Tanner Takes A Trip

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by TeenFan »

Tanner Takes A Trip
Chapter 1.

Tanner is not at all surprised to see the surprised look on the face of the ticket agent. All the way through the airport, from the entrance door
to the baggage check in counter, Tanner has seen a variety of facial expressions. He's noticed a lot of open mouths, wide bugged out eyeballs,
children pointing, people letting nervous laughter slip from their lips or expressions of "What the bleep" and "Holy bleep" mixed in with others
merely gasping when they saw him. The face that matters most at the moment is the female employee at the baggage check in. She has barely moved a muscle since she saw the woman with the pink suitcase in one hand and the leash in the other step up to the counter. The leash is
attached to a dog collar (also pink in color) and the neck in the collar belongs to Tanner. That in itself would have gotten lots of stares and questioning remarks, but in addition to being led by a dog leash, the thirteen year old boy is clad in only a jock strap.

The woman standing in front of the counter places the pink suitcase on the floor. She swings her purse around, unzips it and rummages around
for her ID and printout of payment confirmation by Air Canada. These are handed to the ticket agent, who still appears a bit rattled.

"Is the flight still scheduled to depart on time?" the woman holding the leash asks the clerk.

The clerk barely glances at the woman's ID. She looks Tanner over again, as if having to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her the first time.

"Umm...ma'am...Mrs. Tottingham...all passengers are supposed to be wearing appropriate clothing for flying on an airplane."

The woman with the pink suitcase, the woman holding the leash attached to the pink dog collar, laughs and she turns half-way toward the mostly
naked boy. "The name is Tanner, but he's not a passenger. I have him on the leash here because that's what is required for walking an animal
through the airport. I looked it up. I'm very thorough with knowing the rules and regulations for public travel in this country. And anyway, you
will see I have purchased a ticket for one from Vancouver to Hawaii. As you will note I have also paid the fee to bring along Tanner. It would be
quite difficult for me to even contemplate getting aboard your airplane if I didn't have Tanner with me."

The ticket clerk is silent for what seems like a whole minute, as she reads over the payment confirmation sheet several times, obviously believing
something must be in error. Then the clerk looks up.

"Mrs. Tottingham, I see the fee is paid and Tanner is listed as an ESA...but Mrs...an ESA is an Emotional Support Animal. Now I see that Tanner is
on a leash and is wearing a collar, but he's not a dog...he's a boy."
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by Themarble »

Oh my, this is a very intriguing start. How I'd this whole situation start? How long has it been going on? What is the character dynamic?? Can't wait to read more!
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by Trundle »

What an extreme concept!

Cannot wait to see how things ended up here for Tanner, what could the explanation possibly be?
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by TeenFan »

I looked up info on ESA with airlines. The US airlines stopped letting people use them a couple years ago. I looked where support animals
are still allowed on planes, and Canada was listed.

Some very interesting animals have been used as an ESA and using a Human is just a logical direction to take with that. Having the Human
acting as a support animal be naked will take a little more legal maneuvering.
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by Trundle »

Perhaps for the boy to be legally be regarded as a support animal the jockstrap he's currently wearing may have to be looked at?....
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by SeeEfenem »

Oh wow, poor Tanner’s mother will do anything to save a few bucks on a second plane ticket huh? Let’s just hope that airport security sees no reason to conduct a public pat down :lol:
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by TeenFan »

Tanner Takes a Trip
Chapter 2.

Tanner isn't surprised there's a delay in getting boarding passes. He's no expert in airline travel, in fact this is his first ever plane trip, but he never
expected getting onto an airplane while wearing nothing but a Jockstrap and a dog collar would be routine. There seems to be an issue with his
special status as an emotional support animal. The whole idea of a boy being treated like a service dog is laughable, and Tanner would be laughing
along if he didn't already know better. It's all legit and his aunt has the documents to prove it.

Tanner and his aunt have been asked to step to the side. The ticket counter clerk doesn't know how to proceed with this and she called for her
manager. The next ones in line are a mom and dad with two kids. The dad gets busy with the transaction of dropping off several suitcases and
getting the boarding passes. The mom fakes being interested in following the transaction, as the woman makes several furtive glances in Tanner's
direction. The two kids, a boy who looks a little younger than Tanner and a girl who looks like she's nine, stare right at him. The little girl says
something to her brother and they both laugh. Tanner can't hear the remark and he doesn't want to know.

Mrs. Tottingham gets out an envelope from her purse. When the manager arrives she will present it to him or her. This takes several minutes, so
it is true that nothing happens quickly when one is in a hurry at the airport. This gives Tanner plenty of time to think, and his aunt holding the
sheet of paper that granted Tanner's designation as an emotional support animal makes Tanner recall how the whole thing came about...

- - - -

Gloria Tottingham is an odd bird. Some described her as eccentric, a woman who never got married. Tanner's father, who is Gloria's older brother, says his sister is a scaredy cat. What is it that Gloria is afraid of? Crowds to start off with. She won't step into a crowded elevator. She won't go
to the movies during the opening weekend of a movie release, and she doesn't care much for public transportation. Now Tanner, given a choice,
will choose a seat at the least crowded part of the school bus when he gets picked up in the morning. Sometimes there are no empty seats, but Tanner can sit next to someone he doesn't know and just sit there, it's not like he has to make conversation. Gloria Tottingham will rather stand
up on the bus or train, rather than sit next to a stranger.

Aunt Gloria doesn't like loud noises. She refuses to go to the carnivals (crowds and noise) and she'll hold her hands over her ears if she is anyplace
where fireworks go off. And not surprisingly she is afraid of clowns...so no trips to the circus for her and definitely no haunted houses for
Halloween. Social anxiety disorder, that is what Aunt Gloria was originally diagnosed with and she was given some medications to take when
needed. Unfortunately, the meds turned her into a zombie, and Aunt Gloria is totally irresponsible and unreliable when she is on them.

When the concept of Emotional Support Animals gained popular acceptance Aunt Gloria signed up for evaluation. It was not successful. She is
allergic to cats, and dogs was added to her list of things she is afraid of. Turns out Aunt Gloria is not an animal lover. Nothing that was brought to
her in the attempt to form an emotional attachment to worked out, not even the rabbit. One thing that did seem to help some is when her young
nephew Tanner was next to her.

During any kind of family outing, Aunt Gloria loved to hold her nephew's hand. Constantly he had to be by her side, even sitting next to her at
restaurants. But Tanner didn't see his aunt all that often. They lived on opposite sides of Vancouver, and being a city of over 600,000 people
the city is too large for Tanner to just walk across town to visit his aunt. This lack of family connection made Aunt Gloria more than a little
depressed. This depression reared its ugly head when Aunt Gloria joined a family visit to California during the previous summer. They drove
down the long coastline to Los Angeles. Tanner and his mom really wanted to see the beaches and watch the surfers. There's no surfing on the Canadien coast between the mainland of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. The beaches are all hard rock, the water is too damn cold, and there are no waves except during the late fall and winter storms.

Southern California looked like a paradise to Tanner, but for Aunt Gloria it is a nightmare. Los Angeles has four million people, and they are all
on the beach during the early summer days. One has to walk through a crowd in the lobby just to get to and from the hotel room. After the disastrous visit to the beach, where Aunt Gloria actually threw up and then lay down on the beach sand to do her best imitation of a crab hiding inside its shell, Tanner was left behind at the hotel room to keep his aunt company while mom and dad went out to a nightclub.

Tanner went to take a shower, and fortunately he left the door open. His aunt was on the bed, crying and moaning she was, not getting any
rest at all. Halfway through his shower, Tanner heard some louder crying, then he heard some screaming. Stepping out of the shower he runs to
the door. Peering into the hotel room, Tanner can see the glass door to the balcony is slid open. His aunt is climbing over the railing and this
hotel room is on the 10th floor. How can she do that? Isn't she afraid of everything? Where is her fear of heights?

Rushing out onto the balcony, the twelve year old Tanner, naked and seemingly unafraid, reaches out to take his aunt's hand. Aunt Gloria seemed
determined to jump and end it all...that is until she looked back to see her naked nephew reaching out to her. Like a little angel he appeared to
her eyes, a miniature knight with no armor or any clothes at all who is brave enough to risk being grabbed and pulled over the railing by the
damsel in distress. Aunt Gloria stops her crying, and she takes her nephew's hand. After climbing back over the railing she falls down into her
nephews arms and she cries a different type of tears. A couple hours later, Tanner's parent's come back to find Aunt Gloria asleep on the bed, still
holding onto her naked nephew.

Convinced that Tanner, only the adorably naked Tanner, was the only thing that stopped her suicidal thoughts and set her mind at ease, Aunt Gloria
went to see a shrink. The psychiatrist agreed that the easily frightened woman had indeed found the cure for her social anxiety disorder. Doctor
Drake had Tanner certified as Gloria Tottingham's Emotional Support Animal, legal to be used in all areas of public need such as during shopping or dining out and of course for purposes of travel.

- - - -

So the adorably naked, collared and leashed Tanner Tottingham waits patiently as his aunt explains to the airline ticket manager the circumstances surrounding his appearance at the airport wearing only a Jockstrap. This takes several minutes of course, as Tanner becomes aware of how the cool
air inside the airport terminal is making the cheeks of his bare butt feel chilled and little goose bumps form on his slender legs. Even his nipples have hardened some. Why do they keep it so cold in here?
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by TeenFan »

Tanner Takes A Trip
Chapter 3.

After what seemed like ages Aunt Gloria and Tanner got their boarding passes. They were given a special gold colored plastic pass so they can
get on before the regular passengers. The golden ticket allows those with disabilities to get on the plane first. Normally such passengers are in
wheelchairs, on crutches, or have their arms in slings. Due to the delay in getting approval for the passes, the airline staff is about to board the
passengers who are already lining up in front of the ramp to walk down to the plane. Tanner saw a number of dirty looks from some of the people
lined up. Grownups looking down at him, looking him up and down with uncaring eyes as if wondering why does the nearly naked boy get to go
first. The boy and the woman with him show no signs of injury or disability. Once past the lineup of passengers and heading down the ramp,
Tanner can just focus on how exciting all of this is. He's never been on a plane before, and this plane will be taking him and his aunt to Hawaii.

The Air Canada plane is huge. It has a central aisle with three seats per row on either side. In the middle of the plane, close to the emergency
exit door, Aunt Gloria finds her seat. It's the middle seat of the three. Tanner moves in first and immediately slips into the window seat to look outside. Most of what he sees is the wing, realizes he won't be able to see much of the ground when in the air and that is disappointing.

"What good is it to have fours hours of flight time looking at the wing of the plane?" Tanner asks.

"The whole flight is over water. What is there to see after you've looked at water for an hour? Three more hours of looking at water?"

Aunt Gloria has a point. There won't be much of anything to see for anybody of this flight. The first people are coming on board. The stewardess
is heading their way and she appears to be escorting somebody. This escorted person is stopped right at the row that Tanner is in.

"Excuse me," the stewardess says, "That window seat belongs to this girl here."

Feeling awkward and embarrassed, Tanner gets up and moves past his seated aunt. Standing next to the one with the ticket to the seat, Tanner
looks down at a very pretty girl who appears to about his own age. The girl has straight light brown hair and she has a red and green checker
pattern dress on with a white collar and sleeves and hemline. Tanner rarely sees girls his age wearing a dress. All the girls wear jeans or some
other type of pants in school. The lovely girl, who has blue eyes that are brilliantly bright, pauses sliding past Aunt Gloria and she takes a long
look at the young teenage boy. Here she is, wearing her nice Sunday church dress and the airline lets a boy on who is wearing nothing but a Jockstrap. Tanner can see a million questions popping into the girl's mind.

"There you go young lady. That's your seat over there. If you need me just press the button above your head," the stewardess says, and she also
looks young Tanner up and down before turning back to head toward the front of the plane.

The girl takes her seat and she looks out the window. Tanner can't tell if she is disappointed or not at only being able to see the wing and not
the ground. Tanner feels a hand brush up against his bare bottom. He knows it's a hand because one of the back straps of the Jockstap was pulled
out and then let go, slapping his butt cheek. Tanner looks around and he spots a little boy of around nine years old smiling at him. Tanner, wanting to get away from these boarding passengers, thinks about getting into the aisle seat when the one with the ticket to the aisle seat shows up. Of course the taker of the aisle seat is a tall and rather large middle-aged lady. This largish woman is dressed very elegantly, and she has a frilly hat
on her head. The woman sort of looks like Kathy Bates when she played the unsinkable Molly Brown in the Titanic movie. Once she is in her seat there will be no way to get passed her, so Tanner slides in, standing between his aunt's legs and those of the young girl in the window seat. There's no other place to go. How is Tanner going to manage this for an entire flight?
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by TeenFan »

Tanner Takes A Trip
Chapter 4.

With the three seats of the row now taken, Tanner finds himself in an awkward position. Being thirteen years old he's not that tall, but he's still
taller than the bottom of the overhead carry-on luggage compartment. Tanner has to slump down a few inches to keep the top of his head from
brushing against the little overhead lights and air vents. He's never been on a commercial passenger plane before this, but it's obvious that
standing the whole time is not possible.

The girl in the window seat is looking him over. Gazing out the window at the wing apparently holds little interest in comparison to ogling the boy standing next to her, a boy who is wearing a white athletic supporter and nothing else.


The window seat girl fiddles around for the seatbelt. She appears to be nervous herself as her hands seem to be shaking a little. Nervous
twitches must be a common sight on airplanes. Tanner sees a common sight from his aunt. Aunt Gloria just opened a little bottle from her purse
and she plopped two little pills into her mouth, just one of the several types of artificial courage his aunt uses when needed. The only one who
doesn't look nervous at all is the pleasantly plump lady in the aisle seat.

"What pills are those...if you don't mind telling me," the window seat lady asks Aunt Gloria. "I'm always curious what people do to make it possible
for them to get onto these flying sardine cans. They keep making these seats smaller and closer together. It's not right."

Aunt Gloria shows her bottle to the other lady. "These are called Calm Tabs and I suppose they do work for some people. I can't ever tell if these
things really work. I took the real stuff, a benzodiazepine right when I got to the airport. But even that won't work if I didn't have my special weapon with me," and Aunt Gloria grabs Tanner by the leg and she starts stroking his thigh. "Just a little rubbin and squeezin on Tanner here and I feel so much better. Just being next to me makes me more calm. If Tanner wasn't here I'd be freaking out...screaming and clawing people. I can't even get on the city bus without my wonderful nephew." The rubbing hand on the thigh slides up to the hip and the nearly naked nephew gets his
bottom patted.

"What an adorable boy. So that is your nephew. But why is he undressed like that?"

There is no time to answer aisle seat lady's questions. The plane is taxiing to the runway and the stewardess realizes there is a problem...
a big problem. The stewardess rushes over.

"We can't have anyone standing up during the takeoff. That boy needs to be taken to an available seat. There are a couple seats in the back of
the plane. Come with me young man. I'll get you secured in the back."

"There is no way that he moves from my side. I have Tanner here as prescribed by a doctor. You cannot separate us," and the arms of Aunt Gloria
wrap protectively around her nephew's legs. With Tanner standing next to the seat, and his aunt sitting down on the seat, the barely concealed
bulge in the Jockstrap is only a few inches from his aunt's face.

The stewardess is stunned and speechless, but there is little time to make decisions. If she can't get all passengers properly secured for takeoff
then the plane can't take off. The stewardess makes a fast command decision. "We don't have time to make seat changes for two people. That
boy will have to sit on your lap. The seatbelt will fit around both of you. Fortunately he's not too big...what is he...less than ninety pounds?"

Aunt Gloria gets herself unbuckled and Tanner sits down on his aunt's lap. It turns out to be true that the seatbelt will go around both of them.
The combined weight of both Tanner and his aunt is probably less than the fat lady next to them in the aisle seat. That lady watches on with a gleeful and amused look on her face. This must be a fun sideshow on this Air Canada carnival ride. The window seat girl looks on with a shocked
look on hers. The stewardess, looking like she is desperately in need of Calm Tabs...or a little bottle of booze...turns her head all the way around
her neck as she checks to make sure everything is in order. Last chance to have the cabin secured as the plane just stopped as the Captain awaits
the word from the control tower. During all of this a different stewardess, up at the front of the plane, was going through the safety
procedures, telling the passengers when they can unbuckle their seatbelts but it's recommended that seatbelts be on at all times due to any
sudden turbulence while in the air.

Tanner can barely pay any attention to the "Safety" demonstration. He's suddenly in need of some form of encouragement himself. He's sitting
on his aunt's lap and this is not exactly a comfortable position, not with a tight belt squeezing him on his tummy, not while cold air blows into his
face as he is sitting up a lot higher than he would be if he was in his own seat. The plane's pilot must have gotten the word the coast is clear,
as the plane starts to move again. It starts off slowly then picks up speed...lots of speed. Tanner looks out the widow, can barely see anything
as most of the view is blocked by the younger girl's head. The runway out there is flying by and suddenly his aunt's hands are wrapping around his
body. One hand is pressing against Tanner's chest. That one feels like the left hand. The other hand is on his lower tummy and that hand just
slipped down to wrap itself around the bulge poking out from Tanner's Jockstrap.
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Re: Tanner Takes A Trip

Post by Themarble »

Oh my, looks like Tanner is in the right, or wrong, place for a bit of 'stressball' tugging. Hopefully this means we might finally read what Tanner looks like down there or that the boy will have had a reaction from the groping.
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