Zayden and Cathy - Monday Morning - 2023-07-30

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Now: Zayden 1.1 - Zayden and Cathy - Saturday Evening

Post by LittleFrieda »

student wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:12 am ‘Shooting looters in the middle of a hurricane stealing milk and baby formula was no problem, but thongs at the beach are Right Out!’ The first part of that statement isn't correct--unless the "milk and baby formula" were stashed in big screen television sets or in stolen AR-15 rifles. ...
My preference for an example outrage would have been about Danziger Bridge (New Orleans), Tamir Rice (Cleveland), Shannon Renee McNeal (St Louis), or Dymond Larae Milburn (Galveston), but those don't fit in one line. If you (or anyone) can suggest a better event that only needs a short description, I will be happy to substitute it in. Janet has her own reasons for storming off. Janet's son Aaron needs a reason for not going with her.

I understand your agitation. While watching TV, my friend frequently has to calm me down with "It's a movie. It's just a movie."

At any rate, I will give that section another go.

I have changed the end of 1 and the start of 1.1 so that Aaron's thoughts of his Mom's religion are less controversial.
Last edited by LittleFrieda on Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Now: Zayden 1.1 - Zayden and Cathy - Saturday Evening

Post by student »

I spent eight years in the Middle East, seven of it pulling anti-terrorism security as a contractor and one year with a National Guard communications company. That gave me a store of war stories. Different culture--different world. Child brides and women were less valuable than camels--literally. Women were barefoot but hid their faces behind veils and covered themselves from head to ankle. Women were seen and not heard.

One of my 12-hour duty days was sitting in the turret of a mine-proof police armored vehicle behind an M60 machine gun as 1000+ day workers filed past my post on their way to a screening point. They were being screened for weapons and explosives before their assigned escorts picked them up for their workday. My mission was overwatch--just in case someone decided to replay Beirut by driving a dump truck turned into a bomb, I was supposed to stop it before it reached the gate. One of the workers, I think he was Hindu, remarked that I looked as if I were going to shoot someone. "Sir, if I convince everybody that I will shoot when required, perhaps I won't have to." That went up and down the line in multiple languages--not everybody spoke English or Arabic (it's been a long time and I've forgotten what Arabic I knew) but it was funny to see the workers laughing, smiling and waving when they passed me. The workers were people much like me, even if from a different culture--they were there earning a living, more money than they could get paid back at their home. These were roughly the top third of the people in their countries--not the top people, but good enough to be worth paying.

Another contract I discovered a security flaw that I wasn't able to get corrected, and so I let my contract expire after two years. I warned my supervisor that this incident linked below was going to happen in January through June 2003. I lived at the Vinnell Compound for two years and my predictions curled hair--but didn't prompt corrective action. Security work is political--make no mistake about that! After wargaming out the raid that would use the least resources and not require trained commandos with a skilled leader, I worked out that the attack would happen at midnight (because of surface vehicular traffic) and would target the family quarters with the lead vehicle--a car bomb. The trail vehicle would contain a commando team with automatic rifles and hand grenades. When the first car rolled up to the gate, the armed guard force would be focused on it and the commandos in the back car would jump out shooting, take over the gate. The rear car would then wait at the gate with a driver while the commando team went to the emergency evacuation area rally point to put that area (an outdoor swimming pool) in a cross fire while the car bomb was rammed into the family high-rise. After the car bomb went off, the plan was to murder all of the people at the evacuation area. The reason I picked January through June was that the attack on the Vinnell Compound would be one of several coordinated attacks--the more moving parts, the longer to coordinate. The minimum personnel would be three total but five was more likely--and no more than eight. No cell phones or other electronics--too much danger of tracking the top people running this show. Simply telling the people conducting these dispersed operations to make sure that their watches were set to the correct time and to "not be late" was enough coordination--the dispersed attacks seem to have all began within a five minute window.

Unfortunately my prediction was accurate--but Murphy's Law is an equal opportunity employer. My old shift supervisor heard gunfire and as a retired military policeman he ran towards the sounds of the guns on reflex. Unarmed! The car bomb blew up at the bachelor's quarters on the opposite corner of the compound and killed the commando team. It appears that the car bomb drove to the wrong high-rise and the commando team tried to correct things--but the driver blew himself and the rest of his team up. The other car? I couldn't find out.

A quaint habit in the Middle East was for bank robbers to wear women's clothing as a disguise and to hide their guns. One killer entered the Arab Times in Kuwait and shot up the office but ran into Kuwaiti police and died on the way out. There is no safe place in this world.

Did sexual repression add to the anger? I can't say. During the Sixties Kuwait was a liberal place and Beirut was the Paris of the Middle East. Things change. Many of the problems there date back to Biblical times but most of the problems are the aftermath of the First World War and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. The past is the present. New tyrants replaced old tyrants. The Ottoman Empire had internal dissent along the usual social fracture points. Europe during the last days of the Ottoman Empire was no different. Russia at the end of the 19th Century, anybody? The mighty Chinese Empire dissolved into civil war in 1911. Doesn't matter what the political label says, tyrants always seek to control sexual expression--and social nudity seems to be banned by everybody. When the Iron Curtain fell, the former Soviet Block nations suddenly had massive naturist movements that had been suppressed for seven decades. I was surprised to hear rumors of nudists in the Middle East -- I was convinced that there was too much repression in the Middle East for a nudist movement. Shows that I don't know everything!
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Re: Zayden and Cathy - Sunday Morning

Post by LittleFrieda »

Sunday Morning

The next morning, Zayden was up first, dragging her sleepy naked ass to the bathroom. Aaron was in there so she had to wait a short time for the door to open.

“Oh hi Zayden. You’re up early, early for this household.”

“Yeah. Mom says I have a small bladder. When’s breakfast?”

“This is Sunday.” Aaron replied. “If my Mom was here it would be 8:30, so we would be done in time for church. Now I don’t know.”

Zayden thought about the possibility of NO breakfast. “Well, if there’s nothing ready when we’re all up I’ll call my mom to organize an emergency food drop.”

“My dad might be able to get everything ready but thanks for the backup.”

Zayden was getting urgent messages from her bladder now. “Great! I gotta go, like, really gotta go. See you later.”

Done with that little chore and finally back in the girls room, Zayden passed the time looking out the window at a small nature preserve beyond the backyard. Some time later, as she contemplated the choice of going downstairs or poking Cathy awake …

Cathy finally broke out of her slumber. “Mpffpgh. Morning Zayden. What time is it?”

“Almost 8:30. How did you sleep?”

“Sleep was ok, no bad dreams. You’re naked! Oh that’s right, you’re a nudist now. And a peek under the covers says I’m one too.”

Zayden happily replied, “Yeah. Are you ready to go downstairs?”

Cathy was still clearing out the sleep fog, “I gotta pee first, and get dressed.”

“Dressed? Naw. Stay naked. Believe me, that very first nude walk down the stairs is just as big a screaming rush as when a roller coaster goes over the big hill. You’ll love it.”

“Really? OK OK. Will you wait for me, Zayden? And this afternoon I’m gonna wear my bikini to the spray park.”

Zayden waited for her friend to return from the toilet, then grabbed her arm and pointed to the stairs. “Wait! We need towels to sit on. Are they in this closet? Right. Let’s take 2 each. Now, grab my arm and we’ll go down. Let’s glide to the top of the stairs. Now step. Step. Step … around the bend and step again. More steps. Now we are at the bottom. How are you doing?”

“You’re right. My stomach is churning like a wild roller coaster ride. But it’s also fun. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to this.”

“That’s the spirit.” Zayden encouraged. “I hear cereal getting crunched in the kitchen. Let’s go meet the guys and eat.”

Aaron and his dad were surprised to see two naked girls come into the kitchen. Just yesterday it would have put the household into manic pandemonium. Today everything remained calm, as if this is the way life was meant to be. Cathy was very relieved that her dad didn’t jump up in a wild fit and demand that she go upstairs to put something on. He just smiled at her … such a change from her mother’s rules.

Zayden looked around the breakfast table and asked if anyone wanted some toast and jam. Only Mr Phillips said yes so he stood up to get the bread. Zayden took over the job of watching the toaster while Mr Phillips fetched the jam from the refrigerator and picked up 2 butter knives.

Idle chatter interspersed all this activity. The plan had been settled last night to spend the afternoon at the splash pad spray park, and not much of anything was set up for the morning activity. Taking the toast to the table, Zayden was getting a nice buzz from thinking about being allowed to walk naked all around her friend’s house with everyone around. And maybe she can go out to the yard too.

Cathy was getting her own emotional ride. Her father and brother weren’t ogling her, so there was no pressure to get dressed. But going against so much of her mother’s training by engaging in casual nudity in the kitchen, with guys right there, was like sticking her tongue on a 9 volt transistor battery. She was being naughty but no way would she get in trouble. “(This is such a trip.)” A thought was constantly drumming in her consciousness with every move, every time the guys looked in her direction: “(I’m naked! I’m naked!)” Looking over at Zayden she saw her friend’s movements, her attitude, her confidence. “(She’s naked too, but it doesn’t affect her at all. It’s like she doesn’t even know. She’s young. Will she grow out of it, or will I grow into it?)”

The morning went on. The girls were in a corner of the living room, sometimes watching a cooking show on the TV. Aaron was deep into a networked video game. Mr Phillips got an email from his wife demanding he send some trinkets that held sentimental value for her. Oh, and a box of family pictures. He snarked at the computer screen: “(Sure dear, I’ll get right on that.)”

Mr Phillips called out, “That reminds me. Aaron, can you please go get the mail? I forgot about it with the chaos yesterday.”

Zayden thought this was a perfect opportunity to take a stroll along the street. “I’ll go! Cathy! Come with me. Where’s the mailbox?”

“We have a group of boxes at the end of the block. I’ll get a sundress.”

“If you insist.” Zayden told her friend. “I’m gonna go like this.”

Making sure about that, Cathy asked “Are you sure? It’s not a quick dash.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Forget the dress, let’s go!”

Cathy glanced over at her dad. She knew he had been listening but he showed no sign of issuing a veto. Not even a squeak to “GET DRESSED.”

Cathy decided to forgo the sundress. “In that case, I must be ready. I’m already ready, hahaha. I’ll get some sandals for you from the mud room.”

Up until this point, Cathy’s nudity had been in fairly static locations. Her room, a chair in the kitchen, in a corner with Zayden. This was her first time going mobile around the house and it was a new mental sensation. “(This is getting better and better.)” With the sandals in hand, she turned around and saw that Zayden was already out the front door, standing on the little porch. With a little shiver of anxiety, Cathy quietly said "Let's go."

The mail boxes are 6 houses away and the girls chattered constantly as they slowly strolled down the street. Until a boy went by on his bicycle that is. The girls stopped talking, and closely watched him go by. In order to not draw attention to themselves (as if being naked was not enough), they kept their heads pointed straight ahead but let their eyes track him. Like many people of all ages, he has no “situational awareness” and the girls’ lack of clothes did not register until he had gone 3 more houses up the street. Stopping and looking back, he decides that an evil monster is playing a trick on him for skipping church, so continues on his way.

When the boy is far enough away, Zayden says, “I think I know that guy. He’s one year behind me at school.”

Cathy hisses out in a demanding stage whisper, “ZAYDEN, Zayden, Zayden. How can you act like that? So normal when people go by? You’re naked and still so calm.”

“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I am. I guess I got used to no clothes. It seems normal now.”

“That’s what I mean. I am getting the screaming eenie meanies walking naked out here. My tummy is flip-flopping like it’s on your roller coaster about to jump off the rails into a ditch. Every random noise makes me freak out. You don’t even twitch. I don't want to be like you. I never want this feeling to end, I’m loving it too much.”

Zayden is pleasantly surprised at this. “Really? In that case, let’s go around the block to get back to your house.”

“OK, but let’s walk a bit faster. We don’t have sunscreen on.”

Just after they go around the next corner Zayden told her friend, “You know when I said ‘I got used to no clothes’? That’s not quite true. It’s still hard to believe that we can be out here naked. Also when I catch Ray or my brother looking at my boobies or kitty, I get a small jolt of happiness. Like when my dad lets me drink a glass of wine.”

Cathy replied, “Well, the thing that gooses me up the wazoo is: here we are walking around the block naked, and the only reason we are going fast, and I mean the ONLY reason, is that we didn’t put on any sunblock.”

Zayden declared, “And that is as it should be.”
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Re: Now: Zayden and Cathy - Sunday Morning

Post by student »

:D Thanks for the new post. With patience, I'll find out what's next.
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Re: Zayden and Cathy - Sunday Afternoon at the Splash Park

Post by LittleFrieda »

Sunday Noon

(splash pad parks: Title: "Splash Pad Bucket Drop")
(YouTube went goofy when I launched direct from this page. You may need to copy and paste the link into a new tab.)

With most of the neighborhood at church, nothing of import happens on the walk. Back at the house everyone lazes the morning away. A sudden knock at the front door by Buzz, Ray, and their mothers starts a Chinese Fire Drill. Nobody was ready for the trip to the park. Nothing was prepared, everyone ran around trying to do something. Ray’s mom calmed things down, saying there is already a hearty picnic lunch prepared, plenty of beach towels stacked up, and the cars have full tanks of gas. Cathy is back from a dash upstairs to fetch her new bikini and everyone manages to pick which car they want to travel in.

Arriving at the park, all the kids scramble out of the cars. The grups insist that the kids get busy slopping on a through coat of sunscreen while the parents carry the food to a shaded table. They see that the park is empty, which is not a surprise since most other families will be home eating an after church dinner. Also the park is new and opened up only this week so not many in the town know about it. They see that the park equipment includes misters, showers, a few short wet slides, and an array of fountains that shoot water up out of the walkway. There is a line of control buttons that park patrons, usually monopolized by kids, can push to direct the water.

Aaron and Cathy start applying the sunblock to themselves. When they look up to find help for their backs they are surprised to see Ray finish coating Zayden’s back, and then she calmly turns to stand nude in front of him with her arms stretched out to the side and a big smile while he spreads the cream over her breasts and tummy. Cathy wonders “(Is this part of nudism?)” Zayden’s mom volunteers to do the back of Aaron and she suggests that he put the goop on Cathy’s back, and that Cathy can make a chain and do Buzz’s back. As they all finish, MomZ compliments Cathy on her selection of bikinis.

When the kids are all done and off to the fountains, the adults work together to make sure they are covered with the sun goo. Naturally the conversation at the grown up table is centered around the troubles of Mr Phillips.

Helen starts the conversation with, “Sorry about what happened yesterday. Let us know if we can help you.”

Mr Phillips answered with, “Don’t be sorry. I’ve been expecting this for some time. It's been very stressful this last year. I’ve always been slim, but now my weight must be down to around 125 pounds. I don’t know how much lower it can go before bad things happen. These last few hours since she bugged out have been the most relaxing in years. When she brought Cathy back yesterday and yelled about being topless, I held my tongue. Then she started in about her sister’s ‘family beaches’ where girls wear tops and don’t wear thongs. So Aaron piped up with: “Those beaches in Asia, Africa, and Europe … they’re all doing it wrong.” When she saw ALL of us were not going along with her views, that’s when she blew up. On the bright side, there was never any hallway sex …”

Helen interrupted, “Hallway sex”? What’s that?”

Mr Phillips explained, “That’s when you pass each other in the hall and snarl ‘Fuck you!’ at each other. I don’t hate her, I think she gave our marriage her best shot and it simply didn’t work out. It’s the kids I worry about.”

Robin was reassured. “Glad you have an upbeat attitude. You work in the daytime. If you want us to help with the kids we will be happy to do that. From fixing food to taking them in as ‘daycare’.”

Mr Phillips glanced over at the kids under the spray nozzles. “They are old enough to refrain from killing themselves while they are home alone, but yeah. A daily ‘ping’ to the house about 1:00 would be nice, whenever you don’t have them for the day. Thanks.

By the way, not that I am complaining, but how is it legal to be naked in public?”

Helen went into teacher mode. “Now that is an interesting story! Do you remember back in The Time Of COVID? The whole world went through some big political changes. ‘Clean the stables.’ they said. ‘Drain the swamp’ they said. Here in this region most of the old time conservatives were replaced by new hard liners. With that changeover, the legislatures lost a lot of institutional knowledge about how laws were made. You can’t simply turn to an aid and say ‘I have an idea. Here, write this down and I’ll zip it over to the chamber for a vote.’ It takes real WORK. The old timers tried to warn them but there were too many newbies and they refused to listen. Love them or hate them, the new conservatives made their mark all right, but were totally incompetent at the dreary, boring minutia of writing laws.

Can you believe it? Here we are running around naked because they botched a law that was supposed to forbid cities from having COVID mask mandates. ‘Coverings shall not be required …’ or some such.”

Mr Phillips finally understood some things in his past. “Wow! I remember my wife raging up at defeats and crowing about all her victories. Oddly, she never brought up any of the screwy unintended side effects. No offense meant, ladies. Considering where we started from, just a few years ago, I am pleased at how all this turned out.”

Soon Ray left the spray and mist showers, coming back to the table with a worried look on his face. “Mrs Lytton! You have a spider on your ... boob.”

Helen looks down to see what could possibly be the problem. “What? Oh no! It's not a spider. Ray, come here sweetie. First, you need to say the correct names. This bump on the top is called the ‘nipple’. The coloring around it is called ‘areola’. Even the little bumps that surround the areola have a name, ‘Montgomery’s Glands’ A rather strange name, isn’t it? They provide lubrication while babies suckle. Behind those and inside are milk glands, they have little tubes that come out the nipple to feed milk to babies, and the thing that pushes it all out from my rib cage are some layers of fat and connective tissue. The whole assembly is called a ‘breast’. And you don’t have to be ashamed and say it quietly. You wouldn’t go so quiet if there was a spider on my arm, would you?

Ray’s mom spoke up with “Heh. 200 years ago he would. ‘Arms’ and ‘legs’ were forbidden words. He would have to say ‘You have a spider on your LIMB.’ As if us women are trees!”

“Well, we aren’t trees any more, are we?” Helen said more as a declaration than a question. “Half of every adult human that ever lived has had breasts. It’s not like you need to keep it a secret. So Ray, can you please repeat what you said with the proper words?”

“Mrs Lytton. You have a spider on your breast.”

“Much better. Thank you. But this is not a spider, it’s a bit of jewelry, made up of a few different parts. The main part is a nipple ring. Let me pull on it so you can see it goes through my nipple, not glued or clamped on. These other parts are decorations that go around the nipple and make a complete set. They are stuck on with a weak glue. Sorta like post-it note glue. This jewelry is a few years (well, decades) old and I’ve lost some parts. That’s why only one breast is decorated like this. It does kinda look like a spider, doesn’t it.”

Ray is satisfied that he has averted an arachnid crisis so he goes back to the fountains. Cathy is having trouble keeping her boobs in her bikini bra, just like yesterday. She looks around to be sure there are no strangers present and goes to the adult table. “Dad, do you think it would be ok if I take my top off? It keeps dropping down too much. There’s no one else here.”

Mr Phillips tells his daughter, “Of course it’s ok. In this state girls can go without a top anywhere that boys are allowed to. It’s been that way for many years, decades even. It’s just that no women ever took advantage of that freedom.”

As Cathy slowly pulls her top off, Mr Phillips is discreetly watching … closely watching. He is surprised at how much different her nipples are from his wife’s. “(Are they really from Janet’s genes? Maybe they’re from my mother’s genes.)” For all the years of his marriage, he saw his wife nude maybe once a week if he was lucky. That left a big question about Janet’s view of him: “(Why did she hide from me and treat me like a stranger?)” This easy, constant, casual nudity of the Zayden family was bringing back the joy of life. He was becoming increasingly determined to bring it into his own household.

It took great effort to keep his eyes on Cathy’s face as she walked to his side and handed over her top. “(It’s like a drink of water in the desert, but don’t gulp it too fast and be a perv.)” When he DID glance down at her chest, he knew Cathy saw that. Thinking fast … “Oh, Cathy. Grab the sunscreen and get a good coating on your breasts. You don’t have any tan protection there. (Whew! That was close.)

Cathy took care of this, then had her father look them over for his approval. The sound of raucous laughter drew her back to the fountains.

20 minutes later Cathy is back to drink some iced water.

Robin asked her, “Cathy, that bikini bottom must be a new fashion that I have not seen before. Why did you pick that one?”

“Well, it’s almost a thong. I bought it on the trip to the beach. The back has only a bit of my cheeks showing, maybe a quarter of the way up, and the sides are almost like a normal bikini. The only full bottom bikinis were too old fashioned, or one piece types. I was hoping I could slip this by Mom.”

“I see. Did you ever look at the front?”

“No.” Cathy admitted. “I’ve just put it on and run out … Oh. My. God. Where is the front? It’s so thin! I can feel it, but it disappears into my kitty. Wow! If mom had seen that, I don’t know what she would have done. Dad, do we have anything else that I can change into?”

“No honey, sorry.”

Robin tried to calm Cathy, “I think it looks cute. It works like a thong but in the front. It’s just like cleavage.”

“Cathy, I know something about boys.” her father said, and he certainly would. “If they had seen your bikini front they would be ape-shit crazy by now and you’d already know about it, so they must still think it's a normal bottom. You could take it off and go nude like Zayden. The boys will look at you for a few minutes, then go back to being normal boys. If they become aware of what your bottom really is, they will NOT EVER look away. They’re gonna stare … forever. When you are naked, you are just naked. But that thong screams ‘LOOK AT ME’.”

Cathy shyly asked, “You think I should take it off, Dad? Is that allowed?”

“Zayden is here nude, and her mom is also. We adults have just been chatting about that. I’m sure it’s allowed. And I am sure you will be more comfortable naked with the boys than when they see you in this.”

So Cathy adopts the attire of Zayden. Sure enough the boys looked at her hard for a few minutes, then it became normal and they went back to playing in the fountains. Soon they take a break for a late snack, then back to the water.

About an hour later a young couple came to the spray park with a small toddler. The parents were nervous at first, because there can be accidents when big kids play near little kids. They relaxed after a few minutes having seen the care Zayden’s group was taking, and did not express any concern that the girls were naked. Cathy was especially worried about that since she has some noticeable breast development that sets her apart from Zayden’s appearance. She cannot be confused for a boy or little girl any longer. But that was never a worry, the youngster's parents appreciated the way all the big kids helped the little tyke to have a riotous good time. Some of the spray up fountains were embedded in the sidewalk and arranged in a wide circle. An older kid hit a particular control button and everyone ran in the circle to stomp on the water as the fountains jetted up out of the ground. The little toddler especially liked that activity. Eventually the family left to give the baby his nap time.
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Re: Zayden and Cathy - Sunday Afternoon at the Splash Park

Post by jojo12026 »

I am liking the way this is developing. Please keep it up!
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Zayden and Cathy - Sunday Evening

Post by LittleFrieda »

As the sun started to set, Helen, Robin, Mr Phillips, and all the rest packed up and returned to Cathy’s house. Aaron and his dad prepared the backyard picnic table for the evening potluck. Cathy collected silverware, cups, and napkins. The family of Zayden brought their food to Ray’s house, and together they took the evening’s food to Mr Phillips. Zayden had a quick conversation with Cathy.

“Hi. Glad to see you haven’t gotten dressed yet.”

“Yeah. I will need a shower first before putting anything on. Many summer days of suntan goop and sticky, stained fabric taught me that lesson a few years ago. Now I can see that nudism does have its advantages.”

The gang had a wonderful dinner, talking about good times in the past, their time at the park, the fine weather forecast for this week, and all sorts of things. Eventually it was all over and the families split up. Cathy went with Zayden for a reverse sleepover. Aaron didn’t go anywhere because he had to get up early for a sports game in the morning.

On the way back across the street Zayden’s mom invited Ray to do a sleepover with Buzz so that all the kids will be in one place and none will feel left out. That was a nice offer, and it was accepted, but the food that Ray and Zayden were carrying needed to be dropped off in Ray’s house first while Cathy went on ahead.

Once inside the house, Ray’s mom told the two to use the standup shower to clean the oily sunscreen off.

Robin told them, “Both of you get in the shower, help each other wash your backs. I want both of you back here squeaky clean and naked so I can check.”


Upon their return to the kitchen after showering, Robin told them, “Very nice. You both look clean. I’ll just put on my imaginary white glove and see if any smudges come off. I’ll start with you Ray … nothing on your shoulder, tummy is good, back is clean, your other shoulder also. Zayden, did you do all this?”

Zayden beamed, “Yeah. I cleaned him ALL over.”

“Well, you did a really good job. Now let’s see if Ray did as good a job on you. Nothing on your shoulder, back is clean, the other shoulder also. On the front, I see your chest is a bit cleaner than your tummy. Now fess up Ray, did you pay extra attention to her breasts?”

They both went red with this question and looked guiltily at each other. The day had gone so perfectly until now.

Ray’s mom faked some disappointment. “That’s what I thought.” Turning into a smile, “Seriously, if I had a boy helper when I was young that’s what I would have done too. Bloody well would’ve insisted on it, in fact! You both did a good job.

“Ray, do you want to stay naked and be a nudist for this sleepover? There is a rule you have to follow: you can’t get an erection. Zayden, did Ray get a stiffy in the shower?”

Zayden admitted, “Welllllll, yeah. But only when I cleaned him down there.”

“I see. The door to puberty must be cracking open. In that case Ray, you can be a nudist if you want, but only here in the house.”

Ray thought about the water war yesterday, “Or the yard?”

Robin conceded, “Or the yard. Now go get some shorts and you two can go to Zayden’s house.”

Sunday Evening

Once the Zayden household was settled, Zayden took Ray to a closet to fetch the yoga mats to the living room and laid them out. Cathy was puzzled, thinking this was a family exercise period … “Zayden, what are these for? Is this a nightly pilates workout?”

“A what? No. Mom and I have been putting skin moisturiser on every day. We just had a shower, so now we need some moisturiser. It's just like getting sunblock, and just as much fun too.”

With the mats laid out Zayden and her mom made some last second fiddling adjustments, as people will do whether they are needed or not. The two laid face down on the mats. Her father knew what to do and promptly got on the floor next to his wife, beginning the treatment at her feet. Buzz started moving to Zayden but she waved him off.

Zayden called out “Ray, will you do me? Then Buzz can help Cathy. And Ray, if the cream gets too sticky to slide your hands over my skin, put a small drop of baby oil on your palm. Do the cream everywhere just like the sunblock. Cathy, Buzz can do you. He’s been putting cream on me for over a week. He’s an expert. He knows exactly what to do.”

Ray happily sat on the floor next to Zayden and began his pleasurable task. Cathy looked at the two other females getting cream rubbed in and thought "(This is nudism? The nudist camp videos don’t show it this way.)" She skeptically and slowly went down on the floor and onto the mat, matching the face down position of the other two.

The two Zayden ladies enjoyed the massage-like activity. Zayden hummed when Ray spent a few extra minutes working on her butt. Cathy was tense as Buzz worked up from her feet and legs. Even though she was looking at Zayden when Ray spent all that time down there, Cathy tensed up her muscles when Buzz started on her butt cheeks. He saw and felt this so he quickly did his work in that area and moved on up to her back.

Helen’s back was done first, so she turned over and her husband went to work on her front. Cathy saw this and thought "(they’re married, so I guess that’s OK.)” Then Zayden was done and flipped over. Cathy was surprised one more time when Ray began putting the cream on her shins, and creeped up her legs. Buzz had deliberately slowed down with the intent to be last, so that Cathy would see what to expect. He had studied YouTube videos on massage and hoped that his back rub was able to relax Cathy.

Looking at the other two gals, and guessing at what was sure to come, Cathy thought (“This is nudism? Do I really want to do this? Should I take a chance?)" The good technique of Buzz on her back and his courteous behavior on her fanny tipped the decision to Turn Over. Since he had basically seen everything at the water park, he only glanced at her body to make sure she was positioned correctly on the mat.

As Buzz worked toward the area of her upper legs, Cathy became tense again with visions of Buzz violating her in some way. When the time came that she was sure he would do something outrageous, Buzz spoke up “I’m going to leave the kitty to you. I don’t want to accidentally get anything in there.”

Cathy was so relieved that Buzz would do this, and with his tender massage, she did not have any second thoughts when he started working the moisturiser up her tummy and onto her breasts. As for Buzz, his sole thought was "(Puffies! Puffies! Puffies!)" He gave her breasts extra attention, along with going to her arms and returning to her breasts. And shoulders and back to breasts. And neck … then Cathy opened her eyes, looking at him with a “alright buddy, you are SO CAUGHT” scowl. Buzz gave her a guilty smile back and quickly finished up.

Zayden asked Cathy to help put the yoga mats back. While they are away at the closet, she asked “How did you like Buzz putting skin cream on you?”

“I uh, I liked it. He sure took his time on my breasts.”

“Yeah, that’s my brother. He does boy things but does them in the nicest way possible.”

Cathy admitted, “True that. If all you guys weren't looking at us I’d have kept him doing that a lot longer.”

The rest of the night’s plan defaulted to: watch a network TV movie on the big screen. Just before the show started Helen took the two girls into her bedroom and brought out a box of jewelry. She took off her own nipple jewelry and placed it in its box, then selected another box taking out a delicate chain with a ring on each end and some do-dads that dangled in the middle. The rings went through her nipple piercings which let the attached chain curve down and up between her breasts. There was quite a bit of slack in the chain, which allowed the do-dads to swing and rock the chain as she moved.

Mom said, “Now let’s see. You girls don’t have nipples big enough for clamp-on jewelry, and definitely no piercings, so here is a box with a sticker type. There are quite a few bits here if you want to get elaborate, but I suggest you practice with simplicity first. I only have one complete set like this so you will have to share, each of you can do one breast. This little bottle has some temporary glue to keep it on your skin.

The main piece is this one with a quarter moon shape. It arches over your nipple and has three short 2 inch chains that drop down. The faux pearl at the end of each chain gives it some weight. The idea is that the chains drop over your nipple and will gently bounce left, right, and over as you walk or move. Men folk find this hypnotizing, so if you are uncomfortable with the boys staring at your chest, don’t wear it.

OK? I’ll go see what’s happening with the guys.”

Right away Zayden took one of the two pieces, put a drop of glue above her nipple and positioned the moon. She immediately loved the way it looked.

Zayden asked Cathy, “Do you want the same side as me? Or the other side?”

Cathy was not sure she wanted the attention that Mom said this would bring but Zayden’s peer pressure prompted her to prefer the other side. Once it was positioned and attached, Cathy thought it looked rather nice. It was barely heavy enough to register its presence, giving only an occasional mild tickle as the chains moved across her nipple.

Being curious not-so-young girls, they took a peek at the other jewelry items in Mom’s box. Picking a few small boxed items out, they could not figure out where these would go.

Zayden remarked, “There is a model name on the box, let's go to my computer and do a search.”

Upstairs on the computer in Zayden’s room, they used a search engine to bring up a manufacturer’s page that shows the piece, and also has a picture of how to wear it. Fortunately the porn filter wasn’t sophisticated enough to block all this.

“Let's look up this one first. *Gasp* It goes in your cooter! I didn’t know they had jewelry for that!”

Cathy chided her, “You’re the nudist, you’re supposed to know this.”

Zayden resisted this, “It's only been a week! Let’s try this. The picture shows an old woman, like maybe mom’s age. There are 2 pieces. Each one clamps onto a lip, labia I think they call it, left and right. Her lips are a lot thinner than mine. Mine are too thick. You try.”

“I guess you need another 2 years.” Cathy told her. “I can get them on but it's not easy.”

Zayden turned to her friend, “Walk over to that wall and come back. I want to see. O.M.G. That looks so sexy. Each side has a chain that drops down your leg a short way, and that pearl at the end makes sure it swings, even when you stop. I can’t wait until I’m old enough.

Let's look at this other one. Only one very short chain with a red jewel. It sorta looks like an earring.”

Cathy pointed at the computer monitor, “This page says it clips at the top of your slit with the stone sticking out.”

Looking at the example on the screen, Zayden said, “Maybe I can get this one to work. YES! Let’s go downstairs and put these boxes back in mom’s room.”

As the girls rejoined the rest of the family in front of the TV, the boys eyes started at face level and drifted down, got distracted by the motion of the jewels over the nipples, and stopped there. Mom took in the whole picture as her eyes kept going lower.

Mom whispers to Dad, “I should have been more careful about what jewelry was in the box I gave them.”

Dad was puzzled until he took a close look at the girls. “Huh? What? … Ooohhhh. Yup.”

Standing up and moving toward her bedroom, Mom said “I’ll be right back.”

Mom went off to her room checking on the jewelry chest, making sure the boxes were closed up properly. Then she selects a particular box and puts that bit of jewelry on. By the time she gets back, Ray is sitting on the floor with his back against the end of the couch. Zayden is lying on the floor with her head on Ray’s lap. Ray is idly toying with the nipple jewelry and her nipple, using the opportunity to rub his hands and fingers over the rest of her breast.

Buzz and Cathy are on the couch sitting intimately close to each other. She has leaned into him and they are in constant contact from shoulder to ankle.

Before Mom can make it over to her husband on the extra wide easy chair, Zayden sees what she is wearing. “Mom. Why are you wearing a thong? I thought you are a nudist now.”

Mom explained, “Well, technically this is a thong, but I’ll come over and give you a closer look.”

Zayden got up on her hands and knees for a better position, and Ray nosed up right beside her. Buzz tried not to watch too closely, this is his mother after all. Cathy watched with some curiosity.

Mom continued, “This black band around my waist acts like a belt, but instead of meeting in the front with a buckle, each end attaches to this flat spread out silver butterfly. It's about half the size of my hand and goes just above where my pubic hair would be if I had not lasered it all off. There is a delicate chain coming off each “foot” of the butterfly that goes through my crotch, out the back and then up to the belt. I’ll turn around so you can see. In the front, each long chain has some short chains spaced out with silver drops at the end. These chains can go down the middle of my slit so that when the belt is pulled up a little, they sink together between my labia and the short chains dangle out. A lot like your T-front thong, Cathy. The other way to wear this is for the two chains to split and go to each side of my crotch.”

Not mentioned was a third very short chain that dropped down from the center of the butterfly and held a small silver droplet. Mom didn’t go into the whys and wherefores of that center silver droplet being positioned to tap her clit when it moved, jiggled, and swung around while she walked.

Mom finished up with, “So it’s really just another piece of nudist jewelry.”

Cathy asked, “Mrs Lytton, when you said 'lasered it all off', is that why it looks like you shaved down there? Is that a normal nudist thing?”

Mom answered, “These days, yes. It started years ago when bikini styles exposed more and more upper leg. At first, ladies trimmed a bit around the edge so the hair didn’t peek out. As styles changed they had to shave more and more. Now almost all nudists and most women shave it all off, or have a specialty store laser it off.”

Helen joined her husband in his chair. Her spot, by random chance, was on his far side from the kids. This meant that as she snuggled with her husband she would be facing the room with her feet pointed at everyone else. About 10 minutes later the movie, the intro credits are all done and the plot is underway. Hubby takes advantage of his nude wife’s jewelry and lets his fingers dance along the chain, going from nipple to nipple, pausing on her breasts.

Ray has gone back to letting his fingers fiddle with Zayden’s nipple … … and jewelry.

Buzz and Cathy look around the room at the same time, and see what the other two couples are doing.

Cathy was thinking “(This is nudism? It seems kind of strange.)”

With this thought, she twists her position and offers Buzz her breast. He very happily and quickly accepts and starts playing with her short dangling nipple chains. He quickly discovers that he cannot play with the chains without also touching and rubbing her nipple and breast. He also happily discovers that Cathy does not object, nor does she seem to become irritated that he might be doing this too long.

At the second commercial break, Mom and Dad are only sorta watching the movie. One of Dad’s hands has gone down to her pussy and is playing with the silver droplet. Mom had long since opened up her legs to encourage this.

The movie’s commercial break kicks Ray’s attention away from the TV, glancing toward Dad playing with the clit jewel on Mom.

Ray starts thinking, “(Maybe Zayden has one of those. I didn’t really look before. I think I see something!) Zayden. Do you have one of those things down there?”

“I’m not wearing a G-string.”

“I know, I mean something extra at your kitty.”

[Zayden] Yeah. You didn’t notice until now? Cathy and I both have jewelry down there.

[Ray] I uhhh, I stopped looking when I saw these things up here. Can I see it?

Zayden sat up, got on her knees and leaned back to sit on her heels, pulling her kitty apart. She explained how the little piece was attached. Ray was absorbed to his limit. When he lifted his head again Zayden lay back down with her head back on his lap. This time his hands and fingers went to her hip, and then to the pussy jewel to play.

[Buzz] Cathy, do you have one too? Can I see?

Cathy says OK, but instead of getting up she puts her hand down there to lift the little chains. Buzz reflexively reaches out to touch the chains himself. Cathy almost moves to bat his hands away but stops in time. She thinks "(This is nudism? Oh well.)" Buzz’s fingers followed the chain down to her outer pussy lips and explored the squeezing mechanism that keeps them in place. He also used this chance to rub and rest his fingers all over her pussy.

With this move Cathy’s inner arm is now draped over Buzz’s leg, resulting in her elbow pushing on his now erect penis. Buzz put his “inner” arm around her shoulder to hold her in place and make sure it stayed there. He also used that arm to reach around the back of her neck and drop a hand over her breast with the jewelry. He found it difficult to multi-task so mostly he concentrated on one area for a minute before working on the other.

By the last 45 minutes of the movie, Cathy is feeling very good. She has already snuggled up to Buzz as close as she can. His fingers have made her as relaxed as she can get before going to sleep. She did not pick up the fact that Buzz’s right hand had been slowly stroking BOTH breasts. She did not notice that her clit jewelry had fallen off and his left hand was nestled in the warmth of her crotch. Buzz had his thumb knuckle lightly rubbing the top of her slit and his fingers were softly stroking the rest of her pussy, going up and down, back and forth across the furrows of her kitty.

Buzz was determined to make the most of this extraordinary situation, vowing to stay awake all night, not wanting to miss ONE SECOND of touching Cathy’s fine, smooth, soft skin.

Cathy has a last thought as she slips into slumber, "(This is nudism? Where do I sign?)"
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Re: Zayden and Cathy - Sunday Evening - 2023-07-26

Post by LittleFrieda »

Monday Morning

The next morning, Zayden woke up with a full bladder, as she always did. She discovered that she had been sleeping on the floor, and a sheet had been placed over her. Moving around a bit, Zayden was surprised to remember that Ray had gone to sleep next to her. She rolled away and got up, briskly walking to the toilet. That done, she washed her hands and went back downstairs to the kitchen. There was a note on the table saying that Mom and Dad were already gone to work. A short list of chores and instructions included a note that the jewelry needed to be cleaned before it is put back. Mom will show her how to clean it in the evening.

A bit of clanking noise as Zayden brought dishes and silverware to the kitchen table gently woke Cathy. She found herself under a sheet, snugged into Buzz. He was spooning her. He had stayed awake too long reveling in the experience of caressing Cathy so his sleep cycle has not yet advanced him to the morning wood stage. Cathy was too young to be either disappointed or relieved at that, she simply rolled out from under the sheet and went upstairs to pee and wash her hands.

Returning downstairs she curved off to help Zayden in the kitchen. When the table was set, they conspired in an evil plan. Each one grabbed a good size pot, a metal spoon, and marched into the living room banging as loud as they could. “EVERYBODY UP! TIME TO WAKE UP! CHOW TIME!”

The boys curled up, pulled the sheets over their heads for protection, and complained “It’s too early.”

Cathy took charge, giving orders. “You boys need to pick up these sheets and shower before breakfast, and us girls will cook the bacon and eggs.”

The girls got everything ready in the kitchen and the boys picked up the bedsheets. As they were folding them, one of the forgotten pieces of clit jewelry fell out.

Buzz saw that and called out to Ray, “Hold up. The girl’s jewelry is wrapped up in the sheets. We need to pick them up first. There’s Zaydens, under the table over there. I see one of Cathy’s.”

Buzz shook his sheet open which let Cathy’s two other pieces spring out. Picking up the one from the middle of the floor and the one that bounced under the couch, he added Ray’s to his collection on the coffee table.

This little bit of work done, Zayden took Ray upstairs for a shower. After, as they were drying up Zayden asked him, “Do you want to put your shorts in the washer downstairs? You can be a nudist for the day!”

“My mom says I shouldn’t because I might get a boner. What if that happens?”

Zayden assured him, “Then it happens. We won’t turn you in to the police. How about you be a nudist until we finish lunch? Then if you have a boner you can put clean shorts back on.”

“OK. Here. My mom says there are no special washing instructions. I run our machine on ‘normal’.”

As Zayden was on her way down to the basement laundry she passed Buzz and Cathy. “Upstairs you guys. Shower is free.”

By now Cathy trusted Buzz to do the right thing so she grabbed his hand as she followed him upstairs. Buzz suddenly became shy as he took his own clothes off. He was not sure if Cathy wanted to see his hardon. Since she did not scream and run away he became comfortable and his woody came and went on about a two minute cycle. One minute going up, one minute going down.

They washed each other, Buzz did her left arm, Cathy did his left arm. Taking turns they managed to do a thorough job everywhere. The only time Buzz “took advantage” of Cathy is when he tickled her armpits as he washed them. Stepping out of the shower and almost toweled dry, Buzz had just opened the crowded bathroom door when he got a shock.

Cathy quietly asked him, “Buzz, do you think I’m fat?”

“Wait. What? Fat? No. Everyone has an ideal picture of what they try to become. I need to spend an extra few hours at the gym every week. Your father needs to gain weight. Ray thinks he’s too short. Everyone is too fat or too skinny. No, I don’t think you’re too fat. Why?”

Cathy painfully explained, “That’s what my mom said when she yelled at me Saturday. I’m too fat to prance around like I did.”

Buzz reached out to comfort her, not sure what to do. Cathy thought that was an invitation for a hug so she clamped onto him.

“Oh Good Lord.” Buzz reassured her. “Cathy, I think you are delightfully warm and squishy. There were no bones sticking out to jab me last night. I have no idea why your mom said that. You aren’t even big enough to be ‘thick’. You are just the right size to hold me as we sleep. It would take a LOT more to make you fat.”

With that Cathy started sobbing onto his shoulder, still dealing with the trauma of getting dumped on by her mother as she abandoned her family. While one side of Buzz’s brain was mindlessly saying comforting things "(It’s ok beautiful”, “We’re all here for you.”, “Call on us for anything.)", the other half was taking in the new sensation of holding a naked girl against his own naked skin. His boner had come back, necessitating the need to adjust his stance. That taken care of, he could not get over how delightful it felt for her to press her belly against his. The sensation even drowned out how her breasts felt as they pushed into his chest.

After five minutes or so her tears stopped but her hug did not. Some of the things she was doing now gave Buzz the impression she might be falling in love with him, or whatever passes for love with a girl of her age.

Buzz interrupted her thoughts with, “Hey hot stuff, we need to go down and eat breakfast. They are waiting for us. Let’s talk outside on the patio deck right after.”

The hug broke up, Cathy wiped her eyes, and she put her arm around Buzz as they walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

Zayden was waiting for them. “There you two are. I was about to send a search party out for you. And Buzz! Are you going to be a nudist now? It looks good on you.”

“Oh? Oh! Maybe. For the morning anyway. And maybe the afternoon too. I don’t know after that.”

After eating a hearty breakfast, with (microwave) bacon, (already boiled) eggs, toast, and Eggos, all the kids worked to clean up and put things away. When that was all taken care of Buzz invited Cathy to sit with him outside on the patio deck. Buzz cozied up to her on the porch swing, taking her hand in his.

Buzz started the chat with “Cathy, I like you. A lot. But upstairs after the shower you made me nervous. I thought you were going to say ‘I love you.’ Please don’t do that. We’re too young.

Cathy started to tear up. “We’re not even a couple yet and you’re dumping me?”

“No! Not that. Nothing like that. I like you. A lot, a REAL lot. But look at Zayden. She changes her mind about EVERYTHING twenty times a day. You’re two years older …”

Cathy quietly interrupted, “Three years.”

“… Three years older and you change your mind 10 times a day. I’m a year older than you and change my mind 5 times a day. Last month I didn’t even want to know you. I know your mother and figured you would be just like her. Then I would see you at the mall and think “Damn, she’s cute” and try to figure out how to make you smile at me. Then I would see your mom do something mean and think “No way, no how”. Now I see you are NOTHING like your mother so I’ve changed my mind again and like you a lot. We will both change our minds a few times about each other, what we like, what we can’t stand. That’s part of growing up. I hope you will see me as a friend as the years go by, and maybe later as more than a friend. Maybe in 15 years we can make babies together. But babies take a lot of work to raise, and need 20 years to boot. That’s twice as long as Zayden has been alive. Neither of us knows if we’re going to like each other enough to spend that much time together 24/7.”

Cathy caught on to a thought, “Ahhhh! Now it makes sense. My father once told me that being married means spending a third of your life in a room that’s too hot, sleeping next to someone that thinks the room is too cold.”

“Exactly!” Buzz said. “Instead of saying ‘I love you’ how about we take an oath? Repeat after me.

No matter where life takes us
- No matter where life takes us

Either together or apart
- Either together or apart

There is no limit on the smiles I give you
- There is no limit on the smiles I give you

And I’ll always have your back
- And I’ll always have your back

Buzz holds out his hand, closed up into a fist, with his little finger curved out.

Pinky swear
- Pinky swear

Buzz finished with “Good. That makes us friends forever.”

After giving Cathy a brotherly kiss, he suggests that they go back inside. Cathy sees the clit jewelry on the coffee table and picks up her two pieces. “Buzz. Will you help me put these back on?”

Zayden hears this question and picks up her jewel, sitting on the easy chair motioning to Ray to come help her.

Cathy sat in the middle of the couch, opened her legs, and waved Buzz to get in front of her. She gave him one piece of the jewelry, and set the other to her side. She pulled her kitty open and tapped one side telling Buzz to start there. With a quick explanation on how to put in the piece, Buzz started working. After several failed attempts Cathy schooched down on the couch and put her legs over Buzz’s shoulders. He was getting lost in the sensual overload of her silky smooth, soft, inner thighs. He quickly forgot any thoughts of trying to delicately put the jewel in place with respectful touching, ending up with putting his fingers everywhere. It was an impossible conflict of goals anyway. Buzz’s body flooded with hormones which prodded him to slide his fingers over as much skin as he could, in as many places as he could.

Finally Buzz informed her, “I’m not making any progress.”

Cathy whispered, “That’s ok. Keep trying.”

As Buzz worked, Cathy started working her legs behind his neck, pulling his head closer. A few minutes later, with his nose way too close, Buzz thinks "(I don’t think she cares about the jewelry.)" A quick look up at her face shows closed eyes, head back. She put her hands on Buzz’s head, pulling him in even farther.

He had wondered if there would be an unpleasant odor on girls down there, but her smell was simply different, not at all revolting as he would have thought only two weeks ago. Not bad at all. Not sure what to do, Buzz remembered what his school friends talked about over the last year. He stuck his tongue out and gave a quick small lick.

That got an immediate reaction from Cathy. She jolted, gasped, opened her eyes wide, and then froze solid. Buzz panicked and started backing up. Cathy managed to lace her feet behind his head to stop him.

Buzz nervously asked, “Are you ok?”

Cathy quietly replied, “If I wasn’t ok, my feet would be on your shoulders with a kick hard enough to put you through that wall behind you. You'd have to use the front door to get back in here.”

Buzz asked “Are you mad at me?”

After a few gulps of air, Cathy said, “I don’t know. Come back and do that again so I can decide.”

She punctuated that request with a few taps of her heels on the back of Buzz’s shoulders to hurry him up. Ray and Zayden are watching.

Ray whispered to Zayden, “I'm not gonna help you like that.”

Zayden was fine with that and whispered back, “Good. Eeeewwwwww.”

Cathy used her legs to snug Buzz into position. The jewelry has become irrelevant now so Buzz tossed it aside. After a few too gentle licks, and a bit of guidance from Cathy, she was soon panting heavily. Despite her desire to keep the feeling going forever it took only a few minutes before she went over the top. As Buzz started to pull away, she locked him in with her legs and feet.

Cathy told him “Again!”

So he went back to his happy task and took her back into the sky. As she started to come back down, Buzz was still going strong. This time Cathy wanted a bit of rest so she weakly started pushing on his shoulders. Buzz was having too much fun so he ignored that and kept on. He felt her muscles tense up, her legs lock onto his head, and her body twisted every which way. When Cathy calmed down Buzz finally lifted his head.

“Zayden, can you please go get me a small towel?” Buzz asked.

His face was coated with her juice. When Cathy was in enough control of her body to speak “Oh. My. God. We’re friends forever, right Buzz? Like, friends every day? Maybe two or three times a day? Promise me!

As Buzz pulls a pubic hair off his tongue, “Only if you shave down there.”

Again Ray whispers to Zayden, “Still not doin’ that.”

Zayden rushes off to bring a towel back for Buzz, then drags Ray along on a trip to fetch the yoga mats. As she brings everything into the living room ...

Zayden reminds everyone, “Guys! We still need our skin cream.”

The two girls lay face down on the mats and the boys went to work. Working on the back of Cathy’s legs, Buzz went as far up as he could go, as he did not feel constrained by her modesty. The boys are still nude and Buzz gets his own jolt of pure joy as his boner sometimes bumps and rubs Cathy.

When Cathy’s back is all done, Buzz jumps up and asks her to come with him to the patio. “Cathy, you know what I did for you back there? Well I need you to do something like that for me now. Stand beside me, with your arm around me. Now reach over and hold my penis, yeah like that. Now with your finger, gently rub right under here. Now point my dick out, and don’t let go.”

Buzz rather quickly juiced out himself. Ray and Zayden were slow to get out to the patio, so they arrived as Buzz was finishing up.

Zayden was surprised. “Wow! I didn’t know guys could do that. Ray, can I help you?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done that. It's sorta white, not yellow, so it's not pee. We’ll have to give that a try.”

Cathy put the kibosh on that. “Later. We need to finish the skin cream.”

Everyone went back to the yoga mats and the girls lay down on their backs. Again when Buzz reached the top of Cathy’s legs, he worked her crotch right to the edge of where the skin stops at the edge of her mucus membranes. In the meantime, Buzz’s erection was returning. At this, Cathy reached over to Buzz’s penis, gave it a quick squeeze, and held it.

As Buzz worked up Cathy’s torso, she reluctantly let go. Similar to yesterday, Buzz saved her breasts for last. He started spreading the cream across her chest, then Cathy softly asked Buzz to lay next to her on his side and work. “Closer. Closer. Closer.” Until his erect penis was dry humping her hip. “Good.”

She reached both arms up behind her head and then brought her hands back to behind her head to use as a “pillow”.

Working on Zayden’s little breasts, Ray was once again having fun making her nipples pop up. She reached over to hold and gently play with his prick, giving him a pleasant erection. Then, Ray let out a sharp gasp and said “Careful, you need to be gentle.”

Buzz finished the task of spreading cream on Cathy’s breasts, but kept going anyway. This time she gave no sign of giving him the side-eye and he took full advantage. He moved his hands over every part of her chest, savoring the feel of every second. He went from the top of one soft breast down to the sternum’s hard space between, and then back up the other side.

Buzz had seen his nude mother for a few days now and compared her breasts to Cathy’s. His mother’s breasts had settled somewhat, where they seemed to start a bit lower on her chest. He could even see a rib at the very top. With Cathy, his palm traced down from her collar bone and almost immediately started up a gentle rise. He went side to side, on the upper part of her breasts, going half an inch lower each time, making sure his wrist rubbed her nipple along the way. He was absolutely enraptured by the way his fingers made small indentations as they moved around.

When his fingers were low enough to reach her nipples, he once again started thinking “Puffies. Puffies.” The gentle rise starting just below her collar bone, the quicker rise up the hill to her nipples, the puffy bump of her areolas, then the nipple at the very top. He pushed Cathy’s nipple left, right, up, down, then gave it a gentle squeeze, then a tug. Cathy signaled her approval of all this with a short, slow roll of her hip against Buzz’s dick.

After a few more minutes, Cathy looked up at the couch, told Buzz “stay here” and stretched up off the yoga mat to grab two pillows off the couch. She gave one pillow to Buzz, then turned her back and lay down against him, so that they were spooning.

She wiggled her butt against his crotch for a few seconds, then moved up, then back down, catching his dick between her thighs. In the end Buzz’s stiffy had some uncomfortable pressure pushing it down. He moved an inch down to free it, and Cathy moved down to match him. This little adjustment still left pressure on his penis but he was not in pain. He started to move again but Cathy whipped her arm back to his hip to keep him in place. Buzz figured his dick was pushing on her bottom, somewhere.

Cathy then let go of his hip, grabbed his arm and brought it over her front to rest his hand on her breast. Shortly after that he felt her tense up a bit, and the pressure on his dick increased. A couple seconds later she relaxed and the pressure let up. Then she tensed up again, then relaxed. The third time, when she relaxed her pressure, the tip of his penis felt a little wet. The fourth time that she moved and put pressure on his erection, it seemed to slide up something. “Holy shit! She’s trying to get me into her!” When she relaxed, he felt a bit more wet. With the next move, Buzz could not stop himself from pushing up. These moves were very small, maybe a quarter inch each. But it was clear to both that this was almost sex. She was moving down onto him a bit and he was pushing back up, just enough to feel the wet slide push onto her entrance, without actually going in.

This went on for a few minutes. Suddenly Ray and Zayden invaded, banging big pots with metal ladles, shouting “LUNCH IS READY! EVERYBODY UP!” This startled the two love birds and broke the connection. Cathy clamped onto Buzz’s arm before he could roll away …

Cathy desperately asked Buzz, "We’re still friends forever? Friends every day?"
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Re: Zayden and Cathy - Monday Morning - 2023-07-30

Post by jojo12026 »

Do you have more Zayden coming LittleFrieda?
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Re: Zayden and Cathy - Monday Morning - 2023-07-30

Post by LittleFrieda »

I need to polish up a day at the water park. Maybe a week.
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