The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (1b - Jan 1st)

Post by jojo12026 »

No. How long to have the story go.....
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (1b - Jan 1st)

Post by superevil7 »

jojo12026 wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:33 pm No. How long to have the story go.....
Don't worry. I was just messing with you. I really appreciate how eager you are to always see my new chapters :mrgreen:
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The Family Tradition: Picture Day - Chapter 1c

Post by superevil7 »

“You mean blood comes out of there too!?!?!” My little brother, Toby, was reacting with shock, looking like he was about to be sick. We were in the car, on our way to Uncle Joe’s house, where my whole extended family on my dad’s side would be waiting to greet us. Oh, and I was naked as the day I was born!

Here I was, a 12 years old girl, crammed into the backseat between my two brothers, and allowed to wear nothing but a pair of old sandals on my feet! My continued pleas to my mom to let me out of my naked picture day had only resulted in more nudity time for me, as I was now expected to spend the entire day after Thanksgiving completely naked! Even in the semi-public setting of the back seat of a car! There were so many other cars on the road, and my heart was racing just thinking about how any of their passengers could notice the naked little girl in the back seat between the two boys!

If that wasn't bothersome enough, the development of my body was the prevailing topic as we made the journey. “You see how Julie's chest is starting to plump a little and stick out?” Mom asked and both my brothers nodded, both of them staring directly at my bare chest! “When she's older, they'll be much bigger, and she'll be able to feed her babies milk from them.”

“Neat!” Toby gave her an excited smile.

“Do you think they'll be as big as yours, mom?” Josh asked her.

Mom blushed for a moment and pursed her lips before answering him. I don't know what she was blushing about; she wasn't the one showing off her boobies! “If she's lucky.” Mom said, and giggled.

“How big can they get?” Toby asked with pure curiosity. I know he wasn't doing it specifically to embarrass me, but it seemed like my nakedness was part of everything he said today!

“Well, they can really come in all different shapes and sizes.” My mom was saying, though I was trying to block this all out. Obviously, I was unable to do so. “Julie's are what some people would call pointers. They might be on the smaller side now, but see the way they slope up ever so slightly to the points of her nipples. It will be very interesting to see how much they've changed next year, and if they've kept their overall shape as they've grown, or changed shape entirely.” Great, today wasn't even done, and she was already talking about next year! I could only sit there, mortified, with a big blush on my cheeks, while my brothers stared at my pointy tits, knowing any complaints I made would be pointless anyway. My parents didn't seem to mind if I was embarrassed on this day, in fact, that seemed to be their goal!

Thankfully, the discussion on the development of my body seemed to be over after that, and we sat in silence for a bit while Daddy drove. Josh had a comic book he was reading, and Toby his video game. That just left me to stare out the windows. Sitting in the middle seat, I could see out of the front pretty clearly, plus I only had to lean forward a smidgen to see past my brothers out either of the side windows. I felt a bit more relaxed, and not as worried somebody was going to spot me naked in the back seat, as it hadn't happened so far. On the highway, everyone is zipping by so fast, that no one really has time to look at anything closely.

Of course, just as I was calming down, that was the point that we had to get off the highway. As we stopped at the very first traffic light, I could feel myself filling back up with nervousness. “Daddy,” I whined, “Did you have to stop even with the car next to us?!” My dad’s car was much lower to the ground than the van next to us, and as I looked out the window in their direction, I could see two boys seated in the back seat! “Epp!!” I reacted with a yelp, and covered up my tiny boobies with my hands as best as I could. I pushed myself back into the backrest of the seat as hard as I could too, to try to hide my naked body from their view, using Toby as a shield.

“Julia, please don’t yell like that…” Dad said, rubbing the side of his temple.

“Sorry, daddy…” I said. I knew it took a lot of concentration on his part to drive us all like this, so I felt bad for upsetting him this way.

“You just need some more tickles in your life to brighten your day.” Josh said from the other side of me. I hadn’t been paying attention to that side of the car, since we were up against the curb over there, but when I looked over, my big brother had a mischievous grin on his face.

“Huh?” I just got the question out, before he started giving me little pinch tickles on the side of my tummy! “No! Hahahahaha!” I squirmed, trying to get away from him, but there was no room to go anywhere in the back seat, squashed between my brothers! Seeing what Josh was doing, Toby joined in on the other side, and now both my brothers were giving me little tickles! When I would try to protect myself from one, the other one would attack! Soon, I was wriggling all over, and the only thing holding me in place, was the seat belt across my lap! “Ah! Please! Hahaha! No fair! I’m naked! You can’t do this!” I squeaked out in between giggles, my hands frantically trying to block theirs from reaching my tender skin! It was no use though, being naked meant there was so much of my skin that they could assault!

My laughter seemed to brighten the mood for dad, though. “I bet you boys can’t keep that up until we reach uncle Joe’s!” He chortled, and started moving the car forward as the light turned green.

I was only able to catch a glimpse between being tickled relentlessly, but I did see the two boys in the neighboring van, with their faces pressed up against the glass, staring at me! The way I was wriggling around in the back seat from the tickling, I must have looked like a mad girl to them! A naked mad girl! To this day, I still wonder what they must have thought of me.

“I’ll take your bet, dad! For three new comics!” Josh said, still tickling my side.

“You’re on! If you lose, you have to take one of my turns mowing the lawn!” Dad said, jovially.

My brothers eagerly took up Daddy's challenge, tickling my naked body relentlessly for the rest of the car ride! There was nothing I could do to stop or persuade them to ease off, with every inch of my skin available to them. Big brother even tickled my nipple closest to him every once in a while, which eventually had my kitty tingling and my juices flowing again! It felt wonderful, but at the same time, totally humiliating to know that he could cause such a reaction in me from such a simple touch! With the way I was flailing and squirming around, I knew that my legs were opening uncontrollably, and that I was giving both my brothers a very shameful show of my bare kitty down below too!

I kept bouncing around in my seat uncontrollably, with both my brothers tickling my naked body, as we pulled into uncle Joe's neighborhood. There was a large group of boys, some older and some younger than me, out in front of a couple of the houses, playing a game of touch football. Some of them were dressed up in their Sunday best, and so tackling was out of the question. As our car passed by, they all stopped what they were doing to turn and watch me flail about inside the car! I'm sure it wasn't every day that they caught a glimpse of a naked girl in the backseat of a car being tickled relentlessly by two boys!

As our car continued slowly down the road, the group of boys turned to follow too! There were at least a dozen of them, and they all acted like zombies, coming to consume my naked flesh! I wanted to cover up my shame, my nakedness, so badly, but every time I tried, my brother's tickles would just get me to uncover myself again! I could feel my panic building, as we had just reached the front of Uncle Joe's house, and my dad was pulling into the driveway! The group of boys stopped just a few feet away from his car, and I knew then that there was no avoiding exposing myself to the entire group! Every single one of those boys were about to receive the thrill of a lifetime once I got out of this car!

The relentless tickling had stopped, but Josh was making sure that I could not cover up in front of the boys at all. Every time I tried, he would give me a little tickle to get me to move my hands out of the way. Even if I tried to ignore him, it was just annoying enough that my hands would move to try and block him all on their own!

Toby had gotten out of the car. He was on the same side as the big group of boys. That meant I was already mostly exposed to them with the door open, but Josh was not going to let me get away with that alone. “Please, Josh, let me get out on your side.” I whispered my plea to him!

He just smirked back at me and said, “Sorry, Jules, but this side of the car is too close to the fence to open the door. I'll have to get out of your side, too.” I knew he was bullshitting me, since mom had been able to get out of that side, but before I could protest, he was giving me more little tickles which made me move to get away from him as quickly as I could! Unfortunately for me, the only way I could go was out the door on the other side of the car, towards the gathered boys! As I swung one of my legs out of the car and down to the ground, I heard a gasp ring out from the boys! Looking down, I could see why! With one leg in the car, and one leg out, my kitty was on total display for them! In a fit of modesty, I threw my hands on top of my exposed little kitty, forgetting for the moment that my pink puffy nipples and little boobies were exposed to them too! I could feel my face burning more than it had ever done before in my life!

I wasn't allowed to cover up my little kitty for long, as my big brother gave my butt another tickle pinch, which made me yelp and jump up out of the car! It felt like it was happening in slow motion for me; as I jumped from the car, my hands went up into the air high above my head. Hanging in the air, my legs were still spread wide, which meant my little pussy lips were on show for the boys once again! As my feet finally made contact with the ground, I could feel my little boobies make a methodical jiggle and bounce for the boys, and most of them had their full attention on them! I had never put on such a shameful display in my life as I just had now in front of these boys that I hardly knew!

Scanning their faces, I was thankful that I hardly knew these boys. I had seen them in the neighborhood when visiting uncle Joe's before, but none of them I saw on a day-to-day basis. All except for my cousin Luke. It took me a moment to notice him, but he was standing off to one side; his mouth hanging open at the spectacle I had just made of myself in front of him and the others. “Julie?” He asked. Great, he recognized me! “Why are you naked?”

Before I knew what was happening, mom had taken one of my hands. “Your cousin has decided that she wants to stay naked for all today.” She explained, while I tried to move my free hand to cover up something of my naked body. In my panic, I wasn't able to decide if it would be better to cover up my shameful little boobs or my bald kitty again, but I never got a chance to decide. My big brother beat me to the punch by taking my other hand and keeping it close to my side, and by doing so, he forced me to keep my naked body exposed to them all!

“Wait, is this the girl from the Christmas card you showed us!?” One of the other boys that I didn't know asked. I was outraged! Where did he get off showing my naked picture to some random boy that I didn't even know!?!

“Shhh! Not in front of my aunt…” Luke winced. Now he was going to get it! Just because his mom was sent one of our Christmas cards every year does not give him the right to show it off to anybody he likes! I was sure my mom was about to give him a piece of her mind!

“Oh, that's ok. Julie doesn't mind.” My mom's response stunned me to the core! She just gave him and the other boys a great big smile!

“Mom!...” I gave her my full whine, still not believing her reaction! Where was her anger? Where was her outrage?

“Julia, it's not that big of a deal. You're a pretty girl, and I'm sure all the boys are enjoying seeing you naked.” Most of the boys nodded their head at her. “See. What's the difference if a few of them have seen your pictures from years past? You should feel flattered; not every girl gets the opportunity to show off their naked body in front of so many appreciative people.”

“I just feel humiliated!” I grumbled under my breath at her. She must have heard, though, because she looked me in the eye and made a little giggle at my embarrassed expression, and then her smirk grew even bigger as I shuddered.

“So, Julie is going to be naked the entire time she's here!?” Cousin Luke asked excitedly.

“That's right!” My mom answered. “For one day a year, Julie's body will be an open book from now on.” She said, and I could see pride on her face as the boys all let out a cheer! I was just left speechless and mortified! I had expected our visit to Uncle Joe's to be completely embarrassing for me, but even I had no idea just how humiliating it was going to turn out! Naked and exposed in front of a dozen boys! At that moment, I just wanted my misery to end! Please let this be a nightmare and let me wake up in my nice warm bed!

I shut my eyes for a moment, wishing that as hard as I could, but the second I opened them back up, I was still just face to face with a gaggle of grinning and grateful boys! They had all seen every inch of me naked at this point, so what was the use of even trying to cover up? As my mom and my brother let my hands go, I just left them at my sides in total defeat. There was not a part of me that these boys hadn't seen already, so what would be the point?

“Come on, Julie, let's go see your aunts and uncles!” Mom called, heading for the door.

“Cute butt!” One of the boys let out a whistle at me as I turned away from them! Suddenly I realized none of them had seen my backside until now! Instead of trying to cover up, I just hung my head, knowing my full exposure was now complete, before I followed my mom inside.

It wasn't long before I was being smothered in hugs and kisses from aunts and uncles, and great aunts and great uncles, and other old people that I didn’t even really know! They were all gushing over me, happy at the surprise that I was naked! Apparently, not one of them had a problem with it.

“Dana, what a beautiful young woman Julia is becoming! This is even better than the Christmas cards!”

“Oh, she looks so adorable wearing nothing but a smile! Smile for me, Julie!”

“She's such a precious little girl! What a wonderful surprise, Markus!”

I'll tell you, being fawned over when you're naked is even more embarrassing than it is normally! At least 100 times worse! Every pinch, every poke, every prod, every hug, is so much more embarrassing when your skin is completely bare and available for anyone who wants to, to touch! By the end of my greeting everyone, it felt like every single inch of me had been groped and cataloged.

The very worst was creepy uncle Joe. Maybe it was just his bald head or his ancient looking skin, but hugging him left me feeling totally gross! I felt his wrinkly old hand patting my bare butt while he hugged me too! “Our cute little girl is becoming such a beautiful young woman!” He said, and then pressed his face into the top of my head and hair, and gave me a long kiss while still holding my shoulders, so I couldn't get away from him. It left me squirming and my skin crawling!

Eventually I was able to break away from him and the other adults and headed over to the kid's room. Really, it was just the den that uncle Joe kept the TV in, but it was where my cousins and I all gathered when over here, if we weren't playing outside. I felt relieved to be away from the adults, especially Uncle Joe, but that relief would be short-lived, as in the kid’s room I would face a whole other set of problems.

“Cousin Julia!” My oldest cousin, Katelyn, was the one to spot me first. She was 15 years old, and every bit the bratty mean girl in her teens. “It wasn't enough attention you got from your Christmas cards, so you had to come to the party naked too!?” She let out a giggle, but I could see the scowl behind it too. Katelyn had always had a chip on her shoulder about our Christmas cards. It was very obvious she was totally jealous about all the attention I got because of the cards, even if I knew that she would never go naked like I had to, to receive so much attention. If anyone teased me the hardest about my Christmas cards, it was Katelyn.

At her announcement of my arrival, every eye in that room turned to look at me. Me and my nakedness! I could feel my cheeks flushing hard. I didn't like being the center of attention like this! I had just escaped the adults for the very same reason. I knew it was either here, or back into the living room or kitchen where the adults were gathered, as uncle Joe kept the rest of his house off limits. Even with my cousins teasing me, it still felt like the safer bet here, as none of them had attempted to try and hug me, or pat me on my bare back and butt!

The younger kids all rushed over to get a better look at me. I felt like I was some kind of exotic specimen from a foreign land as they looked my naked body over. I wish I could tell you that I was smart or aware enough to try to cover up my privates, but after facing the boys outside, and the adults, covering up was the last thing on my mind. Instead, I just stood there, letting them look over and absorb every single detail about my naked body that they wanted.

“Julie, you look even more prettier than your pictures!” That was one of the young twins, Mitsy or Bitsy. They were 9 years old, and obviously those were their nicknames. To this day, I still don’t know their real names, and have trouble telling the two of them apart.

“She's even prettier than Barbie is naked!” That was the other twin, her sister. I couldn't help feeling weird, being compared to their doll!

“That's because Barbie doesn't have private parts like a real girl.” their older brother explained, pointing out the slit in between my legs! Zachary was 10, like my younger brother, and every bit as annoying.

Beyond their comments, the littlest cousins just gawked and stared at me, knowing that it was a very odd sight to see a girl as old as I was going naked so openly.

My older cousins had come over to get a good look at me too, including my cousins Brian and Hannah, both 13 years old, but who were not brother and sister. My cousin Katelyn, too, who had the biggest smirk on her face at the way that I was squirming about all the attention I was receiving from everyone. I saw cousin Luke, Katelyn's younger brother, had joined us too, along with my own brothers. It was every bit as shameful as I thought it would be, being naked in front of all of my cousins and family on my dad's side this way! Probably even more so!

Off to one corner, I noticed that Aunt Eileen was also in the room with us. Apparently she was the designated adult assigned to the kid's room this year. I could see her big bright smile, one big enough to rival my own, as she looked my naked body over too from the chair she was sitting in. I guess I couldn't really blame her. Everyone else in the family had looked me over, so why not her too?

“Mitsy, how can you say Julie is more pretty than Barbie?” Katelyn asked our young cousin with an evil eye.

“Uhhh, because they're both blonde, and have such beautiful white skin, and… and… and…” One of the twins answered.

“And Julie's smile is even more pretty than Barbie’s!” The other one continued.

“And Barbie doesn't have nipples like Julie, or a kitty! So Julie wins!” Did I mention I felt mortified being compared to a plastic doll?

“As if! Barbie's tits are way bigger than Julie's!” Katelyn refuted her, flippantly.

“Katelyn!” Her mom scolded.


“Language, Katelyn.”

She made an eye roll before saying, “Fine, her boobs aren't as big as Barbie’s. Is that better?”

“Better, but you shouldn't be making fun of your cousin's size. She's still young. I'm sure she's got a lot more growing to do.” Aunt Eileen gave me another big smile, this one making me feel a lot better.

“Yeah, and we'll all be able to see just how big they’ve grown every year, according to Aunt Dana!” Katelyn snickered at me.

“That's enough!” Her mom said with fury, and the gawking session came to a close. The cousins dispersed, though most chose to stay in the room with me. I guess I couldn't blame them, seeing as I was the most interesting thing in the house today. I went to take a seat on the couch near Aunt Eileen, thinking it was the best place to be at the moment. She'd look out for me and make sure none of my cousins teased me too hard.

While the younger kids went back to playing video games on the TV, the older ones kept their attention either on me, or whispering to one another. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were discussing me. My face would not stop blushing the entire time I sat there, knowing I was the only naked person in the room. At least this time, I was able to cross my legs with no trouble, and keep my bare kitty from showing off too much.

After a while, Aunt Eileen got up to go use the bathroom, and as soon as she was out of the room, cousin Katelyn came over to take her spot, bringing Hannah along with her. “My, my, you sure are quite naked today, aren't you?” Katelyn almost sang her words, obviously trying to tease me.

I wish I could say it hasn't worked. “Leave me alone, Katelyn!” I spat my words back at her, covering up my bare chest, as my little boobies were the only privates I had exposed at the moment.

Both girls just giggled at my outburst. “Aww, we're not doing anything to you, Julie.” Hannah smirked at me, showing off her wire braces.

“Just leave me alone…” I whined, in a more pathetic way.

“Come now, little Julia, you came to visit with your two favorite cousins today, didn't you?” Katelyn grabbed me by the wrists, struggling against me, until she forced my hands down to my lap. “There, that's better! Don't you want to show off how much you've grown?”

“No! I don't! Please!” I begged, feeling the tears at the edges of my eyes. Why did she have to be so mean to me!?

“Oh, don't cry, Julia. You're a big girl now!” Hannah taunted, seeing that I was on the verge of tears. “You've even got little boobies now!” She laughed. Both girls laughed, and I was just about at my breaking point. I didn't want to cry in front of them, though, I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry!

“Maybe she's right.” Katelyn interjected. “Maybe she shouldn't be showing off her little boobies. They are so small and pathetic looking!” The dam was about to burst, as I felt a small tear trickling down the side of my cheek.

“Katelyn!!” Her mom suddenly yelled, and Katelyn was on her feet in a flash. Her mom had yelled so loud that all other activities in the room suddenly stopped, and I'm pretty sure everyone had jumped. I know I had. “You think it's funny making fun of your little cousin's boob size?!” Aunt Eileen looked absolutely furious as she stared down at Katelyn. Even I was scared of what was about to happen, and I was the one she was making fun of!

“No, mom, I was just!...”

“Save it! I just got done telling you to knock it off, and I come back to find you bringing your cousin to the verge of tears! Tell you what, let's see if you have anything to brag about?”

“What? Mom, what do you mean?” Katelyn gave her a fearful look, before she looked at me, and I could see realization dawning on her face about what her mom was talking about.

“Katelyn, show us how big your boobs have gotten.” Everyone gasped before another hush fell over the room. “Now!” She added when Katelyn just stood there with open-mouthed shock.

“What!? No! No way! I'm not doing that!” Katelyn reacted about as well as you'd expect a teenage brat to react. “You can't make me!”

“Katelyn, you better do it now, or I'm going to make you strip naked and stay that way for the rest of today!” Her mom fired back.

I could see Katelyn's face getting more and more red as she contemplated what she would have to do. Her hands went to the bottom of her blouse, and she clutched it tightly. The scowl on her face grew, too, as she looked at everyone in the room with her, before glaring at me. Everyone's eyes were on her, waiting for her to do it, and for the first time in a while I realized that I was not the center of attention. Apparently seeing a new set of boobs was more interesting than seeing the naked girl that they could look at any time.

Suddenly she did it, but just a small flash! It had been so fast that I hadn't been able to see anything! It wasn't fair! I had to sit here with every bit of my skin exposed, while she could get away with showing her boobies for half a second!???

“Katelyn!” Her mom growled, and I realized that I shouldn't have been so worried. Her mom wasn't going to allow her to get away with that. “This is your last chance, young lady! Stand over in front of the TV and pull your top up for one minute, or I'm going to make you go naked like Julie every year!”

Katelyn's red face turned white as a ghost! “Yes, momma…” No longer was she bratty. Her mom had broken down her facade, and now we could all see the shame in her eyes as she took up her position in front of the TV. Slowly, very slowly, she pulled up her top, grabbing the bottom of her bra too, pulling it up as far as she could without revealing her nipples. I could see the way she was squirming, knowing just how she was feeling. You might think I would feel joy, or at least a sense of justice about this, but all I felt was pity for her at that moment. Ok, maybe I felt a little justice, but she was obviously frightened to show us her bare breasts, and part of me felt bad for her too.

After she pulled up her top completely, we could all see why. She had pointers just like me! Her boobies were no bigger than mine were, maybe even smaller! Only I was only 12, while she was 15! I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing at her! “Oh my God!” I squealed and giggled, unable to control myself. “They're smaller than mine!”

“Shut up!” She shouted at me, enraged, but I was too far gone at this point to care. I just kept laughing at her, while her face grew more and more red with anger and embarrassment.

“Don't you dare, Katelyn!” Her mom gave her another angry scowl. “You keep your little boobies out until I say otherwise!”

“But mom, she's laughing at me!” Katelyn said, and I could see the tears starting to gather in her eyes. “You said just a minute!” She whined. I could see the struggle within her, as it looked like she desperately wanted to pull her top back down.

“I'll tell you when it's been a minute.” Her mom replied, folding her arms.

“But mom, at least make her stop laughing at me! Isn't that what I got in trouble for?!” A small tear trickled down her cheek, much like mine had earlier.

“Yes, laughing at her. I feel like its karmic justice for her to laugh at you. Besides, they are pretty small and amusing, my dear.”

“Mo-oooom!” She started fully weeping now. That was enough to stop my laughing, as even I didn't want to see her crying so hard.

“She's already naked anyway. What more punishment could I really give her for laughing at you?” Aunt Eileen said, before giving me a wink. I just blushed at her, as she reminded me and everyone else in the room that I was naked. “Alright, that's enough. You may cover up your little boobies now, Katelyn, but if I ever hear you making fun of your cousin's boobs again, you'll be spending these days naked, just like her.”

“Thank you, mommy!” She sniffled, pulling her top back down, and then she rushed out of the room in a big huff.

“What a baby.” Hannah, who was still seated beside me, whispered in my ear. I just nodded in response, and made a tiny giggle towards her. “You're ok in my book.” She continued. “If I were as pretty as you, I might go naked too. Everyone but Katelyn seems to enjoy it so much, especially the boys. Katelyn's just jealous of you, since you look so much like her mom, and she doesn't.”

I hadn't really considered that until now. Katelyn, jealous of me for how I look? But she was so much older, and looked so much more grown up than I did? I guess her chest had not been as big as she made it appear to be, and having her be such a brat towards me like that, showed she still had a lot of growing up to do. Hannah went to go join the younger kids playing video games, while I sat there contemplating that for a while.

“Time for dinner!” One of my aunt's called from the living room, and everyone in the kid’s room jumped up and stampeded out the door. I decided to hang back a little, in no rush to be naked in front of all the adults once again. My Aunt Eileen also seemed to hang back, following the last kid to the door, but then stopping to turn back around and face me.

“You doing ok, kiddo?” She asked me, giving me half a smile. Her smile was so bright, that even half of one was enough to cheer up my mood.

“Yeah, I'm… Ok… “ I answered her, bashfully, still feeling the effects of being the only one naked. “Thanks for, um, you know…”

"Katelyn?" I nodded and smiled at her, and she smiled back. “That girl's needed to be put in her place for a while. Don't get me wrong, she's a good kid over all, she's just taken to putting others down to make herself feel better. It's obvious she's jealous of you and how pretty you are, naked or not.” She giggled and I did too.

"Hannah said the same thing.”

"Well, you shouldn't worry, after the threat I made to strip her naked just like you, I doubt she'll ever bother you about being naked again. She's not like you, Julie. She wouldn't be able to handle going naked the way that you do.”

I gave her a confused look at that. "I didn't choose to go naked, mom and dad made me…”

“I know, but you handle it so well. You're the bravest girl I've ever seen, Julie." She came closer to hug me, and then pat me on the head. “A lot of other girls would have fallen to pieces by now in your position, but not you. You show up naked, with your cute bright smile, and a shine in your eyes, and you refuse to let yourself get down. I saw the way you let the others look at you when you arrived. They were all admiring you, Julie. They were all in awe of you."

My cheeks started burning really hard. “I didn't do that on purpose!” I said with a whine in my throat.

“I'm sure you didn't.” She said, pinching my cheek. “I can see the way your cheeks are getting rosy now that you didn't, but it still happened. Whether or not you meant to, you still did it. And everyone's day was made much brighter because of it."

"Auntie Eileen!!...” I let out a plea, now feeling totally embarrassed. Did everyone really enjoy me being naked so much? Weren't we supposed to be family? What kind of family makes a girl go naked for their amusement?

She just kissed my forehead and took my hand. "Come on, my brave girl. They're all waiting for you, I'm sure.” My stomach turned to knots as we took our first few steps towards the doorway. "Oh, to be so young and pretty again…" I heard Aunt Eileen mutter to herself as we crossed the threshold.

Mom stood up as we approached the big dining room table that had been moved to the living room. Everyone in the family was seated around it, some already had started eating. “There she is! Everyone's favorite naked girl!” All eyes fell on me again, and I couldn't help blushing deeply as they stared. “I saved a seat for you, my beautiful daughter.” She explained, pulling out one of the chairs next to her.

Aunt Eileen looked down at me with her smile, before releasing my hand. It was only then that I realized how much strength I had been receiving from her as she walked me over to the table. Now I would have to make the remaining steps on my own, and over to the other side of the table too, as that was where my mom was sitting. Taking a deep breath to build up my courage, I started. All along the perimeter of the table were uncles, aunts, cousins, and family members I didn't even know. They all smiled and watched me as I passed, most of them focused on my naked body more than my face. My blush just grew, as I could feel their eyes turning the other way to watch my backside too as I went by!

Finally, I made it around the head of the table, where uncle Joe was seated, and could start heading back in the other direction towards my mom. Only, suddenly, I felt a sharp pinch on my bottom! “Hey!” My voice rang out automatically, while I spun around to try and catch the culprit. All the while, I was trying to rub the sting out of my butt with both my hands. Everyone around me just made little chuckles and giggles. They were obviously just amused by what happened, but that just made me even more perturbed! “Did anyone see who just pinched me?!” I demanded with fury, but that just made everyone laugh even harder. I folded my arms and started pouting at them, realizing they were not going to take the naked girl seriously.

“Oh, Julie, just come sit down. You're making a spectacle of yourself.” Mom called to me, waving a hand to beckon me over.

“This isn't over!” I balled up my fists at my sides, and stomped my way over to my mom, while everybody's laughter towards me grew even louder.

“Isn't she so precious!” One of my aunts cooed, while I just took my spot at the table and pouted even harder.

Eventually, the rumbling in my tummy got me to eat something. Seated to the left of me was my big brother, Josh, and to my right, my mom, so I at least had confidence that I'd be able to eat mostly in peace. The only annoyance was that Katelyn was seated across from me, and for the entire time I was sitting there, she kept giving me dirty and mean looks. She seemed to blame me for having to show her breasts to everyone, but I couldn't really feel sorry for her. Not while I was sitting here totally naked, with my small boobies visible to everyone at the table that wanted to look. No, she got exactly what she deserved as far as I was concerned.

“Both boys were involved, actually, but I think Toby learned the most. Josh even accidentally gave Julie a little orgasm. It was the cutest thing! You should have seen the way she shook.” My ears perked up at what my mom was telling my aunt, seated next to her.

“I bet Toby found the experience invaluable.” My other aunt laughed.

“Auntie Anna, don't you think that Zachary would find the experience invaluable too?” Katelyn interjected herself into their conversation, wearing the sweetest, smuggest smile on her face that I've ever seen. Zachary was Aunt Anna's son, and I could see the gears in her head turning at the idea. The idea that was making me totally nervous! “Don't you think all the boys in the family could use the experience?” Katelyn turned to me, and her smug smile turned evil! “I'm sure Julia wouldn't mind.”

Like hell, I wouldn't mind! I was about to give her a piece of my mind, but my mom spoke first. “I know she wouldn't.” She smiled at me and patted me on the head.

“Moooom!!” I whined, knowing that I was probably going to get nowhere with her. If my mom thought something was a good idea, then it was bound to happen.

“Hush, Julia. Can't you see how valuable this kind of education will be for your male cousins? Please try to think of someone other than yourself.” Mom scolded me, and I could see my fate was sealed. All of my male cousins were about to get very acquainted with my private parts! Could this get any worse!?

“It would probably be valuable for the girls too. I know I've never gotten a good look at what's down there, even with a mirror. This way, the girls will have a better idea of what they got going on down there. Do you think that would help you out, Katelyn?”

“Oh… Yes, Aunt Anna!” Katelyn nodded at her in an exaggerated manner, trying to keep a straight face. I could see her snickering at me as soon as the adults turned to continue their discussion. It seemed that Katelyn had gotten the last laugh over me after all.

After dinner, Aunt Anna gathered all the children and teens while one of my uncles lifted me up and deposited me on the table. My mom positioned me so that my legs were facing the head of the table, and she spread my legs wide! Then she bent my knees up, and pulled me forward so that my butt was just resting on the table edge. Now all of my private parts were completely exposed!

Aunt Eileen came over and put one pillow under my head, and another under my shoulders, which I thought was a nice gesture, but now I was propped up! That meant I could see everything clearly, including my own naked body, and just how exposed I was! I felt like I was going to faint as everyone gathered around my open legs!

My mom started her talk, showing off my labia, the entrance to my vagina, and even my little clit! It was basically a repeat of what she had shown my brothers earlier, but this time with over a dozen boys and girls watching! Meanwhile, I could feel my vaginal juices starting to escape my opening! Despite feeling totally embarrassed and ashamed to be showing my privates off so explicitly, they were buzzing and humming like they had never done before! A jolt of electricity ran through me when my mom asked, “Would anyone like to touch Julie?” Not one of them refused my mom's offer!

I could feel the anticipation inside myself building, as that wonderful word kept ringing in my head again and again! Orgasm! Orgasm! Orgasm! If they touched me, I was going to have another orgasm! I was sure of it!

The first was one of the twins. Mitsy or Bitsy. They were soft and gentle. After that it became a blur as every inch of my private parts were poked and prodded, touched and explored! I felt like I was in heaven, as pleasure had never felt this good before! I could hear myself moaning and feel my hips grinding, but the pleasure never stopped! I looked up after a while to see cousin Luke in between my legs, and I could feel his fingers eagerly rubbing my sensitive clit. Suddenly, it was like every nerve in my body lit up all at once, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head, as I had the greatest orgasm of my life!

Groggily, I lifted my head, but I was no longer on the dining room table. It felt like we were moving, and I realized that the pillows had been replaced with a pair of jeans and legs. I looked up to see my big brother smiling back down at me, and realized we were in the back seat of the car. Apparently I had fallen asleep so hard after that wonderful orgasm, I hadn’t even felt being moved out here! “Hey, sleepy head.” He said.

“What happened?” I asked, wiping a bit of drool from the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand. I looked down at myself, seeing that I was still completely naked. I guess it was too much to expect to be covered up even after that. Toby was fast asleep too, snuggled up against the door on his side, while my bare feet were propped up on his knees and lap.

“I think you had a good time.” He grinned down at me, and I understood his meaning.

“I-I think so too…” I replied, a little coyly, still thinking of that amazing orgasm I had. “Did that really happen?” He just nodded at me, and so I shut my eyes in order to go back to sleep. As I drifted off, I couldn't help thinking about what a wild time today had been, and what kind of crazy things were in store for me next year.
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (1c - Jan 10th)

Post by jojo12026 »

Makes me wish that time travel was possible so we could get to next year already!
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (1c - Jan 10th)

Post by superevil7 »

jojo12026 wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:06 pm Makes me wish that time travel was possible so we could get to next year already!
If everything turns out right, next year is only about a week away :)
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (1c - Jan 10th)

Post by perseus »

Absolutely amazing chapter! I love how embarrassed Julie is to be the only one naked at this party, I loved everything about her reactions when she got to the "kids room." The way that everyone is enjoying her nudity is great too! It's a refreshing take to see people enjoy the nudity of a character more for the beauty of it over the sexual side of it, it's like Julie is a walking art piece that brightening up the room.

Fantastic chapter! Can't wait for next week!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (1c - Jan 10th)

Post by SDS »

Great chapter!

I have her feeling her big cousin isn't done with her after having the indignity of her own little boobs exposed and compared!
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The Family Tradition: Picture Day - Chapter 2a

Post by superevil7 »

Chapter 2a: 13 years old

It was a mistake, but one that would cost me dearly, and today would be the day that I would have to pay! No, I'm not talking about what happened when I was 8 years old again, I'm talking about what happened about a month after my 13th birthday.

It had been a typical lazy Sunday morning in May. Everyone was sleeping in, even I was trying to. Only, at about 8 in the morning, I had to pee something fiercely! I quickly rushed over to the bathroom to relieve myself, and then I planned on getting some more sleep when I got back to my room.

Only, Josh's bedroom door was open just a crack. I assumed he was sleeping, but I couldn't resist the temptation to take a quick peek inside just to see. I pushed the door open a bit more and what I saw inside made me gasp! Josh was sitting on the other side of his bed, with his back to the door, and his arm was moving up and down in a jerking motion! It was obvious he was jerking off!

“Julia!!” His head turned back, and he caught me standing in the open doorway! In my panic at being caught spying on him, I rushed back to my room, accidentally slamming my own door in the process!

It wasn't long before everyone was awake, woken up from the sound of my door slamming, and my mom was pounding on my door. “Julia, open this door!”

I knew I'd have to face the music, and so sheepishly I went over and opened my door just a crack, to see just how mad my mom was at me.

“She was spying on me while I was jerking off, dad!” I could hear my brother complaining down the hallway, where he and my dad were standing in front of his own doorway. Daddy was trying to get his perspective of what had happened from him. "She’s a girl! She shouldn't be seeing something like that, a boy doing his… His personal stuff!” He exclaimed, obviously flustered about the whole ordeal.

"Julia, were you spying on your brother?!” Mom took my attention again, after listening to him, demanding an answer from me.

“I didn't see anything!” It was the truth! With his back to the door, beyond the back of his ears, I hadn't even seen any of his skin! Tell that to my mom when she's mad, though.

“Julia! Were!? You!? Spying!?" She demanded again, using her tried and true method of just repeating the question until I confessed.

“I just peeked inside for a moment, momma…” I answered her in a small voice.

"That sounds like spying to me, Julia!" She said, getting an answer close enough to the one she was looking for.

“See dad!” Josh said at the other end of the hallway, sounding furious. “She shouldn't be violating my privacy and personal space, and coming into my room like that, uninvited!”

I wanted to hit him so badly! “You mean the way you all violate my privacy by making me go naked every year!” I shouted back at him. “And I told you, I didn't see anything!”

“Didn't see what?” Toby had just come out of his room to join us in the hallway too, wondering what all the fuss was about. He still looked half asleep, rubbing one of his eyes with the back of his hand.

“Your sister was spying on your older brother masturbating, apparently.” Mom explained, giving me a terrible stink eye the whole time. I started to worry that my outburst was just going to get me into more trouble.

“Hahahahaha!” Toby laughed. “She saw you playing with your dick!?”

Josh was turning real red now. I wasn't sure if it was from anger or embarrassment, or both, but he looked like he was about to explode! “Shut up, dork!! Dad, something's gotta be done about this!”

“Well, what would you suggest, Josh?” Dad asked him, ever the pragmatist.

“Julie should be punished for spying on me! She should have to masturbate in front of me, so she knows what it feels like!” I didn't like the sound of that at all! Nobody has ever seen me do such a private and personal act before, and I'd rather not have my big brother be the first! Yes, I had been naked in front of him many times, and even touched by him last year, but this felt different. This felt way more private!

“Josh, your sister only goes naked one day a year, and your father and I are not about to change that unless Julie requests to be naked more. Besides, did you forget you gave her an accidental orgasm just last year?” Of all people, I wasn't expecting my mom to be the voice of reason.

“Fine, well, how about this?...” Josh said, trying to think of something more suitable. “How about I get to undress her on the next picture day, and make her pose any way that I want, even outside the pictures?”

“That sounds reasonable to me.” Mom smiled at him.

“Mo-ooom!” I moaned at her, not believing what I had just heard!

“Hey, that's not fair! I want to make her pose too!” Toby complained.

Dad grumbled at all the whining. “Tell you what, both of you boys can make her pose any way that you want on picture day.”

“Daddy!!” I let out another whining moan, automatically at him.

He frowned at me, rubbing his forehead in annoyance. “No, that’s obviously not good enough. Anyone can make Julie pose however they want for the next picture day.” I had to physically cover my mouth with both my hands to prevent myself from letting out another whining squeal. I couldn’t risk annoying him again and making things even worse for me.

Everyone but me seemed to be satisfied with the outcome of today's proceedings, and they all turned to head downstairs for breakfast. I just stood there in the middle of the hallway, moping, knowing that my next picture day was going to be even more humiliating than the last!

As they stared downstairs, I could hear my brother Josh asking, “Can one of my poses include Jules masturbating for us?”

“I don't see why not?” Daddy chuckled.

“Just don't make her do it too much!” Mom joined him in his laughter. “You wouldn't want to wear out her little kitty!”

That was months ago, and since then, I had been dreading this day coming even harder than I usually did! It was bad enough to know that I'd be naked all day, but being undressed by big brother, made to pose any way that anyone wanted, and even made to masturbate on command; it was enough to make a girl die of embarrassment! At least, if I was lucky, that would be the outcome, but I had a hunch all that would happen to me was that I'd end up totally humiliated instead!

Another thing that happened a few months before picture day; Uncle Joe passed away. He may have been a little creepy about my pictures, and around me when I was naked, but I still felt sorry for him. He had spent the last few years of his life mostly alone, after his wife of fifty years or longer had died before him. At 13, fifty years seems like an eternity! The upshot, if you could call it that, was that we wouldn't be going over to his house this year, and nobody had told me that we were going anywhere else either. I could breathe a sigh of relief, as it didn't seem like I'd be showing off my naked body to any of my cousins, aunts, or uncles this year!

That still left my mom and dad, and my brothers too, and I'm sure they were going to make this picture day a real humiliating one to make up for the absence of the others. Right on cue that morning, my big brother came waltzing into my bedroom, not even bothering to knock on my door before opening it! So much for privacy and personal space! “Wakey, wakey, Jules.” He stood over me lying on the bed, with a big dumb smirk on his face!

“I'm already awake!” I grumbled at him, throwing my bed covers to one side and sitting up.

“Good, then you know what day it is.”

I let out a sigh. “It's… picture day…” I could feel my nipples crinkling up in embarrassment, at the thought of having to get naked in front of him again. In front of everybody! His eyes wandered over my nightgown clad body and bare legs, before they landed on my face again. Somehow, his smile had gotten even bigger!

“Not just picture day. Today is a very special day, Jules, because today I get to undress you.”

“I know…” I squirmed my way out of bed to stand in front of him. I knew there would be no talking him out of it, as I could see the twinkle in his eyes, and I decided it was best to just get this over with. I raised my arms above my head, so he'd have an easier time taking off my nightie.

“Hold on. If I'm going to undress you, I want to get my money's worth. You're only wearing your nightie and panties right now, right?” I blushed at him, putting my arms down, but nodded to confirm his question. “I want you to wear something that you'd typically wear to school. Maybe jeans and a blouse. Or how about that cute pink crop top you were wearing last week?”

My face was burning at the idea. Having him tell me what to wear before he was going to undress me felt even more humiliating than if he had just taken off my nightgown! “Let me get this straight, you want me to get dressed, just so that you can undress me again!?” I tried to sound annoyed, but even I could hear the jitter in my voice.

“You got it, Jules!” He said, smugly. “Isn't it funny how things work out? There's no way mom or dad would make me do anything like what you're about to do today, but they're totally alright with making their little girl run around naked all day, among other things.” He laughed at the scowl growing on my face. “Oh, come on, Jules. You told me you had a good time last year, and I have a feeling that this year is going to be even better for you!” I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth!

“As if! You think this is fun for me!?” I yelled at him, incredulously.

He just sauntered his way over to the door, taking the handle in his hand. “I'll ask you tonight before bed. I'll bet your tune has changed completely by then. I'll meet you downstairs once you're dressed. I think it'll be more fun if we share your undressing with the entire family.” He said, stepping into the hallway, and almost closing the door shut. “Oh, by the way, I believed you when you said you saw nothing a few months ago when you looked in my room. If you had, you would have probably tried to tease me about it by now. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taught a lesson for trying to peek in on me.” He smirked again, before shutting my bedroom door from the outside.

“Oooooooooh!” I just shrieked at him, pulling off my nightgown and whipping it at the door in anger.

A few minutes later, I was headed downstairs, dressed as required. I was wearing a comfortable pair of jeans, the pink crop top he had requested, and another cropped sweater on top of that, plus my underwear. I couldn't help getting dressed in something more presentable and stylish, even if I knew that I wouldn't be wearing it for long. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I found both my brothers, and my mom and dad, all waiting for my arrival in the living room.

“There she is!” Mom said, smiling at me as I entered. “Julie, do you think that outfit is appropriate for today?”

“What? Mom?” I figured she was complaining because I wasn't naked yet. “Josh asked me to wear this.”

“No, I know.” She chuckled. “I just mean those jeans are awfully tight. Your brother's going to have a heck of a time getting those off your skinny little legs. On the plus side, they do show off your figure nicely. At least we know your developing hips the way you should.”

“Mo-ooom…” I blushed hard at her for that comment.

“Julia, you're becoming a beautiful young woman, and picture day is all about us getting to share the joy in that.” She beamed a smile at me.

“I thought it was about teaching me a lesson.” I said out of the side of my mouth.

“That too.” She just kept smiling at me. “Josh, think you're ready to unwrap our little jewel for picture day?”

“You bet, mom!” Josh leapt from his seat with excitement, coming to stand before me. His hands went to the buttons on the front of my sweater, and he started to undo them.

“Oh, Markus, get the camera!” Mom squealed with delight. “We don't want to miss this!”

Dad was back in a flash with the camera, and I could tell he was capturing this most humiliating moment of mine, my big brother taking my clothes off, as the flash on his camera kept going off! Josh eagerly continued to remove my clothes one thing at a time, starting with my button-up sweater. Next to go was my crop too, and it dawned on me that this was the first time anyone in my family had ever seen me in my bra! As you can imagine, I'm not the type to just run around the house in my underwear. I'm a very private person for most of the year, probably because I get enough exposure on picture day! Now they were all seeing me in my bra, which felt even more humiliating than if I were to just jump to being totally naked for some strange reason! The combination of my brother undressing me, and all of them seeing my A cup bra for the first time since I started wearing one, felt totally intimate like picture day never had before, and all the while my dad was capturing every moment of this new shame for me!

The shame continued as Josh attempted to pull down my jeans. Mom was right, these jeans were a bad idea! They were so tight that my little orange panties ended up halfway down my thighs before he got them free! My little pussy had been prematurely exposed to everyone! “Whoops! These don't come off until last.” Josh smirked up at me, as he was crouched down to pull off my pants. I could see him looking at my bared pussy, the lips just visible underneath my wispy blonde pubic hair. He grabbed the waistband of my panties and pulled them back up, only he pulled them a little too hard! I ended up with a wedgie in both the back and the front!

“Jo-oosh!” I complained, squirming at the uncomfortable feeling. I tried to pull my panties out of both my cracks, but my brother slapped my hands away.

“Don't worry, Jules. I'll get it in a minute, but first your bra has to come off.”

I could see that the outer lips of my pussy were totally exposed, with just a tiny strip of fabric running up the middle, wedged deep in between. Every time I made a little movement or squirm, that strip of fabric from my panties would rub against my clit, causing me an immensely uncomfortable feelings of pleasure! My dad knelt right in front of me, making sure to capture this great shame of mine with his camera for eternity too!

My 15-year-old brother had moved behind me now, taking his time to learn the intricacies of how a bra was latched together. I'm sure he was filling that information away for later, whenever he got his first real girlfriend. I understood the difficulties of the bra clasp first hand, as I usually clasped it in the front, and then spun it around when I put it on, but I didn't want to be his practice dummy! He should have to find his own girl to practice on, not his own sister!

Eventually he got it figured out, and my bra went too. Since last year, my chest had really grown. They still retained their perky shape, but there was no denying that I was becoming a woman now. My mom certainly couldn't refer to them as mosquito bites this year!

“Mom, look at how big Julie's boobies are!” Toby was always there to chime in with the obvious, and the most humiliating thing he could say! He came over to get a better look at my newly bared boobies.

Daddy also came around to capture a few close-ups of my bare chest! All I could do was stand there blushing, and try not to squirm, as every time I did, my clit would scream at me with agonizing pleasure! I had to just stand there, and let the three men in my life, my father and my two brothers, examine every inch of my bare chest to their heart's content. I knew my nipples had felt stiff even before my bra had come off, but now I could feel them and my areolas shifting from crinkled to hard enough to cut diamonds!

“Wow, did you see that!?” Toby exclaimed. “Her nipples, they almost moved!”

“That's what happens when a girl gets excited.” Josh explained to Toby with an air of superiority.

“Yes, when a girl is sexually excited, her nipples usually get hard, but that's not the only reason they can get hard. Sometimes it can happen from the cold, or sometimes it happens when a girl feels embarrassed too. Julie, do you feel embarrassed right now?” Mom asked me.

“What?! Mom! Why would you ask me that!?” I complained, feeling my face burning at her question.

“Julia, answer the question.” She folded her arms, giving me an expectant look.

“Yes! Of course, I do! Everyone is starting at my naked boobies!” I answered her, feeling totally pathetic and small. Here I was, finally a teenager, 13 years old, and standing in front of my family in just a pair of little orange panties and white socks, with the lips of my pussy sticking out either side of my panties, and most of my butt bare in the back too, from the double wedgie I had received from my brother! Of course, I felt embarrassed! Embarrassed wouldn't even begin to describe how I was feeling!

“Julie, we're all just admiring your beauty. We're all so thankful to you for agreeing to share this part of yourself with us every year, because, remember, my dear, this was all your idea to begin with.” My mother said it in such a smug way that just got right under my skin! My idea!? As if! I wouldn't deny the part that I played in this, with my little spoiled girl tantrum, but surely I shouldn't have to pay for that until I turn 18!

“Mom, that's not fair!” No matter how hard I tried, all of my anger usually just came out sounding like whining.

“Julie, you're not complaining again, are you?” My mom asked me with such a wicked smile on her lips. “We could always extend your naked time to two days if you like. I'm sure your brothers would enjoy having you naked on Thanksgiving Day too.”

“No ma'am!” I gulped, and my eyes went wide. One day naked a year was bad enough! I couldn't imagine two! “That came out wrong. I didn't mean it like that.”

“Maybe Jules should spend her birthday naked too! You know, her birthday in her birthday suit,” Josh snickered.

My mom laughed too, and for a moment I was really worried she was going to go along with that. “No, she's obviously just feeling a little shy about the changes to her body. I'm sure she won't make any complaints about picture day anymore. Right, Julie?”

“Right, momma…” I hung my head in shame.

“But you have nothing to be ashamed about, Julie. You're turning into a beautiful young lady, and your brothers, your father and I are so appreciative of getting to see just how beautiful you're getting every single year.”

“That's right, Julia,” my dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I couldn't help leaning into him for comfort and support. “Our little Julie jewel gets more and more gorgeous every single year!” And he gave my nipple a little pinch!

“Dad-dyyy!” I tried to squirm, but the tight piece of cloth still up against my sensitive little clit told me that I had better not! So I just stood there, with my dad's arm wrapped around me, while my face burned even hotter and my whole outlook became even more flustered. The joyous laughter everyone else was making wasn't helping calm me either!

“You know, Jules looks pretty cute this way.” Josh copied dad, giving my other nipple a little tweak! At least this time, I managed to hold still. “Maybe we should leave her in just her panties and socks for a while?”

“I'll leave it up to you, Josh. But I want her fully naked before guests start showing up.” Mom explained.

“Guests??!!” My mouth fell open at that word!

“Yeah, since Uncle Joe passed, everyone is coming over here for Thanksgiving dinner on your dad's side in the afternoon.” Mom gave Josh an incredulous look. “I told you to tell her.” She gave him a bit of a stink eye, though nothing like she usually gave me.

“I guess it just slipped my mind.” Josh told her with a shrug, before giving me a smug little smirk. It was obvious he hadn't forgotten, and had not told me on purpose just to embarrass me even more!

Mom saw right through him, though. “Well, maybe then I'll forget that you're the one who gets to undress your sister this year! Maybe I'll let Toby do it instead!” This was the kind of punishment he got! While I had to be naked, all he would get was his privileges taken away! It was so not fair!!

“But mom, that's not fair!” He actually had the audacity to whine at her! “I've already done most of it! Let Toby do it next year!”

“Well… That is a good point.” She got up and stood in front of him, putting her hands on his shoulders. “You're sorry?” He just nodded, giving her a half smile. “Then I guess you're forgiven.” She said, and then she gave him a hug! See what I mean about the way she treated me versus my brothers!?

My mom turned to appraise me in just my little panties and socks now. “You're right, she is pretty cute like this. I like how her little pussy and cute butt are out, even wearing these panties. Just, when you finally take her panties off, have her come upstairs to me. I'm going to need to shave all of her pubic hair off.”

“What?! But mom, why!?” I whined again, but I couldn't help it! I wasn't even allowed to have hair down there to provide me with a little coverage!?

“Because, Julie, no daughter of mine is going to be running around with her pubic hair showing! It's unsanitary!” I could just keep my panties on, and wear them in the proper way they were supposed to be worn, and not have to shave off my pubes! Or I could get dressed, and we could forget about this whole humiliating picture day thing all together! But I wouldn't dare say that to my mom. Instead, I just stood there like a bump on a log, while my whole family started down at my peeking pussy lips.

“Why does she have so much hair down here anyway?” Toby asked, giving a little yank to a few of my blonde follicles that were poking out! He actually managed to pull out a few!

“Ye-ow!” I yelled, trying to squirm out of reach, but my little clit reminded me that wasn't a good idea! I could feel it aching now, as it had pushed its way all the way out of its protective covering. Every little movement I would make would just transfer up my super sensitive clit to the rest of my body! Looking down, I could even see the impression of it in the tight, stretched fabric of my panties between my lips. Worse, my pussy was leaking its juices again, and there was a noticeable growing dark spot on the orange fabric tucked in between!

“What's that?” Toby brushed his finger up against the bump of my clit! It was always like he could read my mind and hone in on the most embarrassing thought I was having at any single moment!

“Ahhh!” I was forced up onto my tippy-toes, as the intensity of the pleasure rocked my body!

“That's Julie's clitoris.” Dad explained, and I noticed that everyone was looking at it now! My entire family, staring at the bump of my excited clit! “You remember it from last year.” Toby just nodded at him.

“Can I play with it again?” He asked.

“Maybe a little later, sport. Let your brother enjoy finishing undressing her first.” Maybe later!?

That's it! I was reaching my breaking point! I couldn't take this anymore! I was about to scream and shout at them so hard! Give them a real piece of my mind! Let them know that I wouldn't be putting up with this kind of treatment anymore! But before I could get a word in edgewise, suddenly, the doorbell went off!

“Now who could that be so early in the morning?” Mom asked, heading to the door. I suddenly felt petrified, my anger totally escaping me.

My mom opened the door, “Hi, cousin Julia!” and there was Katelyn, wearing a Cheshire cat-like grin as soon as she saw me! Me, in just my little orange panties and socks, with a front and back wedgie! Me, with a big wet spot forming on the front of my panties, my little clit poking the material out, and my bare nipples as hard as diamonds! And here was my sinister older cousin Katelyn to make my day even worse! Yes, this year's picture day was shaping up to be the most humiliating day of my life!
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2a - Jan 16th)

Post by student »

Will Julia get jealous enough of Katelyn getting all of the attention to join Katelyn being naked? Guess I'll just have to wait and find out. I'm sure the boys will agree.
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2a - Jan 16th)

Post by superevil7 »

student wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:07 pm Will Julia get jealous enough of Katelyn getting all of the attention to join Katelyn being naked? Guess I'll just have to wait and find out. I'm sure the boys will agree.
Katelyn isn't the one naked. Julie is (Mostly, besides her panties, lol).
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