myself but I haven't driven a car in years. My late husband used to do all the driving you know. I wonder," she paused as if to properly phrase her next question, "would you be a dear and do that for me? Please. I would be ever so grateful."

The look on Karla's face said it all. She really didn't want to give up what was left of her afternoon with her friends to run errands all over town. But, like Mrs. Herzog, she had a kind heart deep down inside and agreed to do the old lady a favor.

Karla took the package and list from the old lady as well as an envelope which the lady said contained enough money for everything. When the old lady left, Nikki and Susie entered the room.

"I know, we heard," Nikki said disappointedly. "Oh well, I have to get going anyway."

Susie said, "I'll go with you if you want. We can take my car."

Karla seemed grateful for the company. Then she looked at the two girls. "Oh man. We'll have to take them along too. I can't leave them alone. They're too wild."

"That's OK," Susie said. “I don't mind” grinning at Edie’s renewed blush.

"Edie you'll have to get dressed now while we go out. You can play Indian when we get back if you like." Edie just stood there in a daze.

Marci spoke up. "She doesn't have anything to get dressed into. Her costume bottoms went missing in the afternoon and Edie lost her key to her house." That wasn't really true of course. Marci had hidden the key, her jeans and top. Edie however was far too embarrassed and shy to start contradicting the story now, she was far too deep down the rabbit hole.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Karla exclaimed, annoyed with the kids and their antics. "And I suppose nothing you have will fit her," She said.

"No. You can see she's bigger than me," Marci said. "Unless you want to give her some of your clothes?..."

Karla chuckled out loud at that idea “That would just be far too big I’m sure, besides I know how messy you girls are I’m not letting you ruin my nice clothes”. Gesturing to Edie’s dusty bare feet and legs, she hadn’t washed up from her outside play.

“Just...just...get her a towel or something. We won't be gone that long." Karla stomped around for her purse and wrote a note for her mom explaining where they were going.

Marci returned to the living room with a small pink hand towel and handed it to Edie. The look of surprise on Edie's face was horrifying to say the least. Susie giggled a bit at Marci's imagination and then said empathetically to Edie, "That'll be fine. You can sit in the back seat and we'll put it over your lap. You won't have to get out anyway."

"But..." Edie said in a soft pleading voice.

Susie put her arm around Edie's shoulders and said calmly, "I know, it's not the best, but the Post Office closes soon and we really do have to get going." Her logic made some sense and it wasn't their fault she didn't have anything to wear. As Karla stomped back into the room, Susie then leaned over and whispered softly into Edie's ear, "Besides, I KNOW you'll enjoy the ride with nothing more than that little cloth to cover your little knickers." She whispered a little chuckle into Edie’s ear then stood up. The older girl even gave her a playful hard pinch to the bottom sending Edie jumping forward in shock towards the front door with a cute girly yelp.

"I thought I told you to get her a towel?" Karla said already put out by her sister's antics.

"I did!" Marci said, defending herself pointing at the small square towel only good of drying hands.

Susie swiped and held up the small pink hand towel for Karla to see a wide grin across her face.

"For Pete's sake! Is that the best you can do? Honestly, sometimes I think you have no brains at all." Karla reached for the towel but Susie held it back from her friend. "It will be OK, honestly. Edie's all right with it. Let's go before we get stuck in traffic."

As the girls walked out the door, Edie realized for the first time she would have to go out to the street, where Susie's car was parked, only wearing the little cloth strip on top and a small hand towel covering the front of her knickers, her panty-clad bottom fully on show.

Edie was the last one out the door and pulled it tight making sure it was locked as Karla yelled at her to do. Edie wasted no time running to Susie's car, well half a run as her feet were still bare and the rough driveway gave her pause. Her heart hammered as she was once again in public and half naked.On arriving at the car she even had to wait until it was unlocked, all the while terrified that another car would drive by as she stood in the street on the driver's side passenger door with her knicker clad bottom fully on display.

Once Edie sat down, Susie spread the small hand towel across her lap. Though the little towel now only just covered her knickers, it did at least cover the little knickers for anyone who would walk past or look in the window.

Edie was OK on the country roads of suburbia but when the girls got into traffic on the main roads Edie started to get nervous. The stop at the post office didn't take too long and Susie waited in the car with the younger girls while Karla mailed the package.

The blushing girl started to feel better, the care offered plenty of protection and the hand towel did do it’s job of finally hiding the childish little undergarments from view. Even if Marcy would not stop teasing her about her blushing face and trying to pull the towel away.

When Karla returned they headed for a strip shopping center which had the drug store the old lady used. Susie parked the car and rolled down the windows for the younger girls’ comfort. Karla turned around in her seat and gave the girls a stern look. "We're both going to do a little shopping of our own as long as we are here. It's not too hot out today and there's a nice breeze. You girls should be OK until we get back. And TRY and stay out of trouble will you? There'll be hell to pay if you don't," Karla admonished.

"No problem," Marci answered.

"Uh huh," Karla remarked sarcastically. "Look if you're good, I'll get you a treat or something. How's that?"

"Oh yes, a treat! You don't have to worry. We'll be on our best behavior," Marci said again in earnest.

As the girls headed toward the drug store, Edie couldn't help noticing that Susie once again turned around and made a BIG smile at her. That was odd, Edie thought. As soon as the girls went into the drug store, Marci started talking about what they could do the rest of the week. She had big plans, all sorts of games to play, none of which Edie had ever heard of before. At least Marci wasn't up to anything bad. Edie agreed to play many of the games Marci had mentioned even though she didn't have a clue as to what she was agreeing to. All Edie cared about was keeping Marci occupied until the girls came back.

Then they heard a voice. "Edie? Edie TASGAR? Is that you dressed up like a little Indian?"

Edie froze as she recognized the voice. It was a girl from her class at school. Patti Conway!! OH NO! Edie thought. It was then she realized she still only had the little fabric strip across her chest, her Indian head band and war paint on. How was she ever going to explain this? She felt so foolish, the strip was barely a bra and clearly showed her small chest and lack of real breasts.

"Hey, Kelli, guess who is over here?" Patti yelled. Another girl walked into view across the parking lot. Kelli Anderson was also a classmate of hers! Edie wanted to just die!!!

Both girls came over to the open window and peered inside. "Hi Edie, What's up?" Patti asked.

"Nothin," Edie replied sheepishly.

Marci spoke up, "We're playing Cowboys and Indians today!"

"I see..." said Patti with mock enthusiasm. "You sure look like a real Cowgirl to me...and sure look like a pretty real Indian to me too!" she said with a giggle.

Kelli drew her head closer to the window and peered inside. "You make that Indian Costume yourself, Edie?" she asked, still giggling. Edie didn't know what to say. Here were two girls in her own grade at school. It was bad enough that she was half naked but being caught dressed like an Indian playing childhood games with a little kid was totally humiliating. She could just hear the stories when school started back up.

"Yeah that's some costume, war paint and everything!" Patti teased.

Marci sensing the need to help her friend out said, "No, THAT'S not her full costume! She has the rest back home but she lost the game and had to forfeit the bottoms! This is just a towel...see?" Marci grabbed the towel off Edie's lap before she could even react and threw it towards Patti straight out of the open window. The girls gasped in unison!

"OH MY!!! LOOK AT HER KNICKERS!!" Kelli exclaimed! Edie couldn't react in time, arms currently around her chest; she had not expected her childish panties to be revealed to the girls so suddenly.

"HOLY SHIT!" Patti echoed almost at the same time. Then both girls began laughing out loud. "Wait until they hear about this at school!"

Edie put her hands to cover her knickers quickly trying to hide his shame. She then realized that was a mistake oh too soon.

Seeping an opportunity and In one swift motion Patti reached in and gave one quick tug on the toggle at the side of the top. It came undone and was quickly stolen by the now hysterical teenager.

"Kelli look, she doesn't even have any boobs yet!!!" Patti teased.

"Look at how small they are!!" Kelli pointed out. Edie immediately cried out and took her hands away from her panties and tried to cover herself up but the girls caught them and held them up through the window.

Edie's naked boobs, two pointy little cones were now on total show as she struggled against them. Knowing that her classmates were looking at her most private of areas, Edie screamed in humiliation, fighting as hard as she could to pull away. They watched totally mesmerized as Edie's little boobs jiggled and her nipples stood straight up to attention from the exposure and breeze ticking her newly naked flesh.

"Is THAT what you have been hiding in PE?" Patti teased. Both girls laughed at her comment.

"Why are you laughing?" Marci asked rather innocently.

"Cause she's naked, silly. In a public parking lot dressed like an Indian!" Patti replied patiently.

"But, Indians are SUPPOSED to be NAKED!" Marci went on. "Haven't you ever seen a western?"

Kelli could barely get out what she wanted to say as she was laughing so hard. "I guess that's
why they call them redskins, huh? Look at how red her face is!!!"

"Tell me again how she lost her costume?" Patti asked Marci.

Edie finally managed to wiggle out of the girl's grip covering herself as she moved away from the window half choking herself with the seatbelt she hadn’t undone. She was totally panicking now, stuck in only a pair of embarrassing childish knickers with girls from her school ridiculing her through the window.

"Well, we were playing Cowboys and Indians and Edie and her friend lost so we stripped them and paddled their behinds so they would tell us where the Chief was," Marci explained.

"You mean there's another Indian girl running around naked somewhere?" Kelli asked as her eyes widened. She was hoping it was another classmate of theirs.

"I guess so. I don't know what happened to her. I think she ran home after she got untied. I'm not sure," Marci said.

"Oh THIS is too MUCH! And Edie got a spanking?!" Patti asked wanting more details.

"Yep," Marci said proudly. "The Cowgirls always win, you know."

"Is that all that happened then? You gave her a spanking?" Kelli chimed in.

"Well, no, some boy in the neighborhood had to play tug- of-war with her knickers because she wouldn't tell where the chief was."

Hearing that comment made both girls bend over and nearly fall to the ground they were laughing so hard. "Did she tell then?"

"No! She actually kept it quiet! Right after she stopped screaming, with her knickers pulled right high up her bottom and everything" Marci added.

Edie, now free of the girl's grasp, put one of her hands over Marci's mouth and the other behind the younger girls head to keep her from saying any more.

The girls got up and peered into the car again. "Look," Patti said, "She must not be as ashamed as we thought. She wants to show us her mosquito bites again!

Edie took her hands off of Marci and covered herself. Though she was totally embarrassed, she was also strangely excited about all of this and couldn't help herself self from getting short of breath and all tingly down below.

"PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU! Don't spread this around to anyone else. I'm BEGGING YOU! I'll do anything you say. Just keep this to yourselves, OK?" Edie pleaded.

The girls whispered to each other and decided that for now at least, they would play along and keep it a secret. "I'm keeping these though, if I am forced to tell what I know and anyone doubts my story. You can have your little costume back at school" She laughed holding her the stolen garments. “We’ll have a fun little game to play with you once we are back at school though since you said you’ll do ANYTHING” laughed Patti.

Edie wanted desperately to get the coverings back but thought better of asking for it. It was enough that they agreed to keep her secret. "I'll let you EARN this back sometime and we'll be even, OK?" Patti asked as she walked away. Edie softly said, "OK." Wondering what she had meant by that.

She watched as her classmates got into a car with an older girl and they drove off. Patti waved out the window as they passed Edie's car.

Before long Karla and Susie came back. They put several bags in the trunk and got in the car. They were so preoccupied talking about the stuff they had bought that they didn't even notice Edie's missing clothes. Edie could do nothing but sit in the back quietly with her hands across her chest covering her budding breasts.

Susie started the car and drove off. Karla, not even looking back at her sister and asked, "So did you two behave?"

"Of course we did," Marci replied nicely. "What's our treat?" She asked as she leaned forward and put her head on the back of his sister's seat.

"I don't know. What do you want?" she asked, realizing that she did after all promise them a treat. It was her idea.

"How about a chocolate shake from McDonald's?" Marci asked.

"Oooh that sounds good," Susie jumped in.

"Edie that OK with you?" Karla asked as she dug through her purse looking for enough money.

"I guess so," Edie replied. She was so scared and shocked now she didn't know what to do, she knew she needed to admit her new nudity but words were lost in her throat.

Susie pulled into a McDonald's and waited at the order speaker. Edie was so embarrassed. She tried to act invisible and not say anything. So far no one had noticed that her clothes were missing and maybe if she played it cool they wouldn't. She was hoping not to attract attention to herself and not give anybody in the front seat a reason to look back. What would she do when they got back though? She was practically naked in only the childish yellow pair of panties to cover her. She shook in shame, terror and shame overwhelming her.

When she heard a girl's voice on the speaker saying, "May I take your order please?" she felt her heart hammer in her chest, the cool breeze from the windows being down tickled her exposed flesh.

Edie's heart leaped from his chest as she heard the girl say "Please pull up to the SECOND window." That meant that because it was slow, the girls would have to pay at the same window they got their food. In all likelihood the same girl on the speaker would be taking their money!!!

Edie swallowed hard as they pulled up. "That'll be $5.65 please," the teenage girl said. Susie handed the clerk the money and received her change, which she gave to Karla to put in her purse. They waited for what seemed like forever until their order was ready. So far so good Edie thought.

Finally the girl returned and handed a tray to Susie containing the four milkshake cups. As Susie leaned over to hand the tray to Karla the teenage clerk leaned out the window and said to Susie, "Excuse me! Do you know that little girl is naked in your back seat?" with an amused smirk

Susie looked at the clerk with a dumbfounded expression as Karla immediately looked into the back seat at Edie. There Edie was bright red and naked apart from a little pair of knickers and only her hands to cover her boobs.

"OH MY GAWD!" Where in the hell are your clothes?" Karla yelled forcefully. The clerk burst into laughter at this remark.

"I … I !" Edie stammered really lost for words now. There couldn't have been a more humiliating event taking place right then as the three older teenagers started back at her.

Susie smiled and apologized to the clerk. "We'll take care of this," she said as she drove off in a bit of a hurry.

"ANSWER ME! WHERE IS YOUR TOP AND TOWEL?" Karla shouted angrily.

"Some girls Edie knows took it from her while you were shopping," Marci said, trying to be helpful and of course get herself out of her portion of the blame. "I saw them do it."

"I can't leave you alone for a few minutes without you getting into all kinds of trouble," she directed at her sister, suspecting she had a hand in all this afterall.

"You are both going to get your butts paddled good when you get home I guarantee you that for sure! I don't care what mom says, neither of you are going to embarrass me like this in public again!" Karla was fuming.

"Now Karla, you know how cruel us girls can be at times," Susie added trying to diffuse the situation. "Let's hear Edie tell us what happened."

"OK Edie, what happened?" Karla asked sarcastically.

Edie swallowed and tried to explain, her voice cracking a bit as she tried not to cry, " These girls I know from school saw that I was wearing an Indian costume and came over and started making fun of me."

"And they grabbed her towel and top, didn't they Edie?" Marci said quickly, trying to cover up her own part in this misadventure. Her sister shot her a look that silenced the younger girl.

"... yes…and they grabbed my clothes and ran off with them. Then you came back and we set off, I was too scared to tell you." Edie said covering nudity the best she could from the other girls.She started to cry, feeling like a foolish little girl but between the embarrassment of the situation and being told off she had lost any teenage dignity she had.

Susie pulled up in front of Karla's house and turned off the engine. She could tell Karla was still fuming over the whole episode.

"Look, it all sounds perfectly innocent to me," Susie said calmly. "I can see why you're upset but I don't think anything really bad happened here," Susie said.

Karla just sat there. "I still think I want the satisfaction of giving them both a good bare bottomed whipping! Right here in the street too, that'll teach them a lesson!" she said animatedly noticing a few young boys playing catch in a front yard across the street.

Susie gently put her hand on Karla's arm. "Maybe you're right. Maybe you are wrong. I know one thing though, my mom always says never give a child a punishment when you are angry.

Karla grudgingly admitted that her friend might have a point. "OK, I'll tell my mom when she gets back and let her decide what to do with them"

Karla nicely asked her sister and Edie to say goodbye to Susie as they all got out of the car.

Susie drove off laughing as she watched Edie still standing on the curve wearing only a pair of knickers, Indian war paint and head band looking very red and distraught. The local boys hadn’t noticed her but Edie watched them horrified from her now exposed position. Unlike Karla, Susie knew that Edie was a girl from the lower years of their school and couldn't wait to continue teasing the younger girl about this for a long time.

Edie let out a big sigh and with the sincerest little voice she could muster, "Thank you Sooooo much, I really am sorry!"

"I don't know that you two are out of the woods yet. All you did was buy yourselves some time. And I still have to explain a naked Indian to our mom!" Karla said with a chuckle. She was finally starting to see the funny side as the younger girls stood blushing in the driveway.

"Oh," Edie said with a chuckle. "Sorry about that! Were you serious about spanking us in the street?"

“Yes and if mum thinks it’s a good idea I still might” Her temper had quickly fizzled out however as she watched the bright red little girl try and cover her nudity in public waiting to be let back into the house. Maybe she had already been punished enough, she thought! Carla finally opened the door and smiled giving them both a playful smack on the rear to go back in “Now go out and play and don’t bother me for the rest of the day! You’ve already been trouble enough for a whole week!”
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Post by Debbifan »

A very pleasant surprise. I'd given up on this one :D
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Post by SDS »

I had been locked out of an account were I work on these so plesently suprised today that I could get back in.

Unfortunatly this is the last chapter that I could adapt from Hooked6 making it much easier to write haha the next one wil take a while :lol:
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Post by mikewozere »

Thanks for the new chapter! Pity she wasn't dragged out of the car by her peers lol
I'm curious as to when this is set; does it predate smartphones?
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Post by neverdoubted »

Kudos for this story. I'm a huge fan of Hooked6. Flipping the masterful, male-female dynamics of the original seems like an impossible task to me. But you've done an amazing job with it here. And if there's a naked girl involved, sign me up! Still, reading this has been like hearing a remake of a classic song. It just makes me want to listen to the original again.
~ NeverDoubted

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