Plan Dee.

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Themarble »

This will need to take a break. I've been feeling too unwell and cannot continue the schedule until I am better. It's unfortunate but I cannot continue it if I am not able to concentrate on it. Its probably covid so I hope to be better later in the week.
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by TeenFan »

You get well, Marble.

Pick this back up later. I'll send you some messages and stuff to try to "Keep your spirits up"
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Themarble »

I appreciate it a lot. (:.
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Jeepman89 »

Get well, Marble. You've been working hard.
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Themarble »

There were so many eyes on me, I don't know if I could even explain it with words. All I knew was that the heat between my legs that Layla constantly was playing with would not go down anytime soon. Every other couple of seconds Layla continued to use her finger to send my cock springing against my lower abdomen, continuing the sound that brought the crowding girls much laughter.

Eventually I snapped out of the trance and swung round to face the girls, the sisters in particular. I nearly smacked Layla in the face with my hardon as she was taken aback by my sudden movement. I demanded for the sisters to bring my clothes. I wasn't exactly mad, I mean I knew I lost the game I signed up for, it got a little bit out of hand sure but I could not say I didnt let it happen. Whatever, the past was in the past and it's clear that the game ended here, I was embarrassed enough.

None of the girls could take me seriously at all and none of them were even looking me in the eye, rather my erection was the center of attention. That couldn't have been more clear when Layla stood up and went to my side looking at my boner with another one of her grins as she then walked to the girls while swaying her hips in a very exaggerated manner, bouncing on my cock sending it springing about again as she spun around, swaying her long silk hair, putting her arms into a cross while Samantha open her mouth and said.

“We had to put your clothes in the wash, they were so sticky from the juice.” She giggled.
“You would have been a wasp magnet, so we don't have anything else for you.”

“Not that it would matter anyway! He still is under a dare!” Ruby called out.

“Well… You lost ‘Dee’, you can't go against the rules…” Tish mentioned

But the whole sleepover would be well into tomorrow? We haven't even gotten to the evening and even then we are well away from that. However, was I going to last… I'm already throbbing.

“I mean even if you did get some clothes on we would have to strip you and then give you a punishment!!! To be honest you deserve one now! A punishment dare for trying to get out of completing the strip dare! What do you think girls?!?” Layla cackled.

Of course the answer from the mob was a resounding yes, I mean why wouldn't they? They had only everything to gain from such an experience and I, well I had the ability to lose any shred of dignity I had with the girls in front of me. I know some part of me absolutely loved the scenario, the bouncing of my cock confirmed that and I had no ability to stop that. I could cover up but I was way too big to be able to do that and even if I did, with the constant stimulation that my hands would provide on my uncovered throbbing hardon I feel like I could cum. That would be too embarrassing, I'd rather just be on display than the alternative. I knew what was said next would be the turning point in whatever was to happen next.

Layla brought all the girls into a circle as they discussed and giggled as I assume ideas were thrown about, I really didn't have anything to do so I positioned myself by sitting on a sofa trying to be sly about my attempted to hide my boner with the position of my legs, it didn't work and the girls came around me and started to laugh at my attempt at some cover as Layla put her hands on my knees in order to uncover my efforts as she looked me in the eyes as she stated.

“Well… Boner Boy! It's time for your spanking!”

At least I would be provided cover so I gratefully stood up as Layla positioned herself on the sofa as if she were a princess. I quickly laid upon her legs as I realized just how embarrassing this whole thing was. My erection was laid out perfectly across her thighs, I could feel how soft her skin was. I could feel my cock throbbing against them. This might be even worse than if I was to have covered myself.

That was when the smack came along, not hard or anything of the sort but a nice loud comical thwack right on my buttocks. It seemed she was holding back for show, but as I tilted my head back I knew the true reason, I could see it in her eyes. She didn't want to cause any stinging in order to ensure I remained rampantly erect. It was working. After every slap she proceeded to take a quick second to squeeze or even a nice quick rub.

I didn't know how much longer I could take it, after a quick closing of my eyes I tilted my head back to see the girls had proceeded to single file in a long line stretching across to the other side of the room. I looked on, confused as Layla said.

“Alright girls, it's your time to spank him!”

The girls didn't even need another second to contemplate and proceeded to move forward, making sure to keep a hand out to lightly smack me. It was like they weren't even trying to make it sting, they just all wanted to touch my ass! They must have been using both their hands cause I knew there weren't that many girls in the room. I didn't even want to look behind.

Next I heard hazel scream out,

As the other girls instantly poured in with comments ranging from all the wrinkles on it to how they can see my balls moving a bit. That was when Layla flipped me over so that I was on my back and I could see my extremely erect and straining cock and the girls surrounding the sofa.

“There I'm pretty sure you can see it even better now! HAHA!” She giggled.

She then did something that surprised everyone and grasped my dick from the base as she looked at the crowd and shouted.

“One of you girls bring me a ruler, we gotta see how big boner boy is!”
I tried to get up by declaring that this was beyond what we agreed to but all she did was look at me sternly before wiggling my dick a bit before saying that the punishment is still ongoing and that only the group of girls and her could decide when they were satisfied. Those words and the constant slow stroking kept me in line. I never even measured myself but now the girls were going to do it for me, oh how embarrassing. Layla knew what she was doing too, she kept me extremely hard. I mean my cock looked outright angry, the way the head had darkened, the way I felt my balls had risen up and even the veins on my cock were sticking out just that little bit. It didn't help that the crowd studied every single movement, every single reaction that I made.

Eventually the ruler was brought and Layla couldn't wait to use it as she quickly held my cock up and put the ruler next to it as she brought her eyes slightly closer as all the girls anticipated the answer.

“MY GOD ‘DEE’! YOU REALLY HAVE A ‘DEE’!” She laughed.
“Its 8.5-”

“It's… Well… 8.7 nearly 8.8 inches actually!” Chloe interrupted before quickly apologizing and quickly crossing her arms as Layla just grinned.

“OH MY!”


Layla put the ruler aside and proceeded to grab me slightly harder at the base as she proceeded to slap my cock and its exposed head across my lower abdomen as the girls looked in confusion. The pleasure was sensational and I hoped she would stop soon or I would truly spunk right here in front of the girl but a part of me knew that wasn't going to happen

“Oh I'm just spanking him with his own hard willy, see!” Layla explained with that same grin I had grown accustomed to spread across her face.
“Anyone else want to try?”

The girls looked eager but I was quick to protest. God, if I let them touch me I am seriously going to explode. I doubt any of them even know what cum is. No, I can't let them see me orgasm, that is too embarrassing. I can't!

The girls were quick to ask why but I couldn't tell them but I knew Layla knew exactly why. Heck she could feel the pulsing she was causing as she moved a finger up and down my shaft, as I saw precum ooze out.

“Well ‘Dee’ either you let our friends here peepee spank you, or we are taking this game outside to the woods!”

A string of precum made its way to where her finger stopped. What on earth do I say!?
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Jeepman89 »

Amazing chapter, Marble. I love the dick spanking! Dee has no choice or it's a nice naked trip to the woods.
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by NudeBaG »

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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Themarble »

Let them see me spunk or not? God, it really would happen. I could see the evidence as the precum trickled out of the slit and slid down my shaft. Layla smirked as she teased the same very hole that was emitting the very liquid that was signifying just how aroused I truly was, just how the cusp of going over the edge I was already.

"Ohhh ewww Dee!!! Come look girls, his willy is drooling!!!" Layla sniggered, grabbing the base of my cock tight which in turn really made the whole thing look a lot more angrier. Veins were popping out and it definitely didn't help that the girls had all started to huddle over. I thought I was going to cum but the tight grip that Layla had over me and my situation kept things in check, at least I was that lucky.

"Oh god Dee, what is that stuff?!" Trish beamed.

"Eww, has Dee gone peepee?" Hazel called out.

The crowd was onto something. They wanted to know what it was! Some had deduced that it wasn't pee due to its nature. Layla of course decided to tell them, sort of. She slowly swung my cock around by its base as she went on to say.

"This is what happens when a boy likes being around girls, think of his willy like a dog, they sometimes drool when they get excited right? Right? Exactly the same thing here. Dee's D is excited that we can all see it. The more of the stuff, the happier his willy is… Even if Dylan says he doesn't like any of this " Layla confidently got out as she looked into the crowd and then into me right in the eyes smiling.

"Ok, it's time to pick Dee, as much as I would like to go outside I have a guess that all these lovely girls here would love to touch you, so we all hope you pick the easier option!"

She was such a piece of work. I was over here stressing, stressing to think of how to approach this. Layla even started to slightly raise her hand up and down my cock base, just to keep the ever looming threat of an orgasm clear in my head. Fuck no, I can't cum infront of them. Plus they won't actually make me go naked. They wouldn't.

I called out that I would rather go to the woods. Even though a couple of the girls let out an unsatisfied sigh I could see the smirk of Layla grow ever so larger. She let go of my cock sending it whacking against my stomach as she put her hands together and told everyone to get ready, we were going on an adventure.

I was quickly shoved off of Layla's lap as I barely made it to my feet, my erection throbbing and wobbling in front of me.

I made my way to my shoes, they were the only piece of clothing I had left readily available. On the way there Layla quickly pulled me and began to whisper and giggle something in my ear.

"You were gonna cum, weren't you?"

I quickly pulled myself off wide eyed. She knew. I didn't know how to respond but I just saw the girl do a wink and while the girls were in the other room getting their shoes on to go out I saw her do a charade representation of a guy jerking off, moaning and finishing before she finished up in a very cheerful laugh. This girl was dangerous. Very dangerous to me.

I quickly got to the door. And went to put on my shoes before I was interrupted by Samantha telling me that she had something better for me.

"Seeing as you have to be naked, Dee, perhaps it would be better for you to have these…"She said while offering me sliders.

I guessed they were comfortable so I bent over, facing the girls, which put my cock in a weird position as it now pointed forward and even nudged just under my belly button.

I stood as the girls laughed at my appearance. They found it hilarious that I was wearing stuff on my feet, but nowhere else. Some mentioned how it looked like I was naughty, and the others thought I looked stupid standing there with my big fat willy sticking up. What was I to do, they got me like this…at least that is what I told myself.

I asked for shorts and the response I got was definitely one I wasn't expecting.

"Shorts?! Nah, Dee! You are going out as you are. This was the deal. No shorts for the rest of the Sleepover." Layla laughed at my request.

They weren't serious. They couldn't be. The girls opened the door as they all stepped out. All but me.

I didn't want to. No no, I called what I thought was a bluff. It wasn't. I looked down at my cock which was lurching pretty badly now. God, this wasn't a good buildup!

My hands were pulled by Layla and Ruby as I stumbled outside, in the buff, and very aroused. I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into. I thought I could evade embarrassment. I was wrong. I just picked the bigger of the two evils, and it was my own doing.

I looked at the one eyed veiny monster protruding from my crotch. It was as if it was smiling at me, telling me I could've picked the easy way out.

That was when I heard something that was going to make this a whole lot worse.

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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by TeenFan »

I hope the woods are not next to Crystal Lake.
Jason usually takes out the most horny boy first.
I would stick with the running shoes if I were you...
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Re: Plan Dee.

Post by Themarble »

Let's hope not, unfortunately I don't think I will be able to tell Dylan in time. He hasn't got anything else on him apart from the sliders on his feet! Let's hope the girls were just joking! Luckily if they aren't, the woods are just across the street.
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