Dare Me (new 7/29)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by TeenFan »

Lucy Lucy quite the goosey, how does your garden grow?
With two boobs bare and pussy to spare, and luscious legs all in a row.

For those who don't know the rhyme, this is the original version:

Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells, and pretty maids all in a row.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by doubtless »

Thank you for spoiling us! I haven't reated the last 2. It's like a prescious morphine drip to me... It's fun to let it back up so I can hit a couple chapters at once...

The only issues is the withdrawls between updates!

I'm ashamed to say this but I am most definitely an addict. XD
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by neverdoubted »

doubtless wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:51 pm Thank you for spoiling us! I haven't reated the last 2. It's like a prescious morphine drip to me... It's fun to let it back up so I can hit a couple chapters at once...

The only issues is the withdrawls between updates!

I'm ashamed to say this but I am most definitely an addict. XD
It wouldn't be very nice to make an addict wait, would it? So, as soon as three others concur, I'll post another part. :D
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by Themarble »

We require the handouts (:.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by anthelester121 »

Another addict checking in :) . It can be tiring checking for new part everyday, but I can never doubt that the end result is totally worth it.
Really like the new developments. Big fan of Mikey modifying and/or restricting Lucy's clothing choices and even bigger fan of accessories as "coverings". Looking forward to the point the accessories help Lucy only mentally and not by covering anything :mrgreen: .
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by perseus »

Let me be the third request! Another part today would be great!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome

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Re: Dare Me (new 4/18)

Post by Azrael »

I'm an over achiever so I'll be the 4th addict.
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Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 19)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 13 - Hardship Study Buddy (Part 19)

She emerged from the shadows pushing a wheelbarrow in front of her. With both hands occupied lifting the handles, her breasts were fully bared for the first time in his presence. She pretended like nothing had changed even though she had just spent the entire garden tour with her hands conspicuously latched onto her otherwise unprotected boobs.

"The Lord respects no dawdlers, and neither do I," she called out, another odd phrase she must have picked up somewhere, "clear a path!"

She marched directly at us, the rubber tire of the empty barrow bounding wildly over the rough path. Intending to travel back up the row between vegetation we had just come down, she aimed it right for us. I leapt out of the way, but Joseph failed to react to the girl and cart heading his way. Lucy dug in her rubber heels and came skidding to a stop just in time to avoid a collision with the boy.

The reason for his stupefaction was two-fold. Rather, there were two, very distracting reasons sitting proudly on the girl's naked chest. He stared agape at Lucy's two pink nipples shining proudly in the bright sunlight. In the time since he last saw them, her boobs had grown more impressive and more beautiful by leaps and bounds. They had been jiggling impressively as she barreled toward him, and, due to their recently grown extra mass, took a little longer than she did to come to a complete stop.

Even in the blinding sunlight, I detected a reddish blush on her cheeks as Joseph stared unabashedly at the set of real live girl boobies looking proudly up at him from upon her chest. Finally, when she couldn't take the attention anymore, she tilted the wheelbarrow and sent it off in another direction. The wheel trampled over a row of vegetables, leaving behind crushed lettuce and carrot stalks in its wake. For her, it was a small price to pay to stop Joseph from staring lewdly at her growing chest.

There was only one problem. It didn't stop Joseph; not in the least. As soon as we caught up to her, he gleefully went right back to staring at Lucy's cute jiggling display. Whenever she turned her back to him, he happily took in the impressive curves of her gorgeous bottom. She felt his eyes on her the entire time she worked. No angle was safe from his lecherous gaze.

By the time she finished, we were all ready to get out of the sweltering sun. Joseph and I were sweating, but not nearly as much as Lucy was since she was doing all the hard work harvesting the plants. She had gone to put the wheelbarrow away. When she returned, she had conspicuously resumed holding her breasts in her hands. Looking her up and down, I noticed that her normally pure white skin was now covered in dirt. When she saw me walk over and start to uncoil the water hose, her face went white.

"Hey, Nellie, it looks like you could use a hose-down. Can't have you tracking in dirt all over our freshly cleaned floors. Go hang up your gardening tools and take off your boots."

Reluctantly, with her shoulders slumped, she turned and headed off around the corner of the house. When she returned, she was no longer wearing her work apron or hat. Reaching the patio, she stepped out of her giant rubber boots, leaving her completely naked with no covering remaining except her own two hands. She had one firmly clamped over her pussy, while the other, she tasked with somehow trying to cover both boobs. Having seen her take this exact type of outdoor shower before, I knew what a treat Joseph had in store.

Without the protection of her boots, her feet immediately felt the full heat of the concrete which had been baking in the sun all afternoon. She lifted one into the air to get some relief. But soon the heat became too much, and she had to put it down so she could lift the other one. A sexy, uncontrollable sun dance soon developed where she was constantly jumping from one foot to the other to keep her soles from getting seared. Her whole body jiggled adorably from the effort.

"I've got to go turn the water on," I explained, handing the business end of the hose to Joseph, "I'm sure you can figure out what to do with this."

With a nervous glance at the naked tween jumping erotically from foot to foot in front of him, he gulped, but accepted the hose. I turned the spigot on and watched in amusement as Joseph proceeded to hose the dirty girl down. She gasped in shock when the water first contacted her tender white legs before traveling up her buck-naked body.

Joseph quickly settled into his enjoyable task. Washing a real, live naked girl was way more fun than hosing down your bicycle. He soon learned which parts of her body elicited the greatest reaction when the spray landed there. He didn't even have to give her instructions. When he wanted her to turn around to appreciate her from another angle, he simply pointed the stream at certain sensitive spots, and she would twist her body to his whims.

After her skin had been returned to its usual flawless Lucy porcelain, I turned the water off. The concrete was thoroughly soaked, and she no longer needed to dance in place to stay cool. She stood still while rivulets of water streamed erotically down her perfect shape. I snickered when I noticed she had managed to get through her hose shower with her pussy still covered by her hand.

I thought it was cute how, even with her entire shiny body utterly exposed, including her young, maturing breasts and now stiffened pink nipples, she was still fighting to keep her young womanhood hidden from Joseph's hungry eyes. Of course, that only motivated me to take even that last little vestige of privacy away from her.

I had already decided on what I was going to make her do next. The only remaining question was whether to give her another break or keep things moving right along. I saw the late afternoon sun beginning to cast long shadows in the yard. Lunch time had come late and taken longer than expected due to her dalliance tactics. After a fun, but sweaty, time spent watching the nearly nude farm girl tend to her garden, a cool, relaxing evening indoors sounded nice. I saw no real reason not to move right ahead and give my naked sister her next task immediately.

Leaving Lucy to drip her nude body dry on the patio, I instructed Joseph to take his own dusty shoes off and gave him a place to store them in our mud room. Then I took him to the living room to await the evening's activities before returning to the back door.

"Well done, Nellie," I commended the naked farm girl, "you gave our guest a very educational and informative presentation."

She blushed at my insinuation. Forget farming! If he got any sort of education that afternoon, it was a female anatomy lesson!

"I think you've earned a break," I announced.

"Really?!" she gasped, an excited smile breaking out on her beleaguered face. It never even occurred to her to wonder why I would suddenly be so generous.

"Sure," I smiled back, "you've been such a good sport that I'm going to make your next task an easy one. It's something you've done so many times in the past few days, you won't even have to think about it. In fact, you were on your way to doing it anyway before old Joey showed up."

Her smile faded. "No, Mikey, I can't!" she cried.

"Oh, come on," I scoffed, "we won't bother you. You just have to watch and follow the cheer practice video once all the way through. I'll even keep Joseph entertained while you're practicing. You won't even know we're in the room."

Before she could form another protest, I held up my hand. "Don't bother arguing. Either do it, or don't. I don't care. But you better decide quickly. Because if you have not started cheering in the living room in five minutes, you have failed your dare."

I left her, eyes fluttering, and returned to the living room where Joseph was disappointed to see me without my cute, nude sister in tow. I pulled our old checkerboard out of the game closet and got him to reluctantly accept my challenge of a contest. We had to substitute random pieces from other games because so many checkers were missing by that point.

Right on schedule, a few minutes later, Lucy shyly peeked her head into the room, keeping the rest of herself hidden around the corner. Both of Joseph's heads jumped to attention when he saw her. She had put her hair up into a high ponytail with her cheer ribbon tied into a neat bow and was obviously holding her pom-poms behind the door frame.

"Oh, hey Joseph," I began, giving Lucy a knowing wink, "remember how I said Lucy wants to be a cheerleader? And how she was dressed earlier?"

His eyes went wide as he recalled what she had been wearing when he first encountered her in the hallway. Then a grin formed on his lips.

"Well, she's been using the living room for her workouts. You don't mind if she practices in here while we play, do you?" I asked innocently.

"I don't mind at all!" Joseph replied a little too eagerly while covertly trying to adjust his shirt down over his lap.

"Great!" I replied, "go ahead Lucy."

She gave me a wistful look. When she saw she would not receive a last second reprieve, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath and held it. It must have felt like an impossible task to override her screaming preservation instinct and bring her exposed body into view. Fortunately, she had a secret weapon.

I watched in fascination as her plump lips slowly formed into a smile. But it wasn't a normal Lucy smile. It was much, much more perky. Then her head started bobbing and I figured out what she was doing. Nikki. Without any actual clothes, the poor girl was clothing herself in the only thing she had left: another character.

It was Lucy's body that finally stepped around the corner, but her mannerisms were all Nikki. She bounced into the room dressed in only her cheer shoes and socks, shaking her pom-poms excitedly. Pressing "Play" on the VCR, she bounded to the center of the living room to watch the gymnasium scene play out and the real Nikki give her introductory speech.

Joseph's jaw dropped for the second time that day as he stared at the sexiest sight of his young life. The naked budding cheerleader stood at parade rest but couldn't stop her bare leg muscles from flexing impatiently. Unable to keep herself still during the girls' introductions, her head started bobbing to the tune of a silent cheer in her head. Then her hips joined in and his jaw somehow managed to drop even lower.

I had to snap repeatedly to draw his attention back from the spectacular curves of her naked ass flexing in time as she shifted her weight side to side. As soon as he had moved his checker, his eyes snapped right back to the naked cheerleader.

His checkers game suffered immensely from the distraction, and I easily dominated him. But at least I did manage to keep half of his attention. That is, until the introductions were completed, and Lucy started doing her stretches. Discarding her pom-poms, she began contorting her naked body along with the girls on the screen. At that point, I could have stolen his wallet and shaved his head, and he wouldn't have noticed. So, I gave up trying to play games and just enjoyed Lucy's erotic performance along with him.

I noticed him pawing at his crotch again, and, before long, he was obviously squirming in his seat. Clearly, his little situation had returned with a vengeance.

Really, it had never left. It was just simmering beneath his shorts all through the garden tour. But like a water balloon being slowly filled from a tap, his body was filling with hormones. His balloon must have already been incredibly full by now, but the poor kid didn't know how to operate the release valve and could only squirm uncomfortably as the naked cheer girl poured more and more water into his balloon.

Since her workout prevented her from keeping her pussy concealed, I was happy to confirm that Joseph wasn't the only one dealing with an arousal situation. Her mind may have been comforted to have the cloaks of Barb, Nellie, and Nikki enveloping her all day. But her body was not so easily fooled. As her humiliating exposure gradually increased, her arousal appeared to have increased at approximately the same pace.

Her body had completely air dried on the back patio before coming inside. But her bald pussy was still glistening with moisture. Every time she attempted another stretch or technique maneuver, her glittering flower twinkled in the light. I knew without a doubt that, after nine days of no relief, her body was primed and ready to make the most spectacular diamonds!

But, having seen how weak her self-control got once her diamond factory got this hot, my biggest concern shifted to making sure she didn't give into her bodily urges before it was time. I would have to watch her closely for any warning signs and resort to extreme tactics if necessary.

She went back to parade rest during my favorite part of the video, and I got to enjoy Nikki and the other girls take their showers in the locker room and get ready afterward. When the video cut to the football field for chants and cheers, I excused myself and went to order a pizza for dinner.

It was dark out by the time she finished the entire video. Our time together was almost at an end. I had accomplished everything I had set out to do with Lucy and Joseph, but don't think for a minute that I just coasted out the rest of her dare. I owed it to her to give it my best effort. Besides, I was just having so much damn fun!

Since the pizza had arrived, I went ahead and let Joseph start eating while I sent Lucy, who had gotten sweaty again from cheer practice, up to take a shower – a normal, indoor one, this time. Not trusting her to behave herself in her current state of arousal, I followed her upstairs and stood watch in the bathroom while she rinsed off for the second time that day.

"Not bad, Nikki," I teased, once again emphasizing the fact that she had adopted a persona to help her through her humiliating ordeal, "you gave Joey a performance he will remember forever! Although, between Barb, Nellie, and Nikki, I'm not sure he even got to spend any time with the real Lucy today," I added, regretfully.

Her face went white when I exclaimed, "Hey, that gives me an idea!"
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (two new 4/18)

Post by Azrael »

Are Lucy and Joseph going to sleep in the same room? Her room is "out of commission." So maybe Mikey on the couch and them in his bed? Or maybe mom's bed?
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Re: Dare Me (two new 4/18)

Post by neverdoubted »

Azrael wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:11 am Are Lucy and Joseph going to sleep in the same room? Her room is "out of commission." So maybe Mikey on the couch and them in his bed? Or maybe mom's bed?
You’ll just have to wait and see ;)
~ NeverDoubted

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