The Initiation Ordeal_New September 20

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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The Initiation Ordeal_New September 20

Post by TeenFan »

The Initiation Ordeal
Chapter 1.

Initiation: The act of admitting someone into a secret or obscure society, typically with a ritual.
Ordeal: A painful or horrific experience, especially a protracted one.

Put those two words together and that describes the ceremony to become a member of the Order of Divine Disclosure. It sounds silly, but the
members of the order take it seriously. Membership is only open to those who have a perfect public record of behavior. A conviction for any crime
is not allowed. Even having speeding or parking tickets is disqualifying. A person who did background checks for applicants to the Federal Bureau
of Investigation conducts a check on each applicant to the Order of Divine Disclosure. Needless to say, I sailed through the background checks with flying colors.

However, that is only half of what it takes to gain membership into the Order. The other requirement is a confession.
A priest in training will go through an extensive confession with a superior, to confess all the sins the applicant can remember.
The High Priests of the Order of Divine Disclosure are not interested in every little sin of commission or omission that a person accumulates during
their life. To get into the order, one must confess something that would put that person in jail. Or he could fess up to something that could get
him kicked out of his own family, to be disowned due to the disgrace.

To become a member, I must divulge a secret that has not been told to any other living soul. When I was told of the requirement, that each
initiate must tell something to the other members to gain acceptance, I wondered what kind of secrets could a group of perfectly behaved high achieving super citizens, who are all freshly out of High School, confess to their peers?

The reason for the confession ritual is things had changed in College Fraternities and Societies, the methods used for initiations. Hazing and
pranking was out. Making a guy not legally old enough to buy beer get drunk is frowned upon. Making young men wear diapers and get spanked
is now a No No. Something extremely embarrassing, but not involving any form of physical contact, was needed...therefore the Divine Disclosure
was invented.

I was among a group of four initiates. We walked into the basement of a Fraternity House wearing white robes over our regular clothes,
symbols of purity which were discarded as soon as we were lined up in front of the members of the Order. The members all wore masks. Only
upon becoming a member would I learn the identities of the other members. I was chosen to go first. What caught me by surprise is when a
chair and a small table were brought out. Placed on the table was a strange device, and I did a double take, not initially believing my eyes. It
was a lie detector. Not only did I have to tell the members of the Order some juicy past crime or action, but I couldn't just make up any old story.
It had to be true.

I was told by the High Priest that if my confession was found to be inadequate, my application would be terminated. My fingers trembled as I
sat down in the chair. My knees nearly knocked when I got wired up to the machine that would read my physio-responses as I told my confession.
What was I going to tell them? What would be good enough to satisfy them? I thought about telling them about stealing library books during
junior high. But then I remembered it had to be something I didn't get caught doing. I thought about the time I snuck food into a movie theater.
I actually snuck a fast food hamburger in one pants pocket and a cold beer in the other. But then I remembered that I have bragged to others
about getting away with that. Sweat was coming down my brow. I knew I was going to be rejected...but then I knew what I needed to say, the
only thing bad enough (embarrassing enough) to achieve my goal of acceptance into the Order.

"Tell us what you have never told anyone else," the High Priest demanded.

I must tell them about the time I visited my Aunt Anna Marie La Mere. I must confess what happened during the second week of my two week
stay in that lovely two-story house at the edges of a sleepy little bucolic village in the South of France. What happened there I never told
anybody, not even my best buddy in High School.
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by Themarble »

This set up makes me believe that there will be a lot at play here. I'm excited for this. What exactly happened at Aunts?
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by TeenFan »

The Initiation Ordeal
Chapter 2.

I was understandably nervous as the wires and probes of the lie detector machine were attached to me. They had me take off my shirt and
four sensors were attached to different places on my body. I've never seen shirtless being required for a polygraph on any of the tv shows I've
seen. Perhaps it's just because it's the only type of stripping the Fraternal groups can get away with now. Just as the last sensor was attached to
my neck a door opened at the back of the room and another small group entered. This new group wore masks like everyone else, but their
body shapes gave away that these newcomers to the party were girls. I thought only guys would be present. Holy mother of horse pucky, my
sweat machine really turned on. I felt a trickle run down my back and another down my left cheek.

The females were given chairs to sit in and they formed their own separate section in a corner of the room. I counted nine of them. They wore
masks that normally would seem silly and childish, but in this setting created an extra sensation of fear and foreboding. A Halloween store must
have been raided for Barbie, Snow White, and Witch masks.

The High Priest checked with the Polygraph expert, then he declared the proceeding ready to begin.

"If you tell any lie you will be rejected for membership. If you refuse to answer any question you will be rejected. Do you understand?"

I said I understand and that I was ready, which was a lie...I certainly was NOT ready.

First there was a short round of "Control" questions, to set an emotional baseline with the Polygraph machine.

"Is your name Kai Lamont...Is it correct that you were born in England...Why do your friends call you the viking?"

I told the assembled people in the room I got the nickname The Viking due to my height, which is six foot two, and my hair, which is slightly curly and blond with a hint of orange and looks great when it's touching my shoulders. Guys who follow international basketball said I resembled the German superstar Dirk Nowitzki (without the seven feet in height) when he let his flowing locks grow long and fly behind his head as he ran up and down the basketball court. I had never seen that guy play, so I had to look him up on the Youtube. And Yes I was born in England. I'm half English and half French. My Scandinavian first name and French family names together translate to "Keeper of the keys from the mountain", which is a pretty cool name if you ask my opinion.

Then the questions got harder to answer.

"Have you measured your penis? How big is it...What is the most times you've masturbated in a day...How old were you when you first fucked?"

Such embarrassing questions, especially since women were present to hear the answers, not just the other members of the Order. Why did I
sign up for this? Why did I want to be in a secret society in the first place? Begrudgingly I answered the questions. My cock is seven and a half
inches. The most I ever jerked off in a day was three times. I glanced at the lie detector as the answers slipped out of my mouth, and all
seemed to be going okay there. No huge spikes on the paper printout. But I hesitated to say how old I was when I first stuck my dick into
someone, well, cause it still hasn't happened. It was agony to admit I was a virgin at the old age of eighteen. Now I've had plenty of physical contact with other people, mainly them making contact on me, but I've never once stuck my lead pipe into a girl, or up the wazoo of some young studly guy (yep, the High Priest asked me that too).

"Have you ever wanted to have sex with a family member? Hot mom, sister, or kissing cousin?"

Another long hesitation after that question. It's not too late. I can get up and get out of here. I can bail out if I needed to...but I stayed and
finally said "Yes".

"Who was it and tell us all about it."

So there it is, the line of questioning comes round to forcing me to tell the story I already had in mind. It's the only story worthy of telling to get into the Order of the Divine Disclosure. To tell the story properly would take some time, so I just looked out toward the corner where there
were fewer creepy masks looking back at me. The guys not wearing masks, but had their faces painted up like killer clowns were the worst.
I tried to relax and started my tale.

"The person I was attracted to was my Aunt Anna Marie. She lives in a small village between Toulouse and Montpellier, not far from Castres.
Shortly after my sixteenth birthday I went on a summer vacation trip to South France, for two weeks, to stay with my Aunt and my two cousins.
The whole countryside is beautiful. My aunt is beautiful. My two cousins who are 12 and 14 were both pretty and adorable. Everything looked
like it was going to be a great vacation. But on the first day of my stay there, I uhh...I had an accident. I fell off a bike and broke my wrist."
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by TeenFan »

The Initiation Ordeal
Chapter 3.

"Breaking my wrist was a bad ending to a long day. Getting to the village where my Aunt lived was a long travel day with many steps involved.
It started off with a bus to London, me and my mom and my one suitcase. At the airport in London I said bye to my mom, told her I'd behave
myself during my stay at her sister's house. I felt a little nervous going off on my own. I was sixteen now, by just a few months, and it's normal
to see people that age traveling all over Europe by themselves. But I knew strange things can happen. I read about an incident where a guy intended to board a plane to go to Oakland California, but he ended up on a plane going to Auckland New Zealand. I suppose the two places
sound the same when announced over the speakers at an airport. Mom said everything will be fine, but it was the first time I did any traveling on
my own. I was afraid I'd get onto the wrong airplane and end up in Iceland or the Congo.

Fortunately I got on the correct plane and the flight from London to Paris was a breeze. Next leg of the trip was a train ride from Paris to
Toulouse, followed by another short bus ride to Castres where my Aunt Anna Marie picked me up.

Aunt Anna Marie is several years younger than my mom. She got dipped into the better end of the gene pool, looking a lot like Canadien actress
Sophie Desmarais. I was immediately attracted to her. At the village house it didn't take long to unpack, not with just the one suitcase. My two cousins were not home at the time and I didn't know what to do. My Aunt suggested I take the bike and ride around the village.

Now the bike was a little small for me. It wasn't too girly of a bike, but it was designed for my two cousins who are 12 and 14. I kinda felt like
a dork as I rode off toward the village. I stopped and browsed a couple little shops along the way, then I came to the village square. The square
it was lovely, lots of little shops and cute buildings. In the middle of the square is a fountain surrounded by a short wall. There was a group of
children playing in the fountain, boys and girls of around nine years old who were all wearing nothing but their underpants. I was about to
move on past the fountain when I saw another girl sitting on the wall. She was older than the other kids and she too appeared to have no shirt
on. As I passed her by, she stood up and turned around and indeed she had nothing on up top and she must have been around thirteen or so
and her tits were just a popping out nicely, and I turned my head more and more backwards to look at her. The front wheel of the bike hit the
street curb and I went flying off.

I ended up with a broken right wrist and I'm right-handed. I saw my cousins Ella, the 12 year old, and Daphne, the 14 year old, for the first time
as I was sitting on a bed in the village medical clinic as I waited for the plaster to fully harden into the cast. I was wearing only a flimsy gown
and when I saw how pretty the two girls were, especially Daphne, the plaster of the cast wasn't the only thing getting hard. I don't know if the
girls saw the movement under the thin material of the hospital gown, but my Aunt did. Aunt Anna Marie started rubbing my thigh, almost as if
she was trying to direct the attention of everyone to the little pop up problem I was having. Both girls gave me a kiss on both cheeks, but when
they started giggling I knew they had seen the partially raised baton under the gown. I don't know why the nurse made me take everything off
when it seemed obvious the only injury was to my arm. Everyone seeing me like that must have been where their wanting to see me
out of my clothes must have started."

One of the girls in the corner, one of the witch mask wearing girls, interrupts my story as she raised her hand.

"Point of order", the witch masked girl says. "You are letting him skip over the details of his arousal, High Priest. I want to know more. Why
is he getting turned on? What do these girls look like. Which one turns him on the most, the aunt or the cousins?"

A second girl stands up. This one has a Barbie mask on. "I want to know which of us the initiate finds the least attractive. The one chosen will
will have a task to perform."

The High Priest turns toward the gallery of gals in the corner. "Point of order is taken. The initiate will explain fully the causes of his arousal
around the cousins and his aunt. Then he will determine which of you girls he finds to cause the least amount of arousal." Then the High Priest
turned back toward me, gave me my next set of instructions. "Tell us what turns you on when it comes to these cousins and Aunt Anna Marie.
Describe them in full detail, leaving nothing out so we all get the picture."
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by Trundle »

Wow what an interesting premise for the story.

I can't wait to see what happened in his flashback, the line "Everyone seeing me like that must have been where their wanting to see me
out of my clothes must have started" is very intriuging.

I also want to know more about the initiation too.

Fantastic start.
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by TeenFan »

The Initiation Ordeal
Chapter 4.

The whole line of questioning was making me nervous, making me sweat. I could feel the beads of perspiration on my forehead, could feel
the dampness of my skin around the armpits. The woman in the witch mask wanted me to further describe my Aunt and two cousins. This witch
wants to know what makes me get aroused around them. I must spill the secrets of my thoughts and desires in front of the entire assembled
Order. Next the High Priest demands it. I have to tell them what makes my dick get hard. I have to admit that my Aunt and cousins turned
me on, got me hot and bothered, made me think about doing things a good boy isn't supposed to do.

I'm determined to get into this Order, this secret society. Why?...I don't know why. I have no idea why. There's no logic to it. Who in their
right mind spills his guts out in telling others his deepest darkest and most erotic thoughts and fantasies. Since I'm not quitting, I tell my tale.

"It all started the day after the accident. With the pain meds I slept soundly all night and much of the next day. Twice Aunt Anna Marie served
me some soup and bread while I lay in the bed. The second time I got served food in bed my two cousins showed up. Ella and Daphne came
in. They had just been swimming. Until that moment I didn't know there was a swimming pool in the back yard. Daphne wore a one piece
swimsuit that was a lot more skimpy than suits I saw at the pools In England. It had a plunging neckline in the shape of a V, plunging down almost
to her belly button. What held things in place were several straps that went horizontally across the gap. When I saw the backside, well most of
her ass was visible, and well-tanned to match the rest of her exposed skin. The suit was a cool shade of blue. That suit instantly made dirty
thoughts go through my head, like if those three strings were cut then any wave of water might push the material right off of her breasts. Daphne
has some nice round mounds to go with a skinny waist. My fourteen year old cousin was something to see.

But Ella was even more of a turn on, though she was younger. She came in wearing a light purple camisole and with white panties. They were
still wet and her young breasts are not very big, but what she had showed nicely because of how tight fitting the camisole was. Her nipples
poked through the thin wet cloth noticeably. The front of her panties showed a hint of her slit. Her hair was tied up in two ponytails, the ends
still dripping water. Ella jumped up on the bed and she curled up next to me. She asked me if I liked the soup. I said I did, that I'd never had
a combination French Onion Beef Bourguignon soup before and it was delicious.

Ella picked up the soup spoon and she fed me as she smiled, and then she pinched me on the cheek. This made her mom and sister laugh. I felt
like a foolish idiot child sitting there with a useless hand while being spoon fed by a twelve year old. Ella took a spoonful of the soup herself.
She closed her eyes and made a "mmmmm" sound that was so sweet to hear. When she opened her eyes I noticed they were a lovely amber color,
a yellowish brown, like a light copper. Ella then spooned out some more soup and held it out for me.

Now normally the idea of putting a fork or spoon into my mouth, one that had just come out of somebody else's mouth, makes me queasy, makes
me gag. But I opened my mouth and let Ella feed me without any hesitation. Knowing the spoon was in her mouth didn't bother me. I was
fantasizing about knowing that mouth more, tasting that cute lovely mouth by sticking my tongue in it. I wanted my little cousin to teach me the
fine art of French kissing. When in France do like the French do. And in thinking about her tongue twisting around with mine, her mouth tasting
like French onion soup, my little buddy under the sheets made a lurch upward.

Both girls had given me regular kisses on the cheeks. The thought of kissing them on the mouth got things going down under, and once it started
I couldn't stop it. By the time I had two more Spoonfuls of that luscious beefy broth my boner was sticking up several inches beyond my thighs.
I heard Ella giggling, and I knew she had seen it. I can't move to cover it up. My busted wrist is in a sling. My other arm is tucked behind Ella.

"Looks like we have a little visitor," my Aunt said, as she rubs my thigh. The slight movement made it possible for my penis to pop up even more,
maybe four inches of it poking up under the sheet like some ghost appearing out of the ground in a graveyard. Then my Aunt did something I
never would have guessed. She reached over and she pinched the head of my barely covered dick. With two fingers she pinched and squeezed
my little head and her two daughters laughed. I didn't laugh. I was in shock. My Aunt was pinching my cock with my two cousins sitting there
on the bed with me.

I started having thoughts about what Aunt Anna Marie looks like in her night gown. I wondered if her nipples would show through. I wondered
if the hemline would be high, like above her knees. I wondered if she would tuck me into bed at night, leaning over to give me a good night's
kiss and I could look downward and see cleavage between her terrific tits. The "little visitor" as it was called got even harder. I started thinking
about how I was going to jerk off after they left. Normally I mostly use my right hand, my now busted bad hand. My Aunt had been so helpful so
far. Would she give me a helping hand to solve my dilemma of arousal? No...there's no way. How could I think of that. That's not what one can
expect from a family member. I did my best to suppress the thought..."

The High Priest held up his hand, cutting off my story. "That is enough for the moment, initiate. Now for the next thing required of you to do.
The girls will come forward and you will make a choice. You must decide which one gives you the least amount of arousal."

I looked over into the corner of the room where the nine females wearing masks sat. They all stood up at the same time. Each girl then took off
her shirt, shoes, and slacks. Surprisingly each one of them wore red lacey underwear. It must have been planned and coordinated. The High
Priest waved them over and the group of girls, in a single file line, stepped over in front of me. They all had hot bodies. Beautiful faces probably
went with the bodies, but all I could see are the horrid masks. I had to get the sight of witches and Barbie's out of my mind and focus on the
breasts and legs of the nine female members of the Order. One girl had a Cat Woman mask covering the top of her face and a surgical mask over
her mouth. Maybe that girl was still creeped out by Covid and scared of group settings. Who are these nine girls? How did they get into the
Order? Did they have a different initiation than the guys? All these thoughts ran through my head, but I had to focus and decide which body was
NOT the best. This was a competition to determine the worst woman of the group.
Last edited by TeenFan on Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by TeenFan »

The Initiation Ordeal
Chapter 5.

It turned out that picking the masked girl with the least hot body was not so easy. They must have all been cheerleaders in High School,
or a model or an up n coming actress of the stage. With no faces to look at all I could do is judge their shapely legs, curvy behinds, and how
firm their tits looked. Every beauty competition I've ever heard of rewarded the hottest babe, and did anyone ever care about the answers
to those dumb questions during the interviews, or whether or not the competitors could play a fiddle or was an aspiring chef who will only
feed hungry homeless children. Let's face it... it's tits n ass that matters in a beauty contest, and all nine girls wearing red lace underwear
lined up in front of me were a feast for the eyes.

Pick one I had to do, so with so many of the girls looking equally great I picked the girl who was shortest. The girls had no names or numbers
attached to them so all I could do was point to the loser.

"The Wicked Witch has been chosen. Come forward," the High Priest shouts out.

It was then I noticed the one I chose as the least beautiful of the bunch was the same witch masked girl who demanded the competition.
Well, it's been said more than careful what you ask for. The other eight girls returned to their seats laughing and high-fiving each
other's hands. Two large guys, wearing Casper the Friendly Ghost masks, stepped out of the front row and they came forward. One went low
when he got close and he unties my shoes. The other Casper leans over me and he grabs hold of the front of my jeans.

"The initiate will do the rest of the ceremony naked," the High Priest announces, to a round of polite applause, mainly from the row of
girls, but some of the masked males also showed their appreciation at the turn of events.

In no more than a minute everything is stripped from me, and the two friendly ghosts walked off with my clothes. I was left wondering if this
was the way it was planned to be, no matter what happened. The High Priest pulls out handcuffs and my hands are cuffed to the armrests of the chair. Any chance of changing my mind about this initiation, any chance of getting out of there, is gone.

So much for thinking this society was going to follow the modern rules concerning hazing. Come to think of it, the Order of the Divine Disclosure
doesn't appear on the list of Fraternities and Societies on campus. Is this group so secret the administrators of the college don't know of its
existence? Even though I had been sweating, I suddenly felt chilled and shivered. My dick was completely flaccid. Thinking about my trip
to France two years earlier was a frequent method for getting fully aroused for a nighttime jerkoff in bed. However, telling the tale under
these conditions, this Inquisition style method of interrogation, did not turn me on at all. I was too scared to get a hardon.

"The witch will service the initiate during the remainder of the question and answer session," the High Priest says.

I hardly had more than a moment to wonder what was meant by "servicing" when the witch moved toward me. She knelt down at my bent
legs, put her hands on my thighs and she spread my legs wide. The witch moved in closer and she looked up at me. I could not tell what
emotion was on her face just by seeing the orbs of her eyes. The mask was an ugly green color of those rubbery types that fit over the head.
The visage was horribly perfect for Halloween, but a nightmare for me sitting there like that. I was at the mercy of whatever she was going to
do to me. For a second or two the girl's tongue flicks out from the mouth opening and it appears like the witch licks her rubber lips. Next
the witch plunges her head downward and I feel my limp dick slurped up into her mouth.

Never in my imagination did I ever think that I'd be stripped naked during the initiation with a girl sucking my penis while wearing the mask of
the Wicked Witch of the West. The room is silent as dozens of masked men and eight women watch the sex act happening before them, though
with the large mask over the girl's head they probably can't see anything. I hear smacking sounds, slurping sounds, sucking sounds, as the witch
girl does her best to coax my cock into getting hard. So far I'm still mostly soft.

The High Priest gets things going again. "The initiate will resume his story of his trip to his Aunt's house."

For a few moments I can't speak. I feel my heart pounding fast. I'm feeling hot. Isn't a person being questioned with the use of a Lie Detector
machine supposed to be kept calm? How long it that bitch of a witch supposed to keep sucking me? How can I tell a story like this in front of an audience? How long can they keep me here handcuffed to this chair? The only way out appears to be getting through it. I start my story up

"After spending that first day in bed my Aunt wanted me to get up and about. She wanted to show me the sights in the village. She wanted to
show me off to her friends. But first I needed to get cleaned up. My Aunt insisted on my taking of a bath. Now with my right hand in a cast
taking a bath would not be the easiest thing to do. I wasn't sure what to think when I heard her running the water into the tub in the bathroom
a couple doors down the hallway..."
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by Themarble »

I am very much liking this story. The way you are handling the past and the present is amazing. Perhaps we will get to see a glimpse into their futures with the order?

I'm very excited to see what is in store for Kai. Especially when I think the bath will house something embarrassing for the boy!
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by TeenFan »

It would be embarrassing for the boy to meet the friends of his Aunt unwashed and stinky. He must be presentable and clean, squeaky clean.
I'm sure Aunt Anna Marie has some nice fancy French soap that will make Kai smell nice and manly.
Of course, I could skip over the tedious details of bathing and go straight to telling you about how exciting it is to shop in the village.

What was that? You want to know every little detail about how Kai got his body washed when he has no use of his good hand? Are you sure?
Okay, I guess I'll have to tell you. Check back soon for updates Mr. and Mrs. Reader.
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Re: The Initiation Ordeal

Post by Trundle »

Absolutely loving this, the mix of hearing about his story with his aunt and cousins with the mystery of the present day initiation is so interesting. I cannot wait to hear about this bath, does something there trigger them wanting him to be without clothes all the time?

Fantastic stuff.
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