Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 5

Post by Jeepman89 »

I love the hilarious naked workout routine!
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 5

Post by TeenFan »

Exposing Eric
Chapter 5. Family Reunion

Several days after making the video Eric was super stoked to go to school. He had made the video on a Friday, early evening when his mom
and dad were out to see a movie. After doing the workout he did the second part of the video, the heart rate raising exercise that can be
done without moving much, perfect way to lose calories while sitting or even lying down. The video wasn't even edited before he sent it
to Elizabeth, using the email address he was given at the Halloween party.

Late in the school day the following Monday, Eric takes his seat in Latin Class. Less than a minute later Elizabeth comes into the room.
With great anticipation Eric looks on as the cute freshman goes to her seat. Elizabeth glanced over at him, then she quickly diverted her
gaze up to the front of the classroom as she took her seat.

Half-way through the class, Eric couldn't stand the waiting anymore. He wanted to see more of a reaction from Elizabeth. Eric waded up a
sheet of paper and he tossed it at the girl who had been such a temptress in her red devil costume, hitting her in the back. The girl turns around, looking at Eric with a mostly blank face. Eric winks at her, smiles and gives a thumbs up sign. Elizabeth turns her face back toward the front of
the room.

Eric is supremely disappointed. She must have gotten the video. The email service said the message was "Sent Successfully".

For the next several days the same thing. Eric grows frustrated, wondering why Elizabeth continues to ignore him. Totally bummed out Eric
decides she doesn't like him anymore, and that it would be best if he put Elizabeth out of his mind. Being ignored by girls is nothing new.
Something to look forward to is getting more and more of his attention. There is a party of a different sort coming up.

Eric's mother gave him the good news. A special guest will be coming to the party. This coming weekend there is a family get together, sort of
like a reunion. It's been planned for weeks. The list of relatives expected to show up is extensive. There will be mom's two sisters and the five cousins. Dad's sister will be there. And better yet, Eric's grandma (dad's mom) will make a rare appearance, flying in from Memphis Tennessee.
Two of the cousins, Denise and Derry, were at Eric's house the previous year, the first two people in the world that Eric showed he no longer wore
any clothes to bed at night. With more people staying over at the house during the next weekend perhaps both cousins will end up having to
stay in Eric's room. The other three cousins are several years older than Eric, and he hasn't seen them in a couple of years.

Even though Eric let Denise and Derry see him naked the previous year, he met them and everyone else while wearing a long sleeve button
up shirt and blue jeans. You see, Eric is shy most of the time, never letting anyone see any skin showing. Showing himself is for special occasions
and family get togethers isn't on that list. Eric will try to find a way to show a body part or two to his cousins sometime during the next day or
two, but he's just not sure how to go about it with so many other people around. He's going to have to spend some time with grandma, whose
main way of killing time, and putting people to sleep, is to play boring card games.

After a lengthy exchange of pleasantries, a simple dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers is served. Eric did his part by roasting the weenies on
the grill in the back yard, while he dreamt of showing another type of weenie to Denise. Maybe he'll walk in on her while she is in the bathroom.
If she fails to lock the door he can just waltz on in with only a towel around his waist. He'll be going in to take a shower and he'll claim he thought
it was Derry in the bathroom, not Denise. In his surprise he'll accidentally drop the towel to the floor. Eric smiles as he rotates the hotdogs on
the grill, his hidden weenie feeling squeezed as it gets hard tucked down in his tight jeans.

The living room is rearranged with some added small tables and chairs. The whole family clan is seated in the living room when Eric's mom
announces there will be an entertainment, which will be played on the tv screen.

"We have some family vacation videos to show you all. Eric went with us to the beach in South Florida and we had a real good time. Eric
even volunteered to help out with Hurricane disaster cleanup from the last big storm. So enjoy your food and I'll get this thing rolling...I think
I know how to work this thing...yes, there it's going. Now I'm sure you will enjoy this."

Mom sits down and the family vacation video plays. It starts off with some scenes of Eric on the beach. He's looking a little shy, wearing shorts
that come down to his knees and a t-shirt to cover his less than masculine chest. "Smile, wave to the camera" can be heard and Eric, looking
totally bored looks over and does a half-hearted grin.

"You sure look like you're having fun," Cousin Derry says, sitting next to Eric, and he smacks Eric on the shoulder. "How can you not have fun at
the beach?"

A few more minutes of family shots goes by and the video switches to that of Eric helping a group of teenagers clearing debris from the sandy
dunes. Hurricanes constantly batter the coastlines of Florida and teams of volunteers are needed to help with the government paid cleanup
people. Eric has seen all of this several times before. He grabs another hotdog and he starts chowing down on it.

A verbal commotion interrupts the scene. Eric hears murmuring. He hears giggling. Eric looks up and his chewing jaws freeze up. His whole
face freezes up, for there on the screen are the images of a naked person walking. A camera view, angled down slightly, catches the movement
of an exposed set of dick and balls and bare legs.

Eric can't believe what he's seeing. Nobody can believe what they are seeing.

"What the hell is that?" Aunt Dotty shouts out.
"What the Fuck," Eric can hear slipping from the mouth of Cousin Derry, sounding loud since it's coming from right close to his ear.
"Ooooh, by gosh by golly," Grandma says. "Did somebody go skinny dipping at the beach?"

The camera view jiggles for a moment, and when the image clears the view of the kitchen is in view. Now Eric knows exactly what video this is.
For a moment he thought he knew, but he wasn't completely sure...now he's sure. A young man, a teenager who looks suspiciously like Eric,
jumps in front of the camera, and he's naked, all the way naked. The half-eaten hotdog falls from Eric's hand.

"Another good way to speed up one's pulse rate and do some cardio work to burn calories is to do jumping jacks." says the naked figure of
Eric Smiley, smiling at the camera right before launching himself into a round of jumping jacks, the penis trying to launch itself upward with
each jump. "wap wap wap" goes the weenie.

Nobody in the room is eating their weenies, or burgers, as they gaze spellbound at the tv screen.

"Are you sure this is the right video?' Eric's mother asks. "I don't remember shooting any videos of Eric doing exercises. Did you shoot this?"
Mrs. Smiley asks as she turns toward Mr. Smiley. Eric's dad replies that he didn't shoot the video. Meanwhile the murmuring and laughing is getting

"Is that Eric?" Grandma asks, finally catching up to figuring out what the bizarre scene is in front of her unbelieving eyes. "That sure looks like
Eric, and why is he jumping around naked like a crazy jungle native in a PBS documentary?"
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 6

Post by Jeepman89 »

So embarrassing for Eric. Not the exposure he was looking for.
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 6

Post by TeenFan »

Exposing Eric
Chapter 6. Too much exposure

Eric stares, open mouthed and slack jawed with eyes bugging out of his skull, as he sees himself flopping his cock as he does jumping jacks
on the tv screen. Somehow the video he shot of himself doing exercises while naked ended up in the family vacation video. Almost everyone
in the family has reacted with some sort of verbal comment.

"Eric, how could you?" comes the voice of Cousin Denise.

Eric glances at his cousin, sees her shocked expression. Briefly he wonders if that expression is the one Denise would have had if his original
plan of exposing himself to her had come about. In his fantasy, after dropping a bath towel when in the bathroom with her, Cousin Denise laughs
thinking it to be the funniest thing she ever saw. In his fantasy his cousin would like what she sees and might even want to see more of him that
way, in the naked way.

Eric is distracted by the sight of his mother rushing up to the tv set. She frantically looks at the DVD player. "Umm...I uhhh...I'm not sure
which button turns this thing off."

Eric sees the chance to end this unexpected video performance, which he didn't intend anyone other than Elizabeth, the girl from Latin class, to witness. Eric stands up. He starts to move toward the tv set. "I know how to turn the thing off. Let me do it."

Suddenly a loud masculine voice freezes him instantly. "Sit down Eric. Your mother will handle this...that's right, just sit your ass back down."

Eric is stunned. His dad just told him to sit down. Is dad going to go to the DVD player and push the stop button? He isn't making a move in
that direction. It's still his mom fumbling around with the machine. Why was mom put in charge of playing the video disc to begin with?

"OH MY GOD...he's got a hardon," Cousin Denise shouts out.

On the video Eric has finished the jumping jacks and it's obvious to everyone watching that Eric's dick is jacked-up. His penis is fully erect,
pointing almost straight up.

"Is that the kitchen? Why is Eric doing that in the kitchen?" Grandma wants to know, as if being in the kitchen is more significant than if Eric
did his naked calisthenics in the living room. Maybe Grandma was worried that loose pubic hairs might fly off and land on the kitchen counter,
or settle onto the bowl of fruit next to the toaster.

Eric has viewed this footage on his personal computer in his room, but seeing this on the 43 inch tv screen makes every detail of his pulsating
dick look...well, so magnified and in super clear focus. Not only is Eric breathing in a slightly heavy manner, his penis visibly jerks up and
down. The face is flushed with a slight pinkish glow. Eric is most aroused and excited. He's on camera doing something no boy should be
doing. Eric remembers the feeling when he showed himself off to the camera. It's thrilling to be so naughty. It was intoxicating.

"Now my workout fans, I'm going to show you one more method for achieving a cardio exercise heart rate without all that jumping around."

'OH Fuck me', Eric says to himself. There's more to the video shoot. This whole thing is going to get extremely humiliating if everything he filmed
of himself that day ends up being shown to the entire family. 'How did my naked workout get mixed up with the family vacation video?' Eric
wonders. Yep, that is the big question, a question even bigger than his boner (which is a very average six inches) which appears kind of large
since Eric's body is so slender.

This doesn't make any sense to Eric. He only sent the video to Elizabeth the week before. Nobody else was shown the video. So how is it showing
on the tv screen? Then suddenly the screen goes black. Everyone in the living room turns to look at Eric. Eric can feel their eyeballs boring
holes into his soul.

"I never knew you to work out," Cousin Derry says with a wide grin on his face. "Glad to see you're getting into shape."

Before anyone else can say anything the blank screen goes back to video. Sure enough...part two of that night's video shoot begins to play.
Eric puts his face in his hands. He can't look cause he knows what's about to show up on the screen...and it makes him want to scream.
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 13

Post by Themarble »

What an amazing chapter, I can't wait to see what happens in part two.

I wonder if there will be another showing on screen. One that is, intense...

I wonder why the TV has yet to be turned off? Perhaps someone has set the boy up. And boy is the boy up.
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 13

Post by TeenFan »

Exposing Eric
Chapter 7. Finishing the video shoot

Eric has the video camera turned off as he sets up the tripod near the bed. He almost giggles to himself, his excitement level is so high.
His dick his still sticking up high, didn't droop an inch while carrying the video equipment from the kitchen to his bedroom. In such an aroused
state he'll be starting up the next part of his video shoot and he won't have to do anything to get hard again, saving some time for the good

Everything is set up, camera turned on, check the lighting, stand in front of the camera and action...

Eric moves his hips side to side, his extremely hard dick flops back and forth like a windshield wiper on fast speed. Eric lets the moment
play out for several seconds, his arousal reaching new heights, his dick reaching a greater level of hardness than he's ever felt before. While
letting the weenie continue its fast waggle back and forth, keeping his body twisting one way and then the other, Eric re-greets his future

"Hello workout fans. I'm just keeping things moving fast and furious. Got to keep the blood flowing, keep the heart rate up. Do this for one

Eric gets quiet and the only noise is the wap wap wap sound of his dick slapping his hip on each rotation. He wishes he could do a helicopter
rotation with his cock, like he's seen some other guys do on a porn website. But he's not long enough and flexible enough with the erection to
make it swing full circle when he's hard. Those other fellas had longer dicks that didn't stand so upright. Eric's dick even has a slight upward
curvature to it that makes his erection point at high noon when he's hard. Every erection Eric has is at 12:00 on the old wall clock, only
his balls are at the 6:00 position. While swinging his hips the head of his penis bounces back and forth pointing toward the 2 and 10 positions.
Being able to get so hard is actually a source of pride. If one doesn't have a long one, one might as well have a super hard and upright pointing

"Now that you've seen it, I'm sure you all want to see it up close," and Eric moves closer.

He gets within a couple feet of the camera lens and he lets the auto-focus make the adjustment. Soon the partially blurry boner comes into view
in sharp focus. The underside of his dick and ball sack is on closeup display. Every little vein is visible. The piss tube is obvious to the viewer,
raised up enough to look like a long levee in the middle of the shaft. The skin of the scrotum looking slightly more reddish than the skin of the
shaft for some weird reason.

"How about the top view. I know you want to see it all," Eric says, as he takes hold of the shaft with his right hand.

Pushing down the erection, it gets pointed down as far it comfortably goes. The light purple head becomes the central focus on the shot.
This head shot is shown for about fifteen seconds and then Eric let's go. His dick springs up and smacks his tummy with a wallop.
"Wow, I heard that. Did you hear that?" and Eric bends down, thrusting his grinning face into view.

"I'm going to rearrange the camera...hold on just a sec..."

The tripod gets moved closer to the bed, the camera angled downward. Eric slides his body back into view and he sits down on the edge of
the bed. The only part of him not visible is below the knees. Eric reaches over for the two pillows, and these are placed behind his back.

"Now this really gets one's heart rate up, and all without the need for much moving around. This is the perfect way to burn calories, especially
if you really don't like doing cardio exercises."

Eric leans back onto the pillows. He looks at the camera and he grins and gives a thumbs up with the left hand while simultaneously grabbing
his dick with the right hand. Slowly he starts to stroke his dick. The movement is designed to show off his penis the best way possible, holding
the dick more upright than Erick normally does it while jerking it in the dark. It's all got to look good for the camera.

Then the pace of stroking picks up. "If you want to add an exercise, just hold your hand in place. Hold the hand steady and thrust upward with
your hips. Basically you'll be humping your hand. It really will wear you out after a while." Eric does as he describes, his hips humping upward,
the hard dick sliding up into the hand holding the shaft in an upright position. "Hump the hand, hump the hand" Eric says and it's obvious this
exercise is strenuous, as Eric's face shows some strain and sweat glistens on his body.

Most of the time when Eric jerks off he can last around ten minutes. He's been doing the hump de bumpty on de boner for only five minutes or
so and already he feels his body tensing up. He can already feel the climax nearing. Eric stops his hip thrusts and his hand makes a blur as it
furiously slides up and down.

"Ready or not...here it cums..."

The camera catches Eric's body freezing up into motionlessness, with the only thing moving is the jerking of the hand on the hardon. The video
turns into an audio file as Eric vocalizes the release.

"OH, oh, ahhhh yes...oh fuck yeah..." and Eric raises his head to look directly into the camera, just as his cum shot spurts out like a super volcano.
The first spurt is a massive one, shooting up at least twelve inches above the head to come down with a messy splat on his chest. Two more almost as impressive shots go off and the eruption fizzles out all while Eric continue his moaning and groaning and shouting naughty words. Eric sits up, showing how the collection of cum now oozes down his body. Standing up, Eric moves his dick in front of the camera. Squeezing with his fingers, one more little dribble is forced out. It forms a white blob on the end of his dick before gravity turns it into a long string of goo that eventually
falls off to plop down below onto the floor. The next thing Eric does is sit back down on the bed.

"That's how you work up a good heart rate and burn calories while doing minimal physical exertion. Athletes with a foot or knee injury can
still do cardio work while recuperating. And that is all for today. I hope you learned something and will put it into practice. Tune in next week
for another segment on Teen Fitness."

Eric turns off the camera. He is sure the video will be a big hit for anyone he shows it to. Well, he knows he's only going to show this to only
one person, Elizabeth. If she asks him how this ended up being sent to her, Eric will say he had added her to his "Friends List" and when he sent
it to the TwitFace account the video got sent to her email address.

That night Eric does a small amount of editing work on the video. It all looks great, and he feels so proud of it, so pleased with it and he
knows Elizabeth is going to love it. Eric sits down at his computer and he pulls up his mail service. On the email message "Hi everyone, this is my next video workout installment." Eric includes the attachment of the video, and he hits send.
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 18

Post by TeenFan »

Exposing Eric
Chapter 8. Family Secrets

Eric still has his head buried in his hands. He didn't have to look up to see how all his family members have stunned and amazed looks on their
faces as the second part of the "Workout" video started to play. "Hello workout fans. I'm just keeping things moving fast and furious..."
Eric hears the words spoken and he knows what is showing on the tv screen. He's doing the weenie wacker, flopping the cock back and forth.

"What the hell is going on?" says Cousin Denise.

"That's a sick move. I can't believe you're doing that," says Cousin Derry.

"...I know you want to see it all," are the next words Eric hears himself saying, and he can't help but look up at the large tv. The closeup
shot of the underside of his shaft fills up the screen, followed by the big bulbous dickhead as the very stiff erection gets pulled down to horizontal. During the editing a week earlier, Eric was most proud of the big head closeup shot. His pinkish/purple helmet looked so impressive and he can
see the pee slit in perfect focus, while the balls near the bottom of the screen look less distinct and hazy.

For a couple minutes there is nothing but stunned silence as his unintended audience watches the remainder of the video. Mother has abandoned
her attempts to turn the video player off, and she is standing next to Eric's dad. There is a hand over her mouth. Is she trying not to scream?
It sort of looks like mom is trying not to laugh. Amazingly, dad is just grinning. How is he not furious about this? Something strange is going on

Eric, along with his family, watches himself as he sits down on the bed and begins his masturbation move. Eric can hear Cousin Derry laughing out
loud when he tells the camera, "This is the perfect way to burn calories..." Watching himself stroke his dick, Eric sees himself in a slightly
different way. During the filming and the editing it looked like his penis was large and impressive. Watching the jerkoff sequence, while various
members of his family giggle, or laugh outright, Eric doesn't think his manhood shots look so impressive anymore. Being forced to watch this in
this fashion has changed the perspective on how hot he thought he looked. Eric can see now he's no studmuffin. Did Elizabeth like the show he
put on for her? Over the last week Eric could not get that girl to talk to him, much less even look at him. For a week it was nothing but the silent treatment. The room gets silent once again as the onscreen Eric's hand starts to make a blur, he's pumping himself so fast and furious.

"Ready or not, here it cums."

The silence comes to an end, as a huge murmur from nearly everyone in the room breaks out at the "Climax" of the scene, followed by a variety of responses to the multi-spurt release of semen.

"Ew...that is so disgusting," Cousin Denise says.
"Awesome...that cock popped like a bottle of Champagne," said Cousin Derry.
"Eric...how could you?" was the most stinging comment coming from Eric's mother, as she finally turned to look at him, and Eric lowers his
eyes in shame.

"I haven't seen nothing like that since my Uncle Nicodemus showed me how to milk cows when I went to live on the farm in 1962," grandma says,
and everyone turns to look at the Seventy-Five year old lady who grew up in Kentucky. The reunion was turning out to be more revealing of family secrets than anyone could have expected, as a long untold story had just come out to add to the heretofore undisclosed fetish Eric has for self-
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 20

Post by TeenFan »

Exposing Eric
Chapter 9. Stupid is as Stupid Does

The room is still buzzing with comments when Eric's mother steps over to the DVD player, turning it off. She turned it off with no fumbling
around with the front panel, went straight to the stop button followed by the power button. All that saying she doesn't know how to work the
controls, like it was a newfangled machine...was it a pretense?

Eric's dad flips on the overhead lights. "Okay, everybody go to the dining room. We have some cookies and ice cream."

Everybody gets out of their seats. Eric was wanting to leave the room, to run off and hide, as soon as he saw what video was starting to play.
But with all the other members of the family getting up to head out of the room, Eric just sits there as his Cousins Denise and Derry go over to
grandma and help her up. Mother leads the group toward the dining room for deserts, leaving Eric sitting in his chair as his father glares at him
from the doorway. Eric looks down at his hands clutching the half eaten hotdog on the paper plate. He had such an appetite when he sat down
to watch the family vacation video, looking forward to eating a scrumptious hot dog. Now he feels like throwing up. How the hell is he going to explain that video?

"Now I've seen boys your age do some stupid things to get the attention of a girl, but his one takes the cake," Eric's father says in a slow and
deliberate manner.

Eric looks up suddenly. "How, how did you know it was for a girl?"

Mr. Smiley sets the record straight on how the naked workout video happened to show up spliced to the Family Vacation clips. Eric sits, listening
in silence as the seriousness of his error, his stupidity, is described step by step.

Elizabeth got Eric's message alright, finding it in her email and opening it up the day after Eric sent it. The fifteen year old girl thought it
was cute and funny during the first part of the video, the part where Eric's shorts kept getting lower and lower on his tummy while he did
pushups and pullups. She gave out a little shriek when the shorts actually did fall off, revealing Eric with nothing on underneath and his dick
showing. Elizabeth thought the whole thing must be some mistake, or some sort of practical joke. It was sort of funny...but then Eric carries
the camera with the camera lens pointing right at the naked boy's crotch, moves the contraption into the kitchen and he proceeds to do jumping
jacks. Then Elizabeth knew something was wrong with Eric, that this was no accident, and who shoots naked video workouts for a social media
account? Even Elizabeth knows that one can't post adult content on TwitFace without having an adult registration.

Elizabeth stood there, transfixed, as the second part kicked in with the jerking off on the bed. At the explosive climax Elizabeth screamed out
in shock. It wasn't a loud scream, but the door to her room was open and her mother was close enough to hear the scream. Elizabeth's mother
stepped into the room, and when Elizabeth could not say a word as to what the hell just happened, the mother stepped in front of the computer
and rewound the video. Needless to say the girl's mom was even more shocked and dismayed, furious that some creepy kid from the High School
would send their sweet and innocent daughter such a disgusting video.

When Elizabeth's father came home from work, the video was shown for a third time. The father was none too pleased that his little girl had
been subjected to such filth. Dad wants to know everything about Eric. All Elizabeth can tell him is the name is Eric Smiley and he's a junior
at the school...oh and that he dressed up like a hooker for Halloween in a leather mini-skirt, but she does not know where Eric lives. "That boy is
a freak, a degenerate," the father said and the next day he took a copy of the video to the High School. The next individuals to view the video are none other than Mrs. Welch the school counselor, along with Mrs. Concord the Principal. That same day Mr. and Mrs. Smiley got called by the
school, requesting the two of them join a meeting with the principal and the subject was Eric.

The principal was ready to phone the police and have Eric charged with whatever he can be charged with. However, Mrs. Welch, not wanting
Eric to be branded a "Sexual Predator" at such a young age, asks Mr. Smiley if some appropriate measure of punishment could be devised.
Mr. Smiley and the school counselor came up with a plan that would hopefully fix the problem before it got worse. Part one of the plan was
embarrassing the naughty boy by showing everyone the video workout. Part one seems to be a smashing success. Eric would certainly agree
that he has been thoroughly embarrassed.

"Okay son. Now this is what you are going to do. I'm going to take you to the front yard. The family is going to follow us out there."

Eric has no idea what is about to happen. He knows he can't do anything but obey. How does one argue about punishment when he got caught
doing such a stupid stupid thing? And his dad didn't say what the punishment is, only that it was cooked up with the assistance of the school
counselor. Eric follows his dad through the house and out the front door. "Come on everybody...we're going to the front. Eric is going to begin
his punishment."

Eagerly the entire family troop follows, whispering excitedly amongst each other. Even grandma with her walker is among the spectators.
At the street Mr. Smiley's car is parked. Eric is led to the car and the passenger side front door opened. Eric is about to get into the car when
his father says, "Before you get in, take off all of your clothes...just leave them on the ground. Your mother will gather them up and take em
to your room."

Eric looks back toward the throng of grinning family members. Only Cousin Denise looks shocked. Everybody else looks to be thrilled.

"You can't be serious dad," Eric tries to protest. "It's against the law to ride in cars with no clothes on."

"It's against the law to take off your clothes and send the video to your classmates. If we get pulled over I guess you'll have to answer for a
charge of indecent exposure. That would be hilarious if we get pulled over by a female motorcycle cop. I might just forget to use the turn

The only ones not laughing, when Eric finally strips off his underwear to stand naked by the car, are Eric and his mom and dad. Everyone else
is finding this Family Reunion to be the best in memory.

"Now get into the car son. It's chilly out here. Are you trying to catch a cold?"

Eric gets into the car. Closing the door just in time for his two cousins to rush over. "Say hi to the police for me sweetcakes," Cousin Derry teases.

The police? Is Eric being taken to the police? If so, why is he being taken while naked. He'll be stripped of his clothes and put into one of those
ugly orange prisoner suits at the end, by why does he have to go through processing while naked? Well, that would be one hell of a punishment.
A whole mess of people will be laughing at him as he's taken before the judge to plead guilt or innocence. Eric isn't sure which is the better way
to plead. Is he going to get a lawyer? He looks down at himself and his dick looks so small, shriveled up by fear. No hardon here, he's not scared straight and hard that's for sure.

The car turns a corner, without dad clicking on the turning signal, and Eric can see the High School up ahead.

"You're taking me to school? Undressed?" Eric can't believe it. Is he going to be marched in through the front doors of the school, marched
over to the principals office? Eric got swatted twice before by the male assistant principal, but each of those times he was wearing jeans.
Getting swatted with a bare ass will be so much more painful, and ten times as humiliating.

Eric whews a sigh of relief when the High School gets passed by. But now where is dad driving to? A minute or two later the car pulls up to a
nice house in a neighborhood Eric is only a little familiar with. He's been on this street only one time before. Eric has stood in front of the house that his dad stopped at.

"You know whose house this is?" Mr. Smiley asks.

Eric can only nod his head. He does know the house. It's Elizabeth's house. Only about a week earlier, Eric stood in front of this house, after
he learned Elizabeth's address. Eric was hoping to find the girl out in the front yard, or maybe in the back yard. He did not see her, and he
certainly was not going to knock on the door.

"Go up to the house and knock on the door," Mr. Smiley says, using his slow authoritative and deliberate speaking style again. "Just knock on the
door. They are expecting you."
Last edited by TeenFan on Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 22

Post by Jeepman89 »

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Re: HNY24: EXPOSING ERIC_ new Jan 22

Post by Thesyguy »

You have a very large library of stories so I admit I haven’t read everything u made. But regardless I think this story is probably your best. It has all the elements that make a long story great. An aging character, realistic male nude scenes, a rotating of new female characters, and a more and more precarious situation the Eric character finds himself in. Very nice.
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